#bff route m save me
agentnatesewell · 5 months
I’m currently doing a friendship route so I can see the villain romance in b4 but it is so funny that M the entire friend route is just “You’re hot. You look great. Omg everyone wants to fuck you, you are rocking that dress.”
I have not done a friendship route yet but!! I absolutely love this - we all need an friendship route M in our life, right??
Can you imagine, getting hyped up by M the whole time and then having a relationship with the villain? The potential for this to be so juicy is high!!
Thank you for this! It’s putting a smile on my face
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chocoluckchipz · 3 years
Not a Spying, Not a Fake Date
The day Marinette met Adrien Agreste—the hottest supermodel alive, an only son of fashion icon Gabriel Agreste, and her long-time, embarrassing celebrity crush—was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Instead, not only did she present herself as a total klutz, but his friend Nino had stolen Alya only two weeks later.
On a Saturday afternoon, no less!
Don’t get her wrong. Marinette was happy that Alya finally was interested in a guy more than the latest scoop. And she absolutely didn't mind skipping one of their weekly get-togethers in favour of her BFF going on a coffee date with their new classmate. Marinette wouldn’t be bored. She could work on one of her projects or play video games… if the day wouldn't be so perfectly gorgeous and sunny. Wasting it inside would’ve been a crime. A walk around a local farmer’s market, on the other hand, sounded just about right. And if said market happened to be across the street from where her friend was meeting Nino, that was a pure coincidence.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Marinette was absolutely not spying on anyone, and if she glanced the couples’ way once or twice, it was only to appease her morbid curiosity. No harm done. She wasn’t interfering. She couldn’t even hear what the two of them were talking about. Surely not about Adrien. Or her. Or her and Adrien. Nope. No way. Impossible. She wasn’t curious at all.
“You know you aren’t very subtle?”
Marinette froze, her blood running cold. She knew that voice. It was ingrained in her memory by now. But there was no way Adrien Agreste was standing right behind her, whispering in her ear. It must be nothing but a product of her imagination. Yes! A hallucination of a post-pubescent girl with a crush of irrational proportions.
Still, she spun around just to check if it was time to make an appointment with a therapi—  
Her jaw hit the floor, eyes widening. The man in front of her sounded like Adrien, yet he barely looked the part. Most of his hair was hidden under a beanie, a pair of glasses framed his face. Baggy, black clothes covered his body. His chiselled jaw sported a light stubble, and a hippy backpack was slung over his shoulders. Not a shred of his classy self left, replaced by a sexy, casual chic version of the man.
He winked. “Looking beautiful as always, Princess.”
Her cheeks flamed despite her knowing better. He’d given her that nickname only because she was a clumsy mess, not because he was trying to flirt. Princess, aka "damsel in distress", someone in need of being saved. In her case, frequently being caught before she hit the ground as she kept tripping around him. Stupid Agreste and his stupidly handsome face.
A movement in the cafe caught her eye, and Marinette nervously grinned. Adrien was Nino’s best friend. There was no way he wouldn't know where Nino was taking Alya for their first date, which meant Marinette better be very careful in her words and actions, or else she wouldn’t be the damsel for much longer. The title of a “Creepy Stalker” didn't sound the bit least appealing to her.
“You look nice too,” she said, looking her best innocent self. “Different. I barely recognized you. I like the glasses. And stubble. Stubble is nice. Little of it. Not too much. Too much would look shabby. But yours looks good. Perfect. Not shabby at all.”
He chuckled, a corner of his lips curling into a smile. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You should. It was one. A compliment.”
“Why, thank you.”
Another couple left the cafe, catching both of their attention. Marinette quickly shifted her gaze to the apples at the stall she was standing by. As long as she acted natural, Adrien wouldn't suspect a thing.
“So, what are you doing here today?”
She inwardly groaned and stashed a few apples in a paper bag. “Apples. I’m here for the apples.”
“What a coincidence.” Adrien picked one of the red ones and twirled it in his hand. “I’m here for the apples too. By the way… Nino just asked for the bill, so if you were planning to do more shopping in other places, I’d say that’s our cue to pay for these and get ready to leave.”
Marinette glared his way, her whole face burning up. That cocky smile, that glint in his eyes. Of course, he’d catch her. But she wouldn’t give up so easily or she wasn’t Marinette Dupain-Cheng: her papa’s pumpkin, her mother’s sweetheart, the future of Paris’ fashion! “I’m not spying on anyone if that’s what you’re implying.”
“I wouldn't dare to accuse you of such a thing.” He grinned, putting the apple back. “But… may I suggest a few tweaks to your disguise? You know, in case you’re still up for some non-spying activities today.”
“I don’t need any tweaks. I’ve been here for an hour, and they haven’t noticed me. I could tail them all day if I wanted to, and they would not notice me.”
She froze, the last of her hopes to escape this unscathed vanishing right before her eyes. Curse this man! It was his fault her brain was shutting down around him.
The corner of Adrien’s lips curled in a smile as he leaned closer. “You might be well hidden amongst the rainbow of produce here, but, believe me, as soon as you step outside, that bright red hoodie of yours will give you away instantly.”
“In your dreams,” Marinette huffed, folding her arms over her chest. “This hoodie is the only thing in my closet Alya hasn't seen yet. My sunglasses cover half of my face, and I let my hair down instead of my usual ponytails. They would never recognize me.”
“Well, I did, didn’t I?”
“That’s because you came close. They are at a distance.”
“Nino will notice someone trailing them in a bright red hoodie. Believe me, that man lets no detail escape him. But give me five minutes, and your own parents won’t recognize you even up close.”
She quirked an eyebrow. “What for? The date is over.”
“Far from it. Nino planned coffee, a walk around the city, and a movie. He bought the tickets this morning.”
Adrien seemed to be confident in what he was saying, but Marinette couldn’t trust someone she’d recently met over her best friend, even if she was in love with him. “I don’t believe you.”
“There is only one way to find out if I’m lying.” He stretched his hand towards her. “Shall we?”
Shall they what? Why was he even here? She had to get out of the house for physical rest and mental health. What was his excuse?
“And what are you doing here, M Agreste?”
“I told you already.” The corners of his lips curled up in a sly grin. “Apples.”
“Right. And you went all out on a disguise for that?”
“Precisely.” He grinned wider. “I also knew Nino was having a date nearby, and being the great friend I am, I didn’t want them to see me and think I’m spying on them.”
She wanted to smack that shit-eating grin off his face. But Nino and Alya were exiting the cafe, and Adrien tilted his head to the side, his hand still outstretched toward her. “So? Want to not spy on them some more, or do you have other plans for the day?”
No, she didn’t, and perhaps she should be smarter, but something inside her was melting by the second, Adrien’s smile slowly massacring any scraps of reason she still had. “If you tell anyone, I’ll deny every word.”
“No one shall ever know.” He grinned. “Now, may I suggest a few tweaks to your disguise? To minimize our chances of being discovered.”
“Fine, but be quick. They are walking away.”
Adrien nodded and pointed to her hoodie. “Take this off.”
There was no time for questions, so she silently obeyed. The moment Marinette removed the garment, Adrien was already pulling his black sweater over her head.
“Wait! What are you—“
“Black is less conspicuous.”
“But what about you? It’s chilly, and your shirt doesn’t look very warm.”
“I’ll be fine. I wore that sweater for fashion, not because I was cold.” Stuffing her hoodie in his backpack, he looked her over once more. His face suddenly brightened. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out to the street in the direction of the nearest convenience store.
“We don’t have time for this,” Marinette protested as they neared the door of said establishment. “We’ve already lost them.”
“No, we didn't. We might not see them, but I know where they are.”
“I know that, too,” she grumbled. “In Paris. Where else? Europe, Eurasia. Planet Earth, Solar system. Hard to miss if you fly toward the Sun. ”
Adrien laughed. Long and heartfelt, the sound of his laughter brightened the space around them. There was still a glint of joy in his eye and a hint of mischief in his voice when he recomposed himself. “Nino spent hours planning their route yesterday, and yours truly was helping him. I know where they are headed. We’ll catch up.”
Hesitantly relenting, she followed him in the store, and once inside, Adrien disappeared somewhere between the rows. When he walked out, he was carrying a hairbrush, a couple of pins and hair ties, a small mirror, a plastic tablecloth, and a can of temporary hair dye. Quickly paid for, Adrien pulled her into the nearby alley. "Do you trust me enough for a blind makeover?"
A loaded question. She hardly knew anything about the man behind the carefully crafted image of his public persona. But Marinette loved surprises, and it wasn’t like Adrien even had anything that could potentially cause serious damage to her appearance in his hands.
“You aren’t going to cut my hair, are you?”
“Wouldn’t dare to even think about it.”
“Strangle me with that tablecloth?”
“It’s to protect your clothes from the dye. And before you freak out, it’s a temporary one. It’ll wash out with the first shower.”
At least it was pink—her favourite colour. "Don't make me regret this, Agreste."
“I promise, you won’t.”
She sent a glare his way. “If I do, you’re dead.”
Adrien laughed and slightly bowed. “Your trust means the world to me, Princess. Now, if you’ll allow me, I shall start.”
Marinette nodded, removing the sunglasses from her face. Adrien quickly draped the plastic tablecloth around her shoulders. The moment his hands ran through her hair, her brain short-circuited. It felt like heaven. Pleasant tingles cascaded down her skin at every touch as he brushed, tied, and clipped for what felt like an eternity yet was way too short of a period before he whispered in her ear, “Close your eyes and hold your breath for me for a moment.”
That would not be a problem; Marinette wasn’t sure she was breathing for the last few minutes anyway. He was too close. She could feel the heat of his body, the warmth of his breath, and that was doing things to her she’d rather not experience in a random alley off a busy street in the middle of Paris.
Oblivious to her internal turmoil, Adrien sprayed her hair with the temporary hair dye and proudly pronounced his job finished. The plastic tablecloth off her shoulders, he pushed a small mirror in her hands. “You can open your eyes and look now.”
Her speech was gone the moment her eyes caught her reflection. Most of her bangs were pinned back in the middle, only some of the hair framing her face on either side. The rest was gathered in two cute, messy buns on top of her head that had pink highlights all over them, something the tips of her bangs sported as well. It was a look she’d never thought of doing herself, yet somehow found herself loving more with each passing moment.
“Not bad,” she said, a ghost of a smile on her lips. “Are you secretly a stylist by any chance?”
Adrien chuckled, putting her sunglasses back on her nose. “Nope. But I did grow up in a fashion tycoon’s house watching makeup artists transform people to an unrecognizable degree with simple tricks.”
“Well, you have a talent, M Agreste. I really like this.”
"Why, thank you." Adrien grinned. "I do like the outcome, too. You were always cute, but now you're straight-up adorable. Like a little mouse. An extremely lovely little mouse. ”
Marinette looked away, taking a step towards a street. He wasn’t flirting. He was just complimenting his own work. He wasn’t flirting. “As long as Alya doesn’t recognize me.”
“She won’t.” Adrien followed her. “Hey! Maybe we should hold hands and pretend to be on a date? They’ll never figure us out if we do that.”
Her eyes widened as he offered her his hand. “Are you… are you asking me on a fake date?”
“Do you want me to ask you on a fake date?”
“I’ve never liked anything fake,” she huffed. “Says a lot about one’s character.”
Adrien chuckled. “Then it’s good that all I’m asking is to hold hands. For a better disguise, of course. Not faking. Real hand-holding.”
An earnest smile on his lips, he stepped closer, silently waiting for her reply.
Marinette swallowed, her eyes falling to his outstretched hand, one that looked more and more appealing to hold by the second. How would it feel to have her palm in his? If she chickened out now, she might not get another chance to find out. “Only for the purpose of a disguise.”
"Only for that," Adrien assured, entwining their fingers together, his gaze on her soft and gentle. "Allow me to be your guide on this non-spying, not-a-fake-date mission, Princess."
His words fell on deaf ears as Marinette struggled to keep her composure. Big, strong, and very warm. Somehow safe and secure. Like a lover’s embrace. Holding Adrien’s hand was everything Marinette didn’t know she needed up until now.
He must have noticed something was amiss, cracking a dumb joke to break the awkwardness as they started their walk. Marinette tried her best not to laugh, but Adrien kept going, each joke worse than the preceding one. Ten minutes in, and she couldn't believe she ever had a crush on this… man-child. Adrien was the dorkiest dork she'd ever met. A dork who asked too many questions. So many it felt like he wanted to know everything there was to Marinette. She didn't mind. There were quite a few things she wanted to know about Adrien, as well, and what better way to ask if not as a retaliation to his inquiries?
About an hour later, they spotted Nino and Alya on a promenade by the Seine, walking hand in hand just like them. Her friend beamed, laughing so hard, Marinette could swear there were tears in Alya’s eyes. Nino looked no less happy, grinning at Alya with a satisfied look on his face. A smile found its way onto Marinette’s face. Adrien watched them mesmerized, slightly tightening his grip on her hand.
“Everything looks good,” he said, turning to her. “Their next stop should be a music shop a few blocks away, and there are a few cafes just across the street. Want to get a headstart and have an early lunch?”
Marinette nodded. She could use a drink or two right now. A nice large glass of the cold water because Adrien seemed to take their… whatever-this-was way too seriously, being all attentive and gentlemanly and extra charming, and if not for his assurance they were not on a date, Marinette would’ve surely thought otherwise. Just as she suspected, her silly crush on this man seemed to slowly be turning into something more than a simple attraction. Something different. Something deeper and more profound.
“Awesome!” Adrien grinned, turning back to the town. “I’ll buy us movie tickets once we’re there. Where do you want to sit? I prefer the middle, but I’m pretty sure Nino got the middle row seats, so that’s a bit risky. Shall we try for the back row?”
A pinch of guilt nagged at Marinette. Another glance at their friends in the distance and she stopped, slowly pulling her hand from Adrien’s grasp, mourning the loss with every inch lost. “Perhaps, we should stop here.”
He halted his steps, looking down. Seemed like she wasn't the only one feeling guilty about this. “You’re right. This wasn't a good idea.”
“They deserve more than two stalkers for friends.”
“They do. I was just too curious. This is the first time Nino’s been so crazy about someone.”
“So you decided to secretly third wheel them?”
He gave her an unimpressed look. “You don’t get to judge me. We’re in the same boat in this. Apples and all.”
Marinette couldn't hold back a snicker.
Adrien interlocked his fingers behind his head, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. “I was really looking forward to that movie, though.”  
“You’ll live.”
“Will I?”
“Absolutely, you big baby. Just go watch it by yourself if you want it so much.”
“But that’s not fun.”
“Better than stalking your friend on his date.”
“Then perhaps I should get my own. A date, I mean. For the movies.”
Marinette fell silent, her chest tightening. A guy like Adrien could have any girl he wished. And while she didn't think herself to be worse than anyone else, what were the chances he’d want her when girls like Kagami Tsurugi openly confessed their love to him?
“I guess you could,” she said, pulling out her cellphone to get an Uber.
“Then will you?”
“Will I what?”
“Go to the movies with me? Lunch and movies. A date. A real one. Nothing fake about it.” He was looking straight at her, a trembling smile on his lips, a soft glint in his eyes.
She blinked once. Twice. Her ears must be deceiving her. “Me?”
He nodded. “You.”
“But… Why?”
“Because I like you.” He stepped closer. “Because ever since you fell into my arms that first day, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Excuse me, but I did not fall into your arms!” Marinette huffed. Amazing or not, she wouldn't allow him to trample her reputation like that. “I just tripped, and you happened to stand in the trajectory of my fall. Or rather, you moved into it because, if my memory isn’t failing me—and my memory never fails me—you almost ran across the room to catch me.”
Adrien laughed. “Guilty as charged, but can you blame me? You’re amazing, Marinette. You’re smart and brave and confident and so very beautiful. A guy like me could only dream of being worthy of your attention.”
“You kidding me, right? A guy like you can have any girl he wants.”
“But there is only one I need,” he purred, leaning closer. “Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I’d be the happiest man alive if she’d give me a chance. I’m prepared to beg on my knees if that’s what it’ll take.”
Somehow, her hand was in his. He brought it to his lips and laid a lingering kiss on her knuckles. How could she say no to those eyes and that confident smoulder with a hint of childish worry behind it? The way she felt about him, she wouldn't want to say no even if her life depended on it. Marinette kept her eyes on Adrien's when she shifted her hand in his grasp, entwining their fingers together. "Only if we go to a different movie theatre. I don't want to run into Alya and have to explain things."
“Sounds good to me.”
“And we’re getting soulmate ice cream at Andre’s before that. I want to check if we’re meant to be before I commit to anything.”
Adrien laughed, pulling Marinette into a hug. “I’m pretty sure I won’t even have to bribe the man to get the result I want.”
“You’re way too confident, M Agreste, you know that, right?”
“Only when it really matters.”
“And is this one of those situations?”
His gaze soft and loving, Adrien leaned down, his lips gently brushing against the flustered skin of her cheek. “You’re at the top of my ‘Really Matters’ list, Mlle Dupain-Cheng.”
Another kiss to her nose, he lingered for a moment before whispering, “May I kiss you the way I know you want me to kiss you now? Or shall I wait until the end of our date?”
There was only one answer Marinette could give him. “Right now would be perfect.”
This is a reworked chapter from my upcoming "Dreams of You" story. If you're planning on reading it, don't be surprised to see part of this as one of the chapters. Hope you'll enjoy both of them!
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vesuviannights · 5 years
c l a i r e. You got me into WTNC and HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE btwn FINN AND AUGUST.1?!?2??/ I m gonna have to keep 1 save file for each and play them both alternatively arent i. OR IS THERE A POLY OPTION FOR THEM TOO.?? gods Im a wreck. You still haven't played the other routes?? (ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵘⁿʳᵉˡᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵇᵘᵗ ᶦ ᵐᵃʸ ᵒʳ ᵐᵃʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ʰᵃᵈ ᵒⁿᵉ ʰᵉˡˡ ᵒᶠ ᵃⁿ ᵒʳᵍᵃˢᵐ ʳᵉᵃᵈᶦⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ ᴳᵒᵈˢ ᵖᵒˡʸ ᶠᶦᶜ ˢᵒ ᵇˡᵉˢˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʰᵒʳⁿʸ ᵃˢˢ)
You absolutely will have to play them alternatively. They cannot be left unattended or unloved for too long uwu
Gods I WISH there was a poly option for them. I would throw money at as many people as it took to get that shit up and running.
I’m struggling though because I love the concept of the poly option but it’s only Finn/Ezra or Alkar/Omen, and I have...mixed feelings. Finn is my #1, always and forever, and I will probably play the Alkar route at some point, but probably not with the same MC I used for Finn. But Omen is my Cinnamon Roll and I don’t see myself romancing him, and for Ezra I just have such STRONG BFF vibes with the MC I use for Finn that I don’t know how it will work as Finn/MC/Ezra. 
Imma still try it. But we’ll see.
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wondercookieunicorn · 5 years
1/? ASDHSASDFHV tumblr really has something against us talking huh? :( but yeeeessss i agree nct is a treasure and i am damn happy i found out about them (albeit late i could have stanned since predebut i am salty towards me) yay!!! another Soft stan and person!! Giving love is important to me as well! And your bff crush on johnny is relatable! Im not crushing on him romantically (im aro) but I have this major crush on him that's somewhere between platonic and romantic so i feel ya!! - 🌱💚
2/? and i cant stop thinking of how amazing his hugs would be bc he’s so tall and big and im around ten’s size? so there’s this huge height difference and i should really stop rambling about this bc now i want johnny’s snuggles but i cant and it makes me :( BUT ANYWAY im glad you slept well thou sucks from the rude awakening. I tend to get cranky when im woken up by loud noises, do you have that too? But yay for making money!!!! I hope you’ll like your job!! And good luck with calling… - 🌱💚  
3/? your dad and I hope you get to go to your friend (and freakin yikes if she ditches you for het boyfriend you dont deserve such treatment :
           4/4 and to answer your final question! my fave nct songs in no particular order: highway to heaven, end to start, boss, baby dont stop, my first and last, 1 2 3, sun&moon, knock on, dream in a dream, new heroes, dont need your love, we go up, take off, come back, fly away with me, dear dream, regular to irregular, candle light, simon says, whiplash, the 7th sense, replay (pm 01:27) (i think saying “their whole discography” would have been easier…. oh well) what are your fave songs? - 🌱💚                                                                                        
So first of all, my friend ditched me. That´s why I´m here man! I make too many jokes on jeffreys costs, I should stop. Poor man gotta suffer so much
Anyway, the call went great tho, so that´s a plus. Also thank you :))! ❤️ 
Ok but I lOve “The Arcana”???? I mean truth be told, haven´t played it in a loong time and I saw that the three new routes are available and- omg death is crawling to me, I can feel it. I only check in for those daily things tho because I currently am not in the mood for reading idk. Who´s your fav? :S
also yehs yehs, I´m pretty much Ten´s height I think? like 1,70. And I geddit, I geddit! Cuddling him must be a friggin heavenly privilige dkskdksk my wildest dreams are about hugging Johnny ngl.
And that is very interisting!! I think I´m Asexual, but ppl always tell me that that´s just cuz I´m still a virgin so I- I dunno man, some people just really can´t overstep their own believes/Beliefs (dunno how to spell sksks)
I get VERY crancky too, if someone wakes me up and/or dares to actually talk to me in the first 45 minutes after waking up! I could take a pan right then and there and just- no no no, I´m a very soft person! Just not right after waking up
You- Yeah- “Their whole discography” would´ve worked too lmao, tho I understand where you´re coming from!
Welp, Boss is my all to go bop as well as Simon says! New Heroes saved my entire life! Else I really like Baby don´t stop, 1,2,3, Dream in a dream, Dont need your love, come back, take off, regular and whiplash too.  
now ones that you didnt mention: I rlly like Blow my mind, Baby dont like it, la la love, go, Timeless, we go up, Paper Plane, let me love you, Mad city and yeah let´s stop here lmao.
You have a good taste in music, do you come here often? ;)) Someone stop me, I´m getting too comfortable 
Wakey Wakey will always hold a special place in my heart since it always manages to crack me up (I hope you know what I´m reffering to lmao pls)
And i  getchu, I got into dream right in chewing gum?? For some, to me unknown, reason and then after ´my first and last´ I completely rolled out of kpop, then got back in the “full nctzen” settled in like….5 Months ago? idk. But imma stay and that matters….Right??? :”) hbu?
ALso please, if you want to go to sleep do that!! Dont stay up too late :) ❤️
also what movies did you two watch, that sounds hella cute!?
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Mystic Messenger Fan Challenge! I can’t remember who made this, I tried to find their account again but I can’t… So credits to them for the questions, I’m still trying to find you! XD
[EDIT] Found them! Credits to http://turquoisequiche.tumblr.com/ ^^
1. Favorite character Seven, followed closely by Saeran!
2. Favorite route 707~
3. Favorite theme Geniusly Hacked Bedop (707 happy theme) or Lonesome Practicalism (Jaehee happy theme)
4. Favorite chat background Evening clouds~
5. Favorite “Cheritz” voice Seven ^^
6. Favorite voice Seven, Jaehee, Vanderwood or Rika… Can’t choose!
7. Favorite chat emoji Seven’s love emoji keke It’s the first pic at the top of this post lol
8. Favorite kiss Hmm… Probably Zen~
9. Favorite confession of love SEVEN
10. Favorite RFA party outfits Jumin or Seven.
11. Favorite party guest Probably @keyboard. He’s so innocent and nerdy looking XD or TIARANOL
12. Favorite chat I love the chat in the prologue with Saeran hehe XD But an actual chat?.. Hmm…. 707 Day 10, 12:07, “Please Remember”. All the feels right there…
13. Favorite call Either Seven Day 10 “I’m not afraid to die for you”, or Seven Day 11 “I love you”. Also Zen Day 10 “I’m here with you” <3
14. Favorite CG Either Seven #32 or Seven #40. I adore #32 because it’s when he first came to accept his feelings for you and let himself show it, and I also love #40 because it shows his character development and it was the pivotal time in the plotline where he finally got his brother back <3 The CGs are in the pics above.
15. Favorite good end Probably Zen..?
16. Favorite after ending Jaehee!
17. Favorite bad end Probably 707’s Bad Relationship Ending, purely because it fucked me up big time with feels and made me cry. ;;;
18. Worst bad end Jumin’s Bad Ending 2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
19. Favorite headcanon That Saeran actually has a really soppy, fluffy side underneath his mask of angst, that he only shows it to those who are really close to him. And that he’s super attention seeking and cuddly with you but will ‘kill you’ if you tell anyone.
20. Favorite ship (platonic/romantic) BUT I HAVE TOO MANY DAMNIT - Seven x MC - Seven x Vanderwood - Seven x Jumin - V x Rika (when she wasn’t insane, headcanon where V helped her get better) - V x Jumin - Saeran x MC
21. Favorite character interaction with each other Jumin and Zen fighting about cats tbh XD
22. Best plot Seven’s and the secret endings ;;;
23. Best character development Seven by far.
24. Best antagonist Saeran of course hehe
25. Worst antagonist Rika… Damnit…
26. Best character design Saeran definitely
27. Character who left the biggest impression on you Seven;;
28. Character you’d want to be BFFs with Seven, Jaehee or Yoosung
29. Character you romantically ship yourself with Jaehee or.. Seven?… But not sexually. I’m gay lol idk
30. Most relatable character Yoosung
31. Most tragic character V…;;
32. Funniest character Seven.
33. First route Zen
34. First impression of the game ‘This looks very old Fashioned and….cheesy. But I know I’ll end up obsessed with it somehow.~’
35. First impression for each character - Zen: ‘Holy shit this man is gorgeous he’s captured my fucking heart already and it’s only Day 1’ - Yoosung: ‘AWWWWWW HES SO ADORABLE AND PRECIOUS I WANNA PROTECT HIM’ - Jaehee: ’….Bitch, stop trying to take Zen away from me. Fuck you. FUCK’ - But then it turned into more of a ‘DAMNIT WOMAN LOVE ME BACK IM GAY’ when I did her route. - Jumin: ’….a little arrogant but… I know there’s love in there somewhere.’ - Seven: 'I NEED YOUR ROUTE I NEED YOU AND YOU NEED ME DAMNIT LOL YOURE ADORABLE’ - V: ’…that dude is hiding something… Is he gonna be the bad guy here?’ - Saeran: ’………..holy shit what the fuck is going on’ tbh I was terrified of him to start with XD - Rika: 'bitch go die in a hole you hurt my innocent V’ …I’ve grown to love her since then, since i learned of her backstory and that she couldn’t help it. - Vanderwood: 'aw, they’re cute. They need more love.’
36. First character you fell for Lovely Zenny~
37. Korean OP vs English OP Korean all the way!! I…..know all the lyrics even though I don’t speak Korean ^^;;;
38. Current number of hourglasses 949.
39. How did you find out about this game? What made you decide to download it? I started seeing the fanart and posts about it on Instagram, it drew my attention and I had to withhold myself from playing it for a while because I knew I’d get obsessed with it. ..well, I wasn’t wrong lololol - I downloaded it because I was bored and saw some 707 fanart, and decided it was time to give in.
40. When did you start playing it? 25th October 2016 ^^
41. Have you completed all the routes and unlocked the secret endings? Yup!
42. Free to play or paid to play? If so, what did you spend on? Well… I completed the five good endings without buying hourglasses (..okay maybe I bought a couple hundred once). But then I bought the VIP package after much saving and literally squealed when I found out it came with 1000 HGs and the calling cards, max speed ect ect. Used a quite a few of these HGs in the Xmas DLC to catch up on missed chats.
43. Were you ever obsessed with this game at one point? What are you talking about, of course i haven- I A M F U C K I N G O B S E S S E D W I T H I T
44. How dedicated are you to this game? Do you set alarms and try to get 100% for each day etc? Lol I used to when I was playing the main five good ends, but I didn’t for the Xmas DLC.
45. Do you play the game blindly or follow walkthroughs? I played blind without looking at what answers to pick to get certain endings, but I used the walkthroughs by @otomeobsessed to set alarms for the chatrooms.
46. Did you play the game properly? From casual route to deep route in recommended order? Yeah, the funny thing is, I played it in the recommended order without even realising it XD And when I saw that I had, I was like whaaaat
47. Moments that made you laugh out loud? Seven’s fourth wall breaks and utter sass, along with Jumin and Zen’s fucking bitchfights.
49. How many photos/screenshots of MM are in your photo gallery? …..*nervous sweating* …….uh….uh….. Well there’s…uh… 6,000 photos…altogether in my camera roll.. And uh.. Half of those are mm related.. I have tons of fanart saved ……and about 2,000 in-game screenshots that I need to go through…..;;;;;;;;
50. How has this game affected you overall? Do you regret playing it? Hands down NO REGRETS!! (*refrains from making aot reference*) (*hoe don’t do it*) Honestly the best game I’ve played in a long time. The feels, the characters, the plotlines, the fUCKING FOURTH WALL… I really connected with the characters so much I had to fucking mourn for one of them damn I love this game. Thank you, Cheritz!
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