feralkwe · 1 month
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lmao @brennacedria i am, to this day, angry that i went from "ugh this guy again?" to having kit in an ot3 with him and @yamisnuffles still mocks me because she called it from arr.
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aroihkin · 1 month
list 5 things that make you happy then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people to reblog something from you - get to know your mutuals/followers better :)
My animals
My house
My ford festiva, the Little Jack
My fraaaands which is including my mutuals here on tumblr cuz even though I'm super quiet in random intervals, you guys have been with me forever and are real ones
My houseplants even if I don't water most of them nearly often enough
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chancellorxofxtrash · 10 months
...top 5 flavors of pancake syrup?? (IDK, I can't even think of 5, it's just what popped in my head)
Seriously, maybe top 5 chocolates instead. Still sweet but not ridiculous
I never ate pancakes with syrup djneienejrj
And I'm not picky in chocolate either really? I typically eat either simple milk chocolate or with nuts
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delaccors · 1 month
Hbd!!! 🎂
Thank you so much, Brenna! Hope you have a good day!!!
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bioticmindtrick · 1 year
End of the Year Asks, 3 & 23
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Don't think I started listening to anything new, something I haven't been good about lately.
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Probably to really think about the things I want to spend my time and energy on.
Though, that's really something I need to keep reminding myself. But, the start of the year is a good reset point of sorts.
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biowarefangirl · 2 years
Um .. 10, 20, 30 for the soft asks
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
aaaaaa the biggest con my country is back after a 2-year break, i'm so excited to reunite with friends and i'm even gonna try cosplaying!!
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
a trip to kyoto and osaka! i've never experienced autumn and would love to be there now.
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
books that i've had for half my life. the way my mum makes hot drinks. my late father's painting supplies. carrying my nieces before they get too big. talking to my partner until i fall asleep.
thank you for asking brenna! ;w; <3
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wip · 1 year
I figure this has been brought up a LOT, so I'm submitting this to kind of co-sign any/all previous submissions: is there a way we can get custom per-post privacy options, a la livejournal and dreamwidth and such? Restricting to logged-in users doesn't really limit visibility; anyone can make an account and use it to lurk/stalk any user they want. "Mutuals only" especially would be much safer for many, many users.
Answer: Hello, @brennacedria!
So, no promises here, but we are glad to say that this is actually something we’re looking into right now.
As it is, we are currently working on making Reblog and Reply permission controls better, and that may lead us to visibility controls as well. We will keep you posted here, whether it’s here on WIP or over at @changes.
Thanks for your questions. And keep ’em coming!
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brennacedria · 4 months
I need more mutuals on bluesky, if anyone's over there. If this link doesn't take you to my profile, or if it tries to open in tumblr's browser, my username is brennacedria.bsky.social and you can paste that into search or whatever. Or, you can probably just search brennacedria, that's simpler and should work, too.
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elvenmother · 7 months
What colour is your aura quiz
Tagged by: @ghostofaboy
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Your Result: Orange
guitars, fanta bottles, sunglasses, orange peels, butterflies, popsicles, paper lanterns.
Your essence is orange: dreams hold you aloft and inspire you to be better. You thrive on creativity; there is always a new inspiration that moves you and takes your heart.
You draw friends but may show all of them the same smile. You are the restless. You are the adventurer.
You find kinship in like-minded individuals of apricot, amber, fire, and terracotta, who share your enthusiasm. You are also drawn to the pensive souls blue and green, who will help you grow and see which projects and emotions are worth your time. However, you may struggle to get along with the headstrong personalities of grey and purple who are too rigid in their perspective.
Tagging: @msbarrows, @brennacedria, @yourresidentginger, @elenilote, @ltleflrt, @littlemisspascal, and @garret-spork
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shadoedseptmbr · 17 days
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Sunset petunias, for @brennacedria
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feralkwe · 23 days
I'm a hypocrite because I'm not taking stars myself, but also I can't get to your pinned so I can't pick from your fic list
it's weird because i had trouble getting to yours and yamisnuffles' pinned posts as well. here's mine for anyone's convenience.
i guess i'll give into recency bias and blather about we belong (ugh i'm still unhappy with the title i chose, but i was ripping my hair out and then the pat benatar song by the same name came on, so...). the plan is less a cohesive chaptered fic and more a collection within a collection that has a (ostensibly) coherent timeline. i didn't want to make a new collection/series, and i don't want to take down the old one-shots because it's important to me to see how i've grown and improved in writing for ffxiv fandom. this fic is a bit of a labor of love. i don't expect anyone not a close friend to actually read it (so ty to anyone who has so far!) since it's just me working out my self-indulgent ot3 urianger/wol/thancred timeline.
i knew pretty early on in arr that kit was going to go for urianger. it still frustrates me that i can't figure out why, but she pointed and said 'that one' almost immediately. i knew despite all the starts and stops they'd pull off a relationship eventually, i just did not know how, when, or even where. somewhere in early endwalker they're together. it happened? i have to figure out the details.
and then, despite my best efforts in defiance of yamisnuffles' warnings that it would happen, thancred ended up there, too? it cannot be overstated how much i did not want this to happen, but it did. suddenly he was there and he and kit grief-boned it out for awhile due to reasons i won't elaborate on because idk how spoiled you are or are not and if you ever intend to play the game again. suffice to say i was suddenly faced with the task of walking it back to find out when the heck he decided he wanted to be with kit as well.
somehow the three of them wound up together and happy (for a very short time now that i've demolished it because of my pandaemonium fic, please please dawntrail help me fix it!). we belong is me sorting it all out, picking through the plot and events, and putting it all together so, if nothing else, i know when things happened and can go back and squeal and kick my feet over the squishy moments and cry at the dramatic ones. no small feat, as game time bubble phenomenon makes saying this game has a cohesive timeline generous at best, but i'm determined, and really, i just want to write this story because i love them so much.
anyway, thanks for the star! we all deserve to be self-indulgent once in awhile, and i love talking about kit.
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foxghost · 2 months
tagged by: @sithrightsactivist, @faejilly
Last Song: Fuck Me Pumps by Amy Winehouse (I'm trying to learn it. I'm trying to learn a whole Winehouse set)
Currently Watching: Pantheon (the animated series about uploaded intelligence), and Smallville
Three Ships:
Clex (look I don't make these choices my brain makes these choices and Clex is my comfort ship because there is fic forever since there's a hundred years of canon) What do these have in common hmm
Favourite Colour: sage green
First Ship: it's either Hiei/Kurama or Saotome Ranma/Tendou Akane I honestly don't remember
Place of Birth: HK
Current Location: Narnia
Relationship: I'M SINGLE (and totally not ready to mingle but the very word makes me grin hehehehhehe)
Last Movie: Anatomy of a Fall (it was so good)
Currently working on: one original story, a translation of one old book, and relearning the piano
tagging: @qr-sa,@listening-to-thunder,@sarasa-cat,@brennacedria if you haven't done this already
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shamelesslymkp · 1 month
@brennacedria my dash did a thing
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angelosearch · 5 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Haven't done one of these in ages! 😂 @cynic-view-ahead tagged me for this!
Last song: Femininomenom - Chappell Roan
Favorite color: Purple! I've been dying my hair purple for so long I swear it's my natural color at this point
Last movie/TV show: Last Movie is The Boy and the Heron (amazing). Last show I finished was Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (def an improvement on the movie). I am currently watching Ted Lasso (sometimes you just need some wholesome).
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Spicy! Eat hot chip!!
Relationship status: Married (for seven years already omg)
Last thing you googled: Squall Leonhart! I bet everyone is surprised lol. I was showing my friend that I was wearing his outfit to Karaoke. He called Squall "evil dark Cloud" (because he does not know anything about Final Fantasy)
Current obsession: (current and always)
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One day I'll tell you all about my romantic dream why I am so obsessed with this game
I tag... @wandererstorytellers @lenorelovesxion @whoisryosuke @wayward-hatchling @brennacedria @infinitelilith @justawanderingfan @gardengalwrites @rubybahamut
Have fun if you decide to participate!
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fereldanwench · 4 months
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
I was tagged by the lovely @vorchagirl--Thank you so much!! ♡
Goro Takemura x Valerie Powell ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
Harry Carlyle x Sara Ryder
Vicar Max x Felicity Gibson
Street Spirit (cover) by Priest
New (to me): Emily (2022)
Rewatch: The Mummy (1999)
There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job by Kikuko Tsumura
Green leaves and flowers and general spring-time prettiness ❀
Tax refund so husbando and I can finish getting new furniture for our new home
What my brother and I call a leisure day--Basically we just all hang out on a Friday and do fun random things like go to bookstores or vintage malls or a museum or see a movie and get lunch and coffee. No work, no errands, no essential tasks, just leisure (˶ ᵔ ̫ ᵔ ˶)
Tagging @jupiter235, @arborstone, @deezyg6, @corpocyborg, @brennacedria, and @commander-krios ♡♡♡
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luinquesse · 6 months
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This months giveaway went to @brennacedria
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