#bc she will not be home to make a ridiculous amount of noise moving around all night fsdjkl
dandyshucks · 5 months
today has straight up not gone well at all but julian saying "well, hello!" in his soft voice at the beginning of the episode im relistening to has made it marginally better tbh
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2dmenenthusiast · 3 years
I can't remember if I sent this to you already but could I request headcanons for aizawa, hizashi and Toshinori finding their s/o that has a chipmunk quirk that makes her fall into hibernation when it's too cold (kinda like tsu) but when the guys find her with her heart rate low and her breathing shallow maybe they freak a little bc she didn't tell them about that part of her quirk yet
omggggg this idea is literally so cute I got so excited when I first read it. Also thank you love for comin through with the requests, I really appreciate it! <3 I also hella struggled cuz like, what can someone with a chipmunk quirk do? Stuff their cheeks? Climb up trees? Also I legit forgot what a chipmunk even looked like I had to look it up lmaoooo im so dumb it hurts
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Aizawa is an intimidating fella, okay
So when you first told him about your quirk, you were lowkey embarrassed?
Like, here’s this grown-ass man with a badass quirk who is more than capable of taking down villains and defending himself, and here you are just-
But you know what’s great about this man? He couldn’t give less of a shit about your quirk or anything like that. He strikes me as the type to care more about personality than anything else
concealing your quirk is fairly easy. People probably wouldn’t even know you had one if it wasn’t for the small fluffy ears popping out of the top of your head, and even then you could just cover them with a hat
But that doesn’t mean you don’t experience the effects of your own quirk just because it’s subtle
You have a mutant type quirk, so you experience certain things that actual chipmunks do
Sometimes you won’t even notice that you’re stuffing your cheeks to full capacity with whatever you’re eating before Aizawa has to cut you off and just be like
“y/n. Chew.”
Or when you’re rushing, you’re usually going so fast that Aizawa can barely even see you zooming from room to room
you can also get kinda skittish at times, your ears twitching whenever you hear a noise that sounds weird or out of place, and you’ll just look at Aizawa with wide eyes until he checks out what made a noise that he could barely hear
“y/n, it was just some kids outside.”
“Oh... sorry, Sho.”
he wants to be frustrated, but he knows it’s not your fault. And honestly? He finds you so cute that he can’t really stay mad at you
So he’ll just let out a huff before patting your head lovingly, grazing his fingers over your ears (Which he KNOWS are sensitive, that asshole)
Experiencing long periods of deep sleep is also a thing. You wouldn’t call it hibernation cuz you still have to do normal, everyday things, but there are times during the winter where you’ll sleep for a few days in a row and only get up to go to the bathroom or eat
And since you can’t actually burrow into the floor of your home, you usually make a blanket fort in the corner of your bedroom and stuff all of the pillows and blankets you can in there until it’s nice and warm, ready for you to bury yourself in
and you might’ve left that little part of your quirk out when you moved in together. whoops
So when Shouta comes home and sees the living room couch void of all of its pillows, he’s not expecting to walk into your shared bedroom and see you curled up in a blanket fort
he’s a bit curious at first, just kinda looking at you like “All right, I guess this is normal?”
and he’ll crouch down and kinda examine you for a bit before he eventually wonders if you’re even breathing? You’re burried under blankets, so he can’t really see your chest moving
eventually he’ll check and see that your breathing is abnormally slow and he kinda just... pauses and checks again to make sure he’s not going crazy.
and he wont deny that he kinda freaks out at first, his immediate thought being that he needs to get you out of there, but the second he grabs the blankets to pull them off of you he’s like wait... hold up.
then it all clicks
you’re a mutant with a chipmunk quirk...
c h i p m u n k
safe to say he’s relieved, so he just lets you be and goes about his day. 
When you wake up a few hours later to go to the bathroom, you come out of the bedroom with your clothes practically on backwards, rubbing at your eyes and stumbling past Aizawa like he’s not even there. And when you’re done, it’s right back to sleep you go
“Back to bed?” Aizawa would ask as he watches you with an amused smirk on his face
“Okay. Goodnight, y/n”
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Listen, when he first heard of your quirk, he thought it was the cutest shit ever
“Your quirk is Chipmunk?! That’s SOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTE!”
No he’s legit your number one hype man. If you think your quirk is lame, he’s literally shouting at you how cool he thinks you are.
“You can stuff so much food in your mouth, y/n! And that’s pretty dope if you ask me! I’m totally jealous!”
speaking of food, he’ll just randomly ask you to shove as much as you can of one thing in your cheeks until they’re at full capacity.
“Hey y/n, think you can shove this whole pack of jumbo marshmallows in your cheeks?”
“But... I just bought those :(”
“I’ll buy you more, LET’S DO THIS!!!”
also asks you the dumbest questions omg. You don’t know if he’s genuinely curious or if he’s just doing it to piss you off
“So do you just eat nuts all day?”
“You’ve seen me eat, Hizashi. No.”
“Do you prefer to sleep in trees?”
“That would be extremely uncomfortable.”
“Ooh you’d probably be great frieds with Kamui Woods then.”
“Did you not hear what I just said?”
He also REALLY likes your ears. Like an unhealthy amount? Whenever you’re around he literally wont stop touching them and even tugs on them playfully until you’re swatting at his hands and telling him to go away
He can’t help that they’re so cute :(
so on a particuallry cold day in winter when he has to go to work at the school, he leaves your home while you’re sleeping, only to come home hours later to find you... still sleeping?
You haven’t moved an inch the entire time he’s been gone, so needless to say, he’s a litle concerned.
and when he checks to see if you’re still alive only to discover your heart rate is super slow, he’s A LOT concerned
His brain just goes to the most dramatic thing he can think of, which is that you’re in some weird coma and need to wake up
so rather than, i dont know, gently shaking you awake like a normal person, he grabs you buy your shoulders and starts shaking you violently while shouting your name loud as fuck
you literally wake up so violently, you sit right up and shove him off of you before asking what’s wrong with him, pretty sure you’ve officially gone deaf
He then explains that he thought you were in a coma or something cuz your heartbeat was so slow, and at that point you just roll your eyes because of course he would come up with this ridiculous conclusion
“Hizashi, my quirk is chipmunk and it’s a mutation quirk.”
He doesn’t even get what you’re getting at, just tilting his head in confusion as he squints at you.
“What do chipmunks do in the winter, babe?”
Cue more confused squinting
“Oh my god, they hibernate, you headass.”
it finally clicks and the look on his face makes it seem like he just learned the secret of the universe, and afterwards he’s going on about how cool that is while you just roll your eyes and lay back down to try and go back to sleep, bringing the blanket over your head to try and drown him out
He eventually gets the hint and leaves, but after a while, you kinda feel bad for blowing up on him. He was just concerned and didn’t fully understand your quirk
so letting out a huff, you pull the blanket down and call out his name, to which he immediately runs to you at the sound of, asking you what you need
you just wordlessly lift up the blanket to expose the empty side of the bed, and oh boy, the size of the grin he gets on his face is unmatched
immediately throws off his hero costume so that you can both be comfortable and jumps into bed with you, holding you impossibly close
you fall asleep in a matter of minutes while he just looks at you fondly, hand soothingly rubbing your back.
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Just like the other two, he finds you incredibly cute. Like mans is in love, okay?
everytime he sees your little ears twitch, he just gets the strongest urge to touch them, but he never does without your consent becuase he knows how sensitive they are.
“Uh... y/n, do you mind if I... touched your ears?” 
Baby probably feels so awkward asking ugh PLEASE REASSURE HIM
“Oh? Yeah, of course, Toshi. Knock yourself out.”
oooh he’s excited. He’ll be super gentle about it, just lightly grazing them with his fingers before gently rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger
and at that point you’re littlerally melting, practically falling into him because him caressing your ears like this feels absolutely amazing
When he sees how it’s affecting you, he immediately becomes a blushing mess and apologizes, but you just hug him and tell him it’s okay and that you liked it
yeah he definitely rubs your ears whenever you’re feeling stressed or anxious because it’s become a quick way to relax you
only when he does it though. If anyone else randomly touches your ears, you get kinda uncomfortable
Just because they don’t look human doesn’t mean they still weren’t a part of you, dammit
Anyways, one day when you’re waiting for Toshi to come back home, you’ve got yourself wrapped up like a burrito in your blanket, sitting on the couch as you watched tv
it had been snowing all day, but luckily Toshinori had turned up the thermostat before he left, remembering how you mentioned that you’re not a huge fan of the cold
unfortunately for you, the harsh weather had no trouble taking out the power, leaving you in the dark and the cold
it didn’t take long for the cold to start seeping in through the cracks in the windows, and you quickly began to grow tired before you inevitibly passed out on the couch, still wrapped tightly in your blanket
When Toshi gets home and sees you on the couch, his first reaction is “aw, how cute.”
but then when he comes up to you and starts calling out your name to try and wake you up and you just won’t, and then he notices how much your breathing has slowed down, he quickly growns concerened.
He’s not in full panic mode yet, but he’s getting there, and he’s quick to crouch down to your level and grab your shoulders to start shaking you to wake you up
which you do, blinking groggily at him like you weren’t just in full hibernation mode
“Oh... Hey, Toshi,” you mumble, and you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down so that you can nuzzle yourself into his warm chest
He’s not able to ask you about what happened to you before you’ve already fallen back asleep, and when the power comes back on a few minutes later, he does a quick google search on chipmunks and mutant quirks before putting two and two together
Now he’s thinking of all the ways he could make you something to burrow into during those especially cold winters
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heart-eyes-kippen · 5 years
Brief description: TJ has seemingly been avoiding Cyrus all week. Cyrus begs Buffy to ask if the boy still likes him. (Happy ending bc they deserve it)
*This was in my notes from agesss ago, but I scrapped it bc I didn’t like it at the time. I’ve changed a few things and now (hopefully) it’s better.*
“Hey, can you ask TJ if he likes me?”
A choked noise escaped Buffy, and she violently began coughing through a mouthful of vanilla milkshake. Cyrus rushed to her aid, apologising profusely as he clapped her on the back.
“You’re dating!” she yelled once she had successfully swallowed her milkshake.
Cyrus just folded his arms, pouting stubbornly.  “Please?”
“That never works on me and you know it. Unlike TJ, I don’t turn into an agreeable puddle whenever you pout.”
Cyrus chose to ignore the comment. “Buffy, do it for me. Your best friend,” he begged.
She scoffed and picked up a baby tater, toying with it as she contemplated. “Fine,” she huffed. “I’m blaming you if TJ laughs in my face though.”
Cyrus grinned. “Thank you! I love you!”
“Yeah, yeah. What brought this on, anyway?”
“Well...he’s been avoiding me all week.”
Buffy lowered the baby tater she was holding then, her face soft. “How do you know he’s been avoiding you?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Cyrus sighed. “First of all, on Monday, he didn’t sit with me at lunch. This may seem innocent enough, but when I asked him about it later he panicked, said it was nothing and changed the subject! Then, on Tuesday, he couldn’t walk home with me after school and he acted just as suspicious! Then, on Wednesday-“
“Okay, okay - I get the point,” she interrupted. “I’ll talk to him. In fact, speaking of the devil...”
He followed Buffy’s gaze towards the entrance, and sure enough TJ had walked into the diner. His eyes met Cyrus’ and a bright smile immediately came to his lips.
Before he could even take a step in their direction however, Buffy was standing up and marching over to him.
Cyrus braced himself for some aggression from his friend, but to his surprise, it never came. TJ asked her a question, before nodding and gesturing to a table in the corner of the diner.
He sighed and pulled out his phone, knowing well that there was no way he could eavesdrop without being noticed.
After a few minutes of scrolling, Cyrus was already becoming restless. He shifted a few times in his seat, before hesitantly standing up and looking around. He walked in the vague direction of their table, pretending to tap away at his phone as he passed. He kept a few metres between them and was able to catch a fleeting snippet of what Buffy was saying to his boyfriend.
“Don’t be an idiot, TJ. Just tell him what happened!”
Tell me that what happened?
He turned away and grabbed some napkins from the counter, his mind reeling. Soon, he sat back down at his table, trying desperately not to overthink what TJ could possibly be keeping from him.
After another minute or so, his boyfriend slid into the booth next to him and wrapped an arm around him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Hey, muffin. How was your day?”
“Good,” he responded automatically, forcing a smile onto his lips, “were you busy again at lunch today?”
He felt TJ tense next to him, and he let out a deflated sigh.
“I promise I’ll be free again next week.”
Buffy coughed pointedly and gave him a brief glare before returning to her milkshake.
“Um...how about we get out of here?” he suggested.
“But Buffy-“
“I’ll be fine.” she interrupted, “go with him, Cyrus.”
There was an unusual distance between them as they walked outside, and Cyrus felt a nervous pit beginning to form in his stomach.
He hadn’t even considered the possibility of TJ wanting to break up with him, but now it was all he could think about. It made sense the more he thought about it; he had always viewed himself as being miles out of the athlete’s league. Maybe TJ had finally realised this too.
The boy looked over at him as they began to walk through the freshly-fallen leaves, and Cyrus’ heart skipped a beat.
“So,” he began, “you asked Buffy to ask me if I still like you.”
It wasn’t a question in the slightest - it was a statement. Cyrus couldn’t deny it, although a part of him wanted to, so he just shoved his hands into his pockets and nodded meekly.
“She mentioned that you think I’ve been avoiding you all week.”
Another meek nod.
“Well, for starters, I like you so much that I can’t believe it sometimes. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Cyrus relaxed almost instantly at that, ducking his hide a blush that he really couldn’t attribute to the cold.
TJ moved closer to him until their swinging hands were brushing as they walked. Cyrus heard him take a deep breath.
“Which is why I may have gotten myself into a bit of a situation at school last Friday.”
Cyrus immediately froze. TJ stopped walking when he realised this and turned around, looking concerned now.
“It’s not as bad as you think! Or - maybe it is. I’m not sure. You just mean a lot to me and-“
“What happened?”
TJ bowed his head, shame written all over his face. He mumbled something then, but it was so jumbled that Cyrus couldn’t make it out.
“What was that?”
“I got into a fight.”
“You what-“
“It was just a few punches!”
“Just a few punches? Great, now I don’t need to be worried-“
“Cyrus, I’m fine!”
“You were at detention every day this week, weren’t you? At lunch? And after school?”
TJ slowly lifted his head. “Yeah.”
Cyrus began to tug at his hair, which was a particularly bad nervous habit he had picked up over the last couple of months. TJ quickly noticed this and stepped forward with a frown, gently swatting the boy’s hands away.
“Cyrus, everything’s fine, don’t worry-“
“How did it even happen? Did you start it?”
“So you used violence for no reason whatsoever?”
For the few moments neither of them spoke. They just stood amongst the leaves, staring at each other as if they could silently finish their conversation through facial expressions alone.
TJ looked conflicted. Cyrus had his arms folded and an eyebrow raised expectantly. Tension was crackling in the air around them.
“God. He was talking about you, okay?! He was saying stuff about you being gay! I just got mad and it seemed like the quickest way to get back at him. I’m sorry.”
Cyrus couldn’t help but soften as he stepped forward, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips.
“You were defending me.”
“Oh my gosh, TJ. You’re an idiot for doing that, but...the intent was sweet. Just - please don’t punch people unless you really, really have to. There are usually other options.”
“I really, really had to.”
The shorter boy couldn’t help but snort. “Yeah, right.”
TJ beamed at him then, and Cyrus was completely done for.
“You make it very hard for me to be mad at you, you know?”
As if to prove his point, the boy stepped forward and looped his arms around TJ’s neck. TJ smirked and lowered his hands to Cyrus’ waist.
“I can’t help my charm.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m still mad that you got a week’s worth of detentions without telling me, you know?”
TJ eyes flickered down to Cyrus’ lips. “That sucks. How can I make it up to you?”
Cyrus could already feel his heart racing - a side effect that hadn’t decreased in the slightest since they had first started dating.
“Well...” he trailed off, pretending to think about it for a moment. “I guess a kiss wouldn’t hurt.”
TJ was more than happy to oblige, and soon, he was dipping his head and connecting his lips with Cyrus’. As always, Cyrus felt himself melting as he pressed into it, trying hard to fight back a smile.
Although they eventually had to separate for air, they remained at the same proximity.
“What was he saying about me?” Cyrus mumbled.
TJ just shook his head. “It was stupid stuff. Can we kiss again?”
The boy smiled and nodded. He couldn’t find it within himself to worry about other people when this ridiculous (but cute) boy was right in front of him.  
“Get down here then, you giant.”
TJ grinned and leant down the slightest amount, leaving a purposeful gap between their lips.
“I think you may be catching up a bit.”
He giggled at that. “Watch out - I’ll be the taller one soon.”
“Alright, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.”
Cyrus snorted and stood on his tippy-toes, splaying his hands across TJ’s chest for balance and bringing their lips together again.
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curly-cal · 5 years
L.H | Playing Innocent
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Premise: greaser!luke au where he gets a special surprise from the Golden Girl
Word Count: 3105
Warnings: swearing, oral (18+)
A/N: hiya, this has been requested, hope ya’ll like! i know its suppose to be greaser!universe type thing and that its technically suppose to be set in the 60′s but i wrote it in the time frame of maybe 1980′s? i felt like it was easier that way for me as its not a series i wanted to do an immense amount of research on.  This is also my first publish on this blog of any of my writing so i hope you like and pleeease give me feedback. Critique. anything. Its sooo helpful to know what ya’ll like and don’t. Also thank u for requesting bc this was fun to write and now im craving greaser!luke to take me for a spin on his bike. enjoy! xx
It wasn’t as if maths was something he struggled with, in fact, Luke considered himself quite clever when it came to the subject. However, when he found out that y/n was offering her spare time to anyone in the class who needed help, he thought it to be the perfect opportunity to get her to speak to him.
To Luke she was the prettiest girl in the school, maybe even the prettiest on the North side of Riverwood. He was enchanted by the way her hair fell in her face, the way her eyes crinkled in concentration, and how she had an answer to every question Mr. Dundell asked in class.
But Luke had a reputation that he was very well aware of, so he found it difficult to get someone like her to give him even the slightest of her time. She was a typical Good Girl in his eyes. She always got straight A’s, her attire was always perfect, she went home to a happy family, performed in the school plays and volunteered at the diner on weekends.
It wasn’t as if he was afraid to talk to her, not at all, Luke just found it much easier to go after the girls that were throwing themselves at him, rather than chase after some preppy little spoilt girl that would be too frigid to do anything with him anyway, so instead, he admired her from afar. He definitely thought about all the things he would do to her, though, all the ways he could put that chatty little smart-ass mouth to use, and when he did think of those candy pink lips wrapped around his cock, he found himself making excuses so he could go rub one off over her in the boys bathrooms.
 He was sitting up in the bleachers when he was caught, she was running laps around the oval for gym and for a split second she let her eyes stray from the path in front of her. They locked with his for only a short moment, but to Luke it felt like a lifetime. When she looked away, however, Luke found himself a little disappointed. A small sigh left his lips, one which didn’t go unnoticed by the hazel eyed greaser to his right.
“You jonesing for that preppy still Hemmings?” Ashton smirked, a tone in his voice that only portrayed mockery.
Luke rolled his eyes at his friend, diverting his attention to him nethertheless. “Shut up.”
Ashton let out a chuckle, but continued on with his teasing. “Isn’t she tutoring? Why don’t you ask dollface to help you out, then you can feel her up, get rejected and move on from this ridiculous crush you can’t seem to piss off.”
And that was how the plan became.
Later on that afternoon, Luke found himself transfixed on the girl who sat 3 seats in front and one across from where he had been sitting. She had a piece of hair curled around her finger as she listened to Mr. Dundell explain the notions of algebra. The school day was coming to an end, and not yet had Luke had the opportunity to speak to her since gym. He had a plan to catch her after class when everyone was cleared out, knowing full well that she’d stick around to speak to the teacher about extra notes, that was when he was going to make his move. He planned on playing the fool. To go over to Mr. Dundell and express how difficult he found the assignment and hoped she’d offer, or at-least the teacher would recommend her assistance, and that would be where the plan would begin.
30 minutes went by before the bell rung, then a sea of students jumped up and headed for the door in a rush, leaving only a few left behind. Luke watched as she packed away her things and headed straight to the teacher, where she did infact stand and ask for extra notes.
He quickly jumped up, grabbing his things and headed over to where they stood, but before he could reach her, she was off. Damn it. He thought to himself. He quickly ran after her, calling out her name in hopes she’d hear him in the pit of noise that filled the halls.
He finally caught up to her once she stopped at her locker, his hand flew flat against the locker beside hers, catching her attention as she looked up at the smirking boy standing before her.
“You’re a difficult girl to catch, darlin’” he grinned and wiped a stray strand of curl out of his face.
 Her frown was deep, but sat alongside confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped to rethink her words for a second. “What do you want?” She eventually spoke, but turned to continue putting her things away.
“Want your help, darlin’ my maths isn’t too good. Heard ya willin’ to help out”
Her ears perked at this, she turned and gave him and amused expression. “You want my help? No way.” She laughed as she closed her locker. Y/n began to walk away but frowned as Luke moved in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.
“And why not?” He was a little confused, but refused to show her anything but arrogance as he smirked down at her. “Where ya going, Darlin’?”
“Firstly, my names y/n, and secondly, I know you’re not struggling, Luke, you have one of the highest grades in the class. Besides, do you know how it’ll look if I’m seen with you? Already there’s a million eyes watching us.” She spoke as she scanned the hall.
Luke couldn’t help but let out a laugh at this. “You scared to be seen with me, Darlin’? You didn’t strike me as someone who cared about her reputation.”
“I don’t.” She huffed, her back straightening as she tried to stand tall, as if it would help her deceive him.
“Then help me.” He smirked, stepping closer, letting his face inch closer to hers in an attempt to seduce her. “I’ll come by the diner tomorrow, you can help me after you finish.” He winked at her and before she had an opportunity to interject, he was gone, leaving y/n standing in front of her locker in a state of confusion.
“What the heck”
It was Saturday afternoon and y/n was just finishing up the last of her duties at work. Luke hadn’t come by yet, much to her relief. She was hoping he’d just forget and she could go straight home and work on her assignment, not that she had much left, considering she had already finished most of the work yesterday after her class. Y/n wasn’t sure how the hell she had even managed to get as much done as she did, considering most of what she could think about was the blonde, curly-haired boy who was forcing her to help him.
It wasn’t as if she didn’t know of Luke, because she did. She knew of his reputation, and how he was considered trouble, he and the rest of his pals. The town called them the misfortunates of Riverwood. Notorious for getting into fights, graffiting the back of public toilets and getting caught and arrested by the police for public indecency, which was usually because they were screwing girls in their cars at the drive-in movies.
Being seen with him would definitely make her the talk of the town, and that’s what she was afraid of. Not because she cared of what the people thought, but because her parents had dressed her up as the towns ‘Golden Girl’. She loved her parents and wouldn’t ever want to do anything to displease them, which was why she was nervous. She knew that the reputation her parents tried so hard to maintain, for her benefit and theirs, would be demolished within seconds if people started to think she was in cahoots with the town's biggest trouble maker.
Her thoughts were abrupted by the sound of the diner doorbell, her eyes flicking to the man that had just been taking up her thoughtspace.
She wasn’t going to deny the fact that he was attractive, especially with him standing there in his leather jacket, his curls styled perfectly atop his head, jeans clinging tightly to his legs with what seemed to be a match stick rested between his lips. He gave her a wink as he began to stride over to her. “Darlin’” he nodded in an attempt to greet her. “Ya finished?”
She let out a small sigh, her hands going to the back of her body to untie the apron that adorned her. “Find a booth, I’ll be out in a second.” She turned on her heel and walked out the back, Luke doing as she said and finding a seat somewhere in the back of the diner.
When she came back out, she noticed his books out on the table, but caught a glimpse of him at the dukebox instead. She walked over to where he stood and cleared her throat. “We need to start so I’m home before 6 o’clock.” She sat down and began to flick through her notes.
“Early.” He hummed. “Ya parents strict, Darlin’?” He questioned as he chose a song and then returned to the booth, finally accompanying her.
She rolled her eyes, wishing she could lie without him knowing, but she knew he’d see right through it so she decided to not answer.
Luke let out a small chuckle, removing the stick between his teeth and let it slip between his fingers before speaking again. “Ya do everything they tell ya, Darlin’? They got ya on a leash or something?” He questioned.
“We’re here because you can’t do simple math, Luke, so how about we focus on that.” She bit back, clearly becoming agitated with his questioning.
His hands flew up, but he didn’t bother to hide the smirk that couldn’t help but permanently stick to his face. “Don’t get ya panties in a twist, just tryna see if you’re really as innocent as ya perceive, Darlin’.. clearly ya are.”
The book in her hands thudded against the table, causing a loud bang to fill the diner. Her eyes narrowed at him, a small huff leaving her lips. “Am not.”
“Pretty girls got anger. Don’t let daddy see.” He winked. “Cmon, you’re not fooling anyone, sweets. Everyone knows ya wouldn’t do anything a respected lady wouldn’t do. Would ya, darlin’?”
At this she rolled her eyes. She knew what he was doing. He was testing her, trying to get her to do something that would convince him she wasn’t who she pretended to be. He wanted to see how the real y/n behaved. Which was exactly what he was about to get.
“Fine. You want to see me be naughty? Because I can be naughty.” She hummed. When Luke only laughed at her words, a small ‘yeah right darlin’ left his lips she grinned back at him, a devilishly grin that he wasn’t ready for.
Her eyes grew bright, but filled with a strange colour. “I’ll prove it.” She stood, grabbing her things and quickly packing them away. She began to walk off, and when he didn’t follow, she turned on her heel and looked at him. “Are you coming or what?”
Luke jumped out of his seat and quickly ran after her, tossing everything he had brought into his own bag in the midst of motion. They walked out the front of the store and she turned to him. “Where’s your bike?” She smirked.
Luke’s brows raised but he didn’t speak a word, mainly because he was slightly in shock and confused about what was happening. He wasn’t sure how she was going to show him, but a thrill of excitement washed over him as they both walked to his bike. He helped her on and climbed on afterwards. He didn’t have a helmet to give, but she didn’t seem to mind.
As they drove off, her arms wrapped tightly around his stomach. Luke was sure he even felt her hand slip a few times against his member, but he wasn’t convinced it was on purpose, so he stayed quiet, and instead focused on the feeling of her breath on the back of his neck. “Where are we going?” He yelled out.
She grinned and pointed south. “Parklands, Hemmings.”
Luke pulled up at the reserve along the water. Trees surrounded them both as he put down the bike stand and waited for her to climb off before following suits. “What’re we doin’ her, darlin’?”
She smirked, her eyes glued to the boy before her as he leaned against his bike. “You wanted to know how innocent I was. I want to show you.” She spoke, seductive-like as she let her pointer finger run down his chest.
Luke’s eyes widened as he finally realised what she meant, but smirked as he began to play along. “Ya gonna show me how naughty you are, darlin’? Nah ya ain’t got it in ya.”
Her lips turned into a slight pout at his teasing. “You don’t know the half of it, Hemmings.” She hummed as she moved closer. She let her eyes stay glued to his as she began to slowly peel off his jacket. “You don’t know how good my mouth feels, how sweet my lips taste. How hot your body would feel up against mine.” She smirked, watching as Luke swallowed a lump in his throat. “You don’t know how well I can make you cum inside my innocent little mouth.”  
He let out a small moan, his eyes filling with lust as he watched the girl before him inch closer to him. All of the things he could only imagine doing with her was about to happen and he couldn’t wait to see how good that dirty mouth of hers felt. His dick grew harder and harder at her words, and all he needed was some sense of touch, so when she refused to give him what he wanted, and continued to tease him with her words, he began to grow agitated. “Darlin’, ya gonna prove ya ain’t all talk or am I gonna have to bend you over and get it out of ya?” He growled.
She smirked at this, her tongue clicking in disapproval. Her hands moved back against his chest, her nails scratching down the material against his chest, eliciting small moans from his lips. Once she had reached the bottom of his shirt, her fingers gently wrapped around the material and began to tug the white t-shirt that clung heavenly to his chest, up over his head and let it fall over his bike where his jacket hung.
Y/n moved quickly, pressing her lips to the exposed skin above his collarbone as she then began to let her lips make their way down his body, stopping a few times to nip and suck on his skin, making sure to leave love bites. Heck, she thought, if I’m going do this, might as well make it memorable. As she slowly reached the bottom of his torso, she found herself falling to her knees. Luke’s hands instantly tangled in her hair as she began to undo his jeans and slide them down his legs. She could see his hard on showing through his briefs, the sight of his large cock making her stomach turn in excitement. She slowly pressed her lips to Luke’s v-line while her fingers began the work of pulling off his boxers.
Once his cock was free, she let her kisses trail to the underside of his shaft, then slowly began to let her tongue trail over his prominent vein.
Even just her breath fanning him had Luke seeing stars, he tried so hard to watch her, but with every small, teasing action, Luke found his eyes drifting shut and his head rolling back in euphoria.
Once her tongue reached the tip of his cock, she hummed slightly, waiting for his eyes to reconnect with hers, and when they did, she gave him a cheeky grin before wrapping her lips around his head completely. A small moan left her lips as she tasted the pre-cum against her tastebuds. Y/n made sure her eyes never once left Luke’s as she began to the bob her head up and down against his cock, small moans escaping her lips and filling the quiet void that surrounded them, her tongue made work on running along his shaft as she continued to blow him.
Luke’s eyes were squinted, his lips in the shape of an ‘o’ as he let loud moans dance with hers. His hands worked her hair, fingers tangling and then releasing as he forced her down on his dick further. The moans and occasional gags began to feel all too much, the familiar feeling in his stomach forming as he looked down at the beautiful sight before him. “Darlin’ ya so good. Darlin’ ‘m gonna cum, ya gotta stop.”
When she refused to stop, Luke’s hands attempted to pull her off, but were met with her own, swatting them away. She continued to run her tongue as she bobbed her head, purposely moaning against his cock until she could feel liquid fill her mouth.
A loud grunt left his lips alongside a loud “fuck Darlin’ ‘m cumin’” as he released his load inside her. She continued to work him through his high, both of them now releasing quiet, short moans as she milked him of his orgasm.
After he had finished, he carefully helped her off his cock, a loud ‘pop’ noise leaving her lips as she smirked and looked up at him.
His chest was heavy and breathing uneven, but all he could pay attention to was the girl before him, down on her knees, looking up at him with a devilish smirk on her face, alongside a whole heap of saliva, mixed with his cum. “Not so innocent now, hm?” She smirked.
Luke let out a low chucked, his finger moving to wipe at the mess on her face before forcing his finger in her mouth for her to suck clean. “Not so much, darlin’ not so much.” He smirked as he removed his finger. “Should’ve asked for ya help earlier, who knew what I was missin’ out on.”
She grinned at that then stood up. “You never needed my help, did you hemmings?”
“Nah, but now Darlin’, now I might just.”
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moonprincess92 · 6 years
OOOKAY YOU WANT A PROMPT YOU GET A PROMPT JORDAN - Gym AU sounds like it could be fun (or hot. or both. That is up to you ^^)
ok this is 100% not a gym au bc i tried i really absolutely did, so I instead present to you for consideration: a sailing au! (read on ao3) 
The first time they meet, she’s 16 and ready to destroy.
(He’s 17 and was forced into this).
“Jyn’s small, the two of you can go together,” Draven suggests literallyminutes before the two of them are apparently attempting to rig a lasertogether, whatever that means. The breeze is at least warm. The sun shines downthrough the clouds and he honestly has to shield his eyes from the glare offthe boat. Or maybe that’s the girl he’s been paired up with. She moves withutter confidence, pulling this and tying that, and his utter incompetencebecomes rather obvious very quickly in comparison. Eventually, the tiny girlputs her hands on her hips and exclaims,
“You don’t put the tiller on until you’re in the water.”
“Sorry,” Cassian hastily drops the contraption onto the rough sand undertheir feet, which naturally only makes the girl seethe more.
“Sorry! I don’t know what I’m doing!” Cassian holds up his hands as Jyndives down to pick up said tiller and place it gently back into the hull of theboat. “I’ve never sailed before!”
“I can tell, you suck at this.” 
“I’ve been sailing since I was four,” Jyn lifts her nose a little, herblack hair tucked underneath the official ‘Yavin Junior Yacht Squadron’ cap.“You’re one of the kids from the home, right? Like, no parents and stuff?”
He nods. Cassian isn’t dumb. He knows how this works, understands thathe doesn’t really belong here. He’s been living in the foster home ever sincehe was six and this is just another activity that his carers are trying out inthe hopes of giving all the children equal opportunities in life. Last year itwas rock climbing (he’d actually gotten pretty good) and the year before it wasa pottery making class (his looked like shrunken heads, but he’d at leasttried) and this year it is apparently sailing. Every Saturday for theentire summer, he is going to be forced down to the Yavin Yacht Club and theinstructors are going to attempt to teach him how to sail without fuckingdestroying something… to be fair, he hadn’t counted on the tiny partner.
Jyn’s supposed to be telling him what to do, but she ends up rigging theentire boat herself and honestly, it’s probably for the best. If Cassian had toattempt any of the ridiculous knots she’s doing, they’d probably drown outthere. The wind shakes the trees as they all work, the lake-side beach dottedwith about twelve to fifteen small boats all manned by kids literally anywhereas young as eight. Jesus. They actually let kids do this? Theeldest is probably Ben, who lives in the home with Cassian and is 17 too, butwhen he glances over at him Ben at least looks like he is enjoying learning howto make these boats safe enough to go out on the water.
Cassian, on the other hand, is just praying that he doesn’t dietoday. 
“So uhh, what happens if we get hit by a water-skier?” he asks.
Jyn barely glances up. “The skiers are in a different part of the lake.”
“Ok, but what if we crash into another boat?”
“These boats are all donated,” Jyn shrugs. “They’ll probably break andwe’ll get yelled at.”
“Are you seriously not even scared of drowning?”
“We have life-jackets and Draven’s always out there in the chase boat,”Jyn rolls her eyes. “Blimey, calm down, mate.”
“What if the boat tips over?”
“Look,” Jyn slams her hands down onto the side of the now fully-riggedLaser. “I win every summer regatta, and I’m not having you mess up my record!Just do what I tell you and we’ll be fine.”
He decides to take her word for it. She certainly sounds confidentenough.
“I am so fucking dead,” he mutters as they push the boat towards thewater.
He’s still not used to the terminology, so when Jyn says it’s a landstart he just assumes that they’ll push the boat out and start racing straightaway, which thankfully turns out to be right. What turns out to be harder,however, is throwing himself up into a boat that’s already caught the wind andis barely big enough for two people. “Where am I supposed to go?!” he yells.
“Just stay up front and keep your head down!” Jyn calls over the wind.She has no problems leaping gracefully into the boat. Cassian, on the otherhand, jumps in what he assumes is a fucking spectacular salmon impression. Hedoes as he’s told, clambering to the front of the boat, but still manages toaccidentally hit himself on something as he lies on his back. His legs are toolong and end up hanging over the side and he rather feels like screwing up hiseyes and hoping for the best… but he finds it in him to remember that he’s apart of this race, like it or not. He glances up at the sail full of air, thenup at Jyn.
Boy, that was a mistake.
She’s perched up on the side of the boat, the wooden tiller in one handand a blue rope that seems to be attached to the sail in the other. Her cap isclipped to her t-shirt and she’s wearing a swimsuit underneath so that all hecan notice is her bare legs resting not even inches away from his face. Heswallows anxiously before hastily turning to see where in the hell they’resupposed to go.
Was the boat really supposed to go this fast?
“What are we aiming for?” he calls up to her.
“That yellow buoy over there!” She points with her foot, which nearlygives him a heart attack. “We have to go around it to port, then down to thebottom mark, then back up, then back to the shore.”
“I didn’t understand a word of that.”
“It’s just a windward-leeward!”
“Are you even speaking English?”
“For god’s sake – TACKING!” she suddenly yells out and before he canthink, a giant metal pole is heading straight for his face. He yelps, duckingdown so quickly that he slams his ass against a cleat of some kind and Jynlaughs, already gracefully perched on the other side of the boat.
“I told you to keep your head down.” 
“You didn’t say when!”
“I thought you’d at least know what a tack is – move so your head is uphere!” 
It’s a mission to manoeuvre his body in the tiny boat, but he somehowmanages it and honestly, it’s a lot less terrifying when his head is away fromthe water. A gust of wind, however, makes the boat tip even more and he feelshis heart ram through his throat. Jyn is thankfully non-phased and simply letsout a little of the blue rope she’s holding, which seems to stabilise the boatonce more.
“Ok, clearly I have overestimated your sailing knowledge,” she says.“Let me give you a crash course.”
“Not exactly the phrasing one would like to hear when on a boat in themiddle of a lake.”
She rolls her eyes and if he isn’t mistaken, it sounds likeshe snickers a little too. “Sailing 101!” she says. “You can’t saildirectly into the wind, so if that’s the direction you want to go, you have tozig-zag. Every time the bow – the front – of the boat moves across the wind tothe other side is called a tack. The boom is this thing–” She leans so she canslam a hand down onto the metal pole that had nearly taken him out earlier.“–and every time we tack it’s gonna swing to the other side, so you have towatch out.”
“This is the tiller, it’s basically the steering wheel,” Jyn carries on,indicating the wooden handle she’s holding. “Except if you want to go left, youmove it right, and if you want to go right, you move it left.”
“This is the mainsheet!” She holds up the rope in her other hand. “Itcontrols the sail. The mainsail technically, but I’m not even going to mentionjibs at this point. If you’re going upwind you pull it tight, if you’re goingdownwind you let it out.”
“Great! I understand none of this!”
Jyn makes an exasperated noise. “REPEAT AFTER ME: IF IN DOUBT, LET ITOUT.”
“IF IN DOUBT, LET IT OUT!” Cassian yells back, although what he’ssupposed to let out he’s still not entirely sure.
God, he is going to have no ass by the end of this.
Honestly, they manage to do quite well until about halfway through. Ithelps that Jyn is the one who’s sailing, because he’s seriously still justalong for the ride here, despite the amount of times Jyn has tried to explain whatshe’s doing. However, just as they are approaching the first mark (and pullingahead of several other people, he might add, which has Jyn cheering) Dravenpulls up alongside them in the chase boat.
It’s a miracle he can even be heard over the wind and the sound of thehull crashing into the waves, but apparently these people were well trained indeciphering loud voices over decent distances. Jyn groans and Cassian holds upa hand hastily.
“No, it’s fine, I really think it’s best you just do it anyway–” hebegins.
“I would,” Jyn rubs her forehead. “except I’m kinda on Draven’s hitlist. Doesn’t like me… you know, for some reason.”
“Can’t imagine why.”
It just comes out and he cringes at the look she gives him. However,instead of being blasted to pieces by her laser eyes, she almost seems takenaback. Like she didn’t realise that he had it in him. She beckons him closerand says, “Come up here.”
“Up there?” Cassian indicates where she’s sitting right on theedge of the boat, sometimes even leaning out right over the water when the windgets strong. He seriously hopes his voice didn’t squeak just then. He coughsquickly before adding, “But the boom will kill me!”
“Not if you do it right, come on – your weight will at least save mefrom having to counter all the time,” She reaches out and grabs him by thelifejacket, practically hauling him up. He moves until he’s by her side,wind slaming into his face and making his eyes water. Any second nowthey’re going to hit a wave and he’ll be thrown overboard, or they will tackagain and he’ll be knocked out cold… but for a second, he sits there and feelssomething like adrenaline run through him. His skin is prickling but herealises he’s smiling and he turns back to face Jyn.
“See, this isn’t so bad is it?” she points out. Then, she’s handing himthe blue rope and that’s about when the panic sinks in again. “Hold that, pullit when I tell you to and remember: if in doubt, let it out.”
“You don’t have to scream that every time.”
“Sorry, I’m a little on edge.”
Jyn rolls her eyes, but they’re coming up on the yellow buoy bobbingaround in the water and she shifts a little. “Right, we’re going to tack aroundthe mark – BODHI!” she suddenly screams across the water to another boatnearby. “BEAR THE FUCK OFF, MATE!”
“Is he going to crash into us?” Cassian fights to keep calm. The kid whoapparently went by the name of Bodhi was getting rather dangerously close tothem as they approached the mark and Jyn threw up her middle finger at him.
“Nah,” Jyn rolled her eyes. “He’s just got right of way, so the bastardis purposefully trying to push us down so we don’t make it round the mark–”
“Honestly, you’re still speaking a lot of boat lingo here and I don’t–”
“Jesus Christ–”
They literally only just make it around the mark. Bodhi’s laser zipspast with a laugh, mainly because Cassian’s attempt to clamber to the otherside of the boat meant that he didn’t let out the rope in his hands as theymoved to the downwind leg. Their loss of power slows them down considerably,until of course Jyn screams, “LET IT OUT!” and he lets go of the ropecompletely.
“Bloody hell…” Jyn rubs her forehead, their sail now flapping uselesslyand kind of terrifyingly in the wind. She yanks at the mainsheet, pulling it inenough that they start to get momentum again before shoving it back into hishands.
“I told you putting me in charge of anything was a bad idea,” Cassiansays, weakly.
She doesn’t even answer that time, which he is a little grateful for.Thankfully, he discovers that there’s a significantly lesser threat of tippingover going downwind. Naturally, they had to be going what seemed to be evenfaster, but for a while at least he’s able to just sit there without having tomove very much. Other boats, he notices, are zipping past them, but Jynapparently doesn’t seem to care much anymore. After several minutes oflistening to nothing but the rush of air, Jyn suddenly turns to ask,
“So what’s the story?”
He glances back at her. “What do you mean?”
She’s completely unabashed and it throws him a little. “We’re gonna bestuck on this boat for at least another hour together, we might as well get toknow each other. Why are you here?”
If anyone else asked him like that, he would’ve said to fuck off. Buthis life is literally in this girl’s hands, and the way she looks at him makeshim get a niggly feeling that she has a story too somewhere, underneath the hatand lifejacket.
“Every summer, the foster home chooses something for us all to do,”Cassian explains, casually. “Something to keep us occupied, out of trouble,exposing us to the world’s endless opportunities… or some shit like that.”
“And they chose sailing this summer?”
“I’ve been dreading it ever since school got let out.”
“What year are you?”
“It’s gonna be my last year in September,” Cassian answers. He’sactually been trying not to think about it too much. “You?”
“Same. I’m young in my year, my birthday’s in August.”
“And you’ve really been sailing since you were four?”
“My parents used to sail,” Jyn shrugs. “I’ve been on boats as long as Ican remember, four was just the first time I was officially allowed to join theclasses at the club.”
“And you’ve… always liked it?”
She glances at him with something like a smirk. “Are you trying to askif I’ve ever been scared?”
“Well, I have to admit that I haven’t been able to breathe properly eversince we arrived at the club and it would be reassuring to know if that feelingwill ever go away.”
Jyn lets out a snort of laughter, which at least sounds promising.“Sailing shouldn’t be terrifying,” she says. “It can be dangerous if you don’tknow what you’re doing, but honestly it’s fun. Especially when the wind isdecent like this,” She holds out her spare arm then, flinging it up into theair. The wind tosses her ponytail up from behind her and she practically soarsover the water.
She could’ve been flying.
He swallows a little with difficulty before asking, “And if the wind iscrap?”
“Then you’re literally floating on a hunk of fibreglass in the middle ofa lake,” she catches his look and adds, “… it’s a real hit or miss kind ofhobby.”
He smiles a little. In their downwind interlude, it seems that they’vefinally caught up with the main group of boats, although the downside appearsto be that they are approaching yet another mark. Jyn shifts a little as theywatch the buoy grow bigger and bigger as they get closer.
“Right,” she says. “Now at the bottom mark you have to gybe aroundinstead of tack. That means instead of crossing the wind with the bow of theboat, you’re going to use the stern. It can be a bit harder than tackingbecause the wind catches suddenly, so you have to control it–” 
“I appreciate the lesson,” Cassian says, desperately. “but maybe justtell me exactly what to do–”
“Ok, fine, swap places!” She suddenly crouches forward, gesturingquickly that he should scoot further towards the back of the boat and replaceher hand that had been holding the tiller. While quite happy to hand over themainsheet, Cassian realises that he’s now in charge of steering the boat andhonestly, it might be even more of a nerve-wracking job.
“When I tell you,” Jyn calls from her new place on his other side,reaching up with a gloved hand and holding onto the elaborate pulley system ofropes that controlled the sail. “you’re going to push the tiller away from you,ok?”
“You can sound a bit more confident,” she throws back with a slighttease.
That’s news to him, but he doesn’t have time to dwell on the way she looksat him in that moment. The buoy is floating right in front of him and hefreezes until Jyn yells, “Now!” He pushes, and their Laser suddenly swingsaround at a rather alarming speed. Jyn swears spectacularly as the ropes areliterally ripped from her hands, the boom slamming across the boat so quicklythat it’s a miracle that Cassian ducked in time. Before he can think, she slamsa hand on top of his on the tiller and she’s pulling it just a fraction, enoughthat they thankfully come under control once more.
“Jesus Christ,” she exclaims. “I said push away you, I didn’t sayyank it!”
“I didn’t know how hard I was supposed to push!”
“I might be going out on a limb here, but can we at least try and haveno more heart attacks for the rest of the race?”
“Oh, I don’t know…”
She laughs.
The second upwind leg unfortunately goes a little rougher than thefirst. The wind’s certainly picked up, and the two of them are forced to sitright on the edge of the boat to keep it balanced. Jyn insists on swapping placesagain and his heart is slamming somewhere in his throat every time they have tolean back over the water. “On the plus side,” he says at one point. “I thinkI’m getting the hang of this–”
Naturally, as soon as the words are out of his mouth a strong gustsuddenly slams into their sail. The small Laser keels dangerously over and hestruggles to let the mainsheet out fast enough. The last thing he hears beforethey spectacularly capsize is Jyn shrieking and a loud splash.
Then, he hits the water.
“SHIT, that’s cold!” he yelps once his head breaks the surface.
Jyn’s next to him, spluttering a little and pushing back her fringe. Herhat is bobbing along next to her in the water, still attached to her shirtthanks to the tie. Their Laser is flopped forlornly onto its side, the sailbeing the only thing keeping it upright, although Cassian is certain that itwon’t take long for the water to pull it under. He catches Jyn’s eye andsuddenly, she’s swimming over to him and apparently laughing her ass off.
“You made me capsize in the first race of the season!” She hits him onthe shoulder once she’s close enough. “Good god, I’m never living this onedown.”
“I tried to let it out, I really did–”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” she shakes her head, grinning. “C’mon, let’sjust get the fucking boat back up.”
Thankfully, it’s a fairly simple concept getting the Laser back up theright way. The two of them swim around to where the centre board is sticking upout of the water and pull, pull until the sail finally swings back up out ofthe water… the hard part is apparently getting back in said boat. Jyn hasabsolutely no problems hoisting herself up out of the water, drippingeverywhere as she clambers back in, but admittedly for a second he wonderswhether she’s going to simply set off without him and leave him in the Laser’swake. His throat only clenches for a second however, since she turns andreaches down for him, grabbing him by the lifejacket. His return to the boatisn’t quite so graceful. He perfects his earlier salmon impression, floppingover her lap as he’s hauled up into the boat once more. It’s freezing with thewind slicing against his wet skin and his teeth chatter as he strugglesupright.
But he looks up at Jyn as she still holds onto his lifejacket… and hewonders if it would be in poor taste to compare it to being held by a lifeline.
“Oh, I am fucking TERRIBLE at it,” Cassian practically shouts over themusic that pounds the walls of the clubhouse. “We ended up capsizing so manytimes that we pulled a crack in the hull and the Laser fucking sank.”
“Cassian, I know,” Kay says. “People have been making fun ofyou all evening.”
It turns out that sailors like to party as much as they like to rib eachother. Everyone was polite and formal during the actual prize giving, apartfrom a few ‘fun’ awards that had been handed out, including ‘Best BuoyCollision’, ‘Best Man Overboard’ and ‘Best Sinking of An Entire Boat’… he andJyn had won the latter one amidst a lot of cheers and teasing. Thankfully, oncethe prize giving was over, a disco lightbulb was screwed in and the musicturned up loud, the after party getting well underway. Of course, with amajority of the attendees being under 18, it basically just involved a bunch ofkids jumping around a makeshift dance floor, teens hanging out in clumps andgroups around the edges of the hall while the parents and other adults dranktoo much beer at the bar. Cassian thankfully at least knows Kay and the otherkids from the foster home. The tall, lanky 17-year-old might be his onlyfriend, but Kay has been with him almost as long as they’ve both been in thehome, and though his abruptness might leave most people a little slighted,Cassian honestly appreciates him.
“Just think, though,” Kay says as they eye up the dance floor withtrepidation. “you could’ve been the poor bugger who fell out and their partnersailed off without them.”
“Might I remind you WE SANK THE ENTIRE BOAT?”
“You managed to get it back onto shore again.”
“Yeah,” Cassian shakes his head. “after having to be rescued by the chaseboat! God, Jyn isn’t going to want anything to do with me after this…”
“Why do you care?” Kay asks in genuine confusion.
“Kay, I think your ace-ness is showing,” Cassian snorts. His best friendgives a dawning look before immediately seeking out the girl that Cassian isn’tquite ready to admit that he’d had an eye on all evening. She’s across theclubhouse on the other side of the dance floor, laughing at something someonehas said within the group of friends she stands with. Her hair is no longer tiedback under her cap, but left down to dry around her face and it’s kind of hardto look at, to be honest. Kay glances back at him with an expression thatclearly says, really?
“She’s cute, ok?” Cassian throws up his hands.
“I give it a 28% chance of happening.”
“Thanks for the confidence, man,” Keen to change the subject,Cassian cuts back in again by asking, “So you clearly survived the first raceof the season, then?”
“I didn’t sink the boat, if that’s what you mean,” Kay huffs. “Honestly,turns out sailing isn’t that hard. It’s all just physics, really.”
“Of course,” Cassian says. “Think though, this is going to be our lastsummer excursion. This time next year… we’ll finally be on our own.”
“No teachers or carers anymore.”
“I find it faintly terrifying,” Cassian admits. “You?”
“Oh, no. I’m tired of it all. I’m ready to leave.”
Cassian downs his OJ like it’s beer, wishing not for the first time thatevening that it was. He doesn’t know where Kay’s pragmatism comes from. Hemight be ready to face the world, to go out on his own, get a job, get a life,look after himself, but something in Cassian is hanging on, and he hates it.There’s a heavy weight pushing him down, and it gets stronger whenever heremembers that he’s nearly at the end of the road. He’s supposed to be grown upnow, strong now, he’s called ‘young man’ and reminded daily of how he needs tofocus because he only has one year of school left, this is where he needs tomake all the decisions that will ultimately define his adult life…
He’s never felt more like a child.
He glances at Jyn across the room. His plan had been to avoid her allevening in the hopes that she might have forgotten the Accidental SinkingIncident by this time next week. But she’s young too. She’s young and confidentand everything Cassian isn’t and if this is the last time he gets to spend asummer messing around and forgetting everything important, then…
“Fuck it,” he declares. “I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“You what?” Kay says in bewilderment.
“Wish me luck.”
“Luck with what? WAIT – you’re actually serious? – CASSIAN –”
But Cassian is already disappearing into the crowd of partying sailors,leaving his utterly baffled best friend behind. He would figure it outeventually. He forces his legs to keep moving and not stop, because if he stopshe will chicken out, and he can’t chicken out, damn it…
Shit, she’s still with her friends. He doesn’t quite have the guts toreach out directly, so instead he opts for just casually joining the circle,staying quiet and listening to the chatter about how last year’s exam resultshad finally come through, how Kasey and John had apparently hooked up atJeanie’s party last weekend, how Jyn had managed to sink an entire boat in thefirst race of the season –
“Yeah, we’re still on that apparently,” Jyn side-eyes him from where hehad sidled up to her. He blinks, heart racing at the thought that she hadapparently already noticed him.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “Again. I didn’t mean to–”
“Nah, don’t even worry about it,” Jyn just waves a hand, turning herback on the rest of the conversation. “I’ll never live it down, but I’m overit.”
“Thanks for having my ass out there, by the way,” Cassian says. “I don’tthink I’ve mentioned that yet, I might’ve drowned if it weren’t for you.”
“Are you always this dramatic?”
“I’m an orphan,” Cassian throws back. “My life is dramatic by default.”
That makes her go quiet for a moment, and he wishes he hadn’t drunk allof his drink just to have something to do other than stare at her. The discolightbulb sends colourful shards across her face as she contemplates him.
“I’m sorry,” she says after a moment. “Did you wanna talk or someshit…?”
“No, no it’s fine,” he said, hastily. “It was a long time ago, I makejokes about it now. Sorry.”
“Oh, thank god,” Jyn cracks a grin. “I thought for a second I was gonnahave to get sentimental.”
“I know I just met you today, but you don’t exactly strike me assentimental, Jyn.”
“That’s the way I like it,” she says, happily. “Now, we’re not allowedto talk about sad shit or sailing shit anymore, the after party’s are supposedto be about having fun and getting fucked up, so you better have some othertopic of conversation to entertain me.”
“Tell me, how are you supposed to get fucked up when you can’t evenaccess the bar?”
Jyn just hands him the innocent juice she’s been drinking the wholeevening. He takes a sip and realises that it’s not just been spiked, it’s beenspiked strong. He coughswithout meaning to and she laughs at him.
“The parents all get plastered at these, so long as you don’t get toodrunk, you’re golden,” she says.
He grins. He smiles, he grimaces, he smirks, but he doesn’t do fucking grinning, and this girl is making him.
What is he getting into?
They honestly don’t drink that much in the end. He really only acceptsenough that he’s not too scared to take her hand and pull her along for adance. Jyn ignores all the little kids giggling as she slings her arms aroundhis neck, moving in time to the latest upbeat pop song of the summer. Her hairis sweaty at the edges and he remembers how her hair was plastered to her headas they hit the water. It’s a very different sensation now. He’s pretty sureshe’s pretending that she doesn’t know the words but she’s humming under herbreath and he can feel the heat rising off her under his hands on her hips. Heremembers that she mentioned her parents earlier in the day and Christ,he hopes that they aren’t somewhere over at the bar right now. Not that they’dhave anything to worry about, because they’re just dancing. He might still betrying to figure out how it happened, but they’re only dancing, andit barely even qualifies as such anyway, rather it’s just jumping up and downto the bass that thundered through the floor of the clubhouse.
It’s just dancing, but it feels like something else at the same time. Hisfingers clench a little at her hips and for a moment he lets himself imaginethat he has the guts to pull her closer. He would never dare, but it’s just aswell since she catches his eye and he just knows she’d be the kind of girl totrail her hands down his neck and shoulders, nails scraping a little into hisskin. She would step in as his arms cinched tighter, pressing her hips againsthis. He might pass out a little, but he would let her wrap herself around him,hands skimming up and down his back until eventually, they settle somewherearound his ass…
Jyn pulls away and suddenly, his head is forced to snap back to reality.Feeling a little like his skin is on fire, she tugs on his hand and begins topush themselves through the crowd of raucous sailors. Eventually, they find themselvesoutside. The breeze is still warm enough for t-shirts, and flies dart aroundhis face that he slaps at until Jyn leads him down the deck that lines theoutside of the clubhouse. She leans against the rail and he joins her, themusic just a distant thud in his chest now. Yachts gleam out on their moorings,Lake Yavin rippling gently ahead of them.
Jyn turns to him.
“I love a good party, but sometimes you just need to get out sometimes,”she says.
“I feel you.”
“You know, you’re not half bad, Cassian,” Jyn smirks, glancing away. “Itook you for a baby at first who was going to cry at the first sign of keeling,but I was proven wrong.”
“Oh, don’t worry, the spray from the waves masked my very real tears.”
She laughs, and he’s not sure he’s actually made a girl laugh this muchin one day before. It might be a new record for him. “I guess you got the restof the summer to harden up,” she mentions, lightly.
“Ah, yes,” he nods. “a whole summer before being plunged into impendingadulthood, all while still being forced to take exams.”
“You’ve been given the lecture too, huh?”
“I am all too familiar with the lecture.”
“Finally! Someone who gets it,” Jyn exclaims. “I’m 16, I don’t want tobe making Important Life Decisions right now! I just want to sail boats andmess around, at least while I still can.”
He’s not sure what it is. Maybe it’s the way the moon hits her hairthat’s still hanging around her shoulders, maybe it’s the subtle way she’s leaninginto him, maybe he’s just gone a little crazy. Whatever it is, he throws allcaution to the wind and says,
“Sailing boats I’m a little out of my depth with, but I’d be willing tomess around with you.”
Her eyes snap to his.
“Do you mean that how I think you mean it?” she says.
“It sounded sexier in my head.”
“Everything does.”
Later, at the end of the summer, both of them will say that they kissedthe other first. The reality is that Cassian will never really be sure, onlythat one second he’s staring at her and the next, her fingers are in his hairand her lips are pressed to his. One of his hands splays out, hastily graspingthe deck railing while the other curls up her back, feeling the bikini strings underher t-shirt. His heart is pounding, not unlike being on a Laser going upwind.He’s not sure when he switched to sailing analogies. He’s not sure that hecares. They stand there and kiss the hell out of each other, until eventuallythe clubhouse door opens somewhere behind them. They pull apart hastily asapparently one of the young families leave to make their way home for theevening. There are the giggles of an over-tired 10-year-old and the suddensurge in music until the door swings back closed once more behind the family.
Jyn lets out a long breath.
“YEAH,” she says. “I am absolutely cool with doing that some more. You?”
He tries not to smile too much as he joins her in leaning once moreagainst the deck railing. His lips still tingle.
“Oh, you will definitely see me next week.” 
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cherry-o-piggy · 3 years
And old slew
posted 3/7/2021
I think my number one requirement is that you keep up, which only the mentally ill do.
What does it say about me that all my friends are ADHD?
The black boys, they pass and bob and chat to rap like it’s beat poetry in the 1960s. Here with them I am in a modern historical moment of art discovering my aesthetic and true calling. I see this after a bias worry on repeat, looking back it was not a real fear, just a humorous societal conception, and who have I ever been to subscribe to society. Me and my white girl friend out smoked them in their own home and my friend, I hugged him in front of his friends, and he walked us out of his house like a true gentleman. It was truly the part of my soul that I wanted to share in a social setting.
“You’re not in charge of me, T[redacted] is.”
It’s 10 degrees in the dark and it’s just me and my skin wrapped in tight black fabric flying up the powdered hill like I was never meant to touch the ground in the first place. It is still 10 degrees and I’m replaying everything that has ever happened like maybe I’ll get a second chance that I don’t need, but want still. The 10 degrees rummage around in my bones and all the pain this new year brought, the pain of becoming women, intertwines itself with my heart so there is no difference. The 10 degrees keep me warm, from the pit of my stomach to my chest and red cheeks. It’s enough right now.
The concept of solidarity flowed from Budimir’s lips along with sweeties and engagement, and I truly think it is the first concept I ever truly understood. I do not know respect or love or good. But I know solidarity, I know solidarity deep down in my bones and my blood and my soul. And it just goes to show, it was never me, I just never met a good teacher.
My lust still rides with you, for safe keeping.
I don’t remember what your voice sounds like anymore, I used to be able to hear it in my head.
Every man both looks like you and the man who wanted me dead.
Sometimes I am hollowed out enough that the only feeling I have is my hands and they don’t seem to bare my heart’s intentions. But it is a much deeper part of my being they represent, one I wish someone worse would fulfill for me. Pity I am the only beautiful thing.
Part of my soul is an iris in the wind.
A wealthy woman in the glass, a thesis sustaining the validity of age regression in design and mini-practice, and collections combatting change in order to hold on to something.
There was a few moments of my life where I was obsessed with the devil in the woods by the ocean and the magic I would be allowed if I could just exist somewhere beautiful to be a little odd in peace with equally passionate companionship. While the other burn outs dream of fantasy I dream of psudeo-realistic peace because I could never get there by myself, let alone with the chaos of another sentiment being.
You wouldn’t like me anymore. I’m an existentialist bc I am completely and totally unsure of myself as a concept. And it makes it immensely easier to flow along with the process of getting what I want.
In the dark the voice pokes at suicide in the highest of highest and I drown out the noise with the hope that in that grainy moment 5 guys ago you flicked away my perfect tears with your tongue and I was too intimate and vulnerable to fully feel it.
With a face this expressively cute and a brain this overwhelmingly neat I deserve a man to compliment my abundance completely.
I bet no one thinks about me at all. But that would be naive and hopeful.
If he is only supplying money as his position in your life, as soon as the money stops he no longer needs to be taken into consideration when making decisions because he is no longer a part of your life. If the only value you have is the provision of the bare necessities and no emotional connection you have no purpose after you no longer supply the means of survival because you made the decision and only did a quarter of the work needed to take responsibility for that decision.
Time isn’t who she used to be. Time used to drag and suffocate and strangle. Now Time is broad watercolor strokes to blurry, cotton eyes. I live the same day over and over with the same amount of nothing but I still do not feel the suffocation of monotonous repetition, not like I used to when I was young. I feel unfulfilled still, empty still. But it is not overwhelming. And this nothing that happens, the absolute repetition of activity happens so quickly now. Not like it used to. I feel like I’m always playing catch up. There’s never enough time, or maybe I am newly blind to her movement? Whatever the case, Time and I are strangers now, which is such a shame because I used to know her intricately, anxiously so.
Sometimes I dissolve into words, I think that’s why everything moves so fast.
I’m going to force my oddity on man and disregard everyone that has anything at all to say. I always said I was crazy, which drew extensive attention, but I no longer think that is fitting for me and who I aspire to become. I think I desire much more to be odd than to be mad. Eccentric.
A man bought me six and a half hours (after tax) worth of stuffed animals. And I haven’t even had sex with him. Fuck, that kind of feels like debt. Can I like hang out w him and like “drop” $50 somewhere he’ll eventually notice. I’ve never had to do that before, but I am willing to go that far. Actually, I did that to my GM last break (and I shouldn’t have, I deserve better compensation for my labor, but I refuse to be rude ever).
Why would I want a man that smells like wood?
Hanging out w me is like just me saying “no babies” over and over in different voices.
The feeling drips like sunflower blue syrup down my back. It feels too sharp to be harmless, but too quick to enjoy. And it leaves my chest hollow after it’s appearance. My limbs are heavy and my head is worried about the fluttering around that happened inside my chest last night, I wasn’t sure if it was death or symptoms of suffocation. My lungs just filled and I grasped my body from within my soul and when it was sufficient and neat, I dove back into the harmful thoughts of lust and the gripping behavior caused by being lonesome. This feeling doesn’t flow, it’s too stuck, it remains mine. So instead it drips.
I want to scream that I am good at what I do because a piece of me always felt that you doubted me. I am good enough that I read a love poem out loud to my high school class with the girl in the class and I didn’t get bullied for it, it didn’t scare her away, and my teacher complimented me about it. I was known by the whole high school as a writer and it wasn’t in a bad way. I used to write and edit peoples papers and I was an English tutor for middle school. My English 101 professor told me I should Publish my paper based on the three paragraphs that I wrote in twenty minutes right in front of him. I have not read a full book since sophomore year of high school and I am able to break down structures and themes of books by picking through about 30 pages, and from that I can developed a thesis, a five paragraph outline, research questions, and eventually a 6 page paper from 30 pages of a novel. I hung out with someone, read then my poetry and they were surprised that it was not cringe. Every English teacher I’ve ever had has loved me. I was already so familiar with the English language and the concept of grammar rules and their functions that I could speak in limited vocabulary sentences in Spanish when I was taking Spanish 2 (did I cry every single day, yes, but did I get an A, also yes). When I tell you I am a writer, I mean that it is my soul. It is the only reason I am alive. When I tell you I am good at what I do I mean I’m already published. Twice. I am good at what I do. So yeah, I know what a fucking genre is, bitch.
Even my abusers will tell you I’m good at what I do.
I need someone to press their soul into mine so that I am sure I have one.
Good morning honey bun 💛 I hope you have a wonderful day today and I’ll be sending good thoughts your way all day :) love you ❤️❤️
8 year old me would think I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. I remember how critical I was of other women, I remember the way I used to pick them apart in my head about all their imperfects. It’s bc I only heard those things about myself. And I’m not proud, but I was a child and I am completely different now. I remember my favorite parts about women too. I remember how I used to melt for long hair and belly button piercings and being unashamed. I am tall and wealthy and have a million expressions. 8 year old me would stare at me in the store and hope to be her, 8 year old me would love to be 17 year old me. It’s all she ever wanted. I am everything I ever wanted. I am gorgeous.
Sometimes it’s claymation filter and my body is yellow and I am ugly and when I laugh my teeth are bucked. I get so clear that I am ugly. I get so outside of my own perspective that I have never uttered my own name.
I am so self aware and violently gone and ridiculous. And I’ve been wanting this. That I thank god for planning and hard work.
I’m a slut. :) beep
0 notes
…are you joking
no one on this earth wants to know that much about me 
you asked for it:
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
The intention is always more cereal than milk, and yet… it always ends up being the opposite. 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
…as an Australian, NO
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
Heh, what DON’t I use? 
Receipts, assignments, old documents, letters, other books, string, anything i can lean it against and hold it open with, etc.
even the odd obliging cat’s paw for a few minutes
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
~I drink neither, I am boring like that~
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Yeah, I’m aware of how fucking ridiculous I look when I smile, and my non-perfect teeth.
6: do you keep plants?
not currently, but I used to have sunflowers and such
7: do you name your plants?
not usually, which is odd bc i name literally everything else
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
words are easy
have tried painting and drawing but i’m just so shithouse at it
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
all the time
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
All, depends on the day really.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Well, a few years back for some reason some irl friends and I would randomly start singing the Narwhals Narwhals song, or reply ‘the dirt is gone!’ after anyone said ‘Bam!’
but recently? online? uhhhhhhh… well, i send shitty mouse-drawn-in-Paint pics to the ever-patient camiluna27 and she finds polite things to say about them… which is our little joke
12: what’s your favorite planet?
Like my favourite Sailor Scout, it’s Jupiter.
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
Our foster puppy is coming today
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
it wouldn’t matter what it looked like, we’d make it work even if our only furniture was a minifridge and a beanbag… sharing the chores, watching stupid shit at night, complaining or joking with each other, etc.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
It takes 230 million years for our solar system to make a single orbit around the Milky Way.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
Tuna Mornay (? never been sure how it’s spelled tbh)
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
my brain is blanking, and yet last night i know i was recalling something really stupid…
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
Nah, i just shitpost my angst or delight onto this site… 
20: what’s your favourite eye color?
I have no preference for eye colour.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
Oh, I got this shoulder bag thing from The Harry Potter Experience when it came to Australia… it’s half-covered in an ever-changing bunch of badges (keep losing and finding them/getting new ones). it’s been left in the sun, saturated, pelted with hail as i ran for cover, etc. 
22: are you a morning person?
I never used to be… but since the antidepressants, i’m finding mornings way easier.
23: what’s your favourite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
mess about on the computer, usually
video games or writing something, or chatting with people i can no longer see physically/it would be super expensive to meet irl
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
yeah, a few
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
???? who in the hell is breaking into enough places to have a top ten list?
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
Heh, I just have a handful of cheap-ass shoes I got from Big W a few years ago and I get cheap insert things to keep them alive. I randomly put on any pair i can find, whether they match the outfit or not… what other choice do you have with big lady feet and soft skin?
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
28: sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise means I’ve been awake too long and have Fucked Up ™
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
not to bring her up consistently, but camiluna27 literally drew fanart of one of my fanfics (the first ever??? holy shit) and I was so goddamn flattered I almost couldn’t believe it… someone liked my trash and DREW SOMETHING?
such talent. much love. so excite. wow.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Pfft, yeah, probably. 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Socks are good.
I am making a sock right now, in viking fashion, it looks ridiculous.
Sleep? In winter, sometimes.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Well there were two funny things.
the first one was this massive sleepover party, and the minute the lights went off with all these adolescents sardined on the floor (teens but like, everyone was just chilling nothing nsfw happening), the marshmallow war began
it’s 3am and people are being PELTED with the goddamn things in the dark it was chaos.
the other time, i’d gone to a party thing, put up a tent to stay over like the others and this other girl at the party i’d just befriended (along with her highly anxious friend i managed to calm down) was not sure how to get home and i’m like… stay in my tent i have space it’s chill
we’re sleeping in jeans bc that seemed like a good idea at the time (it was NOT)
everyone’s STARVING. like, no real FOOD was at this party (New Years party?) we had chips and softdrink and that was it… and i dunno if you know this, but no amount of like, chicken-flavoured chips will fill up the aching hollow in your stomach for Real Food
so we’re talking bc we’re awake, relative strangers who are starving together in a tent they’re intending to share the night in, and we get on to SUPERNATURAL
i loved the show still it wasn’t the disaster it became, yet… and she admits that the S1 episode with the Wendigo freaked her out… and i’m like, hah, yeah, glad we’re not in a tent with woods around, huh? bc i am an asshole… that was pretty much where we were
and around the same time, the free-roaming chickens on the property are slowly moving past and making satanic noises, freaking her out more so i changed the topic to calm things down… but then, later on (waaaaaaaaay too early in the morning bc some of us had to pee early and it was Effort™ ) i get back to the tent to find a Chicken. In. The Tent.
looking at me like *I* was being the asshole here for intruding on her rest.
the other chick-a-dee is sleeping and im thinking ‘well fuck she’ll freak if the chicken’s randomly there when she wakes… and i try to subtly get the chicken out, and if you know chickens… you can understand how i failed
it was hilarious, and disastrous. 
33: what’s your fave pastry?
don’t know, really
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
Oh! I still have them.
There’s two, one called (creatively) Teddy, who wore a yellow onesie the Parental Unit made for him. My fondest memory of him was this time in kindy where we took our teddies in bc it was ‘Teddy Bear Picnic Day’, and during naptime, the teachers took the teddies and hid them around the playground…
We had to find them when we woke up.
Teddy had one foot in the top of the fence and looked like he was trying to leave/escape… i told the Parental Unit this story a thousand times over the years, the poor bugger.
The other one was made for me, after Parental Unit had a dream i’d be a girl. Her name is Heidi (you know, after the song? ‘Heidi, Heidi, Heidi ho, the elephant walks oh so slow’), she’s a pink elephant in a tutu and lovely and she and ted are hella safe for now.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I do like them, and when i get a special pen i use it for EVERYTHING, then flounder to find a basic pen when it runs dry
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
I don’t know, i’m not really feeling anything.
What’s that song that’s just 3 minutes of silence?
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
>.> Messy
When it’s clean, it’s Clean ™
But when it’s messy… >.>
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
*unfurls list*
people who stand in the way and block entire corridors to chat with someone and there’s a public bench RIGHT THERE
i can’t remember any others right now but i know there’s LOTS… 
39: what colour do you wear the most?
Most of my outfits have black in them. We can pretend it’s slimming.
40: think of a piece of jewellery you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
I have a dragon ring, my estranged godmother bought it for me from this massive local market we once went to, back in like 2007/2008? 
I love it so much for some reason (not so much th godmother tbh, she’s a pain) and it’s mass-produced, but i love it… wear it almost everywhere
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Out of the Black Land by Kerry Greenwood
42: do you have a favourite coffee shop? describe it!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Well, I looked up at them on the way inside the other night and pointed them out to the Parental Unit. They’re pretty stunning here, without city lights to obscure them.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
??????????????????? that’s a thing?
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
Perpetually, always. 
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I can’t, you’ll punish me.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
that mayonnaise-peas pizza thing i just saw, WHY
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
I feared the wild animals in the dark when i was locked outside, and also feared Huntsman Spiders.
Today? the spiders and anything in the dark can square the fuck up, and fight my fear of disappointing everyone/failing
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
used to, but the CD player in the car broke… so now i just use the ipod/itunes
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
…monster high dolls, hardy boys books, comic books
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh mind blank
52: what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
Cask of Amontillado and Joe Biden memes have been awesome
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
Rocky Horror? Good, interesting.
heathers? pulp fiction? no
beetlejuice? seemed a lot more exciting when i was little
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
our puppy
she’s learned the exact sad face to make when she wants someone to go outside and play ball
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
can’t think of anything overtly, honestly
unless you count ‘yeah i can use a swivel chair instead of a ladder’ and the inevitable falling through a bookcase
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
Honesty, Humour, Excitement and Communication/Connection, Creativity
When they energise, not drain
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
it has always been interesting, and it makes you feel dramatic… 
i can neither confirm nor deny…
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
no idea
59: what’s your favourite myth?
define myth
like ‘mermaids are a thing’, or ‘that time a god did _____’ or like, ‘swimming right after eating can give you stomach cramps’?
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
used to
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
uhhhhhhhh literally any fanfic i give as a gift, is stupid
i got two little plastic dicks as a joke gift from someone as a secret santa thing (another time i got a $2 piece of trash bag thing the size of my hand that broke the second i touched it, and i was rather upset)
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
no, but my fave juice is apple blackcurrant or tropical
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
well, depends, i try to keep the series together and stuff, but mostly it’s ‘if it fits, it sits’ in the bookshelf
64: what colour is the sky where you are right now?
obscenely blue, like, you’d think it was computer generated blue
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
…something with blue flowers, but let’s be real, the chance to wear a flower crown would be amazing even if they were all corpse flowers
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
they are otherworldy and beautiful, they have a different energy to sunny days 
68: what’s winter like where you live?
Cold. Stubbornly wearing shorts and tank tops claiming you’re not cold. putting four layers on the bed bc what. the. FUCK.
69: what are your favourite board games?
Cluedo, Monopoly
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Nah, that seems like a terrible idea. I refuse to be That White Girl™ who invites demons in…
71: what’s your favourite kind of tea?
Nah, none, i don’t drink tea or coffee, i am BORING. 
I am the Beige of people, beverage-wise.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
Sometimes. Esp. recently, I find noting it down helps, but usually I remember more than i assume i will.
73: what are some of your worst habits?
Lazy/procrastinate, eats stupid shit I SHOULD NOT BC I AM FAT AS FUCK, overthinks, boring.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
amazingly talented, fun, incredibly aesthetically pleasing, open, understanding, brilliant and a pleasure to interact with.
75: tell us about your pets!
Okay, so we have four cats and a doggo.
The two oldest cats are sisters, aged 11; very loving but also tiny murder machines so they’re inside mostly.
Two youngest half-siblings, aged 7; one is the perpetual kitten who loves affection, the other is a slinky boi who comes to you if he wants love, and not before (adores my sibling tho, their bond is strong).
Doggo is the baby, she’s 3 i think? Always energetic.
+ a foster puppy we just got today, just now, and she’s fuckin’ adorable but like, a massive ball of energy.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
PINK hell yeah
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
i will fight ALL of them to the DEATH
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Listened to me complaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain
Also drew me art for no reason i mean, c’mon that’s so cute
80: what colour are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
Light blue, yep. loved it, and also it went with the underwater theme the family did
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
Amazing as orbs go.
82: are/were you good in school?
generally, shit at chemistry though (but then, if an entire class fails an exam, you don’t ask the students whose fault it is)
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
uhhhh not sure
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
maybe dunno
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
my dude, so many.
Batman, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, The Titans, ElfQuest, Avengers, New Avengers, Saga, Hawkeye, uhhhhhhhhh, like, i have HEAPS...
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
i have no idea what that is
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
St Trinians, love that movie...
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
...good question, i have no idea what you’re asking
89: are you close to your parents?
The Parental Unit literally knows every facet of my being bc i can discuss anything with them. Even if we clash on ideologies or whatevs.
The Other One’s a violent stalker, so no, not that one.
90: talk about your one of you favourite cities.
I have been to like, Brisbane and Sydney... not a huge pool of cities to compare from. Uh, I like that there are so many comic book shops in brisbane tbh...
91: where do you plan on travelling this year?
Probs Brisbane.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Depends on the type of pasta, really.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
Plaits. Keeps it out of the way.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
Sibling. I went all out with their gifts and am barely making it to monday... but it was worth it.
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
>get foster puppy
>chill/be boring bc you are the human equivalent of the colour beige
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
Procrastinate, mostly. ‘Restart required’ lol nope, you can wait...
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
ENTP, Gemini, Gryffindor
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
oh god no. Grade 9 they had this youth action program... sent us orienteering in the bush... up a mountain, down a moutain, through the fucking lantana six times because the boys in the class have the map and can’t fucking read it right but ‘girls can’t read maps so why would we give it to you’...
it was a goddamn disaster, but we survived. hated it, so much
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
Sia’s ‘The Greatest’, ‘Move Your Body’ and ‘Unstoppable’
‘This is Gospel’,  ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’, ‘Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time’, and ‘Golden Days’ by Panic! at the Disco
‘Never Coming Back to Earth’ by Steve Aoki & Fall Out Boy
Most of the songs by Lindsey Stirling
‘Heroes’ by Generdyn
‘I Hope You Die In A Fire’
‘Wait For It’ and ‘History Has Its Eyes On You’ from HAMILTON
‘Assassin, Murder, Monster’ and ‘Chase the Morning’ from REPO! the Genetic Opera
‘The Beauty Underneath’ from Love Never Dies
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I’d slam both at once and launch myself into a temporal paradox so i simultaneously never existed and also always existed therefore becoming a GOD...
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