nagasanis · 4 years
TASK 001.
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FULL NAME: nagasani banu begum ( نگاسانی بانو بگوم ) MEANING: a curious lady 
FULL NAME : nagasani banu begum ( نگاسانی بانو بگوم )
nagasani: curiosity ( نگاسانی )
banu: lady ( موز )
begum: title for daughter or wife of the leader ( شروع )
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : sani ( family only ) ; ustinya rurik ( russian given name ) ; daughter of hindustan ( used by russian nobility ) ; аутсайдер ( foreigner, derogatory term used by either common folk or behind her back ) 
TITLE : tsarevna of russia ; sultan begum ( previously )
cisgender female
ETHNICITY : hindustani
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE : janury 28th, 1535 / twenty-four
ZODIAC SIGN : aquarius
ORIENTATION : biromantic, bisexual
MARITAL STATUS : married to tsarevich yuri of russia
OCCUPATION : tsarevna of russia
CURRENT LOCATION : sasso corbaro castle, switzerland
PLACE OF BIRTH : fatehpur sikr, hindustan
RESIDENCES : moscow kremlimn, moscow
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : islam ; devout, but secretly so in order to not further publicly enrage her in-laws. in private, will not hesitate when telling yuri that she does not subscribe to the beliefs of catholicism. 
EDUCATION : according to hindustani tradition, nagasani was raised to be a polite and servant young begum, and later on, a good wife to her husband. she indulge in leisurely activities from a young age, such as dancing and singing, and it was encouraged by her father and mother for the prospect of gracefulness. she's well taught in matters of diplomacy, knowing her marriage would most definitely be one of strategy, and has taken her time as late teenager and young adult to learn more about the world.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : persian ( native ), urdu ( fluent ), hindu ( fluent ) russian ( advanced ), english ( advanced ), arabic ( conversational ), mandarin ( learning ), french ( learning ), german ( learning )
the mughal empire ( first, by birth and heart )
the ottoman empire alliance ( second, by war )
emperor humayun khan i ( father, deceased )
padshah bega sultan begum ( mother, deceased ) - born agathe vogt, granddaughter of a german settler & important merchant
emperor akbar khan i ( older brother )
murad mirza ( older brother )
nawab roshanara begum ( older sister )
shahzadi bakshi begum ( younger sister )
tsarevich yuri ( husband )
tsarevna karina ( infant daughter )
padshah jahanara sultan begum ( sister-in-law )
mahal gulrukh sultan begum ( sister-in-law )
gulbadan devi sultan begum ( sister-in-law )
ahmad ali khan ( brother-in-law )
tsar dmitry ( brother-in-law )
tsarevna yelena ( sister-in-law )
tsarevna sophia ( sister-in-law )
countless nieces and nephews
FACECLAIM : anya chalotra
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : long and wavy dark brown hair, silky looking. worn up, with typical russian nobility headdress when she must, but wears it down when in her chambers. prefers hindustani veils.
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : almond shaped hazel eyes.
HEIGHT : 167 cm ( 5 feet 6 )
BUILD : lean, but healthy in appearance
SPEECH STYLE : nagasani is a mezzo-soprano, and speaks as such. she makes sure her enunciation is precise and speaks very clearly, outwardly and concisely. she's a woman of few words, but bullseyes each and every single one.
RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : birthmark on her upper inner left thigh, scar on her nostril from previously worn ring.
BEAUTY HABITS : her beauty habits align with the ones of the most hindustani nobles - she bathes often, despite the weather in moscow not requiring it as much as the one in fatehpur sikr. she likes to wear her eyelids shades of green and blue, but the right pigment is hardly found in moscow and perhaps the practice not well seen for a woman who should be striving to become russian-like. nagasani cares for her skin with plant based oils, despite straying from any particular one with a more noticeable scent, due to her position in foreign court.
TROPES : final girl ; brainy brunette ; altar diplomacy ; maligned mixed marriage ; tranquil fury ; illegal religion 
INSPIRATIONS : cersei lannister ( asoiaf ) ; 
MBTI : istj ; the logistician ( assertive )
ENNEAGRAM : type 4 ; the individualist
ALIGNMENT : true neutral ( i know )
TEMPERAMENT : choleric ( melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic )
HOGWARTS HOUSE : slytherin
POSITIVE TRAITS : decisive, goal oriented, protective, logical, mature
NEGATIVE TRAITS : lustful, scheming, judgemental, stubborn, temperamental
HABITS : bowing her head as a greeting compliment
HOBBIES : singing, dancing, dressmaking.
USUAL DEMEANOR : nagasani holds her head up high amongst the russian nobles. she knows her place, of course, and will do what she must to protect herself and her child, but she will not allow disrespect from any of her in-laws. she usually walks like a boss, pretty much. 
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : none, apart from common cold and fevers every now and then.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : the tsarevna is neurotypical. despite being somewhat paranoid with her russian counterparts, it would not be considered a neurological condition. she's focused and holds an incredibly long attention span. 
PHOBIAS : thalassophobia ( fear of the sea )
SLEEPING HABITS : nagasani doesn't sleep uncomfortably, but she's a very light sleeper, almost as if she sleeps with one eye open. she feels as if she's surrounded by enemies.
SOCIABILITY : she's not the most social in russian court, most definitely. she wasn't in hindustan, either, but she used to be a warm host, a kind one, too. nowadays she mostly keeps to herself and watches. she starts conversations only if she deems it will be fruitful for her ultimate goal, and doesn't beat around the bushes much, while still making sure to assess the person's intentions before spilling the beans.
ADDICTIONS : i wouldn't say nagasani has an addiction, but the closest thing to it would be the... hobby she found in sexual encounters of more zandik aspect. 
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isabeaudevalois · 4 years
task 001: character sheet
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FULL NAME : isabeau marguerite valois 
name: isabeau, the medieval french variant of isabel (which is itself a variant of the name elizabeth), means “my god is an oath” 
middle name: marguerite, the french form of margaret, means “pearl” and also refers to the french name for the daisy flower 
surname: valois, the dynasty into which isabeau was born
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : izzy & beau by her brother louis. some other family members refer to her as ma choupinette
madame royale 
et fille de france
dowager duchess of burgundy
dowager duchess of anjou
princess isabeau of france (she was not given the style madame royale upon birth)
GENDER & PRONOUNS : cisfemale & she, her, hers
ETHNICITY : white 
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: october 27, 1528; 30 years old
ZODIAC SIGN : scorpio
ORIENTATION : heterosexual/heteroromantic (to be fair, isabeau is probably bisexual and biromantic, but she’s never had reason to explore that before, so i’ve labeled her as she would label herself)
MARITAL STATUS : widowed; currently betrothed to ferdinand of lorraine
OCCUPATION : madame royale of france
CURRENT LOCATION : sasso corbaro castle, switzerland.
PLACE OF BIRTH : palace of fontainebleau
RESIDENCES : château de chenonceau 
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholic; quite pious
EDUCATION : as a daughter of the king of france, isabeau was educated according to her status. her education was handled entirely by her mother and tended toward religion, languages, history, and the arts, both visual and musical. 
french (fluent)
latin (fluent) 
german (fluent) 
spanish (fluent)
english (fluent) 
portuguese (moderate) 
russian (moderate) 
polish (weak) 
italian (weak)
house valois of france: by birth
house schleswig-holstein of germany: by betrothal
ottoman empire: by alliance
king francis II: eldest brother
duke charles of orléans: brother
duke louis of alençon: brother
queen claude of brittany: sister-in-law
duchess clothilde of orléans: sister-in-law
dauphin henri of france: nephew
marquess adhémar of orléans: nephew
viscount jacques of orléans: nephew
OTHER FAMILIAL RELATIONS : n/a at the moment
FACECLAIM : matilda lutz
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : dark golden blonde; her hair is usually bound in braids or twists and covered in a golden net with jewels for decoration. however, isabeau often adapts depending on who she is seeing that day. if she was to see someone from a country that often wore their hair loose, she would likely do the same. 
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : blue; roundish-almond eyes
HEIGHT : 152 cm/5 feet
BUILD : slim; isabeau has some muscle that comes from horseback riding, but that is the extent of her physical exertion
SPEECH STYLE : isabeau has a very parisian accent and her tone of voice is melodic. she pronounces things rather easily and does not put too much emphasis on any particular syllables. she is very formal with those she does not know well (read: everyone) and that often shows with the words she chooses. 
RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : isabeau has a small scar below her collarbone that came about from playing with louis as a child. it is approximately two inches long.
BEAUTY HABITS : isabeau uses cosmetics to ensure that she always looks her best; her hair is often styled and curled if it is left down and she would not ever be seen in public without her rouge and lip paint applied. 
TROPES : arranged marriage, parental favoritism (gender), stepford snarker, unequal pairing, youngest child complex
INSPIRATIONS : catherine of aragon, giuliano de’ medici (the younger), cher horowitz, blair waldorf (if you squint)
MBTI : estj-t (the executive)
ENNEAGRAM : type 8 (the challenger) with 8w7 wing
ALIGNMENT : neutral evil
TEMPERAMENT : choleric, melancholic, & sanguine (all within 1 point of each other)
HOGWARTS HOUSE : gryffindor
POSITIVE TRAITS : generous, affectionate, intelligent, articulate
NEGATIVE TRAITS : caustic, sarcastic, self-centered, rash
HABITS : when nervous, isabeau will often clasp her hands in front of her abdomen. When she is in a good mood, she’s often seen smiling while her fingers push wisps of hair behind her ears. isabeau also attends daily mass first thing in the morning
HOBBIES : horseback riding, playing the harp, reading poetry, dancing, discussing theology, viewing art
USUAL DEMEANOR : how they usually portray themselves / may be the first impression taken from them.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : none at this time
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : isabeau has suffered from depression and anxiety, though she has developed coping mechanisms
PHOBIAS : autophobia (fear of isolation)
ALLERGIES : she has seasonal allergies, but they are not diagnosed. as such, isabeau suffers through several months of watery eyes and sneezes if only so she can have flowers in her rooms.
SLEEPING HABITS : isabeau sleeps around seven hours per night, though she often takes naps in the afternoon when she is given the time to do so. she wakes up with some frequency and though she is loathe to admit it, she hates sleeping alone.
SOCIABILITY : isabeau is generally sociable and enjoys parties and spending time with others. however, she is much less sociable in switzerland if only because she half-expects that when she leaves switzerland, it will not be to go home to france.
ADDICTIONS : isabeau is a heavy drinker and has been since the death of her first husband. she tends to prefer wine and it is rare to see her without a goblet already in hand.
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dukeofviseu · 4 years
TASK 001.
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FULL NAME : antónio afonso de bragança MEANING: an apt noble of incalculable worth, from the district of braga.
FULL NAME : antónio afonso de bragança
antónio: of incalculable worth, worthy
afonso: 'noble', alternatively 'ready', 'apt' - the first king of portugal
bragança: from the capital city of braga, of the braga district
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : nino ( family & close friends ), tonho ( vitoria )
TITLE : infante de portugal, duque de viseu/duque de beja, governador geral do brasil ( infante of portugal, duke of viseu, governor-geral of brazil )
cisgender male
he / his
ETHNICITY : white european & african black
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE : march 28th, 1531 / twenty-eight
ORIENTATION : bisexual biromantic
MARITAL STATUS : unmarried
OCCUPATION : governor-geral of brazil
CURRENT LOCATION : castelgrande castle, switzerland
PLACE OF BIRTH : lisboa, portugal
RESIDENCES : paço da ribeira
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholicism
EDUCATION : antónio was educated accordingly for a second son in his time - firstly in how to behave properly as a royal, then to fulfill what was expected of him at all moments. he was raised to be a skilled strategist and counselor for his father and his older brother, who will one day assume the throne. aside from being taught his duties as infante, antónio had tutors for many of his interests - some that his father deemed useful for him as a prince, some that he didn't (such as specific subjects in arts and literature). antónio has great swordsmanship and horsemanship, as well as well stretched social skills that range from the lowest to highest social class.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : portuguese ( native ), latin ( fluent ), spanish ( fluent ), english ( fluent ),  italian ( conversational ) french ( conversational ), german ( learning )
house of bragança ( first, by birth )
brazilian colony ( second, by vocation )
the holy roman empire & its allies ( third, by tact )
king joão of portugal ( father )
queen carlota of barcelos ( mother, deceased )
beatriz of portugal, queen of spain ( sister )
prince sebastião ( brother )
infanta vitória ( sister )
archduchess louisa of portugal ( aunt )
grand duchess augusta of styria ( cousin )
grand duke lucas of carinthia ( cousin )
archduke augustinus of bavaria-munich ( uncle )
king alonso of spain ( brother-in-law )
tomás, duke of barcelona ( brother-in-law )
infanta luciana ( sister-in-law, deceased )
infanta mariana ( sister-in-law )
infanta teresa ( sister-in-law )
manuel, prince of asturias ( nephew )
infante cristóbal ( nephew )
infante miguel ( nephew )
infanta inés ( niece )
infanta carlota ( niece )
FACECLAIM : keiynan lonsdale
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : black in color. cut short, well trimmed and cared for, in an unusual manner for the time.
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : deep set, black eyes, piercing in stare.
HEIGHT : 1.83 m / 6'0’’
BUILD : athletic in build ; little body fat due to extensive athletic leisure, toned but proportionate muscles..
SPEECH STYLE : antónio is a soft spoken young man, with vast rhetorical knowledge, which he uses accordingly to social situations. his portuguese accent is always present and considerably heavy to the ears, and he will speak in his mother tongue whenever he can. when talking amongst his cared for, he will enthusiastically ramble and often get lost in his own thoughts. in official situations (or around his father), his tone and speech pattern will change, turning into a calmer, more responsible sounding tone, proper of a young infante. antónio seeks to always better represent his country and family.
BEAUTY HABITS : bathes regularly, likes infused water with herbs and flowers (the latter mostly for aesthetic pleasure). takes care of dental hygiene (accordingly to the time). carries a nosegay when strolling through in public. wears bright colored attire, harmonious with his country colors - mostly red, golden and bege - in undershirts, trousers, tunics and cloaks, frequently uses leggigns for protection or belts to secure his trousers. sometimes will wear wrap-over coats and puffier sleeves for more official and/or social occasions.
TROPES : crowd pleaser, like a duck takes to water, wake-up call
INSPIRATIONS : i literally do not know?? maybe a bit on dom pedro i just because of the whole 'choosing the colony over the metropole, despite him being far from like dom pedro (also cause dom pedro is from the 1700s-1800s)
MBTI : enfp-t ; the campaigner
ENNEAGRAM : type 9 ; the peacemaker
ALIGNMENT : lawful good
TEMPERAMENT : sanguine ( melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric )
HOGWARTS HOUSE : hufflepuff
POSITIVE TRAITS : buoyant, altruistic, merciful, principled, loyal, tolerant, gregarious
NEGATIVE TRAITS : tactless, quixotic, lenient, hesitant, submissive
HABITS : switching between accents/dialects/languages, pacing, overly expressing physically, restless leg
HOBBIES : athletic leisure (quarter staff, jousting, archery, riding, hunting), music related pastimes (listening to music, playing the moorish guitar and the harpsichord), painting, literature (reading and writing poetry, troubadours), academic endeavors, social encounters (drinking involved) & sailing
USUAL DEMEANOR : surrounded by his closest and most trustworthy, antónio is a bright and light young man, talkative and friendly, full of ideas and easily excited. he stands goofily and doesn't appease to royal standards. amongst court, he's stiffer and less expressive, unless in defence of his family and country's honor, but is more of a listened than a talker - unless in festive environment, when he's capable to mix his public persona with his personal social talents, an energetic and magnetic man.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : none worth mention. always an active and healthy child, antónio never suffered from grave illness, only usual summer fevers..
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : from a young age, tutors and staff noticed antónio's restlessness. even when doing things he enjoyed, he displayed anxious behaviors, such as inability to wait for his own turn, having difficulty maintaining attention in one task - description compatible with symptoms of ADHD-C. despite the hardships of his lack of focus and generalized anxieties, antónio grew up to be an emotionally intelligent man, although only mildly aware of his own emotional dependency on his father's opinions. aside from the above and the sleep disorder, which will be described later), antónio struggles with a sense of lack of self-awareness. not a complete disruption of perception, which would make him identifiable with a dissociative disorder, but mild enough to be considered a sort of dissociation from material reality, such as depersonalization, in which antónio is detached from his surroundings in midst of anxiety episodes and finds himself as a third-party, observant of himself, but is aware that the feeling is not reality. in defiance of all the above, antónio remains a light-hearted individual, usually seem as a happy young man. he would not describe himself as unhappy in any given time, but is aware of his inner turmoils - only to categorize them as usual human emotions. he has no intention of pursuing explanations for his behaviors, nor treatment for them (despite his father's constant attempts of calming him down as a child).
PHOBIAS : fear of disappointing his family, fear of being forgotten
SLEEPING HABITS : antónio has difficulties in falling asleep, and once he does, he might wake up several times throughout the evening. he's gone through weeks at a time with minimal amounts of sleep, but his overall appearance and posture is hardly affected by it. antónio suffers from episodes of dissociation during sleep, such as being unable to dream in first person, which affects him while awake as he sometimes has a hard time knowing if he's awake or dreaming. overall, antónio sleeps late when he does, just as sun's about to rise, and wakes up throughout his sleep several times, but eventually gets up around 3-5 hours later, average. when he has early duties, he often does not sleep.
SOCIABILITY : extremely extroverted, antónio will make a point to talk to as many people as he can in any given situation, whatever the matter is. he's constantly and impatiently looking for new acquaintances and companies, whether it be for sexual reasons or merely social ones. he is usually seen as the life of the party in many people's eyes. although he prefers writing, painting and studying by himself, all his other leisure activities are prefered to be done with groups of people. antónio is more than capable of spending good alone time, but prefers to keep the company of others.
ADDICTIONS : antónio is exhaustingly drawn to physical activity - for leisure and health purposes. considered addiction of not, he participates in competitions and tournaments often, thrilled by the adrenaline suppressed in it. besides that, he's not much of a heavy drinker, choosing to do so only in social gatherings or to impress someone (he's that guy). he enjoys the feeling of being drunk, and is always aware of his limitations with alcohol.
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oncebely · 4 years
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FULL NAME : simeon pyotrvich belskyi. MEANING : simeon, meaning he has heard. MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : none that he allows, as he has never been fond of nicknames. TITLE : prince of bely, boyar of the russian militia, lord of bely.
GENDER & PRONOUNS : cis-male, he / him ETHNICITY : white russian DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: march 21, 1527 ; 32 years of age ZODIAC SIGN : aries --- the sign that marks the beginning of something turbulent. ORIENTATION : does he even know! he was in love w yuri for about 85% of his life, and look how that turned out for him! he’s only attracted to dumbasses, that’s his sexuality. (he’s bi all around, although he is in the firm camp that yuri was an exception and he does not actually like men. this is untrue. he loves men.) MARITAL STATUS : unmarried, looking to cause trouble. >:-) OCCUPATION : prince. lord. CURRENT LOCATION : sasso corbaro, switzerland.
PLACE OF BIRTH : bely, tvar oblast, russia. RESIDENCES : bely, tvar oblast, russia. he has not been back in a number of years. RELIGIOUS VIEWS : none anymore, although he was raised orthodox catholic and still retains a good chunk of cultural views from it.   EDUCATION : as firstborn son, simeon was subject to intensive education growing up. he much preferred focusing on strategy and physical activity. a lot of details in his education have been lost; he’s much more of a practical man. LANGUAGES SPOKEN : russian, czech, latin, german, romanian, all well enough ; polish, french, english, italian, all vaguely. he has a much harder time at it than pavel. ALLEGIANCES : in short, none, although this has not always been the case.
the rurik family : simeon has died for the family. he went into a war he believed himself prepared for, and he did not come out of it the same, all for the ruling family. he grew with them, he loved them --- and he firmly believes that they betrayed him, casting him aside without thought or hesitation. and now, the family has become the center of his obsession. he carries such grief in his heart, and he wants to see them all suffer as he has, tearing themselves apart from the inside.
the belskyi family : he lived his life with the idea that he would one day take over bely, that he would step into his father’s place with pride. it has all crumbled around him, and he no longer recognizes the family as his own. there is the smallest care for pavel, but that care rests on a knife’s edge.
the ottoman empire : simeon was lost in a battle against the holy roman empire. he blames both the ottoman empire and the holy roman empire equally for this and cares for neither.
parents : pyotr belskyi (deceased), anna pavlovna (deceased) --- his relationship was his father has always been complicated, but his mother was nothing but loving and kind to him. he misses her dearly.
siblings : pasha (deceased), patya (deceased), pavel (living) --- simeon was always hard on his brothers, wanting them to be strong to survive in the world. when pasha and patya died, he pulled away from pavel as well. and while their relationship has never been good, pavel is the only one that simeon does not actively seek for revenge.
step - mother : irina trubetskaya (living) --- simeon has channeled most of his anger toward this one woman, the woman who has taken both the man he loved and his mother’s place. he’s a little obsessed with her!!
FACECLAIM : kit harington. HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : black, tight curls. longer, falling just beneath his ears. he typically combs it back, although, as of late, he lets it go wild. EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : almond, brown. HEIGHT : 5′7″, a short king! BUILD : now thin (used to be a bit stockier), toned. SPEECH STYLE : deep voice, weight on each word. he tends to talk slowly and carefully, and since his return, his voice is much harsher. thick russian accent, never quite mastering other languages enough to cover it. RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : at this point, he is absolutely littered with scars. his most notable markings: he has one long scar on his face, along with some small burn marks on his neck. he has several slices on his chest, a stab scar on his stomach and two shallower stab marks on his right shoulder blade. the majority come from his last battle and did not heal as well as they could have, as he was left to fester for several days before being found. BEAUTY HABITS : he bathes more than regular, oftentimes scrubbing himself until he is red. it’s not a matter of vanity; a lot of the terror he has involves dirt, rot, and being buried.
TROPES : the corrupter, byronic hero, driven to villainy, ineffectual loner. INSPIRATIONS : the concept of losing oneself to anger, judas iscariot and the idea of the betrayer, fallen angels (righteous anger, smoldering wings, monstrous ruin), werewolves (lmao), russian wilderness. MBTI : isfj-t --- introverted, observant, feeling, judging, turbulent.  ENNEAGRAM : type 1 --- the reformer who has the need to improve. ALIGNMENT : lawful neutral / lawful evil. TEMPERAMENT : melancholic --- perfectionist, self-reliant.  HOGWARTS HOUSE : gryffindor. POSITIVE TRAITS : focused, strategic, determined. NEGATIVE TRAITS : obsessive, unforgiving, stubborn. HABITS : sometimes, he just won’t answer, using silence itself as an answer to someone. staring. constantly touching his knife / sword handle, just to make sure it is still there. cracking knuckles.  HOBBIES : anything athletic (horseback riding, archery, sparring training), used to enjoy architecture and engineering.  USUAL DEMEANOR : cold, harsh, just kind of a dick?
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : difficulty seeing out of one eye due to the injury that left him with a scar on his face, chronic pain from bones not healing properly, missing part of his right pinky, does not have a lot of feeling in parts of his body. it’s fine. he’s fine. NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : OOF! intense trauma has left him with intense ptsd. he has dissociative tendencies, including amnesia and depersonalization. a lot of anger issues from it. not in a good spot, mate.  PHOBIAS : absolute, horrible claustrophobia that developed after he was rescued. oftentimes, he has to open the window in his own chambers for his peace of mind. he claims not to be afraid of anything anymore; this is somewhat true. ALLERGIES : none that he knows of. SLEEPING HABITS : he will literally keep going until he just drops wherever he is. he’ll then sleep for a solid fourteen hours, get up, and keep going. he hates sleeping. SOCIABILITY : he was never particularly social, much preferring the company of one or two people. now, he really only sees people as pawns in his game of revenge, so ?? maybe more social now!?! ADDICTIONS : when he first started recovering, he drank a lot, as he did not want to be recovering. claudia quickly stopped him of this, and now he is only a social drinker. during bouts of depression, he will fall back to drinking too much. tbh, he should stop drinking altogether, but do you think he cares about his health! no!
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tsarevnascphia · 4 years
task 001
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Full Name: Sophia Ivanova Rurik Meaning: 
First Name: Wisdom - Greek in origin
Middle Name: Daughter of Ivan
Surname: Originates from the Scottish name Roderick - Means Famous Ruler
Monkiers/Nicknames: Sofya, Sofia, Sophie Title: Tsarevna (Princess) of Russia  Gender & Ethnicity: Cisfemale / Caucasian  Date of Birth & Age: July 18th, 1536 / 24 Zodiac Sign: Cancer Orientation: Pansexual/romantic Marital Status: Betrothed Occupation: Tsareva/Princess Current Location: Sasso Corbaro Castle, Switzerland
Place of Birth: Terem Palace Kremlin, Moscow, Russia.  Resides: The Royal Palace  Religious Views: Russian Orthodox (Catholic)  Education: Highly educated  Languages Spoken:  Russian (Fluent), English (Fluent), Polish, German, Latin (some) Allegiances: Russia, Pro-Ottoman Empire
Brother: Tsar Dmitry
Niece: Tsarevna Tatiana
Nephew: Tsesarevich Andrei
Nephew: Tsarevich Nikolai
Niece: Tsarevna Adelina
Niece: Tsarevna Svetlana
Brother: Tsarevich Yuri
Sister: Tsarevna Yelena
Other Familial Relations: 
Sister-In-Law: Tsaritsa Yekaterina
Sister-In-Law: Tsarevna Nagasini
Faceclaim: Florence Pugh Hair Colour/Style: Long brown hair that has natural blonde highlights in it, and is often in an intricate braid.  Eye Colour/Shape: Hazel eyes that look green in some light conditions.  Height: 5′4″ Build: Curvaceous but fit.  Speech Style: When she is with people she does not know, she can be seen as timid in her way of speaking. When she is with people she is comfortable with however, she can be a little louder and more boisterous. When she is speaking in other languages she can be very blunt and to the point due to translation issues.  Recognizable Markings: N/A Beauty Habits: Sofya braids her hair every morning, and takes it out every night to let her hair be, it leaves her hair curly and voluminous. She does not often paint her face like other girls in court do, as she does not feel comfortable doing it, but makes sure to use lavender water on her face as she finds it helps her face keep clear. 
Tropes: The Conscience, ‘Granny Classic’, Honor before Reason,The Philosopher  Inspirations: Jane Eyre, Sansa Stark, Beth March, Amy March, Elizabeth Holland (The Luxe Series), Anne of Cleves, Queen Victoria,Vincent Van Gogh. Huitaca, Minerva, Melanie Hamilton (Gone With The Wind).  MBTI: ENFP-T / The Campaigner  Ennegram: Type 4 - The Individualist  Alignment: Neutral Good  Temperment: Sanguine and Melancholic (did we really expect anything less from an artist?) Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff  Positive Traits: 
Negative Traits: 
Low Self-Confidence 
Habits: Tucking her hair behind her ears, running her hands down the front/sides of her dresses, staying up late/waking up late, over-eating when upset.  Hobbies:  Playing musical instruments, dancing, painting/drawing, reading, walking, horseback riding, and playing with her nieces/nephews.  Usual Demeanor: Sofya is normally kind and easily approachable. She is someone who can speak to many and not get too taxed. She is the kind of woman a lost child would go to when they need help looking for their parents. 
Physical Ailments: N/A Neurological Condition: Sofya has always been described as ‘melancholic’ to put it lightly, she  can go into bouts of depression that leave her wanting to do nothing but create sad music and paint. During these times she’s been known to over-eat and sleep often. Once she gets out of these times, she burns all the sheet music she has created and all of the images. She has kept some as an example of when to ‘not let things get as dark’ again, but it still happens from time to time.  Phobias: Astraphobia (Fear of Thunder and Lightening), Catagelphobia (Fear of being ridiculed)  Allergies: Shellfish, nuts.  Sleeping Habits: Sofya tends to stay up during all hours of the night, burning candles constantly. She goes to sleep in the wee hours of the morning and wakes up ‘late’ compared to others. This has gotten worse as she got older.  Sociability: Sofya is incredibly sociable for someone with such low self-confidence. She throws herself into as many social interactions as possible so that people can like her, and in turn, so she can get to know others. She enjoys posing big philosophical questions, and making people think.  Addictions: She’s addicted to good and perhaps giving in to her creative tendencies whenever/wherever she is. 
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christinedartois · 4 years
B  O  D  Y    L  A  N  G  U  A  G  E    M  E  M  E   
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bold  ─  always  applies. italic  ─  sometimes  applies.
𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬  ─  arms  crossed  on  chest  /  crossing  legs  /  fist - like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger  /  karate  chops  /  stiffening  of  shoulders  /  tense  posture  /  curling  of  lip  /  baring  of  teeth.
𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  ─  hand - to - face  gestures  /  head  tilted  /  stroking  chin  /  peering  over  glasses  /  taking  glasses  off  (  cleaning  )  /  putting  earpiece  of  glasses  in  mouth  /  putting  the  top  of  a  writing  utensil  in  mouth  /  putting  hand  to  bridge  of  nose  /  pursed  lips  /  knitted  brows.
𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧  ─  arms  crossed  /  sideways  glance  /  touching  or  rubbing  nose  /  rubbing  eyes  /  hands  resting  on  weapon  /  brows  raising  /  lips  pressing  into  a  thin  line  /  strict,  unwavering  eye  contact  /  wrinkling  of  nose  /  narrowed  eyes.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞  ─  hands  behind  back  /  hands  on  lapels  of  coat  /  steepled  hands  /  baring  teeth  in  a  grin  /  rolling  shoulders  /  tipping  head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact  /  chest  puffed  up  /  shoulders  back  /  arms  folded  just  above  navel  /  wide  eyes  /  standing  akimbo.
𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲  &  𝐚𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲  ─  chewing  at  the  top  of  a  writing  utensil  /  rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb  /  biting  fingernails  /  biting  lips  /  hands  in  pocket  /  elbow  bent  /  closed  gestures  /  clearing  throat  /  “whew”  sound  /  picking  or  pinching  flesh  /  fidgeting  in  chair  /  hand  covering  mouth  whilst  speaking  /  poor  eye  contact  /  perspiring  hands  /  playing  with  hair  /  swaying  /  playing  with  cane  /  smacking  lips  /  sighing  /  rocking  on  the  balls  of  feet  /  flexing  of  cracking  fingers  sporadically.
𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫  &  𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  ─  short  breaths  /  “tsk”  sounds  /  tightly - clenched  hands  /  fist - like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger  /  rubbing  hands  through  hair  /  rubbing  back  of  neck  /  snarling  /  revealing  teeth  /  grimacing  /  sharp - eyed  glowers  /  notable  tension  in  brow  /  shoulders  back,  head  up  (  defensive  posturing  )  /  clenching  of  jaw  /  grinding  teeth  /  nostril  flaring  /  heavy  exhales.
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vzrahmad · 4 years
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FULL NAME :  ahmad ali. MEANING : 
name: ahmad, meaning most praiseworthy in arabic. 
surname: ali, meaning lofty or sublime in arabic. 
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : khan.  TITLE : boy, whipping boy, guard, grand vizier. 
GENDER & PRONOUNS : cis-male, he / him. ETHNICITY : gujarati indian. (his parents were from a western state of the empire.) DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: may 12, 1529 ZODIAC SIGN : taurus --- the sign that harvests the fruits of labor.  ORIENTATION : bi, bi, bi ! MARITAL STATUS : very much married, as she reminds him every day.  OCCUPATION : grand vizier.  CURRENT LOCATION : sasso corbaro, switzerland.
PLACE OF BIRTH : delhi, the center of the delhi sultanate. RESIDENCES : two residences --- one in delhi and one in rajputana, a nearby agency. RELIGIOUS VIEWS : islam, although he’s a very... loose follower. he keeps to prayers but does not often read religious texts. islam is the backdrop --- he accepts that it is there, he relies on it to be there, but he does not actively pay much attention to it.  EDUCATION : it came a bit later in life! he had no educational opportunities when he worked in the kitchen, and when he was conscripted into the army, there were only a few limited opportunities with akbar. (this is when he began to learn how to read, and while he’s much more of a verbal learner, it was thrilling for him all the same.) the more time he spent with the royal family, the more they taught him as well. it turns out he has a real knack for language and not quite so much of a knack for mathematics. before he was given the position of grand vizier, he went through a lot of rigorous studies. he loves to learn, but he always feels a bit behind. he is entirely average when it comes to academics.  LANGUAGES SPOKEN : persian, urdu, arabic, and learning latin for his position. he picks up bits and pieces here and there though, and there are a lot of regional dialects that he’s become familiar with in his travels.  ALLEGIANCES : the house of sultan akbar khan i --- ahmad has always believed in akbar’s vision for hindustan and has killed for that vision. they have always rewarded him, and he has always considered them his dearest friends. now that he is married into the family, he is beginning to understand that it is far more complicated than that. while he remains loyal, this allegiance is currently being tested.  FAMILY : no immediate family --- father was killed in war, mother died when he was small.  OTHER FAMILIAL RELATIONS : roshanara (wife) --- complicated.
FACECLAIM : dev patel.  HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : black, a bit wild, absolutely beautiful.  EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : black-brown, round eyes.  HEIGHT : 6 ft. 2 in.  BUILD : lean but athletic.  SPEECH STYLE : he can be loud, although he’s working on that. he’s also worked very hard to get the same accent and pronunciation as the royals around him, although the louder (or more passionate) he becomes, the more his natural pronunciation comes through --- it’s a bit thicker.  RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : a scar on his shoulder from battle, rough callouses on his hands, a sprinkle of cuts and bruises, pretty consistent bags under his eyes.  BEAUTY HABITS : clean and simple. he hates wearing ornate clothes and much prefers plain garbs. 
TROPES : the champion (devoted to the cause of one character), the idealist (keep moving forward) INSPIRATIONS : the green knight movie, the trope of the loyal character in over his head, ancient indian artwork, richard siken poems (lmao) MBTI : esfp-a --- extraverted, observant, feeling, prospecting, assertive ENNEAGRAM : type 2 --- the helper who needs to be needed.  ALIGNMENT : neutral good --- a neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. TEMPERAMENT : sanguine --- spontaneous, pleasure-seeking, charismatic, sociable.  HOGWARTS HOUSE : hufflepuff. POSITIVE TRAITS : loyal, steadfast, friendly. NEGATIVE TRAITS : brash, on-edge, temperamental.  HABITS : he needs to be constantly moving and cannot sit still. this means he will be tapping his foot or his finger on something, shifting, running his hands through his hair. he is not a nervous person by any means, but he simply wants to be moving all the time.  HOBBIES : dancing!!!!!! he loves, loves, loves to dance! partying, swimming, walking, talking to people, avoiding his wife, exploring marketplaces,  USUAL DEMEANOR : in certain ways, ahmad holds himself in high regards. he’s a bit brash, sometimes talking without consideration of title or politics, but he is always friendly upon first meeting. he’s a very passionate talker as well, which can sometimes be overwhelming in a first introduction. in other ways, however, ahmad is much less certain. in his new role as grand vizier, he feels like he is completely out of his depth, often resulting in a much quieter and smaller version of himself. he’s a bit intimidated! 
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : he has some light knee problems from his time in the imperial army that will definitely get worse as he ages. currently, it manifests if he is sitting too long or runs for too long.  NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : ptsd from his time in battle, resulting in insomnia, shaking, and a general distaste of certain smells.  PHOBIAS : a mild phobia of wide open spaces and large fields. he much prefers mountainous regions, trees, bustling cityscape.  ALLERGIES : mild.  SLEEPING HABITS : it takes a long, long time for him to fall asleep. he definitely has insomnia and tends to leave bed to roam. once he is finally asleep, he is a very light sleeper and tends to wake with the sun. on average, he sleeps about five hours a night.   SOCIABILITY : a complete social butterfly. admad loves to talk to people and sing with people and dance with people and just be around them.  ADDICTIONS : ahmad does tend to drink a lot, although this used to be more prevalent when he was a bit younger. 
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ilserafino · 4 years
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Francesco de Medici.
— Italian form of the Late Latin name Franciscus meaning "Frenchman", ultimately from the Germanic tribe of the Franks, who were named for a type of spear that they used.
De’ Medici.
— Patronymic of Medico, occupational name for a physician. (Latin medicus, from medere "to heal").
— a childhood nickname, not often in use anymore.
Il Serafino.
— a widespread moniker, whispered of his angelic beauty and his fame in the arts.
Lord of Tuscany.
— his title upon the passing of his father. 
cis male, he/him.
White Italian.
January 12, 1531, 28 years old.
homosexual homoromantic.
— A master of the arts, though he has not yet formed his own atelier. focused particularly on painting and secondarily sculpting, though more often he prefers to be the subject than the creator.
Advisor to the Grand Duke of Florence.
— Primarily honorary, though this allows him a seat in his brother’s council. His presence is rarer than his absence.
Castelgrande Castle, Switzerland.
Villa del Trebbio, Tuscany, Italy
Villa del Trebbio, Tuscany, Italy (1531 - 1532 ) Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence, Italy ( 1532 - 1540 ) Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy (1540 - 1549 ) Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy ( 1549 - current )
Roman Catholic.
— Publicly, anyway. He is critical of the church and sympathizes with the religions of infidels, inquires about heresies and gleefully delves into the mystical. He believes in an Almighty, but he has rather a different conception than one that the Church would accept. 
Educated in the court of one of the wealthiest families of Europe, the schooling that he has received would not at all lag behind the best educated of the continent. Though Francesco didn’t always seize the opportunities that were granted to him, and he was mediocre in most matters and excelled in only the few that excited him. He was often overshadowed by his sister, but he did not particularly seem to mind.
However, he received further education in catechism and theology in contemplation of the possibility for the life of the cloth. It seemed as though he was always in contest with his brother Giulio, and it was a contest that he never won. He did learn gleefully, but he tended to learn at his own pace and without care for the standards of others. 
Once it was clear that it was Giulio who was meant for the cloth, it was a struggle to find a vocation for Francesco. It was art, in the end, that suited his passions and his skills, and he was apprenticed in the ateliers of great masters, the most renowned of which was Titian.  
Italian (Standard Italian as well as Tuscan), French, Latin, Greek, Spanish, Hebrew
House of Medici
Holy Roman Empire
Giovanni de Medici — father (deceased)
Agatuccia de Medici — mother (deceased)
Piero de Medici — older brother 
Giulio de Medici — older brother
Giovanna de Medici — twin sister
Lucia della Rovere — sister-in-law
Niels Schneider
Dark blonde to brown, a mess of curls that falls below his ears. 
A deep emerald green, with flecks of gold when the sunlight hits just right.
Tall, muscles defined only by his leanness. 
Francesco normally speaks in slow, relaxed tones, drawn out and with an unfortunate tendency to sound mocking. His voice is easily animated by his emotions, and his heart is often on his sleeve. 
Always dressed in the finest fabrics, dressed vibrantly and modern by the best tailors of Florence. Francesco devotes himself to looking like art itself, to embody beauty, and so he keeps careful never to sprout a single flaw.
The Hedonist, The Dandy, Idle Rich, Brilliant, but Lazy, Ditzy Genius, Undiscriminating Addict, Cloudcuckoolander, Pretty Boy
Salai, Michelangelo
Dorian Gray, Lord Henry Wotton, Francis Abernaty, Loras Tyrell
Baldr, Apollo, Dionysus, Ganymede, Narcissus
ENFP — The Campaigner
Type 7 (7w8) — The Enthusiast
Chaotic Neutral
creative, charming, energetic
hedonistic, self-absorbed, ambitionless
tapping his feet, tapping his fingers
drinking, playing the fiddle
Bright and joyous, an effervescent soul that lights up the room with his presence. He walks with confidence and everflowing smiles. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and his emotions easily express themselves through his entire body.
Pyrophobia — a fire at an atelier that cost a lover’s life has made him wary of fire. Though there’s not much he can do to avoid it at night, he’s very cautious.
Often awake at night, working on a new creation, reading a book, or carousing. Most days he sleeps 5-6 hours, and he follows no schedule.
A social butterfly through and through. He enjoys meeting new people and spending time with old friends. He gets restless when he’s alone.
Francesco is heavy on vices, often found with a goblet of the finest wines from all over the known world, and by himself, in private company, and in small parties, he consumes and purveys a variety of mind-altering substances. 
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vitcrias · 4 years
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vitória madalena de bragança ( a deeper look )
FULL NAME : vitória madalena de bragança
vitória: the portuguese form of victoria, meaning victory in latin.
madalena: named for mary magdalene of the new testament ; portuguese form of magdalena, derived from the latinate form magdalene from a title meaning of magdala, a town on the sea of galilee ; magdala meaning tower in hebrew.
bragança: from the place name braga, capital city of the district of braga in portugal ; derived from bracari, the celtic tribe in the region, and the latin brigantia. current ruling dynastic house of portugal.
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : vi, lena, vivi ( family & close friends ), the rose of portugal ( court )
TITLE : infanta of portugal
cisgender female
she / hers
ETHNICITY : white european & african black
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE : january 28th, 1536 / twenty-three
ZODIAC SIGN : aquarius
ORIENTATION : bisexual biromantic
MARITAL STATUS : unmarried
OCCUPATION : princess of portugal, patron of the arts
CURRENT LOCATION : castelgrande castle, switzerland
PLACE OF BIRTH : lisboa, portugal
RESIDENCES : paço da ribeira
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholicism
EDUCATION : vitória was educated in the humanistic method as befitting a princess of her time, and her lessons included etiquette, linguistics, religion, literature, mathematics, law, and philosophy, as well as equestrian skills, dancing, singing, and music ( the clavichord, music reading, and composition ). additionally, she was taught needlepoint, embroidery, and sewing, though, like mathematics, were not her favourite. while not necessarily hammered with the responsibility of ruling like her older sister or brother, she was given an education that would prepare her for diplomacy and becoming a consort.
an active girl, she is both a graceful dancer and skilled equestrian. she has also cultivated a passion for the arts and humanities, and enjoys both reading ( spiritual, philosophical, and renaissance works ) and writing. she's also skilled at languages.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : portuguese ( native ), latin ( fluent ), spanish ( fluent ), german ( fluent ),  english ( conversational ), italian ( conversational ), french ( conversational ), arabic ( learning ), mandarin ( learning )
house of bragança
the holy roman empire & its allies
king joão of portugal ( father )
queen carlota of barcelos ( mother, deceased )
beatriz of portugal, queen of spain ( sister )
prince sebastião ( brother )
infante antónio, governor-geral of brazil ( brother )
archduchess louisa of portugal ( aunt )
grand duchess augusta of styria ( cousin )
grand duke lucas of carinthia ( cousin )
archduke augustinus of bavaria-munich ( uncle )
king alonso of spain ( brother-in-law )
tomás, duke of barcelona ( brother-in-law )
infanta luciana ( sister-in-law, deceased )
infanta mariana ( sister-in-law )
infanta teresa ( sister-in-law )
manuel, prince of asturias ( nephew )
infante cristóbal ( nephew )
infante miguel ( nephew )
infanta inés ( niece )
infanta carlota ( niece )
FACECLAIM : greta onieogou
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : black in color. prefers to wear her hair loose and down, but will also wear it done up and covered as befitting the fashion of the time.
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : dark brown, balanced and rounded. has a bright, curious gaze.
HEIGHT : 1.73 m / 5'8’’
BUILD : slender and tall ; lean from dancing and horseback riding. excellent posture. known for her height — it is one of her most recognizable features.
SPEECH STYLE : pleasing to the ear and marked by a portuguese accent that bleeds into the other languages she speaks. when speaking freely, she talks quickly and animatedly ; she has a voice full of passion that pitches and rises with enthusiasm. tends to use hand gestures when particularly emotional. among most, she tries to keep her tone measured and polite to match the demeanor of a proper, elegant woman.
BEAUTY HABITS : bathes regularly. enjoys floral and herbal scents in her soaps and perfumes, and is also partial to spice and citrus. follows the fashion trends of portuguese court ; likes vivid, colorful fabrics and jewelry. uses lotions and balms to clarify and cleanse skin and makes use of cosmetics, especially vermillion for red lips and blush.
TROPES : brainy brunette, spoiled sweet, spirited young lady, caged bird metaphor
INSPIRATIONS : isabella of portugal ( history ), elizabeth bennet ( pride & prejudice ), belle ( beauty and the beast )
MBTI : enfp-t
ENNEAGRAM : type 6 ; the loyalist
ALIGNMENT : lawful good
TEMPERAMENT : sanguine ( melancholic secondary )
HOGWARTS HOUSE : ravenclaw
POSITIVE TRAITS : genial, kind, intelligent, vivacious, passionate, sincere, tenacious
NEGATIVE TRAITS : ambivalent, forthright, doubting, insecure, reticent, jaded, resentful
HABITS : hand gestures when speaking, fiddling with rings or necklaces when nervous or impatient, picking at loose threads.
HOBBIES : reading, writing ( poetry, letters, prose ), music ( clavichord & composition ), horseback riding, dancing, archery, chess, philanthropy & charity. enjoys the sun and outdoors.
USUAL DEMEANOR : among court, she is affable and gregarious ; a softened version of herself. displays an air of amiability, yet can’t quite match up to demure or gentle. she has a tendency to become animated when she talks about what she loves, but depending on the company, she’s quick to temper her enthusiasm once she realizes it. her truest self is bold, inquisitive, and spirited, though she feels like she must temper this to fit into the role of the perfect lady.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : none of note. aside from summer fevers she suffered from as a child, she has been blessed with fairly good health.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : growing up, she was capricious and energetic, failing to sit still during lessons unless she enjoyed them. ( luckily for her tutors, she liked most of them. ) she is still rather emotional, though has become better at concealing changes of mood to the point of pretending nothing is wrong when that might not be the case. indecisive and uncertain, she doubts herself constantly, and it doesn’t help she feels as if she doesn’t have many to turn to. she believes her siblings and father are too busy to be concerned with her problems, and knows almost every portuguese noblewoman is only helping her for their own gain. she will sometimes fall into periods of melancholy because of this, and her brightness can be quickly dimmed without notice.
PHOBIAS : fear of failure
SLEEPING HABITS : she tries to get a restful amount of sleep ( per the directions of her physician ), though she doesn’t always succeed. has stayed up late one too many times, whether due to festivities or being unable to put a book down. averages 6-10 hours of sleep a night, and doesn’t fall asleep easily. the type to overthink the day’s events and race through a number of thoughts and ideas while in bed.
SOCIABILITY : an ambivert. she enjoys the company of others, and is eager to meet new people and learn about the world, but also needs time to herself and her hobbies. at her core, she is an adventurous, curious soul, and this bleeds into her interactions with others. she likes honest, lively conversation and wit, especially if her companion shares common interests. finds small talk a chore she must endure for the sake of propriety.
ADDICTIONS : none of note. though she enjoys alcohol and merriment, she prefers her mind sharp and to be aware of her surroundings. she doesn’t particularly like the feeling of being drunk, anyway. however, her ladies-in-waiting would say she can get too absorbed in whatever might be occupying her mind at the moment — be it a piece of literature, a song she wants to learn, or prose she wishes to write — to the detriment of her sleep and health.
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fmedici · 4 years
TASK 001.
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FULL NAME: francesco andrea simone de medici MEANING: a free and brave man, who listen, and heals
FULL NAME : francesco andrea simone de medici
francesco: the free one
andrea: manly, alternatively, brave
simone: hearkening
de medici: to heal
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : franci, checco ( both used only by family & close friends )
TITLE : lord of tuscany, patron of the arts
cisgender male
ETHNICITY : white european 
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE : january 12th, 1531 / twenty-eight
ZODIAC SIGN : capricorn
ORIENTATION : homoromantic, would fuck anyone who says yes but has a preference for men
MARITAL STATUS : unmarried
OCCUPATION : lord of tuscany, apprentice of Paolo Balducci
CURRENT LOCATION : castelgrande castle, switzerland
PLACE OF BIRTH : villa del trebbio, tuscany, italy
RESIDENCES : palazzo pitti, florence
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholicism 
EDUCATION : as other young nobles from italy, francesco received an education worthy of his position, including but not limited to scholastic matters of tongue, science, mathematics, religion and arts, as well as the proper manners for a lord of tuscany.  delving deeper into his particular interests as he grew older, franci received specific artistic training in both painting and sculpting from multiple mentors in florence, renowned artists of incredible talent.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : italian ( native ), latin ( fluent ), english ( fluent ), spanish ( advanced ), portuguese ( advanced ), french ( conversational ), german ( learning )
medici family and tuscany ( first, by birth & heart )
the holy roman empire & its allies ( second, by tact )
grand duke giovanni of tuscany ( father, deceased )
grand duchess agatuccia of tuscany ( mother, deceased )
grand duke piero of tuscany ( older brother )
cardinal giulio de medici ( older brother )
lady giovanna of tuscany ( twin sister )
grand duchess lucia della rovere ( sister-in-law )
FACECLAIM : josh whitehouse
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : light brunette, bright colored and slightly loose curls. grown long enough to cover his ears, but well tamed when needed. messy when possible.
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : small, round dark green eyes, bordering hazel.
HEIGHT : 1.88m / 6'2’’
BUILD : francesco is a clear ecto-mesomorph - he's a tall man and, dressed, many would assume not very muscular, and despite his muscles not being overly defined, his well built body is clearly visible when nude.
SPEECH STYLE : money exuding from his lips, francesco's speech doesn't hide his privileged position in society - it is very noticeable from the way he speaks that he comes from big money, good education. very passionate in his words, he sometimes blabbers, but never goes speechless. 
RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : defined lips, small bags under his eyes
BEAUTY HABITS : francesco is very particular about his appearance and hygiene. he bathes more regularly than most people for the time, twice a week, sometimes three. he usually wears a particular scent, something with wood tones as well as flowery ones, and keeps his skin soft and well taken care of, specially his face, which is always clean shaven, as well as his torso.
TROPES : aimlessly seeking happiness, anti-mentor, attention whore, anything that moves, camp gay
INSPIRATIONS : i suck at this part…. idk??? renly baratheon because third born son and gay?
MBTI : enfp-a ; the campaigner ( assertive )
ENNEAGRAM : type 2 ; the achiever
ALIGNMENT : neutral good
TEMPERAMENT : sanguine ( choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic )
HOGWARTS HOUSE : slytherin
POSITIVE TRAITS : loyal, flamboyant, creative, ambitious, hardworking
NEGATIVE TRAITS : selfish, manipulative, detached, narcissistic
HABITS : constant mumbling to himself, constantly licks his lips before starting a sentence
HOBBIES : in order of preference - visual arts in general, such as painting and sculpting; reading poetry and prose; listening to music; mindful activities, such as studying or exercising attention and patience; athletic leisure isn't his most preferable activity, but he can enjoy watching tournaments, but prefers not to participate.  
USUAL DEMEANOR : francesco holds himself to a high standard, and his stance reflects it. standing tall as a proud medici man, he is usually perceived as proud and idealistic by other, but still approachable. at more laid back and appropriate occasions, franci holds himself with confidence, but not arrogance, and shows himself as the true renaissance man he is.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : none worth mention. francesco, despite not delving deep in athletic activities, was an very active young man, and has not fallen severely ill, instead only coming with a common cold from time to time.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : franci is a mentally stable man, despite his delusion of grandeur, incessant search for popularity and constant drinking. he might not have a grip on his relationship to alcohol, but he does not believe it to be an unhealthy one. in modern days, he would most likely be considered by most people an alcoholic, although he probably would never give in to that notion. 
PHOBIAS : fear of being insignificant 
SLEEPING HABITS : francesco sleeps like a rock. he may sleep at odd hours, perhaps too late, or take way too long naps in the afternoon, but he sleeps well and long. he dreams of fantastical creatures and lands he has never seen, which often fuel his art.
SOCIABILITY : to him, sociability is a tool to popularity, and so he partakes in the common courtesy of it. he attends events in palazzos and takes the company of various acquaintances in tuscany, as well as everywhere he goes. he takes the role with ease, a natural born facade that changes with each other he speaks to, franci is skilled in getting people to like him, for his own benefit. still, he's a passionate man who does not mind real and meaningful connection, as long as it does not mean exclusivity. 
ADDICTIONS : francesco is a heavy drinker. he is, more often than not, seen with a glass of wine in hand. he drinks little by little throughout the day, but rarely goes a day without it. he doesn't see it as a vice himself, and most likely neither do those around him, but still, it is probable that it affects his manner in some ways, as well as his art.
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margvrets · 4 years
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FULL NAME :  margaret elizabeth mary augusta stuart tudor. 
margaret : derived from latin margarita, which was from greek μαργαριτης (margarites) meaning "pearl". 
elizabeth : from Ελισαβετ (elisabet), the greek form of the hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע ('elisheva') meaning "my God is an oath". 
mary : usual english form of maria, the latin form of the new testament greek names Μαριαμ (Mariam) and Μαρια (Maria), which were from Hebrew מִרְיָם (Miryam), meaning "sea of bitterness", "rebelliousness", or "wished for child".
augusta : feminine form of augustus, meaning "exalted, venerable", derived from Latin augere meaning "to increase".
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : margot ( by everyone ), meg ( close friends & family ), meggie ( closets friends & family ), margy ( patrick’s nickname for her ). 
TITLE : princess royal of england & lady of scotland. 
GENDER & PRONOUNS : cisfemale, she & her. 
ETHNICITY : caucasian. 
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE : 30th of january, 1538. 
ZODIAC SIGN : aquarius. 
ORIENTATION : heterosexual & heteroromantic. 
MARITAL STATUS : unmarried. 
OCCUPATION : royal member of house tudor & stuart. 
CURRENT LOCATION : castle of castelgrande, switzerland.
PLACE OF BIRTH : whitehall palace, london, england. 
RESIDENCES :  whitehall palace, london, england.
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholic. 
EDUCATION : having a mother queen and not a father, margaret education was quite unusual for the time. anne understood that if the worst happened, margaret would be her heir & future queen, and her education was keeping up with that prospect. having the same tutors as her older brother had, margot had the same classes as them: languages, military strategies, geography, basic mathematics, finance & much more. however, she had her feminine duties to accomplish, having classes as etiquette, dance & music. 
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : english ( fluent ), scottish gaelic ( fluent ), portuguese ( fluent ), spanish ( fluent ), italian ( fluent ), german ( conventional ). 
england & house tudor ( mother side ). 
scotland & house stuart ( father side ). 
holy roman empire & its allies ( strategy ). 
queen anne tudor of england ( mother ).
prince consort patrick stuart of scotland ( father ). 
james, prince of wales ( half-brother ). 
arthur, duke of york ( brother ). 
lord david douglas ( bastard half-brother, deceased ). 
queen mary tudor of poland ( maternal aunt ). 
king sigismund jagiellon of poland ( maternal uncle ). 
princess agnieszka jagiellon of poland ( maternal cousin ). 
prince wladyslaw jagiellon of poland ( maternal cousin ). 
house stuart ( paternal family ). 
FACECLAIM : kathryn newton. 
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : margaret’s hair colour is a blonde one, with some coppery nuances, especially in the sun. it is natural wavy when down, and she takes care of it daily. following the fashion trends of europe, especially england, her hair style when in a formal meeting is using a black hood with veil at the back over linen undercaps or a glabe hood. in a more informal meeting, she wears it loose or stuck in the back. 
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : her eyes are of a cerulean shade of blue, inherited from her father. they are big & round, giving the impression of an innocent and curious gaze.
HEIGHT : 165cm / 5′5″
BUILD : margaret is rather petite, with small shoulders & hips slightly wider. when she used to run in competitions she used to exercise more & considered her body to be athletic, but now she is more more sedentary than ever. 
SPEECH STYLE : her voice is soft & doesn’t reaches very high notes, except when she is angry or outraged. she talks with ease and have a great rhetorical repertoire. her accent is the ol’ british one. 
RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : asides from her eyes, margaret has light freckles by the extent of her nose and cheekbones. 
BEAUTY HABITS : margaret bathe regularly, with infused water, having preference of flowers - like roses - or other exotic scents. she wears as little as makeup as she can, because margot’s find it troubling on her skin. the princess royal take a huge care with her hair, combing it every day retiring for her bed, then braiding it to have more beautiful curls in the morning.
TROPES : affectionate nickname, oblivious to love, big brother worship, the baby of the bunch, what beautiful eyes!, foreign culture fetish, annoying younger sibling, daddy’s girl. 
INSPIRATIONS : maria leopoldina of austria, empress of brazil ( historical ), isabella of castille ( historical ), catherine of aragon ( historical ), tessa gray ( the infernal devices trilogy ), aerith gainsborough ( final fanatsy vii ), lyanna stark ( asoiaf series ).
MBTI : enfp-t.
ENNEAGRAM : type-3, the achiever.
ALIGNMENT : chaotic good. 
TEMPERAMENT : sanguine. 
HOGWARTS HOUSE : ravenclaw. 
POSITIVE TRAITS : amiable, gracious, diplomatic, adventurous, charismatic, tolerant. 
NEGATIVE TRAITS : reticent, opinionated, curious, escapist, impulsive, selfish. 
HABITS : her most noticeable habit is to bite her lower when thinking and when nevous. in commom situations, margaret normally plays with her fingers when bored. 
HOBBIES : horse riding is margaret #1 hobby, but she enjoy very much reading, dancing, playing cards & listen to her mother’s state meetings. 
USUAL DEMEANOR : while normally at the side of her mother she tries to appear as neutral as she can, when queen anne is not around, margaret is welcoming & smiles at everyone that looks at her. the princess royal is friendly & comprehensive, but when asked about her personal life for reasons unknow, she starts to become distant & colder than usual. 
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : low self-esteem & commitment issues. 
PHOBIAS : astraphobia ( fear of thunder and lightning ), melissophobia ( fear of bees ), autophobia ( fear of being unloved ). 
ALLERGIES : bees. when margaret was a kid a bee stung her and she was bedridden for a few days with fever.
SLEEPING HABITS : margaret normally retires when she bored & know that isn’t nothing else for her to do and she awakes when her ladies come to her chambers. she usually sleeps all night --- except when there is a storm ---- and is prone to have nightmares.
SOCIABILITY : the princess royal tries to be as sociable as possible --- she understands that friendships aren’t just for having someone at your side for everything, they are too a form of doing an unspoken alliance. she makes no distinction between people, since everyone can offer something for her and her motherland. 
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empressyang · 4 years
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Li Zhiyi (neé Qian Zhiyi)
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
— yi
From Chinese 宜 (yí) meaning "suitable, proper", 毅 (yì) meaning "resolute, decisive, firm", 义 (yì) meaning "justice, righteousness", 益 (yì) meaning "profit, benefit", 怡 (yí) meaning "joy, harmony" or 仪 (yí) meaning "ceremony, rites"  
From Chinese 理 (lǐ) meaning "reason, logic", 立 (lì) meaning "stand, establish", 黎 (lí) meaning "black, dawn", 力 (lì) meaning "power, capability, influence" (which is usually only masculine) or 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful" (usually only feminine).
A common Chinese family name. The name literally means "money". )
YANG (regnant name)
From Chinese 洋 (yáng) meaning "ocean" or 阳 (yáng) meaning "light, sun, male".
The White Viper / the Snake Empress
1. Lady Qian Zhiyi 2. Noble Lady Xiu (sixth rank consort)
— xiu
From Chinese 秀 (xiù) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding"
3. Concubine Xiu (fifth rank consort) 4. Consort Xiu (fourth rank consort) 5. Noble Consort Xiu (third rank consort) 6. Imperial Noble Consort Xiu (second rank consort) 7. Empress Li, formally Empress Xiaoyanwei
— xiao
Xiao is a unisex Chinese name and has many meanings including 'dawn, morning', 'little' or 'respectful, reverent'. 
— yan
From Chinese 艳 (yàn) meaning "beautiful, gorgeous" (which is usually only feminine) or 岩 (yán) meaning "cliff, rocks"
— wei 
From Chinese 威 (wēi) meaning "power, pomp", 巍 (wēi) meaning "high, lofty, towering" or 伟 (wěi) meaning "great, robust, extraordinary"
8. Empress Dowager Yang (current title)
cisfemale, she/her
29 November, 1508.
51 years old.
Bisexual Biromantic.
Empress Dowager.
Sasso Corbaro Castle, Switzerland.
Guiyang, China. 
The Forbidden City, Beijing, China
Taoist, with an inclination for Confucian teachings.
Apart from her education in dance, strict, exacting, and fully self-imposed, her only other education consisted in training to be a wife. As little as the education she received was, she mastered both to their furthest extent. It was only in her time as a concubine that she was able to access learned scholars and eunuchs and vast collections of scrolls. When she was not dancing, seizing the favor of the Emperor, or manipulating her way through the harem, she learned from the scholars and the eunuchs. She educated herself in the Seven Military Classics and other works in warcraft, and from her surroundings in the Forbidden City how to navigate the complex politics of the Empire, honing her political will until she had fully (by the force of her own hand and no one else’s) put herself in the place of master puppeteer. In many other aspects, she is uneducated. 
Mandarin Chinese and various dialects of Chinese, Mongolian, Sanskrit, Latin, Arabic, Portuguese — anything else, she has a eunuch translate for her.
First and foremost, above everything else, her country. There is no doubt about Yang’s dedication to China, above all allegiances. (Except, of course, that to the power that she wields. She believes none could control the Empire as well as her; and so the fate of China rests with her.)
The Li Clan and the Ming Dynasty.
The Ottoman Coalition and its member countries. 
Xuanzhong Emperor (deceased) — husband.
Crown Prince Yu — son.
Princess of the First Rank Xuanji — daughter. 
Lucy Liu.
Long, black hair that goes to her waist. When in public, held up in the traditional style with a bun, threaded with elaborate combs and gems.
Dark brown, almost black. 
Lean and petite, graceful — honed perfectly and sharply for dance. 
Yang speaks softly, almost in a whisper, yet imperious. It is incumbent on the room to quiet down and listen to every word that she has to say.
Keeping up appearances is important for the Empress Dowager. For her entire life, she has complied in toto with the beauty standards of the Empire. Her feet bound, her body stripped from hair, meticulously maintained to be free from odor, even correcting any habits that may be seen as imperfect, such as snoring.
Femme Fatale, The Grand Dame, Manipulative Bastard, the Evil Matriarch, My Beloved Smother, Regent for Life, The Man Behind the Man, President Evil, From Nobody to Nightmare, Rags to Royalty, The Vamp, Sleeping Their Way to the Top
Empress Dowager Cixi (historical), Yang Guifei (historical), Nüwa (Chinese mythology), Gaia (Greek mythology), Lady Macbeth (Shakespeare), Claire Underwood (House of Cards), Empress Chabi (Marco Polo), Petyr Bailish (ASOIAF), Olenna Tyrell (ASOIAF), The Evil Queen (Snow White)
Type 1 (the Reformer) with 1w9 wing.
Lawful Evil
conscientious, observant, perfectionistic, politically shrewd, elegant, patriotic
manipulative, ingenuous, abusive, power hungry
She clasps her hands together. Though hidden behind the elaborate sleeves of her garb, they squeeze together often, especially when matters grow pressing.
Yang likes to play xiangqi. She also reads, although it is less a hobby than a necessity for her goals. She used to dance, though as she has risen through the ranks her public performances have gone down to none. She now dances alone to non-existent tunes, careful not to be seen.
Each and every movement is made with careful precision. Her words carefully measured, even the tilts of her head and the gestures of her hand. She appears imperious and stoic, ever exacting and ready to find fault. Once she speaks, her interlocutor finds that her voice is soft, but they carry behind them a force. 
None so far. 
Yang is careful not to show weakness. Wanting to maintain an image of almost inhumanity, she would never falter and show fear of anything. However, when the rain comes and lightning rumbles through the storm, the Empress Dowager is unusually tense.
None that are poignant.
She sticks to a strict schedule. She sleeps and wakes at the same time every night, save for emergencies and occasions that require the Empress Dowager to think late through the night. A light sleeper and a still sleeper, she makes no sound and is quick to jump at the slightest movement.
Facially sociable, especially when she was a dancer and a concubine rising through the ranks. As the Empress Dowager, she ensures that she has the loyalty of her eunuchs and handmaidens, and remains in good standing with the aristocracy, pleasing them to keep control of the political machinery of the Empire. 
Yang steers clear from vices. She doesn’t decline to indulge for ceremonial purposes, but never to excess. She likes to keep a clear head at all times. 
If addiction to power counts, then there’s that.
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bellegardes · 4 years
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FULL NAME :  johanna maude katharina bellegarde MEANING : johanna: god is gracious maude: powerful battler katharina: pure bellegarde: beautiful watchtower MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : jo, ana (by a select few) TITLE : lady of bellegarde (formerly) landgravine of leuchtenberg GENDER & PRONOUNS : ciswoman, she/her ETHNICITY : white DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: december 31st, 1531 ZODIAC SIGN : capricorn ORIENTATION : bisexual and biromantic MARITAL STATUS : married to matthias of burgundy OCCUPATION : landgravine of leuchtenberg, former lady-in-waiting to queen elisabeth CURRENT LOCATION : sasso corbaro
PLACE OF BIRTH : Austria, Holy Roman Empire RESIDENCES : kiel castle, waldeck castle, blutenberg castle, linderhof palace RELIGIOUS VIEWS : protestant though she had no choice in converting and tends to feel more connected to her former catholic faith. EDUCATION : humanist LANGUAGES SPOKEN : latin (fluent) german (fluent) french (fluent) italian (fluent) spanish (moderate) portuguese (low)
ALLEGIANCES : house of bellegarde (by birth) house of schelswig-holstein (by marriage) house of burgundy (by marriage) ottoman empire (by alliance though she cares little for the alliance)
father - albert, baron bellegarde mother - mathilda, lady bellegarde brother - lord julian bellegarde husband - matthias of burgundy
father-in-law - king maximillian of germany mother-in-law - lady catherine of burgundy step-mother-in-law - queen elisabeth of austria brother-in-law - crown prince leopold of germany brother-in-law - ferdinand of lorraine sister-in-law - duchess eleanora maria sister-in-law - duchess friederike anna sister-in-law - princess dorothea
FACECLAIM : tamzin merchant HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : johanna’s hair was golden blonde when she was younger but over the years it darkened to a reddish shade. she usually likes to wear embroidered or bejeweled coifs and hoods with sheer veils over them or she’ll opt for a braided chignon and decorative headband. EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : blue eyes, round and slightly down turned HEIGHT : 65 inches / 165 centimeters / 5’5’’ BUILD : petite SPEECH STYLE : there’s a clarity to her voice that seems to mesmerize people RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : a mole on her right cheek, silver stretch marks from multiple pregnancies BEAUTY HABITS : johanna has a penchant for extreme cleanliness and likes to stay on top of her appearance and honor what god gave her. with very fair skin she avoids powdering her face for it gives her hives but she does wear rouge, kohl for her eyes and sometimes she paints her lips. her perfume collection is extensive though she applies it with a light hand.
TROPES : find here. INSPIRATIONS : margaret of york the duchess burgundy, joanna of naples, matilda of scotland MBTI : ENTJ ENNEAGRAM : type 8 - the challenger ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral TEMPERAMENT : choleric HOGWARTS HOUSE : ravenclaw POSITIVE TRAITS : affable, outgoing, charming, intelligent, observant, logical, compassionate, determined, independant NEGATIVE TRAITS : spoiled, vain, manipulative, self-serving, guarded, duplicitous HABITS : lots of fidgeting with her jewelry when she’s tired or irritated HOBBIES : reading, writing, singing, dancing, archery, embroidery, sewing, painting, party planning USUAL DEMEANOR : at first glance johanna is just bright and shiny enough to distract from the fact that she’s disingenuous and unwilling to be vulnerable with others
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : multiple miscarriages, occasional respiratory issues resulting from a childhood bout of bronchitis that she scarcely survived. NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : ptsd symptoms associated with miscarriages and childbirth. prone to mood swings and depressive episodes. PHOBIAS : n/a ALLERGIES : cosmetic face powder SLEEPING HABITS : a light and restless sleeper she only sleeps for about 5 hours a night in total SOCIABILITY : quite social. she enjoys manipulating social interactions and using her affability to get what she wants from others. ADDICTIONS : she has been known to overdrink, usually as a coping mechanism when she goes into her fits of despair.
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goldenviolnce · 4 years
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task #001 under the cut! i cannot make graphics for the life of me, so sorry!
FULL NAME :  clothilde marion de valois.
name: loud battle . middle name: sea of sorrow . surname: someone who inhabits a valley .
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : to be determined .
TITLE : duchess of orleans .
GENDER & PRONOUNS : cis - female and she/her pronouns .
ETHNICITY : white .
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: forty / october 28th .
ZODIAC SIGN : scorpio .
ORIENTATION : heterosexual and heteromantic .
MARITAL STATUS : married .
OCCUPATION : duchess of orleans , mother .
CURRENT LOCATION : sasso corbaro castle, switzerland.
PLACE OF BIRTH : france .
RESIDENCES : palace of fontainebleau .
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholic , has begun to doubt god since her son’s death .
EDUCATION : moderately educated , she grew up wealthy enough and received a good education though not to the extent of many royals . over the years she went out of her way to teach herself more including an extension of languages that she would generally have little use for . 
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : french ( native, fluent ) english ( fluent ) spanish ( fluent ) german ( advanced ) italian ( conversational ) russian ( conversational ) latin ( comprehensive , still learning ) arabic ( comprehensive , understands more than she can speak ) polish ( slowly learning , can read ) 
ALLEGIANCES : house of valois ( by marriage, has no qualms with ) france ( by birth, has never had much desire to distrust her own country or cross them it has been beneficial for her ) ottoman empire ( alliance ) 
charles ( husband )
adhemar ( eldest son ) 
jacques ( youngest son ) 
adelaise ( daughter ) 
unnamed siblings
francis ii ( brother in law ) 
louis ( brother in law ) 
isabeau ( sister in law ) 
henri ( nephew )
FACECLAIM : jessica chastain .
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : red , naturally wavy often pulled back or up .
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : green , almond shape ( i think )
HEIGHT : 5’4”
BUILD : slim , hourglass shape .
SPEECH STYLE : clothilde speaks well educated and formal , with a heavy french accent . however , her words often sound cold or assertive when she is not speaking with her children , other loved ones or people she has to impress .
RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS : high cheekbones , her scars are all minor from childhood .
BEAUTY HABITS : clothilde is not technically high maintenance but she likes to look nice . it is somewhat high on her list of priorities to maintain a well kept image . i cannot imagine her being someone who wears heavy makeup but occasionally she will , i would also say she wears lipstick but red lipstick seems to be more of an english thing rather than french .
TROPES : beneath the mask , excessive mourning , fiery redhead , birds of a feather , action mom , happily married , mamma bear and the high queen .
INSPIRATIONS : yennefer of vengerberg ( the witcher ) lady macbeth ( macbeth ) hera ( greek mythology ) emma frost ( marvel ) maleficent ( disney ) molly weasley ( harry potter )
MBTI : entj-t
ENNEAGRAM : type one , the reformer .
ALIGNMENT : neutral good .
TEMPERAMENT : choleric .
HOGWARTS HOUSE : ravenclaw .
POSITIVE TRAITS : maternal , zealous , loyal .
NEGATIVE TRAITS : pensive , vengeful , dogmatic .
HABITS : clothilde hums when she is deep in thought or her mind is elsewhere while doing a task at hand . she is also guilty of picking at the skin around her fingers when nervous or anxious . generally she often laces her fingers together and will walk very proper with her hands set in front of her stomach don’t really know how to explain that but i’m sure y’all know what i mean .
HOBBIES : spending time with her children , picking fruit , going on walks , reading , horseback riding . 
USUAL DEMEANOR : clothilde goes out of her way to seem approachable and likable , however after jacques death it has been significantly more difficult for her to force smiles and engage in conversations when she is in a bad mood . she can be quite kind and maternal however , she can also be standoff - ish and quite cold if approached at the wrong time or asked the wrong question . she reserves vulnerability and a certain kind of softness she learned to exhibit with her children and husband only .
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : technically none , though this is something that might need to be revisited .
PHOBIAS : claustrophobia ( fear of small spaces ) necrophobia ( fear of death )
ALLERGIES : occasional spring allergies to pollen but nothing severe .
SLEEPING HABITS : clothilde does not sleep well when alone . outside of a feeling of safety , it has grown difficult for her to sleep soundly when her husband is gone . she takes a long time to fall asleep most nights and will shift around quite a bit but when she falls asleep it is more difficult to wake her , unless you are her six year old daughter who has figured out the best way to wake her at early hours . some nights however she does not sleep due to being too deep in thought .
SOCIABILITY : for the most part social , does not always enjoy it but has no issue with speaking with others and friends in crowds or among parties .
ADDICTIONS : not much of a heavy drinker but does quite enjoy a few drinks socially or after a tough day .
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bastardparma · 4 years
TASK 001
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FULL NAME : alessandro davide di parma
name: alessandro ; defender of mankind
middle name: davide ; beloved
surname: sforza ; the forcer, farnese ; occupational name for a person who farmed land
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : sandro, bastard
TITLE : lord of parma
GENDER & PRONOUNS : cismale, he/him
ETHNICITY : han chinese
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: september 23rd, 1534 ; twenty-five
ORIENTATION : bisexual & bi-romantic
CURRENT LOCATION : castelgrande castle, switzerland
PLACE OF BIRTH : castello sforzesco, milan, italy
RESIDENCES : castello sforzesco, palazzo farnese, castelgrande castle (currently)
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholic
EDUCATION : private tutoring funded by his father, including (but not limited to) military education, fine arts, & religious teachings
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : italian, latin, mandarin, english, spanish, french
ALLEGIANCES : house sforza of milan, house farnese of parma, the pro holy roman empire alliance
father ; lord ludovico sforza of milan (deceased)
mother ; lady vittoria farnese of parma (deceased)
older half-sister ; lady bona sforza of milan
younger half-sister ; lady ippolita sforza of milan
FACECLAIM : xiao zhan
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : black, grown out long ( pat his shoulders ) & usually tied half-way back
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : brown ; sharply pointed, almond shape, double eyelids
HEIGHT : 183 cm ; 6'0 
BUILD : mesomorph, well-defined abs
SPEECH STYLE : well-dictated,prominent italian accent (when speaking in latin & germanic based languages), open, inquisitive & bold
BEAUTY HABITS : he washes his face with water in the morning & that’s about it
TROPES : Bastard Angst, The Alcoholic, Ambiguous Disorder, Believing Their Own Lies, Blood Knight
INSPIRATIONS : every annoying but protective brother ever, this song, can't think of anything else
MBTI : ENFP-T ; campaigner
ENNEAGRAM : type 3 ( the achiever )
ALIGNMENT : chaotic & neutral good (tied)
TEMPERAMENT : choleric
HOGWARTS HOUSE : gryffindor
POSITIVE TRAITS : strong-willed, instinctive, dedicated
NEGATIVE TRAITS : impulsive, covetous, vengeful
HABITS : sighing, rolling his eyes, being a little shit
HOBBIES : hunting, archery, sleeping
USUAL DEMEANOR : generally cheerful, sometimes playful, with those he is comfortable with or not suspicious of. in most public settings he appears reserved & polite, though he can become stand-offish & confrontational
PHYSICAL AILMENTS : he caught the flu twice during his childhood, but his fevers broke after some time & he recovered quickly.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : ptsd, daddy issues?!
PHOBIAS : catagelophobia, ophidiophobia
SLEEPING HABITS : he either doesn’t sleep at all or sleeps late into the afternoon, he’s a pain in the ass to wake up.
SOCIABILITY : keeps to his family & few friends that he has made. he is friendlier towards women, because of growing up with two sisters, but is wary of all people nonetheless. he becomes especially sensitive if his bastardy is brought up. if he's feeling confident enough, he'll be a bit of a flirt.
ADDICTIONS : people say I’ve got a drinkin’ problem, that ain’t no reason to stop 😎
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holstcin · 4 years
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FULL NAME - Dorothea Elisabet Katrin von Schleswig - Holstein
Dorothea - gift of Goddess, from ancient Greek.
Elisabet - devoted to God, from Greek.
Katrin - virginal purity, German form of Swedish name Katherine.
Schleswig - Holstein - German duchies made into a patronymic/surname.
Dot, Dottie, Thea - by her family and close friends.
TITLE - Princess of Germany
GENDER & PRONOUNS - cis female, she/her.
ETHNICITY - White Germanic
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE - April 14th, 1541. , 18 years old.
ORIENTATION - heterosexual, heteroromantic
OCCUPATION - Princess of Germany
CURRENT LOCATION - Sasso Corbaro Castle, Switzerland.
PLACE OF BIRTH - Kieler Schloss, Kiel, Germany.
RESIDENCES - Kieler Schloss ( normally ), Sasso Corbaro castle ( currently )
RELIGIOUS VIEWS - Raised Lutheran. She believes in a God, but not in the antropomorphic way - she views Him not as a Maker of the world, but rather as a natural force present in physics; giving Him the name of science instead of superstition - but, just like any other devout, when she finds herself in troublesome times, she prays.
EDUCATION - Being a princess meant she was highly educated in history, languages, arts, music and literature, but she also showed a large inclination and aptitude for politics, diplomacy and physics, and she enjoys it more than practicing music and arts.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN - German ( native ), English, French, Latin and Italian ( fluent ) ; Russian - conversational.
House von Schleswig-Holstein
Ottoman Empire.
Maximilian II von Schlesswig-Holstein - father, king. Elisabeth Habsburg - mother, queen. Eleonora Maria von Schleswig-Holstein - half sister. Friederike Anna von Schleswig-Holstein - half sister. Leopold von Schleswig-Holstein - brother.
Matthias of Burgundy - bastard half brother Ferdinand of Lorraine - bastard half brother Johanna of Burgundy - sister in law. Sehzade Bayezide - to be brother in law. Emperor Konrad I & Empress Josephine - grandparents. Archduke Augustinus Habsburg - uncle. Archduchess Louisa - aunt in law. Grand duchess Augusta Habsburg - cousin Grand duke Lukas Habsburg - cousin. Archduchess Wilhelmina Habsburg - aunt. Archduke Philip of Spain - uncle in law. Tsaritza Yekaterina Rurik née von Schleswig-Holstein - aunt.
FACECLAIM - Ellie Bamber
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE - Copper blonde, depending on lighting can appear either orange/ginger or dark golden blond. She often wears it braided, specially when she ventures outside for a ride or a walk.
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE - Grey-blue, round and doe-like.
HEIGHT - 168cm
BUILD - Lean, athletic, although not muscular.
SPEECH STYLE - She usually speaks in a soft tone, alluring and quiet, promising of soft whispers and hidden secrets ( because she is That Committed to her reputation ). When agitated, her voice gradually reaches a crescendo that people are always surprised with.
RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS - Full, slightly asymmetrical lips and wide, doe eyes. She has a small mole on the left side of her jaw.
BEAUTY HABITS - Daily/nightly baths, brushing her hair, Trademark perfume ( rose, patchouli and jasmine ) from the moment she opens her eyes.
TROPES - The Innocent, the Saint, the Scholar/Academic, the Damsel in Distress, the Golden Princess.
HISTORICAL - Elizabeth I., Katherine the Great, Maria Therese, Cleopatra
LITERATURE - Galadriel, Polly Plummer, Lucy Pevensie.
MYTHOLOGY - Vesna, Themis, Sofia, Athena, The Sphinx, Freya.
MBTI - ISFJ ; the Nurturer
ENNEAGRAM - type 6, the Loyalist
ALIGNMENT - Chaotic Good
POSITIVE TRAITS - intelligent, ambitious, strategic, diplomatic, intuitive, determined
NEGATIVE TRAITS - cunning, cautious, idealistic, stubborn, manipulative, frightful
HABITS - Sighing, arching of eyebrow, softly smiling, tangling her fingers together, toying with her rings and/or her hair.
HOBBIES - riding, walking, painting, reading, ballet, playing harp, writing, embroidery, entering philosophical and political debates with the courtiers and councilmen whenever the opportunity arises ( also an addiction ), pressing and collecting flowers.
USUAL DEMEANOR - Friendly, collected, introverted but forced extroverted, chatty and warm personality.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS - She is allergic to spring, and quite literally since her allergies act up almost immediately.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION - Prone to fits of melancholy.
Claustrophobia - fear of confined spaces.
Arachnophobia - severe ; she cannot see a spider.
Nyktophobia - fear of dark, darkness.
Irrational fear of failure and rejection.
ALLERGIES - Pollen, olive and pine trees ( during spring ), various types of weed.
SLEEPING HABITS - She is a heavy sleeper and her family teases her that it takes a cannon to wake her up. Once she’s asleep, she’s asleep and virtually dead to her surroundings. But, despite that, she sleeps four to six hours.
SOCIABILITY - She forces herself to be a social butterfly, because she’s a princess coming from Germany, but she’s actually a lot more introverted and prone to isolating herself than one would imagine, given her chattiness and approachable character.
ADDICTIONS - Being right all the time, the smell of books and ink, entering endless philosophical debates.
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