#benwyatteddiediaz is essentially part sodden cat found in the sewer part skittish horse foal and part feral little raccoon
chronicowboy · 11 months
wip wednesday
i can no longer in good conscience gatekeep beneddie from the masses, i am nothing if not a fair and diplomatic ruler of the au, so have a tiny piece of this sad, wet, pathetic cat of a man with his gay little desires only realised through his son
 When Eddie blinks up at him, narrow-eyed but just a little fond, Buck is helpless to prevent the smile tugging at his lips.
"Hey," Eddie replies after a beat too long. He shakes his head in confusion. "What are you doing here?"
"Your budget taskforce was interfering with Bobby's romantic cruise plans, so he made me the parks and rec representative." Buck lets the smugness of his smile infect the words too, languishing in the small tick of Eddie's lips like he wants nothing more than to share in the joke with him. He hopes that one day Eddie will allow himself to do so. "I have so many ideas, I'm so excited. You're in for a real special summer."
"I don't doubt that," Eddie murmurs to the laptop.
"Hey, um, how's Christopher?" Buck tries not to be too offended by the shock on Eddie's face when his neck snaps up to look at him, reminds himself of the guarded defensiveness Eddie had hoarded Christopher away with in the microbrewery. He knows its nothing personal, but it stings all the same. "Did he enjoy the concert? I tried to find you guys before it ended, but things got a little hectic."
"Ah, we left at the start of Doe and Daisy's set, you wouldn't have found us. Chris gets sleepy in the sun, he conked out on the blanket before Tagliatelle in my belly." Eddie bites his lip and rearranges his notes on the desk before putting them back in their original place. "Wouldyouliketocometothezoowithus?"
this scene might be one of my favourites <333 @danielsousa @butchdiaz @gracelcdomas @diazly @jamietarts @shitouttabuck (lmk if you want to be added to the pnr au taglist !!)
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