#benny x six
danses-with-dogmeat · 10 months
B is for -- Benny Gecko
Aaaaand here is the prompt for the good ole Ben-man himself! He's always a fun challenge to write for with his... expressive dialogue, lol. And this was no exception, but again, I think the randomized aspect of the prompt was being nice to me 😅
Anyway I hope you all enjoy!
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Benny x g/n Six
Dialogue Prompt: “Remind me when I said I needed your help?”
Word: Believe
Rating: SFW
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1.4K
“Baby?” Benny’s sleep-sore voice passed through the fabric of the lightweight bed sheets as he turned to face his partner in the darkness. “What you up to?” 
Six continued readying themself, the sound of shuffling bags, of zippers being pulled up, and buckles being done rang through the casino hotel room. 
“I’ve been up thinking all night, and, it's time. I've gotta just… end this.” 
Benny sat up at that, one hand wiping at his tired eyes as a confused expression settled upon his face. 
“End… what? This early in the a.m.? Angel, you must be guzzlin’ moon juice or somethin,’ you thinking about doing anything right now. Sun’s not even awake yet, what right have we got to be kicking around at this nocturnitus hour?” 
“I didn’t say we, Benny. You can stay here, I just… I can’t sleep thinking about this. Haven’t been able to for days, since we found out about House’s army in that bunker, about the dam and Caesar’s reinforcements coming in and the NCR President… I’ve just gotta do something about it now. Before it’s too late, before it’s out of my hands.” 
Benny blinked at them, the wheels in his head beginning to turn, still only processing half of all they said, but operating suitably enough for him to spit out a response. 
“Sure, yeah, sounds like a dream, sweetie-pie. I’d love to shove a stopper in it all too, just be able to stay here and make sweet music with you all the time. Get Yes Man fired up, override or delete or whatever it takes of that mummified millionaire and get our names up in lights, but… Can’t just be done in one night– ahem, morning. It’s morning, again, I forgot, cuz the moon is still dreaming up there..." Benny shook his head, sleep still tugging ceaselessly at his eyelids as he patted the still-warm spot beside him with one outstretched hand. "Why don’t we follow its lead, hm?” 
The bed shifted as Six took a seat at the foot of the mattress, and Benny found himself scooting closer, wrapping a hand around their waist and leaning one cheek on their shoulder. 
“Hmm, takin’ my advice for once, lovebird?” 
His head shifted as Six sighed, rising and sagging along with their shoulders. 
“No.” They told him simply, and Benny’s chest gave a pathetic little ache. “I can’t sit by and do nothing as war threatens all of New Vegas.” 
“We won’t be doing nothing, sweetcakes.” His hand rubbed over their back, in an attempt to smooth their ruffled thoughts through nothing but his touch. “Everything’s close to ready, an’ we still got the chip. House can’t do jack without that shiny piece of platinum, which means we’re in control here. Just waiting for the opportuneous moment, when our own tin-can-pal can safely transfer power over to us. Then, baby, then we make our waves, ya dig?” 
“Just because House can’t do anything with his underground nightmare, it doesn’t mean Caesar and the NCR are gonna sit and wait. Something has to be done about them now.” They stood up, wrenching their waist out of Benny's hold and leaving him to catch himself from toppling over where he’d been leaning against them. 
What the hell about what I’m saying isn’t getting through that cranium of theirs?
Evidently, it’s a thick cranium, that, he knew from personal experience, but…
Still, Six should know better than to run off like this, like chasin' wildflowers in the wind. As beautiful as the thought of it was, in reality, it was always gonna slip through their fingers.
They may be the fated courier who held the platinum chip, and his main squeeze, both were hefty titles, but they still could never hope to stop this war all on their own.
“So, what about tonight brought all these plans and schemes of yours to the head of the table?” 
Six zipped their rifle bag closed definitively, and he heard another sigh leave them. 
“It’s not just tonight, Benny, I told you. It’s been weeks, and I just… I can’t take it any more. I feel like they’re gonna make their move any minute, and I don’t want to be a waiting duck.” 
“That’s a weird way of putting it, sugar.” He scooched all the way to the end of the bed as he spoke, letting his feet swing over and hit the carpeted floor. “‘Sitting duck’? Wasn’t that it? What is a duck, anyhow?” 
“Dollface, just hold on a jiff.” 
“No, Benny. I told you. I’m leaving, you can’t stop me.” As his eyes adjusted to the dim of the room, and as pale sunlight began to lighten the blackout curtains hanging from the windows, Benny could see the way they swung their bag over their back and made to leave with a stubborn sorta purpose. 
They could never hope to stop this war... On their own.
“I ain’t gonna try and halt your moves, baby. If you’d listen, I’m about to tell you I’m coming with ya.” 
He stood up, and started towards the cabinet where he kept his suits. Benny didn’t need to look their way to know that Six was pinching the bridge of their nose, or maybe flaring their nostrils. 
He just does that to them, and he knows it. 
Doesn't mean they don't want him tagging along though. Deep down.
“Remind me when I said I needed your help?” 
Deep deep down.
“Don’t gotta say squat for me to know you want it. May not need it, that’s not really what I’m sayin’, but sure as nuka cola bubbles, you want it. Even if you don’t know that, I do, baby.” 
Six rolled their eyes at him. As he pulled on his clothes swiftly though, he found he didn’t much care. 
He does that to them too, he supposed. He has since they met him. Well, met him the second time, that is. 
“You really want to help me?” He expected there to be more humor in their inquiry, but no, it had more of a genuinity to it. Real curiosity bled through their words, and a lousy sorta feeling made itself known in Benny’s gut. 
“Look," He sighed as he paused his dressing, letting his button-up hang down half-done. "I know, so far, in this outfit I been about as useful as a deck of cards with no aces, or a brahmin with no legs, but baby, all you done for me? The dream we share? Never found a bloke or broad I could relate to more, never found someone to take me as I am the way you have, even through all the muck and grumble I’ve put you through.” 
Benny approached his partner once he’d pulled his iconic suit jacket over his shoulders, and grasped either side of their arms in his hands, pulling them close to look them in the eye. 
“And while I don’t like to analogize myself with the slimy, no good Robert House, I too, am a businessman, whether I like it or not. Got the dress here to prove it, too.” He gestured with one hand down at this checkerboard suit jacket. “And if I owe somebody a debt, I aim to pay it forward, ya dig?” 
Six bit their lip, looking away from him briefly before one hand reached out to touch their chin, drawing their eyes back to meet his. 
“An’ I owe you diamonds and pearls for all you done on my account. But I ain’t got all that, all I can say is… believe me. Believe that I wanna help you, that I’m gonna. And believe that I believe in our dream. Our New Vegas.” 
His hand on Six’s chin rose to boop them on the nose affectionately, and despite their determined look, a smile escaped them, passing right through to Benny as he reflected their relief at his words. 
“Alright.” They sighed, for the umpteenth time this early morning. “I’ll believe you, baby.” They leaned forward, and Benny grinned into it as their lips met his in a chaste little kiss. 
“But for the record,” Six said as they pulled away, much too soon by his account, “You’re no businessman, Benny.”
“No?” He turned his head to them as he finished buttoning up his shirt, moving towards the bedside table as he did, where his Maria laid in waiting.  
“Nah, you’re a conman.” Six practically giggled, and Benny couldn’t find the words to argue. He could only take his gun in hand, and follow them out the door they both set off to change the fate of the Mojave.
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glamfellens · 5 months
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get black widow'd idiot
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misscryptidart · 2 days
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deadwifemanpain · 1 year
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Benny got smooched I GUESS-
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everydayyoulovemeless · 7 months
May I have more Benny relationship headcanons please 🥺
Romantic Benny HCs: 2
➼ Word Count » 0.4k ➼ Warnings » Slightly Suggestive? ➼ Genre » Romantic
Benny loves hugging your waist, especially when you're both in public. PDA is always best when others can see it — at least, that's how he sees it, and what better than showing you off?
He likes to pretend he's a pimp, but every morning when you wake up to his own rendition of a wasteland breakfast, it's hard for him to keep that image up.
He loves cradling your head and peppering kisses all over your face, although he prefers to do it in the privacy of one of his suites. Can't be ruining that reputation, yeah?
He'll get you this beautiful, silver necklace with The Tops logo on it so that others get the message that you're with him and the rest of the Chairmen.
Anywhere you wanna go, Benny will gladly take you. Just whisper a location into his ear, and he'll get on with making preparations.
Whenever he spots you lounging around in his casino, he'll make a big show, grabbing everyone's attention before dipping you down and kissing you.
He likes to give you all these sweet pet names. The ones he uses most often are baby, doll, gem, broad, and sweets.
He has a slight jealous streak where he might 'accidentally' ward off a few acquaintances of yours. You can tell by the shaded look in his eyes when he's not feeling someone as much as you might be, but that's the only real downside of being with him.
Benny's a huge morning person and will gently trace words of endearment into your skin until you finally wake up.
You'll be included in all of his schemes. He's been looking for a reliable partner for a minute now, and you happen to check off everything on the list. You're brave, good with a gun, clever, and an absolute wild card, baby. You guys are the Bonnie and Clyde of the wasteland.
He's not one to be tied down by anyone, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't considered marrying you. Realistically, he'd never do it, but he'd love to give you a ring if nothing else than as a declaration of loyalty. It's like marriage without actually having to tie the knot.
His favorite thing is when you steal Maria out of its holster and aim it at him. He doesn't know how to explain it, he just knows it turns him on.
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songsaa · 25 days
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Bro was not drawn like a french girl 🗣️💯
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radroachess · 3 months
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Someday I’ll be more comfortable sharing sketches more often but here’s more Roy + Benny ❤️‍🩹
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loonarjester · 1 year
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-"Oh my foolish foolish man is in shock, how cute"
-"Didn't he shoot you in the head? I was also under the believe you fancy women??"
-"Sometimes I find men that fascinate me with how pathetic they are next to my presence"
[The background is partially screenshots from the game and partially painted]
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fallout-hoe · 6 months
Obsessed with a love/hate dynamic with courier six and Benny. Like both got the hots for each other, but are so obsessed with being the one in control that they can’t actually be together officially. It’s just a constant seduction battle with a side of backstabs and death threats (that they never act out on). The two idiots don’t realize that they would be much more powerful as a couple that rule New Vegas together
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moristarcakebonk · 2 years
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Zero’s design has changed but I still love this comic.
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glamfellens · 1 year
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you’re platinum pussycat
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scout985 · 14 days
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oh my god look out
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deadwifemanpain · 4 months
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I have been way too inactive here
Checks notes
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could we maybe get some romantic Benny hcs up in here? 👀👀
Romantic Benny HCs
➼ Word Count » 0.5k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic
Benny's the type of guy to find all these grand ways to show that he loves you. You'll wake up to a room covered in irradiated flower petals and caps with a sweet sentiment written in big letters across the walls.
Ever since he shot you in the head, he's been so much more protective of you. He feels so bad and desperately wants to make it up to you in any way he can. Whatever you want or need, he's got it all taken care of.
That said, he almost always has his arm around your shoulders. He likes keeping you close to him. There are a lot of people he's screwed over and he doesn't want any of them to get to you.
He's constantly taking you out on dates. One of his favorite things to do is sit out on one of the balconies at The Tops and drink wine while you watch the people in the streets.
Benny is very spontaneous and will, a lot of the time, surprise you with random trips across the wasteland. There was one time he took you all the way down to visit Hoover Dam just so the two of you could sit on the edge and smoke before going home. It was just meant to be a nice little getaway from the rapidness of your regular lives.
Whenever it rains, he takes you out into the Vegas streets and offers to dance with you. It doesn't rain often, and he finds the activity so enthralling cause most just sit and stare.
The two of you have an interesting sort of reputation as you're both known for cheating whenever you gamble. Neither of you are allowed to go into any of the other casinos anymore and have to keep your gambling nights at The Tops.
Whenever you do something possibly dangerous, Benny will immediately start making out with you. You went straight into the legion camp to upgrade the securitrons? Bro is on his hands in knees, in love with you.
He drapes his jacket over you after sex.
Benny gets jealous really easily and gets into a lot of arguments with people because of it. Your relationship didn't start off all that great in Goodsprings and he's worried you'll leave because of it.
He absolutely loves it when you grab him by his tie. You'll have him completely wrapped around your finger if you do.
He kisses your forehead when he's nervous, that way if anything happened to him the last thing he did was kiss you.
My man is constantly complimenting you, he just can't help it. He sees you wearing something pretty and he'll flirt with you like there's no tomorrow.
He's always on the lookout for rings or other types of jewelry that he could give to you. He's a HUGE gift-giver, especially when it comes to valuable, shiny things.
He'll rename the bar in The Tops after you. He does it to prove that he's there for the long run and that you're not just one of his flings. He wants you to know how much you truly mean to him and that he doesn't plan on making this a short-lived relationship.
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rockabully · 2 years
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omg mods asleep repost art that got deleted from ur tumblr bc u deleted the blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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