codenamejudas · 1 year
Height meme: Breetai (he's 10' on hc micronised. Regular old height is 13.54m which goes to 44'4" HAVE FUN!!!)
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Can you even see him flipping you off from up there?
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general-kalani · 2 years
Dumb hc for Breetai, but y’all think that BESIDES from the head wound he has a wound to his heart that he just shrugs off any concern for
I mean that man most likely still has his dead eye (I haven’t read the comic though don’t kill) under his faceplate so what OTHER wounds does that man have that we’re just skipping over??? What if there’s a literal HOLE in one of his arms that’s just covered with metal
These questions and more-
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pterobat · 1 year
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Got another Tezuka Macross sticker. Britai is just cool.
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docgold13 · 11 months
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Profiles in Villainy
The Zentraedi war commander known as Breetai was a clone created by the Tirolians following their discovery of Robotechnology and Protoculture.  Answering to his grand lord Zor, Breetai was made a general and assigned to search out a retrieve the lost flagship known as The SDF-1.  This spaceship had crash landed on earth many years ago and the technology of the ship had been reengineered by the humans to act as their primary planetary defense force.  
Commanding his own force, Breetai ultimately came across earth and this led to the First Robotech War.
Throughout the war, Breetai came to cultivate a begrudging respect for the humans, especially for the ace pilot, Rick Hunter.   Seeing the despotic tyranny of his Zentraedi masters, Breetai eventually switched sides and joined the humans as part of the Robotech Expeditionary Force.  The consummate solider would ultimately sacrifice his life in a valiant effort to take out an Invid Supercarrier.
Actor Eiji Kanie provided the voice of the villain turned hoer in the original Macross anime (with actor Tony Clay voicing the character in the English language dub, Robotech).  Breetai first appeared in the first episode of The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, airing on October 3rd, 1982.
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evilhorse · 1 year
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We are soldiers, Breetai. Ours is not to philosophize…
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bbreadroll · 2 years
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anebarone · 3 years
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Lovely Macross artwork commissioned by @nocturnal-birdie ♥
We had been talking about the show for a while and I was immensely (heh) happy to paint this version of Breetai.
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mordicaifeed · 2 years
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imperiusbayz · 3 years
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Breetai's broken display. #macross #robotech #breetai #zentraedi #zentradi https://www.instagram.com/p/COGYNy-jrCH/?igshid=1jcxkep2gjdqt
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nomadicism · 4 years
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Robotech Breetai figure by MEPtoys arrived! Will have to set him up and get a better photo later, but so far I dig it.
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saltwife · 5 years
SDF Macross Ep. 11: First Contact
We pick up where we left off, with Breetai laying the smack down on the humans.
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And it pretty much continues in this vein!
He knocks Kakizaki AND HIS MECH out cold. Max is all :surprised pikachu: because he just blew him into space wtf. While this is happening some Zentraedi scoops Lisa up into a bag. A BAG. Breetai beats the living shit out of Lil’ Hikaru with his BARE HANDS, ultimately impaling the valkyrie on some… idk, coat hooks?
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Why don’t you... hang around for a while? :v
Rick ejects to try and escape but Breetai LEAPS into the air and snatches him. Lil’ Hikaru’s mech explodes from the abuse, blowing a hole into the hull (again) and sucking Max out into space (again). Don’t worry though, Breetai is fine.
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This is literal... Zentraedi higher ups are actually genetically engineered to be smarter and tougher!
The Zentraedi put the humans in the shame tube. THE SHAME TUBE!!
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What’s this? Another thing VLD ‘referenced’? :O
While B&E discuss what they are, the humans wake up and immediately start bickering. Rick says some incredibly fucked up shit to Misa. He blames her for the recon pilot getting killed. And then, these gems!!!
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LIKE WHOAH HOLY SHIT RICK. I honestly don’t remember him saying anything this blatantly horrible, although my sister says it wasn’t that different. For some reason instead of giving him the dick punch he so richly deserves, Misa just tells him to watch how he talks to a superior officer and that she can do those things too.
B& E watch them fight and Exedore comments that men and women being together in the same place leads to disaster. No honey, that’s just Rick. Anyway it’s giving Breetai (and me) a headache so they turn off the monitor. They decide that they need to bring the prisoners to the Main Fleet for their head dude to decide what to do.
Meanwhile Max sneaks back into the ship via a hole in the hull before they fold, and back on the Macross, Roy breaks the news to Minmay that Rick is missing; I do not care. He is very tall though.
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We learn that time passes differently during a fold… An hour in hyperspace apparently equals like 10 days back on the Macross, and Lil’ Hikaru is missing Minmay’s debut, boo hoo.
As the Zentraedi ship defolds, the humans are dismayed and astonished by the sheer size of the main fleet. They fly into some kind of a giant asteroid base. Meanwhile Max beats up a hapless Zentraedi who was just trying to go to the toilet, and steals his uniform.
Breetai prepares to make his report to Bodolzaa, which will take place on his own ship so the humans don’t contaminate the core with their gross human cooties. Bodolzaa starts interrogating them, which immediately hits a snag when the Zentraedi can’t grasp the concept of ‘civilians’ and ‘before I was in the military’. They also demand to know how men and women can live together, and why they have chosen to become miclones. Misa at first refuses to answer, so Bodolzaa decides a display of force is in order and shows images of the fleet destroying a planet. She judges that they must have something he wants or he would have blown up Earth and the ship already, so she calls his bluff. Get dunked on Baldy.
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The power of… friendship? (spoiler alert no, it’s boning)
This does not make Bodolzaa happy. He scoops her up and demands again to know why she became a miclone, threatening to kill her until the guys tell him they were born this way. This leads into the world’s worst sex ed class…
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Poor Exedore, his giant brain is breaking.
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Sounds fake but ok
Oh my God Breetai. At least Misa didn’t break out a powerpoint. Hayao gets as far as explaining that they kiss and “hold each other” before Bodolzaa demands that they (he and Rick) demonstrate. Thank God he didn’t hear what comes next or this would have been a very different anime. Because it’s the 80s Lil’ Hikaru refuses to kiss a dude, so Misa volunteers and orders him to kiss her.
The Zentraedi are FREAKING OUT.
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Protoculture is mentioned. Bodolzaa orders the humans taken away. The shame tube is too good for them now and they’re tossed into what appears to be a closet, while the Zentraedi try to figure out what the fuck just happened. The lower ranking scouts don’t even know what Protoculture is, so we’re treated to some exposition! In the “time of Protoculture” the ancestors of the Zentraedi used to be miclone-sized, and all lived together, and had something called ‘culture;’ but most records of this time have been lost. Now they believe that if anyone comes in contact with protoculture they become unable to fight and will be destroyed… This is srs bsns.
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The secret of protoculture is obviously bangin’.
We end with some gratuitous Minmay singing, which is thankfully much less painful than the English version. It’s just sort of bland and generic 80s anime music as opposed to horrible, grating nonsense.
This episode had no Khyron, but loads of Breetai so it still gets a thumbs up from me. I love this big hairy cyclops man. :3
Next episode is ‘Big Escape’!
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general-kalani · 1 year
2 for the multimuse meme!
{ Prompt from here! }
OK so I'll do this for my different fandoms and then do one over all from all of them SO LETS GO
Azur Lane: Sovetskaya Belorussiya - This one wasn't a challenge obvs as the only one I write for that fandom but I feel while she's SUPER random on my blog she's really fun to write though I do it in private!
Borderlands: Knoxx/Ned - This is SO hard to choose, I write Knoxx a lot more than Ned as well as Knoxx having more lore but Ned is just so CRAZY INSANE FUN. I wouldn't put Vince here despite being an oc just because he doesn't. Have the lore backup like these two.
(Plus I'm not biased LMFAO I don't like how I'm writing Vince atm and while it is SUPER FUN I'm also kinda. Regretting making him standard CEO)
Leijiverse: Captain Harlock - Not much of a challenge here since I know how to write Harlock much more than Emeraldas but I just ADORE him in all versions of his shows. My darling boy cannot have enough angst!
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Gregor von Muckenberger/Ovlesser - Once again SO hard to choose because they are both side characters but I just. I LOVE THEM they are my beloved blorbos that I wish had more screentime.
Lost Fleet: Carabali - She is way gone by now sure but I LOVED writing her when I had the chance to. She's shortly followed up by Jaylen Cresida who I also very much adored.
Robotech: Henry J. Gloval - This was absolutely no competition. Writing Breetai is really fun for SURE but Gloval. GLOVAL. Something about writing a Russian guy who can hear theme songs in space is super god damn funny to me. It's not even canon except the Russian part.
Space Battleship Yamato: Abelt Dessler - Also no competition this man is just. I love him, I wish reboot season 3 dealt with him better but I've written him for longer and he's the one that lives rent free for longer in my mind.
Overall Winner: My bias tells me to go Abelt Dessler, based on how long I've been writing him and well, the NUMEROUS verses I have. But Knoxx absolutely takes the cake for this.
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pterobat · 1 year
Mmwelp, the writing was on the wall for a while, but the licensed third party company that made Robotech figures has let the license go after finishing a handful of projects.
Typical for that doomed IP, but they had at one point released 3D models for an Exedore figure that won't come to pass, along with other Zentradi. He is blorbo from my shows, in the modern vernacular, and I'm sad to see it not happen.
They did make a good Breetai, though, and some Invid stuff, so check out their fire sale coming soon:
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animated-action · 6 years
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Blobfest haul
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jamest541975 · 4 years
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I'm watching ROBOTECH: THE MACROSS SAGA right now. #robotech #macrosssaga #rickhunter #lynnminmay #royfocker #claudiagrant #henryjgloval #henrygloval #zentraedi #lisahayes #sdf #sdf1 #1999 #pluto #maxsterling #bendixon #dolza #breetai #exedore #miriya #khyron #anime @amazonprimevideo #amazon #amazomprime #primevideo #japanamation https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jtGMzlEHh/?igshid=1iftkjot1c2me
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