bookplush · 3 years
annie u know what im gonna ask: valdangelo babey
also nico x clovis? 👀👀👀
i like valdangelo!! not as much as other ppl do (it’s not in my top 3 nico ships unfortunately 😔 however it IS in my top 3 leo ships) but i still like it!! i think it’s much more interesting from a literary analysis standpoint than a fandom standpoint. like they r absolutely parallels of each other and mirror each other in so many interesting ways, i do think analyzing one character helps analyze the other bc of their unique similarities and differences. so i think being close to each other would make both of them better people!! however i think i just like my ships to have a bit more canon meat on them, like nico and leo only talked like twice?? and they weren’t like. friendly conversations they were just business. idk there’s not enough there for me to stan stan BUT i do think examining their characters in tandem is,,, inch testing
AS FOR CLOVICO. this one actually IS in my top 3 nico ships. i like the idea of them being good friends, i think it’s funny to imagine nico, this terrifying weird creepy kid, being his usual intimidating self, but then clovis walks into the room like “hey nico :)” and nico’s whole demeanor suddenly changes and he’s like “oh hi :)” and clovis is like “oh did you try that candy i told you about?” and nico’s like “yeah i liked it :)” and they’re just the mildest chillest bros ever and everyone else is like?????????????? you two are both weirdos but on the opposite ends of the spectrum (you shove me in a locker / i shove you in a locker) HOW are you friends??????? i also like the idea of them having dream dates where they sit by the fire in the dream Hypnos cabin and sip hot cocoa and talk and laugh together :DDDD and idk i just think they would be the sweetest chillest couple but also the most unexpected one. like everyone else at camp would be BEWIELDERED esp because no one has ever seen them interact irl???? because they always hang out in their dreams. idk i just think everyone else at camp being very confused is hilarious
anyways. thank u eli !!! ily
send me unusual/underrated pjo ships and i’ll tell u what i think of them :)
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Feels like Home (Bi!Tj Hammond x plus!size Reader)
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Characters: Tj Hammond x Plus!sizedfem!reader
Summary: You were Tj's high school classmate and you hated night clubs. However, you've manage to step foot on The Dome. Searching for the truth that will break your heart. Yet, TJ Hammond will be the hero who will save your day.
Words: 1,400+
A/N: I’M ALIVE AND HORMONAL, BUDS! HEEHEE! SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE! NOW, ACCEPT THIS SMALL GIFT! I’m currently in the midst of having hell week again and exams are on the way. Heehee! So, I apologize for not posting the past week! (RAW. UNEDITED) 
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS.
Oneshot Taglists: @anxiousamandapanda​ @hopefulfangirlblr​ 
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"Use me," Tj Hammond whispered in your ear, eyeing your now ex-boyfriend who turned former because you caught him tongue deep with a sexy brunette on one of the couches in Tj's bar.
You hated night clubs, even despised the neon signs outside. Though, something happened back then that made you despise the leisure place.
Shantal, your bestfriend who loved going on night outs managed to give you a text. She was out and about with her boyfriend and apparently, the woman got to accidentally get a glimpse of your cheating boyfriend right before her eyes.
She wanted nothing but to bash his skull against a sharp table and leave him there to die. But, you called her back and told it herself that those plans should fall on your hands instead.
Hence, which is why you were currently standing in the middle of the dance floor in only nothing but a pair of high-waisted jeans, striped shirt and black Converse shoes. Accompanied by your squared glasses that not all men loved.
You loved dressing up vintage, probably because you wanted to go back to the time where people were less of an assholes and that millenials were responsible of their own actions.
Unlike the man who you trusted the most until tonight.
"Use you? What? Are you out of your mind, Hammond?" Former President's son bewielded you in his arms with a ninety degree turn of your heel. He told you what was running inside his head and you were flabbergasted to even get a glimpse of what he was thinking.
"I don't mind helping you take revenge on that asshole boyfriend of yours," he uttered amongst the loud music and chatters of different wild people. He stared into your eyes, scanning you from head to toe before landing back to where he was supposed to look. His Cerulean eyes looked intensely piercing beneath the wild lights, definitely tantalizing in other people's perspective. Yet, there was a void inside those beautiful pair of eyes that Y/N saw. Something lamentable and poignant.
"B-But, your boyfriend's probably not going to like it."
"He doesn't care now," Tj Hammond spoke freely and nonchalantly. A smile lifting the ends of his moist, Crimson lips. Definitely hiding the sinisterness beneath a smile. Those lips that has probably kissed hundreds of men and maybe even women.
"I'm single," the latter added, shrugging his coated shoulders. He wore a white dress shirt, a tie and his black slacks. Thick hair seemed to be in a disheveled, upward quiff which ached to be brushed and hold on to.
"So, feel free to use me, Classmate."
You didn't expected him to recognize you. Maybe it was because of the color of your eyes, or the hideous glasses you've managed to keep throughout the years. Thomas James Hammond was proud to say that he had recognized you despite of years of not seeing him.
"Take this as repayment," he lowered his voice, leaning down till he could reach your ear. Eyes completely focused on your ex-boyfriend who was still tongue-locked with a model who wanted to get inside Tj's pants a while ago.
It was like the stars and moon alined. The people dancing on the dance floor scooted a little till Thomas had his view of your faithless boyfriend.
His fingers danced behind you, travelling from your hips till he reached your hidden tailbone. Your jeans wanting to pop out of your body from how thick you've become from months of staying at home and serving for your asshole of an ex-boyfriend. Such a king he was.
"Now, give a smooch, Sugar." Tj gripped the side of your face, cupping your jaw in his palm as he slowly leaned down. Your eyes wanted to pop out of your eye sockets when his face was an inch away. What was even happening right now? The famous gay renegade was actually about to help you by using him for your own benefit. Was he out of his mind? Or was he just drugged again?
"I-I don't even know how to do it like--" you stuttered and felt your heart beat running hurdles. Planting a hand on top of his firm chest. He was sweating beneath the clothing he wore and you probably guessed he was on to something before coming down to face you and your love problem.
"Oh, for fucks sake." he frustratingly spoke to himself, adding a little sassy eye roll to his message before brushing his lips with yours and wholly leaning down to give you a soul eating kiss that he surprisingly shocked you with.
Your eyes were entirely opened the whole time he ate your face in front of dozens, thousands of people. Yet, he paid no mind and placed his hand beneath the small hairs on your nape. Slightly playing with the warmth that began to tickle your insides. The whole scene was lewd, you had never made out with any guy out in public and Tj never hesitated to kiss the heck out of you despite of the appearance you managed to hate.
Your own face and body.
The insecurities twirling inside your head.
Though, from the moment Tj Hammond locked his lips with yours, those insecurities flew off the roof and you couldn't help but surrender to the opportune affection that embraced the both of you to your benefits.
His grip on you tightened, grasping in the clothes your wore and pushing you more closer than any personal space could give. His eyelids fluttered shut, basking in the familiar feeling that traveled all around his nerves. Spiking up something inside that made him feel comfortable, at ease and satiated with life.
He felt like he was home.
"Is.." he deeply kissed you as you managed to sneak in a word. Though, he never gave you the chance to finish it as he was back kissing the daylights out of you. "he.." Another smooch which earned a loud kiss that weakened your knees. It was satisfying to hear despite of the loud music surrounding you both. "--watching?"
Tj breathed through your mouth and his lips tasted just like alcohol, mint, cigarettes and sin. Your eyes fluttered open after he sucked the air he gave, giving your lips a little bite that caught you off guard. "Shut up and just kiss me," he grumbled beneath his chest and continued giving you a kiss that you wouldn't dare forget for all your life.
You just felt like home. The tiny voice said inside Tj's mind and his eyelids fluttered open, he gave in too easily. Why did kissing you felt normal and enticing? He thought to himself before landing his eyes on your ex-boyfriend who finally gave you both the attention that you needed.
Tj smirked at that simple action, then grinned when your ex-boyfriend had his brows in a tight twist. He turned you around with no difficulty, using his own strength to twirl you around and give your cheating boyfriend a view of sneaking in that naughty tongue in your mouth with much need.
Your ex-boyfriend was gobsmacked from that little show.
Thus, it has left your breathless.
Little did you know, Tj Hammond had his own hidden agenda as he saw Sean Reeves with his fists tightened on either side of his, finally accepting Tj's invitation and actually coming to the party because it was The Dome's opening celebration and using you was actually part of the plan.
Tj broke the kiss first, giving you a breather before you boldly embraced both arms around his neck and it made him raise a sassy brow back at you. You were catching your breath and so was he, lips plump and wet from the intensity of the kiss. "Oh, who says it's the perfect time to stop?" this time, it was your turn to attack.
It's not like you didn't use him for your own benefit as well; says the butterflies dancing in your stomach.
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