crimewrought · 2 years
“   i can give you a demo on how to reply to text messages,   if you’d like.   or on how to return missed calls.   ”     maria’s words are scalding,   but her tone is a far cry from legitimate cruelty.   one look tells her @umbrs​​​​​​ can’t take anything too venomous;   vic looks as though a light breeze might just topple him,   so maria won’t make him face her hurricane.   though righteous in her annoyance,   this particular crusade can wait.   greene lets her barbs melt on her tongue,   lets her features ebb from choleric to concerned.   the hand that reaches to stroke his cheek is a kind one,   and a guiding one.   vic’s endured his fair share of harshly guiding hands.   from her,   he can be certain of softness eternally.
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   “   i’m glad you’re here.   come inside–––i’ve got tea.   or fireball.   ”
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coordinatepatches · 9 months
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memethebum · 2 years
more se fic recs pls?
I’ve actually been meaning to make a list of all the fics I’ve read so far (which is alot), so this is gonna be a good way to get me to start on that lmao
Also, my recs are pretty much all gonna be SoMa so I hope that’s what you were mostly looking for anon 🫠
Alignment by Thebrightestfell (M)
I don’t really read enemies to lovers all that much but this one was just👌🏼and the way Maka and Soul are so soft for each other while dealing with a shit ton of trauma makes it even better
Harmonica by Alcru_eat (M)
Alc did such a good job with this AU!! It had a really good balance of fluff, angst, and gore that had me wondering what these two idiots would have to deal with next through the whole thing
Bad Romance by adulter_clavis (T)
I was looking for a highschool AU where there was less romantic drama and more shenanigans from the gang and this one did it so well! It’s a great nostalgia trip and still contributes to the SoMa brainrot too hehe
A Clash of Lightnings by Lucyrue (theungenue) (M)
Since I put a highschool AU on this list, I might as well add one of my favorite college AUs too! I really like how everyone in the gang was written in this fic and the fact that this one is also a Toradora AU makes the slowburn even more fun
I’ve Been Afraid But Never A Coward by sillu (M)
This is actually one of my fav fics from Silly! I love reading about Maka’s repressed emotions from all the shit Spirit has done and this one does this in a great way while also showing how well Soul knows what Maka is thinking/going through
When The Last Crocus Petal Fell by Lunar Resonance (T)
This one brought me back to my Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson phase lmao. I like readings fics that have Maka and Soul as Hades and Persephone and I really like how this one writes the both of them into this myth while still keeping their personalities intact
Socfflaws by AuspiciousLeader (M)
I also really like roaring 20s AUs and can’t really seem to find a lot of them for SoMa so this one was really fun bc of how these two seem to be great at bottlegging but terrible at talking about feelings lol
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#bottlegate rising: revengeance
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I Dare You To…
What happens when Liverpool FC gather together to play Truth or Dare on Valentine's Day? Chaos...
Tags: @millythegoat, @alissonbecksfan234, @moomin279, @rubybecker-rb2, @rist-mlts
The week had started off well for Liverpool. A win vs. Everton, one of their sworn enemies, had been the perfect present for the team.
With a few days until their next game, the boss decided to give the Liverpudlians Tuesday off. That particular Tuesday also happened to host a holiday--Valentine's Day. So what better way to celebrate than a game of Truth or Dare?
Henderson had been the one to propose the game, and the others had wholeheartedly agreed. Of course, with the game having been played in Liverpool for decades, there were a few team-specific traditions.
First of all, the bottle had to specifically match the occasion or holiday. This rule had been created by Steven Gerrard after a player had brought a sky blue bottle the day before they played Man. City. He'd called it bad luck, smashing the bottle in front of a young Henderson.
Secondly, everybody had to play on the dinner table. This was less of a superstition and more of a practicality, as no other table in Kirkby would fit all of the players at once and it was rather inconvenient to sit on the floor.
Third of all, best friends couldn't sit next to each other. The rule seemed odd at first glance, but it had been established after the "Bottlegate" scandal of 2008. Two players who had been close friends used their proximity to cheat in the game, helping each other in dares and offering false truths to avoid telling real confessions. Nowadays, players were arranged in ascending order of their kit numbers to avoid controversies.
There were some other, minor rules that often got changed depending on the captain or manager. But these were the three core rules, and they were called the Truth or Dare Tripod.
"Lads and men!" Henderson hoisted the bottle of choice in the air. It was a red, heart-engraved glass bottle that had been traditionally used for Valentine's Day Truth or Dare. "I hereby announce the beginning of Truth or Dare, Reds style!"
A mild smattering of applause circled around the table.
"Now." Henderson handed the bottle to a surprised Gakpo with a flourish. "It is tradition for the latest new goalscorer to spin the bottle first. Whoever the mouth of the bottle points towards is the one you ask the questions to. The questions are not pre-written--they must come from your own imagination. Remember, it's Valentine's Day, so some of the cheekier prompts would be appreciated!"
Milner rolled his eyes at Henderson's latest comment. "I'll pass the cheekiness, thank you.”
Gakpo made quick work of the process, spinning the bottle with a deft flick of his wrist. The bottle spun round and round until it pointed to Nunez. “Truth or Dare, Darwin?”
“Um…dare, I guess,” Nunez faltered. He’d seen enough truth or dare competitions between the team to know how crazy they could get, and he didn’t feel like confessing anything.
Gakpo paused to think before his eyes lit up, a mischievous grin stretching across his features. “Say ‘I love you’ to one of your best friends in their native language.”
“If you say so, then…” Nunez grabbed a microphone out of nowhere, standing on top of his chair. “S 'agapó, Kostas.”
A collective jaw-dropping ensued, and about thirty heads whipped around to stare at Tsimikas. The Greek, normally boisterous and loud, was trying his best to fight the blush on his cheeks.
“Alright, since I succeeded, it’s time for Kostas to answer me.” Nunez spun the bottle, and coincidentally the heart on the cap directly faced Tsimikas. “Truth or dare, Kosty?”
Robertson gasped in delight, bouncing in his seat like a young child. “Ooh, you’re a bold one now, ain’t he mates? From blushing at a simple ‘I love you’ to confessing a truth.”
Tsimikas brushed Robertson’s observations aside with a scoff. “I’ll be fine.”
Nunez nodded, not revealing anything. “Then if you had to marry one person in here, who would it be?”
Tsimikas froze, all his previous confidence gone. “You’re seriously not going to make me propose?!”
“Nah, I wouldn’t do that to you. Just name the guy.”
“Fine, fine, fine.” For once in his life, Tsimikas looked somewhere near embarrassed. “Thiago.”
“I know, I know, it’s weird.” Tsimikas sent a soft glance at Thiago. The Spaniard reciprocated with a warm, gentle smile. “But he’s been so nice since we both came. I write my rap lyrics while he’s in the kitchen with me and…he’s just a really good friend.”
Elliott smirked, holding a toothpick between his teeth as if it was a cigar. “So I guess we can call you Kostas Alcantara now? Or will it be Thiago Tsimikas?”
“I’m not marrying him! It was hypothetical!”
“Okay, okay. Truth or dare, Hendo?” Thiago asked the skipper, leaning on the table.
“Who was your first crush ever?”
Henderson nearly sank under the table once the question was out. “Do we have to do that?”
“Yes,” everybody insisted. Probably with a little too much excitement.
The captain sighed in defeat, pulling a photograph out of his pocket. He’d kept it with him for what seemed like forever. “Well, it’s not really a crush. But when I came here I was obsessed with Stevie.”
“Stevie? As in Steven Gerrard?” Alexander-Arnold’s eyes were as wide as the aliens that he still believed in. “The captain?”
“I guess. I mean, I’m a young lad then, he’s proper big, proper fast.” Henderson was so embarrassed that he wanted to disappear, especially when he spotted Elliott and Carvalho videoing the whole thing with their phones. “I admired him, and when we’re in training every day I can’t help but see how…fit he was. Proper biceps and calves.”
“You had a crush on Stevie G!!!!”
“When Stevie chose me as his successor,” Henderson went on, tightly clutching the captain’s armband in one hand, “I felt there were some huge shoes to fill. So I started to imitate him by working in the gym. I’d overwork myself, until Milly came to the club and found out how much time I spent in the gym.”
Milner nodded, grasping Henderson’s hand from across the table. “And to make a long story short, we actually became good friends from there. Hendo focused on the brains, and I focused on the brawn.”
“What about your Adam?!” Robertson piped up, clearly not taking Milner’s hint about shutting up.
Henderson smiled wistfully, staring off into the distance. “He’s the heart. With us three keeping the ducks in a row, the boss could focus on other things a little more and worry about us as a team less.”
“Not like it ever worked,” Milner retorted. Elliott slapped the Yorkshireman, and Milner barely resisted the urge to throw the feisty youngster out of the room.
“Alright, alright, moving on!” Henderson turned to Bajcetic with a fond smile. The youngster had won the hearts of his older teammates, with his precocious footballing IQ and humility. “Truth or dare, Stefan?”
Bajcetic shrugged, running a hand through his dark curls. Like Gakpo, this was his first time playing Truth or Dare with the whole team. “Truth.”
“I’ll go easy on you, since you’re a youngster,” said Henderson, correctly interpreting the hesitant expression Bajcetic carried. “What’s the loveliest eye color for you?”
Bajcetic sighed a dreamy sigh, gazing at Carvalho. “Dark brown. Simple as that—they’re beautiful.”
Carvalho had the grace to blush, while Elliott glared at Bajcetic from across the table.
“Sorry, Stef, but nobody else is gonna replace my soul twin.” Carvalho spun the bottle, and just like he’d hoped, the bottleneck pointed towards Elliott. “Truth or dare, Harv?”
Elliott’s bright blue eyes glinted with mischief, and his blond curls bounced around, only attached at the scalp. “Dare, Fabio. I’m not going to answer a boring truth question like Hendo.”
Henderson glared at Elliott, insulted. “It was a deep dark secret of mine and you call it boring?!”
“I’ll let you know that I’m Senor Aventura!” Elliott proudly proclaimed. He thumped his chest with vigor, and released his attempt at a roar.
“Well, Senor Aventura, here’s your dare.” Carvalho leaned back against his chair, placing his feet on the table. “Kiss Milly on the cheek.”
Tsimikas gasped, Henderson nearly fainted and Thiago stuffed a shrimp muffin into his mouth.
“That’s it, I’m done with you two.” Diaz took his chair and bolted from the table. “I’m running on the pitch and off it too, hasta la vista baby!”
With that, the Colombian was out of the room. For a long while everybody just stared at the empty door frame in shock, then back at the empty place at the table.
“Remember Harvey, you still have your dare to complete!” Carvalho announced, leaning on the table. He adjusted the toothpick “cigar” in his mouth, perched upon his chair like an old style cowboy. “Go ahead! Give ol' Milner a smooch.”
Panicked, Elliott turned to Milner, praying that he would overrule the dare in some way. But Milner didn't, instead posing so that his cheek was turned towards Elliott. 
“Kiss him! Kiss him!” Robertson chanted like a frenzied megafan. “Just one kiss is all it takes—”
“Falling in love with me, possibilities!” Alexander-Arnold and the younger Scots joined in with gusto. Ramsay even climbed onto the table, whipping a club scarf around while Robertson passed around champagne flutes of Irn Bru.
Carvalho watched the scenes with a broad grin, excited at all the chaos. Milner and Elliott had been feuding for months now, and he couldn't wait for Milner's reaction when Elliott kissed him on the cheek.
Only to feel a pair of lips planting themselves on his forehead.
“You—” Carvalho couldn’t see his reflection, but he knew his cheeks were a flaming, brilliant red. “You kissed me?!”
Elliott shrugged, taking his seat between Gakpo and Jota. Both were as shocked as the rest of the team. “Well, I wasn’t going to kiss Milner. Jeez, he’s nearly old enough to be my dad.”
Carvalho searched Elliott’s eyes for any hint that the Surrey native was just joking. There wasn’t even a single hint. “It was just supposed to be on the cheek!”
“Aww, somebody’s had his first kiss!” Robertson called out, draining his flute of Irn Bru. He quickly ducked Nunez’s swinging fist, still grinning like an idiot.
Meanwhile, Milner watched on, arms crossed as usual. “Well, Harvey failed the dare. That means he has to do the forfeit, which the oldest one of the group chooses.”
Just like that, Robertson’s grin vanished, replaced by what Elliott could only describe as hyperactive confusion. “Says who?”
“Says Stevie G in Rule 4 of the Truth and Dare Coda.” Henderson held up the former skipper’s manual, clutching it close to his chest. “What’s the forfeit, Milly?”
For once, Milner seemed to adopt Robertson’s mischievous grin. “Harvey’s gotta kiss Fabio again—while carrying him bridal-style.”
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jw-horror-stories · 2 years
I made a throwaway instagram for the sole purpose of tagging my friend in a post with a link to Bottlegate. She'll probably just block the account though.
I just want someone I sorta knew irl to... be mentally out too. My dad's the only person I know irl who is mentally out and wants to get away from the cult just as badly as I do, but like. Idk. I'm just so tired of everything.
I don't want unsolicited encouragement or advice, btw (that is the most annoying thing about the exJW subreddit-- there are a lot of people on there who, despite being told in the post that I don't want advice, they give it anyway, can't fucking vent on reddit without some person who knows NOTHING about me telling me what to do when I didn't ASK them too.), and I already have a plan to get out and my dad's gonna help.
Anyway, point being, I fully expect to be ignored. I didn't say much in the initial post, all I said was that what she does with the link if anything is her business and left it at that. I left no identifying information, so she'll never know it was me.
- Jinx / Powder
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demonecelestiale · 2 years
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i decided to steal make a bottleg version of Adrien Agreste, i gave him a makeover and now is one of my OC. anyway, here is Starcat! 🌟
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diamondseaside · 3 months
sports fans can be psychotic (see: Cleveland bottlegate, Vancouver cup riot, and Philly sports fans) so I fear swifties at concerts are nothing new (bah dum tsss).
haha i don’t really follow sports that closely but fair point
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sam-dugesian · 7 months
"Pomni", "Xddcc" and cheating
now we know swearing is not allowed in The Amazing Digital Circus
this probably also applies to name input
since "penis" would alert the censor program they were probably attempting to write "pnis" to get around the game's censorship software
hamfisting the letters P and N on the keyboard they accidentally typed 'po' and 'mn' in their haste resulting in "pomnis" but since there are only 5 character spaces we see the name as "Pomni"
i mean hamfisting the keys also kinda makes sense if you take the previous name as well "xddcc" i mean judging by the key placement of those letters it's possible they lost the place of the WSAD keys and were attempting to go left, up, up, down, down
this might seem like a random direction input but it actually might have been an attempt to type the Konami cheat code Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start a famous set of inputs in games first used by Konami to unlock cheats in many of their games in the 90's and subsequently adopted by other game developers as a sort of nod to the famous code
now maybe they typed the code wrong or maybe they typed it correctly for the form of it that exists in this game or more widely the universe the game exists as a game in or they entered it in correctly after first pressing left beforehand
at any rate using keys so low on the keyboard is probably to compensate for the fact that the user can't see the keyboard once they are wearing the headset
and also if you take a look at said keyboard you might see there next to those keys the windows icon key that pops up the start menu so maybe the key binding was set this low so they could easily press that "start button"
but what if the code isn't as wrong as we thought since we know of one game where "right, left, down, down, up, up" forms part of the cheat code in game and that game is Gyruss
in a particular version of Gyruss this code increases the graphical detail which is something we see when the amazing digital circus actually starts
now in Gyruss certain objects fly in a circle which is what we see during ADC's intro and though that's only a minor nod to it one thing that must be pointed out is that this code only works on a certain version this version being one that utilises the Famicon Disk System
now this is actually a very important detail since floppy disks for the FDS can run on a personal computer if you use the right software and even better than that Gyruss also had VR headset support
and just in case that wasn't enough to convince you
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these horizontal grey units next to Pomni's desk is the exact tech you would use to convert the drives so you can emulate the game on a personal computer
also the black thing in shadow is a Hyperkin Retron 1 HD Gaming Console as you can just about make out those iconic 2 vertical ports
and of course sat in front of it is a modified Game Boy Advance and a flash drive data strip
so as far as i can tell "Pomni" is someone who works for a company that takes outdated nintendo properties emulates them onto new hardware and then alters the graphical content to produce cheat bottleg products
just like the kinds of things that would be sold in bulk online for unsuspecting parents to buy
and this along with the fact that the company name is synonymous with "Cain and Abel" from the bible where one person destroyed the other all in an attempt to steal their success says quite a lot
now Gyruss did have a bootleg called Venus that due to certain distribution laws ended up being massively successful in Austria and Germany where as the original did not
and lest we forget the situation Germany around the time of said events the 1998 German federal election in which employment was low and those with the tech needed were situated in the far-right swinging regions of the nation at the time
in fact there is quite a lot to suggest that this may be some sort of creepy pasta in which the remnants of the right in Germany are in some way cracking down or experimenting on and analysing people who don't meet their exact standards and moreso i suspect that the player is a man and chose a female character which could be problematic in this case
in fact with this knowledge i think ADC might be taking some inspiration (if only in concept) from a game called Circus from 1994
a game created using elements from Circus Charlie which is a Konami property from 1984
especially since "charlie" in this case was deliberately designed to be a gender ambiguous character which when you think about it SO IS POMNI
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exrayspex · 2 years
about to commit a crime against zebras. fuck off
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shroudednetwork · 3 years
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I got boreedddd
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Tony Morris using donations emotionally manipulated from cult victims to buy alcohol:
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sinful-roxy · 5 years
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this 65 year old toddler has been banging on his wall and screaming incoherently periodically throughout the day presumably because he knows that my bed is directly on the other side and I'm trying to sleep for work. if this goes on for more than a few days hashtag bottlegate is for sure turning into a murder suicide
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marshwildman · 4 years
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One bottle gate and a fine looking dog! #bottlegate #wine #winebottlegate #winebottleart #steelart #welding #steel #customfabrication #instawelder #weldporn #metalartist #metalart #metalfab #engineering #inventor (at Colonial Heights) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHtbdMDXAX/?igshid=72hnrk5bnjua
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asunnydog · 3 years
Idk would this count as discourse but I see stuff like somebody buying her Life size statue for their collection that costed 1000 dollars as one of fandom drama, plus plushies of her being so popular, fandom memes the bottleg one
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Ah, yes, the best character in Avengers - hot dog.
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