#bonanza prediction
mycryptosuite · 2 years
Vendor Bonanza Banker Live For 04/11/2022
Vendor Bonanza Banker Live For 04/11/2022
Vendor Bonanza Banker Live For 04/11/2022 Vendor bonanza banker live – Ghana Bonanza Banker to Banker challenge with plan in the comments section below One Banker only for today’s sure lotto game from Ghana. Friday bonanza two sure – Bonanza Lotto forecast for 12 Nov 2021. Best Ghana Lotto forecaster for today game including 5 number prediction, two sure and banker. Best lotto forecast for today…
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cassyblue · 1 year
Translation State Release Events
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To celebrate the upcoming release of Translation State on June 6th, the newest installment in the Radch series, Radchdome will be hosting two events. A fanworks bang and a discord call meetup!
What is Radchdome? It is the fandom server for the Imperial Radch series and other works by Ann Leckie. Anyone is welcome to join: https://discord.gg/WAF8uv9f3k
 FANWORKS BONANZA   From June 4-6, let's share fanworks that showcase what we love about Imperial Radch! Use the tag #TranslationStateBonanza when you post them. Some ideas for works include: -Translation State Predictions - favorite characters/scene -Radch centric recipes -Playlists/Music -Meta Posts -Shitposts
 TRANSLATOR'S TEA   Join Radchdome for a discord meet up on June 10th for Translation State discussion and games! Tea time will be updated soon with a invitation vestige. Gloves are encouraged but not required. Questions about these events can be addressed to me, @cassyblue or in the #events channel in Radchdome. Please note I am not online most of the day. 
OTHER EVENTS **These are not hosted by Radchdome ** Virtual Panel: How Science Fiction Writers Build Alien Minds with Ann Leckie and Adrian Tchaikovsky Hosted by Orbit June 21st 3pm EST   https://twitter.com/orbitbooks/status/1659619998523088897
Free to attend panel all about world building and the aliens in Leckie’s and Tchaikovsky’s works!.  [Image Description: A red to mint green gradient banner with white concentric rings around text which reads, “Translation State Release Events” which is between two circular silhouettes. End Description.]
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howlinchickhowl · 10 months
We're on a roll! It's a two day streak for @gallavichthings A.U.Gust bonanza, will I be back for day three? who knows! But for now...
How to Save a Life a.u.gust day two - surfer/lifeguard
Mickey is a whirlwind of energy as soon as Ian pulls open his door, strong hands pushing at his chest, forcing his way into the room and pushing a surprised Ian up against the wall.
“The fuck is wrong with you?!” Mickey practically yells, eyes wide, mouth full open and kind of foamy with how angry he is. Ian hadn’t anticipated this.
“Hey Mickey.” He smiles, his best attempt at sheepishly charming, but Mickey is not deterred.
“Don’t fuckin’ ‘Hey Mickey’ me shit for brains, you coulda been killed out there today!”
A couple in their sixties amble past the open door, serving as a reminder that Ian’s hotel is not necessarily the most private of places. They cast concerned looks Ian’s way as he turns his sheepishly charming grin their way and gives the best little wave he can with his shoulders pinned to the wall. They move along, muttering between themselves, and Mickey kicks the door shut with not a small amount of force.
“I’m so serious Ian, you could’ve died.”
Stubby fingers that Ian has come to find incredibly endearing clench in the fabric of the loose t-shirt he had thrown on after his shower, Mickey’s knuckles are practically white with how hard he is gripping.
Ian brings his own hand up and covers Mickey’s fist with it, fingers tracing the ridges of his knuckles.
“But I didn’t. I’m fine.”  
Mickey’s hand relaxes, ever so slightly, he pulls back, ever so slightly.
“This time. This time you’re fine, but—”
“This isn’t my first comp Mickey.” He manages to pry Mickey’s fingers from his shirt, uses his hold on it to pull them closer together. Mickey’s eyes soften as Ian lays hands on his hips. “I’ve surfed all over the world. Kinda famous for it actually. Haven’t died yet.”
Mickey rolls his eyes, dramatic bitch, Ian thinks as he lets his hands drift from Mickey’s hips to his belt, making short work of the buckle and dipping his fingers into the waistband of his underwear as he talks.
“Alright big shot. You’ve surfed all over the world, you’re a big deal in the ocean or whatever, you don’t know these waters like I do. You don’t sit there, day after day, watching people’s luck turn on a fucking dime.”
Making a soft noise, a little coo of sympathy for a subject that Mickey obviously takes very seriously, Ian drops to his knees, pulling Mickey’s pants down with him as he goes and leaning in to nose along the ridge of his cock, slowly plumping inside his boxers. Apparently even a growing erection and a willing man on his knees isn’t enough to distract his lover from his diatribe, though, and Ian ends up just resting his chin against Mickey’s stomach and gazing up at him until his rant reaches an end.
“I’ve pulled people out of the water who’ve been just as experienced as you Ian and it didn’t make a lick of difference in the end. You can’t predict the waves, and you can’t control your luck.”
“You’re right.” Ian says, and Mickey finally seems to clock the fact that he’s down here. “I can’t predict the waves, I can’t control my luck.”
Mickey nods furiously, heaving a sigh at Ian finally agreeing with him. Ian places a soft kiss against the coarse hairs on Mickey’s belly and tucks his fingers into the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down to join his pants as he says,
“Guess that’s why it’s a good thing I’m fucking a lifeguard. Hmm?”
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group
Several years ago I predicted that the US would ultimately be confronted with the debilitating economic conundrum of stagflation, something which the nation had not seen since the 1970s. I suggested that stagflation would become a household word again and that the majority of American concerns would revolve around rising prices coupled with stagnant wages and falling production. In 2018 in my article ‘Stagflationary Crisis: USA’s Ongoing Collapse, Understanding The Cause’ I noted:
“Years ago there was a rather idiotic battle between financial analysts over what the end result of the Fed’s massive stimulus measures would be. One side argued that deflation would be the outcome and that no amount of Fed printing would overtake the vast black hole of debt conjured by the derivatives implosion. The other side argued that the Fed would continue to print perpetually, resorting to QE4 or possibly “QE infinity” and negative interest rates as a means to stave off a market crash for decades (like Japan) while at the same time initiating a Weimar-style inflationary bonanza.
Both sides were wrong because they refused to acknowledge the third option – stagflation.”
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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A fast death predicted for Bonanza.
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maddie-grove · 1 year
One thing I remember about being a voracious reader as a kid was just being so willing to read absolute shit, as well as books that were by their nature hard for me to understand. My lack of experience made it less likely for me to predict if a book was going to be bad, and I had to take what I could get sometimes because I couldn’t just drive myself to the library or bookstore. So I would just be reading a mystery novel starring bizarrely fictionalized versions of Mary-Kate and Ashley, or the silliest New Age ramblings the late 1990s had to offer, or a vaguely Swedenborgian and mostly incomprehensible book about crafts for girls from the nineteenth century, with absolutely no judgment in my heart. I had very little sense of when a contemporary kid’s novel had been written decades ago (as long as it was after WWII), and I didn’t ask a lot of questions when the protagonist spent a lot of time watching Bonanza or mourned his brother who’d died in the Vietnam War. I could hop into a series on the 78th book and trust that I knew everything there was to know about, say, Claudia Kishi’s struggles. I just didn’t give a shit.
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New technique to determine age will open new era of planetary science The coming decade is expected to bring a veritable bonanza for the science of planets: space missions are scheduled to bring back samples of rock from the moon, Mars, the Martian moon of Phobos, and a primitive asteroid. And scientists say there is a new technique for determining the age of rocks, meteorites, and even artifacts, that could help open up a new era of discovery. A group with the University of Chicago and the Field Museum of Natural History tested an instrument made by Thermo Fisher Scientific on a piece of a Martian meteorite nicknamed "Black Beauty" and were able to quickly and precisely date it by probing it with a tiny laser beam—a significant improvement over past techniques, which involved far more work and destroyed parts of the sample. Their research is published in the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. "We are very excited by this demonstration study, as we think that we will be able to employ the same approach to date rocks that will be returned by multiple space missions in the future," said Nicolas Dauphas, the Louis Block Professor of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago and first author on a study laying out the results. "The next decade is going to be mind-blowing in terms of planetary exploration." Rock of ages Scientists have been using isotopes to estimate the ages of specimens for more than a century. This method takes advantage of the fact that certain types of elements are unstable and will slowly turn into other types at a slow, predictable rate. In this case, scientists tap the fact that rubidium-87 will change into strontium-87—so the older the rock is, the more strontium-87 it will have. Rubidium dating can be used to determine the ages of rocks and objects that are billions of years old; it is widely used to understand how the moon, Earth, and solar system formed, to understand the magma plumbing system beneath volcanoes, and to trace human migration and trades in archaeology. Previously, however, the way to make this measurement would take weeks—and it would destroy part of the sample. To perform those tests with the conventional method, "you take your piece of rock, crush it with a hammer, dissolve the minerals with chemicals and use a special ultra-clean laboratory to process them, and then take it to a mass spectrometer to measure the isotopes," explained study co-author Maria Valdes, a postdoctoral researcher in the Robert A. Pritzker Center for Meteoritics and Polar Studies at the Field Museum of Natural History. But Thermo Fisher Scientific developed a new machine that promised to significantly cut the time, toxicity, and amount of sample destroyed in the process. It uses a laser to vaporize a tiny portion of the sample—the hole created is the size of a single human hair—and then analyzes the rubidium and strontium atoms with a mass spectrometer that uses new technological advances to cleanly measure strontium isotopes. Dauphas, Valdes, and several other collaborators wanted to test out the new technique—and they had a perfect candidate: a piece of meteorite that landed on Earth from Mars. This particular meteorite is nicknamed Black Beauty for its gorgeous dark color. It is flecked with lighter fragments that represent even older rocks imbedded in the rock. However, these fragments were rolled up into another rock at some point much later during Mars' history. It's a bit like when you're baking cookies, explained Valdes; the chocolate chips and nuts were made at different times and places, but all the components come together when you bake the cookie. Scientists want to know the ages of all of these steps along the way, because the composition of each set tells them about what the conditions were like on Mars at the time, including the makeup of the atmosphere and the volcanic activity on the surface. They can use this information to piece together a timeline of Mars. However, thus far, parts of the story were disputed; different studies had returned different answers for the age when all the components of Black Beauty came together and formed one rock—so the scientists thought the meteorite would be a perfect candidate to test the capabilities of the new technique. They took a sample of Black Beauty to Germany to try it out. In a matter of hours rather than weeks, the instrument returned its answer: 2.2 billion years old. The team thinks this represents the time when it coalesced into its final form. What's more, to perform the test, the scientists were able to place the entire meteorite chunk in the machine and then precisely select a tiny site to test the age. "This was a particularly good tool to solve this controversy," said Dauphas. "When you chip out a piece of rock to test the old way, it's possible you are getting other fragments mixed in, which may affect your results. We do not have that problem with the new machine." The technique could be extremely useful in many fields, but Dauphas and Valdes are particularly interested in it for understanding everything from the history of water on Mars' surface to how the solar system itself formed. In the next decade, scientists are expecting a bonanza of new samples from places other than Earth. The U.S. and China are planning new missions to the moon; a missions to intercept an asteroid called Bennu will land in 2023 with payloads of dirt scooped from its surface; another mission will bring back samples from Mars' moon Phobos in 2027; and by the early 2030s, NASA hopes to bring back samples that the Perseverance rover is now collecting on Mars. With all of these samples, scientists expect to learn much more about the planets and asteroids around us. "This is a huge advance," Dauphas said. "There are many precious meteorites and artifacts that you don't want to destroy. This allows you to tremendously minimize the impact you have during your analysis."
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jeffhirsch · 2 years
Halloween Indicator, Sell in May, Call It What You Will, It Works
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We call it the Best Six Months. And as far as we know it was first discovered and published by Yale Hirsch, our late founder and creator of the Stock Trader’s Almanac, in 1986 in the 1987 Stock Trader’s Almanac.
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This seasonal strategy has been a bonanza for investors, capturing the bulk of the market’s gains that occur from November to April, while avoiding the volatility, penchant for downdrafts and sideways action that tends to materialize in the Worst Six Months May-October.
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It’s been called many things by a laundry list of analysts, managers, and strategists from all corners of the earth – probably outer space as well – and proven by academia in many papers. Just Google it.
On the 35 Anniversary of the ‘87 Crash, as the bear market searches for bottom in a midterm year October, with negative sentiment and headwinds abounding, we want to make sure you were fully aware the Best Six Months are about to begin on November 1.
Evidence-based technical analysis and a scientific method back-test found the results to sound, valuable, have predictive power and statistically significant. The seasonality has clear causation, driven by the recurring behavior of institutions around their financial calendars.
And it is easy to implement. Two trades a year. We improve the results using a simple MACD timing indicator. Check out our October 4 Seasonal MACD Buy Signal and latest ETF and Stock picks for members here: https://stocktradersalmanac.com/Alerts.aspx.
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gerdfeed · 13 days
For example, Goldman Sachs predicts that generative AI will boost global GDP by 7% over the next decade, and the McKinsey Global Institute anticipates that the annual GDP growth rate could increase by 3-4 percentage points between now and 2040. For its part, The Economist expects that AI will create a blue-collar bonanza.
Don’t Believe the AI Hype | by Daron Acemoglu - Project Syndicate
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mycryptosuite · 1 year
Lotto 2Sure For Saturday National Today 03/06/2023
Lotto 2Sure For Saturday National Today 03/06/2023 Lotto 2sure for Saturday national – National 2Sure Lotto Numbers for Today can be gotten below, Information on Ghana National Lotto 2sure, national lotto 2sure prediction. Ghana lotto national prediction – ghana lotto 2sure and 3direct today, national lotto 2sure forecast for this week, national lotto 2sure forecast and result. Ghana national…
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ooccnnews · 26 days
Delhi Capitals Clash with Lucknow Super Giants: 64th Match Showdown 2024
Match Details
Teams: Delhi Capitals vs Lucknow Super Giants
Date and Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Venue: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Delhi Capitals vs. Super Giants of Lucknow: A titanic match
The high octane­ 64th IPL showdown on May 14th showcases a riveting clash betwe­en Delhi Capitals and Lucknow Super Giants (DC vs LSG) at the­ prestigious Arun Jaitley Stadium in Delhi.
As De­lhi Capitals wrestle with inconsistency de­spite their potent batting line­up Lucknow Super Giants dazzle spectators with the­ir aggressive cricket tactics firmly se­curing a spot in the top three.
Delhi Capitals: Blues of Inconsistency or Batting Bonanza?
DCs batting prowess come­s to the forefront with Shaw and Warner taking charge­ at the top effective­ly backed by Pant and Iyer. Despite­ their ongoing struggle with inconsistency the­ teams resilience­ shines through. To establish stability DC will look to eithe­r Dhawan or Dhull and rely on the reliable­ form of Axar Patel.
Is the Capitals' bowling blue?
DCs bowling contingent face­s a shortage of a standout matchwinner despite­ their collective e­xperience. Anrich Nortje­s rapid pace poses a potent thre­at but doubts persist regarding his fitness.
The­ need for consistency is e­vident in the performance­s of Shardul Thakur and Mustafizur Rahman. Stepping into crucial roles against LSGs formidable batting line­up Kuldeep Yadav and Axar Patel hold the­ key to DCs bowling strategy.
The Super Giants of Lucknow: A Lubricated Machine?
In the re­alm of IPL 2024 LSG under the astute guidance­ of KL Rahul has emerged as a shining be­acon with its potent lineup. Quinton de Kock and De­epak Hooda have ignited the­ matches with explosive be­ginnings closely supported by stalwarts like Marcus Stoinis and Krunal Pandya during pivotal mome­nts on the field.
Their re­markably flexible batting lineup is skillfully comple­mented by a formidable bowling unit le­d by the dynamic duo of Dushmantha Chameera and Ravi Bishnoi we­ll supported by the up and coming Avesh Khan and spinne­r Krishnappa Gowtham.
Get re­ady for an electrifying showdown at the Arun Jaitle­y Stadium as Delhi Capitals (DC) clash with Lucknow Super Giants (LSG). The match te­ems with high scoring potential fuele­d by the formidable lineups of both te­ams. DCs power hitters must rise to the­ occasion tasked with outshining LSGs aggressive batsme­n.
LSG is intent on prolonging the­ir series of victories by showcasing e­xceptional bowling skills against DCs robust batting lineup. Although LSG holds the advantage­ DCs home turf may sway the balance in a close­ly fought match. The outcome will be de­termined by the te­ams ability to handle pressure and e­xecute their skills e­ffectively.
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topiplbettingsite · 28 days
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Cricket Clash: IPL Betting Bonanza
Dive into the thrilling world of IPL betting with "Cricket Clash: IPL Betting Bonanza"! Experience the electrifying atmosphere of the Indian Premier League as you predict outcomes, place bets, and climb the leaderboards. This immersive game offers you a virtual betting arena where strategy and cricket knowledge are key. From player performance to match conditions, analyze data to make the smartest bets and maximize your virtual earnings. Join thousands of other cricket enthusiasts in daily and season-long competitions to see if you have what it takes to become the ultimate IPL betting champion. Whether you're a casual fan or a cricket expert, this game guarantees excitement, challenge, and loads of fun. Start placing your bets now and dominate the IPL season!
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
Several years ago I predicted that the US would ultimately be confronted with the debilitating economic conundrum of stagflation, something which the nation had not seen since the 1970s. I suggested that stagflation would become a household word again and that the majority of American concerns would revolve around rising prices coupled with stagnant wages and falling production. In 2018 in my article��‘Stagflationary Crisis: USA’s Ongoing Collapse, Understanding The Cause’ I noted:
“Years ago there was a rather idiotic battle between financial analysts over what the end result of the Fed’s massive stimulus measures would be. One side argued that deflation would be the outcome and that no amount of Fed printing would overtake the vast black hole of debt conjured by the derivatives implosion. The other side argued that the Fed would continue to print perpetually, resorting to QE4 or possibly “QE infinity” and negative interest rates as a means to stave off a market crash for decades (like Japan) while at the same time initiating a Weimar-style inflationary bonanza.
Both sides were wrong because they refused to acknowledge the third option – stagflation.”
The process of stagflation is difficult to track because there are multiple paths that it can take, many of them largely dependent on the whims of the central bank and its policy decisions. All we can really do is look back at the limited number of historic  examples and guess at what will happen next. In the 1970s, stagflation nearly crushed the country with inflation rising by 7% to over 14% per year for a decade while the general public eventually faced high unemployment.
When I hear Zennials complain about being born into the “worst economy ever,” I have to laugh because they really have no clue. The 1970s was FAR worse in terms of erosion of buying power as well as overall poverty. If you look at film footage and photos of urban areas from LA to NY to Philadelphia during that time, many parts of these cities looked like bombed out war zones. The country was truly on the edge of disaster.
In the early 1980s, the Federal Reserve jacked interest rates up to over 20% – This stopped the inflation crisis but triggered a deflationary plunge that would sit like a giant boulder on the chest of the American consumer and small business owners for years to come. My own grandfather lost millions in his trucking and freight company during the rate spike; many people lost their businesses and homes.
In other words, as bad as the situation is now, we haven’t seen anything yet. Of course, we are quickly moving towards similar conditions and there is one thing we have today that the 1970s didn’t: A massive snowballing national debt.
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petnews2day · 2 months
BRUCE MACTAVISH: An Icelandic bird bonanza arrives in N.L. to the delight of birders
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/2B69o
BRUCE MACTAVISH: An Icelandic bird bonanza arrives in N.L. to the delight of birders
STORY CONTINUES BELOW THESE SALTWIRE VIDEOS The Mama Mia Burger | SaltWire Watch on YouTube: “The Mama Mia Burger | SaltWire” In the last column, I made a prediction. The forecasted weather maps showed 48 hours of strong northeast and east winds blowing direct from the Ireland and Iceland to southeast Labrador and the entire […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/2B69o #BirdNews
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vespertinemedulla · 3 months
Some unknown facts about predicting Pick 5 lottery
There are numerous around the world giving a shot their "luck" with different lottery games. Every single individual or enthusiast wishes to win a big stake, yet what number of them really win it. Something includes shear difficult work and huge exploration to predict the right number. However there are numerous who accept it misleading, that lottery numbers can be predicted. In any case, that's what the reality is if sure cycle and specific procedures are taken then any individual can predict lottery numbers to a viable way.
To predict Pick 5 lottery you need to have that persistence and study every single draw intently.
Winning lottery is very conceivable and not something is involved or relied upon luck. Most people are found to figure a number haphazardly, yet it isn't the case generally. There are distinct ways and strategies which once followed can help you predict the right number. There are many searching for online tips and procedures that can help them to predict pick 5lottery. With professional and experienced lottery specialists there are distinct ways and stunts that can help in predicting the right number. However it is likewise important to have major areas of strength for a that lottery numbers can help you win a big stake, certainty and positive energy really do play an important job here.
www.LottoPrediction.com is a professional and experienced group bringing for all lottery enthusiasts and players some exceptional and astonishing stunts that can demonstrate viable in predicting the right lottery number. They look into this field and think of some statistical strategies as well as cutting edge numerical procedures that can predict the right lottery number. Their primary center is to apply statistics and science to create reasonable predictions that can help you win a big stake. There are some special ways followed that improves the possibilities winning lottery generally.
The zeal and request of winning lottery is so high among enthusiasts and players that they can go to any limit to find out about different prediction procedures. However to Pick 5 lottery numbers it is very important to follow a specific course of strategies that can help you win the big stake. There are many found purchasing digital books, memberships and keeps looking through online the different secrets of winning a specific lottery game. When you follow the right system and procedure the possibilities winning lottery numbers are expanded incredibly. It is far superior than utilizing any numbers aimlessly or in view of any special dates.
Most enthusiasts or players are found playing lottery in light of luck and in this manner chooses any number either aimlessly or anything connected with commemoration, birth or any special number. Except if you Pick 5 outcomes in light of legitimate computation or strategy scoring a sweepstakes is not really imaginable. Scarcely any individual or player will figure out this fact yet it is very evident. If you are enthusiastically holding on to win a big stake take some time and seek professional help who can help in identifying the best system for winning the bonanza.
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olko71 · 4 months
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2024/02/government-finances-show-big-surplus-in-january
Government finances show big surplus in January
By Lucy Hooker
Business reporter, BBC News
The government finances showed a large surplus last month, more than double the surplus last January.
The surplus – the difference between spending and tax income – rose to £16.7bn in January, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.
These are the last set of public finance figures to be released before the Chancellor’s Budget in March.
Jeremy Hunt has hinted he wants to cut taxes, but analysts said the surplus is unlikely to lead to big changes.
Despite being the highest surplus in nominal terms since monthly records began in 1993, it was lower than most economists had predicted.
But it is still likely to fuel calls for tax cuts in the forthcoming Budget, which many see as the government’s last chance to win round voters before a general election later this year.
The ONS said the surplus was the result of higher tax receipts and lower spending, with the government no longer subsiding household energy bills for example.
Every January, the government tends to take more in tax than it spends in other months due to the amount it receives in self-assessed taxes, according to the ONS.
In addition, the cost of financing the UK’s debt has gone down as inflation has fallen.
“Overall expenditure was down on this time last year, despite increased spending on public services and benefits,” said Jessica Barnaby, deputy director for public sector at the ONS.
Chief secretary to the Treasury, Laura Trott said: “While we will not speculate over whether further reductions in tax will be affordable in the Budget, the economy is beginning to turn a corner, with inflation down from over 11% to 4%.”
For the year as a whole, to April, the government is only on track to undershoot its forecast by between £10bn to £20bn. Chancellors usually allow some headroom in the finances, to allow for unforeseen changes in economic fortunes.
How does government borrowing work?
Hunt mulls public service squeeze to fund tax cuts
Susannah Streeter, head of money and markets, Hargreaves Lansdown said the figures represented a boost to the chancellor’s coffers, but were not big enough for a “Budget bonanza”.
“It offers a few inches of headroom for Hunt, but not enough for a Budget of dramatic tax cuts,” she said.
Capital Economics, an economics think tank, suggested using the added room for manoeuvre that the chancellor will have as a result of the surplus amounted to “putting the election before prudence”.
In the year from April 2023 public borrowing has totalled £96.6bn.
Overall the UK’s debt has risen compared to a year ago and remains at levels last seen in the early 1960s, the ONS said, at around 96.5% of the size of the economy, measured by GDP.
One of the government’s key pledges is that debt should be falling as a percentage of GDP in five years’ time.
The debate over whether January’s surplus in the government’s finances leaves room for tax cuts comes against a mixed economic backdrop.
The latest growth figures show that the UK went into a shallow recession in the second half of last year, although the governor of the Bank of England suggested this week that there were already “distinct signs of an upturn”.
The Resolution Foundation has warned that if the chancellor does cut tax in the forthcoming Budget, it would amount to a “tax sandwich” with any tax cut sitting between substantial tax rises in the years before and after it.
“Juicy tax cuts in this election year are sandwiched between far bigger tax rises already introduced last year. And highly unusually the government has already announced plans for a chunky package of tax rises that will come into effect after polling day,” said James Smith, research director at the Resolution Foundation.
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UK economy
Office for National Statistics
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How does government borrowing work?
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