#barrio board game
aroundtable · 1 month
Oggi vi porto con me nel Barrio più bello del mondo o meglio del mio tavolo, perchè scopriremo assieme BARRIO, interessantissimo gioco da tavolo che come sempre ho trovato al day 1 da Hirtemis e che ovviamente mi sono portato a casa!
Barrio potrebbe sembrare l'ennesimo piccolo boardgame, ma in 2 mazzi di carte racchiude uno splendido lavoro di game design, che in un set di regole asciutto ed immediato permette di sviluppare strategie ampie, ribaltabili e sempre aperte!
In Barrio dovremmo costruire in nostri panorami di case, grazie ai materiali che dovremmo mettere in comune con gli altri giocatori, rischiando ad ogni turno di cedergli le risorse che necessitano al fine di reperirne anche per noi. Questo board game, si sviluppa proprio grazie alla griglia 5x5 in cui verranno depositate le carte materiali in cui ogni giocatore dovrà necessariamente mettere qualcosa, per prendere delle altre carte e poi costruire le proprie case. Con delle ottime idee di game designe Jorge Tabernara Redondo è riuscito a realizzare un gioco molto accattivante, sempre aperto, che necessita di controllo non solo delle proprie strategie ma anche di quelle degli altri.
Barrio è un gioco da tavola che si può giocare in solitaria e fino a 4 giocatori, per una durata di 20 minuti, consigliato dagli 8 anni in su, di Jorge Tabanera Redondo edito in Italia da Little Rocket Games!
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encrucijada · 5 months
Hi seabird
You don't have to give me titles, but how many sneaky extra wips do you have in your hoard besides your front-runner wips, the ones you talk about consistently or use in tag games? in asking storyteller questions on Friday because I forsee myself forgetting tomorrow
this is the funniest question to ask me, famous wips hoarder. if i was a dragon my cave would be filled with empty computer documents. but! to narrow it down i will talk about wips who are the most bare bones but i still really like
coughing roses: no idea! but it involves the characters fae velásquez, jo czerny, and raf ocampo. they're dating. they're in high school. they are in their 20s living in a shitty apartment. they steal something from the host whenever they go to a party. they're in a band. they're best friends. they killed someone. there's flower symbolism.
little red riding hood & the wolves: an alternative version of little red riding hood where red's family raises wolves and the enemy are the hunters and woodsmen who want to harm said wolves. the set-up is she moves to town with her parents, while her grandmother stayed behind in the forest to look after the wolves.
catholicism gothic: magical realism set in costa rica but while barrio ángeles is set in san josé, i think catholicism gothic will be set in cartago or heredia. it revolves around cousins who one day find a fallen angel in their property's pond and keep it locked away in the house.
the orchard commonwealth: dark academia boarding school book about a classics studies teacher who comes back to the place she graduated from to teach and watches from afar the cult her students begin to form, not knowing she's a big influence on them.
las bacantes: siglo xx: ifigenia moves in with her estranged aunt after her brother is put into rehab following an overdose that almost killed him. she starts attending a local private school where she is roped into a search for the god dionysus through the reenactment of his mysteries, led by a girl who calls herself ariadne.
crocus lane: a world where humans have died out there's a community of talking animals (beatrix potter style). who go about their day to day life in a dark fairy tale sort of way.
there's more but we'll leave it at that!
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My Saints Boss 'Antonio' Throughout the Games
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Oof this may be a long post. Backstory and other tidbits after the cut.
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Antonio and his twin sister, Victoria grew up in one of the barrios of Stilwater controlled by Los Carnales. Their mother was a prostitute and a drug addict, while their father was a deadbeat and killed by gang warfare when they were fifteen. He was a member of Los Carnales. Antonio hates both his mother and father, thinking the two are examples of the worst Stilwater has to offer. His mother represents the drug-addicts while his father represents the rampant crime running through the streets.
He longs to leave his hellish home with Vicky where crime is minimal and the two can live peacefully. The twin's aunt, Marty's mother, claims that their parents weren't always the way they were, as when they first moved to America, they were fairly normal. Their mother was not a drug addict or prostitute and their father was struggling to make ends meet, but was not involved with gangs. Their aunt is unsure what changed within them, but knows that it happened soon after the twins were born.
The twins went to the same high school in the nearby neighbourhood, where they joined a small time street gang. The gang falls apart after graduating high school, leaving Antonio and Vicky stuck in the barrio. The both of them planned to leave soon, and escape somewhere else where they would hopefully be richer. Antonio and his sister stuck together and scraped by with part time jobs, with Antonio working at a local Freckle Bitch's.
In SR1, Antonio was incredibly shy and rarely ever spoke, even when spoken to. He had his sister Vicky do all the talking for him. By SR2, he'd broken out of his shell a bit, but still spoke very little when not leading the Saints or around friends.
Regardless, Antonio is a complete badass who doesn't care about the consequences of his actions unless they hurt the ones he holds close. He is incredibly overprotective over his family, with his love for them having no bounds. He is quite selfish, however, and will put himself before others if it's over something he wants. He has a habit of destroying Vicky's friendships by causing a rift between her and her friend if he begins to suspect that the other person isn't worth Vicky's time.
He thinks of himself as a hero, purging the streets of Stilwater, but is ignorant to the fact that he is part of the problem. He continues to fight for what he believes in, which is cleaning the city, and vowed to prevent other young people living in the barrio he grew up from becoming like him.
In SRTT, he's solely focused on making sure the Saints aren't wiped out or have a Vice Kings situation, and is still all for gang banging and running rampant on the streets in comparison to a more clean cut and professional standing. As such, he isn't totally on board with pairing up with Ultor, but is too shy to speak his mind.
By SRIV, Antonio clearly regrets the life he had chosen, saying it isn't much better than what he had to go through as a child. He often expresses wishing to be able to live a different, calmer life, but with a constant target on his back from the Saints' enemies, is unable to. When his mother makes the comparison to his father in between SR2 and SRTT, it had stuck with Antonio, who thinks about it constantly, and caused him to regret everything. Facing racism in Steelport during his brief visit and gradually climbing crime rates in Stilwater had also resonated with him, as he sees that no matter what he does or how much control and power he has, nothing will change.
Decided to play as him in the Reboot due to the Hispanic male voice being an option once again, and he looks pretty good, but GOD Antonio would never act like the new boss does.
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stateofsport211 · 9 days
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📸 ATP official website
Meanwhile, in Vicenza...
The Vicenza Challenger completed its backlog that was caused by overnight rain delay the other day, as both players played their quarterfinals and semifinals on the same day yesterday. In this case, Chun-Hsin (Jason) Tseng stunned first seed Francesco Passaro 6-3, 6-3 in the semifinals, while fifth seed Marco Trungelliti cumulatively spent 5 hours and 15 minutes to win 2 marathon matches, which was against third seed M. Tomas Barrios Vera in the quarterfinals and Nerman Fatic in the semifinals, with the latter's scoreline being 6-3, 4-6, 7-5. This could have been an intriguing match at their best depending on their pacing, but it was not the case this time.
To start, Trungelliti's drop shot to Jason's volley error forced a deuce, but the break did not necessarily happen as Jason held his serves to 1-0. Somehow, a jumping backhand error from Trungelliti secured Jason's break point before the latter's forehand winner secured the early break to 2-0, followed by a consolidation to 3-0. Trungelliti then put his name on the board with a service game hold to 3-1, including his slick volley response to Jason's preceding tweener.
It took several more games before Jason fired a successful forehand pass in response to Trungelliti's preceding volley to secure his game point before he held his service game to 5-2. Two sets later, he earned an opportunity to serve for the first set, which he successfully did to take the first set 6-3, as well as setting himself one set ahead in this match.
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
TECOLUCA, El Salvador (AP) — With tattoo-covered faces, and wearing white shirts and shorts, gang members captured during El Salvador’s state of exception are gradually filling the country’s new mega prison.Unveiled earlier this year, the prison 45 miles (72 kilometers) southeast of the capital now holds some 12,000 accused or convicted gang members, barely a quarter of its 40,000 capacity.Prisoners here do not receive visits. There are no programs preparing them for reinsertion into society after their sentences, no workshops or educational programs.The exceptions are occasional motivational talks from prisoners who have gained a level of trust from prison officials. Prisoners sit in rows in the corridor outside their cells for the talks or are led through exercise regimens under the supervision of guards. They are never allowed outside.President Nayib Bukele ordered its construction when El Salvador began making massive arrests early last year in response to a surge in gang violence. Since then, more than 72,000 people have been arrested for being alleged gang members or affiliates.Human rights organizations have said that thousands have been unjustly detained without due process and dozens have died in prisons.When Bukele unveiled the Terrorism Confinement Center in February, he tweeted: “El Salvador has managed to go from being the world’s most dangerous country, to the safest country in the Americas. How did we do it? By putting criminals in jail. Is there space? There is now.” His justice minister said later those imprisoned there would never return to communities.The prison’s massive scale and lack of any sort of rehabilitation have been criticized by human rights organizations.Bukele's security policies are widely popular among Salvadorans. Many neighborhoods are enjoying life out from under the oppressive control of gangs for the first time in years.Walking through one of the prison’s eight sprawling pavilions Thursday, some prisoners acknowledged a group of journalists with a nod of the head or slight wave. Journalists were not allowed to speak with them or to cross a yellow line two yards from each cell. Guards’ faces were covered with black masks.Each cell holds 65 to 70 prisoners. Steel walkways cross atop the cells so guards can watch prisoners from above. The prison does have dining halls, break rooms, a gym and board games, but those are for guards.“We’re watching here all day, there’s no way to escape, from here you don’t get out,” said a guard with his face covered.Melvin Alexander Alvarado, a 34-year-old “soldier” in the Barrio 18 Sureño gang serving a 15-year sentence for extortion, was the only prisoner that prison officials allowed to speak with journalists. He said prisoners were treated well and were fed.Alvarado, his shaved head and his arms completely covered in gang tattoos, said he hoped people would help him find a job when he gets out and give him a chance at a new life. He planned to speak to young people, discouraging them from joining a gang.“I lost everything here, I lost my family, everything,” he said.
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healthstyle101 · 8 months
El Salvador gradually fills new mega prison with alleged gang members
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Gang Members Filling El Salvador's New Mega Prison With faces covered in tattoos and dressed in white shirts and shorts, gang members who were apprehended during El Salvador's state of exception are now finding themselves in the country's brand-new mega prison. This massive prison, located 45 miles southeast of the capital, was introduced this year and currently houses about 12,000 accused or convicted gang members, which is only a quarter of its enormous 40,000-person capacity. Inside this prison, there are no visits, no programs to prepare inmates for reintegration into society, and no workshops or educational activities. The only exceptions are occasional motivational talks from prisoners who have gained some trust from the authorities. Prisoners sit in rows outside their cells for these talks or follow exercise routines supervised by guards. They are never allowed to leave. This mega-prison was ordered by President Nayib Bukele as a response to the escalating gang violence in El Salvador, which led to massive arrests last year. Over 72,000 people have been arrested on suspicion of being gang members or affiliated with them since then. Human rights organizations have criticized these arrests, stating that thousands have been detained without due process, and dozens have died in prisons. When President Bukele unveiled the Terrorism Confinement Center in February, he proudly claimed on Twitter that El Salvador had gone from being the world's most dangerous country to the safest in the Americas by putting criminals behind bars. His justice minister even declared that those imprisoned there would never return to their communities. Critics, including human rights groups, have raised concerns about the prison's immense size and the absence of rehabilitation programs. Bukele's security policies have gained immense popularity among Salvadorans, as many neighborhoods have finally experienced relief from gang control. Journalists touring one of the prison's eight pavilions noted that some prisoners acknowledged them with a nod or a wave, but they were not permitted to speak with them. Each cell holds 65 to 70 prisoners, with steel walkways above for guards to monitor them. The prison does have amenities like dining halls, break rooms, a gym, and board games, but these are exclusively for the guards. "We're watching here all day, there's no way to escape, from here you don't get out," said a guard whose face was concealed. The only prisoner allowed to speak with journalists was Melvin Alexander Alvarado, a 34-year-old member of the Barrio 18 Sureño gang serving a 15-year sentence for extortion. He expressed hope for a job opportunity and a fresh start when he's released, with plans to discourage young people from joining a gang. "I lost everything here, I lost my family, everything," he lamented. Read the full article
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pika-ace · 7 years
a CLUEDO (or clue in america) AU!! all the ITH characters as the different cluedo characters and a lil bit of romance in there as well :)
A board game AU! Interesting~ Unfortunately, I’ve never played Clue, nor have I ever seen any of the spin-off things that this franchise apparently has, so bear with me here…
Since the board game is a random pot, I’m gonna take details from the 1980s film. So judging on that lineup, let’s say Nina is Miss Peacock (in politics), Vanessa is Mrs. White (an alleged black widow; I can see it), Usnavi is Professor Plum (I kinda like the idea of Usnavi as a doctor of some kind), Benny as Colonel Mustard (part of the war effort), and I’m thinking Sonny and Pete can double as Mr. Green since they’re the only gay couple in this group XD. So all of them were invited to a party but then murder happens, and I’m debating whether or not to make it the murder of Abuela cause I don’t want to have to make someone murder her DX But we could have anybody be the murder victim from whoever’s left, or we could make it a random OC; up to you. So basically, the group has to work together to figure out who is innocent and who is guilty! And that’s all I got.
Bonus: Imagine all the hijinks the barrio fam would have actually PLAYING this game together! Like, a chunk of them are bored and it’s a blackout or something so they play this game to pass the time. ‘I think it was Miss Scarlett using the candlestick.’ ‘How the hell do you kill someone with a candlestick??’ ‘It’s a game, Benny! It doesn’t have to make sense!’ ‘ Whatever, I think Professor Plum did it with the dagger.’ ‘ *gasp* Vanessa, how DARE you accuse me of murder!’ ‘Sorry Sonny, you just seem like the most likely candidate right now.’ 
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iheartsunset · 3 years
Papa Louie Scarlett HCs
-Rosabella Ocampo is a 23 year old singer/songwriter and graduate school student who lives with her fiancé, Rudy, in a Powder Point condo. She is widely known by her legal/stage name, Scarlett Heart and is the lead singer/songwriter of Scarlett and the Shakers. While punk ska and playing gigs with her friends are her true passion, Scarlett plans to become a game theory professor in the future. She can mostly be seen writing lyrics for a new song, riding roller coasters with Rudy, climbing trees with Clover, and just vibing with Marty.
-Scarlett is rather bold and seductive, often playfully flirting with others or making jokes about inappropriate topics. I stole this from Rouge, thanks SnapCube fandub for revitalizing my love for Sonic. Alongside her flirtatiousness is her intelligence and desire to succeed, using rules and lessons that she learned from various games to apply to her daily life. Thanks to her love of poker and mahjong, Scarlett has grown to be very analytical and sly in her motives. Out of the shakers, she is undoubtedly the big sister friend as she’s kind of a bad influence on the rest of them and is always subjected to scoldings by mom friend, Janana.
-Rudy calls her “Princesa” because of her Cinderella-like backstory. Her mother was a very kind woman and Scarlett lived happily with her and her father. Her mother died in a roadside construction accident when Scarlett was only 9, leaving Scarlett heartbroken. Her father then married a woman named Moira with two sons, Graham and David, who was emotionally abusive towards Scarlett until she moved out at age 16. Scarlett’s relationship with her dad deteriorated over time and she’s basically disowned them since. She finds solace in Marty and Clover’s parents, who think of Rudy and Scarlett as their own. She also got along with the other Frostfield residents and helped Willow get back into hockey after her infamous car accident (the first one).
-Stan Twitter often makes memes of her because she’s so iconic and quotable. One of her most iconic moments was when she screamed “I wrote this next one about my bitch ass stepmom. Moira, if you’re listening, your hair is limp and you fucking suck!” at the VMAs.
-Music was her escape as a child, hence why she learned to sing and play multiple instruments. However, her stepmother made her play the violin in the school orchestra as opposed to being allowed in a punk rock band. Even though she was concertmaster and first chair, she hated life so badly. Scarlett can play the guitar, bass guitar, violin, cello, drums, the trumpet, the saxophone, the bassoon, the piano, the xylophone, the harp, the flute, the recorder, the French horn, the clarinet, i didn’t even list all of them and I’m tired already. When one of the other shakers has lead vocals on a song, she’ll take over playing their instrument.
-Scarlett met Rudy during their shared freshman year of high school. Hazelnut High’s orchestra department had its annual field trip to Powder Point (based off my actual orchestra field trip!). Scarlett decided to sneak away from her snobby classmates and teachers and have the time to herself. On one particularly large roller coaster, she sat next to a boy with a Mohawk who told her that since he was a Powder Point native, he could more than handle it. He then proceeded to cry the entire time while holding her hand. They realized how much they had in common and kept in contact even after her trip was over. Their relationship is super lovey dovey, yet chill at the same time. Couple goals, but not on the level of Prudence x Cooper x Taylor.
-The shakers got together during the 23rd season of Flipline’s Got Talent. After the shocking elimination of Taylor Morales in the quarterfinals, the remaining acts were merged together. Scarlett and Rudy and Marty and Clover were two sets of pairs merged together. They all got along beforehand and loved Scarlett’s songwriting, so they all wrote an original song together for the finals. Even though they were fan favorites and had lots of support from the audience, Bill and Boopsy’s amazing ventriloquy act was what won the show, with the upset Shakers coming in second place. Afterwards, they were approached by Janana who offered to become their agent, and all they’ve known since was success. Fun fact: Rudy wouldnt accept Clover and Marty into their act unless they beat him and Scarlett at poker. They did.
-The shakers each can speak multiple languages, with Scarlett being able to speak fluent English and Tagalog, Tagalog being her native language (Filipino gang!). She can also speak some Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, and Gaelic because she hangs around the other Shakers and Janana so much.
-All of the food, drinks, clothes, and personal belongings Scarlett loves are various shades of red. Cherries, longanisa, red wine, and candied strawberries are her favorite. Her entire wardrobe? Red. Her LED lights? Red. It honestly scares Rudy how red everything is.
-Her voice would either be Jessica Sanchez from American Idol or Gwen Stefani from the No Doubt era. She also covers a lot of No Doubt songs during their concerts. Speaking of covers, the shakers like to sing classic rock songs as well as modern day hits. Scarlett has the vocal range to do Ariana and Mariah Carey justice.
-Her and Marty are best friends. They’re both on the same wavelength and will most likely have the same reaction to memes, like word for word the same reaction. They usually have to get Rudy and Clover out of trouble most days. I love their chaotic, yet chill energy, like the types that just sit and observe and quietly make funny comments to each other.
-She determines whether she likes you or not based off of how good you are at mahjong or poker. If you suck enough to let her win, she’ll love you forever but if you match her in ability, she’ll respect you but kinda fear you as well. If you refuse to play altogether, she hates you. She’s a game theory student, so playing any board game with her is grounds for disaster because she’ll use her weird psychology and tricks to win all the time. Ironically, she sucks at video games. Even though she loves games of chance, she’s hugely against casinos and betting, instead trading small trinkets like food or makeup.
-At the Cheeseria, she set up a poker table, a mahjong table, and a pool table for the entertainment. They unfortunately had to get rid of the Uno table because somebody (ahem, Jojo) got a little too heated over a match with Papa and Wally. And by “got a little too heated”, I mean that Jojo literally got in a fist fight with Papa and lost.
-All she watches are telenovelas. Don’t ask about The Office or Game of Thrones, all she knows is stuff like Rubi and Maria la del Barrio.
-She doesn’t like musical theater except for Phantom of the Opera. She has taken a few roles as Kim in Miss Saigon, but secretly regrets it because musical theater is so much harder than just a regular concert. She still respects theater actors, but will never again sit through Anything Goes.
-She is the only one of the workers who has managed to successfully punch Guy Mortadello. Koilee and Rudy came close, but Scarlett landed an especially hard punch to his nose. Next to being engaged and forming Scarlett and the Shakers, she says it’s the third happiest day of her life. Now, Guy Mortadello is extremely scared of Scarlett and will cry if he sees her or hears her song on the radio (which is all the time).
-She has a tattoo of a heart of her hand along with a crown. On three of her fingers are a yellow Diamond, green clover, and blue spade.
-Scarlett is absolutely gorgeous and badass, I always kept rewinding Papas Cheeseria just to see her and Rudy in the opening because I had crushes on them both. Anyways, stan Scarlett for good grades (it’s not working though I’m still failing two classes)
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bites-kms · 3 years
Can ya feel that? Welcome to Miami
As Will Smith would say, “party in the city where the heat is on, all night, on the beach till the break of dawn: Welcome to Miami"
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My quick getaway to Miami was about 4 days and it was exactly the right amount of sun and rainbows I was needing. Thank you Bruno for all your love and welcoming vibes. I’ll be definitely back before you know it! Who knew that after 13 years of friendship a boat, the sun and some Whitney Houston will encounter us in the Caribbean Sea?
Where business, high-end residential buildings as well as top restaurants and rooftop clubs are. The small Singapore sample of Florida. Beautiful, clean, accesible, Brickell has it all. My highlights? When it comes to food: Quinto la Huella, a sibling location of the one found in Jose Ignacio, Uruguay and Rosetta, the Italian bakery where you get a food comma just by looking at all the goodies. When it comes to shopping, Brickell City Center is the place to go. For an afterhour quick bite, consider North Italia. For a bit of a party scene, try Barsecco, Redbar or Sugar. If the city heat is too much, try getting a day pass at Resortpass.com, and get a pool treat by the Conrad Hotel or check out Brickell Key Park.
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Head to the beach. I repeat: get some vitamin sea. Crystal clear, warm water, with cute little fishes waiting for you to refresh yourself in between sun burns. Kick it off with a delicious açai bowl from Pura Vida and walk down to South Point. Rent a chair, a towel and an umbrella for $13 and enjoy a whole day under the sun. For a beautiful scenery walk, discover the Art Deco District down Ocean Ave. and find a delicious restaurant where to eat. If you are like me and the heat is one of the few things that doesnt make you starve, on the contrary, just makes you crave for something light and fresh, then forget the Cuban and the Mexican stands with never ending Frozen Margarita flow. Go for a Poke bowl at Koa Poke by Collins Ave instead, after discovering all the architecture, and even checking out El Espanol street, known for its restaurants and bars. 
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Heard about the Brooklyn of Miami? Well, here it is! Industrial city, warehouses, cool, gentrified buildings surrounded by an amazingly curated street art and graffiti, that goes from Bansky to Kobra, making it one of the biggest open air museum of street art in the world. “Throw me to the wolves, and I’ll come back leading the pack”, “The time is always now” and “Staying at your comfort zone will kill you” are some of the anonymous stencils and messages written on the street. 
Remember to carry water with you. It is very humid and hot in Miami, specially around this neighborhood since there are little to no trees, hence no shade, and you would want to make a few pit stops to re charge your energy. Try Panther Coffee for some good coffee and drinks or go full in with Astra, the mediterranean rooftop with great salads and wifi. In comparison to NYC, I must confess the service is usually much better in Miami, specially when it comes from Latinxs, but in this case, the service wasn't Astra’s forte. 
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A visit to Miami wont be complete without a walk by Little Havana. Prepare your Spanish since you will have a lot of practice opportunities in Miami, specially en el barrio. Running roosters, boiling steamy streets and street art are there and just make you feel you are in Cuba. Stroll down Domino park, where locals can be found playing that board game and listening to their radios or the iconic plaza that commemorates the Cuban American Soldiers who died and got arrested during the Pig Bay and Missile Crisis, just to name a few. Celebrate this heritage with live music and a delicious happy hour mojitos at La Troval, the iconic cafe/bar by the main street, calle 8. Discover the hidden Cuban artists represented on this neighborhood murals, those featured on the local Walk of Fame and the picturesque unsung heroes that are just hanging there, beating the heat with a smile.
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aroundtable · 2 months
Torna anche per il mese di Aprile il Tg Table, appuntamento mensile con le uscite dei board game sul territorio Italiano, uscite che possono subire variazioni perché non si sa mai come va con le spedizioni, i cataclismi, invasioni aliene e tutte le altre cose assurde che possono accadere, quindi perdonateci se qualche gioco slitta oppure non è stato segnalato! Nell'improbo tentativo di essere quanto più preciso possibile, come sempre mi sono affidato all'aiuto degli amici di Hirtemis, che con un negozio con arrivi settimanali, più volte a settimana, con le ultime novità, è il consulente ideale per limitare eventuali errori! Ad Aprile 2024, troveremo sugli scaffali dei negozi molti giochi da tavolo e alcuni decisamente interessanti, nel video si parlerà di:
01:53 ASMODEE :Arkham Horror LCG: La Festa di Hemlock Vale (Campagna),Borderlands: Mister Torgue’s Arena of Badassery, Cyberpunk 2077 + espansione Famiglie e Reietti, Harmonies, Marvel Champions LCG: L’Era di Apocalisse, Pikit, Superclub, Trekking Through History
06:18 DV GAMES Bang! Legends (espansione)
06:35 GHENOS GAMES Le 5 Torri
07:18 GATE ON GAMES Alpaca Expansion Pack 1, Quickshot (già in anteprima da me)
08:18 GIOCHI UNITI ristampa The Wolves?
08:49 CRANIO CREATIONS My Shelfie: the Dice Game, Nucleum, ristampe Barrage/ Ratti di Wistar
10:31 MS EDIZIONI Barbascura X – Evolversi Male, Cana Memoarrr!
12:48 BLUE ORANGE Bubble Stories: Tales
13:30 STUDIO SUPERNOVA A Peaceful Garden, Non si Può Più Dire Niente: Revisionismo Storico (terza scatola standalone)
14:36 DEVIR Salton Sea
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elbiotipo · 4 years
Where my Biopunk OCs live/d:
(if some of these locations sound off keep in mind 1) it’s the year 2143 A LOT of things have changed 2) I’m a provinciano who just realized all my characters are porteños WHAT A NIGHTMARE anyways enjoy)
Marcos: In a small but cozy apartment in Ciudad Refugio Francisco I, in the western Buenos Aires Conurbano, near of what today is Morón. Built up of containers, prefab buildings and biosecurity towers, it was built by Argentina’s goverment for people who lost their homes when Buenos Aires was contaminated during the Ecocide. Over time, many people have preferred to keep living in these refuges, as it is safer than the rest of the city. The small houses are built above each other and connected by metal stairs and biomaterial vines; they are decorated in bright colors and living murals, and the greenhouses are public meeting places. Marco’s room is tiny; he has only room for his computer, bed and some space posters. He spent most of his time practicing gardening and bioprogramming in the greenhouses and local bioclubs. Quarantine times were hard, with so little space to share with his mom, brother and sometimes Fito the police dog.
Florencia: An elegant apartment in Bilinghurst, Buenos Aires Province, built in the classical concrete-and-glass style of the early 21st century. It is close to a SENA security station, and the hum of biomachinery and aircraft is always present. Florencia’s room has LOTS of plants and flowers, is painted with trippy, psychodelic living paintings, has large bioglass windows, and an amazing balcony with views to the city. Florencia was born, however, in Resistencia, Chaco; Her childhood home was a wooden biohouse growing in the roots of the Nawe Epaq, the great tree that covers the entire city. Her military family moved all across Argentina, and in a couple ocassions to other countries, so she has lived in a lot of homes. She considers the current one temporary and has little attachment to it, or at least so she says.
Ariel: A very old two-story home in Coghlan, Buenos Aires City (formerly Capital Federal). Built in a charming European style, it is covered by ivy vines. The old cobbled street is shaded by poplars that cover the streets in leaves in the autumn. Ariel’s home is full of antique stuff and old electronics, and also furniture from his parent’s shop. His room has only the latest computer and gaming tech, but he spends most of his time in the garage (after all, cars aren’t used anymore), where he has his own local biotech repair service, advertised only by a small led sign in the door (everything is online these days) that says Ariel’s Fast Biotech Repair (he isn’t very good at marketing). Full of discarded PCR machines, bioforges and PCs piled on each other, cleaning machines for other machines, an stereo system, an old laptop, and parts dispersed on tables and cases, it looks like a mess, but Ariel keeps it up-to-regulations all the time.
Melanie: A two-story home in Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires City, near a new vertical park/farm. It has a popular antiques store in the first floor; Disco Eterno. In Disco Eterno, you can find all sorts of collector items; from disco balls to old vinyl discs to anime figurines. However, the owners (Melanie’s grandparents) pride themselves on their data recovery services; they even have recovered old VHS! The apartment itself is spacious and comfy, with those flowery patterns that grandparents love so very much, and a garden in the balcony. Melanie’s room is very big, and as you would expect, full of old anime merch, some more than a century old; posters, figurines, DVD sets, music, videogames... And a lot of old TVs, consoles and computers to watch and play them, some gifted by Ariel. And also a soviet flag, probably.
Marina: In a room in Al Lado Del Camino, a student’s boarding house in Colegiales, Buenos Aires City. Built in a neo-art-nouveau (yeah) style, the rooms are small but cozy, and Marina has plenty of space for all her books and other stuff she has collected in her time in Argentina. The boarding house has people from all over the world, which is great for her because she can practice new languages and make new friends, but it’s not so great when she needs to sleep in a saturday and her roomates are discussing the best drinks from each country. So she often spends her time in the university or at the bioclub. Back home in Fortaleza, Ceará, she lived in an old two-story building, with a grocery store in the first floor. The beach was only a few blocks away, and at night, she could watch the lights of the Santos-Dumont Space Elevator glittering over the Atlantic Ocean...
Pancho: At home, Pancho spends most of his time swimming freely in the Rio de La Plata river with his pod, ocassionally stopping by the floating Samuhú trees inhabited by local biopunks. When he visits land, he stops by a small “port” in the Defensas (the concrete dams built to “stop” sea level rise during the Climate Change) to put in his mechsuit which enables him to move in land. He roams a lot of time between the various cetacean-friendly pools and establishments in Buenos Aires, but most of his time in the Mariposa Tecnicolor bioclub, where most of his land friends hang out. His dolphin friends make jokes about him for that but he doesn’t care.
The Mariposa Tecnicolor Bioclub: Perhaps the second home for all the character, it is in a vague yet conviently close location for all of them somewhere in one of the first biobuilding barrios built in Buenos Aires during the (20)80s, during the Golden Age of Biopunk. An old Samuhú treebuilding, the main trunk has a coffee shop and a staircase to the various rooms and laboratories growing from its branches, sculpted in wood and with added biomaterial systems such as plumbing and electricity. The main laboratory is a two-story loft near the centre of the tree, connected directly to a greenhouse built out of crystaline leaves, and other, more biosecure laboratories and storage rooms, with (sightly unreliable) bioforges and machinery bought by old state programs or donated by club members. The rest of the rooms, hanging irregulary in oversized branches, have libraries/tech ares, art rooms, cooking rooms, a football-5 field, and a small gym, nowadays more visited than the bioclub itself. It has a pool for visiting dolphins and aquatic creatures, and tiny homes for a community of intelligent coatis and parrots who constantly fight with each other. The tree grows flowers and fruits from species from all over the Americas, and is constantly surrounded by small clouds of rainbow butterflies, the old club’s symbol. Being touched by one in a moment of inspiration is considered good luck.
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and-this-is-water · 5 years
Back on the shelf, you go. Our street folds up like a board game and fits itself back into the abstract shape of memory. When the lights go out one last time, when the sun sets on our Washington Heights for good, we’ll have nothing left of those days spent trying to beat the heat and those nights spent dancing our way home. Tonight, the curtain falls on a story that lives within us as a community. Tonight, we say goodbye to El Barrio as a living, breathing world as it disintegrates back into words and symbols in a book. What a beautiful thing to have lived, and what a beautiful thing to walk away from. Graffiti cans, slushees, and piragua flatten out into their two-dimensions as do the characters we brought to life. Goodnight, Washington Heights, and goodnight to all the people that gave it its heartbeat.
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collectorscorner · 5 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 1/16/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! 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zimzamkirsty · 2 years
Clay Ketter
He is an American painter who was born in Brunswick, Maine, 1961. He lives and works in Malmo, Sweden. He worked as a carpenter and a builder.
He draws on his trades from before and is inspired by built environments which he uses to explore the connections and overlaps between architecture, painting and sculpture.
With his built environments he creates them using dollhouses. He wants to look flat (2 dimensional) and read as floor plans instead of as actual dollhouses. To achieve this he actually flattens them, which is described as “violently flattens them”. Adding a layer of emotional depth in a way since a lot of the time doll houses are played with by children so there is that to unpack. Also four of them have been burnt which adds a an unsettling depth to it too. The layout they have been out is very “ideal” suburban neighborhood, kind of like the layout of houses in those horror movies where all the families are creepy and too polite then they start to like murder people or they’re a cult or something. Or it looks sort of like a video game. Or maybe what one would imagine the ideal life is with the big house, garden and whatnot. Also Minecraft. I went through too many examples but they are interesting like that. Also very methodical and repetitive with the contrast between the crispy ass darker houses and the brightly colored ones.
Violence is an undertone that runs through this once finding out the method of making. He also talks about the fragility of the built environment which you could go into about society balancing and trying to construct these seemingly perfect lives that could come crashing (or burning) down around you. Linking in is also the socio-political implications of the built environment like I said in the previous statement.
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Anywhereville, 2008, Doll houses.
So this guy has a ton of works that have accidental formalism running through them which is really interesting. Like a lot of his work is also very intentional but there seems to be this bigger role of chance coming through when I first look at them. He has that balance between the two that I am trying to achieve somehow.
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Trace Painting #11,
1996 Household enamel paint on plastic laminate, gypsum wallboard and wooden board with plastic drywall anchors and steel corner bead. 70 7/8 x 70 7/8 in. (180 x 180 cm). Signed, titled and dated "Clay Ketter Trace Painting #11 1996" on the reverse.
For the work above it gives the impression that it has come directly off the wall and that there was drywall there before because of the clearly defined simple outlines of wires and an electrical box and what could be a shelf of some sort. It is interesting because you can picture the appliances and layout of the objects that sat there yet it is just an outline. Less is more in this instance. “Reveals the structural contents left behind.”
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Barrio Ghost, 2020, oil paint on Diasec-mounted C-print, pine wood frame, 171 x 187 cm
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Barrio Ghost Cartoon 6, 2021,  oil paint on Diasec-mounted C-print, pine wood frame, 60 x 70 cm
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There is, 2006,  Paintings, Photographs, Diasec mounted photo, sand polymer, oil and acrylic paints, shellac and wallboard compound on gypsum wallboard, masonite, wood frame, 47.25 x 47.25 in. (120 x 120 cm)
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juniorcaptain · 3 years
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#did i really buy a board game based on a disney ride turned feature film?
My Top Posts in 2021
Not to continue my over-analysis of a movie based on a theme park ride, but can we talk about how Jungle Cruise decided to make Lily a doctor of botany rather than an archaeologist, historian, or treasure hunter?
Pretty much every adventurer in the genre will stop at nothing to take rare artifacts for themselves, either to give to museums, their personal collections, or to sell for a profit. I love museums as much as the next history nerd, but let’s not pretend some acquisitions have been…questionable, particularly in these fictional portrayals.
Lily doesn’t want treasure. She just…really likes plants. And helping people. So she made a beeline for the Amazon when she heard there was a plant that could help people. And once there, basically made a deal with Trader Sam to return the arrowhead after finding tree. No keeping it later for a museum or collection.
And she didn’t even want the whole tree! Only some petals so she could study and replicate the effects, meaning the tree wouldn’t be damaged or used for mass production.
437 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 22:59:58 GMT
Fun game: Imagine John Mulaney as Bones in any episode of Star Trek
Spock: The captain has been captured and any rescue attempt would violate the Prime Directive-
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Spock: Human emotion is most illogical.
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Scotty: The Klingons insulted the Enterprise!
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Kirk: Our best chance of escaping is if I seduce that alien.
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469 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 21:00:39 GMT
I know people have brought up diversity with the cast of In the Heights but it’s important to bring this up in terms of age and body type.
I’ve seen plenty of musicals where the ensemble, particularly the dancers, have a uniform body type and tend to look between 18 and 24.
Yet in this movie, the first person to start dancing during “Carnaval del Barrio” is a visibly older woman with gray hair. Nina and Benny dance with some old folks at the park. They might not be doing acrobatics but they still have moves.
And there are also plenty of kids participating in the dances, particularly during “Breathe” and again in “96,000”.
Along with age, there’s the body types: Curvy, skinny, stocky, fluffy, “dummy thicc”, whatever you want to call those contortionists. Some folks had muscle while others had jiggle. And they showed all of them dancing in swimsuits at the pool! Even with visible cellulite, wrinkles, tan lines, everything. Lots of different heights, too. Plenty of short kings in the club.
Basically the ensemble really added to the realism that this was the real population of the neighborhood.
1910 notes • Posted 2021-06-13 12:00:49 GMT
The Golden Globes just did a skit asking toddlers about movies, shows, actors, etc. and they got everything wrong until they were asked if they knew who Chadwick Boseman was.
Every. Single. Kid. Knew. Black Panther.
4513 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 02:28:30 GMT
Luca spoilers:
(Seriously, watch the movie before reading)
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For the record, this is Luca’s family discussing him being accepted by humans even though he’s a sea monster. But it really sounds like something else, doesn’t it?
​For anyone wondering if this movie came out during Pride Month for a reason.
6857 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 16:32:39 GMT
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pika-ace · 7 years
This isn't Halloween related, but these board game asks got me thinking about the barrio fam having a game night. Playing stuff like Uno, Life, Clue. Maybe throw some video games like Mario Kart or Mario Party into the mix. I bet they'd get really competitive :p
Awww, that would be so cute! Like, they always have at a different house every week and the hosts are in charge of picking the game they play, so it’s different every time, and they just all sit on the floor in the living room, eat snacks, laugh, and play the same board game over and over again until, like, midnight. It brings everyone together in the best way X3
The video game thing takes me back to the Youtuber AU and Sonny is the one with the gaming channel and he almost ALWAYS has guest stars of the other barrio fam members with him! And yes, it gets VERY competitive. 
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