#beaker animal and the swedish chef
sparkling12 · 2 years
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gifs-of-puppets · 3 months
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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the-muppets-present · 8 months
Muppet Casting Rules
Because you can't just do whatever you want when you're casting the muppets.
Rule #1:You get ONE Human celebrity actor to play a character. This can be a main protagonist, a villain, a joke character, whoever fits best, but you only get one TRUE "celebrity" guest.
Rule #2: You may have multiple celebrity cameos, but their characters must appear only once and then never again, otherwise the celebrity counts as your one true celebrity role.
Rule #3: You may have two additional non-celebrity human actors to play roles where necessary. Generally this should be one man/boy and one woman/girl, but gender is a construct and this rule can be flexible depending on the roles in question.
Rule #4: Muppets should not be cast as multiple characters unless it is a story where two roles are traditionally played by the same actor (ie, the wolf and the prince in Into the Woods). Each muppet should only have one character in the story that they play.
Rule #5: The exception to rule number 4 is Miss Piggy, who may play multiple roles (as she does in Muppet Wizard of Oz) if the roles all make sense for her to play. This is both because she is really the only female muppet of note, and because, let's face it darling, she has the range.
Rule #6: You get ONE Unique Muppet per show. This should only be used once all other possible casting options have been exhausted, but an original muppet may be designed in order to fill a role that's particularly difficult to cast with current existing muppets and the One Celebrity and Additional Humans have already been used.
Rule #7: Background characters can be a mix of human and muppets, the ratio is dependent on the story itself. However, background characters are only really worth mentioning in the case of musicals, when discussing ensemble pieces.
Rule #8: Finally, any and all of these rules are in fact breakable if the end result is funny enough to justify it.
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roobusmcscroobus · 9 months
Fuck it. Muppet High School AU ideas (Yes this is based on the abandoned (??) Muppet High project but like better because I'm hot like that)
- Crazy Harry isn't allowed to go to school anymore.
- Only this town is in a vaguely 50's time period. It's not the 1950's, they're just weird.
- Statler and Waldorf run the place where Fozzie works at (The Jim Henson Company made him a soda jerk????) They pay him far below minimum wage and he doesn't know.
- Kermit's the coolest frog in town because he's the ONLY frog in town (Except Robin.) This man couldn't handle a La Croix
- Piggy regularly gets her friends to jump Denise when she's leaving class. The only reason she hasn't been expelled is because her family regularly donates to the school.
- Gonzo's origin story is him ordering some bullshit like an orange soda float and Fozzie going "Hey, I'm gonna need a snowball for this freak", thus awakening something in Gonzo. This wasn't on purpose, Fozzie was just doing his job
- Animal doesn't play guitar, Janice just asks him to hold it for her while she's at cheer practice.
- Beaker is failing speech and debate because nobody can understand him.
- Rowlf is only on the football team so he can catch the ball. It's like a big game of fetch for him.
- The Electric Mayhem are constantly smoking weed in the 1st floor men's restroom. You cannot use that one.
- Rizzo is one of Fozzie's coworkers and he adamantly refuses to use the soda jerk codewords because he thinks it's dumb
- Scooter gets bullied for being gay despite the fact that everyone else is also queer
- Bunsen has started about 9 fires so far, and only 6 of them were in the school's science classroom.
- The Swedish Chef also works with Fozzie. He barely has a grasp on the English language and he's staying with Sam Eagle
- Sam is class president. One time, he almost beat up Floyd for sitting down during the Pledge of Allegiance
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retropopcult · 1 year
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Muppet Show lunchbox, 1978
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frogosaurus · 4 months
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back at it again!!
• fozzie is there twice because he tries really hard, cries, and then someone sees him upset and helps him
• gonzo is trying to make it solve itself as an act, bunsen and beaker are inventing a self-solving cube
i struggled with this one for some reason but i think it all makes sense!
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katherineshiser · 2 months
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Pussy so tight it got him stuck 😵‍💫🥵
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muppet-facts · 11 months
Muppet Fact #792
Hot Wheels has done both cars with Muppet graphics and Muppet inspired vehicles.
In 2013, seven vehicles with Muppet graphics inspired by Miss Piggy and Kermit, Gonzo, Fozzie, Animal, Swedish Chef, Statler and Waldorf, and the Electric Mayhem bus were released. Also in 2013 there were 6 vehicles modeled after Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, Animal, and Beaker.
2014 saw another set of six skinned cars, themed on Kermit, Miss Piggy, Animal, Gonzo, Sam the Eagle, and Bunsen and Beaker.
In 2021 there were five reskinned cars based on Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, and Animal.
As of now, there are 24 Muppet themed Hot Wheels, with 18 of them being reskins of preexisting casts, and the remaining seven were original castings.
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Muppet die-cast cars (Hot Wheels). Muppet Wiki.
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embarrassingjon · 1 year
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Fuck it, here are the other paintings I did during my most recent mental breakdown
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janisisaspacedyke · 9 months
vinted is a beautiful place
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The Leprechaun Brothers! ☘️✨
Happy St. Patricks Day!<3 💚
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gifs-of-puppets · 2 years
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The Muppets (2011)
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nkp1981 · 7 months
Muppets: Ringing Of The Bells
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groovycat18 · 1 year
This was actually pretty good! I’m familiar with the sort of thing this channel does, and I was pretty thrilled to see this!
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malobanshee · 1 year
As per tradition…
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mooncustafer · 1 year
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