#bokuto x lene
lowkeyremi · 27 days
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pairing: k. bokuto x lene (fem!reader) note: this is a writing commission (trade) for my beautiful mootie lene!! (@satorisoup) I really hope you enjoy it lovely girl ! (anyone can read but the reader has an assigned name and gender + hair color) summary: you and bokuto have been talking to each other a lot at school, one day after he wins his game he asks if he can kiss you ! content: high school au, getting together, kisses, fluff (lmk if I missed anything!!) wc: 1.4k
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At this point you aren't surprised to find a little note card wedged in your locker anymore. It's become muscle memory to see little, white cards with the scrawled hand-writing on it. Without much though you pick up the card and quickly scan over it.
Will you make it to tonight's game? I have a surprise if we win..
-KB :)
Bokuto's notes are usually very detailed, with ink splatters and scratched out words because of how excited he is to have you read them, so it's quite unusual for him to send such a neat note with no excitable writing. And what does he mean by a surprise? Well, you're bound to find out if he wins- no- when he wins his game.
"Hurry up, Lene! First period is starting soon," A good friend, Maya is waiting for you by the entrance to the building of Fukurodani. That cheeky girl has been entertaining the thought of you and Bokuto dating for some time. Ever since she saw him ask you out to homecoming (as a friend his words not yours) she has been teasing you about your crush on him.
"I'm coming! Let me change into my inside shoes!" You quickly slip out of your own shoes and put on the ones the school provides for wearing inside of school. It helps with the school's cleanliness.
You and Maya make a quick trip to your locker so you can get all of your textbooks and notebooks. "Sooooo, what did today's note say?" She's also very nosy, but how could she help it when she believes that she is the sole reason you and Bokuto are talking to each other? Maya believes that she's some kind of matchmaker.
"It said mind your business!" She leans in closer thinking you were going to actually tell her just to sigh and roll her eyes when you don't.
"Come onnnn I tell you all kinds of things." You've already decided once you've read it you would tell her, but what's the fun of saying it out right? Some teasing can occur.
"Fine fine, he asked if I would come to his game tonight." The nosy girl gasps in surprise, excitement laced in her next sentence, "Well, are you?!"
Her voice carries when she gets excited. A few looks are thrown your way, she quickly apologized before turning back to you for an answer.
"I don't know... i'm kinda busy tonight." You aren't busy at all, so you're pretty sure you'll go, but once again, it's quiet fun to tease her.
"Lene, you have to!! That's basically him asking you out on a date!" Her antics make you laugh a little bit, "That's a little extreme dont'cha think?"
"Nope! Not at all. Considering he didn't invite any of us, only you. Every time he has a game he'll ask all of us, but this is the first I'm hearing of a volleyball game." She's right, it's unusual for Bokuto to only ask you to go to one of his games.
Maybe there is a deeper meaning to his note? You're sure hoping so, because you've liked him since the your first year of high school.
"Okay, I'll go." A little smile blooms onto your face when you see your friend smile.
"Keep me updated!!!" Maya says whilst dragging you down the hall. Of course you will, because even if you don't, she'll figure out a way to get a status update.
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It's around 5:45 pm when you reach the gym for his game. It started fifteen minutes ago but you had some homework that was calling your name. Once all of it was completed you had hurried to make it to the gym without missing too much of the beginning.
As of now Fukurodani is in the lead with seven points, but don't let that fool you Nekoma is right on their tail. Also, it's only the first set, this could be anyone's game.
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The whole time you're on the edge of your seat, because of how exhilarating the game is. Both teams are extraordinary, Nekoma's been holding the lead but Fukurodani is able to keep up with them.
It's the last set each team has one point, so whoever wins this set will win overall. It's Bokuto's turn to serve, and before he makes his serve he looks around the crowd until his eyes lock on you.
Your cheeks immediately flush and you mouth, "You got this!"
The ace's grin almost doubles and covers his whole face. Hopefully your encouragement will help him make these serves.
The whistle blows almost immediately flipping a switch in Bokuto's head. He bounces the ball three times before tossing it up to hit it over the net.
Yaku, the ever relentless libero of Nekoma, receives Bokuto's serve. Bokuto does frown at this, Akaashi had to remind him that Yaku barely made the receive.
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The final whistle blows and all of Fukurodani's supporters and cheerleaders start to scream out in joy. All the boys on the court are sweaty and somewhat tired, but they still have energy to shake hands and yell out, "Good game."
Kuroo daps up Bokuto, they give each other a pat on the back and Kuroo whispers something into Bokuto's ear that causes his cheeks to flush. The captain of Nekoma has a sly smirk on his face.
What could Kuroo have told him that has him embarrassed like this?
Everyone starts to leave the gymnasium, you stay seated though, Bokuto's note replaying in your mind.
After a few minutes the man in question appears in front of the bleachers.
"Lene! You made it!! Did you see me? Did you see us?! We won!!!" Excitement bounces off of his voice. He's so adorable that you can't help giggling.
"I did, you did amazing, Kou-kun." You two have been on first name basis for some time now.
He smiles brightly at your praise. With haste you make it down from the bleachers to meet him down on the court. His golden eyes stare into yours and you aren't really sure what to do at this point.
"Heh, I'm guessing you got my note, huh?" You nod briefly, clasping your hands together behind your back.
"Lene- I-" He pauses, frustration takes over his face. You give him time though, he needs to process his words.
"Lene! I really really like you! Like not as a friend- wait! I mean I like you as a friend but I would really like you as my-"
He suddenly stops ranting and avoids your eyes. Maybe Maya was right about why he wanted to see you. You take in a slow breath before finishing his cut off sentence.
"Girlfriend?" He smiles nervously while nodding furiously.
"Yeah, I really do like you a lot. The way you smile or laugh, your voice, your kindness, even when you scold me for something, I find myself being in awe." Your eyes soften at his confession.
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Koutaro." Those funny eyebrows of his raise up to his forehead in shock and excitement.
"Really? Gosh I must be the luckiest guy on earth!!!" Without thinking he embraces you in a hug. It's warm and inviting, and even though he does smell of sweat, it smells awfully a lot like home to you.
The athlete keeps you in his embrace for a few minutes. He suddenly breaks the silence, "Hey, can I give you a kiss? Or is it too soon?"
You want him to kiss you, so you shake your head furiously fast. "It's not too soon. I'd be happy to kiss you Kou."
He loosens his grip on you to connect his lips with yours. It's awkward and unfamiliar at first, but after the first few pecks it feels right, like his lips were made for yours.
He pulls away first in a pout, "Gosh I don't know what I'm gonna do when I become a professional athlete and I have to leave for away games. I don't think I'll survive without your lips." He's not even joking either, the way he pouts is absolutely adorable.
"I think you'll live, I'll give you plenty of kisses before you leave and plenty when you return." Butterflies swarm your tummy when you realize that he's thinking of his future with you.
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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satorisoup · 11 days
lene hi!! if you don't mind could you tell me some info about some of ur haikyuu selfships? i'm constructing secret things for my self-ship mooties 😸
UWAHHH BELL MY FRIEND !! (>∀<*) teehee omigosh of COURSE i can !! i could ramble on about them all day i fear… HELP !! oowah secret things you say ?? :0 I’M SO EXCITED TO SEE !! forgive me for i fear i have gone overboard again… when selfship questions call i ANSWER !! >//<
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koene : lene x bokuto 🍓
our favorite dates ?
ice cream dates, picnics, and diner dates with yummy milkshakes !!
our relationship type ?
outgoing guy x shy but warms up to you girl !! kou is extremely lovey dovey and he’s always making me feel like i’m on top of the world <3 he always makes my silly side come out !!
petnames ?
bokuto — kou, bo, baby, cutie, koto
lene — lenene, baby, wene, pretty girl
tying bows around his biceps, piggy back rides, cuddling, sharing food, cheek kisses, karaoke, strawberry lovers, loud laughter, wearing his big clothes, bubble baths, blushy cheeks, jumping in puddles, sharing a scarf, snowball fights, big hugs, and lot’s of “ i love you”s <3
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keilene : lene x akaashi 🍨
our favorite dates ?
cafe dates, visiting bookstores, and flower picking !!
our relationship type ?
quiet pretty guy x quiet girl who’s absolutely infatuated with him since the moment they locked eyes !! keiji and i are the most romantic and loving couple <3 he’s extremely caring and surprisingly sarcastically silly !!
petnames ?
akaashi — kei, kashi, cutiekeiji, my love
lene — my love, love, sweetheart
reading outloud to eachother, fiddling with his hands, slow dancing around the kitchen, doing facemasks together, gentle kisses, library study seasions, memorizing eachothers cafe orders, flower bouquets, precious notes in the margins, soft skin, and messy morning hair :3
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luroo : lene x kuroo 🍰
our favorite dates ?
stargazing, pumpkin picking, and sushi dates !!
our relationship type ?
flirty but nerdy guy x shy girl who finds his jokes funny. tetsu is such a sarcastic guy and i found him to be so silly <3 he deeply cares about me and is always bantering with me with his little jokes. he’s actually very endearing and i couldn’t help but fall in love !!
petnames ?
kuroo — tetsu, roo, baby, handsome
lene — leeners, baby, doll, sweetheart, cutie
soft giggles, sitting on his lap, forehead kisses, playing with his hair, sharing sushi, tickle attacks, cat cafe’s, biting his bicep, innocent showers, pinching cheeks, sweaters and scarfs, back rubs to sleep, tying my shoe laces, and getting flustered by his compliments >//<
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lentori : lene x tendou🍦
our favorite dates ?
movies, reading dates, and baking !!
our relationship type ?
funny outgoing guy x silly shy girl who falls for him !! tendou always knew how to cheer me up and was super surprised when i expressed that i was in love with him !! he’s so silly and so fun to be around, he would do anything to keep me happy as i would for him <3
petnames ?
tendou — tori, love
lene — lenerwener, pretty, my love, cutiepie
nose kisses, late night laughter, curling into his chest, collecting manga for eachother, baking cookies at 1am, sharing the blanket, movie marathons, under the mistletoe, comforting words, matching slippers, sweet treats, and reaching for him on my tippy toes >_<
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WAHHH thank you SOSO much for asking bell !! i’m always willing to talk about my silly lil selfships with these adorable cuties :3 i hope you’re doing well and im sending you the bestest wishes EVAAA !! MWUUUAH !! >//<
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strwbrryeyes · 2 months
nini !! :3 how about… bokuto havin’ a big ol’ crush on a shy girl ?? how do they get together ?? maybe his crush on her gets exposed… and he’s super surprised she likes him back ?? let your mind run free with it !! <333
𖦹°。⋆ Hiding feelings (and behind volleyball carts) (bokuto x reader)
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⟡ cw: shy reader, she/her pronouns, fluff, comfort? but no hurt, fainting, not proofread, lmk if i missed anything.
⟡ a/n: trying to come out of my writer's block so I'm going to start with requests before continuing the last legs of my best friend series and then officially starting my suna long fic. also im trying to start putting pronouns in cw's so bear with me if i ever forget to add that warning. also ty lene for requesting this! i'll do your other one at a later time :3 sorry if it's messy im rusty </3
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“You’re staring at her again, Bo” konoha snaps bokuto out of the trance he’s in.
“I can’t help it! She’s so pretty” Bokuto responds in a lovesick tone as he turns back around to look at you with hearts practically forming in his pupils.
“It’s hopeless, he’s never going to man up enough to ask her out properly.” Komi sighs causing the rest of the team to nod in defeat.
“He’s going to have to eventually, he’s liked her since their first year and now they’re entering the end of their last year in high school.” Akaashi states as he watches his best friend fall more in love with you as you laugh with Yukie and Kaori.
Bokuto Koutaro has had the fattest crush on you since first year of high school. You were sat next to him so naturally he really tried to get to know you but you never really opened up to him. You didn’t have many friends (you still don’t), you only had two friends, luckily for Bokuto, those friends were Fukurodani’s very own manageers, Yukie and Kaori. There were countless times where Bokuto would beg the two girls to convince you to come watch during practice so he could show off and seem cool to you. Sometimes you would come to practice just so you could spend more time with your two best friends, and while you were impressed by Bokuto, all you could manage to give him was a small smile and a single thumbs up. Even though it wasn’t much, it still made Bokuto melt on the spot. Everything about you was wonderful to him, the epitome of beauty, sweetness, and kindness, all he was missing was your affection and love.
After a few more minutes, the coach calls for the break the team was on to be over and everyone goes back to their places while you remain on the bleachers. As you wave to your friends, you see Bokuto looking at you with a soft smile, much different from his usual big, large, and bright grin that he wears everywhere. You don’t know what it is about it, but this makes you blush. Maybe you sense that it’s different, maybe it’s wishful thinking that that smile is only meant for you, after all you did have a crush on him. You’ve had a crush on him as long as he’s had a crush on you but you could never say anything to him for the fear you might get rejected. After all, he was the most extroverted person in school - maybe the world - and you were just…there…exisitng with only two close friends. You could never be Bokuto’s type. You’ve been saying this for three years to yourself all while you don’t know the truth about how he feels.
Practice is finally over after about an hour and you go down to the main floor to get ready to leave with Yukie and Kaori while the boys go to the lockeroom to change. The three of you talk for a bit before the coach calls them to help with cleaning the gym leaving you alone again. You take this time to walk around the gym as you never really looked around before. You see all these posters and banners with the team’s motto “one ball, heart, and soul”. you smile at the saying as you think about how this is seen in all of the players. All of the boys on the volleyball team shows their love and passion for the game but of course, one player stood out from all the rest, Bokuto. You find yourself thinking about Bokuto and all the ways he shows his love for the sport. Every move he makes, every serve he does, every cheer he shouts, and every grin he has plastered on his face when he scores. You loved that grin. 
You’re deep in thought when you hear the gym door open and hear voices the belong to the boys on the volleyball team.  Scared of being seen, you hide behind the volleyball cart. It’s not like you were doing anything wrong, you just really hated social situations and you don’t know where Yukie and Kaori disappeared off to even though they were just in the gym moments ago. You feel a bit of nervousness start to kick in as you hear their voices get closer and that’s when you hear your name causing you to snap out of your nerves and to listen in.
“Did you see the way [name] smiled when I did that serve today?” The voice belonging to Bokuto asked excitedly followed by a chorus of groans by the other team members.
“Yes Bokuto,” Akaashi sighs as he waves goodbye to the rest of the team who are speedwalking out of the gym to avoid Bokuto’s gushing “and before you ask, yes I saw how she looked at you when you nearly knocked Washio’s hand off with your spike.”
“She’s the best isn’t she?” Bokuto asks as he sits down on a bench in the gym. “I just wish I could tell her that but I’m scared she’ll run away.”  He says calmly to Akaashi who raises a brow.
“Why would she run away?” Akaashi questions Bokuto’s reasoning to why he can’t tell you how he feels.
“Well you know how quiet and shy she is,” Bokuto starts off “and you know how loud I am. What if [name] doesn’t like that? I don’t want her to hate me just because we have clashing personalities.” He explains to his best friend in a slightly defeated tone making you furrow your eyebrows as you slowly peek over the volleyball cart to get a quick look at the ace and setter.
Akaashi chuckles a bit before responding to Bokuto “First off, I’m surprised you’re self aware at how loud you are,” he says earning a ‘watch it’ from Bokuto, “Secondly, I really think you should tell her how you feel. The end of the school year is coming up and who is to say you’ll ever see her again? You really want to leave high school without even trying?” Akaashi asks Bokuto making him think for a while before he shakes his head.
“I just can’t do it, Akaashi.” Bokuto slumps while sitting while Akaashi pats his back. Right now, in Bokuto’s mind, he thinks he’d be better off keeping his feelings to himself instead of the possibility of rejection. Meanwhile, your mind is going a million miles per second as you just found out that the guy you’ve had the biggest crush on for years feels the same way. what do you do now? Come out of hiding and tell him how you feel? No, that’s too bold and he might think you’re weird for eavesdropping like this. What about just waiting for him to confess? Nope, he made it sounds like he wasn’t going to tell you for sure.
After what feels like forever with your thoughts, you hear the door next to the volleyball cart open to see Yukie and Kaori. Your eyes quickly widen and hurry to shush them before they say anything but it fails as they walk towards you.
“Sorry we took so long [name], coach had us do some pape- what are you doing behind there?” Yukie asks as she moves the cart out of the way earning her a glare from you. Meanwhile, a few feet away, Akaashi and Bokuto are staring at you with their jaws practically on the floor.
“What’s up with you two?” Kaori asks as she walks over to them, waving her hand in fron of their eyes while they’re still in complete shock. Akaashi is the first to snap out of it, he then shakes Bokuto who somewhat comes to his senses. 
Turning to look down at you still on the floor, Akaashi clears his throat “[name], I thought you left already.” Akaashi tries to say cooly as he glances to Bokuto quickly who is still in shock.
“Haa…nope! Still here!” you laugh nervously as you’re pulled up from the ground by Kaori and Yukie who give each other confused looks.
“So out of curiosity, no other reason…” Akaashi starts off coyly as he sways a bit “how much of our conversation did you hear…” he asks in a quiet nervous tone.
“Not much!” you start to answer with a lie but couldn’t help yourself “okay that was a lie I heard everything!” you blurt out and Akaashi widens his eyes and quickly turns back to Bokuto who is still on the bench. He quickly rushes to catch Bokuto who is about to fall off of the bench as he looks like his soul has left his body completely. Bokuto has passed out.
While everyone sits around Bokuto’s passed out body, you and Akaashi explain everything to Kaori and Yukie who end up laughing their heads off.
“[name]! That’s hilarious! I’m so glad we left you here!” Kaori cackles out before calming down and standing up. “Now you have to confess to him.” She says seriously as Yukie stands up as well. You facepalm and turn to look at Akaashi who has a confused look on his face.
“You like Bokuto back, [name]?” He asks and you nod making him look back to the two managers “and the both of you knew and didn’t say anything? Even though you knew they both liked each other back?” he questions them and they laugh nervously.
“Well would you look at the time! We gotta go!” Yukie shouts as her and Kaori run out of the gym leaving you behind with both of the boys.
Sighing, Akaashi looks at you softly. “[name], I know we aren’t close by any means but Bokuto is my best friend and I think it would really benefit the both of you if you both talked about your feelings. Can you do that?” Akaashi explains and asks you. You think for a bit before sighing and nodding.
“I can do that. Thank you, Akaashi.” you thank the setter while smiling.
“Well then, I’ll leave you two to it,” Akaashi stands up and looks at Bokuto’s body still splayed out on the ground “he’ll wake up in a bit don’t worry.” He assures you before walking out of the gym before you could even protest to being alone with Bokuto. Akaashi was right though, it only took one minute after he left for Bokuto to start waking up.
“Hey Bokuto.” you smile sweetly at Bokuto as his eyes flutter open. He stares up at you in confusion for a bit before he remembers what happens and quickly sits up.
“[name]! Hi! Listen I’m so sorry I understand if you hate me now but please don’t run awa-” Bokuto starts rambling out an apology before you start giggling “What’s funny? Are you not mad? Are you making fun of me?” more panic overtakes Bokuto but you get ahold of his hands and look at him.
“Bo,” you catch his attention using a nickname which also makes him blush “don’t worry about it. I’m not mad and i’m not making fun of you.” you let out a sigh and close your eyes before continuing “Honestly, I have a crush on you too, I have since first year. I never told you because I was worried you would think I’m too quiet or too boring…basically your reason but the opposite,” you let a nervous giggle out before opening your eyes up again “I know you didn’t want me to find out like this so I I understand if you don’t want to talk about this right now.” You finish your own rambling and look up at Bokuto who looks like he’s frozen. “Bokuto?” you say his name and it snaps him out of his daze and a few seconds later, Bokuto’s face is centimeters away from your face making you blush like crazy and have your heart beating loud and fast.
“Do you really like me? You’re not just saying that?” Bokuto asks seriously as his golden eyes stare into your own eyes and you nod which makes him let go of your hands and jump up to cheer. After a few more louds noises of excitement and happiness, Bokuto holds his hand out in front of you to pull you up to which you offer. After being pulled up to your feet, Bokuto brings you in for a tight hug, catching you off guard but you end up hugging him back. “I’m so happy to hear that, [name].” He mumbles into your hair quietly making you giggle.
You pull back a bit to smile up at him “I’m really happy too, Bo.” you use his nickname again causing him to audibly swoon.
“I love hearing you say that,” he sighs lovingly as he closes his eyes before looking back at you “and I love you..” he whispers but then quickly panics as your eyes widen in response “I’m so sorry is it too soon? Oh my god I haven’t even asked you to be my girlfriend yet, I’m an idiot.” Bokuto rambles once again before you cut him off by kissing him on the cheek.
“Stop apologizing and worrying,” you chuckle as you look at his flushed, red face “I love you too…I don’t care if it’s too soon, I know I do.” you smile sweetly at him making him calm down
“Well then, [name], will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” Bokuto asks you quietly, smiling the same soft smile from earlier. The one you wanted to believe was made for you.
“Of course, Bokuto, I would love to be your girlfriend!” You answer him with joy and his smile grows bigger and...yeah, that smile was made for you and only you. Bokuto then picks you up and spins you around before giving you a soft kiss on the lips to which you kiss him back. 
After a few seconds you both pull away and look at each other with so much love before you’re both surprised to hear cheering coming from outside the the gym. Turning to look out the window, you see Kaori, Yukie, and Akaashi staring inside from the other side of the window. The sight make the both of you smile widely before Bokuto sets you on the ground again to grab his things.
“Shall we go?” Bokuto takes your hand in his and gestures towards your friends and the door.
“Yes we shall.” You respond after kissing his cheek. 
The both of you then walk out of the gym to join your three friends outside to walk home, but not before Bokuto yells out “[name] is my girlfriend!” in the loudest voice he could possibly let out causing you to bury your face in his side while the others laugh at him. 
This relationship is going to be fun.
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