metal-patches-vinyl · 11 months
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Just when I thought I was being a good, frugal boy, the mailman brings me all these records. Black Oath, Majesties, Blackbraid, and Frozen Soul.
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patatedestenebres · 4 months
Across a thousand dead worlds!
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bipedalseal · 8 months
reading thru the sacrifice: an incence and iron rpg gamebook and its so funny to me. you can get the mark of sacrifice branded on your ass, and when demons are nearby the thing burns and also compells any spirit of the dead to control your body (effect happens regardless of brand location). you can also roll for what disfigurement you can get and what it does.
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mykellpledgerart · 3 months
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commissions for Ruthless Heavens, Boundless Fate. A sci-fi fantasy RPG in development from Blackoath Entertainment
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sprintingowl · 4 months
Over War Monarch Edition
A few years ago, by accident, propelled largely by my love of old Super Nintendo strategy rpgs, I wrote a tabletop roleplaying wargame.
More recently, enabled by Blackoath Publishing, we bundled that game along with its supplemental material and new art and GM tools into a big complete tome.
And it's crowdfunding until the 14th.
I got to mess around with some unusual rpg tech on this project, and one of the things that sets Over War apart is that everyone controls a squad of characters instead of just one. When you're in camp, you can play any of those characters and get into hijinks and support conversations and the like. When you're on the field, you control the whole unit, and the formation you put them in and the order they act in determines the outcome of battles.
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i have two requests so feel free to answer em when you can. First, do you know of any generic dark fantasy RPGs? Preferably not super rules lite, like the crunch level you expect in say D&D or smth
THEME: Crunchy Dark Fantasy
Hello there! I had a bit of difficulty reconciling “generic” with the crunchiness you’re looking for. Many rules-lite games are great for generic settings, because they expect you to be able to place simple rules within various settings, adding or taking away elements that match the genre you’re looking to play. Games that are heavy on setting and tone, however, often tie in elements of their lore to the rules of the game. 
This is mostly just to say that some of the recommendations here have established settings. However, that being said, there should still be enough freedom within these games to determine what kinds of obstacles you want to throw at your players, and what kinds of stories you’d like to tell. On the other hand, you’ll also see advertisements for games that have more open settings, but might not contain the same complexity of rules that you get from D&D.
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Fey Fire, by A.C. Luke.
A millennia ago, the greatest empire the world has ever known collapsed overnight as a continent-spanning forest sprang fully-formed from the earth to consume it. Now we live in the shadow of the Hexenwald, monster-infested and corrupting of all who step foot within it. It marks the end of civilisation and the beginning of a primordial wild... and now you've been exiled to its doorstep.
You are a seeker, the brave and foolish who dare step foot in this haunted woods. Are you here to protect the mortal world, loot the ruins of an empire, or just work off the crime that exiled you here? And more importantly, will your survive?
Fey Fire is a tabletop roleplaying game designed for 2-6 players, about holding the line between humanity and the monstrous wild. Players take on the role of seekers—former soldiers, exiled nobles, condemned criminals, and desperate adventurers—as they mount expeditions into the monster-infested Hexenwald. Powered by Spencer Cambell's LUMEN, this is a rules-lite game of quick, tactical combat and escalating danger.
LUMEN games are known for the ability to play powerful, competent players at game start. You are given a wealth of options that will allow your group to take on powerful adversaries and yet still grow stronger every session. While the world of Hexenwald expects your characters to live nearby a monster-infested forest that threatens to swallow the earth, you get to decide why you’re fighting in the first place. If what you like about D&D is the tactical combat, then Fey Fire is worth checking out.
Godshard, by Blackoath.
Godshard is a tabletop Role-Playing Game where players take the role of Drifters, survivors from an ancient cataclysm that ravaged their world, turning it into a watery hellscape. Players will explore a randomly generated ocean, scavenging what they can from the myriad of derelicts and tiny islands that are only now starting to appear. This is a dark and brutal world where fresh water is worth more than blood, and magic is both unpredictable and the key to ultimate power.
Godshard uses a d100 ruleset with rulings for spell-casting, combat, exploration, crafting, etc. It takes place in a setting where the gods are dead and the world has experienced an apocalypse, sinking the players in a world dominated by an ocean. The magic system relies on God-shards, which are required for sorcery, and also sought after by many different cults. If you’re looking for a dark fantasy that includes a hard-to-survive environment and a focus on items that grant you access to magic, you might want to check out Godshard.
Shadow of the Demon Lord, by Schwalb Entertainment. 
Enter a world on the brink of annihilation, its lands torn asunder by war, plague, and ancient horrors. Urth, the world of Shadow of the Demon Lord, is one of many imperiled by the shadowy menace lurking without and in this game you can play through its final days as embattled survivors fighting against what to many seems to be an inevitable end. A complete role playing game in one book, Shadow contains everything you need to create characters to confront the hordes of demons spilling in from the Void and to create and play through exciting stories steeped in horror and violence. 
Sometimes the world needs heroes. But in the desperation of these last days, the world will take anyone it can get: heroes, blackguards, madmen, and whoever else is willing to stand against the coming darkness. Will you fight the demons or will you burn it all down and dance among the ashes? Who will you become when the world dies?
This is a trad game written by someone who has a lot of experience writing trad games, including Warhammer and D&D 5E. The default setting assumes that the big bad has already invaded - this is a game in the middle of an apocalypse. Character advancement relies not on XP, but on the completion of an adventure - your character levels up after each adventure, and at certain levels, picks a Path that gives your character special skills and abilities. This is a game that expects a lot of player investment, but still has a concrete end - there’s no further advancement after you pick your third Path.
Apotheosis: The Dark Lord, by Purple Moon Games.
Long ago, in the Age of Light, the Great Power held the world in check. As mortal men emerged, they admired the Great Power and coveted it for themselves. It was sundered, and pieces of it found its way into the souls of the greatest and most powerful of men, who became known as the Great Lords. 
That was thousands of years ago. Now, in the Age of Dark, with the Great Power scattered and diminished, the sun barely rises above the horizon before it sinks back into night. The very underworld itself has been lost to the all-devouring void, and mortal men cannot die as a result. Instead of using their shards of power to fix this broken world, the Great Lords instead have locked themselves in their castles and dungeons, clinging tightly to the source of what little power they have left.
No longer.
You and a few friends will make a stand to save this world from its corruption. As Undying, you will explore the Darklands, seek out the Great Lords, and put an end to the world's suffering. Gather the pieces of the Great Power, and claim the title of Dark Lord to usher in a new age for humanity.
If you want options, this game has options. 9 player classes that don’t restrict how your character grows, highly customizable weapons, and 30 Spells and Prayers are available to choose from the outset. The GM is given a number of items to dangle in front of players, a well as an entire bestiary of enemies, including guides on how to create your own monsters. The game expects you to go and fight an entity that holds much more power than you do, and claim that power for yourself. If you have an idea for a different set of enemies, it looks like you certainly have the tools to build them yourself!
Symbaroum, by Free League Publishing.
Symbaroum invites you to join in the adventure! Explore the vast Forest of Davokar in the hunt for treasures, lost wisdoms and fame. Visit the eleven barbarian clans to trade or to plunder their treasuries. Establish a base of power among princes, guilds or rebellious refugees in the capital city of Yndaros. Or survive encounters with famished Arch Trolls, dark-minded Blight Beasts and undead warlords. But whatever you do, never ignore the warnings spoken by the wardens of the forest: tread carefully and do not disturb the ruins of old, for the dark deep of Davokar is about to awaken.
This is a dark fantasy whose darkness comes from the unknown. The forest of Davokar is full of dangerous creatures and hostile elves - who are not an ancestry option, but rather a dangerous group of inhabitants who kill anyone who gets too close to their forest home. When it comes to rules, you have attributes similar to D&D stats, but you are attempting to roll under a target number, rather than over. Character abilities are bought with attributes at character creation, and how those abilities are bought depend on what the group decides at the beginning of play. This allows for extremely customized character creation, especially if you pick up the Advanced Player's Guide.
Sojourn, by Caleb Wimble.
SOJOURN is a tabletop roleplaying game of exploration, dungeon-crawling, and discovery within dark halls, mystic ruins, and the wilderness of the fantastical.
SOJOURN is fast-paced and easy-to-learn. Skip the studying and jump right into the action! SOJOURN’s simple yet robust rules reward creative play and imaginative approaches to challenges while offering advanced character options for players who love to customize. 
There are four characters classes, with specialities that you can branch into as you level up. The magic, character stats, and inventory are all reminiscent of D&D, but feel streamlined and easy to access. One of the best things I like about this game is that you can get a really good taste of the game without having to pay a cent - just check out the website attached above and look through the rules and tools!
This game is lighter on the rules side, but it still provides a lot of options on the side of character build. It carries monsters in the bestiary that evoke a darker, more mystic side, which hints towards the kind genre this game is built for. However, you get the final say on the lore, history, and layout of the world, which means world design is up to the GM, or up to the group. 
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grimadventuresblog · 10 days
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Introducing Gedrick Godarm, my first ever character for Ker Nathalas: Into the Iron Throne! Ker Nethalas: Into the Iron Throne is a single-player & co-op survival game from Blackoath Entertainment. I haven't even begun my first adventure, but I thoroughly enjoyed creating him!
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unlawfulgames · 5 months
I’ve been working on this tarot mapping haunted house generating concept and I’m getting conflicting vibes that are making it hard to choose where to go with it. It could be a journal game, or an in-depth Blackoath style solo game, or a traditional “dungeon” generator. Thoughts?
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mikevanhuber · 7 years
This shirt is Lit as hellllllll
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gonna buy it so hard!
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marconxs7 · 6 years
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#blackoath #imieichitarristipteferiti #italiandoitbetter (presso Mondo Matto Tattoo Studio)
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metal-patches-vinyl · 11 months
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Black Oath - Emeth, Truth and Death.
High quality doom metal from Italy.
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patatedestenebres · 11 months
Riftbreakers, le TTMMORPG!
Coucou mes p’tites patates belliqueuses! L’éditeur Blackoath Entertainment m’a gentiment envoyé un florilège de ses jeux de rôles, se caractérisant par des ambiances bien sombres et décadentes, m’ayant rappelé la lecture du Cycle d’Elric de Melnibonée. Le jeu Sacrifice, qualifié d’Incence and Iron, me fait de l’oeil, le temps que je rassemble une fine équipe pour l’essayer, et je vous en parlerai…
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bipedalseal · 8 months
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First book I’ve bound in ages. I don’t even remember the last thing I bound before this (though I’m sure it was a 5 stitch chained pamphlet stitch). This is my own print of Marrow & Splinter, a Disciples of Bone & Shadow zine, by Blackoath games.
During the height of my bookbinding obsession, I stopped because I couldn’t justify doing my hobby without making something practical. Now that I discovered zines, I have more reasons to bind books than I have opportunities to actually bind them.
Back to the zine, I haven’t played this system yet. I just printed this out because I plan to play this tomorrow after school. But I did use a 7 hole pamphlet stitch and bright maroon cotton embroidery thread for the binding.
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blackoathclothing · 7 years
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New shirt only for you! 
For all our #American lovers, we teamed up with the guys from teespring to bring our work to America! By sharing this post you can win this super sick shirt! Angry Cat Shirt ---> https://teespring.com/de/angry-cat-shirt-2017#pid=369&cid=6512&sid=front <---
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xuvehale · 5 years
I don’t do this normally, but first is a friend’s game (a really good one at that), and it’s a reaaaally fun board game he will publish really soon, so here link:
Disciples of Bone & Shadow
I beta tested it a bit in the last months, and is a bit of classic dungeon crawler rpg (Dungeons & Dragons style) but very fast paced, so very fast paced that it even allows for solo gaming (it’s procedural-like and the game builds itself from zero each new adventure).
Anyway, I’ll return to my usual lurking and reblogging!
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trifeboss · 6 years
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#CheckingMyFresh and #ImBless Aim for #Health #Wealth #Family #Happiness #BlackOath Its starts with you. #InMyZone #UCeeMe #NewLight www.trifebossmusic.com #THCNY #THCIsWorldWide
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