timmurleyart · 5 months
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Watermelon champ. 🥇🍉
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camillejones · 10 months
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🥑🥕🍇 Radiant Skin Secrets! 🍅🌿
Hey there, beauties! ✨ As a nutritionist, I've got the scoop on top skin-loving foods for that gorgeous glow. 🌟 Let's dive into my top 5 favorites:
✅ Orange
✅ Avocado
✅ Strawberry
✅ ️Banana
✅ Watermelon
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Did you know that Bugs Bunny was modeled after Clark Gable’s character stood by a fence chomping carrots, with his mouth full, in the 1934 film “It Happened One Night?” And it is said that Mel Blanc, the original voice of Bugs Bunny, didn’t like carrots! Funny, because researchers have found that rabbits in the wild will eat sweet carrots but actually prefer the leafy greens on the top better. In @hminutritionschool, we learn that those greens and their B2, Riboflavin, not only help people stay calm, maintain a healthy nervous system, support adrenal function and facilitate key metabolic processes but also are instrumental in Acetylation in the Phase II liver detox pathway. Carrots also promote healthy vision, aid in weight loss, and improve skin health, immunity and digestive health. And not only is the root edible but also the leaves as pesto, the flowers for salads or jelly and the seeds to flavor foods! Carrots are also an excellent source of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene, source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin K, are high in fiber, and are great energy boosters. Even though they are 88% water, it is said that one carrot gives enough energy for a mile walk! And it’s a fact that the nutritional value of carrots changes during the cooking process. Raw carrots in juices or steamed are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But cooking carrots releases more beta-carotene, around 40%, which gives the yellow-orange pigment that becomes Vitamin A, which helps your eyes, immunity and skin. Unfortunately, according to a 2010 study, 4% of Europeans suffer from carrot allergies which include a sore throat, swollen lips and tongue, and itching on the mouth and ears. For more fun info on carrots check out the “Healthy Trivia” reel in a previous post! 💚 Julie https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSIpJOuckR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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divya1234 · 20 days
Exploring The Colourful World of Beta-Carotene
Beta-carotene, the pigment responsible for the vibrant hues of many fruits and vegetables, invites us into a world of color and nutrition. Found in a variety of sources ranging from algae to oil palm fruits, this compound not only adds vibrancy to our plates but also offers a wealth of health benefits.
At the heart of beta-carotene's allure lies its role as a potent antioxidant. Its presence in plants and fruits like carrots and pumpkins serves as nature's defense mechanism against oxidative stress. By scavenging harmful free radicals, beta-carotene helps protect our cells from damage, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
But beta-carotene is more than just a guardian of health; it is also a precursor to vitamin A, a vital nutrient for vision, immune function, and skin health. In regions where vitamin A deficiency is prevalent, beta-carotene-rich foods serve as a crucial lifeline, offering a natural source of this essential nutrient.
However, the journey from farm to table unveils a delicate balance of extraction and absorption. Beta-carotene's fat-soluble nature means that its bioavailability depends on the presence of dietary fats. Pairing beta-carotene-rich foods with fats like olive oil or avocado enhances its absorption, ensuring that its benefits are fully realized by the body.
Exploring the colorful world of beta-carotene reveals a spectrum of possibilities for culinary creativity and nutritional well-being. From the golden hues of ripe mangoes to the fiery orange of winter squash, beta-carotene paints a diverse palette that tantalizes the senses and nourishes the body.
In this article, we embark on a journey through the kaleidoscope of beta-carotene-rich foods, unlocking their potential for vibrant health and vitality. Join us as we delve into the science behind beta-carotene, explore its culinary applications, and discover how this colorful compound can brighten both our plates and our lives.
For more information visit us:
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perfettamentechic · 6 months
Dicembre: verdura e ortaggi di stagione
Dicembre: #verdura e #ortaggi di stagione #food #verdurafresca #ortaggidistagione #italia #italy #natura #pranzo #benessere #ortaggieverdura #mangiaresano #bio #salute #foodblogger
Conoscere quale sia la verdura e gli ortaggi che maturano ogni mese dell’anno è importante per tanti motivi, sia a livello nutrizionale e sia economico. Perfettamente chic suggerisce, se vi è possibile, di acquistare e o ricercare la verdura e gli ortaggi “a chilometri zero“. Cosa acquistare e o ricercare come verdura e ortaggi a dicembre e il perchè: il tartufo ha sostanze profumate ed intense…
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superdupernutrition · 8 months
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nationalnutritionca · 8 months
Beta-carotene & Free Radical Damage - Professional Supplement Review | National Nutrition Canada
National Nutrition Professional Supplement Reviews with Leading Health Expert Karlene Karst.
Karlene gives us a 3-minute professional supplement review on Beta-Carotene and how it helps fight free radical damage.
To learn more about Beta-Carotene and how to supplement with it: https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/vitamin-a/beta-carotene.html
Beta carotene is the beta carotene foodsmolecule responsible for the orange colour of some fruits and vegetables such as carrots and apricots. Once consumed, beta carotene can be converted by the liver into vitamin A, in its active (retinal) or storage (retinol) form.…
To read more about Beta-Carotene, please click here: https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/articles/supplements/beta-carotene/
Visit us at https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/
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babypandaus-blog · 1 year
La purpurea meraviglia offerta dagli Aztechi I primi a scoprire il pomodoro furono gli Aztechi. Il frutto all’epoca era davvero un “pomo d’oro”, giallo, pieno di semi e bitorzoluto. Nel corso dei secoli, selezionando le specie, ha assunto l’aspetto odierno. A importarlo in Europa nel 1540 fu Herman Cortes, ma per via della somiglianza con piante velenose, inizialmente si credeva che il pomodoro…
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lieutenant-columbro · 2 years
Just watched the first episode with my gf last night, she liked it! :D
Peter was soooo young :0
sooooo true like. how could this man possibly be forty entire years old!!!!!!!!!
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graciousorganic · 23 days
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bgiovworld · 2 years
Cure de jus vitaminés! Juice vitamins cure!
Red juice : beet, pomegranate (vitamins A, vitamins k) 👌
Yellow juice : ginger, carrot (betacarotene, vitamins B9) 👌
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Can we Guess which of your SO’s Qualities you Love the Most.
I love the beauty and sweetness of having fresh flowers in the house. Strangely enough, beauty experts have also recommended people to use other kinds of vegetables to become part of their beauty regimen, not just the typically common cucumber slice (put over one's closed eyelids to refresh it). נערות ליווי 10 sex.co.il “You’d be surprised how many people don’t give genuine compliments because they’re afraid of rejection,” Masini says. Well, whatever and however you enjoy nature's bounty, we're sure you can guess what each of these fruits and veggies are, even if we give you one single line as clue. Kale was even promoted as a "superfood," and it's now being converted to different kinds of food items as well, like kale chips. Not simply to do well in school, though that counted for something, but to design beautiful rockets, or to write well, or to understand how to program computers. Debenhams came out with a body type guide for their customers who are unsure of their body shapes, and the shapes are based on not just the typical fruits -- the apple and pear being the two most identified female body shapes -- but they also used other fruits and vegetables as well?
It is well worth persevering - just make the first move. The biggest dating rumour surrounding Jin was with comedienne Lee Gook Joo, especially after Jin thanked her in the first 3 BTS album notes. Then one day, I felt complete for the first time in my life. So it's not surprise so many people turn to online dating sites like OkCupid and Match or apps like Tinder and Bumble in their quest to find "the one", especially when there's a super specific quality or type they're looking for. 2017. The peach tree is also easy to grow for some people who have big yards, so those garden-picked fruits may not be contributing to this official statistic, but it could actually be pushed up if they consider fruit consumption that's not store-bought. While most people think that the phrase is "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto," the actual line is just a little different. Simba takes the lessons a little lightly, and can't wait to rule and own everything.
2: Although it takes a little extra time to set up these themes due to so many available functions, it’s still faster and cheaper than hiring a developer. But those that never left the spotlight are still there, of course, enjoying their immense popularity without working up a sweat, so to speak. What are some books you'd recommend for the heartbroken? Just remember everything. What are the actual words? Writing a heartwarming concluding line or paragraph is all about filling it with affirmations and words of hope that can help fade the distance between you and your special someone. The most commonly used edible mushrooms are button mushrooms, but there's also oyster, shiitake, enoki, and of course the Portobello, which chefs love to prepare in special gourmet ways. These love quotes for her will look perfect in a card or as part of your home goods gift for any special holiday. You never know when they will come in handy.
Luckily, there will be plenty of other intriguing candidates to choose from. There are many kinds of vegetables that come in some form of a pod, but the most common and recognizable ones are the green peas, specifically the snap peas. Younger men looking to date older women are called cubs. Looking for a JW dating site? If you’re interested in singles outside your race, InterracialMatch is an interracial dating site that gives you excellent value for money. Specifically, it's full of betacarotene, which is what gives us great eyesight, and is found in tomatoes, too. Does a room full of succulents make you smile? Succulents! They're unique and beautiful, and they can add something special to a home. It lasted a few months. In a world where dating horror stories are almost a rite of passage, I can take consolation in a few things. Let’s take a deeper look into what makes up a professional relationship, why they’re important and how you can build and maintain a few of your own.
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perfettamentechic · 7 months
Novembre: verdura e ortaggi di stagione
Conoscere quale sia la verdura e gli ortaggi che maturano ogni mese dell’anno è importante per tanti motivi, sia a livello nutrizionale e sia economico. Perfettamente chic suggerisce, se vi è possibile, di acquistare e o ricercare la verdura e gli ortaggi
Conoscere quale sia la verdura e gli ortaggi che maturano ogni mese dell’anno è importante per tanti motivi, sia a livello nutrizionale e sia economico. Perfettamente chic suggerisce, se vi è possibile, di acquistare e o ricercare la verdura e gli ortaggi “a chilometri zero“. Cosa acquistare e o ricercare come verdura e ortaggi a novembre e il perchè: Le verdure come: il…
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superdupernutrition · 8 months
Unveiling the Power of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene: A Health Odyssey
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By: Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA
Vitamin A and beta-carotene are like superheroes for your body. Both are indispensable for good health and are found in various food sources. However, there's something exceptional about obtaining vitamin A from D. Salina, and it's this distinction we'll be unraveling in our journey. In this article, we delve into the difference between these nutritional powerhouses, their paramount importance, and the plethora of benefits they bring to the table. Our spotlight also shines on a multivitamin supplement that includes vitamin A as beta-carotene from D. Salina.
Decoding the Distinction
Vitamin A and beta-carotene are closely related, yet they each have their unique characteristics. Vitamin A, often known as retinol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in various forms, including retinyl esters, retinal, and retinoic acid. It plays a critical role in several bodily functions, such as maintaining healthy skin, supporting the immune system, and ensuring proper eye function, especially in low-light conditions. Unlike beta-carotene, which is a provitamin A carotenoid found in many colorful fruits and vegetables, vitamin A comes preformed, predominantly in animal products like liver, eggs, and dairy.
In contrast, beta-carotene is a pigment responsible for the vibrant orange and yellow hues in fruits and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and bell peppers. It acts as a precursor to vitamin A, meaning your body can convert it into active vitamin A as needed. The conversion process is carefully regulated by the body, ensuring that excess beta-carotene doesn't lead to toxicity. What's more, beta-carotene is an antioxidant that shields your cells from the harm caused by nasty free radicals, a property vitamin A doesn't share. So, while both are essential for your health, their sources, forms, and functions significantly differ. Beta-carotene acts as a dietary source of vitamin A and offers antioxidant perks, whereas vitamin A itself plays vital roles in various bodily functions.
The Importance of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene
Vitamin A and beta-carotene hold the keys to a plethora of vital functions in your body. They are essential for maintaining healthy vision, supporting your immune system, and keeping your mucous membranes in tip-top shape. Meanwhile, beta-carotene provides a dietary source of this crucial nutrient and offers antioxidant protection against cellular damage. Together, they form a formidable duo in safeguarding your overall health. This underscores the significance of maintaining a well-balanced diet rich in both forms of vitamin A, from animal-derived products to colorful fruits and veggies. It's a surefire way to promote your well-being and reduce the risk of deficiency-related ailments and chronic diseases.
The Myriad Benefits They Bring
The benefits of vitamin A and beta-carotene are a sight to behold. They play a pivotal role in maintaining healthy vision, enabling your eyes to adapt to low-light conditions and preventing night blindness, making them indispensable for good eyesight. Moreover, they support your immune system by promoting the production and function of white blood cells, the tiny warriors that defend your body against infections. They also play a role in the maintenance of mucous membranes in your respiratory and digestive tracts, which act as barriers against invaders.
On the flip side, beta-carotene, as a precursor, ensures that even plant-based eaters can obtain this essential nutrient. Additionally, it boasts potent antioxidant properties that neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing the risk of oxidative damage to your cells and DNA. This type of damage is associated with a range of chronic diseases, from cancer to heart-related conditions. Together, vitamin A and beta-carotene offer a wide array of health benefits, from supporting vision and immune function to protecting against oxidative stress. This underlines their crucial roles in promoting your overall well-being. In other words, you don't want to miss out on the benefits that come with adequate vitamin A and beta-carotene.
Why D. Salina Makes a Difference
Opting for vitamin A from D. Salina is a wise choice when it comes to enhancing your overall health. D. Salina is more than just a source; it's a game-changer thanks to its remarkable ability to boost nutrient absorption in your gut. This probiotic strain has been intensively studied for its role in ensuring your body efficiently absorbs essential vitamins and minerals from the foods you consume. By introducing D. Salina into your dietary routine, you're not only ensuring your body receives an ample supply of vitamin A but also optimizing the utilization of this crucial nutrient.
This enhanced absorption can be particularly advantageous for individuals with specific dietary restrictions or those facing challenges with nutrient absorption. Furthermore, D. Salina contributes to maintaining a well-balanced gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in your overall health. It supports your immune system and fosters digestive well-being, making it an exceptional choice for those seeking a holistic approach to wellness.
Navigating Vitamin A and Pregnancy: Beta-Carotene and Pregnancy
Vitamin A plays a vital role during pregnancy, supporting the healthy development of the fetus. However, it's essential to exercise caution when it comes to ensuring an adequate intake, as excessive amounts can pose risks to the developing baby. Consuming excessive preformed vitamin A, typically found in animal-based sources like liver and supplements, can potentially lead to birth defects.
On the other hand, beta-carotene, primarily derived from plant-based sources such as fruits and vegetables, is considered safe during pregnancy. The body has a regulatory mechanism that limits the conversion of beta-carotene into vitamin A based on its needs. This means that when you have an adequate supply of vitamin A, the "extra" beta-carotene isn't converted into excessive vitamin A, reducing the risk of potential harm to the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women are encouraged to maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods and supplements rich in beta-carotene to support their nutritional needs without the associated risks of excess vitamin A intake.
Exploring the Best Sources of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene
To ensure you're getting your daily dose of vitamin A and beta-carotene, consider including some of the following foods in your diet:
Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Red Bell Peppers
These foods will not only tantalize your taste buds but also supercharge your health journey by delivering the remarkable benefits of vitamin A and beta-carotene.
#vitaminA #betacarotene #vitamins #superdupernutrition
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babypandaus-blog · 1 year
La pesantezza e il gonfiore delle gambe sono causati da un rallentamento della circolazione. Gioca d’anticipo con i cibi giusti, quelli che rinforzano dall’interno le vene e i capillari, e risolvi il problema in tempo per affrontare l’estate. La causa di questi sintomi è da ricercare in un calo di efficienza della circolazione sanguigna, che rende le vene, in un certo senso, più deboli. In parte…
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cameronmauleon · 2 years
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The Hibiscus flower is found in mostly west Africa, such as Nigeria.
The hibiscus flower has healing properties for the blood and liver, as they have more antioxidants than BHA and betacarotene.
Hibiscus flowers prefer savannas and dense bush as its habitat, where it is warm and tropical in West Africa
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