#brand valuation
valadvisor1 · 1 month
A Deep Dive into the Valuation of Blockchain Companies
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Valuation of Blockchain Companies - Introduction
In recent years, blockchain technology has emerged as a disruptive force across various industries, revolutionizing the way business transactions are conducted. From finance and supply chain management to healthcare and real estate, blockchain offers a decentralized, secure, and transparent platform for recording and verifying transactions. As this technology gains momentum, the valuation of blockchain companies becomes a critical aspect of assessing their potential and attracting investment. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of blockchain company valuation and explore the key factors to consider in this evolving landscape.
Understanding Blockchain Technology
Before we dive into the process of blockchain valuations, let’s briefly recap what blockchain technology entails. According to IBM, blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. These assets could be of either tangible or intangible nature. Each transaction, or block, is linked to the previous one, creating a chain of information that is virtually impossible to alter or tamper with. This transparency and immutability make blockchain an attractive solution for enhancing trust, security, and efficiency in various sectors.
The structure of a blockchain is designed to ensure the security of data through its consensus mechanism which has a network of nodes that agree on the validity of transactions before adding them to the blockchain.
Revolutionizing Industries with Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is an emerging technology with many advantages in an increasingly digital world:
Highly Secure – It uses a digital signature feature to conduct fraud-free transactions making it impossible to corrupt or change the data of an individual by other users without a specific digital signature.
Decentralized System – Conventionally, we needed the approval of regulatory authorities like the government or bank for transactions; however, with blockchain, transactions are done with the mutual consensus of users resulting in smoother, safer, and faster transactions.
Automation Capability – It is programmable and can generate systematic actions, events, and payments automatically when the criteria of the trigger are met.
Factors Influencing Valuation of Blockchain Companies
The advent of blockchain technology has ignited a revolution across industries, reshaping the way businesses operate and transforming traditional financial systems. As more and more companies embrace this transformative technology, understanding blockchain valuation methodologies becomes imperative.
Evaluating the Technology Infrastructure – One of the fundamental aspects of valuing blockchain companies is assessing the strength of their technology infrastructure. Blockchain-based firms rely on robust networks and protocols to ensure data integrity and security. The evaluation process includes scrutinizing the scalability, consensus mechanism, and privacy features of the underlying blockchain.
User Adoption and Network Effect – One of the primary drivers in the valuation of blockchain companies is the level of user adoption and the network effect they achieve. Companies with a large and engaged user base are more likely to attract investor interest and generate value. The network effect, where the value of a product or service increases as more people use it, plays a crucial role in assessing the growth potential and long-term viability of a blockchain company.
Technology and Innovation – The underlying technology and innovation implemented by a blockchain company significantly impacts its valuation. Factors such as the scalability, speed, security, and interoperability of the blockchain solution influence its market competitiveness and potential for widespread adoption. Companies that leverage cutting-edge technology and continuously innovate to solve real-world problems are often valued highly.
Token Economics and Utility – For blockchain-based companies that issue tokens or cryptocurrencies, analyzing their token economics is essential. A clear understanding of how tokens add value to the network and the company’s revenue generation is crucial. Necessarily, it is important to access the token’s demand and supply dynamics, its role in governance, staking, or rewards mechanisms, and how it aligns with the overall business model.
Partnerships and Ecosystem – The partnerships and ecosystem surrounding a blockchain company can also contribute to its valuation. Collaborations with established industry players, strategic alliances, and integration with complementary technologies can enhance a company’s credibility and expand its market reach.
Intellectual Property and Partnerships – Blockchain companies often develop novel solutions, protocols, and algorithms. Securing intellectual property rights can bolster their position in the market and enhance their valuation. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights play a crucial role in establishing barriers to entry and protecting the company’s competitive advantage. Further, Collaborations with industry leaders or government entities demonstrate credibility, access to resources, and potential market expansion.
Regulatory Environment – The regulatory landscape surrounding blockchain technology varies across different jurisdictions. Companies operating in favorable regulatory environments or those that navigate regulatory challenges effectively are seen as less risky and may command higher valuations.
Valuation Methods for Blockchain Companies
Blockchain valuations can be challenging due to the unique nature of the technology and its evolving ecosystem. Traditional valuation methods like discounted cash flows (DCF) and comparable analysis may not capture the full potential and intricacies of blockchain-based businesses. Instead, alternative methods such as network valuation, token-based valuation, and ecosystem analysis have gained prominence.
A) Network Effects Valuation – This method focuses on assessing the value of a blockchain company based on its network of users and the network effect it has achieved. Metrics like user growth, activity levels, and engagement are considered to estimate the value generated by the network.
Metcalfe’s Law is a theory developed by Robert Metcalfe, the co-founder of Ethernet and an early pioneer in computer networking. The law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users in the network. In simpler terms, the more people or devices connected to a network, the more valuable that network becomes.
Mathematically, Metcalfe’s Law can be expressed as: V = n^2
Where: V represents the value of the network
n represents the number of connected users or nodes in the network
Metcalfe’s Law is based on the idea that the value of a network increases exponentially as more participants join because each new user adds additional connections and potential interactions with other users. These connections and interactions create a network effect, where the value of the network grows as it becomes more widely adopted.
Metcalfe’s Law has been applied to various network-based systems, including telecommunications networks, social networks, and, in the context of blockchain, to assess the value of a decentralized network. The law suggests that the value of a blockchain network increases as more participants join, enabling more transactions, interactions, and applications within the network.
It’s important to note that while Metcalfe’s Law provides a theoretical framework for understanding the value of networks, it does not account for all factors that influence the success and value of a network. Real-world factors such as network quality, user engagement, competitive landscape, and other network-specific characteristics also play a significant role in determining the network’s actual value. Therefore, Metcalfe’s Law should be considered alongside other factors when evaluating the value and potential of a network.
B) Token-Based Valuation – Token-based valuation involves analyzing the fundamental factors driving the value of a company’s tokens or cryptocurrencies. Factors such as token supply and demand, token utility, token velocity, and market sentiment play a significant role in determining the value of a blockchain company.
By considering these factors, the token-based valuation method aims to provide insights into the potential value of a blockchain token. However, it’s essential to note that token valuation is a complex and dynamic process, subject to various market forces and investor sentiment.
C) Fee Generation Method – The fee generation valuation method of blockchain determines the network’s value based on the fees generated by its operations. In blockchain systems, participants pay fees to incentivize validators and cover transaction processing costs.
This method considers transaction volume, frequency, and competitiveness of the fee market. Higher volumes and competitiveness indicate network usage and demand. The valuation also accounts for overall utility and adoption. A widely adopted blockchain with diverse use cases generates more fees. Investors use the fee generation potential to assess a blockchain’s value, estimating its revenue capacity and growth prospects.
D) Ecosystem Analysis – Evaluating the strength and potential of a blockchain company’s ecosystem is another approach to valuation. This includes assessing partnerships, developer community involvement, market demand for the solution, and the company’s position within the broader blockchain ecosystem.Read Full Blog Here :- https://valadvisor.com/a-deep-dive-into-the-valuation-of-blockchain-companies/
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marketxcel · 2 months
Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands of 2024
Explore the latest rankings and insights into the global business landscape with our blog on the "Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands of 2024." Discover the strategic moves, innovations, and market dynamics propelling these brands to the forefront of success. Stay ahead of the curve as we delve into the stories behind the numbers and unveil the driving forces shaping the business world this year.
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valueteam · 4 months
Brand Valuation Consultants
Brand valuation consultants are specialists who determine the financial worth of a brand. A brand's value isn't solely in tangible assets but in intangible aspects like reputation, consumer perception, and market positioning. These consultants play a pivotal role in providing insights crucial for strategic decision-making, mergers and acquisitions, financial reporting, and more. Let's delve into the world of brand valuation consultants and their significance.
Brand Valuation Process
Understanding the Brand: Consultants begin by comprehending the brand’s history, market presence, consumer perception, and competitive landscape. This involves examining brand equity elements such as awareness, loyalty, perceived quality, and associations.
Data Collection and Analysis: They collect data from various sources like financial reports, market research, consumer surveys, and industry benchmarks. This data helps in assessing the brand’s performance and positioning.
Valuation Methods: Consultants use multiple approaches to evaluate a brand's worth. Common methods include the Market Approach (comparable transactions), Income Approach (future cash flows), and Cost Approach (cost to create or replace the brand).
Financial Modeling: Employing financial models, they estimate the brand’s economic benefit, analyzing its contribution to the overall business performance.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with accounting standards like IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and regulatory requirements for accurate reporting is crucial.
Role of Brand Valuation Consultants
Strategic Insights: Consultants provide valuable insights to stakeholders, guiding decisions related to brand investments, marketing strategies, and brand portfolio management.
Mergers and Acquisitions: In M&A scenarios, they assess the brand’s value, aiding in negotiations and determining fair prices based on the brand's contribution to the business.
Financial Reporting: Brands are recognized as assets in financial reporting. Consultants ensure accurate representation of a brand’s value in balance sheets, adhering to accounting standards.
Investment and Divestment Decisions: Insights from brand valuation help in deciding whether to invest in brand-building activities or divest underperforming brands.
Legal Disputes: In cases of disputes or legal matters regarding brand ownership or valuation, consultants might offer expert opinions or act as witnesses in legal proceedings.
Performance Tracking: Continual monitoring and periodic valuation updates aid in tracking a brand’s performance, evaluating the impact of marketing efforts, and assessing changes in brand value over time.
Qualifications and Expertise
Analytical Skills: Proficiency in financial analysis, statistical modeling, and market research techniques to interpret data accurately.
Industry Knowledge: Understanding industry dynamics and market trends to contextualize the brand’s performance within its sector.
Legal and Regulatory Understanding: Knowledge of accounting standards, intellectual property laws, and regulatory frameworks concerning brand valuation.
Communication Skills: Ability to convey complex valuation methodologies and findings to diverse stakeholders clearly and effectively.
Experience: Seasoned consultants often possess a track record of successful brand valuations across different industries, adding depth to their expertise.
Brand valuation advisory consultants play a pivotal role in quantifying the worth of intangible assets, which are increasingly crucial in today's business landscape. As companies invest heavily in brand development and marketing, understanding the financial implications of these efforts becomes imperative.
Their assessments provide tangible metrics to intangible assets, aiding stakeholders in making informed decisions regarding investments, expansions, strategic partnerships, and more. Moreover, accurate brand valuation impacts financial reporting, influencing investors' perceptions and enhancing a company’s overall credibility.
By comprehensively evaluating brands, these consultants contribute significantly to strategic planning, financial decision-making, and legal compliance, ultimately shaping a company’s success and its position in the market.
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It is necessary to all to know the exact fact about financial value of your business company or a brand. By knowing the correct valuation of your brand you can easily determine that where you stand or financial analysis, market analysis, industry trends. Business valuation consultant will be able to provide you with an accurate and comprehensive evaluation that can help guide your decision that move your company in the right direction.
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theabstruseone · 9 months
I slept in and just woke up, so here's what I've been able to figure out while sipping coffee:
Twitter has officially rebranded to X just a day or two after the move was announced.
The official branding is that a tweet is now called "an X", for which there are too many jokes to make.
The official account is still @twitter because someone else owns @X and they didn't reclaim the username first.
The logo is 𝕏 which is the Unicode character Unicode U+1D54F so the logo cannot be copyrighted and it is highly likely that it cannot be protected as a trademark.
Outside the visual logo, the trademark for the use of the name "X" in social media is held by Meta/Facebook, while the trademark for "X" in finance/commerce is owned by Microsoft.
The rebranding has been stopped in Japan as the term "X Japan" is trademarked by the band X JAPAN.
Elon had workers taking down the "Twitter" name from the side of the building. He did not have any permits to do this. The building owner called the cops who stopped the crew midway through so the sign just says "er".
He still plans to call his streaming and media hosting branch of the company as "Xvideo". Nobody tell him.
This man wants you to give him control over all of your financial information.
Edit to add further developments:
Yes, this is all real. Check the notes and people have pictures. I understand the skepticism because it feels like a joke, but to the best of my knowledge, everything in the above is accurate.
Microsoft also owns the trademark on X for chatting and gaming because, y'know, X-box.
The logo came from a random podcaster who tweeted it at Musk.
The act of sending a tweet is now known as "Xeet". They even added a guide for how to Xeet.
The branding change is inconsistent. Some icons have changed, some have not, and the words "tweet" and "Twitter" are still all over the place on the site.
TweetDeck is currently unaffected and I hope it's because they forgot that it exists again. The complete negligence toward that tool and just leaving it the hell alone is the only thing that makes the site usable (and some of us are stuck on there for work).
This is likely because Musk was forced out of PayPal due to a failed credit line project and because he wanted to rename the site to "X-Paypal" and eventually just to "X".
This became a big deal behind the scenes as Musk paid over $1 million for the domain X.com and wanted to rebrand the company that already had the brand awareness people were using it as a verb to "pay online" (as in "I'll paypal you the money")
X.com is not currently owned by Musk. It is held by a domain registrar (I believe GoDaddy but I'm not entirely sure). Meaning as long as he's hung onto this idea of making X Corp a thing, he couldn't be arsed to pay the $15/year domain renewal.
Bloomberg estimates the rebranding wiped between $4 to $20 billion from the valuation of Twitter due to the loss of brand awareness.
The company was already worth less than half of the $44 billion Musk paid for it in the first place, meaning this may end up a worse deal than when Yahoo bought Tumblr.
One estimation (though this is with a grain of salt) said that Twitter is three months from defaulting on its loans taken out to buy the site. Those loans were secured with Tesla stock. Meaning the bank will seize that stock and, since it won't be enough to pay the debt (since it's worth around 50-75% of what it was at the time of the loan), they can start seizing personal assets of Elon Musk including the Twitter company itself and his interest in SpaceX.
Sesame Street's official accounts mocked the rebranding.
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valadvisor · 8 months
Brand valuation is the process used to calculate the value of a brand. In today’s fast-paced, interconnected era businesses utilize various tangible and intangible assets for brand value creation and accretion. The brand is one such intangible asset. Brands create distinctive images and associations in the minds of customers and stakeholders and serve as a way for companies to differentiate themselves in the marketplace and establish a strong identity. Brands can become very valuable. Recently Brand Finance listed the Tata Group brand name, valued at $26.4 billion, as India’s most valuable brand.
In this article, we will describe factors that are relevant to brand valuation and generally accepted brand valuation methods as it applies to these contexts.
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thebigunit · 9 months
From the language in their Instagram caption, to the color palette on their latest billboard, down to the material, colors, patterns used in their packaging, etc.
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At Resurgent India, we're proud to have a reputation for producing high-quality reports and analyses that have been trusted by over 250 clients, including major corporations. Our team has a strong understanding of various valuation techniques and strategies, ensuring that our reports are not only accurate but also compliant with regulations and standards.
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seat-safety-switch · 5 months
Have you noticed that for most manufacturers, every car they make looks kind of similar? This is what car designers like to call a "design language." Like real, human-spoken languages, these automakers have special words for "headlight," "centre console," and "that fucking gewgaw in the back door that is too small to hold a goddamn water bottle and just fills up with snow when I open the door, why did they put a picture of a water bottle there?"
Making all your cars look the same builds what marketers call "brand presence." In a nutshell, you can look at a thing with too many curves and giant headlights, and be like "that's probably a Mazda." Somehow, this translates into you or someone you love later buying a Mazda. The exact science is unclear, which is why we haven't sent any brand marketers to space to do experiments on the ISS yet.
Me, I don't love it when all my cars look the same. Although I have been unfairly stereotyped by my political and social enemies as owning sixty-seven 1978 Plymouth Volares, the exact number is actually closer to only thirty-three. Give or take a couple, of course, depending on what percentage of a parts car has to be present for you to call it "a car." I'm definitely open to broadening my horizons and digging something out of a ditch that I've never seen before. For instance, one of these Volares is a two-door. That is a highly desirable feature, and the additional valuation means that it's too nice for me to drive, mostly because I usually park them in a nearby ditch on the way home rather than use up the brake pads.
So when you're out there on the roads tomorrow, take a look around you. Does your car look exactly the same as every other car that was made by the manufacturer of choice? Maybe you can take a page from Our Lord, Richard Petty, and throw a number and some brightly-coloured paint on the side. Don't forget the huge spoiler, because we all know for a fact that anyone who worked hard to style your car would hate it.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Most books on the Bengal delta begin by describing it as “riverine,” [...] the land is the product of fluvial action [...]. [I]n thinking about Bengal, one tends to imagine the ricepaddy fields [...]. It was not so all the time; Bengal was never really a land of farming [...]. Traveling through Bengal in the eighteenth century, the French traveler Orme saw a highly sophisticated water-based economy - the blessing of rivers - irrigated [...] by the monsoon rains and annual flooding. [...] The rivers were not just channels of water; they carried a thriving trade, transporting people and goods from one part of the delta to another. Today, Bengal is generally seen as comprising lush green rice paddies [...]. Rivers are often presented as causing immense grief [through seasonal flooding] [...]. Clearly, there is a mismatch here. [...] How (and when) did Bengal’s social milieu transform from water-based to land-based? [...] Bengal’s essential character as a fluid landscape was changed during the colonial times through legal interventions that were aimed at stabilizing lands and waters, at creating permanent boundaries between them, and at privileging land over water, in a land of shifting river courses, inundated irrigation, and river-based life.
Such a separation of land and water was made possible not just by physical constructions but first and foremost by engineering a legal framework that gradually entered the popular vocabulary. [...] BADA, which stands for the Bengal Alluvion and Diluvion Act, [was] a law passed by the colonial British rulers in 1825, following the Permanent Settlement of 1793. [...] The environment of Bengal can be described as hybrid, where the demarcation between land and water is neither well-defined nor permanent. Nature here represents a borderless world, or at best one in which borders are not fixed lines on the ground demarcating a territory, but are negotiated spaces or zones. Such “[...] spaces” comprise “not [only] lines of separation but zones of interaction…transformation, transgression, and possibility” (Howitt 2001, 240).
Current boundaries of land and water are as much products of history as nature and the colonial rule of Bengal played a key role in changing the ideas and valuations of both. [...] The debate on what constituted productive and unproductive uses of land preceded the application of English property law not only to establish permanent zamindari (a common term for the system of landlordism) settlement of land tenure in India, but also to valorize land in what had essentially been a land-water hybrid environment. The colonial land revenue system, by seeing land as more productive (being able to yield revenue) and useful, began the long historical process of branding the rivers of Bengal as uncivil and in need of control. [...] The problem with deltaic land is its non-permanent nature, as silt is stored by rivers: rivers do not always flow along a certain route [...] The laws that the colonial British brought to Bengal, however, were founded upon the thinking of land as being fixed in place. [...]
Experiments to fine-tune the land-based economy began in 1760 when Bengal, and its ceded territories, came under the East India Company rule. [...] To entrench the system, the Permanent Settlement of 1793 created zamindars (or landlords) “in perpetuity” - meaning for good. The system was aimed at reducing the complexities of revenue collection due to erratically shifting lands and unpredictable harvests in a monsoon-dependent area [...]. Alarmed at the possibility of dismemberment of their estates, the zamindars decided to bind tenants to the same conditions to which they themselves were bound by the colonial government, and one of their actions was to create patni tenures or perpetual leases. [...]
It also meant that the right to collect rent from the tenants, often through the use of force, devolved to the lower layers, making the upper-layer zamindars more of a juridical rather than a real social entity in the eyes of the peasants. The patnidars, finding how much trouble this arrangement took off their own back, created dar-patnis or patnis of the second degree [...]. The dar-patnis created se-patnis or patnis of the third degree. The East India Company, therefore, had to legalize, through Regulation VIII of 1819, the creation of such formations, thus giving a de jure recognition post facto [...].
The regulation, although innocuous and simple, was of great historical potency: it became the key that unlocked the door to environmental and socio-economic changes of unparalleled magnitude. From a riverine community, within a hundred years, Bengal was transformed into a land-based community. [...]
The meaning of property also changed as a result of this law: the cultivators began to lose the right to occupy the land that they had enjoyed since ancient times because the colonial British had enumerated the characteristics of the zamindari property as an absolute right of proprietorship in the soil [...].
[T]he Company then began to contemplate the problematic issue of legalizing the fictional entities of chars [...]. The law that was created for this purpose -- and still rules the rights of ownership of charlands -- is the Bengal Alluvion and Diluvion Regulation Act (BADA) of 1825. [...] BADA was meant to establish a set of rules to guide the courts to determine the claims to land “gained by alluvion” or accretion, and the resurfaced land previously lost by diluvion or erosion. Even if one takes it for granted that chars are technically non-land in the sense that they exist within river banks, the difficulty remains that when a piece of land is lost to bank erosion, it may not arise in exactly the same location or arise at all within the foreseeable future. This means the owner has no certainty that they will get it back when it resurfaces or when another char rises nearby. [...] Thus, the key to establishing land rights in the court of law remained the payment of rent, even on diluviated land. [...] Such a rule will, however, not be applicable if a river suddenly changes its course and separates a considerable piece of land from one to join it with another farm, but without destroying the identity of the land so removed -- thus preventing legal recognition. New accretions in large navigable rivers would be the property of the state [...].
All text above by: Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt. “Commodified Land, Dangerous Water: Colonial Perceptions of Riverine Bengal.” In: “Asian Environments: Connections across Borders, Landscapes, and Times.” Edited by Ursula Munster, Shiho Satsuka, and Gunnel Cederlof. RCC Perspectives, no. 3, 17-22. 2014. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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homosociallyyours · 8 months
Oh so THIS is why the Lime bikes:
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(article here)
Don't know why it only just occurred to me to see if Lime was publicly traded, but having big, popular celebs using their product would really make sense for hyping up the brand to get them highest possible valuation when they go public.
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georgegraphys · 2 months
Ari's PR/sponsor/managerial yaps! (Disclaimer: i'm just an enthusiast, a bored fan. I'm not a professional, actively learning about this for my own career so take this lightly)
Last year, a lot of people were concerned about Monster Energy exiting Mercedes. A lot of people were concerned and immediately got blamey-blamey on George regarding what happened (insert "oh that tory twink will chase out all merc sponsors ewww" kind of shit)
I honestly think that Monster Energy leaving is not something to worry because:
-We're not like the Yamaha Monster Energy MotoGP team, they're not TITLE sponsors. They're just like any other Mercedes sponsors. They've been there since the beginning but their presence doesn't really define what Mercedes is because Mercedes doesn't brand Monster Energy clearly unlike Yamaha on MotoGP. Mercedes' title sponsor is Petronas and I would've worried a LOT if they left because Petronas and Mercedes have a strong connection in F1. Mercedes has always been defined with the Petronas green and they've branded themselves with Petronas' colour for years so it'll create a significant impact on the brand image. But Monster Energy? Not really.
-I've speculated about Monster Energy leaving tbh? Since when I did my research for my GR63 paper, I've noticed that GR did campaigns for most of the sponsors but I never saw a ME campaign on his instagram (except that one soft selling campaign of George drinking from ME bottle then tagging them) as I did my research nor he follows ME's acc too (joked with my friend on how he doesn't follow ME but follows RB Energy Drink lmaooo). Dk what happens but guess they just don't click (image/brand rep wise) or simply don't have time to work w/ each other? (Do tell me if ME collaborated with George in the past)
Why did they leave?
Mostly the reason, other than drivers' vibes/image/brandjng would be either rules and regulations changes in the contract or financial matters. I've heard someone mentioning Mercedes is putting some expensive prices for brands to put their logos on their liveries/team kit.
(more on the reasons regarding sponsorship dynamics in Mercedes here)
Each team demands $$$ from their sponsor as an agreement. Those $$$ can raise as the team valuations raise. Mercedes might demand a lot of money as they are one of the biggest teams in F1. They could demand a lot that only a small percentage could afford and would pay for it and in this case ME might not see it as worth it. For example: Petronas started with a $30M deal in 2010 and they now allegedly paid $65M-75M a year to be the title partner of Mercedes and Tommy Hilfiger allegedly paid ±$4M a year.
Conclusion : It is very normal for sponsors to come and go even though Mercedes seems to commit to long-term sponsors more. But it is not something to be concerned about except if it were about a principal/title sponsor of years or even decades leaving the team. So there is nothing to worry about. As we enter Georgecedes era, sponsor/PR/comms dynamics in Mercedes will shift a little to fit in George's branding (as he is going to be the number one driver)
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valueteam · 2 months
The Significance of Brand Value in Business Success
The brand value of a business is a critical asset that goes beyond tangible assets and revenue figures. It encompasses the reputation, recognition, and perception of the brand among customers, stakeholders, and the market. Understanding and nurturing brand value is essential for building trust, loyalty, and long-term success.
Brand value contributes to business success in several ways:
Customer Loyalty and Trust: A strong brand with a positive reputation builds trust among customers. It fosters loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases and referrals. Customers are more likely to choose a brand they trust, even if competitors offer similar products or services.
Competitive Advantage: A well-established brand with high brand value sets itself apart from competitors. It creates a unique selling proposition that attracts customers and differentiates the business in the market.
Market Positioning: Brand value influences how a business is perceived in the market. A strong brand can position itself as a leader in the industry, gaining market share and influencing consumer preferences.
Attracting Investors and Partnerships: Investors and potential partners look for businesses with strong brand value. A reputable brand signals stability, growth potential, and a solid foundation for investment or collaboration.
Employee Engagement and Retention: A strong brand with a positive reputation also attracts top talent. Employees are proud to be associated with a reputable brand, leading to higher engagement, productivity, and retention rates.
In conclusion, the brand value of a business is a powerful asset that drives customer loyalty, competitive advantage, and market positioning. It influences consumer behavior, attracts investors and partners, and enhances employee engagement. By recognizing the significance of brand value and implementing strategies to measure and enhance it, businesses can build a strong foundation for long-term success and growth in the dynamic marketplace.
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Brand valuation is essential for understanding the actual financial performance of any business. It helps to measure the company’s worth by considering its intangible assets such as brand recognition, customer loyalty, and goodwill. With brand valuation, business can get a better understanding to their financial performance and make more informed decision about their future growth plans.
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eserveofficial · 8 months
LG AC Service Center Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad
LG AC Service Centre Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad. eServe solutions for LG Split AC / Window AC - Repair/Installation / Uninstall/ Gas Charging / General Service. We provide our service at economical costs. Our well-trained technicians can serve you at any time. Our utmost aim is to satisfy you with low and loyal service. We provide our service to any or all Brands. we provide our service for all models. call our eServe LG AC service center Near Nagole Hyderabad phone number 7337443480 for quick service solutions. Search in google for nearest service of eServe like LG AC Service Centre near me, LG AC Repair Service Center Kukatpally Hyderabad Telangana or LG AC Service Center near me, eServe LG AC Service Centre near you provides the best skilled technician at your home. Reach us 08:00 am to 22:00 pm every on our eServe LG AC Customer care number Hyderabad 7337443380 lg ac service centre number Hyderabad.
Services we offer are:
Regular maintenance is needed for any home appliances to stay in correct operating condition.
Repairs - We do all repairs & branded spare components replaced at fastened costs.
Wet service - Deep cleansing is needed for removing the dirt from your cooling system to keep up the correct cooling.
Gas refilling - Gas replenishment should be in deep trouble correct cooling.
Installation - New ones put in whenever you're needed to put in.
Uninstallation - The cooling system is removed after yousquaremeasure migrating to different residences.
All models have done, service on all days service everywhere Hyderabad.
Why book on eserve.in
We give well-trained technicians at any time and a low price is charged for our service.
Genuine spare parts.
get broken with fastened valuation.
We provide service on a slot of your selection.
We give 30days service guarantee.
How our team works -
We settle for each on-line and offline booking repairs of the cooling system. We tend to send associate degree economical technicians to your home to serve you at an economical price. You will relax & the appliances can get into operating condition presently.
Common issues in AC:
Repairs may be pricey. Thus it's continuously a decent plan to bear in mind some common issues that may arise together with your cooling system.
Filter - Clogged or dirty filter: Follow the directions of makers however typically to alter your filter ought to be cleansed after they dirty. Dirty filters cause the unit to freeze & reduces the flow of air.
Air con leaks - When the fluid starts leaky entire unit doesn't work properly.
Drainage - The drain line may get clogged with dirt, dirt & lint. This should be cleaned very often to avoid water break inflicting damage to the unit.
Breakers -  These defend ACs motor from heating and injury.
Capacitors: The electrical condenser provides a series of jolts to stay the motor operating. Air con unit doesn't work expeditiously if it burns.
Compressor - If the mechanical device isn't operating, the unit won't cool your space.
Evaporator coils - Coils get unsound, however, if they're placed within, they need maintenance every six months.
Condenser coils - This place outside with the mechanical device, so, they get dirty to be cleaned once a year if they get too dirty technician can need to clean with a chemical cleaner.
LG AC Service Centre Hyderabad: If your machine isn't operating properly, it spoils the sleep of you and your family. So, to search out the issues of the cooling system is the necessary factor. You'll realize the simplest, professional, full-fledged and budget worth the LG cooling system. lg ac repair and service in hyderabad .We will provide the simplest service for the LG ac .we have the certified team and also the knowledgeable technician to repair the cooling system within the correct manner. We tend to find all the issues of the LG cooling system and supply this service with affordable costs. You will get a quick, versatile and reliable service for our service center. Our services and technicians clear the issues, we've many experiences in this field. We are providing one year secured for the service of the LG Services are dedicated:lg ac service center in kukatpally hyderabad. Best competition for Whirlpool AC . Call our lg ac service centre number hyderabad to get same day solution.
LG AC service in Hyderabad.Our service centers in several places within the Hyderabad. We are providing sleek and delicate services for the repaired AC. we can provide full support to the client.  we aso serve Whirlpool Air con Service Center in Hyderabad. Our services are neat and clean. You can hire a LG ac technician in Hyderabad for your on time service. If any drawback created for when conjugation, we provide service for that sort of AC. We overwhelm solely affordable costs for the service of the AC.
 Perfect Services:
LG split ac service Lb Nagar Hyderabad. Our technicians first utterly perceive the issues within the machine, when finding they begin the service to repair, solely the repairing charge is consumed for the individuals, there's no further payment that may be consumed to the individuals. The technicians are providing excellent service to the customers.
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LG ac service center in Secunderabad. We are providing an extraordinary Service Center in Hyderabad to our customers. Our technicians are well trained, skilled and full-fledged. LG window ac service in Hyderabad.They'll quickly realize and clear the issues, we will attend within 3 hours when your complaint received. We've all the sort of tools and materials to search out the issues. Our technicians are well proficient in repairing. Get faster service at our LG AC Service Centre in Hyderabad.
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LG AC Repair Centre Near Nagole Hyderabad. There are a lot of issues out there. Our technician's specialists to search out the issues within the repair, we are coping with the high-level corporations. Our branches are providing the services for the low the cost we are providing the first-class service. Our center is crucial all the time to urge the higher. We are providing the additional for the homes. Please call lg ac service centre number near me phone number 7337443380 to solve your issues or search eServe authorised lg ac service center near me.
LG AC Repair Center Near Nagole Hyderabad
LG AC Service Center in Hyderabad : Our services are on the market for many places within the Hyderabad. We are effectively-known and solve the issues. Our employees are providing the services your system is in repair, doesn’t worry this simply out in any time and anyplace, we right away contact you and solve the matter.  eServe.in is that the preferred home appliances complete that guarantees its school quality in wide ranges in its offerings. This known complete has been standing in heights in manufacturing the best home appliances for its customers. However, LG’s cooling apparatuses have bagged vast commendation and accolades from the school critics and the public. Together with the growing population, demand and provide for the revolutionary electronic product has been reaching heights. Lg Ac Service Centre Near Lb NAgar Hyderabad Due to the large production and demand for these AC's, demand for the service centers are additionally reaching heights. However, one should select the simplest service center to service their appliances or devices. 
LG AC Installation Services Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad
Based on user rating, every time, we can’t decide regarding the standard of service offered by the actual service center. Lg Air Conditioner Service Center Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad Because there can be some techniques of school guys who have information on websites and fixing its ratings and reviews. We ve got been standing because of our name for aiding our customers in their appliances errors with the out and out permanent solutions. LG Ac Repair Centre Near LB Nagar Hyderabad because one of the foremost opted appliances completes across the boundaries of Hyderabad. It is known proven fact that, together with the rise of appliances consumption, the rate of appliances errors also are in heights.LG AC Installation in Hyderabad. However, we hold wonderful workers who will place the point for all of your appliances' faults. LG AC repair in Hyderabad. We have tidied our every technician in such a way that, we assure you, our customers won’t feel any error in their device once our service. After, tasting our service standards, you'll certainly feel gratified with our work. Lg Ac Repair Centre Near Lb Nagar Hyderabad Whatever, the sort of issue you're experiencing with your appliance, or regardless of the complete of device you own, we undertake all complaints and supply you the simplest service expertise. we also cater to Blue Star Service Center in Hyderabad We deal with all kinds of ACs like LG, Samsung, Voltas, Panasonic, Hitachi brands in Hyderabad. As consultants within the style, installation, maintenance, service, and repair of all kinds of fastened air con systems, we mix the simplest of service quality and better of worth with nationwide service coverage.
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simply-ivanka · 6 months
Former President Donald Trump has a penchant for big talk. Whether it’s the extent of his wealth, the perfection of his phone calls or the square footage of his apartment, the former president never fails to express himself in superlatives. Anyone paying attention knows this.
And nobody is on higher alert for such overstatement than a bank appraiser entrusted with the mission of lending millions of dollars for use in a business deal. Apparently, however, New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur F. Engoron hasn’t been paying attention and is indulging a partisan effort to brand the leading candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination a criminal over a bit of asset valuation embroidery.
The former president isn’t the only one who engages in hyperbole. The “Justice” in Mr. Engoron’s title doesn’t mean he serves on the state’s highest court. Rather, New York applies the elevated term to the lowest district court judges. One form of embellishment is customary; the other is a felony. 
Justice Engoron, a registered Democrat, issued a preliminary ruling last month essentially giving away his intention to find the former president guilty of financial fraud. Dig below the surface and the nefarious conduct he outlines seems unexceptional.
In securing financing, Trump Organization accountants handed lenders their estimates of the value of various properties. Naturally, assessments of this sort are biased, and lenders take this into account before extending credit.
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