lemonyinks · 8 months
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Some would call them star crossed lovers.
Brainy inspired by spandexinspace's own edit of the same panel
The Legion #14
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twirls hair like a silly school girl, giggles.
What if *giggle*
What if, when Lyle proposes to Querl and if Querl asks "Don't humans exchange rings?" and Lyle replies with -
"But that's what the flight ring was all along, you see? You and me, us entwined forever."
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Milkshake: Lyle/whoever (Brainy or Condo)
Lyle’s mouth is full of ice cream when Querl kisses him. 
It’s not exactly the worst timing the Coluan has ever had for his rare displays of physical affection. But it’s not really the best, either. Lyle wouldn’t protest normally, as he’d found himself surprisingly lenient for these odd choices of scheduling. However, it was not an exaggeration saying his mouth was quite literally full already. 
“Mmph.” Lyle eloquently argues, even as one hand darts up to cup Brainy’s jawline. It’s instinct! He can’t exactly help it with how the other Legionnaire is holding onto his hipbones, pressing green thumbs into the dip there. He nearly drops his bowl, and although he doesn’t it still tips in threatening degrees on the counter with the carelessness of its deposit. Frantically, he braces his now free hand back, where Querl is shoving him, trying to keep himself upright against the force of the kiss.
The cold hits the roof of Lyle’s mouth, as the pressure of Querl on him eliminates the last space available, freeze digging at his temples the same time a contrasting searing tongue swipes across the surprised seam of his lips. Luckily, some of the treat melts before it goes up his nose, but the lingering threat is still there. 
The prodding at his lips becomes more insistent, but there really is no room. Lyle grunts in protest, and somehow transforms between his throat and his muffled mouth into a whine. Querl’s teeth drag against his bottom lip. The bastard is smirking. Lyle can feel it. The pressure is sharp like ice and lingers even as the Coluan suddenly pulls away.
Lyle blinks up at his friend owlishly, sprawled back against the countertop. Jaw ajar and feeling more then a little ruffled. The only thing the static in his brain allows him to comprehend is how the outsides of his cheeks burns in sharp contrast to the chill on his tastebuds. It must show, it must all show, because Querl chuckles in a way that causes stomachs to drop into pelvises.
Or maybe that’s just Lyle.
“I’ll have whatever he’s having, it’s delicious.” Brainy calls casually to poor Tenzil, who was still gawking at them from the soda machine, absently overfilling a glass of root beer. 
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paragonraptors · 10 months
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more legion posting
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honoure-1 · 3 months
Lyle and Brainy but they're secretly dating and think the other legionnaires haven't figured it out (they have). Sneaking kisses in empty hallways. holding hands under the table during briefings. fake arguing to not raise suspicions that they might like each other. they're always thinking about one another. the other legionnaires are just waiting for them to come out about it themselves
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dabruzzy · 1 year
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Ok hear me out
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spandexinspace · 1 year
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One man and his very small, super-specific harem.
Inspired by this:
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winterskywrites · 1 year
Greetings, may I request a Brainy/Lyle fic with Querl teasing Lyle about his fear of heights?
So teeeeeeechnically I'm not taking prompts right now, but I love Brainy/Lyle and I don't write it enough, so here's a little something!
"You do remember that you were the one who came up with the idea of flight rings, yes?"
Lyle swallowed hard. "Yes."
"And flight rings naturally mean that the user will use them to fly."
"You're not helping, Brainy."
"Don't call me that," Brainy - sorry, Brainiac 5 - grumbled. "And I'm not trying to help. I'm trying to understand how your mind failed to make the connection between flight rings and flight."
"It's not that I failed to make the connection," Lyle protested, "it's just that- I don't know, I didn't think it would be-"
"This high up?" Brainiac 5 asked dryly.
Lyle looked down and took a quick step back from the edge of the roof. "Yeah."
"The flight rings work," Brainiac 5 said, floating next to Lyle. "We know they work. You were fine with them when we were testing them in the lab."
"The lab wasn't twenty stories off the ground."
"Do you want me to push you? Would that help?"
Lyle scrambled further from the edge. "No, that would not help!"
Brainiac 5 - oh, that was too much of a mouthful, Lyle would keep calling him Brainy - floated off the edge of the roof. Lyle's heart leapt into his throat, even though Brainy remained exactly where he was and didn't even dip down a bit.
"The flight rings are fully functional. Every test has shown that. If we're going to show them to the rest of the team tomorrow, then they'll begin going into common usage. You'll need to use them then."
"Well, that's then," Lyle said stubbornly. "I don't need to use them yet."
Brainy sighed heavily, then he swooped over to Lyle and grabbed him. Lyle yelped and flailed, but Brainy was stronger than he looked, and Lyle found himself being carried bridal-style, floating a foot above the rooftop.
"If I hold you, will you be less concerned about falling?"
Lyle let out an incomprehensible, guttural noise. A traitorous, distracted part of his mind noted that Brainy's ability to carry him, while unexpected and a bit unnerving, was definitely not unattractive. He told that part to shut up.
"Don't squirm," Brainy told him firmly, then he flew past the edge of the building. Lyle clung to him tightly and fought the urge to close his eyes, but they didn't fall, not even a bit.
The flight rings worked. He knew they worked. They were flying, and they were safe. He could even let go of Brainy and fly on his own, and he'd be fine.
But Brainy was strong (and hot), and the ground was so very far below them, and Lyle figured he'd let him carry him a little bit longer.
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Been talking to @xenocrow about chunky Querl stuff and eventually that included chunky Lyle so have a chunky Lyle y’all.
And go check xeno out they’re really cool.
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sebeth · 3 months
Legion of Super-Heroes #5 (Bendis)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
The issue picks up where the previous issue ended: the confrontation with the Science Police. Brainiac 5 convinces the Science Police to stand down. Superboy (Jon) is told to finish the orientation packet.
The Legion speculates on why the President of the United Planets sicced the police on the Legion. Is it because of Mordru? Aquaman’s Trident? Imprisoning the ruler of Rimbor in their basement? A combination of all three?
Shadow Lass talks trash about the Invisible Kid. Jacques Foccart, the “Invisible Gentleman” is sick of the disrespect and quits the Legion. Bendis included an actual canon person of color only to have them appear and quit in one panel? Was there a point to this?
Jacques was never a favorite of mine mostly because he was relegated to the back to mutter a random French phrase. I did enjoy Jacques’ role in the “5 Years Later” era. He became a respected leader of the resistance and had an adorable relationship with Infectious Lass. I would love to see more of that Jacques.
Brainy sends Ultra Boy, Dawnstar, and Shadow Lass to find the Trident. Jo isn’t happy because he wants to remain and deal with his father. Brainy tells the group that if they see Timber Wolf, Monster Boy, or Wildfire to grab them. I’m pretty sure we saw either Timber Wolf or Monster Boy a few pages ago. The Legionnaire had the colors of Timber Wolf and the chest symbol vaguely looked like Brin’s. The person’s build was too bulky for Brin and his head had a Frankenstein-type appearance so I’m assuming it was Monster Boy.
Brainy confronts Chameleon Boy on his secret: Reep’s mother is the president of the United Planets. This has roots in previous continuities as Reep was revealed to be the son of RJ Brande’s son (the Legion’s founder and financial backer) in the original version. RJ Brande also served as the President of the United Planets (the reboot if I remember correctly). Bendis may have also taken inspiration form Lyle Norg’s story in the threeboot – he was revealed to be the son of a high-ranking Science Police officer during a SP-Legion confrontation.
Reep says he has a complicated relationship with his mother, but they are on speaking terms. He just wanted to get out from under her reputation.
We turn to Bouncing Boy and Superboy. Chuck reveals his father was trash. Did we know much of Chuck’s parents in the previous continuities.
Jon resumes Computo’s orientation program. We witness the UP President announcing the formation of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Oh, and we discover the President’s name is R.J. Brande. RJ is female instead of male as in the previous continuities, but does gender mean much to a race of shape-shifters?
RJ references previous heroic teams like the Justice League and the Teen Titans. Crav the General Nah and President Omacc of Rimbor aren’t fans of the idea. Is Ommac a reference to OMAC? OMAC, or One Man Army Corps, started out as a Jack Kirby creation. It was not part of the Fourth World/New Gods line but one of his sci-fi flavored ideas like Ben Boxer and Kamandi.
OMAC was radically altered when it was part of the “Infinite Crisis” tie-ins. They were multiple OMAC machine-like beings. Sasha Bordeaux (Bruce Wayne’s former bodyguard) was partially changed into an OMAC. The New 52 had a version of OMAC but I never read it so I don’t know the details.
Does President Omacc or Braal now have connections to OMAC? Do we need another connection to the 20th/21st century?
RJ pitches the idea to Imra, Garth, and Rokk. Garth has no idea who the Justice League is as “They don’t teach any Earth on my planet”.  Rokk fanboys out: “The original Superman and the Batman from Planet Gotham. And there was a Thangarian classic with those awesome wings.” Rokk’s knowledge makes sense as he was a big-time 20th/21st century historian in previous continuities.
Garth also notes his planet “barely teach us to read our first language”. I don’t recall illiteracy being a problem on Winath in previous era. Mostly I recall a twins-majority population and a focus on agriculture.
RJ notes Jon Kent invented the United Planets. Do you know how old Jon would have to be to have formed the United Planets? I understand the lifespan of a Kryptonian varies from the different eras but Jon would be ancient. And why are the Legion allowing Jon to view this? Wouldn’t that be an outside source influencing the course of his life? I seem to recall the Legion not telling Clark of his life in the past so they wouldn’t impact the course of his 20th century life.
Rokk, Imra, and Garth agree to form the Legion. Sgt Blokk of the Science Police walks by and Rokk offers him membership. Blokk agrees. I’m not positive he is aware of what he agrees to.
I love Blok, he’s so sweet, gentle, and endlessly curious about those weirdo organic beings he hangs with.
The trio then travels to Colu to recruit Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox).
 Brainy agrees and reveals his knowledge of the past heroic era impacts the future. I’m not typing out the whole page of dialogue but I will this quote: “When earth broke into pieces so did its already rebooted and revised history and timeline. Earth could not be more important to us and our survival and yet…it’s all broken. To be translated, interpreted, misinterpreted.”
I could rant on the hot mess that is DC’s continuity but I’ll save that for another post.
Brainy announces Jon Kent is the one to teach them how to hero. Seriously? I understand Bendis was writing the Superman titles at the time but Jon is not at the point in his career where he could be a mentor to other heroes. He’s still a rookie himself
Brainy reveals Jon will be “the one true Superman”  Yeah, that Clark guy? He’s nothing!
Jon is overwhelmed after this info dump. Imra attempts to reassure Jon but is interrupted by Brainy announcing: “All legionnaires! They found the Trident! It’s here. Evacuate immediately!”
Legion Roster Formation Order:
Cosmic Boy (founder)
Saturn Girl (founder)
Lightning Lad (founder)
Brainiac 5
The big change is Blok joining the group immediately after its formation. In the original continuity, he was a late Silver Age/early Bronze Age addition.
Rokk the 20th/21st Century historian-fanboy!
Blokk! More child-like than normal but still a sweet, gentle soul.
The heavy focus on “Jon the savior”. Bendis is telling, not showing, why Jon is necessary. The only thing Jon has done so far is knock out Crav – which Mon-El accomplished in a previous issue.
Rokk as uncertain leader. He was useless in the Legion-Science Police showdown. Bendis should read the Threeboot to see how Cosmic Boy handles the Science Police.
The story moves at a snail pace. I know Bendis loves the decompression style but this would have been accomplished in less than two issues in the 1980s.
Paul Levitz’s retro-boot run wasn’t great but all future Legion creators should refer to his classic runs on the Legion to see how he seamlessly interwove a large cast with multiple plots and kept the plots moving at a fast pace. He also had great character interactions and defined personalities for the members of the team.
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agoddamn · 1 year
My spicy DC opinions:
Hal Jordan Spectre was good
I like Kyle more as a Lantern than him
Barbara Gordon should not be Batgirl and should stay disabled--give her realistic amounts of function maybe (not everyone in a wheelchair is 24/7 glued to it) but stop trying to make her fucking Batgirl again
Stop trying to make Barry happen
Steph should have stayed Robin and they should have tried to let the Robin identity evolve rather than foist her off onto Batgirl
Post-ZH Legion is my fav, Legion Lost was great, and we were fucking robbed of Brainy/Lyle
Stop trying to make Brainy/Kara happen. Stop trying to make straight Brainy happen.
Leather jacket earring Superboy > all
Honestly prefer Jason Todd dead. Look, sometimes you have to fucking kill some people!
We were robbed of weird old man JSA stories
Cass is my fav Batgirl
The Waynes really do not need to be a literal nuclear family, they don't need to call Bruce "Dad"
You know how Jay had a grudge against Tim for being a 'replacement?' That's how I feel about Damian
HOW could I forget to add Supergirl here? I liked Silver Age Supergirl and post-Crisis angel blob matrix pocket dimension Supergirl, but I've never been able to give a shit about modern comics Supergirl? Superman TAS Supergirl, I like her. Everything that started with Supertorso? Can't stand, even when the facts are technically the same as the Silver Age origin.
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lemonyinks · 7 months
Querl thinks in the early hours of the morning
Brainy/Lyle oneshot
975 words
If there was one thing Querl loved about working on Earth, it was the way it sounded in the early morning. Crickets and birds chirping in unison, the gentle howl of wind breezing by, the rustle of the flora outside, the occasional whistle of a hover craft passing by outside. It was all so calming, so wonderful. Combined with the soft colours of the fading dawn, it was one of the things Querl looked forward to the most in the mornings.
But nothing would ever compare to the feeling of waking up in the arms of his lovers.
Though lined with muscle built up from years of hero and spy work alike, Lyle was warm and soft. He radiated a sort of heat similar to an over worked computer or a lit Bunsen burner. To anyone else, it may have been overbearing, but Querl ran cold, so it was perfect. Almost as perfect as the plushness he had to his stomach, which Querl loved to sink his head into during quiet moments like this.
It was hard to believe that not too long ago, Querl would go days, if not not weeks or months, on end without seeing another person entirely. Cold labs and uncomfortable chairs were the way he used to spend his days and nights. He used to deem it a waste of time to make the trip back to a room he couldn’t even call his own every night. Sleep was a luxury he rarely indulged in anyway, so what was the point?
Things were different now, though. Now, he looked forward to putting away his laboratory equipment, packing experiments and data away for the night in order to fall into bed with the man he loved. He could hardly imagine spending a night away from him anymore.
Lyle lay sprawled out across the bed, nude aside from a thin sheet covering his hips and bunching up under one armpit. His chest rose and fell in a gentle, repetitive motion. Querl was strewn partway on top of him equally as nude with his legs thrown over one of Lyle’s own and his head nestled on his collarbone, shoulder wedged under his other armpit.
His eyes trailed over every inche Lyle’s face. From lashes so long they delicately brushed his cheekbones, to the mole that sat at the corner of his right eye. From the round cheeks he loved to plant kisses on, flushed with the heat of the night, all the way down to plush lips, parted as light snores escaped them.
Querl let his hand come up to stroke the heated skin on his lover’s chest and travel downwards. Smooth, scarred, smooth, scarred, that was the pattern of his skin. Markings that varied from thin white slashes, to splatters of dark discolouration that took up significant space. Their origins were widely unknown to Querl. His touches were feather soft as his hand came to a stop near the other's navel, though they evidently tickled as Lyle’s lips twitched in his sleep and a soft giggle escaped him before his expression settled once more.
Querl draped his arm across Lyle’s abdomen and brought a hand down to hold him around the waist, using his thumb to gently stroke his hipbone, where lay one of his larger scars, which spanned from his navel all the way around to his back. He knew the origin of this one. A mission gone wrong back when he was still working for earthgov, not long before he had joined the Legion. Apparently diplomats did not take well to being spied on during elections.
Lyle took a deep breath and shifted, rolling onto his side to face Querl, and he moved with him to allow the change in position. Lyle's eyebrows momentarily furrowed before smoothing out again, still deep in sleep. They were so close now that their chests were pressed together, their noses brushing against each other. He could feel each puff of warm breath ghosting against his lips.
Querl brought a slow hand up to brush a stray strand of hair out of Lyle’s face before tucking the length behind his ear with a gentleness that few would believe he had the capability of displaying. It was getting longer, he noted. His usual mullet was shaggier, the back almost falling past his shoulders and his bangs touching down against his cheekbones. Beautiful as always.
He ran his knuckles against Lyle’s cheekbone and then cupped his cheek in one cold hand and swiped his under eye with his thumb, careful to not apply too much pressure. His heart soared when Lyle leaned into the touch with a soft noise.
His eyes flickered over to the alarm clock sitting on the bedside table over Lyle’s shoulder. The bright red numbers blinking at him incessantly told him that it was 4 in the morning, about an hour and a half before he and Lyle were to head into the lab for work.
There was a point in time where he would have simply climbed out of bed and headed in early to best optimize his usefulness, but now such things concerned him not. He could not think of a better way to spend his time than this. Now, he was content to press a soft, butterfly kiss to the spot between Lyle’s eyebrows and snuggle closer into his warmth. And he did just that, slinging an arm around Lyles waist and tangling their legs together.
He never thought he was capable of feeling a love like this, nor did he ever think it would be returned so strongly. He had previously resigned himself to a millennium of solitude before Lyle came into his life and lit it up with the light of a thousand stars. Querl loved, and he was loved in return. He couldn’t ask for anything more.
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I have two wolves in me.
One is the one that says Querl and Lyle got together because the both had the conversation - the bared to each other that they had feelings and wanted to pursue something more because they meant something to the other.
The other one is they didn't say fucking shit until Lyle's combat training forced them to get... very close and they just started making out on the floor, pressed against the wall and afterwards it was just... "okay we're doing this now? okay."
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Lyle working himself too hard and getting sick
A couple stories up, Lyle staggers like he's been punched, a hand coming up to catch himself against the metallic pillar he’s working at, his knees wobbling. From the ground floor, Rokk sees him absently raise his other hand to eventually rest his fingertips gently at his hairline.
“You okay up there?” The silence in response is long, but as his concern starts to build the quiet is broken by Lyle blowing a dismissive hiss of breath through his teeth.
“I thought you had a new years resolution to avoid being the ‘mom friend,’ Cos.” Lyle teases, turning on his heel and making his lean against the pillar look more casual; practiced poised instead of hunched. He oozes cool on command in a way that is almost comedic and has Rokk actively resisting rolling his eyes. The Earthling has been punching in a precise algorithm for the past hour, line by line with the dedication of a surgeon, and the slight sour edge to his tone betrays some actual frustration. And as Rokk observes him, at least as well as he can from the harsh angle and distance between them, his movements are smooth and purposeful once again. Clearly feeling the other’s stare, Lyle waves a dismissive hand in the direction of the Legion Founder before refocusing on his task once again. “I’ll be fine.” He insists over the beeping keypad. “Especially once this sprocking update is finally implemented and working.” 
The platform Lyle stands on is only a few feet wide and equal parts long, arched around the large main pillar that hosts the guiding mechanics of the room. There were easier computing hubs to code at throughout the room, but for some reason one of the smartest and most acrophobic members of their team insisted he had to be at the highest one for this specific adjustment. 
“I’m sure it’ll go exactly as planned” Rokk calls, flexing his fingers where he’s gently holding parts of the maintenance hub and technical core, one of many throughout Legion World, in temporary magnetic stasis while Lyle works.
“Tell that to Brainy. You should have heard about how much grief he was giving me about it.” He can practically hear Lyle frowning as his input pattern continues, and can’t help but smile to himself—the exact expression is too easy to imagine. “But I’d rather we lock it into place now and not wish we’d done it later.” 
 What, Brainy didn’t think the project was worthwhile? Imra’s question echoes, unobtrusively, through both of their heads as she observes the room’s multiple status levels from the main control panel located near the room’s entrance.
“Not for the time I put into it,” Lyle mutters, distracted. “Can’t tell you how often he’d come into the lab and complain that I was still digging through the same data. He only finally gave me some space after we go back from the T1045 comet mission. But at this point even I’m sick of it.”
Rokk frowns. “You told me you were going to pass on the T1045 mission.” They’d argued about it, actually. Right in one of the main hallways. Many Legionnaires had stopped to watch the show. The new recruits were still talking about it. “You know, since you volunteered for the Durla one right before it.”  
“...I was.” 
“But.” Lyle makes the word sound like a full sentence, clearly trying to end the conversation. After a long, expectant silence his acquiescing scoff echoes around the metallic room and he clears his throat before he continues. “But, part of the instruments being used were based on my research from a few years ago. If something went wrong I wanted to be available. It’s really not a big deal, Cos, I was mostly observing.” 
“It’s a big deal, Lyle, if you’re over hours and over working.” 
The steady beeping of the lines of code stalls, and when it doesn’t resume he glances up and is greeted with Lyle’s bemused face peeking over the edge of the upper deck platform. “’Over hours’, Rokk?” Lyle wipes the back of his hand across his brow a couple times, grinning cheekily. “What, are you going to report me to the Legion Union?” The grin transforms into a wicked smirk. “You gunna ground me?”
Rokk works his jaw, then looks away. He’s not embarrassed, he’s not blushing, but there’s something about Lyle’s attitude that has always put him somewhere between ease and edge. “I’m just saying you have a bad habit of overdoing it.”
Lyle hums loud enough to make sure Rokk can hear it, accepting the observation easily. The rhythmic beeping of his inputting begins again. “Don’t we all?”
That, Rokk can’t deny.
From there, they fall into a content silence. The minutes stretch, punctuated by Lyle’s work and the slight creak of the metal machines weighing against Rokk’s abilities. Even Imra’s presence in their shared cerebral space becomes a gentle hum, quiet and comfortable. He lets out a long breath, pressing out the air from deep at the bottom of his lungs, and feels every muscle in his shoulders loosen, settling against the minute strain. 
“Lyle!” Imra’s cry is a knife, so harsh he can’t even tell if she screamed telekinetically or not. Rokk looks up in time to see the Earthling lilt at a harsh angle away from the maintenance board. Lyle’s hand reaches out in an attempt to stop the inevitable, but his grasping fingers are slow and disconnected, only wrapping around air. His staggering, weaving feet take him back, back away from safety and... and... eventually, horrifically, Lyle stumbles right off the edge of the platform. 
It’s really not that high. Even with Lyle’s fear of heights Rokk has seen him conquer leaps far taller without the use of his flight ring. The stealth focused Legionnaire was rather cat-like that way; twisting before he hit the ground and landing with far more grace than any one person should possess. 
But something in Rokk’s gut tells him no graceful save will come. No last minute twist and breathtaking recovery. And he’s right. Lyle falls. And falls. And falls.
So Rokk crosses the room in seconds flat, using his Legion ring to propel his strides, extending his arms and managing to catch the other Legionnaire just before he hits the ground. The momentum makes him stumble, but the Braalian quickly rights himself, hauling the Lyle's deadweight up at the knees and shoulders. The machines around them, no longer held stagnant, buzz to life in speedy rotation. In his arms, Lyle disappears and reappears in a jittering wave, like a bioluminescent tide is crashing over him again and again. Rokk feels the fluxing ability vibrate against every place where their bodies press.
"Lyle? Lyle!" There’s no response. Lyle’s head remains listed back, still but tense. Expression pinched. His skin has taken on an ashy hue, grey at the edges except across the high line of his cheekbones where he’s flushed an alarming red. Sweat is matting his bangs to his forehead. His breath comes in short, desperate pants that end in a horrific wheeze. But before Rokk can really, truly assess how his friend looks, he disappears again in invisible, patchy waves. Even his ability looks stitched together at the seams, bare-thread and worn. Like a injured animal desperately flailing in one last feeble attempt to defend itself. Panic sets in before Rokk can even recognize it, sour in his cheeks and jaw. He only has to look up at Imra and catch her gaze before she's off, flying out the door to get help. 
Sinking to his knees, he tries to lay out the prone Earthling. Freeing one hand, Rokk tugs off Lyle's headband so he can press the full expanse of his palm against his friend’s forehead. It sears. The iconic piece of fabric falls to the floor, sopping with sweat. "Come on, come on..." He moves his hand from Lyle's forehead to his unnaturally warm cheek, patting it. Lyle's eyelids flutter. "That's it, wake up Kid." Brown eyes open halfway, pupils blown wide in the artificial light. They list over in Rokk’s direction then roll back as Lyle goes limp once again. “No, no, no don’t—“
There's movement at the doorway and Rokk turns as best he can with the burden in his arms, hoping it's Imra already returned with the medical team, a healer, anyone.
Instead, Brainiac 5 walks in, eyebrows locked in a cynical arch poised for debate. He’s lazily brandishing a hovering holopanel with one hand like a baton. “Norg if you’re quite through with this diversion I need you to assist with my—“
But then. But then his gaze, sweeping across the room with abject boredom drags down to Rokk's arms. To who is in Rokk's arms. To who is in Rokk's arms sprawled out and silent and unmoving and disappearing unsteadily like a sparking, dying electronic. And the Coluan stops. He stares long, hard and unrelenting and it's like the whole room takes a collective short, panicked breath: once, twice, thrice.
Brainy's free hand tenses and flexes sharply. The lock of Brainy's teeth as his jaw snaps shut is audible, defining, even from so far away. Then he's crossing the room in sharp, long strides.
Rokk swallows. "He passed out." Brainy comes to crouch across from him, a green hand going to Lyle's neck. But as he watches those green fingers gently press against Lyle’s pulse, the other boy again disappears — only this time he stays invisible for a few seconds. Rokk tries to not think about what might have happened if his powers started malfunctioning mid-fall. And then they both watch as the invisibility starts to crawl up Brainy’s arm, freezing only as it reaches his upper arm like a computer virus hitting a firewall. They stare at the phenomenon, silent. Shocked. 
“What should we—“
“Don’t move.” The holopanel Brainy had been carrying multiplies, taking on the purple hue of the Coluan’s personal programming, and each shift to hover over their prone friend. He uses his free, visible hand starts typing into the one closest to him rapidly. That bright green gaze darts, but never strays far from where they know Lyle lays.
Slowly, finally, Brainy’s arm fades back into view and it’s only when it’s fully revealed once more that Lyle appears again. During his disappearance his nose has begun bleeding in thick, dark clots that run down his chin and collect at the collar of his uniform. Brainy clicks his tongue, frown lines deepening in his brow. But he continues to press against Lyle’s pulse, fluttering like a hovering hummingbird -- Rokk can feel the soft yet frantic magnetic pulses of it against his skin. Can feel the unnatural heat radiating off of him in oppressive waves.
The Braalian remembers waking up in a cold hospital in the wake of the outpost wreckage. He remembers looking, desperately, seeking the shape of Garth and Imra at his bedside and finding only Lyle. Lyle sitting and looking so very small in the vast space of the room around them. Lyle with a busted lip, a bruised face and hollow eyes. Lyle who didn't say a word yet so perfectly, tragically, explained everything he needed to know. Lyle who met his grasping, gripping hand with such equal sorrow that their fingers bruised and shook together. Rokk adjusts his hold on the other Legionnaire. Tighter. “He was inputting the data on Level 3, then he just... fell.″ Brainy eyes him, then looks up, assessing the small platform above them. The maintenance pad blinks innocently. 
"I'm going to kill him." Brainy states, cold, intentional. Together they watch the temperature reading on his nearby med screen climb and climb and climb. None of them are from Earth, but by now they both know the readings start bad and only get worse: 102, 102.5, 103, onwards. A small, tinny alarm starts buzzing from the assessment tech; Warning, Danger, Emergency. The Coluan’s mouth becomes a thin, tight line. "We need to get him to the medbay immediately."
"Are we really okay to move him?”
“I’d prefer to wait for a transporter, but it appears that the longer you hold him the more he’s injuring himself so no, we will not wait.” Brainy gestures down Lyle’s prone form between them, and together they watch him flicker out of view once again. They watch the invisibility make it’s way up, up, now to the curve of the Coluan’s shoulder. Then their gaze mutually shifts to Rokk’s own arms: each of point where Lyle’s body presses against him fades from view in a staggering, jittering, patchy crawl. He tastes ozone on his tongue. It is only then that Brainy removes his fingers from Lyle’s pulse, gesturing the once again visible arm between them pointedly. “For some reason that I cannot gather it seems that during this abnormality his body is trying to make anyone touching him invisible as well. And since that’s not how his powers are supposed to work, even in a healthy state, his body can’t physically handle it.”
Lyle coming back into view gives Rokk an excuse to turn his gaze down. He can feel Brainy’s calculating eyes on him but he refuses to look, although that action in and of itself might have sealed his guilt. After all, he was the one that Lyle pitched the idea of training his abilities to. It was at the beginning of that long, empty, yawning year that followed after the Outpost disaster. When they’d both been desperate for any form of achievable evolution they could find against the massive mountain of their mutual grief. He’d supported Lyle. Encouraged him. And now here he is, holding Lyle’s head up so yet another nosebleed can run it’s course under Brainy’s gaze that feels more accusatory by the minute.
Relief is like a rope being snipped. He sags slightly, and Brainy’s hand snaps up to clutch at his shoulder and keep him upright. "Yeah— Yeah, Kid, it's me. You with us?"
Lyle doesn’t open his eyes but turns towards Rokk’s voice, a distant frown twitching across his features like each muscle had to reconnect with his brain. Under long lashes, the dark circles are now apparent against the harsh pallor of his face. Grife, how long have those been there? How had he not seen them the minute that his friend had walked in the door to start this upgrade?
"Cos, I was...” Lyle swallows a few times, then tries again: “I must’ve… Did you see what line of code I was on?"
"Lyle Norg," Brainy snaps, leaning into the space between them and digging his fingers into where he holds onto Rokk. "Shut up or so help me--"
"Oh," the corner of Lyle's mouth lists up instantly, features relaxing. "Hi Brainy."
Rokk has a front row seat to watching Brainy go through several stages of grief; his jaw works, grinding his teeth, clearly debating if he should just throttle their prone friend to save himself the stress.
"Don't 'hi' me, Norg." The Coluan finally lets go of him to take Lyle’s bloody chin in his hand, directing it back towards himself, teeth bared in what should be a sneer if it were any other situation. If it were anyone other than Lyle. “You’ve deliberately harmed yourself.”
Lyle peeks his eyes open, the brown hazy and distant behind long lashes but he still clearly tries to get his gaze to focus on Brainy’s features hovering inches into his space. Rokk watches his pupils contract and expand several times to no avail. After a long, contemplative pause, he swallows then croaks miserably: “Had a deadline.”
Brainy abandons his data fully to grasp Lyle’s face between his palms, using his thumbs to smear some of the blood away. “Your own, it appears! You fell over 20 feet!” When the other boy only hums in response, Brainy visibly bristles, leaning in again with fury. “If Cosmic Boy hadn’t saved your nass your head could be smashed across the floor. You would have died the most anticlimactic death and for what! To prove a point?”
Lyle closes his eyes against the scolding, whining in the back of his throat. But then he sighs with a sad rattle at the end of it. “…Hands feel nice.”
Brainy immediately snatches the appendages away as if scalded, shocked. A soft, disappointed sound calls out from Lyle’s parted lips, and Rokk responds almost instinctively in the Coluan’s place, cupping Lyle’s cheek in his hand and feeling the searing feverish heat against his own skin through his uniform. He uses that hand to gently draw Lyle’s head back in to tuck against his chest, adjusting him into an easier hold before he slowly, carefully, stands. 
When he looks back at Brainy, the Coluan is staring at his hands, at where the other Legionnaire's blood now stains his fingers in various patches. 
“Shall we?” Rokk grunts, and Brainy flinches as if out of a dream. Then stiffly, he nods, standing and briskly setting the pace out the door towards the medical wing.
"Let’s be quick about it. Our Earthling is very fragile by nature." Brainy states over his shoulder, tone all business as he marches ahead of them. His dirty hands are clenched into fists. They tremble ever so slightly between the gentle swing of his hurried stride. Rokk thinks about them all charging into battle as a unit: The Legion of Superheroes. All their variety of might and powers combined against the threats of the universe. And how this one kid from Earth whose only ability is disappearing is somehow always right alongside them. Charging head on. Rokk thinks about the battlefield and about Brainiac 5, casting his forcefield wide, covering Lyle as best he can.
"Don't remind me." Lyle mutters, sourly. His eyes open, briefly, before he groans and hides his face against Rokk’s collarbone. "Oh no. Are you princess carrying me down the main hallway right now? Grife, I'm never living this down."
"You have more important retributions from this than your ego to worry about.” Brainy doesn’t look back at them, shoulders stiff. “I am locking you out of the lab for a month. A month, Norg. I'm cybercoding it down to your DNA so you can't even come 10 feet from the door."
Lyle smiles against Rokk's collar. Rokk can feel it, just like he feels the other slip into unconsciousness again, his sweaty scalding brow resting where Rokk's uniform ends on his neck. 
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paragonraptors · 11 months
Well, I love any opportunity to peddle my rarepair and they've been rotating in my mind as I've been reading the late 80s-90s Legion of Superheroes/Legionnaires.
I've always loved the '06 cartoon and Brainiac 5 has always been one of my favorite characters of all time. I was very excited when they gave Shrinking Violet more of a role in s2 as someone who could hold their ground intellectually against Brainy and thus give him someone to connect to emotionally beyond Superman. Once I got into the comics I found out Lyle's the one who typically holds this role and it was kind of all over from there.
I like their dynamic when they're sort of functionally similar but drastically different in practice. They're both intelligent, but Querl's more of your typical anti-social stereotype while Lyle's a bit more extroverted. Querl's constantly fighting his own hubris while Lyle takes a more 'fuck it we ball' approach when it comes to their sciences. (Big fan of when he gets his powers by performing bio-medical experiments on himself. And this aspect is also funny when he runs the Legion's espionage branch.) I like writing Lyle as someone who's completely unphased by Querl's personality and Querl having to learn how to handle that. Protocol dictates that he should annihilate this man but Lyle's just sooooo charming and good at what he does it just makes him pace around his enclosure like an understimulated animal. And when they get past that their banter is just unparallelled.
I think these panels perfectly sum up what I love about them (From "Legionnaires" #22):
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honoure-1 · 8 days
i've been thinking about that one Star Trek TNG episode where data and picard return to find the whole ship's been devolved by a virus except it’s in a LoSH au. it's obviously brainy's fault
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