#ayn randroids
odinsblog · 1 year
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If you have any doubts that the phenomenon of Donald Trump was a long time a’coming, you have only to read a piece that Gore Vidal wrote for Esquire magazine in July 1961, when the conservative movement was just beginning and even Barry Goldwater was hardly a glint in Republicans’ eyes.
Vidal’s target was Paul Ryan’s idol, and the idol of so many modern conservatives: the trash novelist and crackpot philosopher Ayn Rand, whom Vidal quotes thusly:
“It was the morality of altruism that undercut America and is now destroying her.
“Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society. Today, the conflict has reached its ultimate climax; the choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequence of freedom… or the primordial morality of altruism with its consequences of slavery, etc.
“To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men.
“The creed of sacrifice is a morality for the immoral…”
In most quarters, in 1961, this stuff would have been regarded as nearly sociopathic nonsense, but, as Vidal noted, Rand was already gaining adherents: “She has a great attraction for simple people who are puzzled by organized society, who object to paying taxes, who hate the ‘welfare state,’ who feel guilt at the thought of the suffering of others but who would like to harden their hearts.”
Because he was writing at a time when there was still such a thing as right-wing guilt, Vidal couldn’t possibly have foreseen what would happen: Ayn Rand became the guiding spirit of the governing party of the United States. Her values are the values of that party. Vidal couldn’t have foreseen it because he still saw Christianity as a kind of ineluctable force in America, particularly among small-town conservatives, and because Rand’s “philosophy” couldn’t have been more anti-Christian. But, then, Vidal couldn’t have thought so many Christians would abandon Jesus’ teachings so quickly for Rand’s. Hearts hardened.
The transformation and corruption of America’s moral values didn’t happen in the shadows. It happened in plain sight. The Republican Party has been the party of selfishness and the party of punishment for decades now, trashing the basic precepts not only of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but also of humanity generally.
Vidal again: “That it is right to help someone less fortunate is an idea that has figured in most systems of conduct since the beginning of the race.” It is, one could argue, what makes us human. The opposing idea, Rand’s idea, that the less fortunate should be left to suffer, is what endangers our humanity now. I have previously written in this space how conservatism dismantled the concept of truth so it could fill the void with untruth. I called it an epistemological revolution. But conservatism also has dismantled traditional morality so it could fill that void. I call that a moral revolution.
To identify what’s wrong with conservatism and Republicanism — and now with so much of America as we are about to enter the Trump era — you don’t need high-blown theories or deep sociological analysis or surveys. The answer is as simple as it is sad: There is no kindness in them.
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holy-mountaineering · 5 years
What you think of CoS? I think they just a bunch of closet Randroids.
Church of Satan is Ayn Rand with robes and candles.Anything of value in LaVeyan Satanism was just stolen from Thelema.
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odinsblog · 10 years
LOL at all the ya White Libertarians out there yelling “LIBERALISM IS A DISEASE” while straight up ignoring all the fuckery conservatives stay doing…like whatever…just be fucking honest and admit it —you’re either closet conservatives or bored privileged White kids (aka “radicals”😒) who all have the same “one Black friend”
SN: before some ya chimes in with the tread bare false equivalence “both sides are the same" noize, pls hear this: YOU ARE WRONG. Again…"both sides" aren’t blocking the minimum wage increase and universal healthcare
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odinsblog · 11 years
Remembering that time when Rand Paul explains how he *totally* supports the Civil Rights Act... except for that pesky little part where private institutions don't get to discriminate
➤ ➤ Here's Part 1 of Maddow's interview Watch both parts and you be the judge
SN: Remember, "States Rights" is GOP speak for legalized oppression. Lee Atwater damn near coined the phrase specifically for that reason
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odinsblog · 11 years
catronicon replied to your post: I’m half black and oppose the Civil Rights Act...
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States, 1964.
ding!ding!ding!ding! catronicon you are the smartest one in class today!
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odinsblog · 11 years
I'm half black and oppose the Civil Rights Act. It violates freedom. If Bob owns a candy shop and doesn't want a Green guy coming in, thats Bob's right. HE owns the candy shop, not the government or the green guy. Racism is dumb and terrible, but if we cant have control over what we own, are we really free? The Green guy can go to the next candy shop down the street. Other anti-racists can band together to boycott Bob's shop, giving him less $. Free market k thx bai.
aww look, another misinformed Rand Paul supporter regurgitating their skewed take on reality. How cute. And by cute I totally mean tired and pathetic.
IDC if you’re 50% black or 3/5ths black  —that has nothing to do with your flawed understanding of “freedom” and The Civil Rights Act.
I’ve only heard you Randroids regurgitate the same stale defense of racism like forever.  Bob may have the right to be a racist asshat, but that right doesn’t supersede my right to vote and just like any other right, it comes with corresponding limitations. And by the way, voting is a way for anti-racists to band together. And anti-racist people did boycott and protest --ever hear of Bloody Sunday or Rosa Parks?
And I’ll finish by noting that the US economy does not operate under the “free market.” Not completely. It is a blend of free market capitalism and socialism; ie. corporate welfare. In a completely free market, big oil subsidies (like the ones Rand Paul repeatedly supports) would not exist. You should really read up on free market capitalism.
Just because the free market might eventually get around to the correct societal outcome doesn’t mean that we should just sit around and wait for it to do so as lives are ruined. That’s just one of the many reasons we have laws and elected government. 
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odinsblog · 11 years
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★ Marco Rubio benefited from using Pell Grants for his education.
★ Paul Ryan received federal assistance from Social Security survivor’s benefits after the death of his father.
★ Ayn Rand (the role model of today’s GOP) also spent her entire life praising so-called “virtuous makers” and deriding poor people as chumps, suckers and “lazy takers.” But in the end she too took Social Security from the government.
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odinsblog · 12 years
So Mitt Romney has picked Ayn Rand acolyte Paul Ryan for his VP Choice. That means just 2 things and both of them are bad
If you follow politics, you know by now that this nod effectively crowns Ryan as the next GOP presidential nominee come 2016.
The GOP has doubled down on their war on the poor, ending free public education, killing Medicare, and ending Social Security or any other social safety net program. They're on a full on tear to completely repeal all vestiges of President Roosevelt's New Deal.
This is the Republican Party. The GOP 2012. They need to go.
SN--Kick Ryan to the curb, Wisconsin. You're at bat. Again.
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odinsblog · 12 years
While I’m not a Christian myself, it’s pretty clear to me you cannot be a Christian and a Randroid at the same time. And “Christian” or not, being an Objectivist and being a decent human being are mutually exclusive. [Emphasis added]
Very. Well. Said.
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When I was a kid, my reading included comic books and Rand’s The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. There wasn’t much difference between the comic books and Rand’s novels in terms of the simplicity of the heroes. What was different was that unlike Superman or Batman, Rand made selfishness heroic, and she made caring about others weakness.
Rand said, “Capitalism and altruism are incompatible….The choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequences of freedom, justice, progress and man’s happiness on earth—or the primordial morality of altruism, with its consequences of slavery, brute force, stagnant terror and sacrificial furnaces.” For many young people, hearing that it is “moral” to care only about oneself can be intoxicating, and some get addicted to this idea for life.
I have known several people, professionally and socially, whose lives have been changed by those close to them who became infatuated with Ayn Rand. A common theme is something like this: “My ex-husband wasn’t a bad guy until he started reading Ayn Rand. Then he became a completely selfish jerk who destroyed our family, and our children no longer even talk to him.”
“she made caring about others a weakness”
If you read comic books, you recognize that one description right there as being the trait most identified with the villain. It’s a well tread theme in comics, novels and action movies. You know, the part where the bad guy places an innocent in danger, knowing the hero’s “weakness” will force him to allow said bad guy time to escape. It’s also a classic hostage taking tactic. 
Hm… now why am I reminded of the GOP, Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor (self acknowledged devotees of Rand) doing things like planning to make draconian budget cuts to programs benefiting innocent women, infants and children—the WIC Program—then saying it’s for the greater good? 
We are literally witnessing real life, practicing Ayn Rand acolytes. From vilifying teachers, firefighters and social services to taking advantage of the perceived weaknesses of progressives. All at the expense and the well being of others the poor. For the selfish benefits of the 1% and themselves. 
I just wish the GOP, Ryan, Cantor et al. had the balls to be honest about it and say so instead of lying and saying they’re being “Christian.”
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odinsblog · 12 years
And now, before I call it a night and put the B-Log on auto pilot, I'll leave you with a Vv special blog request: It's called, "The Typical Libertarian"
The typical libertarian is greedy, callous, racist, homophobic and sexist. He wants to privatize health care, schools, courts, law enforcement, the military, and his own grandmother. He wants to empower vile, faceless corporations instead of responsive and responsible democratic government. He drives a gas-guzzling SUV over homeless people on his way to smoke cigarettes in daycares. He is the enemy of all things socially responsible and chosen by popular vote.
For more detailed info on Libertarians, [x] marks the spot.
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