are there services that will unfuck your house for you because good god do i need one
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goonytoons · 4 months
could a depressed person do THIS???
(i changed my sheets for the first time since [REDACTED])
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blood-and-foam · 11 months
having an anxiety disorder is literally so funny sometimes. if i give my friend a birthday present will he be mad at me
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a-ghost-named-k · 1 year
all i've done for like three days straight is draw no capes au jason todd throwing bowls on a potters wheel
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surfdudeboy · 1 year
A: "You're a treat!" B: "Daww, thanks!" *blush* A: "...And by that I mean 'you are a useful tool to discipline my pets.' " B: " :| "
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Damn, I am very sorry to hear about the missed antidepressant mood. 😩 That sucks Ghestie! Rain is nice though. ☺️
thank u ghestie! quietness and rain is nice
you deserve happiness and rain (if that’s what you want!) whomstever you may be 🫶🏻
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jasmyneee · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about how important it is to not get so wrapped up in what others have that you don't. Especially in an age of social media where you are over stimulated by images and glimpses at all kinds of lives. Especially the lives of influencers who are often wealthy and have so much access to things many of us will never see let alone experience.
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formerlyashkatom · 3 months
A note on one of my other ADHD posts has got me thinking about the rhetoric around being 'constantly medicated'.
ADHD is a chronic condition that needs to be treated like any other, and a lot of the scaremongering around medication prevents people from seeking the most effective treatment for their condition. Every medication has risks or potential side effects, but ADHD medication in particular has a long history of detractors saying that it 'medicates away personality' that's just completely false, or that it 'makes you feel like a zombie' which I have never heard reported but seems to be a simple dosage issue (comparable to many antidepressants). As long as you have a good treating professional by your side, any side effects are completely manageable. The worst side effect I've had personally is a dry mouth sometimes.
Maybe this is just because I've had mental health conditions that require medication most of my life, including scarier meds than Ritalin, but it makes me angry that this rhetoric is still scaring people away from what is in many cases the simplest solution to a very painful problem.
Beyond that… There are some people who just, at the end of the day, choose to be constantly medicated to improve their functional capacity (I am one of them). The benefits of medication outweighs the risks for these people - there is no functional 'choice' to be medicated when the alternatives are so poor. This group of people should not be stigmatised.
It can be scary, staring down a lifetime of being dependent on a pill for your ability to function. It shouldn't be made scarier by the rhetoric that you're some kind of failure for doing so, condemned to Side Effect Hell.
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queenofzan · 3 years
idk if this is a coincidence or not (bc lol pandemic, how am i supposed to know what cause and effect are) but i feel like ever since i started adderall, it is less likely that when cass interrupts me to finish my thought, she is right
like idk if my brain is just working in straighter lines than hers now or if she’s going off the deep end or this is an unrelated phenomenon, but it is like...noticeable. when i brought it up she was like “yeah that seems true”, like we are just talking at cross-purposes more
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aeide-thea · 5 years
i really need to find some ways of feeling better that one can implement in the middle of the night like, my usual 'i feel anxious/sad/otherwise bad' remedy is to get cleaned up and take myself out for a walk/coffee/some windowshopping maybe, bc pretending to be a person usually helps fit me back into the shape of one, at least a little but you can't really take yourself out for a walk past midnight, or, well, you can, i suppose, but wandering down dark & empty streets doesn't make things feel any less surreal or lonely (i mean obviously one answer is 'fix ur sleep schedule, K' but like, i've been working on that for ten years, i'm not holding my breath) anyway if there are things you do when you're up late feelin weirdbad i'd be grateful for any suggestions!
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alorz · 6 years
me, a person who's had tourettes for 10+ years: man i hate my tics
absolute fucking genius just rocked my world: have you ever tried not ticking?
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oh my fucking god. i was about to make a dramatic post along the lines of "life sucks but i persevere" or some shit but then an asshole neighbor lit off a firework and jump scared me and now im sitting here like 🤡
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goonytoons · 4 months
guess who made an appointment for a psychiatric evaluation :3c
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blood-and-foam · 1 year
the most important part of my bedtime routine is checking that my alarm is turned on at least 5-12 separate times over the course of an hour
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mootmuse · 6 years
Things I should do: - call the insurance marketplace people to ask whether I’m allowed to get insurance with them or if I have to get it with walmart - make a next appointment with the therapist so we can figure out what the next step is since she doesn’t know what to do with me  - deal with my unwillingness to take medication for something not life threatening because it would help me to be able to be interested enough in anything that I can have hobbies and so maybe some sense of, wow, accomplishment and because therapy sure isn’t doing shit and it’s looking like medication is my only option
Things I actually give a shit about: why are y’all still casting ideal actors for Roland the Dark Tower movie is out already, we have a face, does any thinking person really believe ‘he’s just not my roland’ isn’t code for ‘i can’t deal with admiring a character if they’re black’
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angry that figuring out why I am having a bad time in specific ways does not actually stop me having a bad time! what more do you want, horrible brain-body conglomerate! there are no easy answers or fixes! self-knowledge is the best you are getting! make it work!
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