#baron mifangs
whetstonefires · 4 years
[cheers] baron mifangs!!
indeed, my circular fruit bird friend! 💗 he haunts me.
his name in the draft is now mifan, For My Sanity and because the joke was glumshoe’s and it wouldn’t be good form to keep using it even if i wanted to.
he is predictably pretty snappily dressed but also he never throws anything away so i get to make asides about the history of fashion in this setting, and how it’s been influenced by being ruled by the same exact very petty people for over a hundred years.
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"Baron Mifangs," he said, and I couldn't help cackling at the sheer ridiculousness of trying to play the Baron Mifangs.
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outromori · 4 years
thinking abr how i would notice baron mifangs is bearing my fangs but still would fall prey due to sheer politeness
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whetstonefires · 4 years
“So your NaNo project is a fantasy?”
“Oh, yeah. Light-versus-Dark, chosen hero, loads of angst, whole nine yards, very classic.”
“What did you write about today?”
“Vampire’s helping out the good guys because he hates taxes.”
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