#belial x djeeta
goldenteaset · 5 months
What's a girl to do when Belial has a cute butt 😔
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katie5000 · 5 months
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Pulled some new stuff out of the crane machine.
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zeruzerudesu · 10 months
Ships and Pairings:
As you've might noticed from the content that I post, I have a very specific ships and pairings of my favorite characters, esp. when it comes to Beelzebub pairings.
Here are what I considered as OTP/ships that I enjoyed a lot:
-Gran x Beelzebub/Beelzebub x Gran (but I prefer the former than the latter)
-Lucilius x Beelzebub
-Beelzebub x Belial
I ship the 1st 2 as exclusively romantic, in a rival to lovers way with very specific of dynamics
I don't rly view Beelzebub x Belial as romantic but more to partner in crime/'friends' with benefits type
Side pair:
-Tomoi x Beelzebub
this thanks to Dandyism event that it's so hilarious yet I can't help but ship him and Tomoi cuz they have a hilarious yet fun dynamic.
-Lucifer x Beelzebub
He definitely in lovestruck towards Lucifer and it's just obvious, but he never went in advance tho
Platonic ship:
-Beelzebub and Narmaya. I think they could be such best buddies, will treat Gran as doting sister/male oneesan.
-Beelzebub and Shalem. I always sees them as siblings exclusively, they have similar viewpoint, except Beelzebub is rarely honest about his feelings (and Shalem would love to tease him about it). They always have interesting banter to each other.
Overall, they're that fashionable siblings who always looked good in anything they wear.
-Beelzebub and Ladiva. He definitely need some therapy and Ladiva is the perfect choice for that.
Definitely a no-no ship:
Hard notp: ships that involving him romantically/sexually to female characters but most esp. djeeta and cagliostro.
Also stated above, I only sees him and Shalem as sibling and nothing else.
I also avoiding any yumejo ships of him as I have some very unsavory experiences with yumejos, so I definitely don't wanna see any yumejo ship of him. And that also including "your character/self insert" as well.
Aside from what I had mentioned as hard notp, it's safe to assume other ships are fine by me.
These are the sets of boundaries that I want to be respected and I will respect yours. It's ok if you ship my notps but I prefer not being engaged/involved to it, like you're trying to convince me to like that ship as I'll simply block you.
Thank you very much
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icharchivist · 11 months
The Versus world is different because after beating Beelzebub it's revealed that his and Belial's extensive fuckery with causality created a new world
One where essentially two worlds have been merged together, which is why Gran and Djeeta both exist and interact and everyone has memories of either being their captain, so they can't say which is the truth, because both appear to be equally true
Trees grow in different directions than they did before, people's memories are weird, that sort of thing
And it's mentioned that no archangels exist in this world, which is probably why Sandalphon has been excluded
I think that's how they counter people going "But what about X couldn't we call in those to stop Beelzebub and Belial if they're such big threats?" No, because they're not in this new world
Something about all of this was also supposed to wake up Lucilius/ help free him, the former of which happens at the end of the story mode
Maybe Sandalphon comes in through a rift as well, or maybe he's just suddenly there
We'll see
thank you for the throughout explanation. It was pretty clear despite how confusing the base situation is.
I can understand the reason to do that yeah, makes sense, and i can understand wanting to avoid the "but wouldn't [character] help out", it's just. groans. to reconciliate with what we know.
But if they're going about it that bringing Lucilius into their world will bring Sandalphon as well because Sandalphon want to make sure Lucilius stay locked up, it might work out.
it does make me think it's even less likely Sariel will ever show up though
thank you once again for the explanation!
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lha-san · 4 years
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I made some Belial x Djeeta fanarts a few months ago xd 
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suzukamizuchi · 5 years
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Belial is trending topic again on twitter...
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caelumsaltator · 4 years
@kaependiumofmuses​ is 10000% sus:  "I love you, Singularity." Is it a lie? Is it the truth? Who could really ever know with the Primarch of Cunning? Perhaps Beelzebub was correct, that he's simply incapable of telling the truth.  ||  Send me “ I love you. “ and I will post an icon displaying my muses reaction to your muse saying this to them
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jejesart · 5 years
You make me ship Sandalphon x Djeeta and Belial x Djeeta so much and I dont even play GBF! Everytime I see them on my timeline I go "Hnnnnnnnngggggg dang you Jejeeeeee". Both pairings are super adorable
PLEASE theyre both equally good i will talk about each ship one by one because im a talkative bitch and i love them deeply
so for sandjeeta!!!! hoo boy i LOVE their development. you see, they started as enemies because sandy tries to destroy the world. he even had the gall to throw djeeta from a fucking cliff (she survived thanks to lucifer). this became the running joke “your fingers are delicate” because thats what sandy said before he threw djeeta lol.
anyway, when sandy joined the crew, he clearly kept his distance. he always called djeeta ‘tokuiten’ (singularity) instead of ‘danchou’ (captain). almost everyone in the crew calls djeeta danchou, but not sandy. that showed how distant they were.
BUT right before the final battle, he started to call djeeta danchou. THAT really makes me emotional. not to mention around that time he also mentioned he wanted to save the world not because of lucifers wish, but because he himself wanted to be with the crew.
(i assume you know who lucifer is, but if you dont know hes the super important angel whos like sandys master. personally i see him more like a dad to sandy. also hes dead and now sandy has his power)
then after the final battle sandy somehow ended up in a space between life and death. and surprise surprise lucifer was there, making him a cup of coffee. drinking coffee together was a routine they have back before sandy tried to destroy the world. so they drink together, chat for a while.
in this part lucifer said to sandalphon, “know you will always be my solace,” and sandalphon replied, “and you will always be my guiding light.” lucifer said this because he knew sandalphon would choose to go back to the crew, so he gave these words of support. he then offered sandalphon another cup of coffee, but the voice of the crew telling sandalphon to come back reached him. and guess what? he IMMEDIATELY refused lucifers offer. like man. before him stood the one that mattered to him the most. sandalphon himself even said that he actually had planned to follow lucifer after the world was saved. but he changed his mind. he wanted to be with the crew now, so he chose to leave. and lucifer, ever the gentle soul, smiled and gave him his full support like a good dad.
BUT THATS NOT ALL. lucifer actually wanted sandalphon to stay; thats why he offered him another cup of coffee. AND SANDALPHON KNEW THIS. he knew lucifer, despite his words of support, wanted him to stay. BUT NOOO HE STILL CHOSE TO COME BACK TO THE CREW. that just shows how much he grew to love the crew. HOW MUCH HE WANTED TO BE WITH THEM THAT HE WOULDNT TRADE HIS EXISTENCE IN THE REAL WORLD WITH THE CREW TO BE WITH LUCIFER.
and leaving lucifer pained him. really, really pained him. sandalphon said 'ittekimasu’ three times, and each time afterwards he gritted his teeth because he really wanted to be there with lucifer. but he still went back to the crew. he could change his mind, but he didnt. the desire to be with the crew is bigger than the desire to be with lucifer. how beautiful is that???? its super heartbreaking from lucifers side, not to mention his cutscene, but im super happy and touched by sandalphons development. HOW CAN I NOT LOVE SANDJEETA WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT??????
as for belidjeeta, im not gonna lie i ship them because belial is hot as fuck HAHAHA. please a villain shouldnt be that sexy but cygames did that. he makes all of us question ourselves.
but i also ship them because i feel like djeeta will treat belial right. im so angry at lucilius kicking belial on his wound. like bro this dude spent 2000 years to revive you and set your sick grand plan into motion and the first thing you did was kick him??? on his wound??? and just because of that i want him to join the crew so he can experience real affection and love.
also belial is clearly intrigued by djeeta because shes the singularity. djeeta is the only factor belial cannot predict. i see djeeta as someone whos not easily reeled in, but wont take shit from anybody either when its too far. like shes the type who wont be taunted by belials dirty talk, but she will straight kick belial in the groin if shes really annoyed. but she will still care for him, so belial will fall so deep for her because of that.
anyway both are good and im so happy you like them too!!!!!
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goldenteaset · 4 months
Belial: It's like I always say, Singularity, use protection and play safe.
Djeeta: "Protection"...ah! Just a sec! *runs to her closet and then runs out in her Spartan Class* Like this?
Belial: ...You had that custom made, didn't you, you wonderful woman? Oh, I could kiss you! C'mere--
Djeeta: *flustered* PHALANX! ...Oh no... D:
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goldenteaset · 5 days
That's completely fine, we're basically using the same canon event as a jumping off point to delve into different aspects of. Hell, we're both going into this with wildly different ships in mind, for one. If I were taking a more BeliDjeeta-oriented approach, there'd also be less murder attempts. Probably. Just a skosh
I personally love stuff like that, seeing the different things people will focus on when telling a story based on similar events, which is why I'm looking forward to seeing your spin on the tale, so to speak!
In any case, I'm very glad I could serve as an inspiration to you <3
Thank you! :D Yeah, the nice part about the Seraphic questline in particular is how almost fanfic-y it gets but in the best way (it's practically a Merry Bad End, to use VN lingo), so the end result can go one way in canon while we can spin it in all sorts of directions in our fics. I love the idea that your hypothetical take on BeliDjeeta might have less murder, maybe. XD
As you can probably tell, writing went very well yesterday! I think now I can say that this falls under "creepy fluff" for sure. Lyria's just too optimistic not to be having some good times, and I adore her too much not to give her that...which then spreads to Belial in weird ways.
Lyria: I've been so worried I can't eat... ;_;
Belial: D: Oh sweetie *whips up a cake right away, fresh from the void*
Anyway, thank you again for having rejuvenated my obsession! ;v;
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goldenteaset · 8 days
I was watching Belial's arcade story in GBVS and got pleasantly surprised with BeliDjeeta! "The couple that slays (Grand Order) together stays together", as they say. :D
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goldenteaset · 25 days
Happy Maid Day! \0/ While I don't have anything new to post today, I do have something to resuscitate: my first GBF fic ever. It's fun seeing the differences between how I write everyone now versus back then! (I'm surprised I haven't written more maid scenarios, actually...)
Title: Checkmaid
Rating: E
Fandom: Granblue Fantasy
Pairing: Belial/Djeeta/Rosetta, Belial/Djeeta, Djeeta/Rosetta, Belial/Rosetta
Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Threesome - F/F/M, Rentboys, Sexual Roleplay, Maids, Consensual Mind Control, Orgasm Delay/Denial, condescension kink, Two Tops One Bottom, Some worldbuilding
In which Djeeta and Rosetta set out in search of a man to fulfill a fantasy of theirs, and Belial is the man for the job.
(Set between What Makes the Sky Blue and WMTSB II: Paradise Lost.)
“Good evening, Djeeta,” Rosetta says with a welcoming smile. “We’ve heard that you wish to apply to work as our maid. Your resume is spotless, and judging by your figure you’ll have the strength to carry out your role. However…”
“…We need you for more than just household chores.” Belial leans forward slightly, resting his chin on his laced fingers. “It’s an…intimate position, and we’ll need to test your endurance before you work under us.” A long, slow blink. “But then,” he murmurs, “you knew that when you applied, didn’t you?”
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goldenteaset · 2 months
Thinking about BeliDjeeta in the context of the Seraphic Weapons questline again.
What if your father abandoned you for years while still expecting such enormous things from you. The enormous thing, even, that other Skyfarers only dream of. When Belial, the Primarch of Cunning, quietly declares "You're a special one, aren't you?" he reminds you of your father's letter, the words thin and faded from countless rereads.
Belial makes sure not to invite that comparison again the next time he sidles into your mind. He knows you're capable of other wants than mere parental pride, darker and deeper and more to both your tastes. That dirty mouth of his is for your ears alone, and the worst part? Each time you overcome an obstacle he set before you, he grows more tender.
It shouldn't be this way. You shouldn't be asked after like this, told to "stay safe", even in a manner tinted with luridness. Not by someone like him, who you know has your worst interests at heart.
And yet your body says: Listen. You are exhausted, you are breaking apart, you have been since the beginning. He may be lying, but he has a point.
His betrayal should have been a relief. You can finally refuse him. And yet, as he holds you close in front of that dark mirror, showing how "special" (fallen) you've become inside and out, you wonder.
What if you accept his concern? What if you can refuse him and he'll still be waiting for you?
"Would you believe me if I said you were important to me?"
You keep the sword, the Alter Ego, the betrayal. And perhaps you keep that lie, too, and hide it away like your father's letter. You pretend you don't remember every word.
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goldenteaset · 3 months
In one of her pre-battle lines in Versus, Djeeta says "Show me the depths of love" and it sure is a good thing that the recipient of this line is Ladiva, because if she told this to Belial, he'd ...certainly take that a certain way, I'd imagine
!!!! I forgot about that one, thank you anon! :D
Depending upon whether Djeeta's finished the Seraphics questline in Versus (and I think she has), Belial could even respond with an unsettling "But I did show you, remember? Well, if you need a refresher, I'm sure I can rustle up some new toys for you to obsess over..."
(On a similar note, I've always been fond of the translated section of his Valentine's Day card that goes "I'll make sure it only feels good for you, so let's fall as far as we can go". It's sensual and dark and romantic~! I'd love if we got more lines like this/a continuation of the Seraphic questline that didn't hinge on grinding per se.)
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goldenteaset · 4 months
10 days until GBF's 10th anniversary event.
Current status: I have found multiple finished fics in a single doc, most Belial/Djeeta (often with guests), E-rated and unposted. There are at least two in here I thought I'd accidentally deleted! I have no idea which one to start with... ^^;
(Oh and the Omegaverse WIP is in here too, but it's still unfinished. ;_;)
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goldenteaset · 4 months
I want to write more BeliDjeeta fic so badly, and yet for some reason I keep getting hit by this weird thought paralysis? Maybe I'm too excited for the 10th anniversary... (I highly doubt the anniversary event will have Belial and Djeeta experience even 1/8th of what I've written for them, and that's probably a good thing. XD)
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