#best eco friendly kitchen products
expobazzar · 1 year
7 Benefits of Using Earthenware Earth Pots in Your Kitchen
Learn about the 7 advantages of utilising earthenware earth pots in your kitchen, including their capacity to improve the flavour and texture of your food as well as their natural and chemical-free composition. Find out how using these pots can enhance both your cooking and health.
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softlandingshome · 5 months
Soft Landings Home
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Website: https://www.softlandingshome.com
Soft Landings Home, with over 35 years of experience, offers eco-friendly, reusable cloth towels made from bamboo. These towels serve as a sustainable alternative to traditional paper towels, suitable for various uses from household cleaning to DIY projects. The company emphasizes environmental responsibility, aiming to reduce paper towel waste and its impact on landfills.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/softlandingshome
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/softlandingshome/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUiqSKekXOGkT4OyD39zvrQ
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/softlandingshome/
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moopsy-daisy · 9 months
Make Your Own Cosmetics, Get What You Actually Want
Once you've been in zero waste, eco friendly, solarpunk/lunarpunk circles for a while, it's easy to forget the steps you took when you started. There are lots of DIY projects I've been doing for 10+ years now, and I keep doing them because they work (for me). Yet, when I sit back and think "am I doing enough?" I always gloss over the myriad things that have become part of my everyday life.
Making these things won't save the environment, but you'll get products that meet your needs on your terms, will save you money, and you won't have to worry about a company discontinuing your favorites. Plus, it seems like a lot less packaging to just buy a brick of beeswax and toss in some kitchen stuff you already had to make makeup.
I got really lucky, I always wanted red hair and henna is a natural dye that only comes in red. Well, more of a coppery tone. But, here's the other cool thing: the henna process is anti-fungal and controls dandruff. Half the time, I remember to color my hair because my scalp starts getting itchy 6+ weeks later and I start to get flakes. Coloring my hair takes care of my scalp and I don't need dandruff shampoo to keep it healthy. It's cost-effective, buying high quality henna for a year's worth of color (for my length and thicc hair) is about $60 for 18-months' of materials. I mix it when I need it, and keep the powder in the freezer. Pro-tip, if you or your partner don't like the grassy, hay-like smell of henna, add cardamom or ginger powder to the mix. It doesn't change the color but it'll knock down the scent.
I learned everything I needed to know about Henna for Hair here: http://hennaforhair.com and buy through Catherine's store because I know I'm getting real, quality henna powder.
Oh and a cloth wrap for your hair will let you keep the henna covered without wasting plastic wrap every time you redo your roots. I've been using the same 'turbie twist' wraps for years now. I made them from old t-shirts and they're stained as fuck. Who cares? This is basically their only job.
Carmine Lip Color
No, it isn't vegan. Yes, it's made of bugs. It's also a spectacular color, the insects aren't abused in the process of gathering or raising. They're actually parasites on nopal cactus, they have a simple niche and serve it well. I learned this lip stain recipe from Humblee & Me, and have found that the anti-bacterial doesn't seem to be necessary, ymmv. A 2.5 gram sample pack of carmine from TKB has lasted me almost a year and I wear this almost daily. I find that the glycerin really helps keep my lips from drying out too badly, so I wear my lip stain even when I'm not planning on being seen by other people. I spend about $20 on lip color for a year and that's including the bottles I use to store it (tiny eyedroppers work best imo) and the glycerin. Not quite zero waste but darn close.
Note: I'm still trying to find a simple recipe for black goth lipstick that I like. So far, my attempts have had a nasty texture and aren't worth the trouble.
Eyebrow Fill
My favorite brand of eyebrow liner discontinued the best color I ever found, so I decided to make my own. Beeswax, cocoa powder, activated charcoal, and almond oil made a little pot of eyebrow fill that suits my needs beautifully. Go super light on the charcoal until you know you've got the color you want. My brows are pretty dark but not fully black, so I do a dark chocolate sort of shade. I think I made my last batch about 11 months ago and it's still half full. I use it daily, apply with an angled brush, and it's never given me breakouts or anything. I don't even wash it off, because I am lazy.
Body Powder/Dry shampoo
Growing up in California, I didn't need this stuff. Living in Oregon? Summer would be awful without body powder. It's also a nice way to have a fragrance on. Pour your favorite perfume (I love Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab oils) onto a cotton ball, put that ball in a jar with a bunch of corn starch. Shake. Leave it for a month. You now have scented body powder. It's a decent dry shampoo, too, I just brush it into my dark hair and it disappears.
Tooth Powder
There is NOTHING wrong with using conventional toothpaste if it meets your needs. I have particular reasons for using tooth powder. These include hating the taste of most toothpaste and needing to avoid fluoride because of my particular thyroid condition. (Fluoride isn't bad for everyone! It isn't ideal for everyone. Figure out what you need!) I make my own tooth powder, it works well enough for me and I don't hate brushing my teeth like I used to. 1 part baking soda, 1 part bentonite clay, some ground cloves. Mix it up, keep in a glass jar (metal will bond with the clay, bad things happen, this is why we use glass or plastic for storage). $20 of materials = LOADS of tooth powder.
Cutting Hair
It's way easier than you think. I cut my own hair and I do a graduated bob which is a little more complex than most at-home cuts. I taught myself. I use decent shears (don't use scissors) and a Wahl hair trimmer set. Learn this skill on yourself, and when people find out you can do hair, they'll come to you for their own needs. Great way to provide mutual aid (one of my parents is trans and getting haircuts in a salon would be extremely stressful for her, so I cut her hair and save her money and suffering). You could also do skill trades! I trade haircuts for massages from a massage therapist friend, for example.
Protip: Dust yourself with body powder before cutting hair, it makes the little shards of cut hair way less prone to sticking to you. You'll still want a shower but it'll just be less icky.
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positivexcellence · 2 years
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Catching Up with Gen Padalecki
The run up to the holidays is packed with parties and festive events, gift buying, travel prepping and wrapping up all the loose ends of the year. Add to that running a business and a book club, acting, being a wife (to actor and entrepreneur Jared Padalecki) and mama of three (two boys and a girl), and things are busy for Genevieve Padalecki. We caught up with Gen, and talked about things from family and their new farm to two of her passions, books and towwn. Short for Take Only What You Need, towwn is a site she started with longtime friend Kelly Mickle to help people sustainably win the battle against burnout, both for themselves and the planet, with tips from eco-friendly kitchen swaps and sustainable sandals to self-care.
You’ve lived in Austin for more than 12 years, what advice would you give someone new to Austin? 
Embrace the weird, always say ‘hi’ to your neighbor, don’t judge opinions and views that might differ from yours, rather try to understand where others are coming from.  
What do you love about living in Austin? 
I love the eclectic collaborative community. I've always felt like I could be completely myself here.
What are you most looking forward to this holiday season? 
Family time.  
How are you and your family celebrating the holidays this year? 
We are doing things differently this year and giving our family an adventure.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? 
I love all the decorating, crafting, and meal making. I find it therapeutic and I love when my kids propose the activity.
Do you have a recipe you love to make around the holidays? 
We love cooking during the holidays and all the kiddos love to contribute. It can range from a great lasagna to a medium rare steak (cooked by our 10-year-old), to my husband's favorite, tomato soup with grilled cheese croutons.  The holidays are so fun and gathering with friends and family for a meal is the best part.
How long have you had your book club? 
I started my book club when we went into lockdown.  I wanted a way to connect with people and have an outlet.  I reached out asking for a “this or that” book pick for the month and Southern Book Clubs’ Guide to Slaying Vampires was a fan favorite.  Next thing I know Grady Hendrix and I are zooming and chatting about his book.  It’s been a wild couple of years and I am so inspired and feel so incredibly grateful for all the insightful, thoughtful and thought-provoking, stunning and beautiful writers I have been able to meet, converse and collaborate with because of it.
What are some you’d recommend for gifting this year?  
Pony, Red, White and Royal Blue, The Overstory, Tribe, Letters to a Young Athlete, Why We Sleep and Into Thin Air.
How do you consume books? Do you prefer real books, audiobooks, kindle? 
I prefer old-fashioned books I can hold in my hand. There’s something so wonderful about the sensory experience, the weight, the pages in between my fingers, turning a page, the smell of the binding. It just adds to the experience and for me is a delectable rush.  I also love a good audiobook, especially with all the driving I do, but it all depends on the narrator.
What’s new with towwn? 
towwn is growing so quickly and we’re incredibly proud of our community. We just launched our TikTok channel to help spread our anti-perfectionism message about the planet and ourselves to reach new audiences. We’re also building an informative and fun newsletter.
What do you hope to see in the evolution of TOWWN in 2023? 
Our main focus is reaching people who want to find solutions to burnout for themselves and the planet, regardless of background and politics. We’re looking at hosting more events where we can bring people together for these kinds of conversations, curating products to help people solve these challenges. You can learn more on our Instagram @towwn.
You and Jared recently bought a farm…
Yes, we love nature and I’m obsessed with soil health and regenerative farming. I’m hoping we slowly let the land speak to us and thoughtfully nurture biodiversity and tend to the soil as best we can. I’d like to have rotational cover crops as well as grazing animals to contribute to this beautiful symbiotic relationship. It’s also nice having a refuge for our family to get messy and breathe in and get lost in the woods so to speak.
What accomplishment are you most proud of in 2022?
I'm most proud of my family.  They are what I am so grateful for.
You went back to ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’ this season in flashbacks, any desire or plans on the horizon to return to more acting? 
Definitely, if it works for our family schedule.  
You and Jared have been married 12 years, any advice on having a marriage with longevity? 
Marriage is the best and most amazing adventure in the world. And like farming, there are some good seasons and not so great ones. Marriage takes a lot of love and nurturing. Throughout our lives we change and evolve into many different people. So, in a partnership, you’re both constantly growing and it’s impossible to always grow together, whether in parallel lines or intertwined at the same time. The best advice that’s been helpful for me is to take time and try and understand where your partner is coming from, and before reacting to anything that maybe feels a bit incendiary or frustrating, give it 24 hours.
What’s something one of your kids did lately that surprised you or made you laugh?  
Well, I'm currently watching my 8-year-old try and tell me U2 is the best band of all time I had no idea he knew U2!  My oldest sang a song in mandarin at a school talent show and my youngest gave her best ‘Hocus Pocus’ rendition dancing on our kitchen table - all in the last 24 hours! I don't know why I'm surprised by their theater bug, but clearly it's shining through.
Quick Fire Questions
Favorite book of 2022: Four Treasures of the Sky by Austin’s own Jenny Tinghui Zhang was outstanding - and it was her debut novel
Last show you binged: House of Dragons & The Bear with Jeremy Allen White
Favorite method of self-care:  Taking a time out for myself and remembering to be kind to myself and set that example.
Favorite restaurant to eat out: Emmer & Rye, Soto, WuChow
Favorite place to order in: Torchys
Go-to cocktail: Extra dirty martini or a good old fashioned beer is really my fav.
If you could have one superpower: To go back in time
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The ultimate guide to end of tenancy and carpet cleaning in Surrey and Surbiton
As your tenancy ends, the importance of a thorough and professional cleaning becomes paramount. Whether you're a tenant looking to protect your deposit, a landlord ready for new occupants, or a homeowner looking to freshen up your space, finding the best end of tenancy and carpet cleaning services in Surrey and Surbiton is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the area's top services, professional cleaning facilities, and tips for maintaining a pristine home.
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The Importance of Professional Finishes in Tenant Cleaning End of tenancy cleaning is not just a routine task; It is a detailed and comprehensive process that ensures that a property is kept idle. Here's why hiring professional end cleaners in Surrey is essential:
Deposit Security: Most tenancy agreements stipulate that the property must be returned in the same condition as it was at the beginning. Professional cleaners help meet this requirement by guaranteeing your deposit back.
Time-saving: Moving out can be a stressful and time-consuming process. Hiring professional cleaners allows you to focus on the steps yourself, leaving the burden of cleaning to the experts.
High standards: Professional finish tenancy cleaners in Surrey use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to achieve a level of cleanliness that exceeds regular standards.
Landlord Satisfaction: For landlords, a clean property attracts high quality tenants. Professional cleaning ensures that the property is ready for new occupants, reducing vacancy periods.
Top end tenancy cleaners in Surrey and Surbiton When it comes to tenancy cleaning, Surrey and Surbiton boast a number of reputable services. Here are some top providers:
Surrey Cleaners: Known for their meticulous attention to detail, Surrey Cleaners offers a comprehensive end of tenant cleaning service. They cover everything from deep cleaning kitchens and bathrooms to steam cleaning carpets and upholstery.
Pro Cleaners Surbiton: Specializing in finishing tenancy cleaning, Pro Cleaners Surbiton ensures that every nook and cranny is spotless. Their services include carpet and upholstery cleaning, window cleaning and appliance cleaning.
Sparkle & Shine Cleaning Services: This local favorite offers customized cleaning packages tailored to meet the specific requirements of the end of the tenant agreement. They are known for their reliable and efficient services.
Why you need carpet cleaning services Carpets are notorious for harboring dirt, dust and allergens. Regular vacuuming helps, but it doesn't remove deep-seated grime. Here's why professional carpet cleaners in Surrey are essential:
Deep Cleaning: Professional carpet cleaners use advanced equipment to remove dirt, dust and allergens that are trapped deep within the fibers.
Stain Removal: Experienced cleaners can tackle stubborn stains that cannot be removed by regular cleaning, restoring your carpet to its former glory.
Extend carpet life: Regular professional cleaning extends the life of your carpet, preserves its appearance and saves you money in the long run.
Health Benefits: Clean carpets improve indoor air quality, reducing the risk of allergies and respiratory problems.
Best Carpet Cleaners in Surrey Finding the best carpet cleaners in Surrey ensures that your home stays fresh and clean. Here are some top recommendations:
Surrey Carpet Care: This company offers top-notch carpet cleaning services using eco-friendly products. They specialize in both residential and commercial carpet cleaning, ensuring a deep clean every time.
All Star Cleaning Services: Known for their thorough and reliable service, All Star Cleaning Services uses state-of-the-art equipment to clean carpets and remove stubborn stains.
Surbiton Carpet Cleaners: Based in Surbiton, they offer carpet cleaning services tailored to meet individual needs. Their expertise ensures that your carpet looks brand new.
Comprehensive House Cleaning in Surbiton House cleaning in Surbiton encompasses a wide range of services designed to keep your home in top condition. From regular maintenance to one-time deep cleans, professional cleaners ensure your space is always welcoming and healthy.
Regular Cleaning: Ideal for maintaining cleanliness and order, regular cleaning services include dusting, vacuuming, mopping and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.
Deep Cleaning: This service goes beyond the surface to tackle hidden dirt and grime. Deep cleaning includes scrubbing tiles, cleaning inside appliances and reaching under furniture.
Move-in/move-out cleaning: Whether you are moving into a new home or leaving one, this service ensures that the property is spotless. It is a comprehensive cleaning of every room and surface
Why choose professional cleaning services in Surrey? Choosing professional cleaning services in Surrey offers many benefits:
Skills and Experience: Professional cleaners have the skills and knowledge to tackle any cleaning challenge ensuring high standards of cleanliness.
Time Efficiency: Save time and energy by letting professionals handle cleaning tasks, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.
Customizable services: Many cleaning companies offer customized packages to meet your specific needs, be it regular maintenance or a one-time deep clean.
Peace of mind: Knowing your home has been cleaned to the highest standards provides peace of mind, especially if you have a busy lifestyle.
Tips for maintaining a clean house While professional cleaning services are invaluable, maintaining cleanliness between visits is important Here are some tips to keep your home spotless:
Tidy Up Regularly: Tidy up every day for a few minutes to prevent clutter.
Spot Cleaning: Addresses spills immediately and stains may not be permanent.
Routine Cleaning Schedule: Establish regular cleaning schedules for tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping.
Declutter regularly: Declutter your home regularly to create a more organized and clean living space.
Use doormats: Placing doormats at entrances reduces the amount of dirt tracked into your home.
In conclusion, whether you need tenant cleaning, carpet cleaning, or general house cleaning services, Surrey and Surbiton offer a plethora of professional options. These services not only ensure your home is spotless but also save you time and effort. By choosing the right cleaning services and maintaining a clean environment, you can enjoy a spotless, welcoming home year-round.
Contact Info: End of Tenancy Cleaning Surrey Address: Flat 3, Athelstan House, 20 Saxon Close, Surbiton, United Kingdom Phone: 0203 441 7181 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.cleaningservicessurrey.co.uk/
External Links Facebook.com Twitter.com Pinterest.com Instagram.com Youtube.com
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bacchicly · 3 months
Muchness is Essential
AKA Chapter 2 - Mountain Air originally posted to fanfic.net in 2021
OR read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54640615/chapters/138507502
Summary: Luke Alvez gives an out of this world gift to Sergio and Penny has some sexy time alone.
This one is from Penelope's point of view - mostly fluff but with some sexy solo stuff at the end. Set around 13x06 The Bunker.
Penelope knows she is pretty much the definition of muchness and frankly, while at times it rubs everyone she's ever met the wrong way - including herself - gosh dang it - the truth is that a lot (and she means "a lot a lot"!) depends on her muchness! Her BAU fam certainly has no qualms demanding her to tap into her considerable talents whenever it suits them - and even more frankly - while the whole muchness thing can be exhausting - that doesn't mean it's not essential. So she needs a few more things than other mere mortals - she also gives a helluva of a lot back - so there is balance in the universe. Gaia's gotta be happy with that right? Right? She is a vegetarian after all! Although..note to self...more ecofriendly cute knicknacks should probably be in her future... if she's gonna be keeping Gaia happy...as well as herself...maybe some kittens made of bamboo? Soft ones...
Penelope, having just set some search parameters to finish up her deep dive into the victims online lives, so that she'll be ready for her usual "on the jet" call - grabs her empty (not to mention fabulous) coffee cup, pushes back her chair from her desk, swivels then stands and strides off, heels clicking furiously, to the kitchen with her brain rambling a mile a minute:
...I mean I got those nice bamboo socks last week...someone must be using bamboo fabric to make squishy kittens and unicorns and probably adorable pandas! ..but I'd better do some research first - maybe bamboo isn't as eco-friendly as is popularly assumed at the mo'... maybe the shipping of the stuff and the energy and products used to make the bamboo into fabric somehow turns the whole thing into some sort of eco-net-zero-sum-game-thing...or maybe the factories use child labour...or or locks women in for hours with... with...NO...no no... bathroom breaks...la la la not thinking about that or all the other ick which I fully know is part of this dismal dystopia we call Earth...Maybe I should make a poster or...or... start a go fund me for those poor bamboo fabric factory workers...or or a march! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait Garcia! You're getting ahead of yourself as per usual - after all, do I ever know what they say about those who assume stuff - so research! then action! why do I not have a team for that part of my life? I mean the whole divide an conquer thing works so well at work... after all, the BAU is the best team ever because many DIFFERENT minds and talents combine to make the perfect cocktail of crime fighting genius...don't they say many hands make light work... I mean if we were all the same would we ever catch an unsub? I think not! I mean that's what Descartes said and poof he disappeared! At least I crack myself up... "I think not? Poof? I think therefore I am? Oh where is Spencer when I need him? He'd laugh! Although maybe he was the one who told me that one... Still why is there so regularly noone here to hear my wit?
Penelope re-enters her office - sits on her roll-y chair that she had stood up from a good halfway across the office when heading off to get herself the coffee - then, like a glam good-fairy Davros (Man! Spencer should be here today - philosophy jokes AND Doctor Who jokes!), she pivots and pushes off at light speed - zooming straight to her desk - not spilling a drop of precious coffee. Her eyes settle on her personal menagerie of cute and cheerful...
Oh wait a gosh darn minute! Look my unicorn pens! And my mermaid in her snow-globe! And my extra special adorable stress cat that Luke got me - NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT - the point is THEY are here (unlike some Pesky Profilers I could name!) and THEY are deeply amused by my wit and style! I don't even need to say my jokes out loud. We have a connection! See? They are ESSENTIAL members of our team. That's right! I'm talking to you..you...you... Supercilious Special Agents!
One of the alarms from her searches goes off - letting her know they are ready for her human eyeballs and superb fingering techniques.
Wait - what was I doing? Gah. See? Muchness?! My brain is a very busy place. It's a lot to keep track of! So what if I need a few homey touches? Profilers. Like they have things to worry about.. well they do...but so does SHE! SO THERE! It's not my fault that FBI regulations do not allow dashboard bobbleheads to cheer them up a bit on chases. Ok - Onwards and Upwards! There are things to do! Common Garcia - the team and the human race needs your brain and your magic fingers! HERE WE GO!
All this happens at light speed in Penelope's brain, but now she's back on track and ready to pull her swivel chair to attention and get cracking on her job.
The case is finally over and her family is finally on their way home. It was another one that shook her deeply - so much of this case's particular brand of ick made her feel claustrophobic and also deeply, sadly, irrevocably lonely. She starts thinking that maybe she and Sergio really need at least a three bedroom and maybe even bigger...
...after all we do need more room for our things, Mr. Luke Who Thinks He Is So Smart! Like your sweet Roxy doesn't have things - I know she does! I got her an embarrassingly high number of those things! If anything cats need more things...after all cat furniture is a total thing...whereas dog furniture is much more of a niche market! I have done the Google search to prove that! Oh I can't wait to hug every single one of them! Minus Alvez of course - that would go against my mission statement!
At that thought Penelope ignores that she's starting to feel more and more guilty about that one...but look - even if she is not a mere mortal - she is still only human - she needs to preserve some boundaries - besides she's not convinced he'd even want to hug her...she really has been mean...and no number of homemade dog biscuits or sparkly chew toys seem to be able to get her to shake the feeling that she truly hasn't been fair to Alvez - Luke. But that swooping feeling she gets whenever he is in the room is definitely "Capitol D" dangerous to her composure. And composure is something she needs more of - not less.
She had thought for a moment at the party at her place ... caught Luke - Alvez. - looking at her a few times with what she almost wanted to believe were what any right thinking person would describe as heart-eyes...in fact it had been happening more and more lately ever since that whole embarrassing "Cool-hand Luke" slip-up...but no that couldn't be it. I mean he had thanked her the next time they saw each other at work for the chew toy and biscuits...but it's not like he knocked down her door - something she was very aware was part of his skillset - to thank her privately or as an excuse to connect outside of work...
In fact, she might be reading too much into non-happenings - but he seemed more reserved since that night.
So hands off Pen.
Let's see... how will she avoid the hug tonight? She's used almost every trick in the book that she can think of... to the point where she's actually ended up quickly hugging him a few times...which is just too too too much for today...
hmmmm...how about...
Leave Spencer for second to last and then get the brilliant and totally spontaneous idea to drag him away to her office to show him her glam Davros routine?
Perfect! It will make Spencer laugh and not look like she's avoiding hugging any one particular team member. Besides...the whole doomsday clock / Dalek thing is clearly thematically appropriate for tying the bow on this case and will let Spencer blow off some steam and do some beloved sharing of interesting points. And again due to her wide interests and nimble brain...she is the perfect audience for that banter!
See? Muchness does come in handy!
Once home, Penelope feeds Sergio then snuggles up on the couch in a comfy yet silky p.j. set. Despite being severely less cutesy than her typical jammies - which tend towards the fuzzy and the rainbow uni-sloths ends of the spectrum - this was still one of her favourites. These jammies are a rich coppery colour with teal lace trim and it fits perfectly. Three-piece perfection: little shorts, a camisole type top, and a short but flowy matching robe for over top which belts at the perfect spot on her waist.
She has complimented the ensemble with teal velvet slippers she found at a cool little second hand place a few weeks ago. They had ridiculously large pompoms on the toes like Tinkerbell and made her smile super wide whenever she peeks down at her toes.
Basically the outfit was the definition of perfect lounge wear - and she felt beautiful and swishy in it - but it was also modest enough to open the door and tip when the dinner she had ordered was delivered.
Penelope sighs as she thinks how too bad it is that she found this outfit after she and Sam had broken up - so no one but delivery people had seen it yet...and it really was designed to be appreciated...
At that thought, her traitorous mind jumped to wondering what Luke was up to tonight...
Banishing the thought, Penelope switches on the T.V. to stop her brain in it's tracks. She flips through the channels as she waits for her food. Penelope is going to relax and not think.
Despite herself, she smiles as she scratches Sergio ears the way that made him close his eyes and grin. The Davros plan had come off without a hitch of course! And - bonus! - she now knew that:
1. Davros has been compared to the infamous dictator Adolf Hitler several times, including by the actor Terry Molloy who played him from 1984 to 1988 - and Julian Bleach who played him in the 90s defined him as a cross between Hitler and the renowned scientist Stephen Hawking.
2. Some clearly dim people think he was The Doctor's greatest enemy.
The second fact had led to a rousing debate which did a very nice job of putting some much needed sparkle into her Good Doctor's eyes.
Muchness to the rescue again.
But then there had been that - that - conversation as they all left about where and how they would spend their last day on earth. Was that really necessary? She was supposed to be divesting herself of the ick as she made her way out of the building. She was not supposing to be prepping - whoops bad word choice. - not...not... gearing herself to obsess over the ick of the world all night...
But she could not stop running over and over what he had said...
Mountains? Really?
She supposes they are the opposite of claustrophobic...
...although if you were anywhere with Luke would a little claustrophobia necessarily be a bad thing?
Her cellphone rings with the tone signalling that someone needs to be buzzed up and that her food is probably here. Penelope answers quickly...
"Hey Pene - Wait just a sec this guy needs a hand with the door - sorry I'm back - hey Penelope! I'm here with your dins! Buzz me in?"
"Yeppers My Favourite Bringer of all things yummy! See you in a tick!"
Penelope keys the cell code that opens the vestibule door. Then she stands up - much to Sergio's intense displeasure - and sashays her way to the door by way of the kitchen to set out a plate and a some cutlery and a pink shimmery cloth napkin. When she hears the knock - she grabs the twenty that she'd left on the counter for the tip. She knows it's excessive but Sutida is awesome and is delivering food to pay her way through college. She's taking welding - which is totally bad-ass and Penelope is aware that she always keeps her a few extra minutes than she should to chat.
Penelope swings the door open but instead of Sutida - Luke Alvez is standing there clutching a cat tree that appears to be about his height and covered in midnight blue and purple iridescent faux fur - it kind of looks like a galaxy was folded up into a perfect piece of cat furniture. A paper bag - definitely holding her Veggie Fusion Feast - is precariously balanced on one of the ledges of the cat tree.
"Uh Hi - I hope you don't mind - I was the one who Sutida helped with the door. I overheard her talking to you - so I offered to carry up your food along with this thing - since I was heading up anyways. Don't worry I tipped - I had a twenty in my wallet."
Penelope can't move. Her mouth is hanging open. She is completely discombobulated by this turn of events.
It feels like a full minute of them just staring at each other...when finally he gives himself shake and smiles...
"Um...can I come in? This is not super heavy - but it is - um - awkward. Maybe you could grab the bag? Balancing it on this thing might not have been my best idea this week."
"uh...yeah..I'm...sure...of course...of course.."
Penelope grabs the bag on her heel and takes it to her kitchen counter. She starts to open it - mostly for something to keep her occupied - then realises she's still clutching the twenty.
"what? wait! first here's the twenty I was going to give to Sutida..I know it's a bit of a big tip..."
"Nah keep your money - you can get me back sometime at the bar... Plus no need to explain...I figured it was the welder-delivery woman you were telling Emily about last week...and I remembered you'd said you always give her twenty to make up for the time you steal for a quick chat. I think it's just another sign of you being the Queen of Ice - I mean - Nice"
As he talks, Luke strides over to the window which is the offending portal to the nude kung fu guy and thumps down the cat tree in front of it. It fits perfectly and totally helps promote privacy. Sergio blinks at it from his spot on the back of the couch, stretches, then jumps down and makes his way over to sniff the base of his new throne. Luke turns and smiles at Penelope.
Penelope is speechless again. She just stares. So does he. Until he does that shake thing again and launches back into his stream of talk...
"Look - I won't stay long...you look...you look...ready for a nice relaxing evening in and I'm hoping to catch up with a friend a bit later...but..but..."
"Look I got home and wanted to apologise...for the other morning. I mean of course Sergio has things...I mean Roxie has things...and in fact when I got home tonight I totally couldn't believe how - i mean that her bed was looking a bit um rough..um threadbare...not really good enough for um my girl...
..and...so...and...anyways...I...um...saw this at the pet store tonight when I dropped in to see if I could find something for Roxy...and well...I'm pretty sure it would be a crime against all things good and...and...beautiful had I not...um...immediately gotten it for Sergio. I mean...um ..it kinda goes with you decor...so i hope you...and um Sergio of course...um like it."
"Totally. I can't believe...i mean... Thank you. Yeah...um just...um... Thank you. Yeah...um Thank you so much...um.. yeah. Thank you Luke."
They stare at each other again.
Penelope is blushing and Luke is rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
This time it's Penelope who gives herself a shake and restarts the conversation.
"So - um - as usual I ordered enough food for the whole army... want some?"
"No...uh...no thanks...like I said I'm trying to get a hold of a friend of mine who's having a bit of a rough time. Maybe some other time? K? Maybe? I mean I would never want to impose...anyway um...I hope you have a good night...Penelope...um... Garcia!"
At this point he's .back to the door.
"Night Sergio! Hope you enjoy...See you at work Garcia."
The door closes behind him as he talks. He spins as he closes it. Unknowingly doing a fine impression of Levitt from Barney Miller leaving the squad room.
The door closes behind him and Penelope just stares as she realises the gorgeous man who for once just out babbled her is gone and she is now - well Sergio is now - the proud owner - of the most fabulous cat tree she. has ever. seen.
She walks over and runs her hand over the sparkly soft tower that he set by the window...as she realises not only is this giant gift is literally making her beam with crazy joy...
...her naked kung fu problem seems to be at least slightly taken care of...
Huh . I guess I am not the only one who indulges in random acts of pet kindness.
Penelope has now finished her dinner and is watching a nature documentary about Wildlife in the Canadian Rockies. If anyone were to ever ask, she would say that she's not exactly sure why she settled on it for tonight's viewing. Stamped it.
...although she has some suspicions that she is trying to smother.
It's turned into a two screen evening...and for more reasons she does not want to examine too closely...she has spent the evening researching hotels and cabins and something called glamping - which she can't decide is something that sounds fun or horrible - primarily at sites located in the Canadian Rockies...apparently there are hotsprings with pool and spa services... in Banff and Jasper...who knew! So far she's downloaded four trail guides and even done a poke around airfare sites...just to get an idea of what a flight would cost...
The nature show transitions to a part about grizzlies...specifically grizzly mating. So far she's watched goats, moose, elk, and some special snails get it on in the mountains. The producers of this show are clearly sex obsessed perverts. The bears are strangely a lot less violent then some of the other less fierce animals she's watched tonight...so far there has been a lot of bear making out - ear licking - neck nuzzling - general sensuous furry snuggling. Apparently grizzly couples are seriously keen on foreplay.
Penelope swallows a groan as her tricky brain replaces the bear couple with herself and a certain cat tree delivery guy. She has zero doubts that he would be an amazing kisser - she just doesn't think that he and she should ever kiss. The silky pj's are now starting to feel a bit too sensuous against her body. She also is a bit hot - so naturally she sets down her tablet and un-knots the belt on the robe so she can shimmy out of it.
The bears on the screen are still sniffing and snuggling and licking each other. She knows grizzlies are some of the most dangerous bears out there...but they are just so gorgeous yet strangely magnificently adorable. Kinda the look she rocks the best...
As the robe comes off and the cool air hits her shoulders - her nipples do that stand-at-attention thing and her breasts feel extra full and tingly. She tips her head back and brings her hands up to cup and lift her breasts - stroking her nipples through the silky copper fabric. The friction is pretty damn fantastic. She tilts her head as if there is a lover who wants access to her neck for kisses and licking and nuzzling. Of course, the face she pictures and is almost feeling against the crook of her neck is his - covered in his not too long but not too rough beard...of course it is his lips she imagines pressing against her skin - mouthing her pulse point - licking down her collar bone towards the swell of her breast...
"And now the male will mount the female..."
Penelope looks up at the tv - dropping her hands from her breasts - she watches as they show the lumbering male bear hug the female from being and begin to pulse into her - still licking and nuzzling her her neck - maybe biting a bit at her scruff - and her damn pussy tingles like mad at the sight.
Penelope flips off the tv.
Enough. Time for bed...I mean sleep.
But her brain and body think that is a very very silly idea - so she doesn't get up from the couch - instead she leans back against the arm and swings her legs up onto the sofa - her hands finding their way back to her breasts - one caressing up the side of her neck to tangle in her hair...and the other rolling its way down and around and over her tummy (which is crazy sensitive and reserved to be touched only by very very very few) - and then dipping down under the elastic of her pyjama shorts...
Penelope lets out a long moan and gives in. She teases the skin of the lowest part of her belly - stroking back and forth with an open. palm - letting her fingers dance and dip and run through her curls between her legs. She gives her curls a few sharp little tugs which she mirrors with the hand that is tangled in her hair by her face...she moans again but this time her lips form his name as part of it all...
Oh Luke...
She is perfectly able to please herself for hours...her body has always been magically responsive and her imagination is no slouch and she loves the feeling of being in her own skin...especially when she's alone - but slow is not what she's feeling a need for right now. She wants this to be quick and satisfying and now.
She starts to rub her clit in hard tight little circles - dipping down sometimes into the opening for her vagina to slicken her fingers and tease more skin. She doesn't resist letting herself imagine Luke with her - afterall nothing from this moment will make real life with the man more awkward and complicated. So she pictures - feels - what it would be to have Luke - above her - on the couch kissing her her - all lips and tongues and hands and skin and teeth... the drowning swooping feeling intensifies.
She is close. And she knows how to push herself over the edge - she deliberately changes the cadence of her breath - she actually can make herself cum just by changing her breath and making her brain swirl into a narrative of all things sexy - she briefly remembers doing it once as teenager sitting in the back of an almost empty city bus - then drags herself back into this moment. She brings both hands down - using one to shove fingers into herself as deep as she can reach - as the first two fingers on her other hand jills her clit for all she is worth.
She is hunched over herself now - red faced - rocking and gasping - she knows she would not be a pretty sight if anyone were to walk in right now but she is almost there so she doesn't care...quickly she weaves a belief that Luke's cock is deep inside her and that he is making the most incredibly sexy noises as he makes love to her...that he is momentarily holding back but then is cumming...cumming...cumming inside her which makes her release crash over her.
She shudders through the end of her orgasm and then unfolds herself from the couch and stumbled her way to bed. Ready to sleep away the rest of the night.
She opens her bedroom window to let in some fresh air and then falls onto the bed pulling the comforter up over herself.
She is asleep in minutes.
In the darkness of living room Sergio jumps to the top perch of his new cat tree, and surveys his domain.
He is totally pleased with his new status as ruler of the galaxy.
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ramandeepblogs · 5 months
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Modular Kitchen Accessories | Simplify Your Cooking Experience with the Best In-class Accessories
Cooking is an art, and like every artist, each cook needs the right tools. A well-equipped kitchen can transform your cooking experience. No more struggling with obsolete cutlery or inefficient equipment, the right kitchen accessories will help you whip up a treat every time.
Unleash Your Inner MasterChef with Quality Kitchen Accessories
Gone are the days when kitchens were only used for cooking. Today, the kitchen is the heart of the home, where you not only cook but also bond with your family over food. Modular kitchen accessories, with their innovative designs, are revolutionising how we approach cooking and kitchen management. They optimize the kitchen space with their sleek and compact designs, being both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Imagine a beautiful set of wall-mounted racks or an elegantly designed spice carousel - these are not just accessories, they're conversation starters.
Additionally, these accessories are made to be cleaned easily, which adds to the hygiene and cleanliness of your kitchen – an aspect that cannot be overlooked. Also, their advanced mechanisms and tools can cut down on cooking time significantly. From smart touch faucets to multipurpose slicers, the objective is clear: to make your time in the kitchen productive, enjoyable, and filled with culinary exploration.
Why Opt for Wooden Kitchen Products?
Imagine this: you're preparing a wholesome meal, and you reach out for a cutting board; it's solid, feels good to touch, and has that timeless look that only wood can provide. This isn't just a fantasy – wooden kitchen products bring this elegance and so much more to your kitchen. The charm of solid wood cannot be understated, especially in a kitchen setting. Integrating wooden kitchen products into your modern kitchen does not just exude a vintage charm but comes with a load of perks.
Wooden items are renowned for their durability and longevity. When treated right, wooden kitchen products like cutting boards, utensil holders, and spice jars can last generations. Plus, they add a warm, natural aesthetic that is difficult to replicate with any other material. They bring a piece of nature into your space, creating a cosy and inviting environment. Moreover, they are eco-friendly, supporting your drive towards sustainability. In a world where environmental consciousness is not just appreciated but necessary, using wooden accessories is a step in the right direction.
Stay Well-equipped with Wall Mounted Accessories
In the race to make the most out of every inch, wall-mounted kitchen accessories stand out as an innovative solution. Space is a precious commodity in modern-day kitchens, and these accessories help capitalize on vertical space that is often underutilized. They save counter space, making your kitchen appear more organized and clutter-free, a quality that is aesthetically pleasing, as well as functional. You can easily reach for pots, pans, or spices without having to navigate through a labyrinth of kitchenware.
Wall mounted accessories also offer easy access to commonly used items. Consider having a magnetic knife strip or a hanging utensil rack – they not only store your tools efficiently but also put them on display in a manner that is both accessible and stylish. Additionally, they add a decorative touch to your kitchen. With various designs and materials available, they can serve as an expression of your personal taste, uplifting the overall atmosphere.
Invest in High-Quality Cutlery
Every masterful meal is as good as the cutlery it is prepared and served with. High-quality cutlery undoubtedly lasts longer, resisting wear and tear and proving to be a cost-effective investment over time. But the benefits don’t stop there. It elevates your dining experience; picture the feel of a perfectly balanced knife as it slices through a tender piece of meat or the elegance of a beautifully crafted fork as it complements the table setting.
Moreover, exquisite cutlery speaks of your exquisite taste when you entertain guests. It's all about the details – the weight, the material, the finish – all contribute to that special feeling of a well-curated dining environment. When it comes to hosting, your choice of cutlery can become the subtle centrepiece that signifies sophistication and attention to detail.
Harness the Power of Advanced Cooking Tools
Embrace the marvels of technological advancements with modern cooking tools that are nothing short of a blessing for passionate cooks. These appliances, infused with the latest innovations, can drastically cut down on the time and effort required for your cooking routines. This means that you have more time to concentrate on perfecting flavors and exploring new recipes rather than being bogged down by preparatory tasks.
They speed up the cooking process with efficient energy use and often come with pre-set functions for specific dishes which ensure uniform cooking – a critical factor for tasty, well-prepared meals. Besides their operational advantages, these advanced tools are designed with user safety in mind, featuring secure locking systems, auto shut-off functions, and cool-touch exteriors. With these, cooking fast doesn't mean cooking reckless. They are intuitive, safe, and user-friendly, making them a must-have in the modern kitchen arsenal.
Reap the Benefits of Storage Units
The secret to a seamless cooking experience often lies in the art of organization. When you can locate your ingredients and utensils without a moment’s delay, cooking becomes less of a frantic scramble and more of an artful dance. Modular storage units, designed to use space effectively, are essential to achieving this level of harmony. They provide that much-needed organized storage for easy access, allowing you to find what you need when you need it, without any unnecessary hassle.
Moreover, they help maintain cleanliness and order, which is paramount in a kitchen environment. A neat kitchen clearance mentally prepares you to handle food safely and allows you to put more focus on creating rather than cleaning up clutter. With the right storage units, every spoon, knife, and jar has its place, contributing to a sense of calm and order that is pivotal for any culinary creation.
Choose Durability with Stainless Steel Accessories
Stainless steel accessories are not just about the gleam and shine they bring to your kitchen; they are about making a wise, long-term investment. They are rust-resistant and promise longevity, remaining unaffected by the humidity and wear that kitchen accessories typically go through. Also, they are a breeze when it comes to cleaning, resisting stains and odors that can compromise your kitchen’s hygiene.
The sleek, shiny finish of stainless steel brings an element of style and sophistication that echoes through the space. Be it a set of measuring spoons or a spacious sink, the visual appeal of stainless steel is undeniable. It complements any kitchen design, from the traditional to the ultra-modern, proving that these accessories are not just durable but also versatile in style.
Rethink Comfort with Modular Kitchen Furniture
Pairing comfort with style in the kitchen is a masterpiece in itself. When your kitchen furniture aligns with the modular setup, you ensure that every square inch is put to good use. Choosing furniture that seamlessly merges with your kitchen’s layout intensifies the overall functionality without compromising aesthetics. Sink into a comfortably cushioned chair at the kitchen island and you'll find that the time spent in the kitchen is not just about cooking—it's a comfortable and enjoyable part of your daily routine.
Apart from providing functional comfort, the furniture enhances the ambiance and aesthetics. Whether it be chic bar stools or an elegant dining set, the right furniture can convert your kitchen from merely a place to prepare meals to a luxurious and welcoming space where memories are made.
Embrace Innovation with Smart Gadgets
A smart kitchen is the hallmark of modern living, and the layer of convenience these gadgets bring is nothing short of transformative. These smart gadgets, from programmable coffee machines to voice-activated ovens, not only enhance productivity and efficiency but also pave the way for a more eco-friendly lifestyle through energy-saving features.
Moreover, they are designed with user-friendly interfaces, which means that they are intuitive to use, making cooking less of a chore and more of a delight. The seamless integration with other smart home devices adds another layer of convenience, allowing you to manage your kitchen appliances with a single tap on your smartphone or a simple voice command. Innovations like these redefine what's possible in the kitchen and open up new horizons for culinary expression.
Remember, cooking is not just about putting food on the table; it's about the joy of creating, the excitement of experimentation, and the warmth of sharing. Modular kitchen accessories facilitate all these aspects, turning the kitchen into a sanctuary of culinary delight. Whether you're a busy professional seeking efficiency or a passionate home cook looking for elegance and convenience, modular kitchen accessories cater to all your needs. So why wait? Dive into the world of kitchen transformation and let these accessories be your ally in the culinary adventure that awaits.
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housecleaning9 · 6 months
Should You Tip Your House Cleaner
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If you have a house cleaner, it can be difficult to decide whether you should tip them. Even if the job they do is exceptional and you feel like they deserve extra recognition for their hard work, is tipping really necessary? This blog post aims to answer your questions about etiquette when it comes to giving tips to your housekeeper; outlining situations where it's appropriate or not required, as well as the potential benefits of doing so. Read on for more information about how much and when you should tip your house cleaner!
What is a house cleaner and why do people hire them
A house cleaner is a professional who is responsible for cleaning and maintaining houses and other living spaces. People hire them for various reasons such as lack of time, disability, or illness, or simply because they want a clean and organized home. House cleaners are trained to clean and sanitize every nook and cranny of a house, making sure it is free from dirt, dust, and other impurities. With their expertise, they can remove even the toughest stains and grime. Additionally, many house cleaners nowadays use eco-friendly products that are safer for both the environment and the inhabitants of the house. Hiring a house cleaner will not only help you maintain a healthy and clean living environment but also give you more free time to focus on other important things in your life.
What tasks do they generally perform?
A home cleaning service typically performs a wide array of tasks to ensure a clean, hygienic, and organized living space. The tasks can vary based on the specific needs and preferences of the homeowner, but generally include dusting furniture, vacuuming and mopping floors, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning bathrooms, including toilets, sinks, and mirrors. Kitchen cleaning is another crucial task, which often involves washing dishes, cleaning appliances, and wiping down countertops. Some services may also include making beds, washing windows, and laundry. Additionally, deep cleaning tasks, such as carpet cleaning and oven cleaning, may be performed on a less frequent basis or upon request. The goal of these tasks is to provide a thoroughly clean and comfortable environment for the residents.
Pros and cons of tipping your house cleaner
Tipping your house cleaner is a practice that's often debated. On one hand, leaving a little extra cash as a thank you for a job well done is a kind gesture that can help boost morale and show appreciation for their hard work. However, tipping can also create an expectation of extra compensation and may cause the cleaner to feel undervalued if they don't receive a tip. Additionally, if you're constantly tipping your cleaner, it could end up costing you more in the long run. Ultimately, the decision to tip your house cleaner is a personal one. It's important to consider your own budget and the level of service you're receiving before deciding what's right for you.
How much should you tip your house cleaner
When it comes to tipping your house cleaner, there are a few things to consider. While tipping is not always expected, it can be a great way to show appreciation for their hard work and dedication to keeping your home clean. Most experts recommend a tip of 15-20% of the total cleaning fee. However, this can vary depending on the level of service provided, the size of your home, and the frequency of cleanings. Ultimately, the decision to tip is up to you and what you feel comfortable with. Just remember, a little gesture of gratitude can go a long way in making your house cleaner feel valued and appreciated.
How to find and hire a reliable house cleaner
Keeping a clean home can be conducive to your overall well-being. But finding the time to maintain it on top of the responsibilities of modern-day living can be quite daunting. So, the option of hiring a house cleaner might be the next best thing. However, it can be tricky to find one who is trustworthy and efficient. Here are some pointers on how to locate a reliable cleaner. First and foremost, ask for referrals from family, friends, or even neighbors who use a cleaning service. Make sure to read reviews and check ratings online before you hire. Inquiring about the cleaner's experience, what cleaning products they use, and if they are bonded and insured are additional measures to consider. These precautions should help guide you in your search for the right cleaning professional.
Tips for finding the right cleaning products to use in your home
Keeping a clean and tidy home is essential for both the aesthetics and health of your living space. However, with so many cleaning products on the market, it can be difficult to find the right products for your needs. One important factor to consider is the type of surface you will be cleaning, as different surfaces require specific cleaning ingredients. Also, take into account any allergies or sensitivities you or someone in your household may have, which could limit the range of products you can use. Another tip is to read product labels carefully to ensure the ingredients are safe for your home and the environment. With a little research and consideration, you can find the right cleaning products that will keep your home looking and feeling fresh.
Hiring a house cleaner can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. With the right research, you can find and hire a reliable and trustworthy person who will help keep your home clean. Consider what tasks you need to complete and the pros and cons of tipping them depending on the level of satisfaction with their work. Make sure to spend time researching cleaning products that are not only right for your budget but also safe to use in your home. Lastly, take advantage of any coupons or discounts when hiring a house cleaner as this may help save money in the long run. Are you ready to bring in professional help, get organized, and create the perfect living space? Take action today and let the professionals do all of the hard work for you!
Author Description: EcoGlow Cleaning is an experienced and professional cleaning service in Charlotte, NC focusing on both residential and commercial cleaning.
Learn more about ecoGlow Cleaning at https://maps.app.goo.gl/RcrYY4AU57SbCKKp9
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going-green-ish · 2 years
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Being an eco-friendly small pet owner 🐭
In April, Tom and I finally got our first pets together - two little mice! Having grown up with hamsters, I was painfully aware of how plastic-heavy small animals are. Their food, treats and bedding are all stored in plastic bags and their cages and toys are often ladened with plastic.
We were desperate to have life other than houseplants to look after, and we had fallen in love with the idea of getting mice. We were also desperate to not break the planet by getting them, however.
So! Here I am to share with you how our eco-friendly mice were brought about. A lot of this can be applied to rats, hamsters and gerbils etc. but bear in mind the specific care points are mouse-centric.
Before going into any details, I just want to disclaim that I was crushing on these mice hard, months before they were even born. I budgeted for them three months ahead and chipped away at buying their things over the course of those three months.
My mentality is to buy secondhand if I can, and if I can't then to buy high quality (and often therefore a bit pricey). This is manageable for me, but only because I'm an organisation gremlin and plan my budgets to the extreme.
🏠Starting with the cage:
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This cage is the Ferplast Cage for Hamsters and Mice KARAT 60. The key thing here for me was that it's made of glass and metal, with minimal plastic - only the clips and wheel are made of plastic. Unfortunately for mice, they need a solid wheel which means we couldn't get a metal one. For mice, they need good ventilation as they're prone to respiratory diseases. They also need a deep base to the cage so they can exhibit their natural digging behaviour. The bar spacing of this cage is mice appropriate (0.6 mm or less) as mice are small! They can squeeze between the bars of some hamster cages.
Food bowls! Made of ceramic, one for grains, one for fruit and veg. Shallow enough that they can perch on them (often in them) to nom.
Wooden house and log. Instead of a plastic house, you can get lovely wooden ones that double up as good chewing posts for them as they get older. Plastic isn't the best thing for them to get their teeth onto.
You can't really see it in this photo, but the water bottle I have for them is made of glass instead of plastic. Always check the labels at the shop to make sure anything you're buying is suitable for the critter you're getting!
Edit: It's been brought to my attention that the scale of this cage isn't necessarily obvious from the photo! In terms of gallons, the glass tank is around 12 gallons and the cage area is a further 17 gallons, bringing the total volume of the whole area up to about 29 gallons (these are from my measurements, from the measurements on the product page, it comes out more around 27 gallons. Mine were a bit rough so maybe trust this number more!). For our two mice, this is an appropriate amount of space.
🛏️Now onto bedding:
Mice need materials they can burrow into, but also need a substrate at the very base of the cage to absorb their urine. If you're going a plastic route, this normally involves cat litter at the base and a mix of paper shredding and tissue shredding (if you get sawdust/wood chip, you have to be very careful with what wood it is from, as some trees irritate their respiratory systems)
My plastic-free suggestion depends on you already getting your loo roll and kitchen roll from a plastic-free company (like Bumboo or Who Gives a Crap).
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Substrate: As you can see here, the substrate we use is a (slightly mangled from the washing machine) bath mat. It's 100% cotton and every fortnight when we clean them out, we shake it out in the garden and pop it in the washing machine. We have two that we cycle between so the girls never go without. Be careful with what material you buy - 100% cotton is fine, but if it's a blend with a synthetic fibre it should be avoided.
Burrowing materials: Why on earth would you buy paper and tissue pre-shredded in a big plastic bag when you could just...shred paper...and tissue...at home? I got myself a cheap shredder and have one of the technicians at work hoarding scrap paper for me that would otherwise go in the recycling bin, so I'm re-using stuff that would get junked. After its use here, it can then go in our home recycling as our council accepts shredding in mainstream recycling. Whenever we clean the girls out, we add in some loo roll and kitchen roll that we tear up into strips by hand. We never use up all of our loo roll and kitchen roll from each Bumboo order anyway, so it doesn't cost us any more than our standard subscription already. Plus, two mice really don't use up much!
Extra bits: Nutmeg and Honeysuckle are very happy burrowing, running in their wheel and Spidermanning it around the cage bars and the ceiling, but we do provide them with tubes to tunnel through and some DIY structures we've made for them to play with. These are just from our usual waste of loo roll and kitchen roll.
🍴Lastly, on to food:
Now, we love the girls and hope they life a very happy 2-years-life-expectancy, but mouse food from pet stores is honestly a rip-off. Looking at the ingredients and talking to the staff there, there was nothing we couldn't get from our local refill store and farmer's market.
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The girls get sunflower seeds, oats and wheat in their grains bowl and a selection of seasonal fruit and veg in their other bowl. Every now and then they get treats of popcorn (plain), different seeds and nuts (not walnuts which are toxic) and even some suet and seed block from what I buy for the garden birds. Nutritionally, this is what they get from the mouse food in the store - the ingredients list is identical to what we give them, the store stuff is just all dehydrated instead.
They are very happy. Almost too much. One of them is weighing in at a whopping 27 g. We're trying our best, moving on...
My point being that it's easy to avoid the plastic if you have a good refill store near you. Ours is priced competitively to the local supermarkets, so this isn't actually an expensive venture at all. But if you're living somewhere like London and have a refill store near you, I know this price comparison is a distant fantasy with a lot of them. On the positive side, the sunflower seed and wheat jars in the photo above haven't been refilled since I filled them first three months ago. They really don't each much! (Apart from Honeysuckle. Twenty-seven grams).
Apart from some balls for them to run around in, and a little carry case for transport, these mice use absolutely zero plastic, a far cry from the plastic-hungry hamster care from my childhood.
In conclusion:
It takes:
sourcing of resources
certain habits to already be instilled
but it is possible.
Just because they're little and often seen as the "easy" pets, doesn't mean they shouldn't get just as much love and planning as you would put into getting a cat or dog. Owning any animal is a responsibility one should take seriously and I feel that rodents and fish get overlooked deeply (did you know that a goldfish on average should have a 20 gallon tank?).
Here's to giving all animals a good quality of life! 🐭
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tayyemon · 2 years
Gamer Gifts to buy this Holiday Season
The holidays are around the corner, so if you have a friend or someone special you need to buy a present for and/or are just looking for something to treat yourself to this gifting season, then look no further than here. Also, a disclaimer that no part of this post is sponsored.
Geekshare for Console Accessories
Geekshare is a company that specializes in gaming accessories, they have products for the Nintendo Consoles, PlayStation 4/5, and XBOX. With a cute aesthetic for the most part when it comes to their selections, the main offerings are the following: Thumb grip covers, protective shell cases, controller covers, carrying cases for traveling. Geekshare has also broadened their store to include other options for tablets as well as desk accessories such as mousepads and charger adapters and even crossbody bags. (There is this cute plush cat one I saw that I want to buy myself now lol). There is both a personal website as well as an Amazon storefront linked below.
BenQ Screen Bar for Late Nights
Yes, this product is on the more expensive side ($109 USD), but the ways you could use this screen bar are quite versatile. It hooks up onto your monitor or laptop (via USB), but you can use this to be a regular desk light as well as this product has quite the range as well to help with those light nights of working or reading books; for aspiring streamers, it could also be their ring light as well! BenQ products are also certified as Eco-Friendly as well so if you want to shop with environmental consciousness in mind BenQ is a good place to start for tech related goods.
Hagibis Cleaning Kit for Tidiness
If you have some dusty and dirty electronics? Look no further than this 5-in-1 cleaning kit that does not only help with you keyboard and mouse but also other electronics such as ear buds and even for your scale figures. This product is revered by many and especially so on Tik Tok subgenre Tech Tok for its affordability as well as its versatility beyond tech goods. Currently this product is only available on Amazon, which is also linked below.
Cooluli Mini-Fridge for Snacktime
Something I have seen for a while across all my social platforms as of late is the trend of personal minifridges, whether it be for storing skin care, drinks, snacks, subscriptions, etc. While I personally do not understand the phenomenon of them it is something I can get down with, I mean who wouldn't want one to have their favorite snacks and drinks ready. I myself would personally use one for skincare though, what about you?
Yes, there is way more ideas out there (You should tell me all about them lol), such as the Wishlist buy as most games and websites let you buy for others such as Steam Wishlist’s and even in-game cosmetics such as League of Legends and Wildrift to name an example, but if this helps anyone, it is a solid win for me. As always, thank you for reading!
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oneworldcable · 1 year
Shine Bright in the Kitchen: Aluminum Foil's Essential Role in Food Packaging
Introducing Shine Bright in the Kitchen's Aluminum Foil for Food Packaging – the ultimate solution for all your culinary needs. With its exceptional quality and versatile applications, our aluminum foil is here to revolutionize the way you store, cook, and serve food. From preserving freshness to enhancing flavor, our product is a must-have in every kitchen.
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Unmatched Quality and Durability:
At Shine Bright in the Kitchen, we take pride in delivering only the highest quality products to our customers. Our aluminum foil is crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring its exceptional durability. Made from premium-grade aluminum, it offers superior strength, tear resistance, and heat retention capabilities. Whether you're wrapping leftovers, baking, or grilling, our aluminum foil will withstand the rigors of everyday kitchen use, providing you with reliable performance.
Preserve Freshness and Flavor:
One of the key benefits of using aluminum foil for food packaging is its ability to preserve freshness. Our foil acts as a protective barrier, shielding your food from moisture, oxygen, and light, which are the primary culprits behind food spoilage. By securely sealing your meals and ingredients in our foil, you can extend their shelf life and keep them tasting as delicious as the day they were prepared. Say goodbye to wasted food and hello to long-lasting freshness.
Versatile Applications:
The versatility of our aluminum foil knows no bounds. Whether you're storing leftovers, wrapping sandwiches for a picnic, or marinating meat for a barbecue, our foil can handle it all. Its pliable nature allows it to conform to any shape, ensuring a snug fit around your food items. Moreover, our foil is oven-safe, making it ideal for cooking and baking. From tender roasts to perfectly baked potatoes, our foil helps you achieve culinary excellence with ease.
Effortless Convenience:
We understand the importance of convenience in the kitchen. That's why our aluminum foil is designed for effortless use. The roll design allows for easy dispensing and tearing, ensuring hassle-free handling. Whether you need a small piece or a large sheet, our foil provides the flexibility you need. The convenient packaging ensures that our foil remains neatly organized and protected, ready for whenever you need it.
Eco-Friendly Choice:
As champions of sustainability, Shine Bright in the Kitchen is committed to offering eco-friendly solutions. Our aluminum foil is 100% recyclable, making it an environmentally responsible choice. By choosing our foil, you contribute to reducing waste and promoting a greener future.
Trust and Confidence:
When it comes to your kitchen, we understand the importance of trust and confidence in the products you use. Shine Bright in the Kitchen has a longstanding reputation for delivering excellence, and our aluminum foil for food packaging is no exception. We prioritize your satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations with every purchase. With our foil in your kitchen, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have chosen the best.
Experience the Difference:
Say goodbye to subpar food packaging solutions and embrace the brilliance of Shine Bright in the Kitchen's Aluminum Foil for Food Packaging. With its unmatched quality, versatile applications, and dedication to sustainability, our foil is a game-changer in the world of culinary preservation. Elevate your cooking experience and discover the countless possibilities our foil brings to your kitchen. Visit our website Owcable at to learn more and experience the difference for yourself.
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The Best Cleaning Service in London: Making Your End of Tenancy Sparkle
Are you searching for the best cleaning service in London to ensure a seamless end of tenancy experience? Look no further than End of Tenancy Cleaning! As a trusted and reputable company, we specialize in providing exceptional cleaning services that cater to the unique requirements of tenants, landlords, and letting agents. With our team of experienced and skilled cleaners, state-of-the-art equipment, and eco-friendly cleaning products, we guarantee to leave your property spotless and ready for the next tenant. Read on to discover why we are the top choice for end of tenancy cleaning in London.
Dedicated to Excellence: Our Comprehensive Cleaning Services
At End of Tenancy Cleaning London, we understand the importance of a thorough and comprehensive clean when it comes to the end of a tenancy. Our dedicated team goes above and beyond to ensure every nook and cranny of your property is immaculate. From bedrooms to bathrooms, kitchens to living areas, we leave nothing untouched. Our services include:
1. Deep Cleaning: Our experienced cleaners meticulously clean and sanitize all areas of your property, including hard-to-reach spots, ensuring a pristine living space for the incoming tenant.
2. Bedroom & Living Room Cleaning: We employ advanced techniques and equipment to remove deep-seated dirt, stains, and allergens from bedroom & living room, leaving them fresh, clean, and odor-free.
3. Kitchen Cleaning: We pay special attention to the heart of every home, thoroughly cleaning appliances, countertops, cabinets, and floors to ensure a hygienic cooking environment.
4. Bathroom Cleaning: Our cleaners eliminate grime, mold, and bacteria from bathroom fixtures, tiles, and floors, ensuring a sparkling clean and inviting space.
5. Hallway & Stairs: We offer professional hallway & stairs cleaning services, leaving your hallway & stairs streak-free and enhancing the overall appeal of your property.
Superior Quality with Eco-Friendly Practices
We take pride in delivering top-notch cleaning services while prioritizing the well-being of both our clients and the environment. Our team utilizes eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for your health and sustainable for the planet. We believe in minimizing our ecological footprint without compromising on the quality of our services. By choosing our end of tenancy cleaning services, you can have peace of mind knowing that we are committed to responsible cleaning practices.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
At End of Tenancy Cleaning, customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. We strive to exceed your expectations and ensure your complete happiness with our services. Our cleaners are not only highly skilled but also friendly and professional, ensuring a positive experience from start to finish. We listen to your specific requirements and tailor our services accordingly, providing personalized solutions that meet your needs and preferences.
Book Your End of Tenancy Cleaning Today!
If you're in need of the best cleaning service in London, End of Tenancy Cleaning is here to serve you. Our team of experts is ready to tackle any cleaning challenge and deliver outstanding results. Don't let the stress of end of tenancy cleaning overwhelm you—let us handle it while you focus on your next move. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference of our exceptional cleaning services. Trust us to make your end of tenancy sparkle!
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wisesparkofjoy · 1 year
8 Reasons Why Peel and Stick Wallpapers are a Game Changer for Your Home
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Peel and stick wallpapers have become increasingly popular over the years due to their versatility and ease of use. They can instantly transform a room without the mess and hassle of traditional wallpaper. Here are 8 reasons why peel and stick wallpapers are a game changer for your home.
1. Easy to Install
Peel and stick wallpapers are incredibly easy to install, even for those who have never hung wallpaper before. All you need to do is peel off the backing and stick the wallpaper onto your wall. No need for wallpaper paste, messy glue or a professional wallpaper installer.
2. Easy to Remove
One of the biggest advantages of peel and stick wallpaper is its removability. If you change your mind or want to update your decor, you can simply peel off the wallpaper without damaging the wall or leaving any residue behind.
3. Cost-Effective
Peel and stick wallpaper is generally more affordable than traditional wallpaper. Plus, you can save money on installation costs as you can do it yourself, eliminating the need for professional installers.
4. Versatile
Peel and stick wallpaper comes in a wide range of patterns, colors and designs, making it suitable for any room in your home. It can be used on accent walls, as a backsplash in the kitchen or bathroom, on furniture, or even on stairs.
5. Temporary or Permanent
Peel and stick wallpapers can be used as a temporary or permanent solution. If you're renting and can't make permanent changes to your space, peel and stick wallpaper is an ideal solution. Alternatively, you can use it as a long-term option as it can last for years.
6. Easy to Clean
Most peel and stick wallpapers are made from vinyl, which is easy to clean with a damp cloth or sponge. This makes them ideal for high-traffic areas such as the kitchen, bathroom or children's room.
7. Perfect for DIY Projects
Peel and stick wallpaper is perfect for DIY projects. You can use it to update an old piece of furniture, create an accent wall or even create a unique headboard. The possibilities are endless.
8. Eco-Friendly
Many peel and stick wallpapers are made from eco-friendly materials and are 100% recyclable. This makes them a great option for those who are environmentally conscious.
9. Where to buy Peel and stick wallpapers
When it comes to buying peel and stick wallpapers, there are numerous options available online and in-store. However, not all stores offer the same level of quality, variety, and customer service.
One of the best places to buy peel and stick wallpapers is Deccoprint.com. This online store offers a wide range of wallpaper designs to suit every taste, style, and budget. They also offer worldwide shipping, making it easy for anyone to purchase their products no matter where they are in the world.
In addition, Deccoprint.com is known for its excellent customer service. Their team is always available to answer any questions and concerns, and they are dedicated to ensuring that their customers are completely satisfied with their purchases. So, if you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy place to buy peel and stick wallpapers, be sure to check out Deccoprint.com.
In conclusion, peel and stick wallpapers offer a number of benefits that make them a game changer for home decor. From easy installation and mess-free application to affordability and eco-friendliness, peel and stick wallpapers are a great option for anyone looking to update their home decor.
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bestvideo21 · 1 year
Professional House Cleaning Service | OCD Cleaners
Our comprehensive services deliver the most trusted and professional results in residential,commercial, and industrial cleaning in San Antonio
If you are looking for house cleaning services in San Antonio, there are many options available.
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Some popular cleaning services in San Antonio include:
Merry Maids: Merry Maids is a professional house cleaning service that offers regular cleaning services, as well as deep cleaning, move-in/out cleaning, and more.
The Maids: The Maids is another professional house cleaning service that offers a range of cleaning services, including regular cleaning, deep cleaning, and move-in/out cleaning.
MaidPro: MaidPro is a professional cleaning service that offers a 49-point cleaning checklist to ensure that every area of your home is cleaned thoroughly.
Molly Maid: Molly Maid is a cleaning service that offers customizable cleaning plans to meet your specific needs and preferences.
Handy: Handy is an online platform that connects you with local cleaning professionals who can provide a range of cleaning services, including house cleaning.
These are just a few examples of the many house cleaning services available in San Antonio. It's a good idea to do some research and read reviews to find the best cleaning service for your needs and budget.
some additional information about house cleaning in San Antonio:
Types of house cleaning services: There are different types of house cleaning services available in San Antonio, including regular cleaning, deep cleaning, move-in/out cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and more. Regular cleaning typically involves cleaning the most commonly used areas of the house, such as the kitchen and bathrooms, while deep cleaning involves a more thorough cleaning of the entire house. Move-in/out cleaning is usually done when you are moving into or out of a house, while post-construction cleaning is done after a renovation or construction project.
Benefits of professional house cleaning: Hiring a professional house cleaning service can have several benefits, including saving you time and effort, ensuring a clean and hygienic living space, and reducing your stress levels. Professional cleaners have the experience and equipment needed to clean your home quickly and efficiently, which can be especially helpful if you have a busy schedule or physical limitations.
Cost of house cleaning services: The cost of house cleaning services in San Antonio can vary depending on the size of your home, the type of cleaning service you need, and the company you choose. Some companies charge by the hour, while others charge a flat rate. It's important to get quotes from several different companies to compare prices and find the best deal.
Choosing a house cleaning service: When choosing a house cleaning service in San Antonio, it's important to do your research and read reviews from previous customers. Look for a company that is licensed, bonded, and insured, and that uses environmentally friendly cleaning products. It's also a good idea to ask about the company's training and screening process for their cleaners, to ensure that you are getting a high-quality service.
Overall, there are many house cleaning services available in San Antonio, and with a little research, you can find the right service to meet your needs and budget.
Customization options: Many house cleaning services in San Antonio offer customization options to fit your unique needs. For example, you can choose to have only specific areas of your home cleaned, or you can request certain cleaning products to be used. You can also customize the frequency of the cleaning service, from daily to weekly to monthly. This flexibility can help you create a cleaning plan that works best for you and your schedule.
Eco-friendly cleaning options: If you are concerned about the environment, many house cleaning services in San Antonio offer eco-friendly cleaning options. These services use cleaning products that are free from harmful chemicals and are safe for the environment. Additionally, some cleaning services use sustainable cleaning practices, such as using microfiber cloths instead of paper towels.
Pet-friendly cleaning services: If you have pets, some house cleaning services in San Antonio offer pet-friendly cleaning options. This means that they will use cleaning products that are safe for pets, and they will take extra care to ensure that your pets are comfortable during the cleaning process.
Seasonal cleaning: Seasonal cleaning is a great way to give your home a deep clean and prepare it for a new season. In San Antonio, some house cleaning services offer seasonal cleaning packages that include services such as cleaning gutters, washing windows, and cleaning outdoor areas.
Maid services vs. cleaning services: Maid services and cleaning services are not the same thing. Maid services typically include additional tasks such as laundry, making beds, and doing dishes, while cleaning services focus mainly on cleaning the home. When choosing a service, make sure you understand the differences between the two and choose the one that meets your needs.
Overall, there are many options for house cleaning in San Antonio, and by considering your needs, budget, and preferences, you can find a cleaning service that meets your needs and keeps your home clean and comfortable.
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artblogart · 2 years
Extra useful tips for saving money in and around the house
Putting on a warm jacket when you go outside when it snows is quite normal. You want to be nice and warm, don't you. Your body is your home they say. This way you can also treat your real house. So put on a thick coat. In other words, isolate. In the past, the houses were divided into smaller rooms. You had the separate kitchen. The sliding doors to divide the living room. And more doors than now. This made every room smaller and easier to heat. Now it's very different: large lofts with high ceilings and converted halls. The heat will blow right up to the ridge of your converted church. In your beautiful house, the steam from the moist air you exhale hardly diminishes as you stoke your arm. The open kitchen must also be kept warm. In short: all those modern living trends are not very heating-cost friendly. What else can you do yourself in and around your house next to all those connecting doors to push down living costs? Here are new tips for saving.
Economical at home thanks to power strip with switch
Remove the plugs from the sockets. And really turn off all devices. Do not leave it on standby. Buy a power strip with a switch. Click and you make a profit. It saves 100 euros per year (500 kWh).
Stop wasting water
Leaking taps and unnecessary running of the tap while brushing your teeth saves thirty liters of water (which is becoming more and more expensive) per tooth brushing.
More saving tips
Let hot soup cool outside the fridge for tomorrow. That gives extra heat and your refrigerator does not have to work overtime to cool the hot leftovers. So double return. Conversely, you let frozen products thaw in the refrigerator. So in the morning already from the freezer to the fridge. This way you help to keep your refrigerator cool.
Smarter and cheaper charging
Your laptop and your petty crumb thief mini vacuumcleaner are also getting harder and harder to charge. That also costs energy. So read the manual on how to best handle these devices.
Defrost your freezer a little more often
Also defrost the freezer compartment of your refrigerator from time to time, because the ice layer ensures a lower freezing capacity of the freezer compartment and therefore higher energy consumption. Some expensive refrigerators already have no-frost regulation themselves. The defrosting then takes place automatically. A better refrigerator can be a good investment anyway. Because the better energy labels save tens of euros. A refrigerator with the best energy label saves 750 euros over its entire lifespan.
Clothes rack instead of dryer
if possible You can dry your laundry on a rack in the garden or on the balcony, because the dryers use by far the most energy. The gas-fired dryer is a bit more economical. You also have dryers that measure how damp your laundry is. They then stop on time. Also saves.
Hang your laundry outside and iron dry is also good
Iron dry is also less expensive than bone dry. All that moisture also comes back into your house, so you have to burn more to heat up that heavy moist air. Make sure to clean your fluff filter very regularly. This prevents fire hazards and the device lasts longer.
Use the eco button on all your devices
An eco program on your dishwasher is also useful. You save energy and water. If it comes out neat and clean, that's fine.
Immediately teach new desired behavior together
Teach yourself and your roommates to close doors behind you, turn off unnecessary lights, use water economically, and make aware of all costs associated with living.
Shopping for building materials in the neighborhood
All the stuff and renovation materials that you buy to decorate and improve your home are pretty pricey. You can remove wood, windows, floors, ironwork and insulation material from other renovations. You can also walk in at a renovation to ask if they are getting rid of more beautiful things.
Creativity is the gift and talent to constantly parry new situations. To come up with solutions for a changing environment. To respond flexibly to change. To row with the oars you have. Creativity is adapting. It is a survival mechanism that prehistoric man used to make a roof of leaves and branches and to tie a fishing net from rope. Now you use that primal power to optimize your living situation.
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purewooddoor · 1 year
Wooden Doors Online in India - Purewood Doors
Purewood Doors is a leading supplier of wood doors in India. Our products include Solid Wooden Doors, Front Wooden Doors and Interior Wooden Doors. We offer door manufacturing, maintenance & installation services to domestic and commercial clients.
Wooden doors in India
Wooden doors are the most beautiful and durable option for your home. The wooden door is a classic solution to your home décor needs, but if you want an ornate look, then this option is perfect for you. These doors come in various sizes and shapes which can be used to create different types of rooms or spaces within your house like kitchen cabinets or laundry rooms.
The best thing about using wooden doors as part of your design plan is that they don't require much maintenance at all; only minor cleaning once every two weeks will keep them looking fresh! They're also very eco-friendly because they're made from natural materials such as hardwood timbers mixed with glue (or other bonding agents), so there's no need for plasticizers or paints which may cause health issues later down the line when exposed over long periods of time.
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Wood Doors Online in India
If you're looking for Wooden Doors Online in India, Purewood Doors is the right choice for you. Our company has been providing its services to clients across the world since 2014. We have a team of experts who are passionate about creating beautiful products and providing them with superior quality at an affordable price.
We offer both standard wooden doors as well as bespoke designs that suit your needs perfectly. We also offer our customers free shipping on all orders over 5000/-
Purewood Wooden Doors are the choice of many a homes and offices.
Purewood Wooden Doors are the choice of many homes and offices. These doors are made of high-quality wood, making them sturdy, durable and long-lasting. It also looks beautiful in your home or office premises. Purewood Wooden Doors are available in different designs and styles that can be customized per your needs or preferences.
The Purewood wooden doors are available in various sizes such as:
1 Door size - This door size has 2 panels & comes with 1 glass pane on each side. It has a thickness of 3mm to 4mm which makes it stronger than other types (2 panels).
The experts in the industry, we supply and install high quality wooden doors across the country.
We are a leading manufacturer of wooden doors in India. Our range includes high-quality products at affordable prices, which we supply and install across the country.
We offer door manufacturing, maintenance and installation services to domestic and commercial clients.
We offer door manufacturing, maintenance and installation services to domestic and commercial clients. Our team of experts can help you choose the right door for your home or office. We have a wide range of wooden doors for you to choose from, including solid wood doors with glass inserts, laminated veneers and more. Our doors are made from high-quality materials that will last for many years without any maintenance required from you. In addition to this, we also offer installation services at no extra cost!
Purewood wooden doors are the choice of many a homes and offices.
Purewood wooden doors are the choice of many homes and offices. Wooden doors are a popular choice for homeowners and businesses because they offer durability, style and value for money.
Purewood wooden doors have been around for more than 15 years, meaning they have built an immense reputation in their field. They are widely used to create various types of wooden doors including sliding doors, front doors, etc., making them one of the best options available today when buying new wooden doors online at low cost without any hassle whatsoever!
Purewood Doors are the choice of many homes and offices. We offer door manufacturing, maintenance and installation services to domestic and commercial clients. We have been providing high-quality products for over 15 years in the industry. The experts in the industry, we supply and install high-quality wooden doors across the country
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