#bad boy derek
christinesficrecs · 6 months
Happy holidays in advance ❄️ 🎅 🎄 ! Whenever and if u have time Pl share fics where stiles or Derek have the bad boy image. Thank u!
Hey you! Happy Holidays!! 🎄⛄️🎄 I love it when they're both bad, very 10 Things I Hate about you. 🥰
A High School Cliché. by halelujah | 2.8K
“Are you the one that played a porno in the Principal’s office?” A gruff voice asks.
“Depends if you’re the one that threw a dumbbell through a window.” He drawls, not bothered in moving from his comfy spot.
The Athlete & The Criminal by damnfancyscotch | 12.1K | Explicit
“What’re you doing here, Stilinski? Did you only score half the winning points at the last lacrosse game instead of all of them?”
Stiles snorts and says, “I thought you were locked up, Hale.”
Derek huffs a laugh and drawls, “Not quite yet.”
The Great Pretender by talktowater | 45.2K | Explicit
Stiles is the new kid at Beacon Hills High, class of 1958 and he's trying to make an impression. Derek can't figure out why this kid is so set on making such a bad one.
Six Minutes by  CosmoKid | 4.3K
“What do you want?” Derek practically grows when Stiles is near enough to hear. He can definitely feel the werewolf vibes coming from the guy as well as the fuck off vibes that roll off him in tsunami-sized waves.
Stiles has one thing he needs to say to Derek, but he also has eight million questions to ask him about the werewolf thing and he can barely sort out his thoughts as it is, let alone when there’s a ridiculously attractive werewolf who’s basically Adonis staring at him. Derek takes another drag of his cigarette and raises his eyebrows at Stiles expectantly. He shivers and blurts out, “Six minutes.”
Finstock’s Wilderness Camp for Boys by  rainsoakedshoes | 12.1K
“What happens if I don’t go?”
“You get charged with breaking and entering, and you will probably serve time in a juvenile facility,” the sheriff said matter of factly. “That’s if you’re lucky enough to be tried as a minor.”
“You’d send your own son to jail?” Stiles asked in disbelief.
“You broke into someone’s home, Stiles!” The sheriff took a breath to compose himself and ran a hand across his face. “And this isn’t the first time. I can’t keep bailing you out of trouble. I don’t have any favours left to call in. Either you agree to go to the camp and clean up your act, or you risk getting tried as an adult.”
Don’t Judge a Derek By His Cover by  captaintinymite (augopher) | 4.5K
Stiles doesn’t care about the rumors surrounding Beacon Hills High School’s resident bad boy, Derek Hale. In fact, he thinks the rumors are total crap. Of course, being secretly in love with someone has a way of clouding one’s judgment.
However, he knew for a fact that Derek liked books. So when the two paired up for a final English project, he was excited (but also a little terrified).
But you know what they say…never judge a book by its cover. The same goes for people.
The Best Bad Things by  TroubleIWant | 10.5K
“Fuck,” Stiles moans again, squirming desperately against Derek’s crotch. “You gotta - gotta give me something.” He does his best to slide a hand into the back of Derek’s underwear, and gets far enough that his middle finger brushes the base of his spine.
“I am,” Derek says, reaching back to grab Stiles by the wrist. He deftly pins both of the kid’s arms above his head and grins, all teeth. Stiles goes quiet, then, chest heaving and eyes wide. This is what he’s here for, after all. To feel like he’s doing something dangerous.
"Five Days in Detention" (A Future Song by Stiles Stilinski) by alisvolatpropiis | 3.4K
It’s still preseason, sure, but he needs to be practicing. He led the team to the State semifinals last year, and he’s determined to not only make it to the finals this year, but to win the title. He should be on the field right now, practicing his play calls and prepping for next week’s season opener against Saint Pius.
And he can’t do that if he’s wasting his time in detention with these losers. There are a couple of burnouts lazing over some seats by the window, one kid with his face on a desk, hood over his head, and a few Goth kids are sitting in the back corner, looking surly and morose. Maybe you wouldn’t be so miserable if you didn’t listen to such shitty music, he thinks, turning towards his usual seat in the back of the room.
He pauses for the briefest of moments when he sees who’s already sitting there, in the second-to-last row, black-clad limbs spread out, acoustic guitar in his lap, long fingers casually plucking at the strings.
Stiles Stilinski.
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ayoedebiris · 8 months
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MARIE MOREAU & JORDAN LI GEN V | S01E05, Welcome to the Monster Club
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kittanthalos · 8 months
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we get it damn
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londyboobs · 8 months
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derek luh 📸 johanna brinckman (2023)
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endwersed · 1 month
WIP Whenever
Tagged by the lovelies that are @dear-massacre & @violetfairydust 💘
Here's a little snippet from my main WIP: an ABO humans-as-second-class-citizens AU 😊
“Um, yeah,” Stiles stutters out, trying not to cringe at the strength of Talia's grip. “That’s... hi. It’s nice to, uh – to be here, too.”
Her painted mouth is pursed as she releases his hand, and he quickly tucks it behind his back, flexing his sore fingers out of sight from her appraising stare. There is an almost regal posture to her as she stands, her shoulders drawn back and her torso stretched out, her hands clasped together in front of her stomach. It makes him want to shrink a little, to be honest, but he fights that instinct back down.
“Yes, I can imagine,” she says primly, before letting her gaze drift to his side, where it lands heavily on her eldest daughter. “And has my Laura been behaving herself?”
Not really, he thinks.
“Yeah, absolutely,” he says out loud, smiling briefly at Laura with a tip of his head. “She’s been nice enough to start showing me around the place.”
Laura smirks back at him. “I’m a regular one-woman welcoming committee.”
Talia hums, narrowing her gaze towards Laura for a moment.
“Yes. Quite.” The corners of her eyes crinkle as she pulls her focus back to him. It should be a kind expression, of laughter lines and etchings of joy, but instead of any of that, it just seems disingenuous. “So, Mr Stilinski. You graduated high school last month, is that correct?”
He nods. “Yes, ma’am.”
“And you’ll be starting college after your time with us here?” she presses.
“Nursing school,” he corrects carefully. “I have a place locally back in Beacon Hills.”
Talia’s smile, perfectly perfunctory at best up until this point, suddenly shifts into something actually like real. Her teeth flash, and there is a certain sharkish quality to it that makes his heart want to miss a beat in his chest, because it’s nothing like Laura’s specific brand of vibrant cheekiness.
No. With Talia, it’s almost… malevolent.
Huh, he thinks. He’s never noticed that before, when he’s seen her photographs in the papers.
“My son is due to begin medical school in the fall,” she announces proudly, and he doesn’t miss the way that Cora rolls her eyes down at the floor, just behind her mother's vision. “My boy, Derek. I imagine you’ve heard of him.”
Oh – Stiles has heard of him, all right. Being the only son and the only alpha, and with his dashing good looks and notoriously bad attitude, Derek Hale is by far the most well-known of all of the Hale children. And that – that is saying something, considering how much press time Laura and Cora get.
For sure, Stiles knows precisely who he is.
Also, he may or may not have jerked off to a shirtless picture or two (or twenty) that the paparazzi managed to snap of the guy at a private beach about a year back, too.
Obviously, he does not say this part out loud to the guy's mother.
“Yep,” he says instead, nodding slightly. “That’s, uh… great. For him.”
“Yes, it is.” There is a sharpness to her tone that implies she is not at all impressed with Stiles’ underwhelming levels of enthusiasm. He ducks his head and shuffles under the discomfort. “Well. I should let you and dear Laura get back to your tour. I do hope you enjoy your stay with us here, Mr Stilinski.”
“Thank you,” he hastens to reply. “I – I’m sure I will.”
No pressure at all tags! @aurevell @crownofstardustandbone @hedwig221b @lucky-bishop @thotpuppy
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soullessjack · 9 months
I can sense my The Boys autism starting up again when Gen V starts this month but every time I sense it starting up I remember I’m gonna have to enjoy this alongside the most media illiterate critically non thinking ironic sigma male audience of all time and i slowly begin to crumble. Anyways here’s this thing to make them start foaming at the mouth:
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sweethoneyrose83 · 25 days
Cassidy glances looking at Alphonse "Oh! hey, you're home early" "Yup! I'm back early from the mission I had to do." He standing next to her in the kitchen. "Did you miss me?" Cassidy smirks "Of course~" "Good~" He pulls her close to him "I missed you so much..." "Why does Derek have you going out a lot?" Cassidy says smiling wrapping her arms around Alphonse's neck. "Because I'm the only one that can get things done." He kisses her cheek "And it gets me away from you for a little bit so we don't always have to be around each other 24/7~" Cassidy nods because she knows Alphonse could get the job done next to Seth she's seen them in there most horrific times and it makes her feel guilty because she knows in her heart they are all better than that and want to take them out of this life. But Alphonse's voice pushes those thoughts away "But you know what I love the most about coming home?" "What?" She asks looking into her edgy punk of a boyfriend's eyes. He smiles and kisses her neck "You~" Cassidy smirks and giggles as Alphonse squeezes her hips playfully. "I missed your touch so much..." Alphonse whispers in her ear. "I missed you so much~" He kisses her deeply and pulls her onto his lap as he sits on the couch "I missed you more~" Cassidy sits on his lap getting lost in Alphonse's eyes again as she smirks. He holds her tight, not wanting to let go of her. "you're so beautiful Cassidy~ I don't know how anyone could leave a girl as gorgeous as you..." Cassidy blushes looking her away trying to not let her inner demons tell her otherwise "You bad boy~," she says softly. He chuckles "You like it when I'm a bad boy don't you~?" "Of course~" He kisses her neck again and moves his hands down to her thighs "You like it when I'm a little rough with you don't you~?" "Mmm yes please babe~" she teases lightly. He chuckles "Alright then." He starts to kiss her passionately, not holding back at all. Cassidy kisses passionately back and smirks ruffling her hands through his black hair. He starts to kiss her neck again, moving his hands under her shirt and caressing her skin. Cassidy moans softly in his ear. He smiles and bites her ear, moving his hands up to her chest "You like that don't you?" "So much~" She whispers feeling her heart pounding with adrenaline and excitement. Alphonse smiles and bites her neck a little harder, not enough to hurt her, but enough to make her moan a little louder "I love hearing you moan for me~" "Only for you babe~" Cassidy smiles He pulls her closer and kisses her neck again "you're mine and only mine~" "Always and Forever Alphonse" Cassidy whispers then sees Seth smirking for the doorway "Enjoying the show cowboy?" He looks over to Seth and smiles "It's not a show... It's just me and my girlfriend..." He kisses Cassidy again and pulls her closer a little possessively. "Oh come on Al, Seth's in the relationship also right?" She states kissing back deeply and moans before pulling away again. He laughs and blushes a little "Yeah... But I want you to myself right now~" He kisses her neck again and whispers in her ear. "You know what I'm going to do to you when we're alone..." Cassidy blushes and smirks. Seth walks to them as Cassidy nods slowly. Alphonse looks over at Seth and smiles "Seth... I was just about to take Cassidy to our room..." He looks back at Cassidy and kisses her cheek. Seth kisses Cassidy's cheek also "Alright I'll catch you both later~" Alphonse smiles and picks Cassidy up bridal style "I'll be taking her now~" He winks at Seth and starts walking to their room. Cassidy giggles and smiles "Oh I'm going to sore in the morning" she teases as the bedroom door closes behind them. Seth walks out of the apartment to the bar to meet up with Derek for his jobs for the night.
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theodoravery · 3 months
i'm like halfway through sos now and i think it's easily gonna be one of my faves once i'm done with it. which. doesn't really surprise me since it's by alice, who also wrote arcanum (another one of my faves). what does surprise me however, it's that she also wrote heaven's secret lol
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noyzinerd · 2 years
Derek Hale: The Goodest Bad Boy
Derek was a villain in season 2...kinda.
Bless Jeff and the writers' little hearts, they honestly really tried to make Derek out to be menacing but all of their efforts just made fans feel more sympathetic to him and his pack.
Go ahead, watch season 2 again, but try to pretend like you're seeing it for the first time and you don't already know that Derek is actually a decent guy, and listen to the show's main narrative which is supposed to be Scott. You get the sense from the dialogue that Jeff&Co. want you to think Derek making a pack is a bad thing, that Derek is basically a replacement Peter. However, it didn't seem to occur to the writers at the time that the fans were definitely not going to see it that way. At this point, Derek had been given way too sympathetic of a backstory, making a lot of Derek's 'failures' come off less like "Scott, the good guy, thwarted Derek, the bad guy" (like when keeping Derek's pack from killing Lydia) and more like "Derek, the well meaning guy, hesitated and keeps making mistakes because he doesn't truly know if he's doing the right thing and is just trying to do his best".
But what about Derek's betas? The boy beaten by his father, the girl with epilepsy, and the boy that sat alone every day, they couldn't possibly be bad guys.
All of Derek's pack got sympathetic backstories, yes, but so did other villains like Matt, Peter, the Darach, Deucalion, even Gerard Argent having cancer. I honestly believe Isaac, Erica, and Boyd were meant to be well-rounded villains but the writers upshot too far and accidentally made them too endearing to fans. If you watch the ice rink fight in season 2 or when Isaac and Erica test the kanima venom on Lydia, their over the top smug grins, the menacing music that plays whenever they show up, the super antagonistic dialogue about killing Lydia and Erica stealing Scott, it all plays like the writers are in the back waving a big sign saying "You should not like these guys! They are evil!" In the ice rink battle, Scott (again, the main point of view we're supposed to be taking here) tells Derek's pack that Derek gave them empty promises of power only to strengthen his own power while turning them into nothing more than guard dogs, to which Derek responds "He's right. It is about power." We were supposed to fear and be disgusted by Derek's actions, but instead, we were all "Awwww, but Derek saved these hurt kids and wants to stop the lizard from killing people!" despite the actual dialogue saying otherwise. Jeff Davis took a sad, man-shaped, broken boy who was essentially raped and had his entire family burned alive and tried to somehow make us hate him. But how could we, when, let's face it, most of us were broken little girls and boys, ourselves.
They have him angry and tyrannical and constantly making bad calls, but instead of coming across as someone drunk on power that needs to be stopped, he comes across as young and struggling and just frustrated. There's a reason why the tag 'failwolf' is a term of endearment. Usually, when Derek is tagged as a failwolf in fics, it's never meant in a 'look at this stupid idiot' way and more like a 'awww, buddy, you poor disaster of a man'.
This plan backfired so spectacularly that Jeff didn't know what to do with Derek's character anymore, in the face of millions of fans demanding more of him, that Derek essentially had less and less to do as the series continued until Hoechlin eventually left.
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ayoedebiris · 8 months
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Since when do you care about anyone not named Jordan? MARIE MOREAU & JORDAN LI GEN V | S01E04, The Whole Truth
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
Hey! I just want to say thanks for everything you do! But also I’m looking for fic that you might’ve recced before but I just can’t seem to find in your tags. I think the premise is about Derek being some kind of delinquent trying to get back at the Sheriff by dating his son but then Stiles has like conditions or smth. I remember this one scene where Stiles is in a cafe with Derek and he’s eating a cinnamon roll and it’s described quite obscenely and there’s a bunch of other guys in the cafe and they all excuse themselves to the bathroom. Thanks again for all your help!
Can anyone help with this one?
Oooh! I think rainyteamaskafun found it. Thank you!!
Exception to the Rule by skyland3_nightfall | 21.6K | WIP
Derek (23) is the local bad boy who suddenly thinks the best way to fuck over the sheriff is to fuck his son, Stiles (16). However stiles isnt that gullible and has three simple rules. If derek can follow these rules then Derek has the right to deflower the virginal son of the Sheriff. Meanwhile a sinister figure lurks in the background hoping to get a crack at Stiles too. Even if it should be against his will.
I had some help. ❤️  Thank you!! So, it looks like this one but I guess maybe SIAND abandoned this fic or maybe it’s missing the epilogue?
Stars and Their Meanings by standinginanicedress | 58.3K | Explicit | WIP
“You’re older,” Stiles begins counting, on his index, “you’re bad news,” on his middle, “you were recently accused of murder,” ring, “and we have not a damn thing in common,” his pinky. “I mean, come on. You just want to mess around with me if you want me at all.”
“Mess around with you?” Derek shakes his head, like that blows his mind. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Stiles waves his hand. “Like, ohh, you’re a bad boy, and I’m the Sheriff’s son, so it’s all so hot. I get it.”
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wherretwords · 2 years
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Hey batter batter, swing!
🔞Character is from The Price of Flesh and belongs to Gatobob 🔞
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maschotch · 2 years
A Taste Beyond Comprehension
day six: sweet treats
part two of my “hotch is good at everything” hc. penelope’s a little jealous, but it’s outweighed (and outnumbered) by the team’s bewilderment. i tried actually writing fucking dialogue since i realized i hadn’t done that yet, so it was kind of a last minute addition. anyway. pretend this isn’t a day late
Hotch was a good baker.
Not a lot of people would’ve guessed that about him, but if you thought about it a little bit, it’s really not that much of a surprise.
It’s meticulous. Precise. Everything is about following every rule to the letter. It requires patience.
It’s right up Hotch’s alley.
Penelope was the one known for bringing tasty treats to the BAU. She enjoyed cooking for others; she would recipe test weekly, and whatever passed inspection would get mass produced and left on the break table or communal fridge. It was an irregular, but common, tradition.
Common enough that no one questioned it when a platter piled with cookies showed up one day in the kitchenette. Or the next week when a dozen pounds of fudge appeared on the counter. Or the following week when there were stacks of tupperware filled with cupcakes.
Penelope was a little confused when a passing agent would compliment her on her latest creation, but quickly brushed it aside. It wasn’t until the third week of undue praise that she asked Derek if he knew what they were talking about.
She didn’t leave the batcave often—especially when the others were out on a case—and even when she did she was either in the round table room or hovering around her friends’ desks. She rarely had reason to be in the break area, other than the times she dropped off food.
So it came as a bit of a shock to them all when she admitted she hadn’t brought anything recently. Curious, with nothing better to do and a laughable social life, they decided to attempt to ferret out the resident baker.
It took a few days of arriving hours early and staking out the breakroom (they had duos on a daily rotation: Penelope and Derek were today’s) until they finally saw Hotch walk in with a tin of brownies.
They thought they were delirious at first. The others definitely did when they broke the news. They sat on their desks in a circle, uncharacteristically silent, lost in thought as they imagined Aaron Hotchner baking. It was painfully domestic; certainly not unreasonable—they knew he had a family, after all—but such a stark contrast to their mental image of their powerful leader. It took nearly an hour for each of them to shake off their stupor and they resumed the huddle to determine their next move.
The confrontation was as boisterous as expected: not by Hotch, mind you, but by the gaggle of excitable agents tripping over each other to get into his office like crabs trying to get out of a bucket. The small room was suddenly very crowded.
“…Can I help you?” Hotch asked warily, raising an eyebrow as the commotion settled.
For once they were quiet, eyeing each other waiting for someone else to say something first. JJ was ultimately the one to muster the courage and blurt out, “Do you bake?”
It was more of an accusation than a question, and Hotch’s face remained impassive, though he felt a hint of a tug on his lips. So that’s what this was about. “Yes.”
They all knew better than to expect him to elaborate on his own. Emily shouldered her way through Reid and Morgan to stand in front. “And you’ve been bringing stuff here? To the BAU?”
Another question that wasn’t a question. Hotch simply nodded.
Penelope huffed, growing a little impatient and admittedly a little peeved that someone else—their unit chief, no less—had been providing food for the rest of the team. Good food. She’d always been better at cooking than baking, and it was a little embarrassing to be outdone by someone she forgot even ate food. “Any particular reason?” Morgan asked, smartly phrasing it in a way that would garner an actual response.
Hotch shrugged noncommittally, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. If they squinted hard enough, it almost seemed like he was smug. The nerve.  “Jack’s been wanting to bake more often. He’s trying to figure out what to bring for the class party. It’s too much for just the two of us.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He could hear Emily smile more than he could see it, which should’ve been enough of an answer in itself. He knew he would be teased no matter what he said, and he wasn’t interested in encouraging them. He remained silent.
Reid, practically married to the coffee machine therefore in the break room constantly, ran through his recollections of food available in recent months. “Did you bring the sugar cookies last June?”
Hotch nodded curtly, growing tired of questions they knew the answers to. If it was possible for five people to collectively wince, they would have. They knew they would wear down his patience eventually. They probably had about a handful of questions left before he sent them away.
“How long have you been baking?”
He stared at the ceiling for a moment, silently counting. “About 25 years.”
“Oh shit,” Emily hissed quietly, earning an elbow in the gut from JJ. Though none of them could really fault her for voicing their surprise.
The interrogation continued. “Have you brought food before?”
“How long have you been bringing food?”
Hotch jutted his chin towards Rossi’s office. “More in the early days. Didn’t have much time when I was adjusting to the unit chief workload. But I still do every once and a while.”
Reid was making a mental note of all the times there had been baked goods waiting in the breakroom. He locked eyes with Penelope and they silently agreed to go over the list later to check what she had/hadn’t brought and figure out what exactly their esteemed leader fed them.  
“What else can you make?”  
Another shrug, but this one was laced with barely perceivable exasperation. Their time was running out.
An energy sizzled in the air as they all feverishly whittled down their curiosities, trying to decide what to prioritize. It was only a handful of seconds, but with their minds were working overdrive, it might as well have been hours.
Morgan ultimately made the final request. “Will you make something for us?”
A pause. The other silently approved the question, but they feared all they’d receive in return would be a blank glare. But it was worth a shot. It opened the door for future discussions, which they knew wouldn’t go unnoticed by the senior profiler.
The next few seconds were excruciating before he finally replied. “What would you like?”
If the room was buzzing before, it was positively electric now. They turned to each other and whispered in a hushed deliberation. They hadn’t really considered the possibility that they would have options. Seemingly endless options if his vague responses were anything to go by—a known indicator of Hotch’s humility. He was likely more skilled than they previously thought. It was impossible to decide.
“Can we ask later?” They were all wide eyed, brimming with hope and practically pouting. It wasn’t dissimilar to Jack’s kindergarten class.
Hotch hummed and waved them off with one hand as he returned to the paperwork on his desk, taking care not to smile until the door closed behind them.
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castelled-away · 10 months
The scene in „The Hunter’s Heart“ where Arthur unknowingly hunts Gwen (while she’s a deer) gives me Disney’s Swan Lake-vibes bc the prince (Derek) also hunts Odette in her swan-form while also not knowing that it is her
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vulpixelates · 1 year
meredith "damn it! i want to feel like a freakin' lady!" grey has the worst luck with love triangles, every time she comes out w some greasy looking guy w bad hair and daddy issues
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torturedpoetdean · 1 year
teen wolf babes be for realsies with me right now how bad is the movie and how much will i hate it
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