#best hair transplant in world
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eugenixhairsciences · 2 years
Best Clinic For Hair Transplant in India - Eugenix Hair Sciences
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Are you looking for a clinic for hair transplant in India? You need to find a clinic that has skilled and experienced doctors and surgeons, who have been performing hair transplant surgery for many years. Eugenix Hair Sciences is the best clinic for hair transplant in India, with a team of skilled doctors and surgeons who have been performing hair transplant surgery for many years. They offer the latest technology in hair transplant surgery, including the revolutionary FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique. 
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Hair Transplant Cost may vary clinic to clinic depending on the procedure or the treatment you are getting. Check out cost of hair transplant in India at Advanced Hair Studio. Call now 18001031191
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hairline91 · 2 years
BIO-FUT Hair Transplantation
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Bio-Follicular Unit Transplantation (Bio-FUT) is a process that uses a patient's own regenerative cells to improve follicular unit transplantation procedure. The overall results of the hair transplant procedure are greatly enhanced thanks to this approach.
BIO-FUE is very similar to the FUE technique. In this technique the growth factors are separated from blood and re-injected into the transplanted area giving extremely great results for hair growth(PRP). This is not only helpful for transplanted hair but also for strengthening the existing thinning hair follicles. It is an advanced technique which is stitch less and painless.
How it is done
When hair follicles are harvested in a traditional hair transplant surgery, they are usually kept on a saline-based solution to ensure they are viable for the eventual transplant procedure. Bio-FUT hair transplants use a plasma-rich solution rather than a saline-based one. This plasma-rich solution includes proteins from a patient's blood, allowing the harvested hair follicles to receive nutrients while they are stored.
Once the follicular units have been placed, the hair restoration specialist will then inject serum into the treated area. This helps promote tissue healing as well as new cellular growth, an especially important consideration for surgical procedures.
BIO-FUT Hair Transplantation Steps
Regenerative cells from you blood are infused into the FUE donor site for rapid healing and to promote the growth of transected hairs.
All follicular units are then bathed in your growth factor (protein) rich culture medium to reduce cell death and help increase the yield of transplanted follicular units.
Finally you’re enriched cells are injected into the transplanted area to promote faster healing, rapid hair growth of the transplanted hairs and also to improve the quality and aesthetic density of your existing non-transplanted hair.
Vertical Harvesting in Hair Transplant
In Hair Transplantation there are several methods of harvesting hair from donor area like Punch Graft, Multiple Bladed Knife, Single Bladed Knife Excision etc. Vertical harvesting is the latest excellent technique for minimizing scars while the hair is exiting the scalp & optimal yield of the donor area in FUE technique.
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dr-hairblog · 7 months
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The Affordable Procedure of Hair Transplant in Turkey: Quality of Care and Medical Tourism
Turkey has emerged as a go-to destination for those seeking hair transplant surgery, thanks to a combination of expert surgical treatment, high-quality care, and affordability. This rise in medical tourism can largely be attributed to Turkey's commitment to providing world-class healthcare services, especially in the field of hair restoration.
The hair transplant procedure in Turkey is conducted by highly skilled professionals who use state-of-the-art technology to ensure the best possible results. Patients considering this surgical treatment are provided with a comprehensive pre-surgery consultation. During this consultation, the procedure is thoroughly explained, and all questions and concerns are addressed. This in-depth discussion helps in setting realistic expectations, which is crucial for patient satisfaction.
Following the pre-surgery consultation, the transplant surgery is conducted under strict hygienic conditions. The focus on the quality of care is unparalleled, making the hair restoration process in Turkey a highly sought-after service globally. Patients from all walks of life travel for healthcare to this Eurasian country, drawn by the promise of a successful and cost-effective hair transplant in Turkey.
Furthermore, the affordability of the hair transplant procedure in Turkey is a significant factor attracting medical tourists. Despite the high quality of care, hair transplant cost in Turkey is reasonable, making it accessible to a larger group of people. Therefore, an increasing number of people are choosing to travel to Turkey for their surgical treatment.
In conclusion, the combination of skilled surgical treatment, excellent quality of care, and affordability have positioned Turkey as a leading destination for hair transplant surgery. The trend of medical tourism for hair restoration shows no signs of slowing down, indicating that Turkey will continue to be a popular choice for those seeking hair transplants.
Addressing Hair Loss: Unpacking the Benefits of Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair loss is a common concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether it's due to aging, hormonal changes, or genetic factors, losing your hair can significantly impact your self-esteem and overall appearance. From receding hairlines to pattern baldness, the manifestations of hair thinning and alopecia are diverse and complex.
Pattern baldness, including male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, is a prevalent form of hair loss. It is primarily driven by genetic factors and is medically known as androgenetic alopecia. This condition is characterized by a specific pattern of hair thinning that starts from the temples or the crown. It doesn't discriminate based on gender; both men and women can be affected, albeit in different ways.
In men, the first sign of male pattern baldness is often a receding hairline or thinning at the crown. Women, on the other hand, rarely experience a receding hairline. Female pattern baldness typically presents as overall thinning across the entire scalp or widening of the part line. Regardless of gender, these conditions can deliver a significant blow to one's self-confidence.
Alopecia, another common form of hair loss, is a condition where hair falls out in small patches. It can be very noticeable and distressing, causing individuals to seek out hair loss solutions. Although there are various hair loss prevention methods available, they often fall short of restoring the hair to its former glory.
Enter the world of hair transplants—a permanent hair loss solution that's gaining attention for its impressive results. Hair transplants have evolved significantly over the years, offering a more natural look and less downtime. And where better to seek this treatment than in Turkey?
Turkey has become a popular destination for individuals seeking hair transplant procedures due to its advanced healthcare system, experienced medical practitioners, and competitive prices. The country's medical tourism industry is flourishing, with hair transplant surgeries at the forefront.
In a nutshell, hair transplant in Turkey offers a beacon of hope for those struggling with hair loss, baldness, or receding hairlines. It's a viable solution to androgenetic alopecia, male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, and other types of hair thinning conditions. By choosing this treatment, individuals can reclaim their confidence and enjoy a fuller, healthier hairline.
Understanding the Processes of Hair Transplant In Turkey: Follicular Unit Extraction and Transplantation
When it comes to restoring confidence and self-esteem, a hair transplant in Turkey has become a popular solution for many. Understanding the intricate processes of FUE Hair Transplant Turkey and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) can help you make an informed decision about your hair restoration journey.
Follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplantation are the two main procedures utilized in hair grafting. Both techniques involve removing hair from a donor area of the scalp and transplanting it to a recipient area, usually the balding or thinning sections.
In the follicular unit extraction process, individual hair follicles are extracted directly from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the head where hair is more resistant to balding. These follicles are then implanted into the recipient area. The main advantage of this technique is that it leaves minimal scarring, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer to wear their hair short.
On the other hand, follicular unit transplantation involves removing a strip of skin from the donor area. This strip is then divided into individual follicular units which are implanted into the recipient area. While this may leave a minor scar in the donor area, the technique allows for a larger number of hair follicles to be transplanted in a single session.
Regardless of the method chosen, the success of a hair transplant largely depends on the skill and expertise of the surgeon performing the scalp surgery. The transplantation should be done with precision to ensure that the implanted hair follicles grow in the same direction as the existing hair, providing a natural and undetectable result.
In conclusion, both follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplantation are effective hair grafting techniques used in Turkey. The choice between the two typically depends on the individual’s hair type, the size of the donor area, and personal preferences. Consulting with a professional can help determine the best course of action for each individual case.
Enhancing Hair Growth and Density through Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has become a popular solution for people who wish to regain a full head of hair. This procedure is not just about restoring hair density but also about achieving a natural look that blends seamlessly with your existing hair.
The process of hair transplant involves the transfer of hair follicles from a part of your body with sufficient hair coverage to the balding or thinning areas, essentially stimulating hair growth and regrowth in those regions. This technique ensures an increase in hair density, which is crucial for those desiring a fuller head of hair.
One of the major advantages of getting a hair transplant in Turkey is that it offers a permanent solution to hair loss. Unlike hair growth products that require continuous use, a hair transplant offers long-lasting results. Once the transplanted hair follicles have fully healed and grown, you can expect them to behave just like your natural hair. This means you can cut, color, and style them as you please.
But a hair transplant goes beyond just increasing hair density. The procedure aims to give you a natural look, with the transplanted hair blending seamlessly with your existing hair. This gives an impression of natural hair growth, which can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem.
Of course, after undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey, it's important to adopt a healthy hair care routine to maintain the results. This includes regular shampooing, conditioning, and overall protection of your hair from harmful environmental factors. Remember, healthy hair care is essential not just for the transplanted hair but also for your existing hair.
In conclusion, a hair transplant in Turkey offers a promising solution for those struggling with hair loss. It can improve hair density, provide a natural look, and offer a permanent solution to hair loss. With the right healthy hair care, you can maintain these results and enjoy the benefits of a full head of hair.
Understanding Anesthesia, Post-Operation Care, and Recovery Time in Hair Transplantation: The Role of Professional Expertise
Anesthesia plays a crucial role in hair transplant procedures. It is the first step in the process, ensuring that the patient is comfortable and pain-free throughout the surgery. The type of anesthesia used typically depends on the specific hair transplant method chosen. It is administered by a hair surgeon with professional expertise, underscoring the importance of choosing a well-qualified and experienced professional for your hair transplant in Turkey.
Following the procedure, post-operation care is an integral part of the hair transplant process. This involves carefully following the surgeon's instructions to ensure optimal healing and growth of the transplanted hair. Post-operation care may include specific guidelines on washing and treating the scalp, the use of certain hair products, and the need to avoid certain activities that may interfere with the healing process.
Additionally, it's essential to understand the recovery time associated with a hair transplant. While this can vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific surgical technique used, most patients can expect to see the full results of their hair transplant within six to twelve months post-operation. However, some initial results, such as the cessation of hair loss and the growth of new hair, can often be observed within a few weeks of the surgery.
The professional expertise of your hair surgeon plays a pivotal role in every stage of the hair transplant process, from the administration of anesthesia to the guidance provided for post-operation care and setting realistic expectations for recovery time. Therefore, when considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it's crucial to choose a surgeon with a proven track record in the field. This will not only ensure the highest standards of safety and care throughout the procedure but also increase the likelihood of achieving the best possible results from your hair transplant.
Enhancing Hair Transplant Success: Role of Scarring and Hair Care Routine in Turkey
Hair transplants in Turkey have emerged as a go-to solution for individuals grappling with hair loss. However, the success of this procedure doesn't end at the surgeon's table. It extends into post-surgery care, particularly in the areas of scarring, hair care routine, and hair hygiene.
Scarring is a common concern among individuals seeking a hair transplant. The visibility and extent of scarring can greatly impact the overall result of the procedure. It is essential to understand that proper scalp health care can minimize the appearance of these scars. A healthy scalp forms a vital base for the new hair follicles, promoting their growth and ensuring the longevity of the transplant.
Hair hygiene is another critical factor that shouldn't be neglected post-surgery. Washing your hair with the right hair products helps in maintaining the cleanliness of the scalp, preventing any infections that could potentially affect the newly transplanted follicles. It is advisable to use a shampoo and conditioner that are gentle on the scalp and nourishing for the hair.
In addition, incorporating hair oil into your hair care routine can also be beneficial. It helps in nourishing the scalp and supports the growth of healthy hair. It's important to remember that a well-nourished scalp promotes better hair growth, which is crucial for the overall results of the hair transplant.
The use of hair masks is another effective way to provide the necessary nutrients to your scalp and hair. Hair masks can offer deep conditioning, strengthening the hair follicles, and enhancing the health of your scalp. It's an excellent addition to your hair care routine, especially after undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey.
Lastly, here are some hair care tips to consider post-transplant. Avoid exposing your scalp to harsh environmental conditions, such as excessive sun or pollutants. Maintain a balanced diet to provide essential nutrients for hair growth. Regularly massage your scalp to improve blood circulation, promoting healthier hair growth.
In conclusion, maintaining proper scalp health, following a healthy hair care routine, and using the right hair products are critical for a successful hair transplant. These factors also help in minimizing scarring and ensuring your new hair grows out healthy and strong. Remember, the journey to a successful hair transplant goes beyond the surgery; it continues well into your post-surgery care and routine.
Exploring Non-Surgical Alternatives to Hair Transplant in Turkey
Engaging in hair transplant procedures is a common solution for those experiencing hair loss. However, Turkey is not only famous for its surgical hair transplant methods but also its wide array of non-surgical options. These alternatives are often more affordable, less invasive, and require significantly less recovery time than surgical procedures.
One of the most popular non-surgical options for hair restoration in Turkey is medical treatment. These treatments employ the use of DHT blockers and hair regrowth medications, which are specifically designed to combat hair loss and promote the growth of new hair. DHT blockers work by inhibiting the production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone known to contribute to hair loss.
Finasteride and Minoxidil are two of the most commonly used hair regrowth medications in Turkey. Finasteride is a DHT blocker, while Minoxidil is a vasodilator, which increases blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulating growth and thickening the hair shaft. Both of these medications have proven successful in slowing down hair loss and promoting hair regrowth.
PRP therapy, also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy, is another non-surgical option that is gaining popularity in Turkey. This therapy involves the injection of the patient's own platelets into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. The platelets, rich in growth factors, work to repair damaged hair follicles, leading to increased hair growth.
Mesotherapy is also a widely practiced non-surgical hair restoration method in Turkey. It involves the injection of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the scalp to nourish and stimulate the hair follicles. This method is believed to enhance the health of the hair and scalp, promoting hair growth.
Laser therapy is another non-surgical treatment that utilizes low-level lasers to stimulate hair follicles, increase blood flow, and enhance hair growth. This method is often recommended for those with early-stage hair loss.
Lastly, scalp micropigmentation is a cosmetic procedure where pigments are injected into the scalp to create the appearance of a fuller, denser head of hair. This method is particularly popular for those looking to conceal thinning hair or balding areas without undergoing a surgical procedure.
In conclusion, there are numerous non-surgical options available for hair restoration in Turkey. Each method has its own advantages and suitability, depending on the individual's hair condition and personal preferences. Therefore, it's crucial to consult with a professional to identify the most suitable treatment based on your specific needs.
The Impact of Hairstyling Practices on the Need for Hair Transplant in Turkey
In the realm of personal grooming, hair styles play a prominent role in defining one's appearance. From curling and straightening to braiding and coloring, there is an endless spectrum of hairstyling tools and techniques individuals resort to, in order to create the unique look they desire. However, these practices could potentially lead to hair damage, and in severe cases, might even necessitate a hair transplant.
The frequent use of hairstyling tools, such as hair straighteners, curlers, and blow dryers, can cause considerable heat damage to the hair. This heat damage is a result of the excessive temperature that these tools employ to alter the hair's structure. Over time, this can lead to hair becoming brittle, dry, and prone to breakage, which may increase the need for a hair transplant in Turkey, a country known for its expertise in the field.
Similarly, chemical treatments like hair dye and hair bleach can significantly impact the hair's health. Hair dye and bleach work by opening the hair cuticle and changing the hair's natural pigment. This process, while effective for changing hair color, can be detrimental to the hair's overall health, leading to weakened hair strands, split ends, and hair loss. Subsequently, individuals suffering from severe hair damage due to such treatments may find themselves considering a hair transplant.
Hair straightening treatments, for instance, Japanese and Brazilian straightening, can also contribute to hair damage. These treatments involve the use of chemicals to break down the hair's natural structure and then rebuild it in a straightened form. The harsh chemicals used in these processes can cause hair to become weak and brittle, leading to hair loss.
Hair braiding, on the other hand, when done excessively tight, can lead to a condition known as traction alopecia. This condition, characterized by gradual hair loss, is caused by the prolonged tension on the hair strands. It is a common issue among individuals who often wear their hair in tight braids or ponytails, and it may eventually lead to the need for a hair transplant.
In conclusion, while hairstyling tools and techniques can help individuals achieve various hair styles, it's important to use them mindfully. The excessive use or misuse of these tools and treatments can lead to considerable hair damage, and in severe cases, may necessitate a hair transplant. While Turkey offers high-quality hair transplant services, prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, it's crucial to take proper care of your hair and use hairstyling tools and treatments responsibly.
Essential Hair Care Tools for Post-Transplant Maintenance in Turkey
After a hair transplant in Turkey, maintaining the health and appearance of your new hair is crucial. This is where hair accessories come in handy. These tools not only help you style your hair but also help in ensuring its health and longevity.
The hair brush is a fundamental accessory for anyone who has had a hair transplant. It helps to distribute natural oils from the scalp to the ends of the hair, keeping it moisturized and healthy. Furthermore, brushing your hair regularly can also prevent tangling and breakage.
Just as important as the hair brush is the hair comb. Ideal for detangling hair without causing unnecessary stress, a hair comb is a must-have in your hair care kit post-transplant. It is particularly beneficial for those who have had a hair transplant, as it helps prevent pulling or tugging on the new hair follicles.
Another key accessory for maintaining your newly transplanted hair is the hair dryer. While air-drying is the most gentle method, sometimes it may not be practical or possible. A hair dryer can speed up the drying process and give your hair a polished, styled look.
However, it's important to remember that heat can potentially damage hair. This is where hair straighteners and hair curlers come into play. These tools allow you to style your hair while minimizing the potential damage caused by heat. Hair straighteners can help tame frizz and give hair a sleek, smooth appearance. On the other hand, hair curlers can add volume and bounciness to your hair, giving it a fuller look post-transplant.
Finally, hair clips, hair bands, hair pins, and hair ties are all essential accessories to have in your arsenal. These tools help keep hair out of your face, secure hairstyles, and add a touch of style to your look. They are particularly useful during the healing process post-transplant when you need to keep hair away from the scalp to reduce tension on new hair follicles.
In conclusion, while having a hair transplant in Turkey can give you a renewed sense of confidence with a fuller head of hair, it is crucial to maintain the health and appearance of your new hair with the right hair accessories. These tools can make your post-transplant care routine easier and more efficient, ensuring that your new hair remains as healthy and vibrant as possible.
Exploring Hair Transplant Alternatives in Turkey: Extensions, Wigs, Toupees, Weaves, and Pieces
Hair transplant in Turkey offers a diverse range of solutions for individuals experiencing hair loss. However, not everyone is comfortable with the idea of undergoing a surgical procedure. This is where hair extensions, wigs, toupees, hair weaves, and hair pieces come into play. These non-surgical solutions can provide an immediate transformation without the need for a surgical procedure.
Hair extensions are a popular choice for those who want to add volume and length to their existing hair. They are attached to the natural hair and can blend seamlessly, giving the illusion of fuller, longer hair. Extensions can be made from real or synthetic hair, and Turkey is known for its high-quality hair extensions that can match a variety of hair types and colors.
For individuals experiencing significant hair loss, wigs may be a more suitable option. Wigs can provide a completely new look, covering the entire scalp. The modern-day wigs available in Turkey are designed to look and feel natural, offering an impressive level of comfort and realism.
Toupees, on the other hand, are smaller than wigs and are typically used to cover specific areas of hair loss, such as the crown of the head. Toupees in Turkey are custom-made to match the individual's hair color, texture, and density, ensuring a seamless blend with the existing hair.
Hair weaves are another non-surgical solution to hair loss. This method involves braiding the existing hair and sewing in additional hair, either in wefts or as individual strands. Hair weaves can add significant volume and length, and are a popular choice in Turkey for individuals with thinning hair.
Lastly, hair pieces are similar to toupees, but they are typically used to cover smaller areas of hair loss. Hair pieces can be clipped, glued, or sewn into the existing hair, providing a solution that is both natural-looking and secure.
In conclusion, while hair transplant is a popular solution for hair loss in Turkey, there are numerous non-surgical alternatives available. From hair extensions to wigs, toupees, hair weaves, and hair pieces, individuals experiencing hair loss have a wealth of options to choose from.
Enhancing Your Look Post Hair Transplant in Turkey: Eye Makeup and Eyebrow Techniques
One of the best ways to complement your new hair transplant in Turkey is to pay attention to other areas of your face, such as your eyes and eyebrows. Opting for false eyelashes, for instance, can really make your eyes pop and draw attention to your beautiful new hairline. False eyelashes come in a variety of styles to suit every eye shape and personal preference. From dramatic, thick lashes for a night out to subtle, natural-looking lashes for everyday wear, you're sure to find the perfect pair to enhance your look.
Eyebrow shaping is another way to highlight your newly transplanted hair. A well-shaped eyebrow can change the entire look of your face and create a more balanced, harmonious appearance. Whether you prefer a bold, thick eyebrow or a thin, delicate shape, a professional can help you achieve your desired look.
Eyebrow threading is a popular method of eyebrow shaping. This technique uses a thin cotton thread to remove unwanted hair, creating a clean, precise shape. Alternatively, eyebrow waxing is a quick and efficient method of removing large amounts of hair at once. Both methods can help define your eyebrows and enhance your overall look.
Eyebrow tinting is another service you might want to consider after your hair transplant in Turkey. This procedure involves applying a semi-permanent dye to your eyebrows, giving them a fuller, more defined appearance. The color can be customized to match your new hair color perfectly, ensuring a cohesive look.
Eyebrow microblading is a more permanent solution for those looking to enhance their eyebrows. This technique involves tattooing individual hair strokes onto the skin, creating the illusion of fuller, perfectly shaped eyebrows.
To further highlight your eyes, consider eyelash extensions. These semi-permanent lashes are glued to your natural lashes, creating a fuller, longer look. They can last for several weeks with proper care, making them a convenient option for those who want to minimize their daily makeup routine.
An eyelash curler can also help to lift and curl your lashes, creating an open, awake look. This tool can be used on both your natural lashes and eyelash extensions.
Eyelash serum is another great product to incorporate into your routine. This product is designed to nourish your lashes, promoting growth and strength. Combined with mascara, eyelash serum can help your lashes look fuller and longer.
Speaking of mascara, this essential makeup product can help enhance your lashes, adding length and volume. Whether you prefer a waterproof formula or a lengthening one, mascara is a must-have item to complement your hair transplant in Turkey.
In conclusion, while your new hair transplant in Turkey is sure to enhance your appearance, don't forget about your eyes and eyebrows. By utilizing techniques like eyebrow shaping, threading, and tinting, and incorporating tools and products like false eyelashes, eyelash extensions, eyelash curlers, eyelash serum, and mascara, you can create a balanced, harmonious look that truly highlights your new hair.
Preparing Your Skin for Hair Transplant in Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide to Skin Care
Before embarking on your journey for a hair transplant in Turkey, it's essential to consider the health of your skin. This includes the routine of makeup removal, using the right facial cleanser, moisturizer, and more. Proper skin care is crucial in creating the best environment for a successful hair transplant procedure.
Firstly, makeup removal is a must. The chemicals in makeup can interfere with the hair transplant process, and hence, it's important to thoroughly cleanse your skin before the procedure. A gentle facial cleanser should be used to remove all traces of makeup and dirt from your skin. This facilitates a clean surface for the hair transplant procedure, promoting better graft survival and overall results.
Next, moisturizing is a step that should never be skipped. A good moisturizer helps maintain the skin's natural moisture barrier and provides a protective layer for your skin. This is vital in the days leading up to your hair transplant in Turkey as it can help keep your skin in optimal condition for the procedure.
Sunscreen also plays an important role in pre-hair transplant skin care. It is essential to shield your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, as sun damage can affect the health of your skin and potentially impact the success of your hair transplant.
Anti-aging creams and serums are beneficial for maintaining the elasticity and health of your skin. Face serums, in particular, deliver a high concentration of active ingredients to your skin, which can aid in creating a healthier environment for your hair transplant.
Skin exfoliation is another crucial step. It helps in removing dead skin cells, allowing your skin to better absorb the nutrients from your skincare products. However, remember to exfoliate gently to avoid causing any irritation or damage to your skin.
Acne treatment is also important. If you are prone to breakouts, it's advised to manage your acne before your hair transplant procedure. This is because active acne can pose a risk of infection during the procedure.
The use of a face mask can help deliver nutrients deep into your skin, and an under eye cream can help maintain the health of the delicate skin around your eyes. This complete skincare routine will ensure that your skin is in its best condition, ready for your hair transplant in Turkey.
Enhancing Your Look: The Importance of Lip Care in Hair Transplant Recovery in Turkey
When discussing hair transplant in Turkey, it's not just about the hair on your head. As a holistic process, it also involves paying attention to other aspects of your appearance. One often overlooked area is lip care. This article will delve into the significance of lip care post-hair transplant, and how elements like lip balm, lip scrub, and lip mask can aid in your overall recovery and appearance.
Firstly, let's address the importance of lip care. Your lips, much like your scalp, are sensitive and prone to dryness and irritation. This can be exacerbated by the stress and strain your body goes through during a hair transplant. Therefore, taking care of your lips is a crucial part of the recovery process.
Lip balm is a key component of lip care. It helps to keep your lips moisturized and protected, particularly in the dry climate of Turkey. Regular application of lip balm can prevent chapping and flaking, ensuring your lips remain soft and supple. It may not directly impact your hair transplant results, but it can definitely enhance your overall appearance.
A good lip scrub, on the other hand, is all about exfoliation. It gently removes dead skin cells, revealing the fresh and healthy skin beneath. This is particularly beneficial after a hair transplant, as your body is working hard to heal and renew itself. Incorporating a lip scrub into your post-transplant skincare routine can thus not only maintain the health of your lips but also contribute to a more vibrant and youthful look.
Lastly, let's talk about the lip mask. Much like a face mask, a lip mask is designed to provide an intense burst of hydration and nourishment. After a hair transplant procedure, your body needs all the care it can get. A lip mask can provide that extra boost, leaving your lips feeling revitalized and refreshed.
In conclusion, while the primary focus of a hair transplant in Turkey is to address hair loss, it's important not to neglect other aspects of your appearance. Lip care, involving the use of lip balm, lip scrub, and lip mask, plays a crucial role in your overall recovery and aesthetic appeal. So, while you're caring for your new hair, don't forget to show some love to your lips as well.
Enhancing Hair Growth Post-Transplant: The Role of Vitamins, Diet, and Lifestyle
The success of a hair transplant in Turkey is not solely dependent on the surgical procedure. Rather, it is a combination of the procedure itself and the aftercare that the patient adheres to. A crucial aspect of this aftercare involves paying close attention to one's diet and lifestyle, which can significantly influence the overall outcome of the hair transplant.
Hair vitamins, such as biotin, play an integral part in promoting healthy hair growth after a hair transplant. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is renowned for its role in improving the infrastructure of keratin, a protein that makes up hair, skin, and nails. By incorporating biotin-rich foods into your diet or taking biotin supplements, you can potentially enhance the growth of your transplanted hair.
A protein-rich diet is another vital component for hair growth post-transplant. Hair follicles are primarily made up of protein, thus a diet lacking in this nutrient can hinder hair growth and lead to hair weakness. Consuming protein-rich foods can provide the necessary nutrients for the new hair follicles, ensuring their optimal growth and strength.
Stress management is undeniably crucial in the hair transplant journey. High levels of stress can potentially lead to hair loss, a situation that can be devastating, particularly after a hair transplant. Engaging in stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or even simple breathing exercises can aid in maintaining a healthy mental state, thus promoting better hair health.
Lastly, living a healthy lifestyle is key to successful hair growth after a hair transplant in Turkey. This includes regular exercise, adequate sleep, and abstaining from harmful habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. These practices not only promote overall health but also ensure that your body is in the best condition to support and sustain the newly transplained hair follicles.
In conclusion, hair transplant success is not just about the procedure but also about the aftercare. By considering these factors - hair vitamins like biotin, maintaining a protein-rich diet, managing stress, and living a healthy lifestyle, patients can significantly increase the chances of their hair transplant success.
Enhancing Hair Transplant Success: Incorporating Healthy Habits in Turkey
After having a hair transplant in Turkey, it is essential to follow a comprehensive post-operative care routine to ensure the success of the procedure. This involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, following a strict hair care routine, and ensuring optimal scalp health.
A protein-rich diet forms the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, which is a critical aspect of hair transplant recovery. Consuming foods high in protein, such as lean meats, eggs, and legumes, can significantly enhance the growth and strength of new hair follicles. Moreover, incorporating hair vitamins like biotin into your diet can further enhance the health and vibrancy of your hair.
Alongside a balanced diet, stress management plays an equally important role in hair transplant success. Chronic stress can negatively impact the health of your hair, slowing down the growth of new hair follicles. Therefore, following stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can significantly enhance the outcomes of a hair transplant procedure.
Hair hygiene is another critical aspect of post-operative care. Using the right hair products, such as a gentle shampoo and conditioner, can help maintain the health of newly transplanted hair follicles. It's also essential to regularly apply hair oil and a hair mask to keep your scalp nourished, ensuring the longevity of the transplant.
A personalized hair care routine can go a long way in preserving the results of your hair transplant. This might include regular hair washing, using a soft towel to dry your hair, and avoiding harsh hair products. Regular scalp massages can also stimulate blood flow and promote hair growth.
These hair care tips, combined with a healthy lifestyle and stress management, can significantly enhance the success of a hair transplant procedure. While a hair transplant in Turkey can provide you with a full head of hair, maintaining it requires consistent effort and care. So, embrace these habits for a successful hair transplant journey. Remember, your hair is an investment, and how you treat it post-transplant can determine how long-lasting and effective your transplant results will be.
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pragmatiks · 1 year
Neohairtransplant - Devasa+ (3)
Neo hair transplant company is a company that is very popular in hair transplantation, uses high-tech tools, has thousands of customers from both Turkey and the world, and offers high service quality. They deserve the title of best hair clinic in turkey because they have 10 years of experience. If you are looking for the best hair transplant Turkey company, you are at the right place. She continues her hair transplant operations as an A++ and JCI certified hair transplant clinic in Turkey. Thanks to its large staff of specialist doctors who greatly value customer health, many successful hair transplants have been performed without any problems and by ensuring customer satisfaction. It has become a reliable company not only in our country but also around the world. The most curious issue about the company, which includes the latest technology devices, is the price issue. It is not possible to give a clear answer about Turkey hair transplant cost. The number of grafts to be planted is taken into account in pricing. For this reason, prices vary from person to person.
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ghostchems · 7 months
baptized in blood - mary goore x f!reader
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a/n: here is the surprised! based on a dream i had. culty end of the world vibes here. there is smut and violence and drama and mary bein a little bit bloody because that's who they are. dipping my toe into goore-land. about 3.6k words. ao3 link!
You will never forget the day Mary Goore rolled into town. It was two months to the day that the virus spread and the world went to shit. You were taking a walk down Main Street to get some fresh air after spending most of the morning collecting eggs from the hen house. Everyone in town did their part on the farm — it was how they had lasted this long with enough food to go around. The air was cool and brisk but the sun was shining, warming your skin as you walked leisurely. You weren’t thinking of anything in particular when your eyes settled on his figure in the distance.
The first thing you saw was the blood. His face was covered in it, starting from the top of his head and running down past his chin and neck. Messy black hair spilled into his forehead. Despite what initially appeared to be a wound, he was walking with such purpose and power. His outfit looked just as unkempt as his appearance: muddy black boots, ripped black skinny jeans and a stained T-shirt with the sleeves torn off. He looked like he was on a mission. They walked down the center of the street while you were off on the sidewalk, your eyes glued to him.
You were the only two on the street that day at that moment. Deep, green eyes flitted to bite into yours, almost as if he was looking inside you. His lips curled into a sinister smirk before his eyes wandered your figure. You stopped in your tracks, your breath catching in your throat as you watched him go on by. He was heading for Town Hall which was the largest building at the end of the street and also was where the mayor and his wife had taken up residence since the surge. 
News spread quickly over the next few days that Mary had taken control of the town. No other details were provided but rumors ran wild. One of them was that he was the mayor’s disgraced son who returned for his revenge. Another was that he was sent by the devil himself to spread uncertainty and chaos in these hellish times. Pretty typical of gossip and rumors spread in a small southern town. You didn’t believe either of the rumors to be true but you still managed to keep your distance from him and the more wild behavior he inspired.
That was your typical strategy when it came to survival. You were a transplant from the north, having moved here to become a representative for Farm Aid, so you already felt like an outsider to the small town. Then, everything went to shit but you did your best to contribute just the same as everyone else but you did keep your distance. You cleaned the coop, picked produce and helped milk the cows, literally anything that you could contribute to you did but you always went back to your studio apartment above the pharmacy. 
You drew the line at participating in the new activities that have become popular since Mary’s arrival, besides at least showing your face at them. The town now had ritualistic burnings for those that passed, piling their bodies up and burning them in a field far enough away from the crops. More and more townspeople began to don the skull paint as well but none dared to replicate Mary’s signature blood spilling from his head down his neck. Bones started to appear along Main Street, sometimes configured in curious arrangements. You were curious but you decided it would be in your best interest to ignore and continue on with your usual tasks. 
Mary started to watch you, though. He seemed to always be around when you were working and you could feel those dark green eyes on you at all times. He made you feel on edge and you refused to meet his eyes. You managed to avoid him for some time until there was a mandatory town “get together” to help smooth over the tensions that were rising due to the new leadership. You stayed as long as you possibly had to before slipping out the back of the cafeteria during a spirited discussion about planning for the upcoming dry season.
“Walk ya home?” His voice caught you by surprise. You thought you were home free but there he was, muddy boots and all. That night he had the signature blood from his forehead down to his neck but he also paired it with corpse paint. You blinked at him a few times, having never been this close to him before.
“Sure.” You couldn’t tell him no, being the man who decided who eats and who doesn’t and all but you were anxious. It was a short walk from the cafeteria to your studio, basically straight down the street until reaching the pharmacy. The two of you walked in silence with the street being illuminated by gas lights lined along it and the dim light of the moon. Your eyes darted around the street, realizing that once again, it was just the two of you like it had been the day he arrived. 
“You’re a hard worker, y’know?” His gravelly voice cut through your thoughts again. When you turn to look at him, his eyes look softer than you’ve ever seen them before. 
“I try.” You offered a sheepish smile. “Not much else to do these days, is there?” 
“Mmm, yeah, but you could’ve just given up. Loads of people have. Just decided to curl up and die.” Mary leaned his arm against yours, brushing against the sleeve of your sweater. You felt a warm blush spread across your cheeks. 
“I mean, I definitely stayed inside in bed for the first couple of weeks of this thing.” You shifted your gaze back to the street in front of you. “But then it didn’t go away.” 
Your words hung in the air for the rest of the walk. Mary was silent but stayed close to you, his side pressed against yours. Your feet came to a slow stop as you reached the door to the stairs that led up to your studio. 
“This is me.” You turn around to face them, your arms crossed over your chest. Mary’s eyes drifted over your figure and he took a step closer to you. You instinctively took a step away from him, your back hitting the door. 
“You’re like me, y’know.” Their voice dropped deeper as he closed in on you further. “You’re an outsider to these people, baby.  You’re not about their bullshit.” He leaned in so close to you, his hands resting on the door beside your body. You knew he was right. You knew the second he saw you on the street that day he knew. You swallowed thickly, your gaze falling to his plump lips that were curled into a grin. This is why you stayed away from him. You were afraid of being seen as what you are but he saw you. And now, you were trapped by him.
Mary leaned in, their lips coming incredibly close to yours before he tilted his head to just miss giving you a kiss. Instead, his mouth found your neck, nibbling and kissing it sloppily as his arms curled around you. You gave a surprised groan, your hands immediately snapping up to grasp at his shirt. His kisses trailed up from your neck to your jaw before he settled just by your lips. Again, you stared into those deep, green eyes and you knew that he saw you for what you really were. 
A growl ripped from his throat as your lips connected and his hand snaked up from your hip to tangle into your hair. The kiss was desperate and deep, all tongue and teeth. You could taste the saltiness of the blood on his lips as his tongue pushed into your mouth. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this fire inside you, the burning desire that only continued to spread between your legs. The kiss ended abruptly, the both of you panting and pressing against each other needily, until you came to your senses.
You spun around and pulled the door to the stairs open before booking it to your apartment. Mary was close behind you, his boney fingers hooked on to the back of your jeans. You fiddled with your keys as you reached the door to your apartment, your hands shaking from the excitement. They are right behind you, his chest pressing firmly into your back and his crotch rutting into your ass. You couldn’t help but whine, feeling how hard he already was through his jeans.
The door finally popped open and before you had time to react, he grabbed you by the waist and scooped you up only to toss you onto your bed. He had you pinned so quickly, his hips desperately grinding into you. 
“Fuck!” You cried out as their hands worked to tear your sweater off of you. Once it was off, his lips parted and he growled deeply, looking down at your exposed chest. His arms curled around your back and he lifted you up to him, his mouth connecting with your collarbone. He was like a wild animal, his teeth biting and sucking at your delicate skin. Heat spread beneath it and your head fell back on your shoulders as he dipped down lower to flick his tongue against your nipple.
They latched their mouth onto your breast, his tongue licking across the nipple as his other hand groped at the other. Your mouth hung open and a deep moan bubbled up from your chest, your fingers tangling in his hair and pushing him even further into your chest. He grunted against you, happily burying his face between your breasts upon your direction. 
“You are so fuckin’ beautiful, sugar.” Mary praised as he lifted his head from your chest, his eyelids heavy and the blood and paint on his face smudged. He looked completely wrecked and he hadn’t even fucked you yet. You tugged him further on top of you and grabbed at his studded belt. They took the hint and started to pull your pants and underwear down your legs. He whined at the sight of you and he swiped his finger along your drench cunt, then bringing it up to his lips to taste you. “Fuckin’ hell, you taste so good.” 
All you could offer was an exasperated whine, his belt proving to be a bit too complicated for how impatient you were. The way he smiled at you – you’ll never forget it, somehow being equal parts sweet and slimy. He somehow freed himself with ease, his pretty cock falling from his jeans, precum already collecting at the tip. Mary spat on the head of his cock then stroked himself to spread his spit. You wrapped your legs around him as you watched him touch himself, almost succumbing to reaching between the two of you and offering yourself some relief before he shoved you back onto the bed, his cock pressed against your entrance.
Your breath caught in your throat as he hovered above you, your cheeks flushed and your eyes wide. He pushed in carefully, stretching you wide and feeling how he deliciously filled you. They held themselves there for a moment before he fucked into you relentlessly, his thrusts deep and hungry. You pulled him down even further, forcing his forehead against yours so you could watch him. He bit down hard on his lip, hard enough to draw blood as his throat filled with husky growls. 
You were so far gone. He fucked you hard and fast, exactly how you liked it. You felt your muscles tense and the fire in your abdomen was getting so close to bursting. Mary’s own moans filled your ears along with the sound of smacking flesh. You needed this. You didn’t realize how badly you did. But he knew. The feeling overtook you, your walls fluttering around his cock as your gut tightened and your back arched. You screamed his name in a shattered breath.
You were almost embarrassed by how quickly you came if not for Mary being right behind you. Maybe it had been sometime for him as well. His nails dug into your hips as his thrusts became more stuttered and erratic, his wild eyes boring into yours. Groans caught in his throat and he quickly pulled out, his hand working to take him all the way. He emptied himself on your stomach with raspy gasps.
You looked at him with hazy eyes, your body limp on the bed as you watched him pull his pants back up. His expression was positively devious and the paint and blood on his face were smeared all across his lips. 
“See ya around, sweetheart.” He offered you a wink and then sauntered out of your studio apartment, leaving you there with his seed on your stomach. 
That was the start of it.
Now, the two of you cannot get enough of each other. He is always there, watching you clean the coops and work on the farm but now his very presence makes your cheeks burn and your thighs ache. You are sneaky about your rendezvous, not wanting to cause unnecessary gossip or issues arise among the townspeople. There is a storm shelter entrance to the basement of town hall, which is where Mary has set up shop as him and is also where you enter to see him, avoiding coming in the front and running the risk of being seen. And you can’t help but enjoy the secrecy – it makes it all the more exciting.
You are sure that he loves you. The way his face lights up when he sees you, the way he can’t keep his hands off of you… he has to keep you close whenever you are near. You originally weren’t sure a man like him was capable of love but it is clear to you now. 
You think you might love him too.
Today, you are in his lap and his cock is buried deep inside you, seed spilling out from you and onto his bed. He lazily strokes at your clit with his pointer finger, up and down as your head falls to his shoulder and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
“So good for me, huh, baby?” Mary purrs into your ear and nips at your earlobe playfully. “One of these days I’m going to put a baby in ya, I think.” He licks at the spot just below your ear and you give a shuddered whine. Doesn’t he have such a way with words? “One more time for daddy.” They hum and start to rub at your clit more roughly than before. 
Your back arches against his chest and your fingers dig into his hairy things while strangled moans spilled from your lips. He uses one of his hands to push your legs open even further and his other hand works diligently against your swollen clit, tracing harsh circles along it.
“Atta girl.” They coo in your ear. You can tell he is smiling from how his mouth feels on you, his own heavy breaths filling yours. “So perfect for daddy.” He presses down on your clit and you scream out his name, your vision blurring and your body convulsing. Mary murmurs more soft praises in your ear as your chest heaves and you collapse against him. They have you snuggled up in their arms, their face nuzzled in your neck. 
There is a loud noise from upstairs that knocks you both from your blissed out haze. You spin your head to catch a glimpse of Mary who is already slipping out from you and throwing his jeans on. You start to collect your clothes from the bed and the floor, your throat starting to become dry from the increasing noise coming from just above you. Mary is already angrily running up the stairs while you manage to get your clothes on.
There’s yelling and more clattering and then a scream. You can’t stop yourself from shooting to your feet and scurrying up the stairs. You stop short of the door, knowing that if you step through the jig could be up. Another scream rings out and you push the door open, stumbling out into the assembly room. 
Mary is standing over Bubba, the town drunk. How he has been able to find booze during these times, no one knows, but he manages to stay slippery all day every day. He is on the ground giggling like an idiot. Mary seems exasperated. Bubba slowly realizes that you are there and he explodes into more laughter.
“O’course you’d be all about them weird girls, wouldn’t ya, Mary?” He manages between laughter. “Gotta use ‘em for somethin, right?”
You feel rage you haven’t quite felt in a long time but it is quickly quelled once Mary lands a harsh kick to Bubba’s head. He looks to you, his eyebrows knit together but his teeth are barred and his lips are stretched into an angry scowl. You don’t want to be around for whatever is going to happen next so you turn on your heel and leave just as the sounds of beating pick up again. 
You wish that what Bubba had said didn’t affect you but it did. Did everyone think you are just a “weird girl”? You put as much effort into keeping things going and running smoothly as the next person, if not more. It cuts you deep, even if you don’t want to admit it. The walk back to your apartment takes no time at all and you figure that a nice, cold shower and a nap would help soothe your thoughts and feelings. You don’t even put clothes on once you are out of the shower, opting to rest for “just a moment” in your towel before zonking.
You end up napping for longer than you anticipated, only to be woken up by screams coming from outside of your window. Confusion sets in as you blink your eyes open and the smell of smoke fills your nostrils. You shoot up out of bed and gaze out the window, only to see fire. Lots of fire.
The crops. 
You quickly throw a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt on before taking off out of your apartment. The street is filled with people, more so than you’ve ever seen it. Some are wailing, some are silent. Most don’t even notice you as you run by them, heading straight for town hall. You’re sure Mary already knows but you couldn’t stop yourself from running to him. There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach. Maybe something happened while you were asleep. An uprising? A fight? 
By the time you make it to town hall, you are out of breath. You push the doors open, probably the first time you’ve ever walked in through the main entrance on your own. You gasp sharply as your eyes focus on what is in front of you. A trail of blood covers the floor, leading your gaze to Bubba.
He is crucified on the wall, right on top of a map of the town. Knives are buried deep in his palms and ankles. His head is hung low, his throat slit and blood spilling down his chest. You don’t know how to react. You think you should at least scream but you’re frozen, unable to tear your eyes away from Bubba.
“There ya are, baby!” 
Your head wrenches to the sound of his voice. Mary is covered in blood, more so than usual. His face is completely covered and his hands and arms up to his elbows are stained red. He is twirling a knife in his hand as he walks over to you at a leisurely pace.
“The… the crops.” That's all you can manage to say. You point in the vague direction of them. He is smiling at you, his bright white teeth a deep contrast to the dark red of the blood covering his lips.
“They needed to be punished, darlin’.” He sets the knife down on one of the meeting tables before he reaches you. 
“B-but the food supply--”
“You will be fed.” Mary’s voice drops to a dangerous level, his eyes shining with madness you’ve never seen before. “You’re my baby, baby. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. They need to be punished.” A blooded hand reaches out for you and rests on your cheek. “After what they said about you… they are going to learn a lil’ lesson. People will die, sure… but I got you, baby.” His other hand rests on your other cheek and he strokes them with his bloody fingers. 
Mary did this for you. You don’t know what to say; your mind is blank and words are catching in your throat. But you can’t help but… lean into his gentle touch. He is smearing blood all along your cheeks but you don’t mind. The look in his eyes tells you all you need to know.
Unwavering loyalty and love.
You kiss him. You kiss him and you melt into him, throwing your arms around his shoulders. He is your and you are his.
And they will be punished.
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hellfireloserclub · 4 months
Better late than never. I got at least one in for the holiday season!
Day 31 of @steddieholidaydrabbles new-year/resolution
Rating: T warnings: fluff, post traumatic stress, apocalypse I guess?
Doomsday clock
“New year, new me.” Steve grimaced as the clock clicked closer to midnight. As far as he was concerned this party should have been over hours ago, more of a wake for the traumatic year that was 86 than a new year celebration- hold on no they were seeing out 87 now weren't they -The apocalypse really threw off the concept of time.
It wasn't even like he could drink in the new year like the others.
Both him and Eddie were stone cold sober, thanks Vecna, as if destroying their lives hadn't been bad enough. He had to go and take away the comfort of alcohol to numb the trauma. But hey he had some awesome scars, that totally made up for it, right?
The rest of the party were enjoying the party. But he saw it behind their eyes, the childhood that had been taken away, the lost time, the lost chances.
He had slipped away so Robin could finally shoot her shot with Nancy.
He knew it should feel something, regret? Lost opportunity? But he felt nothing. Just empty. His best friend deserved the world, she didn't have to get dragged into this disassociated state with him.
Let her find love.
He had felt Eddie's eyes on him as he excused himself from Joyce's front room, desperately in need of nicotine and to shake himself out of the depressing fug he had dragged himself into.
It didn't surprise him when Eddie followed.
They stood in silence leaning against the railing,watching through the glass as the others passed around drinks, laughed, and smiled as the alcohol did what it was supposed to. Even the kids had been allowed drinks under supervision.
What did it matter, Hawkins was a lawless town. Erased from maps and atlas, a mystery that would disappear in a few years never to be spoken of again.
It didn't exist.
But they did.
The ones who survived. The damned. The cursed and forgotten.
He hadn't meant to utter his words into the silence between him and Eddie, but it had happened anyway.
“New year, new you?” Eddie always made sure that Steve could see his lips when he spoke, not hiding behind the lengths of hair that had slowly begun to grow back to the lengths that Steve had grown to envy, back before.
Before the end of everything. Before and After. Everything divided straight down a burning red angry line that had ripped the world apart.
Eddie watched as Steve stubbed out his cigarette before turning his attention back fully to Steve's face. Steve's eyes traced the scar that ran across the other man's chin, it was quiet enough outside in the frosty air for him not to need to look at Eddie's mouth as he talked to follow the words. But addiction is a cruel mistress.
And, ever since Eddie army crawled back from Hell itself, Steve had been just that. Addicted.
Eddie had buried under his skin and become as much a part of his life as breathing.
Obviously, Steve hadn't told him that.
Couldn't bring himself to burden the man with the shallow empty shell of what he used to be. Scared, broken, deaf and all the other fun stuff that came with being the human shield, one concussion away from the bitter end. Human chew toy, a disfigured jumpy twitchy mess.
“Yeah, new-year resolutions, traditional shit. New year, new me” Eddie stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray between them. Still watching Steve, as Steve watched him.
“Shame. I like, this you.” Eddie shrugged, hovering just outside of Steve’s personal bubble. Even now unsure if he should or would be let into Steve’s space. “What if you have a personality transplant and you turn back into a douchebag jock? That would never do. I have standards sweetheart. I could never…”
“You could never, what?” Steve watched as Eddie chewed on his bottom lip, his face schooled into the picture of innocence. Without the sound cues Steve was lost to read his expression, but there was something akin to mischief in the other man's eyes.
“It’s not midnight yet, my new year's resolution might change in the-” he glanced at the clock through the large glass doors. “-next seven minutes. You know me Stevie, I’m unpredictable, I zig when I should zag. Plus a New You might severely derail my immediate future plans."
Many things had changed in the After. Eddie was different, less opinionated, no need to fight for the attention of his peers, here in the ashes of a failed civilization, everyone was created equal. Yet sometimes he still spoke like he was leading a campaign or like his words needed to be deciphered with a cryptograph or a cypher. Used as a shield and a way to deflect. He talked in riddles, and tonight the topic of his enigmatic words was evidently Steve himself.
“When have you ever done anything because of me? Mr free will.” Steve found himself stepping forward, letting Eddie into his safe space. The other man seemed to be gearing up to something. So Steve waited.
Eddie tapped his lips in thought and Steve let the movement draw him in.
“Well let's start with a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away when I decided to not stab a bottle through your vocal cords. Kind of a turning point in my life that has sent me hurtling down a path towards this new years resolution if I’m honest.” Eddie stepped closer, it was getting harder for Steve to focus on his lips now, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. The way Eddie was looking at him now was almost animalistic, and Steve had never felt more like prey.
“I mean I chose to follow you out here at- “ he checked the clock again, “- five minutes to midnight and freeze my ass off- a commodity I have little to spare in the first place- to maybe, just maybe be in the right place at the right time for once. Each choice has brought me here. To you. So yeah, I’d say a lot of you, influences a lot of me. Especially your new year's resolution, if it means you’re going to go changing- ” he gestured wildly in Steve’s direction. “-Any of this.”
“Is that so?” Steve looked into the kitchen, his chosen family milling as they jostled to have a drink in their hand as the clock struck twelve. “So I have two minutes to change the world? Talk about a doomsday clock.”
“This isn’t about the world. It’s just about you and me. No doomsday clock needed.” Eddie stepped closer. “Just maybe a new watch battery, so I don’t run late for the date I was gearing up to ask you on. But you know that was the old Steve. Like I said, new Steve might be a douchebag.”
Eddie was stupidly close now.
“How about this?” Steve nudged Eddie's nose with his own, “I ask you out now? And neither of us make resolutions? They're kind of stupid anyway.”
Eddie's eyes studied his own. His pupils danced as he tried to focus on Steve who instinctively lent in.
“Hate to rush you Eds, but you have about thirty sec-” Eddie bit the end of his nose, causing Steve to jump back in shock.
“Don't you doomsday clock me Harrington.” Eddie warned a damn right dangerous look in his eye. Goddammit that shouldn’t do things to him but a blatant want was bubbling in the pit of his stomach.
“Twenty seconds.”
“I think I can just fit you into my busy schedule.”
“Fuck resolutions then.”
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herkonular · 6 months
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Sapphire Hair Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, offers a variety of popular cosmetic procedures, including rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure to reshape the nose. Rhinoplasty is a common procedure that can improve the appearance of the nose, correct breathing problems, and improve facial harmony. Sapphire Hair Clinic uses the latest techniques and technology to ensure optimal results for its patients. The cost of rhinoplasty turkey is generally lower than in other countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking high-quality care at an affordable price. Another popular procedure offered by Sapphire Hair Clinic is hair transplantation, which uses before and after results and techniques to demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure. The clinic specializes in FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant before after and best hair transplant in world you can visit our company, which specializes in its fields. which involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area. This technique provides natural-looking results and requires minimal downtime. Sapphire Hair Clinic also uses the sapphire blade hair transplant method, which is a newer technique that involves the use of sapphire blades to create smaller incisions and minimize scarring. The clinic offers comprehensive care and support throughout the process, including post-operative care and follow-up appointments. In addition to rhinoplasty and hair transplant, Sapphire Hair Clinic also offers Brazilian butt lift (BBL), a popular butt augmentation procedure. Bbl turkey involves removing fat from one area of ​​the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and transferring it to the buttocks to create a shapelier, lifted appearance. The clinic uses advanced techniques to ensure optimal results and offers personalized care and support throughout the process. With its reputation as a market leader in hair transplant and cosmetic procedures, Sapphire Hair Clinic in Turkey is the best choice for those seeking high-quality care and natural-looking results.
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klausysworld · 1 year
hello can you write a one-shot, where klaus and y/n are a couple (there is no hayley and hope) and she has some kind of cancer and klaus always accompanies her in her treatments and gets her the best doctors (because he loves her duh) But there comes a point where his health deteriorates and he needs an organ transplant, but there is no one compatible and if he does not receive his transplant he will die and since Klaus cannot lose her, he causes the brain death of several people so that they can donate their Organs to his girl maybe elijah is outraged and confronts him about the deaths he has created and klaus just says "because i love her". Sorry if this is too distressing.☺️
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It’s okay.
(Third person)
Klaus never once left her side.
The start of their relationship was a little rocky, always is with the Mikaelsons but y/n was kind and accepting. She searched for the good in Klaus, in all of the Mikaelsons. He couldn’t help but fall for her.
That’s why it was such a panic when she began sleeping for so long, when he had to coax her out from the bed or find her passed out in her chair. The concern seeped in as she began coughing continuously. It was when he held her hand rubbing her back and she coughed blood onto the floor did he decide enough was enough.
He had witches coming in to see her, he was certain someone had hexed her, it was supernatural and he was furious when the witches could never tell him what was wrong but he could see their pitiful looks as they looked at his girl.
Finally Freya told him that he should take her to the doctors and he didn’t hesitate. He sped all the way there, carrying her as he jogged to the receptionist and compelled them to see her immediately.
The doctor did many blood tests and took her for scans but explained it would take at least a few hours to get everything back. He stayed with her, making sure she was warm enough and as comfortable as you can be in a hospital bed.
“Klaus…do you think it’s bad?” She asked in a croaky voice and he gently squeezed her hand
“You’re going to be just fine, it’s a chest infection is all” he told her but oh how he was wrong.
Klaus’ heart dropped seeing the pure fear and devastation on y/n’s face, he held her hand tighter trying to bring her back from her spinning mind
“My love, it’s okay, you’re going to have the best treatment and everything will be back to normal, I promise you sweetheart” but she wouldn’t look at him. Her face remained blank as she looked over her scans, the doctor and nurse spoke to them both about possible trials and treatment options, Klaus took multiple leaflets and looked them over fully. He compelled the doctors, surgeons everyone in the hospital for which was the best option.
He was now expecting the call for her to begin her treatment.
All of the Mikaelsons tried their best not to ask questions or make her feel worse.
But it was difficult when she lost so much weight it was almost frightening, her body growing weak and exhausted. Elijah watched as Niklaus carried sweet y/n to the bathroom, his younger brother had tears on his cheeks as he whispered kind words into her hair.
Even the Mikaelsons’ enemies noticed that Klaus wasn’t active in the supernatural world. The one time someone dared to attack, it caused y/n’s breathing to shorted even more than it was and she ended up in hospital, Kol and Rebekah made a display of a warning that the Mikaelsons were not to be messed with for the time being.
Klaus had professional doctors and nurses in the compound all the time. They all had their own rooms and were ready to be on their feet the second he called.
Since starting chemotherapy he didn’t want her to have to be in hospital all the time and so he had everything she could need at home.
“You don’t have to take care of me Klaus, I’ll be fine in a hospital” she would murmur to him but he just shook his head
“I love you to the ends of the universe, i will never leave you, never” he whispered
“I’m never going to be a vampire, even if i make it through this, the vampire blood might make it worse” she choked and he held her tighter
“When sweetheart, when you make it through this. And you do not need to be a vampire for me to love you, i fell in love with you as a human, i still love you as a human and i will continue to love you even when you are old and grey”
“I’m going to die” she uttered holding back a sob
“Not yet, not for a long time yet” he convinced but he could practically hear her heart breaking as she shook her head in defeat.
He repeated the words ‘i love you’ until they both fell asleep, he could sense her hope slipping and it was terrifying. He couldn’t bare the thought of her letting go.
Klaus watched the tears stream down her face as he tried his best to gently brush her thinning hair, clumps coming out with the brush causing her to cry a little louder
Sometimes Rebekah would help but they found it only made her feel worse when they failed at a hairstyle.
Eventually she lost all of it and refused to look at herself. Klaus was sure to try make her feel better. His arms held her small fragile frame as he kissed every millimetre of her head
“You’re so beautiful” “you don’t understand how perfect you are” “you are my heart and soul” “you’re so gorgeous sweetheart”
Sometimes he would have her stand on his feet, a hand on her waist and other around her shoulders holding her against him as her arms circled his torso and he swayed them to the music.
Klaus wasn’t ready for such news. He wasn’t sure how he could possibly tell her that the chemo hadn’t worked the way they hoped. That the risk of the cancer spreading was heightened and they weren’t sure if they could help. He had compelled the doctors to tell him the news first and he was beginning to regret it.
Slowly he took her hands into his shaky ones but just as he opened his mouth to speak she just nodded
“It’s okay” she whispered in a cracked voice
“No it’s okay. It’s okay.” She repeated squeezing his hand and tugging him closer
“It’s okay” he replied with a sniff
Klaus was always trying to find more ways to help.
One day it had been particularly bad, her body wasn’t working right and she’d been barely conscious for nearly a week in a hospital bed. At one point he almost wanted her to pass so that she didn’t have to feel pain.
He kissed the back her hand as he pulled the blankets up around her
“You know that it’s okay. It’s okay to let go if it hurts sweetheart. Just- just know that i will always love you. Please remember that-“ he choked
“You don’t have to suffer anymore, you’re going to be okay” he sobbed. Rebekah stood at the door holding in her own cries while watching the scene unfold.
Thankfully she did not let go that day. She woke up to find Klaus holding her hand between both of his while on his knees facing her, his head resting in his arms while he whispered prayers for her life.
She brought her other hand to run it through his soft hair, his body stuck in place as he feared he had imagined it before slowly, cautiously looking up to her. He held her so tight he feared he may break her.
She no longer left the hospital, the makeshift one at home wasn’t reliable enough and Klaus didn’t want to be the reason she had complications.
And he was glad that he was there when the doctors announced there was a possibility that an organ transplant would help her. A few surgeries, some more chemo and she could get better. It would take time, patience and well a doner but it would be worth it.
But the system was taking too long and her health was getting worse and worse, Klaus no longer slept because what if he missed the moment she left him? What if he wasn’t holding her hand?
He didn’t feed unless y/n begged him to and he barely spoke unless it was to her or a doctor. And even then she mainly slept but he didn’t mind, he liked to think of it as her trying to regain her strength.
Klaus was growing impatient and frustrated and worried.
He couldn’t handle the wait. He had to get her what she needed now.
And so there he was slowly suffocating someone nice and healthy so that their organs would be up for donation. But this person wasn’t on the list. And he was furious.
So he did it again. But this person had the wrong blood type.
Then the next person had turned out to have their own disease that nobody had figured out before until their death.
He was killing people off lest right and centre. He felt as though he was going crazy. Was the world just that against him?
“Please stop making her suffer, just- just make it work. Come on, just work” he whispered as he let the women infront of him struggle against his hold. Once he got the doctors to take the tests he was forever indebted to whatever power granted him the wish. Finally the right person.
And when he told her and he got to see her hopeful smile, he knew that this was forever worth it.
He held her hand as she went under for the surgery and stayed in the waiting room the entire time
“You know that i love you right?” She asked as she was getting ready for the transplant
“Of course i do, of course darling, of course. I love you too, so much” he smiled at her
“I haven’t said it much recently and-“
“It’s okay, I promise, it’s okay, i know, i always know, i just hope that you know too”
She nodded in response and they just basked in each others love.
Elijah approached his brother with a stoic expression. They stood watching y/n with tubes connected to her body. She was still knock out asleep from the surgery and on a range of drugs.
“She would not agree with your methods” Elijah muttered distastefully at his brother
“She’s alive, it’s all that matters” he responded. Uncaring for his brother’s judgment, still in utter bliss that she was finally he getting healthier.
“You murdered people-“
“To save her” he ended but Elijah was still mad
“You have taken innocent lives! Niklaus we were passed this!”
“Elijah…i love her, i would not care if i had to kill every thing on this planet, i wouldn’t care if i had to trade in my own life. For her, i would do anything. I will not feel bad for giving her more time”
“She will not be here forever” he reminded
“When she dies, so will i” he replied quietly and Elijah looked at him with a soft and sad gaze
“You would take you own life?” He asked
“I cannot bare to be without her Elijah- i just can’t” he whispered and Elijah put his hand on his brother’s shoulder
“She’s strong” he told him
“She’s so strong” he repeated
They just had to hope that she would remain strong.
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smileyerim · 1 year
what we could’ve been
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event: @neowritingsnet secret Santa for @jaesqueso <3
pairing: ex!taeyong x ex!reader
genre: comedy, fluff, angsty parts enemies to lovers
length: 5.1k
warnings: mentions of cheating
nets: @kflixnet @neowritingsnet
beta reader: @theonlysoph <3
. . .
You love your little hometown. As silly as it sounds, you truly do appreciate the life your parents built for you here. You love your house, your spacious and lush backyard, the mailman who knows your name, and the coffee shop a mile walk down with the best cherry danishes you have ever eaten.
There’s few things you don’t appreciate about your hometown. The icy winters, the big city transplants taking over the roads with their fancy cars.
The fact that you had to leave.
“You had a choice, you know.” Your best friend Joohyun says through the phone as you walk through the air bridge. The chilling air shocks you as you step off the warm airplane, goosebumps rising immediately.
“No, I don’t think I did.” You hold your phone between your face and shoulder as you readjust your bag on your other shoulder.
You can hear her roll her eyes in the pause she takes before speaking again, “Nobody forced you out. He didn’t force you out. You decided to go. That’s on you.” You stop in your tracks in the busy terminal and take a deep breath. You can’t afford to piss anyone else off.
“What was I supposed to do? Stay and watch the rest of the world fall apart around me? I left before it got worse, and you know it was already bad enough.” You whisper, aware of the listening ears around you as you step onto the escalator taking you down to baggage claim.
She pauses and you can hear another eye roll. “Whatever. I’ll see you soon.”
It’s been 3 years since you’ve last seen him, your last interaction was less than peachy. You had never seen him so angry, definitely never that upset with you. You wince at the memory of how loud he was yelling. The man you were imagining a future with turning so sour towards you. You didn’t even know what you had done until after he had finished laying in on you, but by that point you had no more skin in the game with him. You were done and so was he.
So you picked up and left town 3 weeks after your last fight, growing tired of avoiding the coffee shop near your house because the eyes of Taeyong’s massive friends group were always on you.
You wish you could convince yourself that it is truly whatever, but there’s a part of you that still hurts from the words Taeyong spat at you that night. You know you will have to face him eventually. And that’s fine. Sorta.
You’re both relieved and weighed down when you step out of the airport and see your mom standing by the boot of her car. She lets out a squeal when she spots you, arms opening wide waiting for you to travel over to her. You can’t help but let out a giggle and smile wide, walking at a faster pace than before to meet her in a hug.
“Hi, my baby.” She says into your hair as she holds you tight, rocking side to side. You no longer feel cold in her arms.
“Hi mom.” You whisper into her shoulder.
She loads your bags and you’re on your way home. It’s freaky being back here, watching the town you used to know like the back of your hand zip by. Like an old friend, your hometown feels familiar but distant.
“So, it’s been a while since you’ve been back.” She says and you hum in response.
At your lack of a response she continues, “What happened with Taeyong was heartbreaking for you I know,” but she doesn’t, she doesn’t even know the half of what truly went down between you two. “but running away like that was— it was hard for us Y/N you have to know.”
You stop following the trees with your eyes as you squeeze them shut at her words. You know you hurt a lot of people by leaving, your family the most. But you don’t really want to hear it, you can’t. Your heart can’t take any more. Coming back was hard enough.
“I know, mom, I do.” You whisper, still avoiding her eyes.
“I have something to tell you.” She says after a beat of silence. You whip your head towards her.
“What is it?” She grips the steering wheel tighter and your heart rate rises.
“Listen, you’re not going to like this but— Y/N, trust me I did my best to avoid this but there’s just so much to do and not enough time to do it. And you both are just sitting around for now. So-“ she babbles and as she goes on and on you groan, interrupting her.
“Mom, please, what is it?”
She lets out a sigh. “The Lee’s are co-hosting the New Years party this year and we need you and Taeyong to work together to pull a couple of things together.”
Your stomach drops and the unmistakable cold feeling from before is back, “Are you joking?”
She wasn’t joking.
unknown number: hey i just picked up the rental truck. we need to go pick up the balloon arches. when r u free?
you: who is this?
unknown number: wow.
unknown number: damn.
unknown number: didn’t know u were like that.
you: ????
unknown number: its taeyong.
you: oh.
you: im free at 4.
taeyong: can’t do any sooner? i want to get this over with asap.
you: that disappointed to be around me huh?
taeyong: sorta yeah.
you: fine
you: 3:30
taeyong: see u then
you: see u then :)
taeyong: don’t do that
you: don’t do what
taeyong: whatever
Seeing him again for the first time doesn’t hurt the way you thought it would. He had texted you a charming, “here” when he arrived in front of your parents house. It made shameful butterflies dance up your belly when you realized you hadn’t given him your address, but he knew. He remembered.
Being here now, though, those butterflies have disappeared. They burnt to a crisp when the fury began to flame. It began with his blatant ignorance of your presence, not even a hello as you hopped up to the seat in the U-Haul. Then he turned the radio all the way up to drown out the sound of your voice as you attempted to make conversation. The trap music he chose to play to drown you out did the opposite of what you assumed he had expected it to, the thumping bass just frustrating you more as your ears pounded with a growing headache. It doesn’t help that he’s chosen probably the most beat up road to the workshop, the big rental truck absorbing almost none of the shock of the potholes.
The frustration comes to a head at a particularly rough pothole he hit straight on, causing you to nearly hit your head on the roof.
You bumble forward, turning the music all the way down, leaning in his line of sight and shouting, “Do you have to keep doing that?”
He doesn’t respond, just glances at you over the frame of his sunglasses with a scowl. His eyebrow is arched as if to say, “what’s the problem?”
“Hitting the potholes like that, goddammit!” You reply, unfortunately reading the question off the face a little too easily.
He doesn’t respond verbally again, just by rolling his eyes before pushing the sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and looking back to the road and turning the music up louder this time.
You lean back into your seat with a humph. There goes that attempt.
Where your ability to read Taeyong has seemed to stand the test of time, apparently your teamwork skills have not.
“Goddammit, who knew balloons could be so heavy?” You groan, gripping the heavy steel base of one side of the 7 foot wide balloon arch you’ve just arrived to collect. Your knees are burning and your fingers are sweating so much you’re about to slip your grip. Taeyong, always the gentleman, allowed you the honor of being the party to walk backwards.
Just as you’re wondering the next step, you feel the ground slip out from underneath you as you stumble off a step you hadn’t anticipated being there. You yelp out a puppy like bark in shock, thankfully not dropping the arch.
Taeyong is just as helpful as ever as he bursts out an inappropriate laugh before adopting his straight face again, “Sorry, forgot to tell you there’s a step there.” He says monotone. Your feet are shuffling awkwardly behind you as you attempt to take careful enough steps to not drop the heavy balloon arch on your foot or worse, eat shit and fall on your ass.
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” You act coolly in response to his snarky comment, “you were too busy planning our next near suicide mission.” You learned from your past lesson, as you whip your head around trying to navigate your next step. Thankfully, the truck is close.
It takes him a beat to respond as he focuses on his own steps, “What?” he groans out, stopping to allow you to pivot onto the catwalk up to the body of the truck.
“The car drive over.” You stop walking to roll your eyes at him, “You tried to kill us both?” You say just as your ring finger slips out from under the metal base, nearly dropping the balloon arch off the side of the catwalk.
“And you’re still so mad about it you tried to murder the innocent balloon arch.” He snarks, barely allowing you a moment to adjust your grip. You roll your eyes once more and groan, continuing your careful steps backwards.
Once the arch is safely secured in the bed of the truck, you and Taeyong push it off to one side and step back to take a look at the damage. Thankfully, there is none and before you have time to catch your breath he’s looking at you. It’s a blank look that doesn’t last long but it makes another shiver come up your spine.
His hand raises up to your face and before you can ask what for, you realize he’s asking you for a high five. Apparently you’ve been looking at him for too long because he brings his other hand up to clap his own hand and give you an oddly funny look.
A beat passes as you both just look at eachother in the bed of the warm truck, no longer looking at the balloon arch. You aren’t sure what face you’re giving him but if it’s anything like the face he’s giving you, you’d be nervous.
“Let’s go get the second.” He whispers, no attitude or snark this time in his voice.
He’s skipping off the truck before you can analyze what he’s said.
Fuck. Okay. This is gonna be weird.
“How’d it go with good ol’ Yong this morning?” Joohyun says as you lie on her sofa, head in her lap. There’s something about time that you just can’t seem to get used to. No matter how much of it passes, you still seem to be just as close with her as before. A part of you wishes the same would be true for Taeyong.
You chuckle a dry laugh, “He tried to murder me.”
Joohyun, the friend you’ve always relied on to understand your humor, replies with just a shrug, “Sounds about right.”
That makes you laugh for the first time since you’ve arrived back as you sit up, choosing instead to set a cheek on her shoulder and direct your focus towards the TV quietly playing a rerun episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. You feel at peace with her here. You didn’t realize how many hearts you had broken with leaving until you came back and saw it on everyone’s face. Joohyun was hurt the most unsurprisingly.
She was a strong girl, choosing boldly to act as coldly as she could to everyone, but you know her better than that. You can read her almost as well as you can read Taeyong. She was never this cold with you before when you lived here, but her attitude now that you’re back is similar to the way she acted around your other friends.
She’s placed a wall up with you. She knows you’re leaving her again so she’s set distance with you. Unsurprisingly, that hurt you the most.
“I have to go pick up champagne with him tomorrow.”
She hums again, patting your head, “Don’t murder him. He’s too handsome to die.”
You bellow a loud laugh and scoff at her, slapping her shoulder as she bursts into giggles.
It’s good to be home with people who make it that way, you think.
The liquor store is busy with New Years approaching in just a day. You’ve had to weave in and out of crowds of people and couples. You aren’t sure how you feel being one of the many couples of people in the liquor store, yet probably being the only one of the bunch who’s here as exes being pushed together for errands. Exes who hate each other, at that.
From your left side as you round the corner to another aisle, you hear a chipper voice call out to you both, “Wine tasting for the happy couple?” a smiling salesperson stands with two small plastic cups of red wine in her hands.
“We aren’t a couple.” You say, both sickened by her assumption and a little hurt by having to say it so.
“Oh,” She looks surprised before collecting her composure again, “well, wine tasting for the good friends?”
Taeyong interjects this time, “we aren’t that either.” and your eyes roll again at the attitude in his voice. Why does he feel the need to include the poor saleswoman in this mess by being rude towards her too?
She chuckles awkwardly, a blush creeping on her cheeks and she shrugs, “I’m not quite sure what else to say then.” She admits awkwardly.
“Have a good day, ma’m.” You whisper, pinching Taeyong’s forearm dragging him on.
Thankfully he’s waited until you’re out of her line of sight before reprimanding you for your pinch.
“Fuck was that for?!” He whisper yells at you.
You act on your new favorite habit by rolling your eyes at him, “Do you really need to involve everyone in our mess? It’s bad enough that you and your friends think I’m the devil, I don’t want a random saleslady to hate me too.” You say, folding your arms and pivoting on your heels to face the champagne.
“Oh,” He whispers at your sudden vulnerability, “sorry.”
You don’t respond, a little shell shocked he apologized. If you had allowed yourself to
“This one looks good.” You say instead, picking a pink bottle up.
“What?” He yells out, slapping the back of your hand, “That’s Moet and Chandon, it’s $70 a bottle.”
“And?” You say, picking the bottle up again, “It’s the New Year’s party.”
“No way in hell.” He says, grabbing your wrist this time and directing your hand back to the shelf, “I know you like pink but there’s no way.”
You scoff and roll your eyes at his offensive comment but allow your fingers to loosen around the neck of the bottle.
“This one is good. Half the price too.” He picks up a bottle of Perrier Jouet. “It’s not pink, but I think you’ll survive.”
At least you’ve gotten your sweet revenge this time, allowing the salesperson to stack both cases of champagne on top of one another to carry out into the car. You know Taeyong well enough to know he won’t allow himself to appear feminine enough to have you carry the cases.
“A little help? This is really heavy.” He barely musters out once you’re out of earshot of anyone else from the public. His voice is strained.
“Oh! Sure.” You say, pressing the button to release the trunk lock before sliding into the passenger seat of his sedan.
You can hear him struggle behind you as you sit, flipping through radio stations with a smug smile on your face waiting for him.
Yeah, you sigh, revenge is sweet.
The next time you see him he seems to have warmed a little to you. You can’t seem to admit it if you've had the same change of heart but it is nice that he’s driving a little easier, visibly swerving out of the way of the potholes as you sit in the U-Haul once again. The jerking back and forth from the swerving is jarring, but you can tell he’s making an effort that you appreciate.
There’s no bickering this time as you get your jobs done quickly to move the many vases of flowers in and out of the shop in record time. Before you know it, only 8 minutes have passed since you’ve arrived. Your previous errands with Taeyong took close to 2 hours a piece. Turns out that you save a lot of time when there’s no fighting involved. Go figure.
“So, uh, see you tonight?” He says as he stops in front of your house. That’s new too, he’s not said a word to you in the car so far since you’ve begun running errands with him.
“I-uh-yeah.” You try and not let the shock show on your face, “of course I’ll be there.”
He nods, avoiding your eyes and you step out of the truck.
The party turned out great as you had hoped. At only 9:30 PM the dance floor was crowded with bodies of old and new friends, the liquor was flowing like a river, and the decor spruced up the ballroom nicely. Your parents had been close friends with the Lee’s far before you and Taeyong ever got together, so their ability to work together to pull off the biggest and best party yet isn’t surprising.
Speaking of Taeyong, he’s not here yet it seems. Checking your grandmother’s old watch on your wrist, you notice the time is 11:45, nearly midnight. Though you aren’t sure why you care.
You bought a new dress for the occasion, an intricate embroidered gown with a high cut slit on your leg and a low cut bust. It’s adorned with a white chiffon stitched at the bias to create a beautiful drape over half the bust and to accentuate the skirt of the floor length gown. It’s designer, but from a couple of seasons ago to save a couple bucks. Still expensive, still beautiful. With Joohyun by your side you two make an impressive set with her choosing to go a little more modest with her dress, but still stunning. It’s a simple black gown with one strapped shoulder and an asymmetrical hemline. Her red lipstick and blonde bombshell curls pull the look together.
She’s already a little tipsy, having been one of the first to arrive along with you at 9. She began drinking the moment she realized that very few attractive young people would be attending– resigning to spend her evening down a bottle rather than in someone’s face. She’s giggling into your shoulder the moment you notice he’s walked in.
He didn’t just walk in, he made an entrance. In his head to toe cherry red suit with no undershirt to hide from his solid form, you can’t seem to peel your eyes off of him.
Joohyun gasps just a moment too late and slaps your shoulder repeatedly to get your attention, “Look! Look!” she whispers, pointing in his direction. You frown and grab her wrist, pulling her hand down.
“What is it?” you say and she blushes before giggling again.
“He’s hot!” she bursts into a loud bellow that catches the attention of the people around you over the loud music.
Her laugh caught someone else’s attention too, and you aren’t sure if you’re relieved, happy, or terrified that he’s walking over.
“What’s so funny?” He asks Joohyun who composes herself quite quickly, adorning her signature blank stare the moment she realized that someone has caught her outside of her regular composure.
“Hi, Taeyong.” You say in an attempt to distract from Joohyun, who has let her mask slip again once more to trail her eyes down Taeyong’s chest.
His eyes flicker to yours, then down at your dress, then up at you. “H-Hi, Y/N.” He stutters, and for the first time you can’t read it. You aren’t sure if he’s shy or still feeling the awkwardness from before.
Not a moment too soon, the song changes to a slower beat. A 90’s romance song your parents played for you all the time. It’s a cheesy song, but brings a small smile to your face as you recognize the electric guitar intro. Flashes of watching your dad twirl your mother around your home to this song flare behind your eyes, the sound of her laughter at his romance in your ears. Taeyong notices and remarks,
“You know this one?” his eyebrow raises at you.
You chuckle before replying, “Yeah, my parents played it all the time dancing around the living room together.”
Taeyong’s face flashes an emotion you can read too well as he breaks eye contact before coming back to you again. “Well,” his hand comes up, reaching out to you, “care to dance?”
You aren’t quite sure what to say. You know that this is the man that hated you so much you left town to never have to see him again, but that you also once upon a time was so desperately in love with this man that there wasn’t a thing on planet Earth that you wouldn’t have done for him.
The man who believed the first rumor he heard about you is the same man in front of you now asking you to dance.
You smile, nod, and grab his hand. As he’s leading you out to the floor, you accept that you’ll deal with consequences later.
It feels like warm fire when his hand lands on the small of your back to pull you in closer to sway to the beat. The butterflies have awoken, flurrying around as you dance. You aren’t quite sure how your feelings about Taeyong will catch up to the new infatuation you’ve seemed to grow for him, but you’ll just excuse it as nostalgia.
It’s not all perfect, he’s a little stiff and your moves are slightly awkward. In many ways, you and Taeyong used to be completely and perfectly compatible, but time has not been a friend to you two. With one, two, three slight steps on his toes he groans and leans back to stare at you in disbelief.
This is the first time he’s looking at you with disdain, but you can tell his heart isn’t behind it. You giggle, leaning slightly into him as you let out a sorry through your giggles.
“What ever shall I do with you, huh?” He says, pulling you in closer and placing his cheek on the side of your head. You giggle more, letting go of his hand to wrap both arms around his neck. He does the same and holds you close with his hands on your hips. Now you’ve fallen into more of a sway than an official dance but you don’t care, he doesn’t seem to either.
It’s familiar yet strange being here and being held like this by him. You feel like crying at how much you missed being held by him, but also feel like running away when you remember what caused you to leave. You’re conflicted, two sides of your being at war with one another.
So you decide to do something about it, “Why did you act that way?” you speak softly into his shoulder, your heart rate beginning to rise at the implication that you’ve done it. You’ve officially opened the old wound, and you’re not quite sure what blood will flow out of it.
“Act what way?” He asks, and it’s a good question. Taeyong’s behavior isn’t something that he’s necessarily proud of, so he’d like to know which of his transgressions you’re referring to.
“Three years ago. When we broke up. Why did you yell like that?” You lean back to look him in the eye at the last sentence. He can see the heartbreak behind your eyes but wishes he couldn’t. He’s crumbling, speechless, and for some reason, scared.
“Come on.” He grabs your hand after a beat and leads you out to the deserted smokers balcony. It’s chilly outside and your dress doesn’t cover much, but it’s a beautiful evening. The Christmas lights on the banister twinkle offering some low lighting as you stare at him. You lean into the rail and look out to the night sky. You’ve always appreciated nighttime for its quiet peacefulness you can’t seem to find anywhere else.
You wish you were calm, but you aren’t. Your heart rate is going a mile a minute at the awareness of what is about to happen. A part of you regrets that you even began this conversation, but you quickly forgive yourself. You need this, and by the look on his face he might need this too.
“Look, I don’t know what’s happening here.” He says after a moment.
“What do you mean?”
He sighs and looks away from you, “I was planning on avoiding you this entire time. I knew you were coming back and I knew we’d have to work together but I wanted to avoid this exact conversation.”
You don’t speak and he continues, “You broke my heart.”
That gave you whiplash, “wait,” you feel the familiar fury heat up in your belly, “I broke your heart? You’re the one who left me.”
His head whips around to look at you, frown set deep in his brow as he raises his voice slightly, “You cheated on me!”
You scoff, “There you go again with the cheating story. No I didn’t!”
He makes an attempt to interrupt you, but you raise your voice and stop him, “No, it’s my turn to speak.” He lowers his hand and shuts his mouth, looking at you shamefully.
“I did not cheat on you. That was a malicious and baseless rumor started by someone who wanted me but couldn’t because I was with you and was faithful to you. And if you had made any effort to investigate the rumor you would have realized that the day he claims we slept together I was with you.”
Now Taeyong really looks shameful, jaw dropping slightly and a blush creeping up on his cheek. He doesn’t try to speak so you keep on your rant, finally free to speak your mind and your heart from 3 years ago.
“You didn’t trust me. You believed the first rumor you heard from a random person about me and ended what we had because of it. We were so good together and you ruined it. I didn’t do anything but sit there. You don’t like this mess we’re in now?” You scoff, standing up from the railing and walk towards the door, “Well too bad. You made your bed, lie in it.”
“Y/N, wait.” He scrambles and grabs your wrist, pulling you back into him. He looks desperate and embarrassed, a look you haven’t seen on him in years.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers out after a beat with sincere eyes. Something changed then, you’re not sure how. The flames from before have simmered as you stand, still as a statue. You aren’t at peace, but you do feel more relaxed.
“I’m sorry, I was insecure and scared because I had never loved someone the way I loved you. I never should have believed him but I was so scared, like the most terrified I had ever been in my life. So I blew up on you without thinking. I regretted it the moment after it was done but you were already gone.”
Your heart softens at his words. He had betrayed you, that wasn’t a secret. But he’s here now, offering his penance. You aren’t sure if you want to accept, but hearing his apology truly helps.
“Spending time with you over these last couple of days have been so weird because I wanted to hate you for what you did,, but for some reason it just felt right being with you again.” You whisper, catching his eye in a glance.
“Yeah,” he whispers back, stepping in closer to you, “me too.”
The air is thick between you both as you stand avoiding each other's eyes. It’s awkward but not how it used to be. Now it feels more like something new is beginning that you don’t know how to handle. It’s exciting but extremely nerve wracking. Do you forgive him? Do you want him?
“Look, Y/N,” He turns to you and grabs your hands in his. You gasp, eyes widening and heart rate rising as you stare down at your intertwined fingers. Tiny sparks shoot up your arms to make your heart beat faster as he stands toe to toe with you.
“I want this.” He says and you look up into his eyes finally with a confused look on your face.
“I didn’t know it until now but I do, I want you back.” He says and your heart beats at a mile a minute.
You stand, stunned and confused– too lost in your own head and in the stars in his eyes as you hear the roaring hum of the crowd indoors counting down 10… 9… 8…
You look down at your hands again tied with his and up at his face as he stands and stares with pleading eyes you can read too well.
7… 6… 5…
You realize he means it, and that you want him back too. A smile spreads on your face.
4… 3… 2…
“Me too.”
Before you know it, your lips are crashing together. The sparks from before are child's play compared to the fireworks you feel spread through your whole body as your arms fling around his shoulders to pull him close. He grabs you by your waist and pulls you in close, closer, closest as your lips slowly move together under the fireworks flashing in the sky and the cheers of those indoors ringing in the New Year.
You lean back, nose red from the friction and stare at his own starstruck face and giggle out a laugh that only comes when in the arms of your lover. He laughs back at you and everything feels alright.
“Happy New Year.” He says into your hair before you move your head to stare up at the fireworks still shooting off in the sky.
“Happy New Year.” you whisper back.
You two stand there under the glittering sky in your own private world with no thoughts of the past or the future, just your hearts beating with contentment in the present.
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onouwu · 9 months
Dr. Omiata's Depravity
Dr. Ellie Omiata, a cardiologist hailing from the 30th century, had achieved everything she could in her profession. Her expertise had saved countless lives, but in the sterilized and automated reality of her time, she felt an aching void.
Ellie became a cardiologist with the desire to protect and care for vulnerable life. Throughout her life, she had a hero complex, an intense desire to shield the fragile, the helpless, the downtrodden. She read countless stories of damsels in distress and imagined herself the knight in shining armor. However, her fantasies were much different... darker, not the hero, but the villain. She hoped to be a heart surgeon, but her desired profession was obsolete. Surely it was an amazing thing, highly successful doctorless organ transplants... but for Ellie, this left her without a place in the world. There were no knights, and now no heart surgeons. People no longer needed saving, she thought. Longing for purpose, Ellie became a temporal explorer, and with countless tales and fantasies in her mind, she took a one-way trip to the savage lands of a war-torn timeline. landing herself smack in the middle of a medieval Nordic civilization.
A stark contrast to her futuristic, technological world. It was a time defined by relentless war, brutal violence, and no place for the frail. Standing amidst the icy landscapes and hardened warriors, Ellie's dark skin and voluminous hair made her a beacon of otherworldly charm, a symbol of exotic mysticism from foreign lands that had not yet been witnessed by these people.
The king, intrigued by her unique appearance and captivated by her advanced medical knowledge, spared her the typical fate of an outsider. They sensed an opportunity in Ellie's keen intellect and apparent strangeness, a utility that could serve their cause well. Yet she didn't ask for a comfortable position within the castle. Ellie asked for something different. Her desires outshined what was believed to be common sense. Her wish granted, Ellie found herself granted a position many loathed, yet she coveted – a captain of the guard. The final word on strategy in the battlefield.
Despite her lack of allegiance to the kingdom, she relished the role that offered an intoxicating cocktail of power and intrigue. Her knowledge of human anatomy, blended with her understanding of martial arts, rendered her an indomitable warrior on the battlefield, effortlessly thwarting the many adversaries that dared to challenge her. Despite her desires to be the hero, she found the most thrill in being the warrior. the ender of heroes and villains alike, what she was... it was hard to tell.
Ellie wasn't moved by battle, what she wanted was power. A sense of control over life and death that she had never felt in her time. The more she acted on her whims, the more she felt that maybe her desires were sick, depraved... selfish. However, there was no going back. From now on, she would fulfill her deepest desires. Her weapon of choice was a large war hammer. A tool of blunt heavy destruction, she felt like this was the best way to exert force while giving her control over how it was applied.
Ellie thought back to the tales of delicate, fair-skinned women being hoisted upon the white horse of their saviors. The desire to live that fantasy was all she could think of, and now she had the position to do it... or some strange version of that.
Ellie wasn't able to ride into the sunset like in the stories, but beggars cant be choosers, and in this world, the desperation of savage war brought everyone to the battlefield at times, and slaughter was blind to beauty. Frailty met quick ends. Not for Ellie though. This was her moment - a crude, perverse twist on her romance fantasies. There was no romance, only salvation in the blood-soaked ground. The savagery of war a canvas where she could paint her unique narrative. Her gaze, wielded like a precision tool, was constantly scanning, evaluating, searching. Among the hordes of battle-hardened soldiers like a depraved beast. Some day, Ellie's eyes quickly fell upon a woman – blonde, fierce, yet possessing a delicate grace. Her pale visage a vibrant beacon. The woman was like a strikingly vivid palette amidst the monochrome of warriors, an unexpected anomaly in a battlefield bereft of grace.
Ellie became the self-appointed guardian of this precious gem, determined to protect her from the clutches of her own bloodthirsty squad which had a hunger for easy pickings. The sight of this radiant woman made her heartbeat race, not with bloodlust but with a deep, undeniable fascination. It was as if the chaotic battlefield had morphed into an exhilarating treasure hunt, the treasure being these living, breathing, beautiful Nordic women. Ellie's intentions were clearer to her than ever - to salvage these creatures from the cruel jaws of war, and to preserve their splendor for herself. Ellie could see the perversion of her instincts in full display, but the desire was so great, she couldn't stop herself. The battlefield, a dreaded arena of death, had now become her playground, a hunting ground to satiate her unorthodox desires. The rush of adrenaline in her veins was palpable as she locked eyes with the blonde beauty.
She was yet another savage on the battlefield, but with the precision of a surgeon. Even as a predator, surely her prey would at least be grateful for a better outcome than death, she thought. As they engaged, the woman's sword was fast, though Ellie herself was graceful, and predicting. She studied this game of war like chess and became a grand master. Ellie struck at the perfect moment, sweeping the blonde's feet from beneath her, casting her to the earth.
She then kicked away the sword, leaving the woman defenseless and bewildered on the rough battlefield floor. The sight of this exquisite creature, rendered vulnerable amidst the grit and grime, filled Ellie with an unprecedented sense of desire. Every exasperated breath filling this magnificent form lit up Ellie's senses. It was nothing like her fantasies... it was better. The battlefield had always been a stage for displaying might, but for Ellie, this was a new, intoxicating form of dominance.
With her adrenaline surging, Ellie approached the woman cautiously, the woman's chest heaving vividly beneath her. The blonde was defeated, awaiting the cruel and merciless strike of the heavy mallet, but defiant. To the look of confusion in those blue eyes, Ellie gingerly placed the head of her war hammer over the woman's billowing chest. She stood there in awe, feeling the rapid pulse of delicate life through the handle. As she pressed down harder, the woman's heartbeat became more vivid, then stuttered, a defiant drumroll against the encroaching steel.
Ellie reveled in the sensation. The strength of this woman's heart, its indomitable vitality, was now at her mercy. It was a testament to the woman's vibrant life, yet it was helpless under Ellie's power. The heart struggled and strained under the oppressive weight, succumbing slowly to the inexorable pressure.
Ellie observed the woman's battle for breath, her struggle against the metal, with an admiration tinged with disbelief. This was her treasure, her trophy of war, and she found herself enchanted by the rawness of this spectacle. Even as the woman's vigor ebbed away, her confusion turning to exhaustion, Ellie was in awe at the fight she put up. Her eyes, once fierce, now pleading and confused, fluttered close as unconsciousness claimed her. Finally, Ellie lifted her weapon.
As the woman lie there unconscious, the feeling of her heart's struggle was vivid in Ellie's mind. She straddled the woman and listened in. Its beats were soft and slow but recovering.
A surge of satisfaction rippled through Ellie at the sight of her captured prize, this fair-skinned angel now her responsibility. She had now to protect her trophy from the inevitable spoils of war, a task she accepted with a curious blend of anticipation and determination. This was her battlefield, and she had just taken her first treasure... alive. Ellie, carrying her new trophy, departed from the blood-soaked battlefield towards her home in the kingdom. Usually, a mere shelter from the harsh Nordic weather. With a blend of anticipation and caution, she bound the woman's wrists and ankles together, taking care not to make it too tight.
She gently lowered the woman onto the bed, her taut form a stark contrast against the rough-hewn linens. Ellie then lied down beside her, enveloping the unconscious woman in a tender hold to warm her. The role she played shifted between pet, trophy, and love at Ellie's whims. Her head found a resting place on the woman's chest, and as Ellie closed her eyes, she was serenaded by the rhythmic lullaby of the woman's recovering heartbeat.
With every beat that echoed against her ear, Ellie found herself more and more captivated by the living, breathing prize she had claimed. Her fingers tentatively ventured across the woman's body, exploring the gentle curve of her waist, the softness of her relaxed belly. She traced the delicate blue streaks beneath the woman's pale skin - the veins that carried life and vitality within this ethereal creature.
Ellie marveled at her fortune, her chest swelling with a sense of triumph and disbelief. She had taken her first victory, and claimed s supple, delicate, breathing trophy with a heartbeat as her spoils of war.
As she lay there, the woman's steady resilient life lulling her into a trance-like state, Ellie knew she was in the right timeline.
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Hello 🌼 I was thanking about facial hair. I'm AFAB. I don't plan on going on T (and I heard it can make you grow facial hair naturally?) but I still would want to grow a beard, or a mustache perhaps, in the future. Would hair transplant help me with that or would my hight estrogen/ lower testosterone make it not work out?
Lee says:
For folks who are unfamiliar, a facial hair transplant involves taking hair from a donor site on your body (usually the back of the head) and transplanting it to your facial region.
It's a common procedure for individuals who cannot grow facial hair naturally or who have patchy beards, and a beard transplant is a viable option for people who do not want testosterone, or were not happy with the amount of facial hair they grew on testosterone.
Transplanted hair behaves like natural hair. Once it's transplanted, it will fall out initially and then start to grow back over the next few months, eventually growing like regular facial hair, even if you're not on testosterone.
AnotherPascal has posted about his beard transplant on Instagram and TransLife&Wife has posted about his on YouTube.
There's an article about beard transplants for trans folks called Facial Hair Transplantation for Transgender Patients: A Literature Review and Guidelines for Practice that was published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal in 2021. I believe it's open access and I would highly encourage you to read the whole thing!
Like natural facial hair, transplanted hair may require regular trimming or shaving, depending on your desired look.
Testosterone & facial hair:
However, as you've heard, testosterone can indeed stimulate facial hair growth, which is why individuals who take testosterone (T) may experience increased facial hair over time.
You mentioned you do not plan on taking T, which is perfectly valid, but if you think there's a chance that you may change your mind in the future then I would consider waiting for the facial hair transplant until you're at least a couple of years on T because it can take time for your facial hair to fill in.
If you choose to not take T and just go straight for the transplant, having higher levels of estrogen won't necessarily negate the effects of a hair transplant. The transplanted hair is genetically programmed to grow in its new location.
In theory, the lack of testosterone might mean that the hair grows less densely or slowly than it might for someone with higher testosterone levels, but I don't think that's necessarily the case here because the follicles being transplanted are from the head so they'd behave more like head hair than beard hair.
Finding a Trans-Friendly Provider (for a facial hair transplant):
If you're considering a facial hair transplant, the first step is to consult a doctor specializing in hair restoration. They can assess your hair quality, discuss your expectations, and determine whether you're a good candidate for the procedure.
Referrals: Consider asking for referrals from local LGBTQ+ groups, transgender support groups, or healthcare providers known to be trans-friendly.
Consultations: Schedule consultations with potential surgeons. Use this opportunity to ask about their experience with transgender patients and facial hair transplants specifically.
Online Research: Look for reviews or testimonials online. Some websites are dedicated to reviewing medical professionals, and others are focused on the LGBTQ+ community.
Professional Organizations: Check if the surgeon is a member of professional organizations like the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which could indicate they're up-to-date on best practices for transgender healthcare.
Keep in mind that any surgical procedure comes with risks and costs. Ensure you're aware of these, and don't hesitate to seek a second opinion if you're unsure.
It might also be helpful to connect with others who have undergone similar procedures or are exploring similar options. Online communities, support groups, or LGBTQ+ centers can be great resources, but it isn't a very common procedure so you may have more look looking to cisgender men who have done similar things.
Facial hair transplants are often considered cosmetic procedures, which many insurance plans do not cover. However, coverage varies widely, so it's important to check with your insurance provider. It may be possible to appeal a denial for coverage by saying testosterone isn't indicated for you so this is a necessary treatment to resolve gender dysphoria etc.
If a procedure can be deemed medically necessary (for example, as part of gender-affirming treatment), insurance might cover it. A therapist might be able to help you make this case to your insurance company by writing a WPATH-style letter of support saying that you need it for Gender Dysphoria Reasons tm. It's also helpful if the office of the doctor doing the hair transplant writes a letter of medical necessity too.
Look for a surgeon who is board-certified in plastic surgery or dermatological surgery. This indicates they've met specific educational, training, and professional standards. It's also beneficial if the surgeon has experience with transgender patients, as they may be more attuned to your specific needs and goals, and may know how to get insurance to cover it.
It may seem obvious, but you have to make sure they have extensive experience with hair transplants, particularly facial hair transplants. Unfortunately some doctors are in it for the money and don't put patients first and/or think they're more capable than they are. To make sure they're up to the task, ask to see before and after photos of previous facial hair transplants they've performed, especially for patients with similar goals to yours.
And again, look for patient reviews or testimonials about their experiences with the surgeon. Pay particular attention to the experiences of trans individuals. I can't emphasize how important we are as a community-- we need to look out for each other and make sure that people don't see predatory providers!
Finally, it's crucial that you feel at least somewhat comfortable with the surgeon. They should treat you with respect, listen to your concerns, and provide thorough, honest answers to your questions. You don't need to be best buddies and they don't need a stellar personality either, but you need to feel like they're competent and that you are comfortable asking them questions about your care and could speak to them if you had complications.
While you wait for your consult, there is one alternative that you can try.
Minoxidil (Rogaine):
You can try minoxidil to increase your hair growth. A lot of people use minoxidil (rogaine) on their faces, and a few use it for body hair. It’s considered an “off-label” use- it’s officially approved for head hair and not other locations. Lots of medicines are used off-label, even prescriptions can be given off-label safely. Topical minoxidil is generally safe, as long as you use the dose recommended by the doctor/the bottle.
There's anecdotal evidence that minoxidil can stimulate new facial hair growth and may help thicken existing hairs. However, its effectiveness can vary, and there's limited scientific research on its use for facial hair specifically.
You can get it over-the-counter (aka without a prescription) online through Amazon or other sites, or at a pharmacy like CVS or Walgreens (it’s usually in the isle with men’s hair products like beard dye, and razors).
Minoxidil is generally safe but can cause side effects like dry skin, itching, and irritation. It's also a long-term commitment; you'll need to continue using it to maintain any new hair growth.
You shouldn’t use more than the recommended dose per day, no matter what body part it goes on (i.e. you shouldn’t cover your legs in it, unless you can stretch the normal dose that far). This is because minoxidil is a vasodilator, which lowers blood pressure. You also shouldn’t use oral minoxidil for hair growth because oral minoxidil is used primarily to lower blood pressure. 
Will minoxidil (i.e., Rogaine) enhance my facial hair growth?
Using Minox for facial hair
Minox is deadly to some pets like cats and may cause hair growth in unusual places
A high concentration of minoxidil (like 12.5%) can cause low blood pressure
My Personal Experience with Minoxidil Pre-T
If you have some peach fuzz from Minox, dying your existing hair darker with facial hair dye might make it more obvious. This is also true for your body hair.
Will facial hair dye make my facial hair appear thicker/denser?
Remember, there's no one "right" way to be you. Whether through medical procedures, hormone therapy, or personal expression, what matters most is that you feel comfortable and authentic in your own skin. If you're sure that you don't want T, then maybe a facial hair transplant might be the right option for you!
Followers, anything to add?
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writing-by-mimi · 2 years
'Kissing in the rain' prompt vamped up to 1000% for our naughty sorcerer, Solomon.
   Rainy Day Blues
Adult content, read at your own risk. Not beta read.
   Solomon hated being caught in the rain. It left him soggy and chilled to the bone. Even after all his years, it never got any easier. It also left the world looking more drab that usual. The forecast had called pleasant skies and heat, but a summer rain had other plans as the sky darkened. He had been close to the House of Lamentation, thought he could continue his peaceful walk and deal with his thoughts...he should have known nature would do as it pleased...
     Your happy, laughing face in the distance caught his attention. You were just as soaked as he was, but you didn't seem to mind. Twirling and laughing as you walked in his direction. How you could be so happy being completely soaked baffled him. Though it could have to do with the fact you had gotten an exotic plant from Barbatos that bloomed in the rain.
      He had been correct, standing in the cold summer rain you had grabbed his hand and hauled him with you on your journey to the castle gardens.
     Your excitement was precious. Talking animatedly about how the plant could only be transplanted to the house once it bloomed, as it would die otherwise.
      Your hair sticking to your face, shirt soaked and clinging to your body...you looked beautiful. If he had been a romantic and not utterly depressed about his love for you, he would have kissed you in the middle of the street with reckless abandon...
     It was one of his thoughts he was trying to deal with on his peaceful walk.
      He wasn't an idiot, he knew he was in love with you. The problem rested in two parts.
      Being immortal...he had loved so many in his life. Friends, family, actual lovers...all of them had faded to time and left him to continue life alone. At best he'd have fifty, maybe sixty years with you if he was lucky...  Watching as you aged while he looked the same...watching you die. Burying you. Being left with nothing but an unyielding sorrow that would persist for years until he forced himself to move on before insanity would overwhelm him.
      The easiest problem was finding out if you loved him as he loved you. Though that only mattered if he could somehow make it through the first of his issues.
       Your hand was warm against the rain. Even completely soaked, looking like a drowned kitten, you held such beauty in his eyes.
      Entering the castle, he gave Barbatos a smile as the butler looked from your linked hands to his eyes. There was no judgment, which he would have perfered... the look was one of a reminder. That you were mortal. The sorcerer could read it in the demons eyes. It wasn't from malice or jealousy, just concern.
      "I expect you're here for the plant?"
       "Yes!" Your excited smile taking your features over as you squeezed Solomons hand.
       The butler lead you through the castle to the gardens, handing an umbrella to Solomon as he opened the double doors. "I trust you know where to find it."
      You nodded, waiting for Solomon to open the umbrella. Moving closer, you held his arm against your chest, unaware of how it looked.
      You doing such small things as this. Holding him close, just simply sharing shelter from the rain. Your body heat enveloping his arm and side with your warmth... it was moments like this he would remember long past your death.
      Putting on a smile, he made sure to keep you from more of the rain, as it had turned from a slight drizzle to an absolute downpour.
       "It's gorgeous!" Your smile of wonderment being the last thing he saw before you let out a laugh and ran through the rain to the plant.
     You were correct. The flowering plant stood around four feet tall, lush with blooms in a variety of colors, coupled with different markings. Colors ranging from hues of blue and purples to tones of reds and pinks. Black spackle adorning the petals and the leaves were large and rounded.
     Watching you on your knees as you inspected the roots and every bloom, he did his best to commit it to memory.
     One day it would be all he would have left of you.
     "I knows this is gonna be fucked up and morbid, but when I die I'm leaving Penelope to you."
      How you could wear a smile, he didn't know. "Who says I want to take over that responsibility? It's rather rude assuming, Mc." He laughed, keeping the mood light. Who was he to saddle you with such depressing thoughts? He's practiced keeping a brave face for years. Worrying those around him...it was something he rather not do.
     "You'll do it for me." You smiled confidently. "I'd do it for you." You added sarcastically.
       You were right. He would keep the plant named Penelope alive until his last breathe for you. "If you could be alive to care for Penelope until it were to die, would you?"
      "If I had the chance, I'd live for more than just Penelope." You admitted.
      "What would you continue to live for? Immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be..."
     How did you tell him? How could you look Solomon in the eyes and tell him you'd sacrifice your mortality and take all of the bad that came with an immortal life for him. That if you could find a way, you'd give him your heart to have and told for all of eternity, not just the blink of an eye and leave him devastated at the end of it all?
     You had thought about it more than you'd care to admit. Thought of all the terrible things that come with a life such as Solomons. The loss, being witness to more than one mind could ever think of, watching it all crumble and fade and being all that remianed...being alone.
      "For you. So you didn't have to be so dreadfully alone." You couldn't bear to look at him. Admitting your feelings so openly to the man standing beside you...
     "I don't think keeping me company would be worth all the pain it would leave you with. Watching things fall apart takes a toll on one's heart and soul."
     "It's exactly why I don't want to leave you alone!" You stood up quickly and faced him. "I love you," You couldn't help the sob that left your chest. "But I know you'll never see me as more because you can't. I don't blame you Solomon. I can only imagine what you've suffered...but if even a fraction of what I've imagined were to come crashing down on me, if you were there with me..."
      "You'd trade it away?" His question hung in the air as the rain continued to pour. "Take on suffering and continue to live your life, make attachments to the mortal world, even knowing you'll have to watch it all fall away in time?"
      "For you? I think I'd definitely try..."
     "Well trying isn't an answer!" His shout echoing through the garden. "Mc, it's terrible." He shook his head as his voice calmed.
     "So is watching the man I love suffer alone and knowing I'll never have the chance to show him that love because I'll never be more than just a memory to him!" Your own shout echoing as your tears slid down your cheeks.
     "I'm not worth the suffering, Mc." His voice was quiet as he looked to the blooms.
      "You are to me, you fucking idiot!" You stormed past Solomon and headed to back through the garden, trying your best to compose yourself before making it to the double doors.
     Solomon gave pause, but only for a moment before dropping the umbrella and closing the gap between the two of you. Pulling you by the arm to face him before grasping your face tightly and pressing a desperate kiss to your lips.
      "Say it. Say it again." His voice shaking as he looked you in the eyes.
     "Everything. You're worth everything to me. The good, the bad, all of it. I don't care, as long as I have you."
     Solomons lips were on yours in a moment. Every fiber of his being screaming at him to wipe your tears and make you feel better. To show you just how much he loved you and would continue to love you through the ages.
      Your gasp as he found your neck with his lips spurred him to bite your neck and suck his mark onto you, a claim until he could change you forever to remain by his side as his hands slid down to your bottoms.
      Holding onto his shoulders and gripping his cape you couldn't help but laugh. He drew away from you, a perplexed look on his face. "I love you, and your goofy cape too."
     "Hey now, my cape is versatile and-" You silenced him with a kiss, tounge trailing over his bottom lip slowly as you sighed.
   Solomons hands found your hips, you own hands running over his chest and trailing down to his belt buckle. The sorcerers fingers sliding along your waistband, his nimble fingers undoing the button of your pants while your own undid the buckle.
      When the two of you had found  yourself on the ground, neither of you could be sure. Solomon pulled his pants down around his thighs as he knelt over you, erection bouncing free as he then tugged your pants down as well.
    His fingers tracing your skin made your cheeks heat as your eyes slipped closed and a moan left you. His fingers slowly working their way into you as your finger tips brushed his cock.
      Even just the tips of your fingers made him shudder. How he would last once he entered you, he was unsure. Your whole was so tight, even with his fingers working you open, once you would cum, it would tighten again, undoing all of his work.
     "You are so insanely tight, Mc. I don't wish to hur-" Solomon lost track of his word as your hand gripped his cock.
     Moving slowly, the heat of Solomons cock warmed your hand as you stroked him. "Solomon, I'll be okay." You had meant to have more conviction in your voice, but the feel of Solomon rutting against your hand coupled with his hiss of pleasure had distracted you.
    Pulling you down to where he needed you, he leaned forward and positioned himself, cock tracing your entrance as he looked up to you. "Are you sure?"
     "Yes. About everything." You wiggled against the feeling, body already so needy and seeking release.
     Solomon slowly eased himself into you, another hiss leaving him as he slowly moved every inch of his cock inside your deliciously tight walls. Maneuvering your legs, he slung them over his shoulder and adjusted your hips again. In this position he could fuck you just as deeply as he had always fantasized. The only thing missing from those fantasies where how you would sound.
     And fuck. You sounded like a choir of angels as he began his slow, deliberate strokes inside of you as your hands gripped his forearm.
    Your voice beneath him pleading for him to go faster drew a smile to his lips as he leaned forward, still slowly fucking your tight walls and placed a kiss to your forhead.
     The first rough thrust had caught you off guard, still so caught up in Solomons tender affectionate forhead kiss, your hands moved to grip the sides of his shirt as the man above you slammed his cock into you.
     "If you ask me to go faster, I don't think I'll last as long as I'd like for our first time." He admitted as he grit his teeth, and held his head back panting, trying to think of things to me the feeling of euphoria fade, even just a bit, so he could fuck you longer.
    "Faster, Solomon. Please."
      How could he deny you? Tell you no when you had asked so kindly, your plea carrying through the garden for him, and him alone to go faster and bring you more pleasures.
      "We'll have an eternity for love making anyway..." He reasoned with a boyish grin as he plunged his cock into you, going as deep as possible before pulling almost all the way out and slamming his hip forward. The cries you made and the grip on his shirt spurring him to snap his hips faster and faster.
     It wasn't long until you were shaking under Solomon, babbling about his cock and how pretty his eyes were. In all of his life, he'd never had someone compliment his eyes and mean it. A silly thing to feel so touched by, but he did...
     Holding your thighs tightly to his chest, he rocked himself in the hardest, quickest rhythm he could, your cries fueling him to find his own end inside of you as you came on his cock.
       He couldn't remember cumming this hard in his lifetime either. Hips stuttering as the feeling of releasing inside of you overwhelmed him. To think that he would have this forever, you, until the end of time...
     The deep groan that Solomon made as he pulled his cock out made you shiver, the feeling of the mixed fluids oozing from your entrance made you feel embarrassed as you moved to cover yourself.
      Solomon grabbed your hands and moved them to one of his hands, holding your wrist tightly as his other hand traced your used hole, "This is a sight I'll love to see over and over again..." a satisfied hum leaving his chest as he looked you in the eyes with a smile on his face.
       A throat clearing made you jump, "While the young master is very glad to see his humans getting along, he does request that you think about ones location for coitus in the future." Barbatos's voice startling the hell out of you, you clapped your hands over your face quickly.
     Solomon gave a deep laugh as he pulled your pants up and did the button, only then did he fix his own. "Tell him we will keep that in mind, and that I apologize." He turned his face back to you, pulling your hands away from your face and looking at your sparkling eyes, "My world just seemed to gain its color back..."
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