#ayan be out there ready to risk it all and my boy akk is having the gay panic attack of his life
gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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*panic intensifies* 
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Hi (again)💕
I had to make a second post about Akk. I had a lot of things to say about him😅 Were you expecting him to be the one behind the curse?
I feel like we finally got to see how much the pressure was getting to him. Before this we’ve been seeing how Akk has been slowly changing especially after meeting Ayan. He’s became more open to other people’s struggles and more flexible with the rules and then BOOM!
We are reminded of the harsh reality and how much pressure there is on him. A child! Literally trying to protect an entire school and surrounded by teachers who add to that pressure instead of helping him😡 You’ve mentioned before that one is the messages of eclipse is that good people end up hurting people because they're taught the wrong things. And this was the perfect example of that.
I really wonder if this was a one time thing or if he has done it before. I initially thought that this was a spur of the moment action triggered by Kan’s comments about the curse being able to stop the protests. But the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if it was truly a one time thing. While I don’t think he was behind all the attacks it makes me wonder who is. Was Akk part of any of the other attacks? Even if he wasn’t a direct participant, did he know about them? Who was behind the car accident? Ayan’s book? The flower pot? The posters/flyers beings taken down? What about the incidents that occurred before Akk was even at the school? So many questions😭
On the other side, we got to learn how school actually helped him. He got a scholarship, a chance to study, a chance for a better future. It gave him great friends, role models to look up to and protected him from the bullying. Now he thinks it’s his turn now to protect the school even if it feels wrong😭
This also made me wonder where his loyalty lies. Because Akk says his life got turned around after meeting Teacher Dika and the Student Welfare department. He names both the previous student president and Teacher Dika but not Chadok as a helping hand. He’s repaying a debt of gratitude he owns to Dika by helping the school but is that what Teacher Dika wanted?
It really makes me wonder how Akk will react once he finds out what happened to teacher Dika. He talked about him with such gratitude and respect even after feeling betrayed that he left the school. How do you think Akk is going to find out about Dika? I feel like this scene will directly rip my heart into pieces😭 but I’m so ready for it!
Honestly? He was the one I suspected the most. I really did think it had to be either Akk, one of the background boys that seems a little too present to be just a background character or it was going to be Kan but I never suspected him strongly. He's scared of the curse, not acting on it. Akk very obviously doesn't actually believe in the curse but keeps it alive for his own reasons.
Ayan's notebook is a huge question mark for me. Might be Kan, we didn't see him in the montage of the workout but it could be so many other people. I just don't know about that for sure.
Akk's story is one of the danger of blindly following rules and the dangers of trying to enforce rules because they are rules rather than for the actual good of the people involved. Akk is what happens you rely on the rules but also know that some of the rules are wrong but know you don't have a chance to change them.
I, personally, think Akk has been behind most of the curse. He's the one who needs the rules to be obeyed and for everyone to listen. Because otherwise he risks his position as head prefect and if he loses that he loses everything he has. He loses his friends, his school, his scholarship, his responsibilities, his identity. Akk's entire self is wrapped up in who he is at Suppalo.
I don't know which way Akk will go when he finds out that Dika died because of what happened at Suppalo. Because he has so much wrapped up in his identity at Suppalo but so much of that is from Dika and from what he gave him and that is going to be a huge blow to him.
Akk and Kan are both some of the most fragile characters I've seen in ages, both of them caught up in being who they believe they need to be even when it hurts them, even when it breaks them, even when they sit alone and ache inside with what they find themselves having to do or unable to do.
Ayan brings Akk so much happiness that he cannot accept because he has to fit the mold that Suppalo has chosen for him and that he is afraid to break.
We will definitely be broken next week.
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