#blink and you’ll miss it
jakexneytiri · 11 months
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@neteyamsyawntu reminded me how yummy this shot is
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pervyssco · 2 years
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sendinthehuskies · 1 year
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It’s the sweater paw underarm cuddle for me
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so i got the spider-to-hamburger mod and let me tell you they did NOT MISS A SINGLE ONE
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hyperfocusthusly · 10 months
Crashing down
Read on A03 here
Crowley woke up late, from the moment his eyes opened the day felt wrong. He groans and reburies himself in the duvet. Eventually he emerges in the late afternoon, the sense of wrongness persists squirming under his skin and making him irritable. Aziraphale notices, of course, Crowley notes him peering around bookshop shelves, fiddling with his rings and offering tea slightly more often than necessary while Crowley engages in his usual, and favourite, activity of scaring away would be customers with a little more venom than normal.
“Are you alright dear?” Aziraphale appears somewhere behind his left shoulder, a gentle press on his lower back soothes the nagging feeling pulling at the back of his eyes. He raises a hand and rubs his temple.
“Just feel a bit off angel, nothing to worry yourself with”
“Maybe a walk would do you some good, bit of fresh air?”
He suspected it wouldn’t, but anything to abate the radiating worry from behind him.
The walk, as it happened, took him as far as Nina’s coffee shop. In the years since he and Aziraphale finally were able to settle in the bookshop they had developed some kind of ‘mutually grumpy half of the pairing’ friendship. He pushes open the door to find an enormous mug waiting for him, she had seen him coming and automatically prepared his usual. He miracled out far too much for a single coffee and passed it to her. The dull pain behind his eyes had sharpened in the street, but eased a little in the relative gloom of the coffee shop in the late afternoon haze. He took his normal seat in the back corner sipping his coffee and willing himself to calm down.
“Are you alright?”
Nina. She looked concerned.
“You’re just looking a little pinched, more than normal, I mean”
A small hum is all he manages, the feeling is intensifying the coffee shop suddenly feeling small and repressive, the air thick and sticky in his throat. He stands, abruptly, the chair skittering away behind him.
“Something bad…” he murmurs,
“I need some air”
Nina watches him leave, slightly unsteadily, and wonders if she should call Aziraphale, what do demons consider a bad thing anyway?
The air outside is cooler, the autumn evening revealing the best of itself in a crisp breeze. He sighs. The feeling is still there, clawing at the back of his throat, demanding to be felt. He glances up and down the street, nothing. No angel hoard, no lurking demons, nothing out of place.
The chime of the record shop bell catches his attention as Maggie comes out of her shop. She waves to him as she sets out to cross the road, on her way to walk Nina home, as always. Nina clinks the lock on the door to the coffee shop and steps out beside him, ready for the evening ritual.
The unease sharpens, pulls at his senses.
Moments pass, tiny, inconsequential, flickering past until he sees it, suddenly, horribly and with perfect clarity.
The car skids around the corner, careening wildly, directly towards Maggie.
And before he can raise his hand, it hits her. She disappears under it and the world stops. Crowley has seen a lot of things on his time on earth, death and destruction wreak havoc here constantly, but not here, not now, not in this corner of the world they had carved out for themselves. Not to his friends.
Nina’s screams pulls him back and he’s raising his hands before the first step is complete. He reaches out for the tenterhooks of time and grips them, feeling the power screech along the nerves of his corporation, wrapping around his wrists like burning white ropes.
He pulls, time screams at him it’s done, it’s done.
He pulls harder.
“No,” grits his teeth, refusing to back down, “you will obey me.” It begins to relent, winding back, slowly, too slowly for the affect its having on him. As the car runs back he feels something in his head pop, his corporation is shaking under the pressure of the metaphysical form pressing through. Nearly, nearly there. The car is pulled back, Maggie is upright. His body is screaming, but she is safe.
With one last push, he sends the car screeching up the road and lets go, the ropes slip away, searing away the skin in their path.
The world returns briefly, a fades away just as fast. He feels suddenly heavy, exhaustion pours over him as the damage to his corporation makes itself known. He’s loosely aware that he’s falling, legs unable to hold themselves up any longer.
He’s also aware that he’s caught, a gentle heat against the cold crawling over him. He’s going to discorporate he thought, he wonders how he’ll explain this one to Hell, how long it will take to get a new corporation, to get back home, he hears the scrape of metal across asphalt, the cold rush of death breezing closer.
Everything is fading, it’s happening, sounds blurring together until something rings through with crystal clarity.
“You will not be needed here today”
He recognises the voice, of course he does, the only constant of 6,000 years on earth, how could he not.
The numbing cold is replaced gently by warmth, things begin to knit themselves back together and he suddenly feels calm.
Aziraphale is here, and he is safe.
Aziraphale feels time stop outside the bookshop, he drops the books he’s holding and rushes towards the door, trying to keep the icy fear from over taking him. The door pushes open with some effort, time is holding out here, sticking to him and making movement difficult. He emerges on the street in time to see Crowley, face taut with effort, extend his arm and throw a car sideways. He reaches out his own arm and forces the air out of the tyres, grinding it to a halt.
He turns as the world zips back into life, released from the hold it had been trapped in, turns to see Crowley crumple to the floor, barely caught by Nina.
A cold sweeps down the street as a figure emerges from a side road. Black cloak sweeping, Scythe scraping your torturously across the asphalt.
No no
He’s running again, desperate to get to Crowley before the figure. He drops to the floor, into an atmosphere clouded by pain, distress emanating from crowleys alarmingly still form, theres blood running from his ears painting the skin of his unnaturally pale face, dark black bruises forming under his closed eyes. He reaches out again, feeling for the damage.
He spares a look upwards, meets the gaze of empty sockets and spits out “you will not be needed here today.”
He refocuses all of his energy on pulling back together the parts of the broken body in front of him. Breathing becomes steadier, a heart rate less erratic.
Somewhere around him he dully hears the squawking of crows, another gust of icy wind and then, finally, the warmth of the autumn sun.
Death was gone, Crowley was safe.
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askew-d · 1 year
an astronautic tale
a poem dedicated to wang yibo
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midway through a serene august day, a shiny little star has crossed the earth’s array.
millions of fireworks could never come close to how bright the little star has glowed.
it resembled a whole galaxy rebound, for those who witnessed from the ground.
and the star came falling — descending from the skies; the star traced its way into earth, illuminating every person’s eyes.
therefrom, the star gradually changed into a form very similar to a boy.
adventures of a childhood were swiftly founded, and, living inside the chaos of earth, the star who had become a boy began to grow taller.
soon enough, he enjoyed existing alongside people, and grew a special curiosity about the big, round world.
such curiosity developed him into a teenager full of hobbies.
therefrom, the not-so-little star who had become a boy who had become a teenager, learned a new passion, movements that further fitted him for a dancer.
and the star danced through the earth, danced through the skies and lands, following his own rhythm, like no one else might, since he had a galaxy within him.
since the star wasn’t able to orbit the space any longer, he rather learned to use elegant moves above a stage.
and the star who had become a boy who had become teenager who had become a dancer, danced like no one else might, for he had a galaxy within him.
as the seasons flipped, the star encountered other hobbies to spend his energy.
instead of skating around the rings of saturn, the star proudly learned how to skate over the sidewalks of his earthly house.
instead of building towers along the craters of the moon, the star diligently learned how to build little toys that distracted him from solitude.
and the star who had become a boy, who had become a teenager, who had become a dancer, skated and build and played like no one else might, for he had a galaxy within him.
therefrom, the star grew taller, even earning a name people could call him for when they needed him.
when in space, there was only the echo of lost voices, without any distinguishment; then, receiving a human name was a real achievement!
soon enough, the star who had become a boy, who had become a teenager, who had become a man, befriended other humans, and inside earth he laughed and smiled and played, like no one else might, for he had a galaxy within him.
growing as taller as a young lad could, he made acquaintances with acting, singing, skating and racing; the star traveled to greater distances.
therefrom, the star who had become a boy, who had become a teenager, who had become a man, traveled and acted and embraced earth like no one else might, for he had a galaxy within him.
it was over a stage that i met him.
it was in a backstage that i loved him.
it was under he moonlight that i claimed that star as mine.
in the present moment, the star is quite well-known, having conquered hearts all over — as well as my own.
and inside earth, i love a star, like an astronaut could love the space, but like no other human can love; for i have laced an entire galaxy towards my side.
he doesn’t remember the void anymore; he doesn’t miss the planets anymore; he’s found home here, inside the chaotic human world.
therefrom, the star isn’t alone, since i have claimed him as my own.
and from now on, i’ll be forever orbiting his light — i’ll be damned if he’s gone, i’ll be damned if he’s not my home.
inside this earth, i’m searching for my star wherever i go, as i know that my star is searching for me in return; for i had the pleasure of catching the extraordinary young man who has a whole galaxy existing within him.
there’s habitation for him here — on this big earth, since my heart belongs to that star who had crossed the atmosphere midway through a serene august day; there’s habitation for me here — on this big earth, since i have the brilliance of a striking star to watch upon my heart and fate.
when we’re together, it feels like a million galaxies transcend time and space.
therefrom, whispering, i tell others this tale of how a shiny little star became an enthusiastic boy, then an earnest young man, then remarkably mine.
therefrom, whispering, i tell other human people, as i tell to the moon at night, that my star isn’t lapsing into demise; and if my star vanish — oh, if he vanishes… — i shall vanish likewise.
after all, my star has crossed several skies to be here tonight; it is only fair that i now cross several universes for my star.
and inside earth, we love each other, and we live with each other, and we’ll forever hold into each other, like no one else might, for we have galaxies within us.
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reikunrei · 10 months
I love making posts and then deleting them 15 seconds later
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And then, however much later, it is finally happening to you: you’re falling to the floor crying thinking “I am falling to the floor crying” but there’s an element of the ridiculous to it—you knew it would happen and, even worse, while you’re on the floor crying you start thinking about that Richard Siken quote about looking at the place where the wall meets the floor and realizing you didn’t paint it very well
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rom-dot-com · 2 years
Kieron winking at Daniela 🥰
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subsectionss · 2 years
thinking about that scene in the first episode of midnight mass where riley has his nightmare and there’s a flash of the church walls covered in blood…in EP ONE !!! MIKE FLANAGAN WAS WILD FOR THAT
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Jay and Siva in Lauren’s Instagram
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astronomodome · 9 months
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that’s a new one
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dathen · 26 days
Crying sobbing I compared a different Bertie quote I saw to “and don’t call me Shirley” and then he rolls along with THIS
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Quoting Jeeves quoting Percy Shelley and then starts wondering if “shelly” is the new slang
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Why am I inexorably drawn to the Tolkien characters who are so minor that they’re barely canon? Who knows! Why do I like to make it so hard on myself to find people to discuss my favorite little dudes with because most of my favorite little dudes only exist in the story for a handful of lines? I wish I understood this about myself!
Is this my way of saying that I have just spent a ridiculous amount of time thinking DEEPLY about Guthláf, Théoden’s banner bearer, who I believe is mentioned a whopping 3 times in the entirety of LOTR and 2 of those 3 are just places where his death is noted? It sure is!
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muy-dulce · 2 years
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this angle 😵‍💫
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
Ashley posting (ft. Saddler and Serennedy)
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Ashley’s handle comes from this post. I thought it would be funny if she never changed it back to her original handle.
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