#blue skies i LOVE YOUUU....
cedarbranch · 1 month
i have... such a strange little relationship with this wip. it's literally a complete 40k draft that i abandoned after the first round of edits, then returned to to edit a bit more after a year or so, then returned to AGAIN to poke at after another year or two... literally i have always planned to post it eventually, i don't know what keeps Happening!! (actually, i'm looking back at it now and most of the sidebar comments i have marked just say shit like "hmmm" or "fix this" with ZERO specification of what to do differently so. probably That keeps happening.)
anyway, the process of writing this fic was primarily an exercise in split pov, distinguishing narrative voices, and intertwining storylines for different characters! it was a lot of fun, i have never written anything else quite like it. the premise is that newt, hermann, raleigh, mako, and tendo all meet in an airport when their flights are delayed, and thus newt/hermann and mako/raleigh romances are born. plus tendo is there ❤️ it features some truly impressive run-on sentences from newt's pov, five bilinguals who have varying degrees of beef with each other's accents, and my darling dear underhyped fave, caitlin lightcap (in small doses). here, have a teaser:
“What held you up out there? Dr. Gottlieb finally hit you with that cane? He was lookin’ like he wanted to all night.” “Hit me? No way,” Newt scoffs. “Try hit on me. The dude loves me. I mean, that’s understandable, I’ve pretty much reached the maximum level of awesomeness that you can pack into one human, but no, dude, trust me, beneath all that prickly pseudo-British exterior?” Newt wiggles his eyebrows. “He’s into it. Totally.” Tendo studies him. “You ever take an intro psych class, Newt?” “‘Course I did, I got a degree in neuro, dude.” That class had been kind of weird, given that half the time they were discussing things which Newt had been diagnosed with, but still interesting. As for its relevance to this conversation— “Then you should know when I’m talking about when I say: that, my friend, is called projection.”  Tendo’s a quick son of a bitch, Newt has to give him that. “Whatever,” Newt says airily. “It’ll be true one day. I can make that happen. Just you wait.” “In your dreams, Geiszler.” Newt pulls his laptop out of his backpack. He can’t use it until they reach cruising altitude, because stupid arbitrary rules are stupid, but he’s got homework to do if he wants to prove Tendo wrong. And he intends to do it. Fifty minutes later, he’s reading through a research paper by Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, and my, my, my. This is some well-written shit. Newt disagrees with half of it.  This is going to be so much fun.
god, i do still love this fic huh. maybe it's about time for that every-few-years round of edits... maybe this time i could ACTUALLY post it???
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buckrecs · 1 year
i am obsessed with husband!bucky and exhusband!bucky🖤 please help me find them ✨you are amazing! thank youuu
masterlist | req masterlist
idk why but most of the ex husband!bucky fics are smut.. I was in the mood for some fluff so here are some husband!bucky (maybe with some smut cuz he’s hot)
here is my ex!bucky rec list so you can read some exes to lovers there :)
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Story Time by @buckyalpine
Bucky tells your little one about how he fell for you.
Remnants of Life by @bi-disaster-yn
Bucky has the chance to get some of his possessions from his life in the 40s back but he needs his wife there to face it with him.
blue neighborhood by @sergeantxrogers
In a town full of self-righteous moms and their rich, suited husbands hiding secrets of infidelity, abuse and verges of bankruptcy, you felt utterly out of place. The target for all their jealous stares and mean comments, you were at your wits end trying to survive modern suburbia. It wasn’t your fault Bucky chose you, right?
Blue by @coffeecatsandcandles
Bucky reminisces your relationship when he sees you in a blue dress.
Bucky Wins His Thanksgiving Husband Card by @buckysforeverprincess
Gladly, Mrs Barnes by @itsbuckysworld
husband!Bucky gets mad when you seem to be spending more time with some other guy and not him.
The Winter Lover by @cat-scratch-fandoms
You and your newly married husband are granted a peaceful honeymoon to a ski cabin.
Video Tape by @botnasty
You don’t want to forget.
Imagine by @becca-e-barnes
Your first date night with Bucky after you have your second baby
Easy When It Rains by @lfaewrites
pure domestic fluff
swollen by @buckycuddlebuddy
evidence of the good loving you got was very visible.
small bump by @bucky-bucket-barnes
Bucky has fought literal armies, survived multiple murder attempts, and still nothing worries him like his pregnant wife.
honey, honey by @buckys-darling
You and Bucky spend your honeymoon in Paris.
Need more of that blue in my life by @foreverdreamland
Reader discovers she’s pregnant, and the reaction from her husband Bucky is not what she expected.
Blessings by @moonlight-prose
twenty minutes was all you had, so you were going to do what could to show your husband how much you loved him.
Under The Tree by @barnesmurdock
You and your husband have a picnic under a tree.
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You and Bucky spend your honeymoon in Paris.
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onadarklingplain · 9 months
sincere / blues for SKI AU if you want?? or maxiel generally??
i love youuu and the way you know i'm always ready to write more ski au ⛷️ They took blues down to the parking lot, but Max still felt tired to his bones, legs shaky-tired in a way that was embarrassing but felt kind of good. It was satisfying, gritting his teeth and pushing through it. It meant that it had been something worthwhile.
Max was fastest and could’ve skied at the front, but it was nice, for once, to hang back at the back of the group and let the others go ahead. Blake had stopped filming, and Max thought that Daniel was having more fun. He kept crisscrossing across the trail to hit the tiny jumps that lined the edge, overselling the small amount of air he got to make Scotty laugh. It got more and more ridiculous until he caught an edge and fell, still grinning all covered in snow, like he didn’t care. It made Max laugh too, until he was almost doubled over on his skis and he had to stop.
When they got to the bottom, Daniel pulled off his helmet, and Max thought about trying not to stare at the way his curls were crushed down onto his head, at the lines his goggles had left on his cheeks, at the bright, kindness of his eyes, hidden away all day, but he knew he’d never be able to manage it.
It was so distracting that it took Max a second to realise that Daniel was talking to him.
“Fancy a beer? Can you skive off a bit longer?"
Max hadn’t thought that Daniel would want to hang out with him, if they weren’t skiing or working out, but he sounded sincere. Like he he actually wanted Max to come.
Max must have taken too long to answer, because Daniel added a second later, “Come on, Maxy, I’ve got my van in the parking lot."
Max was nodding before he had even decided to say yes.
Daniel’s van, it turned out, was parked at the far side of the lot, alone in a little clearing of packed-down snow. It was a cool van. Max stood in his ski boots as Daniel pulled out a camping chair for him and peered through the open doors into the back. It was the kind of van you could live in, with a messy bed and a little kitchenette. It made him think of Daniel out on the road, singing along to the radio probably, on his way somewhere exciting and wild and remote, everything he needed right there.
The end of the day sun was spilling dark, cool shadows everywhere, but golden slivers of light were cutting through, and sitting in the sun, it was warm enough for Max to unzip his jacket. When Lance and Scotty and Chloe and Blake brought over their own chairs, they all circled around a cooler that Daniel had put in the middle. It was a routine, clearly, something they did a lot.
Max took a beer when Daniel offered it, even though he didn’t normally drink much, and laughed in the right places when Scotty told a story about a crash Lance had the week before.
“The day was a total huck-fest, absolute nectar,” Scotty was saying. “But then Lance went massive, clipped a tip and just fucking clapped it face first into the snow."
To punctuate his point, Scotty flailed forward, arms windmilling through the air in imitation, and Max watched Daniel’s face as he laughed, still greedy for it even though he had gotten it all day. When he turned to pass Max another beer, the ghost of the smile was still on his face, and Max felt drunk just from that, and bottomless. Like he would never be able to get enough.
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ian-galagher · 1 year
I was tagged by SO many lovely people! 🥰 Evie @energievie Nosho @creepkinginc Coralie @shinygalaxyperson Vey @look-i-love-u Lyds @ardent-fox Bee @gallawitchxx Bri @y0itsbri Molly @deathclassic Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy to make a joy list and I finally did it! 🥰
So what brings me joy!
Being tagged in all your picrews and tag games 🥺
Sunshine and clear blue skies finally appearing again 🥰
A cat peacefully asleep next to me 🥰
Birds in the garden being NSFW 😂
Souuup delicious soup
Nosho might read my fic 🥺
SO much beautiful art 😭
My new header 🥺
@gallavich-headcanon 🥰
Every comment you guys leave me brings me SO much joy! 🥺
I had a dream that Reckoner had updated but when I clicked on it I woke up 😭
My noise canceling headphones <3 very thankful for peaceful silence when I need it 😌
Earlier this week I felt a bit like this:
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But now I've edited chapter 6 and it made me incredibly happy 🥺
I feel bad tagging people when you've all probably already made one 😭 but just in case you want to make another... 🥰🧡
@francesrose3 @sweetbee78 @stocious @gallagher-milkovich @lalazeewrites @depressedstressedlemonzest @thisdivorce @gardenerian
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thespiritoflife · 2 years
⋆·˚ ༘ * Hey Domiii!!! Okay, I think I would starve as a profiler, but nevertheless, this is my perception of youuu!!! You've gotta give me the details on where I went wrong!!! Lots of love!!! xoxo
age: 23 and thriving! This is such a flirty number, and I immediately associate it with you!
pronouns and gender: she/her?? you always have such gorgeous leading ladies as your icon, soooo this is my reasoning. 
zodiac sign: aquarius! I know NOTHING about astrology or what the signs mean, but somehow you’re serving aquarius.  
romantic status: single and living your best life???? you’re self reliant - a romantic at heart, but content with some time to yourself. 
 eye color: brown eyes through and through. 100%. warm, inviting, and gorgeous!
hobbies: you definitely strike me as a painter or artist of some sort. you def give off theatre star vibes too?? the world’s a stage, and you're the main character! 
introverted / extroverted: extroverted introvert. you’re the type of person that is SUPER social in small groups of people you know well!
favorite season: spring. you’re a spring queen and I will not hear otherwise. it just suits you! the flowers, blue skies, and fresh weather??? It SCREAMS domi!
this is great percepfion of me, frannie! <3 i totally love it, the way you described me, aww🥺🤍🤍 lots of love to you too! and thanks so much for doing this! <33
age: yes, mentally i am maybe 23 (this is really good age, i wish i had 23 years old!!) buut i am actually 18 <33
pronouns/gender: you guessed it!! i use she/her pronouns! <3
zodiac sign: OH MY GOSH HOW DID YOU KNOW THAAT?? I AM SO SHOCKED!! you guessed it, i am aquarius!!
romantic status: yes, i am happily single as you said it! <3
eye color: yeees, you guessed it once again, my eyes are brown or hazel as they say, so you guessed it!
hobbies: oh my goosh, stoop, you're complimenting me too much! yes, i love to paint something in my free time and the main character?? no, this really isn't me. when i was younger, it could be me, i loved being center attention but nooow? nooo
introverted/extroverted: oh my gosh, how can you be so right??!! you couldn't have say it better! 100% true!
favorite season: yes, spring is my fav season after fall!
You guessed almost everything, Frannie, I have feeling you know me really well! I can totally imagine as being besties out of Tumblr <3 thank you once again for your time doing this and i love you soo much! take care, take rest! you're a SWEETHEART <3
that's us hihi🎀🦄👇
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isobel-thorm · 1 year
Barbie Movie OC Aesthetics
Tagged by @deputyash love youuu, sorry it took so long
​ Instructions: Bold what applies, italicize what applies sometimes (adding a both category for ‘different verses, but one more relevant than the other), strikethrough what never applies.
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BARBIE IN THE NUTCRACKER: freshly fallen snow | the sound of sleigh bells | a lengthy look at the one you love | the sound of a crackling fire | the smell of peppermint | half-eaten gingerbread cookies | bows in your hair | the strum of a harp | gold jewelry | clouds above a stormy sea | the conscious effort to believe in yourself | lace dresses | a sun dappled orchard | speaking from the heart | “you were the one I was looking for all along” | the cold winter wind | cheek kisses | bright blue eyes
BARBIE AS RAPUNZEL: golden hair | smeared paint on your fingers and clothes | marble staircases | dense forests with no path in sight | intricate braids | hedge mazes | grand parties | dazzling dresses | generational trauma | pink lipstick | the shiver of wind chimes | flowers in your hair | stepping outside your comfort zone | the tedium of chores | following your heart | love at first sight | the roar of a cascading waterfall | strong arms around your waist | dark secrets | “no more hatred”
BARBIE OF SWAN LAKE: the familiarity of your favorite constellation in the night sky | the flutter of wings | freshly baked bread | dancing alone in your room | chocolate chip cookies | a babbling brook and the stones you use to cross it | running with the wind in your hair | sparkling jewels | an enchanted forest | dusty stacks of books | sibling rivalries | moonlit walks by the lake | the innocence of true love | painful deception | laced fingers | “it’s you I love”
BARBIE AS THE PRINCESS AND THE PAUPER: spun gold | a purring cat in your lap | the sacrifices your parents made for you | the prick of a sewing needle | “what would it be like to be free?” | dark caves | starry skies above | falling in love with your best friend | crowded markets | horse drawn carriages | fresh air | a hand held out to guide you | pretending to be something you’re not | breakfast in bed | bubble baths | narrow passageways | diamond rings | cold jail cells | lengthy hugs | promises you can keep
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BARBIE IN THE NUTCRACKER: freshly fallen snow | the sound of sleigh bells | a lengthy look at the one you love | the sound of a crackling fire | the smell of peppermint | half-eaten gingerbread cookies | bows in your hair | the strum of a harp | gold jewelry | clouds above a stormy sea | the conscious effort to believe in yourself | lace dresses | a sun dappled orchard | speaking from the heart | “you were the one I was looking for all along” | the cold winter wind | cheek kisses | bright blue eyes
BARBIE AS RAPUNZEL: golden hair | smeared paint on your fingers and clothes | marble staircases | dense forests with no path in sight | intricate braids | hedge mazes | grand parties | dazzling dresses | generational trauma | pink lipstick | the shiver of wind chimes | flowers in your hair | stepping outside your comfort zone | the tedium of chores | following your heart | love at first sight | the roar of a cascading waterfall | strong arms around your waist | dark secrets | “no more hatred”
BARBIE OF SWAN LAKE: the familiarity of your favorite constellation in the night sky | the flutter of wings | freshly baked bread | dancing alone in your room | chocolate chip cookies | a babbling brook and the stones you use to cross it | running with the wind in your hair | sparkling jewels | an enchanted forest | dusty stacks of books | sibling rivalries | moonlit walks by the lake | the innocence of true love | painful deception | laced fingers | “it’s you I love”
BARBIE AS THE PRINCESS AND THE PAUPER: spun gold | a purring cat in your lap | the sacrifices your parents made for you | the prick of a sewing needle | “what would it be like to be free?” | dark caves | starry skies above | falling in love with your best friend | crowded markets | horse drawn carriages | fresh air | a hand held out to guide you | pretending to be something you’re not | breakfast in bed | bubble baths | narrow passageways | diamond rings | cold jail cells | lengthy hugs | promises you can keep
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BARBIE IN THE NUTCRACKER: freshly fallen snow | the sound of sleigh bells | a lengthy look at the one you love | the sound of a crackling fire | the smell of peppermint | half-eaten gingerbread cookies | bows in your hair | the strum of a harp | gold jewelry | clouds above a stormy sea | the conscious effort to believe in yourself | lace dresses | a sun dappled orchard | speaking from the heart | “you were the one I was looking for all along” | the cold winter wind | cheek kisses | bright blue eyes
BARBIE AS RAPUNZEL: golden hair | smeared paint on your fingers and clothes | marble staircases | dense forests with no path in sight | intricate braids | hedge mazes | grand parties | dazzling dresses | generational trauma | pink lipstick | the shiver of wind chimes | flowers in your hair | stepping outside your comfort zone | the tedium of chores | following your heart | love at first sight | the roar of a cascading waterfall | strong arms around your waist | dark secrets | “no more hatred”
BARBIE OF SWAN LAKE: the familiarity of your favorite constellation in the night sky | the flutter of wings | freshly baked bread | dancing alone in your room | chocolate chip cookies | a babbling brook and the stones you use to cross it | running with the wind in your hair | sparkling jewels | an enchanted forest | dusty stacks of books | sibling rivalries | moonlit walks by the lake | the innocence of true love | painful deception | laced fingers | “it’s you I love”
BARBIE AS THE PRINCESS AND THE PAUPER: spun gold | a purring cat in your lap | the sacrifices your parents made for you | the prick of a sewing needle | “what would it be like to be free?” | dark caves | starry skies above | falling in love with your best friend | crowded markets | horse drawn carriages | fresh air | a hand held out to guide you | pretending to be something you’re not | breakfast in bed | bubble baths | narrow passageways | diamond rings | cold jail cells | lengthy hugs | promises you can keep
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BARBIE IN THE NUTCRACKER: freshly fallen snow | the sound of sleigh bells | a lengthy look at the one you love | the sound of a crackling fire | the smell of peppermint | half-eaten gingerbread cookies | bows in your hair | the strum of a harp | gold jewelry | clouds above a stormy sea | the conscious effort to believe in yourself | lace dresses | a sun dappled orchard | speaking from the heart | “you were the one I was looking for all along” | the cold winter wind | cheek kisses | bright blue eyes
BARBIE AS RAPUNZEL: golden hair | smeared paint on your fingers and clothes | marble staircases | dense forests with no path in sight | intricate braids | hedge mazes | grand parties | dazzling dresses | generational trauma | pink lipstick | the shiver of wind chimes | flowers in your hair | stepping outside your comfort zone | the tedium of chores | following your heart | love at first sight | the roar of a cascading waterfall | strong arms around your waist | dark secrets | “no more hatred”
BARBIE OF SWAN LAKE: the familiarity of your favorite constellation in the night sky | the flutter of wings | freshly baked bread | dancing alone in your room | chocolate chip cookies | a babbling brook and the stones you use to cross it | running with the wind in your hair | sparkling jewels | an enchanted forest | dusty stacks of books | sibling rivalries | moonlit walks by the lake | the innocence of true love | painful deception | laced fingers | “it’s you I love”
BARBIE AS THE PRINCESS AND THE PAUPER: spun gold | a purring cat in your lap | the sacrifices your parents made for you | the prick of a sewing needle | “what would it be like to be free?” | dark caves | starry skies above | falling in love with your best friend | crowded markets | horse drawn carriages | fresh air | a hand held out to guide you | pretending to be something you’re not | breakfast in bed | bubble baths | narrow passageways | diamond rings | cold jail cells | lengthy hugs | promises you can keep
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ravenclairee · 1 year
I was tagged by @tommishelby to do this uquiz and share my result! thank youuu 💖  
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result: deep blue
your love is the colour of warm nights, of starlit skies and of deep waters. your love is serious, everlasting. people value the deepness of it.
tagging: @itsmeimcathy @annebethchase @merlinaddams @eleanoracrain @petersevan no pressure! <3
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rinzsu · 3 months
lennniiiii hi dear it's been so long how r u sweets????? I hope you're doing amazing and I just saw the blue theme today???? So pretty!!!!
hanaaaa hi lovely yes it’s been soooo long I’ve missed you sm! I‘m doing well, just came back from skiing camp with my class and I have the biggest sore ever but other than that I’m doing great! What about you? <3 thank youuu, I decided to get a simple theme for once
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minchanz · 7 months
You're telling me I'm the sweetest!? oh pls look what you wrote about me! I love you nini! thank youuu! that really made my day (night actually lol)
ps. I don't really like pink but I'd make an exception just for you <33
my anna i literally had to look up what i said pls i’m so sorry i’m awful at replying </3
but also i checked and i stand by my words you are the cutest bean and i adore you lots and i’ve just decided that we’re both the sweetest ashdhdh <3 seriously thank you for always being so lovely!! your presence always puts a smile on my face ❣️
also PLS you’re so sweet but if you don’t like pink hmmmm let me think. how about a really really soft blue. yk those clear blue skies that are almost white and there’s something beautiful in how they’re never ending? that type of blue ! <3 you just scream soft to me ahdhdhd
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starrysamu · 4 years
kageyama with “i’ve loved you for years?” thank youuu
you looked up to the blue skies, watching the clouds pass by slowly. you sipped on your strawberry milk, swinging your legs as you sat in silence. 
kageyama mirrored you for a short while, but it wasn’t long until you felt a set of eyes landing on you. 
your eyebrows raised up slightly as you turned to him, as if to ask, ‘what?’ 
he shrugged, before sucking the rest of his drink until the box crumpled in his hands. “nothing. you just look pretty today.” 
you choked on what remained in your carton. “where the hell did that come from?” you managed out between coughs as you gasped for air. 
he leaned over to you before patting your back roughly, making you cough more. it sent you into a fit of giggles shortly after, leaving you gasping for air once again. 
“i really can’t catch a breath with you around, huh?” you finally said minutes later, after you’d finally regained your senses. 
when there was no response, you turned to look at him, only to see his face one shade away from beet red. 
“are you - ”
he coughed, looking away from you quickly. “you take my breath away,” he stuttered out forcefully, his hands balled up into fists. 
you laughed for who knows how long - it was just that funny. you didn’t know what his angle was, but you’d already known who’d set him up to do this. it wasn’t difficult to see where he was going with this. 
“don’t tell me you got advice from nishinoya and tanaka?” you teased, scooting over to him so he was within arm’s reach. your eyes roamed over his stuttering figure, and out of pity, you said, “don’t you know i’ve liked you for years?” 
this time, it was kageyama’s turn to cough until he couldn’t breathe.  
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usermischief · 3 years
Tag Game: this or that
Tagged by: @impractical-matters . Thank youuu💕
December or January || Halloween or Thanksgiving || Christmas Eve or New Years Eve || Home Alone or Love Actually || Jingle Bells or Feliz Navidad || The Nightmare Before Christmas or The Grinch (I haven’t seen either movie) || gold decorations or silver decorations || gingerbread men cookies or chocolate reindeer cookies || green Christmas tree or white Christmas tree || shopping for presents or wrapping presents || decorating the tree or baking cookies || skiing or skating || blankets or wool winter socks || hoodies or sweaters || Santa hats or reindeer headbands || Timberland or Ugg || scarfs or turtlenecks || coats or jackets || snowmen or reindeers || candles or wax melts || snow globes or light bulbs || tree topper star or tree topper bow || advent calendar or advent wreath || tea or cocoa || mulled wine or hot chocolate || snow or ice || shooting stars or snowflakes || snowball fights or sledding || making a snow angel or building a snowman || watching Christmas movies or reading next to a lit fireplace
apple juice or orange juice || breakfast in bed or dinner in a blanket fort || peanut butter or butterscotch || rain or snow || water park or amusement park || guitar or violin || flip flops or sneakers || big cats or bears || ocean (but only when I can see what’s underneath me) or lake || bonfire or picnic || draw or write || oak or mahogany || volleyball or tennis || key chains or postcards || queso or salsa || skateboard or rollerblades || porch or patio || love quotes or inspirational quotes || hearts or stars || backpack or duffle bag || orchard or garden || baby bunnies or baby ducks || pastels or earth tones || New York City or Los Angeles || secret stairs or secret tunnel || street magician or escape artist || fairies or gnomes || comedy or mystery || purple or green || daisies or dandelions || crayon or chalk || sunglasses tinted blue or sunglasses tinted yellow || bracelets or rings || question mark or exclamation point
Tagging: @sunel0, @mercheswan, @auriette, @voidstilesplease, @subbie-dreamz, @seven-oomen, @hidanilein and everyone who wants to do this :)
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ddearddigitalddiary · 4 years
folklore: Stoned Favorites
It’s been just about 48 hours since Queen Taylor surprised us with TS8 entitled folklore. This album was born out of quarantine and is becoming her highest critically acclaimed album yet. She’s fucking amazing, magical, powerful, etc. I’ve had a few listen throughs to digest it, but I’m still processing all of its beauty. It has quickly become a favorite. Taylor somehow has this power where she drops an album that is lined up perfectly to the events I’m going through in my personal life. Maybe I’m just finding how it relates to me and seeing myself in the album, but that’s the beauty of it anyways. Going through a tough breakup, living through a global pandemic, society is literally never going back to something we knew... It’s all a bit much. And Ms. Swizzle has put words to my deepest feelings, and as always helped me feel and heal. 
Here are my favorite parts of the beautiful, whimsical, mystical album that is folklore:
the 1: (this one hurts a little much for me right now...) we never painted by the numbers baby, but we were making it count, you know the greatest loves of all time are over now / in my defense i have none for never leaving well enough alone, but it would’ve been fun if you would’ve been the one
cardigan: (first of the love triangle, Taylor freaking Swift. this entire song is so beautiful. one of my faves and i cried the first time i heard it) i knew you stepping on the last train, marked me like a bloodstain I,  I knew you tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy I, I knew you leaving like a father, running like water I, and when you are young they assume you know nothing, but I’d knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss, I knew you’d haunt all of my what if’s, the smell of smoke would hang around this long, cause I knew everything when I was young
the last great american dynasty: (a sweet little bop. i love this one. Taylor’s voice is so pretty. this guitar is *chefs kiss*) she had a marvelous time ruining everything / [the entire bridge!!!!] there goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen, i had a marvelous time ruining everything
exile: (again, this one hurts right now. a bit relevant.) you’re not my homeland anymore, so what am i defending now? / (pretty much Taylor’s whole verse because freaking ouch - it’s describing my heart space right now) i think i’ve seen this film before, so I’m leaving out the side door / cause you never gave a warning sign - i gave sooo many signs
my tears ricochet: (hearing this song with the framing of it being about B*g M*****e is so sad, heartbreaking, powerful) cause i loved you, i swear i loved you, til my dying day, i didn’t have it in myself to go with grace (and then really the whole entire rest of the song.) /  WHEN I’M SCREAMING AT THE SKYYY... YOU HEAR MY STOLEN LULLABIIIIES
mirrorball: (this one feels like 80′s prom or something, i’m in love) *hushh*  when no one is around my dear, you’ll find me on my tallest tip toes, spinning in my highest heels love, shining just for youuu
seven: (this one makes me feel like i’m in a grassy meadow, while of course swinging on a tree, with a light summer breeze) sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart won’t tell no other / love you to the moon and to saturn / (STRINGS) 
august: (another love triangle song, and it’s my favorite of the moment i think... i think. it also hurts a little bit because of my love life heart space ): ) i remember thinking i had you, but i can see us lost in the memory, august slipped away into a moment in time, cause he was never mine, and i can see us twisted in bed sheets, august sipped away like a bottle of wine, cause you were never mine / (and the fact that there’s beautiful flutes noticeable to me and beautiful saxophone is just super convenient for my feelings as well. also, beautiful fade out, *chefs kiss*)
this is me trying: (this beat going into the song goes hard. guess what - song again hits me like a truck. it’s like what i would want him to say to me. i picture it’s fairly similar to what he’s going through. who knows.) so i got wasted like all my potential, and my words shoot to kill when i’m mad, i have a lot of regrets about that 
illicit affairs: (these guitars are like hugging my ears) take the words for what they are, a dwindling mercurial high, a drug that only worked the first few hundred times (that line in particular hits) / don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby, look at this idiotic fool that you made me, you taught me a secret language i can’t speak with anyone else, and you know damn well for you i would ruin myself a million little times
invisible string: (again, guitars hugging the ears :). and of course, this song gives me hope for whatever, whoever could be out there for me. her runs are angelic) bad was the blood of the song in the cab on your first trip to la / time, mystical time, cutting me open then healing me fine~ / one single thread of gold tied me to you / hell was the journey but it brought me heaven / give me the blues and the purple pink skies, baby it’s cooool with meeeee! (so many Lover references in these lines! I’m in love!)
mad woman: (i’m in love with this song as well. like another version of the Man, aka don’t fuck with me. i’m in love with the entire chorus and her voice and the piano) what do you sing on your drive home, do you see my face in the neighbor’s lawn, does she smile or does she mouth fuck you forever / no one likes a mad woman, you made her like that... / women like hunting witches too, doing your dirtiest work for you
epiphany: (the production of this song is so angelic and peaceful yet the lyrics are haunting and i get sad every time i listen to it. the parallel between the war and the pandemic is rough and sad. this song is a different kind of hurt) hold your hand through plastic now, doc i think she’s crashing out, and some things you can’t speak about *and then the moment of silence with horns*...
betty: (the last of the triangle. this is the one that is so beautiful and heartbreaking and hopeful? maybe not hopeful it’s more the nostalgia factor of it all for me that just because of the breakup stage i’m in right now is what makes it heartbreaking... one day it will be more beautiful and i can smile to it with a longing and gratuitous embrace... also a bop, ALSO reminds me of country Taylor and it’s so *hugs my heart and teen me*) but if i just showed up at your party, would you have me would you want me? would you tell me to go fuck myself or lead me to the garden / i don’t know anything but i know i miss you / the only thing i wanna do is make it up to you / (KEY CHANGE !!!) / kissing in my car again, stopped at a streetlight you know i miss you
peace: (another favorite!!!! and apparently the first take she did of this song IS THE ONE THAT’S ON THE ALBUM. artist.) the devils in the details, but you got a friend in me, would it be enough if i could never give you peace, your integrity makes me seem small, you paint dreamscapes on the wall, i talk shit with my friends, it’s like i’m wasting your honor *piannooooo* / and you know that i’d swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches, give you my wild, give you a child... 
hoax: (a hauntingly beautiful one, a favorite, love that it’s the closer. it HURTS me right now but i’ll take it. it’s a beautiful song and it’s helping the heal. can’t wait to hear the lakes on the deluxe! - also i just so happen to be re-reading the twilight series right now and it’s the exact vibes i get from this song - the level of love, the cliff sides, the sleepless nights, the piano, eclipsed sun) stood on the cliff side screaming give me a reason, your faithless love’s the only hoax i believe in.... don’t want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do. 
Taylor announced it and I woke up to the news. I spent the whole day obsessed with the thought of the album and the fact that she literally surprise dropped and shook the whole swiftie kingdom as well as it’s surrounding communities. I had no idea what to expect with it but I said it would be my new favorite Taylor album, i just had a feeling. And I think that this album proved that statement was true. This side of Taylor is the storytelling side I absolutely fell in love with. Her power and creativity and pen are just top tier and she’s the freaking artist of my lifetime. This album will be helping me heal, just as rep did, just as 1989 did, just as Speak Now, Fearless did. I love you Taylor. Thank you for the beauty that is folklore.
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milkybonya · 4 years
aesthetic tag game
tagged by my dear @thelilyshope <3 <3 (taking a break from studying to do this!)
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold.
(soft!) baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
(dark academia!) neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
(edgy!) closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humour | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
(seventies!) colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
(preppy casual!) collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
(by @masterninjacow!) rainy mornings | sweet steaming tea | cats’ purrs | daydreaming about fantasies | back hugs | glinting necklaces | loud video games | grumbling thunder | constantly chewing gum | wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear to bed | watching horror movies at night | nibbling on chocolates | talking to yourself | short hair | sad lofi music | messy sketches | sweet-scented body wash | spicy noodles at midnight | hating physical affection but craving it at the same time | ending all texts with lmao or rip
(by @cherriigguk!) dried flowers | painting at 2 am in oversized sweater | up until sunrise | abundance of blankets and plushies | minimalistic colours | writing when you can’t sleep | warm banana bread on a winters day | stroking a sleepy dog | big eyeliner | butterfly clips | lo-fi hip hop | glossy lips and rose tinted cheeks | afternoon tea with old friends | oversized cardigans | herbal tea | dainty jewellery | self-care evenings | messy low bun or ponytails | dark hair | too many sketchbooks |
(by @iniquitouspoppy!) cuddling with pets | collecting art | journaling at night | flower dresses | raccoon eyes | thunderstorms | listening to music in bed | gaming | anything (pastel) rainbow | jumpsuits | taking pictures with an old camera | pictures everywhere | spending time with friends until the sun goes down | being alone and loving it | being alone and hating it | reading in the train or bus | just reading all the time | biking everywhere | buying flowers | biting your lip | blue skies, white clouds | big tattoos | piercings | stargazing |
(by @sweetae-tae) zoning out when talking to someone | travelling with friends | concerts and music festivals | doing something just because it makes others happy | being happy when loved ones are happy | mom-friending everyone | buying new flowers you know nothing about | baking for others | trying out new things | listening to one song on repeat for hours | not being able to find one specific song to listen to | doing things to keep your mind busy | a cool breeze during warm days | staying up for “just one more episode” | wishing on dandelions | collecting four-leaf-clovers | dimples | contagious laughter | decorating your room with photos and postcards and posters | winter nights when it snows heavily
(by @actuallythatwaspromise) bookstores | pearl necklaces | wishing on the first star at night | messy room | tall lace up leather boots | never breaking the rules | thigh high socks | peppermint-mocha frappes year round | no jackets in winter | standing outside in the rain | the scent of pine | watch documentaries for fun | navy blue room | knitted Blankets | eyes that are multi-colored | cool morning mist | perfectly formed sentences | reading poetry to learn new words | swords with golden hilts | wish anklets on so long that you forgot what you wished for
(by @kodabodaa) all black everything | vampire-esque | sitting outside on quiet nights | winged eyeliner | fucked up sleep schedule | standing outside during a downpour | meme photo folder | tattoos | piercings | loves to make people flustered through flirting | first meal not till after midnight | looks like could kill | laying in bed all day | majorly independent | playlists for everything | prince zuko trash | could read you to filth | lack of emotions | once i love, i love hard | not afraid of really anything |
(by @seoultraveller) intense eye contact | deep discussion about passions | naked dance sessions alone in the bedroom | learning foreign language through poetry, song, and history | studying historical dynasties | not studying out of pure disinterest | nervous lip biting | patience | having one drink alone at a hotel bar | pancakes or waffles on a weekend morning | driving down an empty road towards a roadtrip destination | a tryst over the summer that turns into a romantic storytime | traveling to put your school knowledge to use | mellifluous speech | does not speak unless spoken to first | peppermint hot chocolate by the fireplace | wine on the balcony | unknown intensity | crying in bed at night |
(by @daybreakx) hot drinks in tall mugs | glitter eyeshadow | the sensation in your mouth from peppermint + cold | the scent of roses | red lips | talking to yourself in another language | old disney movies | unsolicited information dumps | messy handwriting | cold days with lots of wind | listening to a song you love in public | a playlist for driving even if the drive is 10 min long | heart skipping a beat from happiness | the feeling when a concert is about to start | crime shows | sarcasm | drinking coffee while waiting for your flight | horror stories | scented candles all over the place | daydreaming as an escape |
(by @thelilyshope) sliding on floors wearing fuzzy socks | tennis shoes with dresses | loves horror | making your own coffee | lost in thought while in nature | staring at the night sky | loves the sunrise but doesn’t like feeling tired | falling asleep while bear hugging a plush | the feeling of excitement when discovering a new place | mysteries in old places | learning through travels | slowly reading books | longing for the future | fashion you love but could never try | interested in many but passionate only for a few | warming up under blankets after playing in snow | turning fear into excitement | embarrassing others in public | trying on weird things at the mall for fun | the go-to comfort friend
(by @yutopiada) morning runs through the sleepy neighbourhood | cutting your hair on a whim | clothes that are too big | podcasts and breakfast | writing letters to yourself | the sound and feeling of pressing the keys of a keyboard | songs that remind you of a precise memory | wanting to be different | scared of being forgotten | procrastination | body hair positivity | having a collection of wired earbuds in case one of them breaks | saving empty notebooks because they’re too precious to write in | claiming things as yours by putting a sticker(s) on it | that artificial strawberries and cream flavour | it’s not dessert unless it’s chocolate | white trainers | big, chunky shoes | staring at paintings/artifacts in museums for too long | enjoying old architecture
@tomoonine, @jfc-max, @hiddenclawsof, @yuthoe i tag youuu ! (but there is no obligation to do this :”) )
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smoozie · 4 years
21. Coffee or tea?
23. Last show you binge watched?
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
27. Favorite winter activity?
42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why?
141. Favorite summer activity?
62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?
64. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
109. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much each time?
114. Favorite type of cookie?
122. Favorite Disney song?
126. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media.
129. Favorite fandom?
130. What is your astrological sign?
146. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
180. Your least favorite food?
187. Snowboarding or skiing?
199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose? (That's a lot sorry but hi)
Sorry I fell asleep slcjdkdk
21. Tea, but I haven't had much of either so idk for sure
23. Svtfoe, it's good for the first two seasons, the third is okay, and the fourth is just -_-
25. Bro.... idk 🤔 I'm v indecisive akdldhc
27. Hot chocolate. That's not an activity kadhddjdj, but still. Wait- my birthday! Thats my fav activity 😌
42. Answered this one before, shape shifting!
141. Uhhh, camping cuz for me it usually encompasses a lot of good!! God I love camping with big group
62. Nope
64. No idea aldjdk, but I usually get superman/blue moon because ✨nostalgia✨ I like chocolate and/or raspberry a lot tho
109. Nothing comes to mind 🤔 I've watched my sister's fav movie a lot because she loves it so ig any movie I like is good for rewatching tho maybe Tinkerbell counts
114. Classic chocolate chip 😎
122. I don't have a fav, but Remember Me from Coco's been stuck in my head all day lol
126. Idk just, aggressive stuff/hate, also I need to stop looking through those tags 😅
129. Don't really have a fav fandom :p
130. Capricorn ✌😌
146. Ig my sister's fav movie, it's called Ever After and we quote it a lot.. Pride and Prejudice too! But Ever After more
180. I'm just gonna say tomatoes. I've had worse, but tomatoes and any tomato sauce I cannot stand. If pizza has too much sauce I hate it 😔
187. I've never done either 🤔
199. Well assuming it would be my friend and not eat me a wolf!! I held a baby wolf when I was younger and I love themmm! But if it woulf eat me? Idk maybe a penguin akdhdj, they seem pretty chill. WAIT also Komodo Dragon, and/or anything from those small lizard/bird exhibits! A snake :000
Np!! I'm glad you attached all the questions so I didn't have to go through for each!! Love youuu 💞 /p
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swaymarkhugs · 5 years
I was tagged by @erinllindsays and @invisiblesocks...thank youuu friends! Sorry I’m just getting around to this.
Name: Amanda
Birthday: April 2nd 
Zodiac sign: Aries
Hobbies: watching hockey, writing, dressage (ponies!), skiing, dance
Favorite colors: purple, pink, blue, and the Bruins’ colors (obviously)
Favorite books: Magonia, Aerie, Harry Potter
Last song I listened to: Angel by Theory Of A Deadman
Last Movie I watched: Moana 
Love: My amazing wife ( @bmarchand63 ), my gastroenterologist, my rabbit, my dogs, my horse, my family & friends, ice cream, pasta, hockey, skiing, equestrian things, blankets, cuddling my wife, blogging, traveling, and many other things
Something that helps people: animals, medicine 
Meaning behind your url: reference to being a rare disease patient 
Tagging @bmarchand63, @bostonbackes, @eafay70, @shark8-my-leg, and anyone else who feels like doing this! 
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minijenn · 5 years
Keys to the Kingdom Chapter 4
AN-K so since its not 3 in the fucking morning, I figured I might as well post this on here now so people will actually see it. Gotta say, this one was fun, especially the closer it gets towards the end for... reasons. Enjoy!
Previous: http://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/183194476569/keys-to-the-kingdom-chapter-3
Chapter 4: Hero to Zero
He was a no one (A zero, zero) Now he's a honcho (He's a hero!) Here was a kid with his act down pat! From zero to hero in no time flat! Zero to hero just like that!
In all their past expeditions to Olympus, Sora, Donald, and Goofy usually spent most of their time at the world’s iconic coliseum. The arena’s tall and stately structure was a favorite haunt for the trio, as was the world it was contained in as a whole, for all the grand adventures and heroic exploits they’d shared there. Training to measure up as true heroes under Phil, rushing to protect Meg from the perils of the treacherous Underworld, fighting alongside Hercules to foil Hades’ sinister schemes. All were fond memories for the trio, memories that they thought would come rushing right back to them in full force upon arriving at the familiar coliseum.
Or at least they would have if they had actually arrived at the coliseum.
For upon embarking from the Gummi Ship, Sora, Donald, and Goofy found themselves not before the arena’s statue-guarded entrance, but rather on a lush outcropping halfway up a mountain so tall its distant peak seemed to pierce the sky itself. Needless to say that the trio was certain they had landed in Olympus, they were still aptly confused by the unfamiliar scenery, with nary a coliseum or Underworld for that matter in sight.
“What? No fanfare?” Sore spoke up first, pretending to blow a trumpet to emphasize his point. Donald sent him something of a caustic look before shaking his head while Goofy stepped forward to try to get a better look at their newfound surroundings.
“Nope,” the captain confirmed. “Looks like we missed the coliseum.”
“Sora, you’re the one who opened the gate!” Donald scolded the Keybearer impatiently. “I thought you knew where we were going this time!”
“I was… a little off again,” Sora grinned apologetically. “Sorry! We’ll find him, but we need to go!”
“Up the mountain?” Donald asked as Sora already began heading in that direction.
“Yeah,” the Keybearer glanced back over his shoulder briefly. “‘Up’ is the usual direction.”
“Well, it never hurts to have your head in the clouds!” Goofy quipped optimistically.
“That’s the spirit!” Sora exclaimed brightly, running on ahead. Goofy couldn’t help but let out an amused chuckle as he went to follow him, though Donald sighed, already somewhat exasperated by the levity his companions often shared when they were supposed to be taking thing seriously. Still, the magician was quick to hurry after the pair, trudging the worn and craggy path ahead towards wherever it might lead.
“Whoa…” Sora mused, amazed as they passed into a wide-open, mosaic-adorned area. “I can’t believe Herc’s world is so huge!”
“Well, the past few times we’ve been here we were pretty busy,” Goofy pointed out. “Guess we didn’t get much of a chance to go explorin’.”
“That’s a good thing!” Donald asserted firmly. “The less exploring we do, the less of a chance we have to mess up the world order by mistake!”
“Seriously, Donald?” Sora asked with a wry smirk. “Are you ever gonna let go of that whole ‘world order’ thing?”
“No, I won’t!” the magician fussed, sending the Keybearer a disapproving glare. “You should know by now that it’s important!”
“Hey, I do know,” Sora protested, casually perching his hands behind his head. “You don’t ever see me going around messing with the order of things, do you?”
Upon hearing this, Donald and Goofy exchanged a knowing glance, both of them well aware of Sora’s regular tendency to get himself (and by extension both of them) involved in the affairs of other worlds when they really should have just left things well enough alone. Even so, neither of them could really fault him for it; despite the fact that such behavior could indeed be considered “meddling”, there was no question that Sora’s heart was always in the right place. Whenever they did involve themselves in the problems of a given world, it was usually for the sake of helping those within that world as a whole or at the very least whatever new acquaintances they happened to make along the way. It was through that enthusiastic altruism, typically spearheaded by Sora, that the trio made some of their most invaluable friends and allies, including the very legendary hero they had come to this world to see.
It didn’t take very long for the trio to emerge onto another elevated range, one that gave them a clear, full picture of the sprawling valley far below. Yet as awe-inspiring as the view admittedly was, it still wasn’t really giving any of them too much to go off of when it came to determining their exact location.
“Ya know, fellas,” Goofy spoke up with a frown. “I think we might be goin’ in circles…”
“Sora…” Donald huffed as he looked to the Keybearer who had been leading the way.
“Did I make a turn at the wrong rock or something?” Sora muttered, also quite bewildered. All the same, since a cursory inspection of the area wasn’t really giving them any results, he decided to step forward with a more direct way of tracking the legendary hero down. “Hey, Hercules!” he shouted into the valley in the hopes that the hero might hear him. “Where are youuu?”
While Hercules himself was still nowhere to be found to offer a response to this call, someone else had heard it in his stead, and that someone was sure to make his displeasure with it quite clear the moment he touched down behind the trio in a heavy cloud of dark smoke. “All right. I know I dotted my I’s, crossed my T’s, zeroed the hero. So what gives? Who could possibly be trying to give me a migraine by yodeling that yutz’s name!?”
Though most would have likely cowered in fear in the presence of the lord of the dead himself, Sora, Donald, and Goofy merely let out a shared disappointed sigh upon being met with this reoccurring foe yet again. “Really? Hades?” Sora asked with a disappointed scowl.
“Oh, its just you,” Hades huffed, just as disgruntled to see the trio as they were to see him. “Oy vey…”
“Just us?” Sora repeated, hands on his hips. “Even for you that’s cold.”
“Yeah, well don’t forget!” Hades snapped harshly. “I can always turn up the heat!”
“Wait a sec…” Goofy interjected, glancing around curiously. “If Hades is here, then where’s Herc?”
“What is everyone’s infatuation with that DOLT!?” Hades growled, his blue flames spiking red with rage at the mere mention of the legendary hero. All the same, the lord of the dead was quick to calm himself down, especially when he considered his already-rapidly unfolding plans. “You know what? Never mind, never mind. I’m cool, I’m good. Because… Wonderboy will be outta my hair soon enough…”
“So you’re up to no good again!” Sora assumed, already readily summoning his Keyblade.
“Of course he is,” Goofy agreed as him and Donald also pulled out their respective weapons.
“You bet!” the magician added, holding his staff warningly as they all glared the lord of the dead down.
“Whoa, easy,” Hades remarked, glancing back at the battle-ready trio. “What is this, Sparta? Kind of on a schedule here. Don’t have time to toss around the ol’ fire and brimstone. The whole cosmos is basically waiting for me to, y’know, conquer it! So I better not leave it hanging.”
“Poor Hades,” Sora remarked with little sympathy as the lord of the dead began to head off. “He really thinks he can actually pull it off this time.”
“He’s gotta know that the three of us and Hercules are gonna stop him again,” Donald added just as confidently.
“Not this time, you’re not!” Hades shot back as he turned his gaze up towards the towering mountain itself. “Where are my Titans?!” he called commandingly. “Show me your power!”
Despite their previous doubts, Sora, Donald, and Goofy all jolted in surprise as the stony ground beneath their feet began to tremble violently at this demand. Likewise, the gentle blue skies ahead turned dark and stormy, heralding the arrival of not one, but four massive, unimaginable terrors. Nature itself seemed to go completely haywire at their arrival, the ongoing earthquake still rattling the mountain as deadly molten lava spilled down from its peak. A frigid, icy chill, carried by a brutal, blustery gust tore through the air and in the center of all this chaos stood Hades, absolutely reveling in the sheer destructive potential his Titans were showing. “Ah! Love the breeze!” the lord of the dead sighed with a wide, sinister grin as he looked behind him again. “Don’t you, fellas?”
Neither Sora, Donald, nor Goofy had much of a chance to respond amidst the practically deafening winds, which they were all having quite a hard time standing against. The force of the supernatural gale was relentless, and despite the trio’s best efforts, it soon proved to be too much for them. In one fell swoop, they were all thrown clear off the mountain, the winds catapulting them upward and out from the outcropping towards what would likely be a painful landing in the distant valley miles below.
And then, just as quickly as the elemental tumult had begun, it came to an end on Hades’ succinct command. The lord of the dead’s smug grin was still apparent as he looked off to where the trio had been blown away, satisfied that they wouldn’t impede his plans this time. “Ah, that sent em’ sailing,” Hades mused, though his smile quickly fell as he took a moment to realize exactly where the trio was likely headed. “Sailing right to where I left… Eh, no biggie.” The lord of the dead shrugged, unconcerned as he turned back to the quartet of monsters hanging around the mountain high above him. “Nice work, boys! So, back to the whole cosmic coup thing?”
As always, the Titans heeded their lords’ command, trudging their way back up to the home of the gods on the mountain’s peak so they could take it as their own. Hades gladly saw them off, though his formerly aggravated manner returned in full force as he sensed a dark corridor open up not too far behind him. “Ugh… really?” he asked with a begrudging sigh. “Are you kidding? Geez louise, when it rains it pours. Ok, who’s the new pest?”
“Hey, now! That ain’t no way to say hello, ‘specially to your old friends.”
“Oh perfect…” Hades scowled as he turned around to face the pair stepping out of the dark portal. “Now I gotta put up with you two.”
“You needn’t worry,” Maleficent assured, her expression as dour as ever. “We’ve no intentions of wasting your no-doubt… valuable time.”
“Yeah, we just dropped by to ask ya somethin’ real quick,” Pete added with a brazen smirk.
“Oh yeah?” Hades raised an eyebrow. “Funny, I don’t remember either of you two doing me any memorable favors. So you can keep your Heartless this time, and your cockamamie questions to yourselves. I’m going back to my original plan. All right? So… toodle-oo! Exit’s thataway! Hey, it was great seein’ ya. Happy traaaaails!”
“We’re not here to aid in your small-minded schemes,” the dark fairy countered calmly. “I have my own business to attend to. All I need to know is if there is a distinctive… black box… somewhere in this world.”
“Black box, huh?” Hades repeated rather boredly. “Hm… black box, black box, black box… Wait. Don’t tell me… you’re after the one Zeus hid on Earth?”
“…Possibly,” Maleficent said vaguely. “If I were, where might it be?”
“I dunno,” Hades shrugged apathetically. “Somewhere down in Thebes, I guess. Not sure what a power-hungry broad like you would want with some dumb ol’ trinket of a box like that though.”
“Huh? Are you sayin’ that this box is tiny or somethin’?” Pete asked, dismayed as he turned to Maleficent for confirmation. “I thought you said what we’re lookin’ for is supposed to be this big sorta treasure-chest type thing!”
“Quiet, you fool,” the dark fairy hissed, not wanting to tip the lord of the dead, or anyone else for that matter, off to what she was really searching for. “Its size and appearance matters not. After all…” she kept her voice lowered down at a whisper as she smirked darkly. “The most unassuming vessels can often hold the most… unpredictable power within them…”
“Hey, not that this isn’t an absolute blast or anything,” Hades interjected somewhat impatiently. “But I kinda have things to do, enemies to thrash, the whole nine yards, you know how it is. So… are we done here?”
“Yes…” Maleficent nodded as she summoned another dark corridor to take her leave. “I believe we are.”
“Great, see ya around,” the lord of the dead deadpanned with a halfhearted wave as he finally left, though not without ranting to himself the entire time. “Geez, not even a thank-you for the tip about the stupid box? Getting outta her payroll was one of the best things you ever did for yourself, Hades, that’s for sure…”
“So…” Pete spoke up once Hades was out of earshot. “Ya really think that box he was talkin’ about was the one we’re after?”
“We shall see for ourselves…” Maleficent said simply as she walked into the dark portal, her henchman hurrying right along after her. “Come along, Pete. I believe our search has only just begun…”
The city of Thebes was a vast, sprawling Grecian metropolis, sitting in the safety of the shadow of Mount Olympus itself. However, that safety seemed to be doing nothing for it now as the town was currently in a complete and utter upheaval. Hades had launched a devastating attack upon it, sending fire raining down from the sky and monsters out to scour the streets. The city had already seen substantial damage in the past several hours alone, with plenty of structures having fallen victim to the ongoing chaos. Thebes’ citizens themselves were in just as much of a panic, scrambling to find any save haven they could to shelter themselves from the torrential destruction ravaging their home. And yet, amidst this grave devastation, the people still found they had one hope to rely on to rescue them from it all and restore peace once again: Hercules.
The legendary hero was in the midst of doing just that too as he had only just finished saving a group of civilians from a dangerous street fire. Hercules stood, perched atop a nearby building to take the briefest of breathers before throwing himself back into the frantic fray, fully aware that a hero’s work was never done. However, just before the hero could return to his regularly-scheduled rescuing, his attention was diverted by the emerging noise of three very distinct, very familiar cries of fearful alarm. And upon turning towards the source of these screams for himself, Hercules didn’t hesitate to leap into action to save his three peril-ridden friends.
In one swift, deft leap, Hercules caught both Sora and Goofy, halting their freefall and making a safe and stable landing with the pair in tow. “See? Told ya we’d find him!” Sora proclaimed only mere seconds after their landing.
“Yeah, guess this counts!” Goofy agreed just as heartily.
The legendary hero offered the pair a brief nod of greeting, though before he really had much of a chance to say hello, his attention was garnished by the only member of the trio he hadn’t successfully caught. “Hey! Get me down!” Donald squawked, struggling to free himself from the maw of the massive lion statue he had managed to land on.
“Just a second!” Hercules called, promptly setting Sora and Goofy down to retrieve the frustrated magician. And as soon as everyone was safe and settled on the ground, a proper reunion between the trio and the legendary hero took off almost immediately.
“Sora, Donald, Goofy! You guys are here!” Hercules exclaimed with a surprised, though excited grin. “You three literally dropped in. Gotta say, I’m impressed.”
“Thanks!” Donald retorted brightly.
“Liked the catch,” Goofy said just as enthusiastically.
“Yeah, thanks, Herc,” Sora nodded in apt agreement for the timely save. “But… what’s going on?” he asked, noting the destruction-ravaged streets around them, smoldering piles of rubble still burning bright in seemingly every direction.
“Take a guess,” the legendary hero sighed in clear exasperation. “Starts with an H…”
“Ah,” Sora crossed his arms, already knowing well who Hercules was referring to. “I get the picture. Actually, we bumped into the H-ster on the way here.”
“He said somethin’ about conquerin’ the whole cosmos,” Goofy added a touch more seriously.
“All of it, huh?” Hercules asked sardonically, hardly phased by Hades’ latest grandiose scheme. “Nice of him to show a little self-restraint. Well, whatever he’s planning, I’ll send him running back across the Styx!”
“That’s our Herc!” Sora grinned, mimicking Hercules’ heroic pose.
The legendary hero couldn’t help but let out a small, amused chuckle at the Keybearer’s admirable zeal as he beckoned for the trio to help him investigate the nearby town center for any straggling civilians in danger. “So, Sora, is there a reason you guys are visiting?” Hercules asked, curious. “I’m guessing its not just for the cheese and olives.”
“Oh yeah!” Sora exclaimed in realization.
“Looks like somebody forgot,” Goofy teased lightly.
“That’s Sora for you,” Donald chided just as playfully.
“Hey, I didn’t forget!” Sora protested. “I just… took my time remembering. Besides, we were sort of busy dealing with Hades and being blown off a mountain and everything, so can you really blame me for getting distracted?”
“Yes,” Donald retorted, absolutely deadpan.
“Anyway…” Sora said, sending the magician a pointed glare before he turned to Hercules and the matter at hand. “Herc, I came here because I wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask me?” the hero repeated, genuinely surprised.
“Yeah,” the Keybearer nodded resolutely. “Do you remember the last time we were together? You were feeling down and out. How’d you get your strength back when you jumped in and saved Meg?”
“Hm… that’s tough…” Hercules mused thoughtfully. “All I know is… that she was in trouble. Suddenly, I wanted to save her with all my heart, but… it’s not like I could really tell you how I did it exactly…”
“Oh man…” Sora sighed in clear disappointment. After all, they had come all this way seeking Hercules’ advice born from first-hand experience. But if even the hero didn’t know how to explain the rise from his own fall, then how was Sora supposed to follow in his footsteps and do the same for himself.
“What’s wrong?” Hercules asked, concerned upon noticing the Keybearer’s obvious dejection.
Sora glanced down, his usual upbeat manner solemn and remorseful as he filled the hero in. “A-all my strength left me too…” he admitted, almost ashamed to say it out loud. “That’s why I wanted to find you—I was hoping you might have a solution or some advice or… something.”
“Oh…” Hercules frowned sympathetically. “I’m sorry, Sora. But… for what its worth, I’m sure you’ll find a way to regain that lost strength of yours somehow. After all, I’ve seen you pull off crazier things than that.”
Though it was really a rather small sentiment, Sora couldn’t help but perk up somewhat upon receiving the hero’s vote of confidence. However, before he had a chance to thank Hercules for it, the conversation was sharply interupted from a stark warning from Donald.
“Heartless!” the captain cried, pointing to the stormy skies above. Sure enough, raining down like meteors from the heavens was a horde of flaming Heartless, each of which crashed into the square before the trio and the hero with heavy force. One such impact struck the side of the town’s centerpiece, a large, finely-sculpted statue of Hercules himself, built to honor the hero and his labors. Despite its sturdy structure, it easily toppled over from the blow, slamming to the ground and adding even more destruction onto what the already rampaging group of Heartless were bringing about as they blasted their brimstone around the square wildly.
“We’ll talk later!” Hercules exclaimed, already taking up a fighting stance against the creatures as the trio prepped their respective weapons for the melee ahead.
“Right,” Sora agreed, tightening his grip on his Keyblade. “Once we’ve dealt with these guys.”
And with that, the fight was on. Upon noticing the group taking opposition against them, the Heartless quickly swarmed, a number of them rushing forward with their forms flaming and ready to attack. But for as threatening as the creatures of darkness attempted to be, they were met with a group that was more than used to squaring off against them by now. Since he was already filled with adrenaline from his ongoing efforts of protecting the town, Hercules leapt into the fray first, his sheer physical strength serving him well as he tossed the Heartless around as though they were little more than dead weight. Though it had admittedly been awhile since either of them had actively engaged in combat, Donald and Goofy were also quick to get back into the swing of things as the captain plowed his shield into the creatures while the magician blasted off a barrage of spells to take them down.
Likewise, Sora rushed into battle just as confidently, Keyblade at the ready, though almost immediately, he noticed that his swings were nowhere near as he knew they could be. He wasn’t pulling any punches in his attacks (he rarely ever did), but all the same the Keybearer still felt slower, weaker even, and he had a strong suspicion as to why. The flaming Heartless they were facing was certainly a weaker subset of them, one that could be easily taken out by merely a well-timed water spell; but even after casting several such spells, Sora found that very few of the creatures skittering around him were actually going down, much to his growing frustration. And as distracted as the Keybearer was by the group of Heartless directly in front of him, he didn’t even notice the creature bounding up behind him until it launched a fiery burst directly at him, one that he knew, in the brief second he glanced over his shoulder to see it, he’d have no time to deflect.
Fortunately, Sora didn’t have to as Goofy ended up doing the job for him. The dangerous flames struck the captain’s shield squarely, and in retaliation, he launched his weapon straight at the offending Heartless, defeating it easily. “Look alive, Sora!” Goofy reminded good-naturedly as he hurried off to help Donald square off against another group.
“That’s funny, I thought I was…” Sora huffed, somewhat disgruntled even if he was still grateful for the timely save.  
With their numbers already steadily going down, the rest of the Heartless were relatively easier work for the group to thin out. However, just when it seemed as though their work was about over while they were collaborating on clearing out the last few straggling creatures, an all new cause for alarm came to their attention from, of all places, above.
“Hercules!” the familiar cry prompted the entire group to turn around to see none other than Pegasus, toting both Meg and Phil, soaring in towards the square. However, Meg’s fearful shout was soon understood when the group on the ground spotted the swarm of winged Heartless hovering around them.
“Augh! Will ya annoying little schmucks get outta here already?!” Phil yelled as he made as much of an attempt to swat the attacking creatures away.
“How about a little help up here, huh?!” Meg called to the group below as she did her best to steer Pegasus to safety.
“Meg! Phil!” Hercules exclaimed, immensely concerned for the pair and the peril they were in. Without hesitation, the hero leapt high as Pegasus flew in low, allowing him to clock several of the Heartless clean out of the air, though plenty more still remained.
“Come on, Sora!” Donald urged as him and Goofy began running on ahead to do whatever they could to assist the hero. “We gotta help them!”
Upon receiving no immediate response from the Keybearer, the pair was quick to take pause, knowing that he was usually the first to run headlong to the rescue of just about anyone in danger. And yet, when they glanced back to check on Sora, they were both quite surprised and worried to see that he seemed to be absolutely winded from their recently-ended scuffle; the tip of his Keyblade was digging into the cobblestone ground as he leaned against it for support, his clothes, skin, and hair all lightly singed thanks to the formerly flaming Heartless as he struggled to catch his breath and recover from the relatively short skirmish.
“Sora?” Goofy asked as both him and Donald turned to face the exhausted Keybearer fully, letting Hercules handle the rest of the Heartless above. “Are you ok?”
As soon as he noticed the fretful glances his companions were sending his way, Sora was quick to snap upright, forcing a reassuring smile even if he was still quite breathless from all the exertion. “Y-yeah! I’m… I’m fine!”
“Are ya sure?” the captain pressed. “You seem kinda tired…”
“W-who, me?” Sora scoffed as steadily as he could. “No way! I… I’m just a little… a little out of p-practice is all! But I-I’ll get over it! Now, c’mon, we… we gotta help Herc save Meg a-and-”
“Actually,” the hero interjected as he landed back down before the trio, motioning to Pegasus safely doing the same behind him. “I think I got just about all of them. I appreciate the enthusiasm though.”
“Aw man…” Sora muttered to himself, disappointed largely with his limits, which were, by all accounts, much lower than he would have liked them to be.
“Hercules!” Meg exclaimed, immensely relieved as she hopped off the winged horse to rush to the hero and engulf him in a tight embrace. “You’re ok!”
“I’m ok?” Hercules laughed as he returned her hug. “I should be saying that about you since you guys were the ones who nearly just got knocked out of the sky just now.”
“Eh, we would’ve been just fine with just me smackin’ them freaks around,” Phil remarked as sardonically as ever. “Not that I can’t give ya any points for the flashy rescue, kid,” the satyr joked, elbowing his former pupil’s leg playfully.
“Yeesh…” Meg remarked, glancing around the decimated square as she parted away from the hero. “Whatever happened here doesn’t look so fun…”
“No, not with the Heartless involved,” Hercules shook his head before he glanced over at the trio with a grin. “We’re just lucky our friends showed up to help out.”
“Well, whaddaya know?” Meg said as she offered the trio a wry smirk of greeting. “Sora, Donald, Goofy, I guess we owe you a big thank you.”
“Hey, anytime!” Sora assured brightly, having mostly recovered from the preceding fight.
“Oy, kid, you ain’t lookin’ so hot,” Phil noted, commenting on the Keybearer’s still rather battle-worn appearance. “You sure you’ve been keepin’ up with your hero training like I told ya to the last time you were here?”
“O-of course I have!” Sora protested defensively. “In fact, that’s why we came here in the first place: to get stronger.”
“Like Hercules!” Donald added.
“Aw, c’mon, you guys…” Hercules rebuffed with a humble chuckle.
“Yeah, well luckily for you, I trained the best of the best,” Phil concluded, looking to the hero with a proud smirk. “Who knows? Maybe someday you three will end up at least getting’ somewhere close to catching up do ‘im.”
“Hey!” the trio exclaimed in faux offended unison.
“Alright, alright, the last thing we need is another fight breaking out around here, you four,” Hercules interjected, his laughter dying down as he turned back to Meg with renewed seriousness. “Meg, you need to stay someplace safe. We’ll search the city and make sure everyone manages to stay clear of the fire.”
Meg nodded in agreement with this plan, though even still, her expression alone conveyed her worry easily. “Be careful, Wonderboy,” she urged fretfully.
“I will,” the hero assured, leaning in to give her a brief kiss on the forehead before turning back to the trio. “So, you guys in?”
“Of course, we’re in!” Sora exclaimed readily, as his companions nodded in solid agreement.
“We’re heroes!” Donald proclaimed proudly.
“Mm-hm!” Goofy agreed just as enthusiastically.
“Eh, I still think you three are a little wet behind the ears,” Phil remarked, eying the trio critically. “But you’re gettin’ there.”
“Break a leg then, ‘heroes’,” Meg said, sending the group a playful salute as she began making her way back over to Pegasus.
“Phil, you should go with Meg,” Hercules said to his former trainer who nodded dutifully to the task.
“Don’t worry, kid,” the satyr grinned bravely. “I’ll keep an eye on her. And if any more of those pesky puntzes attack us, I’ll put ‘em in their place!”
“Then we better hope none of them show up or else we’ll all be in for trouble,” Meg deadpanned, eliciting an annoyed glare from Phil as he climbed onto Pegasus behind her.
Hercules briefly joined them to give his loyal steed a steadying pat, confident that he’d do well in keeping protecting them from the danger still besetting Thebes. “You gotta keep her safe,” he said sternly, to which Pegasus nodded with clear assurance that he would.
And with that, the horse opened his wings wide, leaping high and taking flight with the intent of carrying Meg and Phil to safety, just as Hercules had said. Despite the distance between them, the hero couldn’t help but smile as he saw them off, relieved to know that the person he cared for most would be out of harm’s way. However, the group barely even had a chance to rest easy in that fact before yet another fearful plea rang out across the otherwise empty square.
“Heeeelp! Is anyone theeeere?”
“Hey! I hear a voice!” Goofy alerted, pointing towards the source of the cry. The others looked over in that direction only to find quite an alarming sight: a young girl, likely no older than ten, had somehow ended up stranded upon a tall pile of rubble overlooking the city center. She pressed up close to the stony wall behind her, clearly terrified of the perilous situation she was in, especially with the flames scorching that part of the town starting to press in just below her.
“Oh no! There’s a little girl caught in the fire!” Hercules warned the others urgently.
“Then let’s go!” Sora exclaimed, already hurrying on ahead, eager to do whatever he could to both help and build his lost strength up again.
“Wait! Running’s too slow!” Hercules cut in succinctly.
“Then what’s the other choice?” the Keybearer asked incredulously as he slid to a stop.
The legendary hero took pause, glancing around the smoldering square for a possible solution before finding one lying only just a few feet away. “Get on that,” Hercules grinned to the trio as he pointed to his own fallen statue. Sora, Donald, and Goofy exchanged a brief, confused glance, but none of them pressed the hero any further on what his plan could be, all three of them trusting that whatever it was, it would hopefully be bound to work.
And so the trio quickly scaled the statue, perching themselves upon its stone cape as they waited to see whatever it was Hercules intended on doing next. “Is this safe?” Donald asked somewhat apprehensively, glancing down from their spot on the statue.
“Hope so,” Goofy shrugged, ready for anything, as usual.
“You ready down there?” Sora asked, calling down to Hercules below.
“Sure am!” the hero assured as he got a good and steady grip on the bottom of the state. “Now, hold on tight!”
The trio did so, still not sure of what the hero’s plan was until they felt the statue suddenly move beneath them, much to their shared alarm. “W-whoa!” Sora exclaimed, aptly startled as he held onto the statue tighter. “Herc, m-maybe we should-”
Before the Keybearer had a chance to finish, Hercules had already hoisted the entire statue, which was at least several times his size, above his head, barely even breaking a sweat from the immense weight of it, much to the fearful bafflement of the trio clinging onto its upper side. Yet despite their shaken cries, the hero kept up his steady stance, carefully taking aim and, with a single mighty throw, he launched the entire statue hard and high into the air, sending it and the three passengers riding atop it, soaring towards the other side of the city. It was yet another perilous flight for the trio to be sure, though surprisingly their landing wasn’t so harrowing as the statue skidded to a safe stop upon one of Thebes’ higher levels. The hero had indeed aimed true as it put them quite close to where the endangered girl was still awaiting rescue, and rescuing her was exactly what they did. Upon retrieving her from her elevated spot, the trio made sure to deposit her a good distance away from the fire, something she was certainly grateful for as she thanked the group before running off to find proper shelter, giving Sora, Donald, and Goofy a much-needed moment to relax.
“Well, that could’ve gone a lot worse than it did,” Donald remarked, glancing back to the landed statue several feet away.
“What are we supposed to do now?” Goofy asked curiously, glancing around the largely empty area.
“I guess we might as well go check and see if anyone else needs us,” Sora suggested with a shrug. “Maybe see if we can catch up with Herc again along the way?”
Donald and Goofy both nodded in agreement to such a solid plan of action, however, before any of them could so much as make a move to enact it, they were distracted by a rather unexpected, rather alarming arrival instead. “Well, well… if it isn’t Sora and the king’s pawns…”
The trio shared a startled gasp as they all spun around, immediately on the defensive as they watched the pair of old foes emerge from a dark corridor. “Maleficent! Pete!” Sora exclaimed, instantly summoning his Keyblade as Donald and Goofy did the same with their own weapons against the dastardly duo. “Let me guess: you two are the reason the Heartless are here, aren’t you?!”
“Certainly not,” Maleficent denied evenly. “We’ve come to this world on much more important business than merely spreading mindless chaos.”
“Oh yeah?” Sora asked suspiciously, still maintaining his offensive stance alongside his companions. “Like what?”
“That is absolutely no concern to you,” the dark fairy rebuffed with a haughty scowl.
“Say, Maleficent…” Pete interjected with a smug, almost goading grin as he looked over to the trio. “I dunno about his sidekicks, but Kid Keyblader here looks way punier than the last time we saw him. I say we finish him off while we still can. It’d be a piece of cake for sure!”
Upon hearing such callous, almost cruel remarks, Sora said nothing, even though a large part of him did want to fiercely argue against them. But instead, he simply tightened his grip on his Keyblade and glared at the wicked duo firmly, trying his best not to come across as weak, even though he knew that’s what they saw him as. He wondered how it was so apparently obvious to just about everyone, including even Maleficent and Pete, that his strength had been sapped to such an extensive degree. He could feel it, of course, in just how much of a struggle taking out what should have been even minor foes seemed to be for him now, just how much even the tiniest battles seemed to tire him out, just how much he was seeming to fall behind when he should have stood strong. So how then, was literally everyone else able to see that he wasn’t even half the Keyblade wielder he knew he could be anymore?
“Waste no time with the boy,” Maleficent said dismissively just before Donald or Goofy could say anything to Sora’s defense. “He’s inconsequential, as are his companions. We have a far more pressing matter to attend to.”
For a moment, Pete was admittedly confused by this, until he happened to remember why they had journeyed to this world in the first place. “Oh yeah! We gots to find that black box!”
“How many times do I have to tell you to be silent, you fool!” Maleficent snapped harshly before her henchman could get another word out. Her anger was still just as apparent as she turned back towards the trio, her longstanding disdain for them apparent through her expression alone. “As for you three: we shall meet again… when I have time for such trifles…”
And with that, the dark fairy turned to leave through the darkness from whence she came, though Pete did linger behind for just a moment more to taunt the Keybearer one more time. “Yeah, and you better get your act together before then! Later, twerps!”
“Wait!” Sora shouted, hurrying after the pair with the intent of putting a stop to whatever their unknown schemes were. Though of course, before he could reach them, their shadowy portal disappeared, leaving the trio alone and in the dark about whatever it is they could be up to.
With Pete and Maleficent both finally gone, Sora finally let out the disgruntled sigh he had been holding in for quite some time now. Neither Donald nor Goofy had to ask where they young companion’s sudden bout of melancholy was coming from, but it still certainly concerned them both all the same.
“Sora?” Donald spoke up first, his tone fretful, especially as he overheard Sora sigh once more. Even so, the Keybearer was quick to turn to the pair with a small, halfhearted smile, one that neither of them really bought.
“I-it’s fine,” he said, though he didn’t make eye contact with either of them as he did. “I can take it.”
“Garwsh, it sure don’t sound like it,” Goofy said knowingly. “Did Pete sayin’ those mean things bother ya?”
“N-no!” Sora protested, crossing his arms and glaring away. “Like I said, I’m fine! I can take it!”
“Don’t worry!” Donald reassured as encouragingly as he could. “You’re gonna get stronger!”
“Yeah! We know you!” Goofy added just as heartily. “You can take it!”
“That’s what I said!” Sora snapped, suddenly quite frustrated with the pair. After all, it was bad enough that their foes were going around calling him out for his newfound weakness, but for his own companions to be effectively talking down to him like this? It was more than a bit embarrassing and a bit annoying to say the least, even despite their kind intentions. “Ugh, can we just… stop talking about this already?” he sighed once more as he averted the duo’s surprised looks over his outburst. “We still have people we need to help, remember?”
Donald and Goofy couldn’t help but share a worried glance as Sora pressed his way past them, his expression bitter and his hands clenched into tight fists as he continued on ahead. Neither of them could really blame him for being so upset, but they were rather perplexed by the fact that their open encouragement had done basically nothing to help him this time when it usually did the trick. Of course, they both wanted to do whatever they could to support their young companion, just as they always had. But this was an issue that neither the captain nor the magician knew how to solve, a problem that was plaguing the two of them almost as much as it was plaguing Sora himself. And for as much as Donald and Goofy both wanted to help, they both fretfully realized that all they could really do, at least for now, was to stand by their young companion’s side, no matter what might come their way.
The rest of the trio’s trip through Thebes was, unsurprisingly, a perilous one. Sure enough, they managed to find and save several still-straggling townsfolk and escort them out of harm’s way. The Heartless and the town’s own crumbling infrastructure provided plenty of obstacles all their own, of course, as the trio dodged fire, falling pillars, and the shadowy monsters alike. While they did their best to try to avoid the Heartless altogether to save precious time, the few occasions in which they were forced to engage in combat against them were far from smooth encounters.
The creatures were fierce and plentiful, and with the trio already somewhat out of sync with each other as they were, fighting them only seemed to bring them more harm than good. For as many Heartless as they seemed to take down, the more hits they seemed to take, particularly for Sora, who was still clearly lagging behind despite his best efforts to get ahead. What made matters worse, however, was that he more or less outright refused any direct assistance from either Donald or Goofy whenever they offered it, save for the occasional bout of healing here and there to keep things going. For all intents and purposes, it seemed clear that the Keybearer was determined to prove to both of them and perhaps even to himself that his strength wasn’t completely gone after all. A mission that didn’t seem to working out that well as Sora only seemed to be running himself more and more ragged with each and every battle, though whenever either Donald or Goofy urged him to slow down, he either ignored them or stubbornly rebuffed them with clear, continued anger. But even so, despite his mounting frustration and his obvious exhaustion, the Keybearer pressed on ahead relentlessly, all in the hopes that his hard work would somehow get him past the weakness that he had no idea how to overcome otherwise.
Still, eventually, the trio managed to make it through most of Thebes’ rubble-laden, burning streets to end up in a space relatively close to the square where they had started. They were more than prepared to head back there in the hopes of meeting up with Hercules again, though it quickly became apparent that their attention was needed elsewhere as a rather large building—a temple to be exact—trembled violently right as they were passing by it. The trio only needed to exchange a brief nod of confirmation before they rushed into the lofty temple, only to not only find the hero they were looking for, but plenty of trouble surrounding him as well.
The temple had already fallen apart significantly, with flames and rubble filling its once pristine, sacred space. A few civilians had made an attempt to take up refuge there, but it was all for naught as the entire building seemed to be on the verge of collapse altogether. In fact, the only thing keeping it all from falling apart, as close as it was to that point, was none other than Hercules himself as he stood, strong yet struggling to hold the temple’s final, integral support beam from falling on them all.
“Herc!” Sora exclaimed, instantly alarmed to see the hero in sigh a plight.
“S-Sora!” Hercules called back as much as he was able to, even as the temple shook once again. It was clear that neither the hero nor the building would be able to hold out for too much longer, which was why the trio didn’t hesitate to hurry forward to help in any way they could. “H-hurry! We have to save these people!” Hercules ordered, his voice strained as he pushed back hard against the weight of the pillar he was holding up.
“Right!” Sora nodded as Donald and Goofy hurried ahead to pull the townsfolk out of immediate danger so they could begin escorting them out of the temple. “We’ll be right back to help-” The Keybearer cut himself off as matters suddenly went from bad to much, much worse. The temple shuddered once again, only this time, the quake came as the direct result of the horde of Heartless that happened to materialize directly in between the hero and the trio with the intent of causing even more destruction.
“Ok, seriously?!” Sora exclaimed, exasperated as he summoned his Keyblade for the oncoming fray. “I swear, Heartless have the worst timing!”
“C’mon, Sora!” Donald urged as him and Goofy did their best to keep the terrified townsfolk calm while still inching their way past the Heartless and towards the door. “We gotta get these people out of here!”
“Then go ahead and get them out already!” Sora retorted rather sharply as he turned back towards the struggling hero. “Herc, can you hold the building?”
“N-no problem!” Hercules assured with the most genuine grin he could muster, even despite the circumstances.
“Good,” Sora smiled back as he took up a determined, offensive stance against the encroaching creatures. “Then I’ll handle the Heartless!”
“What?!” Donald and Goofy both gasped upon hearing such a risky plan, both of them completely adamant against it from the start.
“Sora, you can’t take on that many all by yourself!” Goofy exclaimed worriedly as he shielded the group civilians from a fiery attack.
“Let us help you!” Donald added a bit harsher, making his disapproval for the Keybearer’s recklessness clear.
“You guys are busy!” Sora called back as he landed a steady hit on one of the Heartless. “Just get those people to safety, ok? I’ll be fine on my own!”
“But Sora-” Goofy tried one more attempt at dissuading their young companion, only to be swiftly cut off.
“I said, I’ll be fine!” Sora practically shouted, clearly set off by their doubts as he rammed his Keyblade into yet another Heartless out of sheer anger alone. Donald and Goofy were clearly startled by his severe manner, and as a result of it, they knew: there’d be no arguing with him, not on something like this.
And so, as much as they didn’t like the idea of leaving the Keybearer alone at a time like this, the duo did as he said anyway, taking advantage of the distraction he was providing them with to skirt around the Heartless with the endangered civilians following right behind them. All the while, Sora forced himself to remain steady and alert, running on adrenaline more than anything else as he took the marauding creatures head-on. For the most part, he seemed to be holding his own, landing plenty of impact hits on the Heartless in relatively fast succession. Of course, the Keybearer really couldn’t accredit his current success to grit alone, for throughout the entire battle, he had been quietly reassuring himself, knowing that it was the most he could do to keep himself from faltering anymore than he already had.
“I can do this…” Sora whispered to himself as he slashed through one of the Heartless, miraculously defeating it altogether. Of course, several more appeared to take its place, but the Keybearer refused to let that phase him as he kept on fighting, occasionally sparing the briefest glance over at Hercules, who was certainly doing his part to hold everything else together on his end. “I can do this,” Sora told himself, a bit louder this time as he narrowly blocked a ball of fire with the broad side of his Keyblade. He retaliated swiftly by lashing out at the Heartless that had sent it, tearing through its shadowy form with a single deft swing. It was enough to give the Keybearer some much-needed confidence as he kept himself going, not even noticing as Donald and Goofy successfully finished escorting the civilians out and away from the temple as he kept up his kinetic pace. Though Sora knew he still had a ways to go before he returned to anywhere close to where he had been before the Mark of Mastery, he couldn’t help but hope that fighting fearlessly and passionately like this would eventually be what would get him back to where he knew he needed to be.
That is, until everything inevitably fell apart.
It began when he positioned his Keyblade to cast water to douse the flaming Heartless surrounding him. He called upon the spell and, though somewhat dulled from the strength it should have had, it still did the trick in stunning several of the creatures close by. Sora resumed his usual position as he prepared to tackle the vulnerable group, running forward as he decided to repeat his ongoing mantra, knowing that it was serving him well thus far. “I can do-”
The Keybearer never had a chance to finish. For right as he was about to complete his confident statement, the waterlogged Heartless he was rushing into attack sparked back to fiery life completely out of nowhere. Sora didn’t have any time to react outside of a startled gasp as the creature rammed into him, purposefully and violently, with enough force behind the heavy impact to send him flying towards the other side of the temple. He hit the far wall hard, and landed on the ground even harder, to the point that he was in something of a daze for what seemed like ages. Somewhere in the distance, he thought he heard Hercules (or maybe someone else?) call out for him, apparently alarmed, though he made no attempts to answer back. The crumbling temple around him and even the Heartless still gearing up for attack once more all seemed to fade out thanks to his swimming senses as he lay on the floor, half out of it entirely. But, if there was any one thing he was fully aware of, it was heat; a vast, deep, pinching kind of heat that only seemed to worsen with each passing second as it sparked along parts of his torso and his upper arms, the very same places the Heartless had hit him at. And as the acrid stench of ashy smoke began to mingle with that heat, Sora, ironically enough, froze up completely as he realized exactly where they both were coming from.
A fire. But not just the fire plaguing the temple in general. No, it was him. He was on fire.
As shocked and mindlessly horrified as Sora was by this stark realization, his body refused to cooperate with him as he tried to will it to move to douse the painful flames, especially as the intense burning spiked across his right arm in particular. So instead, he simply let out a small, strangled cry, not even caring that the noise would no doubt attract the Heartless, just as long as the pain, the heat, the smoke, everything just stopped somehow.
And miraculously enough, stop is exactly what it did.
“Water!” Donald’s rather fierce shout rang out across the crumbling temple, angry and protective as he cast his magic quickly. And yet, the spell wasn’t for the Heartless, but rather for Sora, as a cool, refreshing torrent rained down upon him, soaking him to the bone but thankfully, finally putting out the fire. It did little to heal the rather significant burns left behind, but Sora was immensely grateful for it all the same as Donald helped prop him up against the wall while Goofy kept up the defensive against the Heartless.
“See!? We told you that you couldn’t take them on all by yourself!” the magician fussed hotly. “And now look what happened! Why do you always have to be so… so reckless!?”
Sora flinched, both from the pain and from the severity of Donald’s rant, knowing that though magician was quite prone to anger, he only ever got this angry on the worst of occasions. “I-I… I was just-”
“Save it!” Donald huffed, cutting him off sharply as he offered to help him stand. “There’s no time! We gotta get you outta here so I can heal you the right way!” the magician urged, knowing that such a potent spell needed enough time to cast and that, with hasty, dangerous conditions such as these, that sort of time wasn’t something they had at their disposal.
“W-wha… n-no!” Sora protested, weakly rising to stand on his own as he leaned against the wall for support. “We… we can’t go! W-we gotta…” he paused to let out a small groan of agony as he pressed his free hand against his scorched shoulder. “W-we have to stay and help Herc!”
“N-no, you don’t!” Hercules shouted from his spot on the other side of the temple. Despite the immense burden he was struggling to maintain, his expression was stern as he looked to the trio, even as his knees began to buckle under the weight pressed against him. “D-Donald, Goofy! Get Sora out of here and fix him up! I-I can handle this!”
“You heard him!” Goofy agreed as he rushed to help Donald support Sora so they could escort him out, since it was clear the Keybearer was in no condition to walk out on his own as injured as he was. “Its time for us to go!”
“B-but we can help!” Sora protested as he tried pulling away from his companions to stand on his own. It was a short-lived effort, however, as the Keybearer was quick to collapse to his knees as unsteady and lightheaded as he currently was. Pain sparked across the burn on his shoulder once more as he used his arms to catch himself, but even still, he stifled a cry of anguish so he could plead with the heavily-labored hero once more. “I—we… we want to help! P-please, Herc, you gotta let me, I-I mean us-”
“I-I said no, Sora!” Hercules chastised, though even still he spared the injured Keybearer a sympathetic glance before he let out another strained groan. “Y-you just gotta trust me on this… ok?”
“B-but…” Sora began quietly, desperately even. “But I-”
“That’s enough!” Donald shouted furiously as he grabbed the Keybearer by his injured arm.
“We gotta amscray before this whole place falls apart!” Goofy urged as he went to Sora’s other side, his manner filled with concern to balance out the magician’s fury.
“We can’t!” the Keybearer groaned, trying his hardest to pull away from the pair as they began essentially dragging him towards the door.
“Sora, stop fighting us on this!” Donald snapped fiercely. “We’re trying to save you!”
“I-I don’t need to be saved!” Sora argued as he resorted to thrashing to try and get out of his companion’s steady hold, though even so, it didn’t work.
“W-well, right now, ya kinda do,” Goofy countered rationally, though even so, the Keybearer wasn’t having it, especially as they neared the threshold of the temple. “Just sayin’…”
“Why?” Sora shot back, glaring fiercely over his shoulder at the pair. If either of them had stopped to return the glance, then they might have spotted a certain glint, the slightest discoloration in his eyes that would have likely made them stop dead in their tracks. But for as much of a rush as they were in to escape the crumbling temple as they were, that flash of warning yellow went unnoticed. For now at least. “Because I’m not ‘strong enough’ to save myself!? Because I’m too weak?!”
“S-Sora…” Goofy began, exchanging a rather uneasy glance with Donald as they finally slipped past the temple doors and into the yard in front of it. Out of the frying pan, and yet apparently still not out of the fire, even as they let their injured, angry young companion go.
“T-that’s just what everybody thinks anymore, isn’t it?!” Sora asked harshly, his pent-up frustrations all starting to pour out of him, the floodgates pried opened by both pain and doubt. “It… its not even my fault that all my strength is gone, but everyone just loves to act like it is!”
“S-Sora!” Donald cautioned as the Keybearer slowly began to pick himself up off the ground, even despite his still very-pressing burns.
Sora largely ignored both of his companions as he stood, his legs shaking along with the rest of his body really, from both ongoing agony and incensed rage. “B-but what nobody wants to see is that I’m trying!” he shouted, more to himself than anyone else as he turned to face the quaking temple again with renewed resolve. “I’m trying to get stronger! But no matter what I try to do, its just… never good enough!”
“Sora-” Goofy reached towards their young companion in an attempt at comforting him, only to be completely denied as the Keybearer took an unsteady step forward, relentlessly staring down the horde of Heartless still swarming about in the violently trembling temple just a few feet away.
“But I don’t care…” he said, his tone absolutely rigid as he somehow managed to summon his Keyblade, even despite his unattended wounds. “Because I’m gonna do it anyway. I’m going to get stronger, so that nobody—not you guys, not Riku, not Axel or the king or anyone else will ever have to save me ever again!”
“Sora!” both Donald and Goofy shouted in alarm as they noticed something that their companion, in all his intense frustration, didn’t. Before Sora could so much as even take another step, the pair grabbed him once again, jerking him back hard and pulling him out of the way just in the nick of time.
For almost exactly as they did, something within the temple finally snapped: the support beam, the thinning thread keeping the practically decimated building together slammed down into the structure’s interior. And, the moment it did, everything else fell apart along with it. Goofy rushed to cover his companions with his shield as they all fell to the ground from the resounding quake, thick dust flying up from every direction as the building before them began to crumble to pieces. It began slowly, a few pillars toppling over, bricks and mortar coming undone, but all too quickly the destruction unfolded in a devastating torrent.
And, in what seemed like seconds, the entire temple collapsed completely… with Hercules still trapped inside.
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