florjus · 8 months
Indlela Yokuphila: The Soul's Journey (ZULU)
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Menarik! Momentum HUT Ke-819 Bangli Dimeriahkan Kontes Nasional Anjing Kintamani
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BANGLI - Serangkaian Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-819 Bangli dan dalam rangka menjaga kelestarian anjing Kintamani yang sudah diakui dunia, sesuai dalam Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bangli Nomor 2 Tahun 2010 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bangli Nomor 4 Tahun 2015 tentang Kawasan Pelestarian Pemurnian anjing Kintamani Bali, sebagai bentuk implementasi anjing Kintamani yang telah diakui sebagai Anjing Ras Dunia oleh Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), maka Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangli melalui Dinas Pertanian Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan mengadakan Kontes Anjing Kintamani, pada Sabtu (6/5/2023). Bertempat di Alun-alun Bangli, kontes anjing Kintamani dibuka secara resmi oleh Bupati Bangli, Sang Nyoman Sedana Arta, serta dihadiri oleh Wakil Bupati Bangli, I Wayan Diar, Anggota DPR RI, I Nyoman Parta, Anggota DPRD Provinsi Bali, I Nyoman Budiutama, Ketua DPRD Bangli, I Ketut Suastika, Sekda Bangli, Ida Bagus Gde Giri Putra, Unsur Forkompinda, Pimpinan OPD di lingkungan Pemkab Bangli, Pimpinan BUMD serta undangan lainnya. Kepala Dinas Pertanian Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bangli, I Wayan Sarma dalam laporannya menyampaikan, keberadaan anjing Kintamani merupakan salah satu unsur biodeversity yang menjadi salah satu pendukung dari batur Unesco Global Geopark Network. "Trah anjing Kintamani juga telah mendapat pengakuan sebagai anjing ras dunia dari federation cynecologue internasional (FCI, red) yaitu organisasi internasional yang membawahi induk organisasi anjing trah seluruh dunia yang bermarkas di thuin belgia. Dengan demikian, maka anjing Kintamani sudah bisa disejajarkan dengan trah anjing yang lain, seperti: buldog, pitbull, shithzu, siberian husky, dalmention dan cihuahua," jelasnya. Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangli juga telah memberikan perhatian besar terhadap keberadaan anjing Kintamani ini, dengan ditetapkannya Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bangli Nomor 4 Tahun 2015, tentang kawasan pemurnian anjing Kintamani Bali, dimana desa sukawana, desa siakin dan desa pinggan ditetapkan sebagai desa kawasan pelestarian. "Demikian juga dengan diselenggarakannya kontes kali ini juga merupakan wujud nyata perhatian pemerintah terhadap pelestarian anjing Kintamani," ungkapnya. Kontes anjing Kintamani digelar setiap tahun, dilakukan terakhir tahun 2022 dan kontes hari ini merupakan kontes ketiga dalam kepemimpinan Bangli Era Baru. "Maksud dan tujuan diadakannya kontes ini adalah untuk menjamin kelangsungan pemuliabiakan anjing Kintamani dan meningkatkan kecintaan masyarakat terhadap anjing Kintamani sebagai anjing kesayangan, yang pada gilirannya kita harapkan bisa menjadi komoditas ekonomi yang dapat diperdagangkan," ucapnya. Dalam kontes kali ini, terbagi menjadi beberapa kategori, yaitu kategori Baby (3-6 bulan), Puppy A (6-9 bulan), Puppy B (9-12 bulan), Junior (9-18 bulan), Intermediate (15-24 bulan), Champion (15 bulan keatas), Veteran (8 tahun keatas). Dengan warna yang dilombakan Putih spesifik, Hitam, Coklat (bang bungkem), Brindle (anggrek), dnari jenis kelamin jantan dan betina. Dengan peserta berasal dari Bali dan luar Pulau Bali. Sementara itu, Bupati Bangli dalam sambutannya menyampaikan, kontes anjing merupakan ajang yang sangat penting sebagai media untuk meningkatkan kualitas disamping sebagai wahana informasi dan komunikasi bagi para komunitas, masyarakat dan pemerintah. "Oleh sebab itu kegiatan ini memiliki nilai positif dan ekonomis. Mudah-mudahan dapat menggugah masyarakat khususnya para penggemar anjing Kintamani Bali, agar lebih menyayangi anjing Kintamani seperti layaknya anjing ras lain, mengingat anjing Kintamani jika dipelihara dengan perawatan yang baik akan mampu menunjukkan intelegensi dan penampilan yang tidak kalah dengan anjing ras lainnya," papar Bupati Bangli. Sedana Arta juga menjelaskan, anjing Kintamani Bali pada tanggal 23 Februari 2012 diakui keberadaannya di tingkat asia oleh Asian Canel Union (AKU). Berikutnya dari Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bangli dikuatkan dengan ditetapkan Perda Nomor 4 tahun 2015 tentang perubahan atas Perda Nomor 2 tahun 2010 tentang kawasan pelestarian anjing Kintamani Bali, dimana pada Perda Nomor 4 tahun 2015 adanya pengakuan terhadap 3 (tiga) jenis warna dan campurannya pada anjing Kintamani, yaitu warna putih, hitam, coklat dan anggrek serta pengembangan kawasan pelestarian menjadi desa sukawana, siakin dan pinggan. Berikutnya pada September 2019 anjing Kintamani Bali mendapat pengakuan sebagai anjing ras dunia dari Federation Cynology International (FCI) yaitu organisasi internasional yang membawahi induk organisasi anjing trah seluruh dunia. Guna mendapatkan pengakuan yang definitif dari Federation Cynology International (FCI) di tahun 2029, kita harus bahu membahu dan serius memberikan perhatian sehingga pengakuan tersebut dapat kita raih. Dengan diakuinya keberadaan anjing Kintamani secara internasional, Bupati Bangli berharap melalui anjing Kintamani bali akan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Kabupaten Bangli terutama di habitat asli anjing Kintamani dan juga para breeder anjing Kintamani Bali di Kabupaten Bangli. "Tantangan terhadap pengembangan anjing Kintamani Bali bukan saja karena jumlah kennel pembudidaya yang masih terbatas, juga dipengaruhi rendahnya minat masyarakat untuk memelihara anjing Kintamani. Oleh sebab itu saya mengajak masyarakat untuk senantiasa memelihara anjing terlebih anjing Kintamani dengan baik dan benar. Sehingga kesehatan dan kesejahteraan anjing dapat terjaga dengan baik," ujarnya. Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangli senantiasa mendukung dalam berbagai kegiatan kontes anjing Kintamani secara periodik baik dalam event daerah, nasional maupun berskala international, dengan harapan berkembangnya pemurnian trah anjing Kintamani sebagai aset Bangli. "Dengan terselenggaranya kontes anjing Kintamani ini, besar harapan saya agar dapat memberikan kontribusi yang positif terhadap keberadaan anjing Kintamani di masa mendatang," tutup Bupati Bangli. (an/bpn) Read the full article
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sintndo · 3 years
Estos son los cangrejos del Río gorrión en bajos del toro . #costarica #riogorrion #cangrejos #redhelmet #sintiendoelacido #crab #wildlife #rios #vidasilvestre #fauna #nature #naturaleza #biodeversity #bajosdeltoro https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ48aDcjhq6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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terratextile · 3 years
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Looks green is not enough 🤑☠️ #sustainablefashion #plasticpollution #carbonfootprint #sustainability #Greenwashing #green #biodeversity #biomimicrydesign #cradeltocradel #cradeltograve #Futurefashion #reducereuserecycle♻️ #Reuse #Recycle #Upcycle #darkgreen #Brightgreen (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNBRNe4LdXM/?igshid=zjgly76jw3fi
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Hi everyone!
Did you know that without biodiversity life will not work any longer?
Biodiversity is the diversity of all the different types of animals and plants and insects in the biosphere. And guess what? By overfishing, poaching (guess what, that’s one of the big ones!), polluting, and climate change (which we caused) we’re effectively destroying biodiversity.
In this blog I will talk about how we’re destroying biodiversity, and some of the most endangered animals and plants in the world. 
Reblog, follow, like, or comment. The world is changing and we caused it to happen.
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dadaveed · 3 years
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The Bio Diversity Art Show #biodeversity #artshow #artistsoninstagram #contemporaryartist #watercolorpainting #loislambertgallery #dadaveed #onpaper https://www.instagram.com/p/CIppHQ4nJJ6/?igshid=hwfqrbj0kwwu
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ginglese · 3 years
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Per fortuna, che il #sole il #mare l’#acqua la #bellezza e tanta #fantasia e #passione ,ci accompagnano in ogni nostra scelta , sacrificio e traguardo. È arrivato il momento di pensare seriamente ai veri #valori #sustainability #sustainablefashion #sustainablelifestyle #sistenibilità #lifestile #territorio #biodeversity #biodiversità #turismosartoriale #ginosa #puglia #madeintaly https://www.instagram.com/p/CHUzop-J_Qt/?igshid=wjf8ylcw1sr1
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rairii · 4 years
dumbassrights replied to your post “After the election fraud that happened in Bolivia was uncovered and...”
hey! are you bolivian? can you explain bolivians situation right now? everything i see is outsiders opinions and i know that i can't really trust that. if you can't, thats fine, thank you!
Hello! Yes I am Bolivian, though I currently live in a different South American country, but I’ve been keeping in touch with my family with WhatsApp and I try to keep up with the basic news from back home, so I think I can explain the basics.
The basic start is with Evo Morales, a cocalero (coca leaf grower) who became a politician and came to power as president in 2006. He’s the first indigenous president of Bolivia (he is Aymara), and when he came to power was widely seen as a game changer, destroying the oligarchical, upper white class hold on Bolivian politics. He was received with much fanfare, including from white leftists, who were keen on a president who would enact social reform and change and concentrate on helping reduce poverty and racism. I was too young to vote back then, but the majority of my family voted for Evo. He was... he was hope. It’s hard to explain. We thought it was the turning point. Finally, an indigenous president, someone who knew discrimination first hand and would be able to listen to the many indigenous peoples of our country. Someone who would fight imperialism, and the scars of colonialism.
He managed to do some good things. If I remember correctly, education spending and welfare spending increased, he increased the taxes on many companies, such as hydrocarbons, allowing the state to invest more and have less of a deficit. Bolivia also received an economic boom unrelated to his actions and policies (it had more to do with the price of minerals, since Bolivia is a mining country, and so on and so forth), so for a while poverty did reduce and the middle class grew. He also increased the number of indigenous and campesino (farmer/rural lands) representatives and their influence in politics.
However, as time went on, Evo’s party began to systematically remove any opposition they could, with many political leaders jailed for charges of tax evasion and the like. There is a lot of shady stuff going around that topic, and it’s too much to get into in a short explanation. It turned out that the party sought to remove any rising leadership, even within their party, that could threaten Evo’s dominance. His party also began to stack the legislative branch and pushing new judges through, setting up people who’d be grateful to him and thus legislate in his favor. While this was happening, MAS, the party’s social base, expanded their power and influence in other ways.
Now, the actual constitutional fuckery that angered a lot of leftists. He had the constitution rewritten in 2008 and it was approved in 2009, which had really mixed opinions from people, though I personally liked that he changed the name of “Republic of Bolivia” to “Plurinational State of Bolivia” to recognize the indigenous nations of Bolivia. The constitution maintained its two term limit for the presidency, but the thing was, he claimed that since there was a new constitution, his first mandate/government no longer counted, and he got it approved legally that he could run two more times again, which he did. Which like. What the fuck?
In the process, we began seeing cracks in his pro-indigenous, pro-environmental discourse. For example, he ignored and overulled the indigenous peoples of TIPNIS, a national park and indigenous territory, when they legally stated that they did not want a highway built through their lands, because it would bring in deforestation and cocaleros who are known for deforestation. He basically steamrollered over this, despite indigenous peoples of the TIPNIS walking all the way to the city of La Paz to make protests. He began to approve infrastructure projects that would destroy natural spaces, including hydroelectric dams that can and will flood Madidi, one of the most important national parks and biodeverse areas of Bolivia. And so on and so forth, he began to act in such a way that was at odds with the platform he ran, betraying indigenous peoples and Pachamama (mother earth) at every turn. He also never took any reasonable criticism in stride, blaming it all on American Imperialism.
However, because of MAS’ stronghold and no unity among the opposition, Evo ran two more terms after his first (including the third which really shouldn’t have been legally recognized), and he stated that after his third he wouldn’t stay in power.
If you guessed that he changed his mind or was lying, you’re right.
He called for a national referendum in 2016 for whether he should be allowed to run for a fourth term, but he lost the referendum, which voted “No”, though it was a narrow margin. And instead of respecting the will of the Bolivian people, he ignored it and pushed himself forward as a candidate for the next (these) elections, to the point that he pushed so that the Supreme Tribunal of Justice would rule that the constitution was inconstitutional (wtf) because it did not respect his right to reelection (wtf) and decided that no public office would have a term limit. I hope I don’t have to explain why that is just. A horrible decision for democracy. Term limits exist for a reason. It’s so no one person can get a stranglehold on power. After this it became clear to us that he had become enamoured with power, and was mainly seeking to establish himself in power indefinitely, which well, it pissed a lot of us off. It was heartbreaking too. To see someone we’d pinned our hopes on becoming... a dictator.
This finally brings us to three weeks ago, when the general elections were held. Now, in Bolivia, we have it so that any winner of the presidential elections has to have at least 10% points more than the guy in second place, or we go into a second round of elections between the higher scoring candidates. And as the official electoral authority reported throughout most of the counting process as results came in, Evo didn’t have the 10% lead needed to avoid a second round, and statistically even if the remaining votes were majority Evo, he wouldn’t be able to get the 10% needed. Also, the remaining votes were City votes, and the cities are in general, not Evo supporters anymore. Until at around 80% of all votes counted, the website and reporting of the electoral authority just. Stopped. It cut off. It cut off for 24 hours, during which the government first claimed that oh, it’d had some technical difficulties, and then (this part I actually don’t understand, so I’m paraphrasing what I maybe undersood) claimed that because some voting places had finished counting already, so they wouldn’t have two places reporting results, they stopped the main authority. Which like.
That’s really fucking fishy.
So people were really suspicious, and when the authority began reporting again those 24 hours later, reporting that oh, actually, Evo had won with the required 10%, a lot of people didn’t believe it. This smelled like electoral fraud. So people began gathering to protest because Evo shouldn’t have been running in the first place and now he wanted us to take this lie and swallow it.
Evidence came out over the next few days about electoral fraud: non-Evo vote ballots were found in trash bins, and the official databases of the electoral authority were found to have “irregularities” that all favoured Evo. People got pissed even as Evo claimed that it was imperialist forces and that the counts were all valid and legit and transparent. But the damage was done. Bolivians took to the streets in big numbers to protest and froze the cities, stopping transport and literally putting the cities in a standstill, only letting emergency services and food trucks coming to the supermarkets through so people could live. The protesters in the cities began to get threats, because Evo began trying to sell these protests as “the racist cities trying to stamp the rural vote”, from Evo supporters, that they’d shut the water supplies to the city off. Counter protesters began massing too. Clashes happened. Evo supporters were pushed out of the city of Cochabamba, but they set fire to the grasses around a city landmark and place of pride because they wanted to give a last fuck you. MAS supporters attacked hospitals that had protesters and even the doctors and nurses who weren’t supporting MAS. Photo and video evidence, and people coming forward, showed that the government was paying people to counter protest. The protesters were mostly non-violent, but there were clashes when the police wasn’t able to keep people separated. One mayor near Cochabamba was found to have paid two thugs to beat up protesters, to the point that one young man of 18ish was thought to be dead, and her hair was cut off and she was sprayed red - supposedly by protesters, but now there are cliams of people from her town that it was her own people that did it to make the protesters look bad. (My opinion? It could be either at this point, I don’t know). The protesters wore the Bolivian flag and called for democracy to be respected. The Evo supporters primarily wore the party flag, and got their hands on dynamite that they set off on streets to intimidate protesters. Protesters have died at the hands of Evo supporters - I haven’t heard of one case of dead Evo supporters. The police started to get unhappy, because they didn’t want to throw tear gas at the people protesting. To try and sweeten them, the goverment paid a bonus... but it turned out the bonus money was taken from the police officer’s pension. Police departments began to ... not sure if mutiny is the right word, but to defy the government, in several cities.
At first, people were pushing for a second round of elections, but when we realized that actually, legally, when there is fraud of a significant impact the elections have to be annuled and new ones held, and the people who did the fraud jailed, the movements began to call for new elections completely, with a new electoral authority that could be trusted.
In the meantime, the military was quiet and not sent out to repress anything even after the police began to rebel, with military subordinates presenting letters that they would not repress the people, while it was known that military high command is pro Evo.
While this was going on, the OEA, The Organization of American States, had issued from the start of the 24 hour blackout from the electoral authority that they had concerns about the election process. Evo ended up accepting an audit from OEA representatives, and said that he’d stand by their resolution. When they finally came out with a report saying there were serious irregularities in the election that cast it into doubt, he called it politically motivated, but did call for new elections...
Then the high commander of the military said Evo should resign so that the country can be peaceful again. And a few hours ago Evo presented his resignation to the presidency.
It’s not over by a long shot - we need to establish a transparent, trustworthy electoral process in record time and hold new elections, and people are afraid that Evo will take back his resignation, and Evo incited his supporters in his resignation speech - but we’ve managed to get this far after three weeks of non spot protests.
There’s a lot more going on, a lot of context I’ve skipped, on Evo, on the political opposition - including Camacho, a religious right wing religionalism whose gotten a worrying amount of support with the protests in reaction to Evo’s excesses - but so far, I am proud of Bolivia. We’ve not let a wanna-be dictator establish himself. Now we just need a good left wing leader to help build us up to the promise that Evo gave us, and to stand strong against right wing pendulum reactionaries.
I leave you with the protest chants that spread in Bolivia these past three weeks
Quien se cansa? Who gets tired? NADIES SE CANSA! NOBODY GETS TIRED! Quien se rinde? Who gives up? NADIES SE RINDE! NOBODY GIVES UP! Evo de nuevo? Evo again? HUEVO CARAJO! [Pun involving the word egg, which sounds like Evo, and a swear word that doesn’t have a translation]
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thenotoriousg-o-b · 4 years
Get the fuck out of here with your incel GRASS LAWN bullshit. Are you fucking KIDDING me?? You’re quacking up the wrong fucking boat bro. This is a CHAD ZONE ONLY: that means a HEALTHY, ECO FRIENDLY BIODEVERSE MOSS LAWN you fucking VIRGIN. You don’t even *deserve* soil
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allegedly-cishet · 3 years
I’m gonna not mow my lawn encourage native biodeversity
#Save the Bees
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hannahlongjewelry · 4 years
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I have been replacing my grass lawn with an edible landscape so I'm in front of my house for an hour or so every evening. There are many kids who have started to hang out in my yard and ask tons of questions. Now, pretty much every day, I walk outside to garden and there's a crew (sometimes enough for a baseball team) eager to help We have been getting excited together about planting seeds, learning about biodiversity, eating healthy food and trying to be better stewards of the land all while practicing social distancing. It has been so cool to watch kids go from, "Vegetables grow in the dirt? That's disgusting!" to enthusiastically identifying food and trying everything. This has given me much joy and hope so I thought that I would share. Hope that all of you are finding your way through this time with silver linings too♡ #garden #community #permaculture #growfoodnotlawns #growfood #suburanfarm #foodforest #soflo #gardening #joy #victorygarden #urbangardener #urbangarden #happyplace #communitygarden #onelove #hope #hannahlongjewelry #meditation #organic #grateful #gratitude #healthyfood #healthyeating #sustainability #sustainable #nature #naturalfood #greenthumb #biodeversity https://www.instagram.com/p/CCzdik3h4BN/?igshid=1bznzetty25zl
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indn241 · 4 years
Why is it important for humans to connect with nature?
I searched this up on Google and found an interesting article about this from Columbia University which came up with some interesting points. From a health perspective, studies reveal that children are happier, healthier and more creative when they have a connection to nature. As well as this, adults in work spaces which incorporate nature are more productive, healthy and creative. The article also talks about how our definition of nature needs to be broader in the sense of moving away from the idea that nature is something that is ‘out there’, instead of here where the real work needs to be done. Nature shouldn’t be a place that we need to go and visit, and this should be taken into more consideration in city planning. This lack of nature in cities is leading to less meaningful experiences with nature, however this could be an opportunity to create a new definition of ‘nature’, bringing about a new type of city life. This could mean a greater incorporation of natural elements by restoring and creating natural habitats to protect biodeversities.
“E.O. Wilson, the renowned biologist, believes that we are hard wired with an innate affinity for nature, a hypothesis he calls biophilia. But research shows that if children do not have the opportunity to explore and develop that biophilia during their early years, biophobia, an aversion to nature, may take its place. Biophobia can range from a fear of being in nature, to contempt for what is not man-made and managed, to an attitude that nature is nothing more than a disposable resource.” This quote from the article really made sense to me, because of how it explains the consequences of this disconnection from nature. We can literally see these consequences in our world where people just aren’t caring and are treating natural resources like they are disposable. It is hard to care if we dont have a connection or relationship with nature, and same goes with anything else !
article : https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2011/05/26/why-we-must-reconnect-with-nature/
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ghittalaskrouif · 5 years
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. Here i'am, Monkeying around cedar trees 🐒 & it feels good to be far from casablanca 🚗🚗🚗🚧🚦📯📯📯 . The cedars are considered a national treasure,coming under attack of the climate change: rises in temperature,droughts and flooding could spell doom for cedar,adding to that illegal logging... The forest is known of its biodeversity cedar trees, macaques, birdlife ranging from redheaded woodpecker to owls,eagles...flora includes scarlet diantus,blue germendar attracting butterflies like the cardinal & colorful sulfur cleopatra ... and God in every detail of nature !! — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/31I3axE
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timetravelerdog · 7 years
Rant time
So my stupid country decided to approve the most stupid law. My country didn’t have a responsible ownership law (just an Animal Protection one, that applied mostly to production animals), and after a serious abuse case on February, the law that had been sitting in Congress for over 8 years, suddenly got the momentum to be approved.
A bit of context: My country has a big stray dog population issue, on top of a mis-informed human population that believes dogs should be allowed to roam. 99% of these dogs are unspayed mixed breeds. Free roaming dogs, strays and feral dogs are the main issues, but somehow the law focuses on purebreed dogs and breeders.
The law has some good things, I know. But it has some seriously wrong aspects.
“Dangerous Breeds”. Seriously? I thought human beings were beyond this. I won’t even discuss this.
Feral Dogs are not mentioned and thus far, the law prohibits euthanasia/killing them. They are a serious issue. In my country there are no “big” predators, just pumas or mountain lions which can weight up to 45 kgs at most. Which makes feral dogs the largest, most vicious predator in a country with low biodeversity and high endemism (in other words - vulnerable wildlife). Not to mention the effect they have in cattle, sheep, poultry, etc or their effect on public health.
Early Spay/Neutering. Dogs can’t be sold or adopted before they are spayed, which forces breeders and shelters to do pre-puberal spays. People are talking about spaying and neutering as early as 3-4 months old and then sending the puppies to their new homes. Which means:
Sociabilization issues - Dogs will be kept by breeders/shelters for too long, which will spark a myriad of behavioural issues. I wonder, what’s the main cause of abandonment?
Hormonal issues - Ovaries and testicles are not some sort of decorative lumps. They are necessary for development! Specially in large breeds, hormones are necessay for the correct growth of bones and the adequate closure of growth plates.
Cancer and skeletal issues - The good thing is no dogs will develop pyometra or mammary gland tumors. The bad? All the other possible cancers which show a higher incidence in spayed dogs.
Anesthesic risk - Imagine spaying thousands of tiny, 3 month old Chihuahua puppies...it’s pretty hard to find their tiny ovaries and the lose temperature fast.
Protection sports are banned. Yes. Good bye Schutzhund, French Ring, and everything that remotely includes a bite. Only the armed forces and the like can train for protection. Also this part is written like shit: “Companion or pet animal owners are prohibited from training directed to reinforce and increase aggression”. What about breeds that require working tests? Or people that compete at a professional level?
 I know the law wants to avoid dog fights and irresponsible people breeding their dogs. But it makes me so angry for the people that try to make things right, and even angrier because it clearly isn’t a solution to the main problem.
Also, I’d like to see how they finance all these measures. 
It pains me to know it was made by animal rights activists while veterinarians were ignored. 
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edenopolis · 3 years
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Fun with friends and cooking for the fabulous @haitianbeauty25 :). Sous vide chicken breast pesto sandwiches, vegan mushroom sandwiches, and Moroccan beef skewers. A rainbow 🌈 installation for a small group, warming up for the birthday party tomorrow! . . . . #weddingdesign #nyc #foodinspiration #birthday #bestcaterer #rainbow #grazingtables #cheftable #chefslife #sousvide #edibleart #edenopolis #partytime #worldtrade #chefrichard #foodphotography #foodie #cleaneating #biodeversity #veggielove (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIa-KBQH_z0/?igshid=1af1u45ni2dg8
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ghostzali2011 · 6 years
SPORTOURISM - Gelaran Festival Hari Nelayan Palabuanratu ke-58 pada Kamis (5/4), sukses dipadati wisatawan. Halaman parkir Pasar Pelabuhan Ratu yang jadi pusat titik acara semakin meriah saat digelar pertunjukan kesenian tradisional mengisahkan pantai selatan Jawa Barat dan Kerajan Padjadjaran.  
Deputi Bidang Pemasaran I Kementerian Pariwisata (Kemenpar) I Gde Pitana mengatakan, pihaknya sangat happy mendukung perhelatan pariwisata seperti ini. Terlebih penyelenggaraan Festival Hari Nelayan Pelabuan Ratu ke-58, menjadi momentum untuk mendukung upaya penetapan Geopark Ciletuh oleh UNESCO.
“Diiharapkan pengembangan Kawasan Geopark Ciletuh Palabuhanratu sebagai tujuan wisata internasional dapat tewujud agar masyarakat pesisir tidak tergantung pada sektor perikanan tetapi juga mampu mengembangkan sumber ekonomi lainnya, yakni pariwisata," ujar Pitana yang juga diamini Asisten Deputi Strategi dan Komunikasi Pemasaran I Hariyanto di Pelabuhan Ratu, Kamis (5/4).
Dalam acara tersebut, tampak hadir pula, Bupati Kabupaten Sukabumi Marwan Hamami, Reni Marlinawati Anggota Komisi X DPR RI, Ketua Himpunan Nelayan Seluruh Indonesia Dede Ola. Reni merupakan puteri terbaik yang berasal daru Pelabuhan Ratu dan sukses sebagai Wakil Rakyat di ranah nasional.
Hariyanto mengatakan kehadiran Kemenpar dan Komisi X DPR ini adalah sebagai bukti sinergitas yang harmonis antara lembaga eksekutif dan legislatif, bersama-bersama dengan pemerintah daerah, seluruh stakeholder dan masyarakat luas dalam memajukan kepariwisataan sebagai sektor prioritas nasional.
Reni Marlinawati juga menegaskan, keberadaaan keberadaaan Geopark Ciletuh akan berdampak positif demi penyelamatan geodiversity (keanekaragaman geologi), biodeversity (keanekargaman hayati) dan culturebiodevirsity (keanekaragaman budaya).
“Geopark Ciletuh diharapkan berdampak pada perkembangan pariwisata dan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, ini sangat baik untuk kesejahteraan rakyat," kata Reni.
Reni menambahkan, untuk menjadi tujuan wisata internasional, Geopark Ciletuh perlu didukung dengan tiga komponen utama pengembangan destinasi, yaitu 3A (aksesibilitas, amenitas, dan atraksi). Terkait  akessibilitas atau konektivitas maka ke depan Pemerintah akan menjadikan Pelabuhan Ratu  sebagai pelabuhan pariwisata.
“Nantinya, pada saat akhir pekan objek wisata Geopark Ciletuh dapat dijangkau dengan kapal selama 30 menit. Kementerian Perhubungan menargetkan Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi sudah harus bisa berfungsi secara maksimal pada 2019. Ditambah jika nanti Tol Bogor Sukabumi Cianjur rampung dibangun," ujarnya.
Reni Marlinawati berharap warga Kabupaten Sukabumi bersiap dan berbenah diri menyambut para pelancong yang akan mendatangi sejumlah wisata di Sukabumi.
"Siapkan segala sesuatunya, mentalnya, infrastrukturnya karena Sukabumi hari ini jadi destinasi wisata andalan di Jabar, apalagi dengan hadirnya wisata geologi, Geopark Ciletuh di Kecamatan Ciemas," kata Reni.
Festival Hari Nelayan ini digelar selama 10 hari. Rangkaian kegiatan digelar di sejumlah tempat. Sejumlah kegiatan dipadukan dengan festival budaya masyarakat khas pesisir.
Sementara itu, Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya mengapresiasi gelaran event budaya Festival Hari Nelayan Palabuanratu ke-58. Dirinya dengan adanya event ini bisa mempercepat penetapan keberadaan Geopark Ciletuh. Untuk itu harus digarap serius. Karena melihat potensi destinasi, Menpar Arief ingin mendorong standarnya ke level dunia.
“Potensinya juga sangat besar. Keindahan alamnya lengkap, ada landscape, gunung, air terjun, sawah, ladang, dan berujung di muara sungai ke laut. Karena itu harus cepat dikembangkan, agar bisa menghidupkan ekonomi masyarakatnya,” tambah Arief Yahya.
Pria asal Banyuwangi itu juga menyebut, destinasi di sini sangat unik. Destinasinya dikelilingi hamparan hamparan alluvial dengan batuan unik dan pemandangan yang indah, juga punya pantai yang indah.
“Tak salah jika lomba surfing internasional sering dilakukan di Pelabuanratu. Pesan saya hanya satu, semakin dilestarikan, semakin mensejahterakan, selamat dan sukses untuk acara Festival Hari Nelayan ini," pungkas Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya.(*)
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