#bibliotheque saint-genevieve
arthistoryanimalia · 9 months
For #WorldLionDay please enjoy this fabulous medieval manuscript goth lion:
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Bibliotheque Saint-Genevieve MS 1029 (France, 14th c.), f. 127v detail
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A public library is the most democratic thing in the world. What can be found there has undone dictators and tyrants.
- Doris Lessing
Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris, France. This public and university library is tucked away in the Latin Quarter of Paris near the Panthéon.
It is based on the collection of the Abbey of St Genevieve, which was founded in the 6th century by Clovis I, the King of the Franks. The collection of the library was saved from book destruction during the French Revolution.  A new reading room for the library, with an innovative iron frame supporting the roof, was built between 1838 and 1851 by architect Henri Labrouste. It contains more than two million documents and was the inspiration for the Boston Public Library.
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archimaps · 6 years
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Inside the Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve, Paris
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reptilia2003 · 6 years
live look at me attempting to learn the titles and artists of 50 works of art for my art history midterm tomorrow because Every French Word Sounds The Same send help
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sarouh-cool-blog · 7 years
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Vincit qui patitur
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Print vs Digital: A Rare Book Experiment
Librarian’s note:  
In January, Melissa Eppihimer’s Antiquarianism class came in to see some exceptionally printed books from the 17th and 18th centuries from our collection. Some of these included The ruins of Palmyra, Otherwise Tedmor, in the Desert by Robert Wood (London, 1753), Della Magnificenza ed Architettura de’Romani by Giovan Battista Piranesi (Rome, 1761), and Le Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Sainte Geneviève by Claude du Molinet (Paris, 1692). For one of their writing submissions, they were tasked with comparing the physical reading of Le Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de Sainte Geneviève with the digitized version found in the Internet Archive. 
Each day this week we are featuring one of their responses.
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Abigail Brady:  
“While viewing Le Cabinet de la Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève in print form, I was able to experience the ritualistic and communal components of learning that are easily lost while one virtually flips through the pages of the digital version. The opportunity to have personal interactions with an antiquarian book from 1692 allowed me to appreciate the history and value of texts like these. I was able to imagine what it might have been like for scholars to consult these illustrative descriptions of antiquity and the natural world, as a way of advancing their own knowledge.  
Before our meeting on Thursday, I examined the online document in order to prepare for what I would be studying in class. One detail I did not realize until viewing the book in print form, was the difference in scale. The digital display gave no indication of whether this was a book you could tote around, or if it, indeed, was rather large and stationary. However, I did find it helpful to be able to zoom in on the images and examine the details of the illustrations of antiquities, animals, and objects from the natural world. I was impressed by the clarity of the text and could envision how a digitized version would be helpful for researchers who were returning to a source for additional information.  
Although the online form sparked my initial curiosity, I found that interacting with the print version was more beneficial. My favorite part of studying the original text was working with my classmates to decipher the images in front of us. Our group reviewed a passage depicting Greek Priestesses and we discussed the importance of their facial expressions, gestures, and the artist’s use of shading. All of us offered distinct observations and this helped inspire productive deliberation. Despite the convenience of the digital copy, the scale and meditative nature of the printed book was vital in the observations my group and I formed while studying the text.”
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Link to the digitized St. Genevieve book: https://archive.org/details/gri_cabinetdelab00c3du  
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wapiti3 · 5 years
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The office of the Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve divided into two parts: containing antiquitez religion of Christians, Egyptians, and Romans, tombs, & weight of medals, of monnoyes, antique engraved stones, minerals,and natural history
By You Molinet, Claude, 1620-1687  Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve.  Ertinger, Franz, 1640 about 1,da Publication info A Paris: Chez Antoine Dezallier ..., 1692.,ht Contributing Library: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute BioDiv. Library
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thomaslaconis · 6 years
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Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve
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collection-de-liens · 3 years
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arquistoriainfo · 4 years
Influencias Modernas - Henri Labrouste
La obra de Henri Labrouste se reconoce dentro de la historia de la arquitectura como una ejemplar. Además de eso, como uno de los precursores del movimiento modernista. Con dos de sus obras (“Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve” y “Bibliotheque Nationale”) vemos como redefine la tipología de la biblioteca. Si nos enfocamos en Bibliotheque Nationale comprenderíamos los elementos que los modernistas adoptaron para redefinir la arquitectura contemporánea. 
   Labrouste posiblemente es la primera persona en diseñar la biblioteca de la manera en que la conocemos hoy día. En sus edificaciones cambia la tipología de las bibliotecas previas. Antes no eran tan abiertas al público. Además, bibliotecas grandes podían ser encontradas en monasterios o en instituciones académicas, lugares que no eran accesible para todo el mundo. Fue el primero en pensar que pasaría si estas fueran accesibles a todas las personas. 
  Es un espacio amplio y callado, que se da a cabo gracias a las construcciones con hierro fundido. Con sus propiedades es posible crear un espacio con nueve cúpulas, cada una de ellas con su propio óculo, aguantadas por unas 16 columnas de 32 pies de altura y un pie de diámetro. Si se utilizara algún otro material, la estructura tendría que cambiar. O sea, ser menor en altura o de mayor grosor para lograr lo que logró el hierro. Pero gracias a su capacidad, se logra esa ligereza que caracteriza al lugar.
   Mediante la arquitectura de Labrouste, vemos el comienzo de la arquitectura que promueve el uso público y nuevos edificios que responden al bienestar de la sociedad dentro de lo urbano. También vemos que utiliza las propiedades del hierro para lograr lo que antes no se podía  con otro material, redefiniendo la tipología antes conocida de las bibliotecas. 
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anti-cipa-tions · 4 years
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Southwest corner: elevation and section of Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve, Paris, Henri Labrouste, late 1850
Pen, ink, grahite wash and watercolour on paper
Source: MoMA
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inbriefmedia-blog · 7 years
Οι ομορφότερες βιβλιοθήκες της Ευρώπης
Οι ομορφότερες βιβλιοθήκες της Ευρώπης
Τις ομορφότερες βιβλιοθήκες της Ευρώπης αιχμαλώτισε με το φακό του ο Γάλλος φωτογράφος Thibaud Poirier. Stadtbibliothek, Στουτγάρδη, 2011 Μέσα από τις φωτογραφίες του, ο Poirier τονίζει πόσο επιβλητικοί και μεγαλόπρεποι  είναι αυτοί οι αρχιτεκτονικοί παράδεισοι της μάθησης, είτε πρόκειται για ένα σύγχρονο κτίριο όπως η Grimm Zentrum Library στο Βερολίνο, είτε για ένα πιο κλασσικό όπως η ιστορική…
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rangga0411 · 7 years
via Berita Hari Ini http://ift.tt/2rP0Nqz
Ditengah berkembangnya media online sebagai tempat mencari informasi, perpustakaan tetap menjadi tempat favorit lho buat pecinta buku. Nah, di berbagai negara, perpustakaan bukan hanya sebagai ruang baca untuk mereka yang hoby baca aja, tapi menjadi sebuah bangunan yang dibangun dengan seni yang penuh dengan sejarah. Kalo kalian lagi jalan-jalan di beberapa negara ini, wajib banget nih mampir ke perpustakaan yang punya interior mewah kaya gini, intip yuk.
1. Stuttgart City Library
Nah, perpustakaan dengan konsep serba putih ini terletak di Stuttgart, Jerman lho. Buat kalian yang berencana melanjutkan studi ke Jerman, wajib nih cobain belajar di sini. Perpustakaan ini selesai di bangun pada tahun 2011 guys, keliatan ya dari bangunannya yang di dominasi potongan simetris modern. Bikin makin semangat deh belajarnya.
2. Trinity College
Nah, perpustakaan yang satu ini merupakan perpustakaan terbesar yang ada di Irlandia. Bisa diliat dong dari ruang utamanya aja megah banget guys, makanya dikenal dengan sebutan Long Room, saking panjangnya. Perpustkaan ini dibangun tahun 1712 guys dengan tinggi plafon hingga 200 kaki.
3. Library Of Birmingham
Siapa bilang dateng ke perpustakaan itu hal yang ngebosenin? Eits, kalo datengnya ke Library of Birmingham, dijamin ngga mau pulang deh. Library of Birmingham yang terletak di Kota Birmingham, Inggris ini menjadi perpustakaan termewah guys di dunia. Yah, gimana ga mewah kalo di dalamnya aja ada escalator buat memudahkan pengunjung nyari buku.
4. Klementinum / Perpustakaan Nasional Praha
Coba liat interior di perpustakaan yang satu ini, semua desainnya memukau banget ya guys. Perpustakaan Klementinum merupakan perpustakaan terbesar di Republik Ceko. Perpustakaan ini menyimpan lebih dari 20.000 buku lho. Beberapa buku diantaranya adalah koleksi yang ngga mungkin deh lo dapetin di tempat lain. Keren kan?
5. Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura
Wah, perpustakaan yang ada di Rio De Janerio, Brazil ini keliatan mewah banget guys dari segi konsep interiornya yaitu khas abad pertengahan. Semua warnanya senada yaitu dibalut nuansa cokla kehitaman, mulai dari lantai sampai dindingnya.
6. Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve
Kalo liburan ke Paris jangan cuma mengunjungi Eiffel Tower aja dong, coba deh kunjungi perpustakaan mewah yang satu ini. Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve merupakan perpustakaan dengan bangunan arsitektur yang menarik banget. Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve menyimpan lebih dari dua juta dokumen yang dikumpulkan dari abad ke 13 lho guys. Nah, perpustakaan ini letaknya berdekatan guys sama Katedral Notre Dame.
Wow, kalo belajar di perpustakaan kaya gitu dijamin ngga bakal cepet ngantuk ya guys, ngga akan cepet bosen juga yang pastinya. Pokoknya jadi tempat favorite banget lah buat belajar.
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archimaps · 6 years
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Main doorway to the Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve, Paris
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artbychabells-blog · 7 years
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Analytical Sketches of Bibliotheque Nationale de France and the Sainte Genevieve Library with resulting models.
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3-5-kk · 7 years
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Bibliotheque Saint Genevieve (BSG)
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