#axels touching grass
gay-yosuke · 4 months
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like i was saying the world is so beautiful and i love being in it.
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garbage--account · 1 year
Random dream I had after wondering if IE characters had money jobs in their youth to pay their bills be like #3 :
>Shawn is hired as a reporter for National Geographic, 'cause sakka doesn't pay
>goes to the jungle to record animals while a narrator in his head is telling everything about them (and telling him where to go next)
>while recording the mating ritual of anacondas (the males tangle themselves on each other to fight for the right to do the female), Shawn and the camera get struck in the breeding ball, with snakes all over them : one is binding the hands together, another is around the neck, ready to strangle the boy if needed, and another is trying to swallow him whole while the female looks at the camera
>Shawn is now filming the fishes in a pond, while bearly standing on 2 thin slippery rocks 10 meters away from the water, arms stretched above his head carrying to camera
>suddenly, tentacles grab both his legs and drag him to the depth of the pond, while salmons, piranhas, catfishes, dolphins, orcas, blue whales and krakens are jumping from the pond to dive after where Shawn has been dragged to.... idk, the camera didn't record this
>now, we see Shawn exiting by foot the jungle to end up in Tokyo 'cause the narrator said so (it's easier job he said)
>starts filming the first specimen he encounters : Axel
>gets closer to film him better : so close that Axel is now pinned against a wall, the camera is in his chin and we can see his dilated pores (narrator says it is because of constant stress due to the surrounding)
>Axel gets away from him, Shawn runs after him until he bumps into Xavier who is also a reporter that interviews random people on the street about the latest hot topic of the country
>since he lost Axel's trace, Shawn decides to camp directly in his natural habitat and breaks into his empty flat by the window
>narrator comments on every room and item he sees to analyze Axel's lifestyle for anthropologic purposes
>Shawn goes to the bathroom and opens the shower curtain
>plotwist : Axel is in the bathtub with a camera in his hand, a knife in the other, and a voice coming from nowhere is narrating a True crime documentary
>both starts a fight to death : Axel with his knife and Shawn with whatever he can grab from the surrounding
>meanwhile : Axel's narrator depicts the True crime scene of his documentary, that matches perfectly with the fight ongoing; Shawn's depicts this as a display for dominance; Kanon as a Fox News reporter shows up as the trial for this murder is still ongoing in the future; Fei also shows up as an History reporter explaining why this tragedy is the reason they forbid children to play sakka before turning 25 (except derogation from El Dorado); a tiktoker from a near future appears explaining how this has influenced fashion and popculture; Xavier reappears to illustrate on why people have a feeling of insecurity nowaday; Hillman from the future records the scene for Ogre's training purposes; Ozrock uses these images to show the other aliens that Earth should be invaded and Simeon just watches the fight for his pleasure
>"this concludes today's reportage. Now is airing our new broadcast, presented Mark Evans : Sakka Yarouze"
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captainsimagines · 1 year
pretty woman, this is me trying || four
Summary: Bucky Barnes does not like to be touched. He’s completely ready to live a distant life and give up when the time is right. Until Stark hires him his own personal pretty woman. Over time, Bucky Barnes begins to learn how to touch again. How to feel again. How to love himself again.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female SexWorker!Reader
Trope(s): Holiday Fanfic ; Slow-Burn ; Friends to Lovers
Based on the Song(s): sweet nothing by Taylor Swift and Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
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Warnings: references to past sexual abuse; the beginning of soft touches; strong language
Word Count: 2,200+
     Eating a breakfast burrito with a hot coffee in the middle of snowy Central Park was definitely something on your unwritten bucket list. Something that was too odd, too specific, to actually put onto paper.
But this.
This was the gentle gift of life.
You figured the super soldier beside you was thinking the same. Bundled in multiple layers and with a large coffee tucked near his chest, Bucky Barnes stared up at the sky. Soaking up whatever beams of sunlight bursting through the clouds. It wasn’t actively snowing, but the coldness was evident by the red of his nose.
There were barely any people around. Just the typical joggers and healthy commuters. You could hear the sirens from one direction and music blasting from the other. Typical New York morning.
Except, today, you had a companion.
Two, actually. Bucky named him Axel, named after the Father of Peace. They were practically inseparable yesterday, and Bucky did not hesitate to adopt the elder German shepherd.  He stuck his nose deeper into the doggy blanket, especially grateful for the sweater that kept his hips warm. Bucky hadn’t batted one eye when the shelter worker had told him Axel had arthritis in his hips. He had paid for the medication, stopped by the pet store, and purchased everything known to man that accompanied a pet.
Blankets, sweaters, a bed, food bowls, treats and food, even a damn raincoat.
You would have swooned if you could have stopped laughing from how serious Bucky was being. And good for him—having a pet made a human healthier. Less lonely.
Maybe adopting wasn’t such a tedious thing.
Bucky Barnes was now your companion. He officially accepted you yesterday, saying that you two could truly help each other. You, the money. Him, getting used to touch again. The experiment with the dogs was one thing, but he had plans to step it up a level. By the end of your time together, you figure you’ll be able to hold his hand.
“So,” you started, dusting your fingers of invisible crumbs. “You’ve accepted my services. We’re acquaintances now. Lay out the rules, Bucky Barnes.”
Bucky smiled gently, looking down at the top of Axel’s head as he did so. “I want to start with the feeling. Like, soft touches.”
You hummed, pulling your gloves back on. Looking around the park, you debated risking hypothermia for the next part. Tugging off your boots and socks, you made sure Bucky was watching as you extended both feet off the blanket, running them through the tips of the grass. The tendrils tickled and the frozen dew pricked, but it was necessary.
“See? Do this. Imagine the grass hair to be tiny, little hands. Grabbing at your tiny, little toes.”
Bucky snorted quietly, but listened to your directions. He took his sweet time as you stomped and rolled your ankles, warming yourself the best you could. He stretched a long leg into the grass, spreading his toes and testing the waters.
“Do the hands feel nice?”
“The hands feel nice.”
Axel moaned softly, rolling over onto his back. You stared at the dog in amusement, then at Bucky, whose eyes glimmered at the dog just the same.
“Can my toe touch your toe?”
If he was uncomfortable with that question, he didn’t show it. Instead, it looked like he was trying to hold in the loudest laugh. How else were you supposed to phrase that question? But making the soldier laugh, well, that had to be a major plus.
“We can try.”
You nodded, scooting closer on the blanket. Bucky leaned his shoulders away on instinct, but he caught himself. You didn’t want to make him too uncomfortable, but he did need to learn to remind himself that danger was not present. That danger can be avoidable during sweet moments.
You moved your leg over, watching his right foot remain perfectly still. Closer, giving him time to back out if need be, until your feet left but a gap. Bucky released a heavy breath, shutting his eyes for a moment.
“You know, I got my dad’s feet. Man didn’t give me much of an allowance or words of wisdom growing up, but he did bless me with these goddamn toes.”
Bucky’s eyes snapped open, and he practically broke his neck turning to face you. His lips twitched, involuntarily splitting into a grin, before he burst out laughing. You didn’t touch him yet. You were too mesmerized by the sound and length of his neck to continue your quest.
“You have nice toes,” he commented, wiping at his beard.
“With nail polish, yes. See me without it and you’ll be singing a different tune.”
Slowly, you tipped your foot and rested your pinkie toe against his. Bucky sucked in a breath, staring, paralyzed.
Bucky grimaced quickly. “Sort of.”
You moved your foot, wiggling your toes. “You can ask me questions too, you know?”
“Have I not asked you questions?”
“Eh. But I know you’re wondering why I do this. They all do.”
Bucky frowned again, scrunching his nose a little. “I wasn’t wondering why you did it. You said you do it by choice. I’m not going to question that. I guess… I want to know what attracted you to it.”
There was some difference in the questions, but it was still the same question. It was considerate of him to phrase it nicely, however. “I left my hometown behind. I came here to New York like a twenty-year old idiot and thought, ‘Working retail or fast food is going to pay my rent’.”
You wanted a new place to live, a new place to exist. Was it so bad to want something so extreme? It wasn’t so bad the first few months. But as the bills started piling up and the lonelier you got, you had to seek alternative routes.
“I met a woman named Lainey. She lived a few doors down from me and we always got coffee at the same time each morning. She told me about the escort business, how this website was truthful and all that. So I tried it.”
Bucky handed you back your socks. You slipped them back on, continuing your story. “My first client didn’t ask for sex. I just went with him to an office party. The second canceled after I had already bought a dress for this huge banquet ball. But the third…”
Bucky froze as he, too, tugged on his socks.
“He didn’t tell me he wanted sex. We went on a date, and then he asked me for it. I said no, but he offered me two thousand dollars. I needed that money, Bucky.”
You swallowed hard as you zipped up your boots. “So I did it. And I cried the entire time. After that, Lainey told me that I have to make sure they explicitly say what they want in their messages. That the private messages were a contract. Since then, I haven’t slept with anyone I didn’t want to.”
“Lainey sounds like a pistol.”
You chuckled. “Yeah. She was.”
You shrugged, suddenly sad. “She never told anyone she had cancer.”
Axel whimpered softly, kicking his leg gently on your stomach. You grinned down at him, rubbing your gloved hand across his fur. “Lainey loved dogs. I was going to take in her dog after she died, but I ran into her mother as she was cleaning out Lainey’s apartment. That woman needed the dog more than me.”
“I’m sorry about Lainey.”
You were sorry about Lainey, too. How long has it been since you spoke about her? Since someone besides Lainey entered your apartment?
“I’ve come to love this job. I’ve learned to navigate it. I don’t recommend it unless someone genuinely has questions, but they never do. They always bring it up like it’s a joke.”
“Was Lainey your best friend?”
“In the city? I suppose.”
“You would think, in a world full of aliens and superheroes, we would have found the cure for cancer by now.”
You snorted out a laugh, turning to face him. But he was looking down at his own hand, mere inches from yours. Pinkies just a small distance away.
“How did it feel discovering the cure for smallpox?” You moved your pinkie just a little, getting closer.
“Considering they founded the vaccine in 1796, I wouldn’t know.” His pinkie inched closer, too.
“I meant polio, then.”
His finger paused, and Bucky’s shoulder crumbled. He pulled back, sighing deeply. “Polio vaccine came out in 1955. Don’t really remember, but I know Hydra shot me up with it.”
You had a sudden urge to twist your own neck. Even though you had no idea that would trigger a memory,  you had to assume that mentioning things like that would get some reaction out of him. Is it entirely your fault? No. It’s Hydra’s. But could you have been a little more considerate with your words or knowledge of history? Maybe next time.
So you tried, “Did it leave a dime-sized mark on your arm? Because for me, I have no mark at all.”
Bucky adjusted his jaw, following your lead. “I think I do. I haven’t really checked.”
“Can I be frank?”
“Don’t see why not.”
“Because it may be a little out of line and totally ridiculous to say, but I think you should hear it.”
Bucky cleared his throat, laying a gloved hand over Axel’s paw.
“I need your permission before I put my foot in my mouth.”
“I’m a big boy, I can take it.”
You grumbled, fighting with yourself. You just had an internal battle with yourself for saying something, accidentally, out of line and here you were, about to do it again. But it had the potential of being a positive thing. A thing that could change the outlook of one horrible memory.
“That polio mark… I am not defending Hydra or making them seem like good people. It doesn’t have anything to do with them, really. But all the torture you endured, all the evil… They, at least, gave you something good. It’s not a defense for them, but for you. So, think about it like this. For just a moment, in the year 1955, something good happened to you.”
“It doesn’t erase the bad.”
“No. It doesn’t. It’s just a little bit mixed in there. Existing. Hiding.”
Bucky raised his eyes, meeting yours. “I’m not giving them that credit.”
You nodded. “Then don’t attach it to them. You were vaccinated against something bad, and that’s good. Period.”
“And you might have been broke in New York, but it led you to finding Lainey. Period.”
You smiled, teeth and all, thinking that Lainey would have liked Bucky. Would have probably stolen him from you. For a good reason, too.
Sticking out a gloved hand, you raised your pinkie finger. Waiting for Bucky as he did the same.
“Tell me, Bucky Barnes. Tell me what you want me to touch, and I’ll do it. Anything, as long as it won’t get me arrested.”
With a half-assed, impassive look, Bucky motioned for you to go on.
“Tell me what you want to touch, too.”
The soft breath that left his lungs swirled in the air as he exhaled, two strands from his hair bun escaping. He tucked one behind his ear, still keeping that one hand raised.
“I want,” he started, swallowing lightly. “I want to be able to hold someone’s hand. To pinky-promise. To hug them goodbye. I want to be able to see someone without clothing again, to not freak out when they scrape a knee. I want to be able to pass a plate to someone, to feel their warmth, to high-five. I want to own my body again. And I want people to know that I own myself.”
Something inside of you twisted painfully, deep in your stomach. His words felt like a reverse catapult, cannons slicing through your organs before they landed. When you first laid with someone for money, there was this awful feeling of neglect to yourself. To your own wellbeing. A feeling of raw, horrid guilt. Because you hadn’t chosen to do it fully. You hadn’t given yourself freely and completely. Half of you accepted it, while the other half writhed and begged you to stop.
After some time, you came to own these moments. To make them your own, pleasurable, chosen. You had decided the when, and the where, and the who. You owned it all.
Knowing that Bucky Barnes never had a choice… That feeling of raw, horrid guilt came rushing back—not attached to you, of course—but as an extension. As empathy. As understanding.
“I give you permission, Bucky Barnes,” you said, tucking your legs underneath yourself and facing him directly. “To touch me however you like. Whenever you like. To learn how to live again. And I promise, if I do not want to be touched, I will tell you.”
He watched your raised pinky curl, a question in his eyes.
“Cross one thing off that list,” you told him. “Accept my promise.”
So Bucky straightened his once crumbling shoulders, and wrapped his gloved pinky around your own.
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myobsessionsspace · 1 month
(The Costume Institute Gala)
Dress Code: ‘The Garden of Time’
The dress code for the event is “The Garden of Time,” which was inspired by J.G. Ballard’s 1962 short story of the same name, in which Count Axel and his wife live and listen to Mozart in a magnificent villa, surrounded by a garden of crystal flowers, as an angry and unruly army advances upon them. To keep the “approaching rabble” at bay, Axel must turn back time by plucking the flowers, one by one, until they are all gone, and there is no time left.
Excerpts that could have provided inspiration:
“black velvet jacket, a gold tie-pin”
“cane held stiffly in a white-gloved hand”
“exquisite crystal flowers”
“translucent petals”
“soldiers in ragged uniforms”
“brocade evening dress rustling over the ornamental tiles”
“Her face was serene and intelligent, her hair, swept back behind her head into a jewelled clasp, touched with silver. She wore her dress low across her breast, revealing a long slender neck and high chin.”
“In fact a mere dozen flowers remained of the many hundred that had grown in the garden, and several of these were little more than buds– only three or four were fully grown.”
“straightening his silk cravat”
“Taking the stem between her jewelled fingers”
“The lake was empty, fallen trees rotting at its bottom, an old bridge rusting into it. Weeds flourished among the long grass in the lawn, overrunning the ornamental pathways and carved stone screens.”
“six-foot-high growth of heavy thorn-bushes”
“bearded man in a high-collared jacket, a cane under one arm”
“a woman in an elaborate full-skirted dress, her slim, serene face unmarked by the wind and rain. In her left hand she lightly clasped a single rose, the delicately formed petals so thin as to be almost transparent”
“a shattered cornice and struck the rose, reflected off the whorl of petals on to the statues, lighting up the grey stone so that for a fleeting moment it was indistinguishable from the long-vanished flesh of the statues’ originals”
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ash-the-wise · 2 years
Whoever sent nasty comments to Axel Almirón about his Byler fanarts need to go outside and touch some f*cking grass. Trying to cancel him by calling him the p-word while he's just enjoying himself and doing his best to give us awesome Byler content? Just say you're homophobic and go. Fr. Tired of all the negativity surrounding this goddamn fictional ship that harms no one.
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miaumeiw · 9 months
heeheeeheeeee Silas character sheet
● Often says that he is fine (OBVIOUSLY ISNT) or that the blood on his hands is just "forbidden ketchup"
● Very unserious, immature, and stupid when he wants to be (most of the time)
● Only gets serious when his loved ones are in danger or himself
● Pretends to be fine around others just to collapse the moment they leave
● Finds comfort in items from his loved ones, (clothes, pins, etc.)
● Used to play a bit of guitar but forgot how
● He can kind of cry on command, he just has to think about how his loved ones felt when he left them
● His favorite thing is probably some stupid mobile game that he keeps to himself
● Responds to "Bird Boy" or "shithead" on occasion (silly old oc design refrence)
● Absolutely hates Kenny but doesn't mind him much because he keeps Milo safe
● Only says "I love you" to the people he feels actually deserve it
● A total bitch to most other people and only allows certain people to touch him
● One moment he'll be listening to Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence and then the next he'll be listening to Castaways by The Backyardigans
● LOVES to rant about his special interests (dinosaurs, bugs, sharks, and ESPECIALLY space)
● If some random person was pretending to be him, just ask what his favorite thing about his boyfriend is. He WILL start ranting about how wonderful and amazing his boyfriend is
● As stated earlier, he is VERY immature. Laughs anytime someone says penis.
● Very good at hiding his emotions. VERY.
● He's a bit scared of fire so he'll just blow on a candle aggressively and go hide.
● He's a very lively person around others but when he's alone he recoils into his mind and just thinks. Best to snap him out of it before he goes on a murderous rampage.
● Likes to talk about the silly "brainworms" that he has. (Secretly just him splitting up his personalities in his head.)
● Often wonders things about the vessel he got thrown in (lore, will explain later) since it
has most of his old features.
● Absolutely LOVES his boyfriend 100%. Dude will do anything for that mf. Even if it means murder.
● At any given chance they will fight with Kenny. Doesn't matter where.
● Messiest eater you will ever meet.
● Feels guilty about hurting Milo a few times even tho he (Milo) doesn't remember
● He LOVES white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
● He knows a lot of those random facts that you just remember sometimes. Most commonly related to his interests.
● Would probably break down if he was fired, even though his boss wouldn't fire him. (She's too nice)
● Once gifted a blade of grass by Axel (his not really friend friend) and ate it.
● Usually gets things he wants through being persuaded or he'll get it by force.
● If you don't believe him, he'll probably shrug it off. Can't do much to change what you think.
● Doesn't feel bad about doing anything regarded to his work but does get a bit sad when
he accidentally hurts people he's close to.
● Almost got caught stealing from a candy store once.
● If he doesn't like you he would most likely be passive aggressive and when nobody is looking he'd call you insults.
● Very affectionate if he likes you. (hugs, handshakes, highfives, fistbumps, etc.)
● Once put cheese in a toaster. Never again.
● Definitely doesn't watch Milo while he sleeps. (he does)
● Really good at random tricks alone but when he tries to show someone he fails miserably. (stopped when someone got a concussion)
● Prefers to stay inside and not at social gatherings.
● If you shake his hand loosely and he barely likes you, he'll grip your hand and shake it tighter. If he likes you enough to be friends, he'll ask if you're alright.
● Picked up random mannerisms of animals. (He watched too much discovery channel as a kid)
● Definitely would hold a TED Talk about "Why it's okay to break into Milo's house"
● Doesn't get things like "Its raining cats and dogs" because idioms are scary.
● Could probably learn French if he wanted to.
● Talks a lot but if you have something more important to say he will gladly listen.
● Forgot about Erin but Erin remembers him well. (With or without the new vessel)
● Down to do anything (except follow the law)
● Immediate response to anything is to fight. Used to be flight.
● Epic music taste??? But it's all over the place.
● Bird person. No cats. No dogs. No lizards. BIRDS.
• Didn't enjoy killing people, but A, he got used to it, and B, his boss pays big bucks >:3
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ceadgearst · 11 months
death and love
Sniffle and cry man why should I try
Never ever give though until I die
I wish that I could fry in the hot desert sun
Leave nothing but bones and a pair of ram horns
The sun does it turn on an axel, look at fractals
I could see the past and future
when I look down at my grave
Lord above a heaven to save
I've smoked and drank at home,
might as well break it before
I can sit and feel the grass
and know where my bones will last I'll tell you
The constellations do decay in the space above my grave
Where I will rot away without a say or nay?
The trees rise and fall behind where I lay my head
The ground bled and dried in a cycle of a mother's cry
The tide in the lake never ceasing, never shakes,
the wakes are always low
that's how I know that I am home
A pack of crows, murder over my spot
I got not a thought but the ears of mine ringing
singing death throws what do I know
fall into a pool of water
I caught her smiling at me deviously
I fell into her alter
Never believe what I see, only what I can touch
I felt the lord in the way I was drawn towards
Her like a summer swelter
I felt a rise in her eyes that reminded me
Of the sunrise and the moon
I will carry her to her tomb I promise her in her slump
When we are cuddled up
Her resting on me
Sometimes I can't sleep because I look and see her beauty
laying so peacefully
I love to see she could be anywhere else be her next to me
But for some reason she chooses to be
And I accept her graciously
Even though there are times I can be
So facetious of me, I struggle with reality
And the duality of virility
the plurality of you and me
But I love the feeling in between
I will carry you to the land of dreams
Whoever's first, I'll know we'll wait
And when we're ready, we'll have one last date
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pomuzzies · 1 year
Continued from discord: Megumin (Konosuba) / Owain (Fire Emblem)
The world shook and an orb-like inferno claimed sky and land indiscriminately, bringing newfound destruction to anything in its path. Owain was one of the many people to witness this display of utter carnage. His hero's blood boiled and his teeth gritted. Whatever caused this, it wasn't good. Sheathed sword in hand, Owain rushed to the area of impact. Making his way into a deep, dark forest. Only for the trees to just... stop. As expected, only a crater laid before his eyes. This utter calamity, it brought back memories he wish would've stayed buried. Memories of the dead rising and a monster with similar all-erasing power. His face went pale and his heart stopped beating, even if for a mere moment. Despite his fears, what kind of a hero would he be if he didn't trudge on despite the danger? Inspecting the area, he found his eyes locking onto a girl in red clothing on the other side of the destruction. "Come on, Misiletainn. We aren't ones to back down when things get scary, are we?" He spoke to the aforementioned sword. If only to try and scrounge up any bit of courage he could muster.
Megumin felt the wind blow through her hair as her body fell to the floor. Not long after, her face touched the cool grass.
A sigh of relief left her lungs as if she’d just felt the release of months of stress building up. “That… was a good one…” She said as the images of her explosion flashed through her head.
As she layed in the grass, she could hear someone approaching in the distance. The crimson mage only had enough energy left to tense a few muscles in her body. Lifting her head was an even more impossible task, so she tried to call out to the approaching entity.
Her mouth opened, but the volume of her words could be improved.
“I… Hello? My name is Megumin, Number 1 Mage of Axel!”
She once again relaxed all the muscles in her body, trying to give her voice a little more energy.
“Come closer and meet a swift demise! For the Ultimate Arch-Wizard will not tolerate any wrong doings you may be considering!”
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lorikabori · 1 year
Design concepts for Dual types Gym Leaders + an Elite 4 member (and their full-power teams)
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1st Gym: Lori, Leader of the Aurawave Boardwalk Gym. Specializes in Water and Fighting type Pokemon. Main teacher of the Aurawave Trainer's School. You'll need to graduate from her class to challenge her gym. Rumor has it that when she reaches her full potential, she could overpower the champion.
Post Game Team:
Politoed with Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Scald, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Encore
Poliwrath with Choice Specs
Ability: Swift Swim
Surf, Focus Blast, Earth Power, Ice Beam
Quaquaval with Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
Aqua Step, Close Combat, Ice Spinner, Roost
Aqua Paldean Tauros with Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
Wave Crash, Close Combat, Earthquake, Wild Charge
Lucario with Lucarionite
Ability: Inner Focus (Adaptability after Mega Evolving)
Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, Bullet Punch, Drain Punch
Rapid Strike Urshifu with Leftovers
Ability: Unseen Fist
Surging Strikes, Close Combat, Poison Jab, Swords Dance
2nd Gym: Hanna, Leader of the Ghento Forest Village. Specializes in Grass and Fairy type Pokemon. Researcher with a gardening hobby. She's very kind and is seen as the Village Mother. She knows her Pokemon aren't the strongest, but she cares for them all the same.
Post Game Team:
Shiinotic with Leftovers
Ability: Effect Spore
Spore, Moonblast, Giga Drain, Leech Seed
Whimsicott with Heat Rock
Ability: Prankster
Sunny Day, U-turn, Knock Off, Leech Seed
Arboliva with Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Protect
Ribombee with Focus Sash
Ability: Shield Dust
Sticky Web, Moonblast, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance
Leavanny with Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Knock Off, Swords Dance
Comfey with Leftovers
Ability: Triage
Calm Mind, Draining Kiss, Giga Drain, Aromatherapy
3rd Gym: Averie, Leader of Mt. Aubor Base Gym. Specializes in Ice and Steel type Pokemon. A college student with a skill in sword fighting. Despite his college being located in Trisahn, he spends most of his time on Mt. Aubor, a towering mountain covered top to bottom in snow and frozen waters. Averie seems to be on the hunt for a Pokemon known for their sharp cutting skills, but he hasn't found it yet.
Post Game Team:
Alolan Ninetales with Light Clay
Ability: Snow Warning
Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Moonblast, Freeze Dry
Empoleon with Life Orb
Ability: Torrent
Hydro Pump, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Agility
Abomasnow with Abomasite
Ability: Snow Warning
Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Giga Drain, Earth Power
Skarmory with Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Body Press, Roost
Weavile with Assault Vest
Ability: Pressure
Fake Out, Triple Axel, Knock Off, Low Kick
4th Gym: Sosha, Leader of Trisahn City Gym. Specializes in Poison and Dark type Pokemon. The lead guitarist in her band "Acidity City". Her many party tricks and guitar skills make her the guaranteed center of attention in any social setting. She owns a super rare Pokemon, Naganadel, but no one knows where she got it from.
Post Game Team:
Drapion with Black Sludge
Ability: Battle Armor
Poison Jab, Crunch, Substitute, Swords Dance
Alolan Muk with Assault Vest
Ability: Poison Touch
Poison Jab, Crunch, Drain Punch, Ice Punch
Skuntank with Choice Specs
Ability: Stench
Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Hidden Power Ice
Obstagoon with Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Protect, Facade, Knock Off, Close Combat
Toxtricity with Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
Overdrive, Sludge Wave, Boomburst. Shift Gear
Naganadel with Black Sludge
Ability: Beast Boost
Sludge Wave, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Nasty Plot
5th Gym: Z, Leader of the St. Grovel Cemetery Gym. Specializes in Ghost and Ground type Pokemon. The manager of the St. Grovel Cemetery. No one knows what his real name is, but he prefers if everyone calls him Z. He's responsible for keeping the cemetery safe and taming the ghosts that roam in the area.
Post Game Team:
Runerigus with Focus Sash
Ability: Wandering Spirit
Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Earthquake, Poltergeist
Golurk with Assault Vest
Ability: No Guard
Earthquake, Poltergeist, Dynamic Punch, Ice Punch
Palossand with Weakness Policy
Ability: Water Compaction
Earth Power, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain, Shore Up
Skeledirge with Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Torch Song, Will-o-Wisp, Slack Off, Protect
Gliscor with Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Earthquake, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Protect
Cofagrigus with Leftovers
Ability: Mummy
Body Press, Iron Defense, Shadow Ball, Will-o-Wisp
6th Gym: Alex, Leader of Thunderidge Town. Specializes in Electric and Flying type Pokemon. Son of a Power Plant owner. A trans (FtM) teen with an interest in all things energy and electricity. Very excitable and surprisingly acrobatic.
Post Game Team:
Pelipper with Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Drizzle
Scald, Hurricane, Defog, U-turn
Emolga with Sitrus Berry
Ability: Static
Acrobatics, Nuzzle, Wild Charge, U-turn
Rotom (Fan) with Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Trick, Thunderbolt, Air Slash, Shadow Ball
Pom-Pom Oricorio with Life Orb
Ability: Dancer
Quiver Dance, Revelation Dance, Hurricane, Hidden Power Ice
Eelektross with Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Wild Charge, Aqua Tail, Drain Punch, Coil
Kilowattrel with Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Competitive
Roost, Thunder, Hurricane, Weather Ball
7th Gym: Cosmo, Leader of Vessroch City Gym. Specializes in Normal and Psychic type Pokemon. Honor Roll Mid. School student and experienced programmer. The youngest gym leader, being only 10 years old. Obsessed with VR. Instead of a gym, challengers log on to a VR world Cosmo created and battle him there.
Post Game Team:
Oranguru with Light Clay
Ability: Inner Focus
Reflect, Light Screen, Psyshock, Thunderbolt
Indeedee (Female) with Terrain Extender
Ability: Psychic Surge
Expanding Force, Mystical Fire, Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind
Farigiraf with Assault Vest
Ability: Armor Tail
Psychic, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Charge Beam
Cyclizar with Sitrus Berry
Ability: Regenerator
Shed Tail, Body Slam, Knock Off, Dragon Claw
Rabsca with Leppa Berry
Ability: Synchronize
Revival Blessing, Recover, Bug Buzz, Psychic
Bewear with Assault Vest
Ability: Fluffy
Return, Close Combat, Ice Punch, Earthquake
8th Gym: Alondra, Leader of Crater's Edge Town Gym. Specializes in Bug and Rock type Pokemon. Proud Entomologist and Archeologist. Her main lab is on the other side of a giant crater near the gym. She's a tiny lady with an oversized lab coat, but she hasn't replaced it because she finds it pretty charming.
Post Game Gym:
Armaldo with Choice Band
Ability: Battle Armor
Stone Edge, Earthquake, X-Scissor, Liquidation
Shuckle with Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Infestation, Toxic, Protect, Rest
Crustle with White Herb
Ability: Sturdy
Shell Smash, Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Earthquake
Yanmega with Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Tinted Lens
Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Giga Drain, Roost
Scizor with Scizorite
Ability: Technician
Swords Dance, Bullet Punch, Dual Wingbeat, Close Combat
Tyrantrum with Choice Band
Ability: Rock Head
Head Smash, Dragon Claw, Close Combat, Crunch
Final Elite 4 Member: Koko, Regional Dragon Master. Specializes in Fire and Dragon type Pokemon. The region's dragon enthusiast. She's a very powerful trainer with a large following. Because of her fame, she likes to spend her time alone away from busy landmarks. She once actually beat the champion, but refused the role because being a champion was "too hard".
Post Game Team
Turtonator with White Herb
Ability: Shell Armor
Body Press, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Scorching Sands
Charizard with Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze (Tough Claws after Mega Evolving)
Dragon Claw, Flare Blitz, Earthquake, Dragon Dance
Torkoal with Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
Stealth Rock, Flamethrower, Solar Beam, Earth Power
Flygon with Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Earthquake, Dragon Claw, First Impression, Stone Edge
Darmanitan with Choice Band
Ability: Sheer Force
Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, Earthquake, U-turn
Kommo-o with Kommonium Z
Ability: Soundproof
Clanging Scales, Close Combat, Boomburst, Iron Head
And that's all of them! These are just concepts, so they won't be in any fan game or anything. Regardless, what do you think?
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philoursmars · 4 years
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Voilà ! C’est le moment du vote : lequel préférez-vous ? Which one do you prefer ? Digame !
1 Akel Haurer : “Maqu'ro" (Axel Bauer: “Cargo")
2  Arythmics: “Louch"  (Eurythmics: "Touch”)
3 Grasse Jaunes: “Ilsan Loeuf" (Grace Jones: “Island Life”)
4 Niania Gross: “Niania" (Diana Ross: “Diana")
5 Brayar Fletry: “Don’t Spot The Panse" (Bryan Ferry: “Don’t Stop The Dance")
6 Sadic: “Shit Life" (Sade: “Diamond Life")
7 Etienne Dodo: “La Porte, la Porte" (Etienne Daho: “La Notte, la Notte")
8 Donn'à Sa Mère: “The Vand'Orer" (Donna Summer: “The Wanderer")
9 Ja Masse: “En Noir et Rouge" (Jeanne Mas: “En “Rouge Et Noir”)
Pourquoi ressortir ce post ? Comme 4 ou 5 autres,, il reçoit des likes venant de “faux sites” et j’aime  pas ça !
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gay-yosuke · 1 month
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nice day again.
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kingdomheartsmarts · 2 years
Hi, can I make a request inspired by prompt "It's alright- come here. You're safe." Maybe something with Axel/ Lea comforting a s/o who is having some difficulty trusting him at first because some people in her life had ended up being very toxic towards her?
kinda went down a different path but i'm still satisfied with it and got too personal with it oop-
It shouldn't be this big of a deal. All it was was someone closing a door too loudly. Maybe it’s because most of us use the portals instead of doors within the Castle That Never Was, maybe it was because I finally didn’t have to deal with it. But here I was.
A world I had come to very rarely, with the world being too peaceful for Saix or Xemnas to really care about visiting. Maybe that’s why I came here. To get away from everything that wasn’t peaceful. Everything it felt like I was working against.
He looked confused, I thought. Axel looked confused when I rushed off. He had every right to, I suppose, I had been happy and chatty one moment and terrified and skittish the next without an apparent reason.
Should I even be feeling this way?
A voice startled me, not close behind me in an area of the clearing where I sat; facing a small stream lined with moss and sunshine in a shady area of the woods, the only sound being the movement of water and the rustle of life around me.
Footsteps approached from behind me, stopping just before me as I couldn’t bring myself to form words.
“Are you.. Alright?”
I could only shrug. I wasn’t strong enough to talk. Not right now.
He moved beside me, sitting beside me as he watched the stream alongside me. He was silent. We both were. There was something soothing about him being here, sitting with me in silence despite not needing to.
“Why’d you come?” I asked him softly, my voice croaking after my silence.
“Thought you needed someone.”
Axel shifted beside me, never looking at me but staying nevertheless.
“Are we supposed to feel that way?”
“I’ll be completely honest with you, I don’t care how we’re supposed to feel or not feel- we’re not even supposed to be alive.” His words were cold, simply a response to dismiss the question, “Why’d you do that back there?”
“It’s not like it was a war battle, we were just at the castle.”
“More reason to question it.”
I paused for a moment, shifting for a moment-
Is he just trying to get information out of me? For Saix? To shut me up and get me to act right?
“Why does it matter?”
“You don’t normally react that way.”
“Do.. Do you pay attention?”
Axel got quiet, finally looking at me and meeting my eyes; his eyes were not cold, nor were they inflamed in rage. They were soft. They were not threatening.
“I do.” He finally said, “I don’t want you, you know, being ignored or anything like that.”
“I don’t like loud noises. They scare me,” I quietly said.
“Is that all?”
“Are you going to tell Saix now?”
“Why would I tell him?” “I doubt my behavior is ‘good behavior’.”
“Listen,” Axel pulled my arm, his touch light but enough to make me notice, “I don’t tell him anything. I don’t give a shit. I wanna make sure you’re not gonna be someone I have to fish back for the organization.”
“Is that all?” Axel sighed a sharp sigh, a relaxed glare confusing me as he laid down on the grass.
“You are making this very difficult.”
“What am I making difficult?”
“You know, caring about you without expecting anything in return.”
I looked over at him; he was relaxed and stretched out on the grass, his legs crossed and his head resting in his hands. He was quizzical. Axel didn’t typically make much sense, but especially not now. Especially not with a member he’s just supposed to babysit.
“I just.. I don’t trust people easily, sorry,” I whispered, guilt panging in my chest as I pulled my knees to my chest.
“Don’t apologize,” His voice was soft as his eyes burned a little hole in me, yet it didn’t hurt when it burned, “you’ve done nothing wrong.”
A silence fell between us as we sat together; the sun was still high as the birds around us went about their days. The ground was soft and the constant sound of the stream was peaceful. It was natural. There was color with specs of the rainbow across the ground that wildflowers had claimed as their own and the sun danced between the leaves.
“I think I’m gonna go to sleep here, if you don’t mind,” His normal tone was back.
“You’re nice to me, Axel,” I stated.
“I do my best,”
“You’re nice no matter how hard it is to get through that thick skull of yours.”
“I don’t have a thick skull..” “How many nobodies do you think flirted with you today?”
I paused, not really thinking about the question as much as the connotation of the question.
“You heard me. How many?”
“I don’t think anyone did.”
“Three.” He said after a moment, “The answer was three.”
“Well if you don’t know the other two then I’ll tell you one,” I glared at his relaxed form on the ground.
“One was me,”
“Who were the other two?”
“Well if I have you all to myself, why would I tell ya that,” He smiled with a stupid little cheeky smirk.
“I am going to kick you in the balls when you least expect it.”
Why would he flirt with me why would he do that why would he flirt with me- is he just messing with me is he just making fun of me and I don’t know it- why is he doing this-
“I’m being serious, you know,” He continued after a moment, “I get that you don’t really pay attention to that kinda stuff.”
“Why would you flirt with me?”
“I like you, despite that you’re making me do the most direct high school confession right now,”
“If this is a joke I would like to ask you to stop,” I whispered after a moment, pain panging in my throat-
He’s just doing what they always do- they always do this and it always hurts-
“Not a joke, I am much funnier than that,” I could hear his smile in his softened voice as he sat up, sitting beside me, “You know, you’re safe with me, right?”
“Am I?”
“I mean, I haven’t let you die yet, and I call you pretty, so I think I’m doing pretty good,”
I softly chuckled as I finally turned to face him.
“Sorry, I’m not good with people, I guess,” I quietly said, “They tend to hurt me.” His gaze softened for a moment as he processed my words.
“People really haven’t been that great to you have they, being afraid of slamming doors and conversations and all,” He thought out loud, schooching closer to me in the clearing, “Sorry if I was crass when I came here.” “It’s alright, I know nobodies don’t really get to be gentle often,” I welcomed his closeness.
“Yeah we really don’t,” He tilted my chin up, his touch on my jaw gentle as he memorized every part of me- something in my gut twisting-
I flinched, abruptly pulling myself away from his touch.
“I’m sorry-” I quickly said, avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t,” He cut me off, “I should have asked you if you were okay with that, I’m sorry,”
“I’m sorry I’m not used to this,”
“Don’t apologize,” His voice dropped with caution, “I don’t know what you or your somebody have gone through but, you’re safe, alright? I’ll make sure you are.”
My eyes stung as I stayed facing away from him, my lip trembling as I sucked in a sharp gasp for air-
“Hey, hey, I didn’t mean to make you cry-”
“You didn’t, I’m just, I’m not used to this,” I managed, his arm resting around my shoulders tentatively, letting me pull away if I pleased; shyly, leaned into his touch.
“It’s alright- come here, you’re safe,” Axel was gentle, pulling me onto him on the grass, wrapping his arms around me warmly, resting me on his chest as he pulled me ever closer to him.
“Thank you,” I whispered, resting my head on his chest as one of his hands played with my hair.
“You know if I had a heart I’d say I love you,”
“We’ll figure that out later then.”
buy me a coffee!
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theshatteredrose · 2 years
The Dark Guardian (Chapter 5) - Etrian Odyssey Fanfiction
AN: THIS IS IT! RAHAS IS FINALLY DONE WITH BEING A SPECTATOR! This chapter was satisfying to write, if I am to be honest. One more chapter to go! After this, I’ll probably take a couple of weeks off, maybe write some oneshots and such. But I’ll definitely be plotting and scheming for my next project.
Anyway, hope you enjoy~!
Warnings: Violence and murder
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Chapter 5:
“What’s wrong, Shiki? Can’t you break through the paralysis yourself, Shiki?”
Ahimoth continued to taunt. Continued to mock. Continued to find sheer joy in the pain of others. His laughter was that of insanity. Damn sicko was getting off on all the pain he was inflicting upon Shiki, Gerald, and poor Simmons.
But…not for much longer.
With a silence, with a confidence he didn’t know he possessed, Rahas walked up behind Ahimoth. His footsteps were silent against the grass. He hadn’t heard him. Hadn’t seen him.
But soon he would. He had ignored him. Dismissed him. And he was going to regret it.
Rahas’ stare, cold with distain, was to be the last thing that man would ever see.
“Well, Shiki, maybe if I threaten dear ol’ Gerald’s life a little bit more, you’ll-” Ahimoth’s threat abruptly halted when a knife broke through the clothing of his right shoulder. The silver blade stained a crimson red.
As he turned his head to look at it, muted surprise on his face, Shiki’s eyes also widen. Rahas, however, ignored both men. He tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, his knuckles turning a ghastly white. And dragged the knife downwards. Through the muscles and tendons. Through the bones. Through the flesh and his clothes.
Ahimoth’s arm immediately dropped down to his side. Limply and utterly useless. Unable to keep the hold of his sword, it, too, falling uselessly to the forest floor.
Hm, the knife was quite sharp. Likely by design. Though, this knife in particular was probably crafted for the final blow. After he had his fill of his ‘pleasure’.
As Ahimoth grasped his shoulder with his left hand, he lurched himself away from Rahas and staggered back a few steps. He looked at Rahas with utter astonishment on his face. Surprised. Appalled by his actions.
“Looks like Lynus’ ramblings of bodily anatomy finally paid off.” Rahas leaned down and casually picked up Ahimoth’s dropped sword with his free hand. “Hope you can wield a sword with just your left hand there, asshole.”
Blood seeped through Ahimoth’s fingers, coating his clothing, staining the green grass a crimson red. Ahimoth glowered at him, truly furious at having been caught off guard by that dark hunter boy, let alone actually being attacked by him.
The sheer audacity of it all.
Rahas ignored him, however, and spared a moment to glance at his surroundings. He tapped the sword idly against his leg. He didn’t want to do the deed, as it were, in front of everyone. Especially not with Simmons there.
“Who would have thought that Taksony’s kid would be the one.” Ahimoth bit out a mocking laugh. “You're no different than me.”
Rahas rolled his eyes in clear distain. "That's cute, but your manipulations won't work on me."
He had heard it all before. Nothing new. The same drivel. Touching on a person’s insecurities. On their natural fear of doing wrong. Of being seen as a monster. Of being like them.
Just lies.
Better to shut him up. It was getting annoying.
Hm. That bruise on his face. Ah, it was when Axel punched him. That must have hurt. He should make it worse.
Before Ahimoth could bite out some manipulative remark in a desperate attempt to regain control over the situation, Rahas lunged forward. And stabbed the knife into the hinge of Ahimoth’s jaw. Severing the muscles and tendons on the side of his face. Maybe even badly injured that vile tongue in his mouth.
Ahimoth lurched himself backwards, instinctively rather than in reaction to his attack. The knife remained in his head, the sharp tip glinting clear through to the other side. After staggering backwards, he stared at him, eyes deranged and slacked-jaw. He reached up with his only usable arm and wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the knife. His gaze remained absolutely unhinged and narrowed in on Rahas as he ripped the knife from the side of his face.
And his mouth dropped open further.
Rahas stared back at him. “Try blowing on that whistle now.”
Ahimoth was going to have a hard time uttering any of his curses and spell, also. It didn’t take Ahimoth long to realise that, too. His grip tightened on the knife, so tight that his whole body was beginning to shake.
He then turned and fled down a narrow path.
Running, huh? Couldn’t say he was surprised. An appropriate response from a murderous coward. Still, worked in his favour; he didn’t have to drag the bastard away himself.
“Rahas!” Shiki called out to him.
But Rahas dismissively waved a hand over his shoulder at him. “Sit tight. I’ll be right back.”
He moved to follow, but paused in his steps a moment later. He then half-turned, looking directly over to where Simmons was, slumped, possibly unconscious against Axel’s chest. The redheaded supporting him as he stared at Rahas, clearly torn on what he should feel, what he should do.
“Hey, Axel? Protect everyone here.”
Axel opened his mouth, likely to protest something about him not going alone. About him being foolish to follow an obviously dangerous individual into a dangerous labyrinth. Yet, he held back. Possibly seeing the determination on his face. Or maybe he had come to the same realisation that Rahas had moments ago.
“Sure,” was all he said.
If there was one thing that redhead could do well, it was protecting others. So, Rahas turn and headed deeper into the labyrinth. He didn’t need to rush. Not really. The blood laid a trail for him to follow.
“Why are you running, Ahimoth?” Rahas called out, unable to prevent himself from using the bastard’s words again him. “You were talking a big game just moments ago.”
Of course, he didn’t expect an answer. Not anything more than an incoherent gurgle of blood through an unhinged jaw.
Tracking him down wasn’t going to be difficult, either. Not the way he was bleeding all over the place. That was going to catch the attention of some of the monsters, too. He had better find Ahimoth before the monsters did. Just so he could ensure that the bastard was dead.
And he found him, not a few moments later. Ahimoth leant against a tree, his right arm useless and still by his side. He had his working hand clutching his chin, likely attempting to use his war skills to heal his injuries enough to attempt to fight back. The curse he would spit at him would be diabolical.
If he could heal himself.
Ahimoth, with his wide and deranged eyes, soon noticed Rahas’ approach. He desperately staggered away from the tree and raised his only weapon, a single knife, in his direction.
Idly tossing Ahimoth’s sword to his left hand, Rahas grabbed the handle of his whip with his right hand. He quickly unholstered it from his side, and with a rapid flick of his wrist, in a motion that Shiki had taught him long ago, he unfurled his whip. And wound it around Ahimoth’s wrist.
"I know how bastards like you think,” he muttered as he pulled harshly on the whip, pulling Ahimoth off centre. And with another sharp tug, threw him to the ground. “How dare you treat me like this? I only brutally murdered and killed, stalked and tormented the ones you love. But now you're attacking me? You have the audacity to treat me with the same murderous, violent disregard that I treat others? That your inner monologue, hmm?"
Ahimoth tried to roll onto his back, to attempt to scurry away from him. Probably in the same manner that he forced his innocent victims to endure as he laughed and jeered at them.
"I hate bastards like you."
Rahas snapped his whip on Ahimoth’s thigh, paralysing the muscle. Causing his leg to drop in a dead weight. Greatly inhibiting his attempt to escape. Ahimoth would no doubt growl in frustration, or maybe spit out more manipulative insults, if his jaw was in working order.
He did utter a gurgled, hollow sound when Rahas planted his boot harshly in the centre of his chest, pinning him on the labyrinth floor. Stabbing Ahimoth’s own sword on the ground, a hair’s breath away from his throat, Rahas leaned forward. To look down at him. Into his wide, deranged eyes with his cold, dismissive ones.
"I am going to kill you. And when I do, when your rotten, worthless corpse is torn apart by monsters and scattered to the winds, know this; you are meaningless. After I kill you, I will waste no further thoughts on you. Your victims, your would-be victims will live their lives. Be happy. Be content. Move beyond this. Move beyond you."
He raised the sword and pressed the tip against the Adams apple of his throat, his hand tightening with white knuckles around the hilt.
"When you cross paths with Taksony in hell, tell him I sent you."
He brought the sword down, cutting through Ahimoth’s throat, and embedding the blade half way into the ground beneath him. A loud rush of air escaped his lungs as back arched off the ground and his eyes somehow widened further. But the air did not return to his lungs and his body went slack as his beady dark eyes stared unblinkingly back at him.
The sword severed the spinal cord and cut through the bones and tendons of his spine.
Rahas breathed a loud sigh as his shoulders released the tension he hadn’t realised he had been carrying. He unfurled his fingers from around the sword’s blade, leaving it where it stood.
It…was over.
Huh…Relief. That was all that he felt. Nothing else. Just relief.
Was what he had done 'right'? No, probably not. But was it necessary? Yes. Yes, it was. It was the only way.
Shiki. Figured the old man would break out of his own paralysis long enough to follow him.
Rahas idly wiped his hands on his pants as he turned to look behind him. There, using his sheathed blade as a walking aid, was none other than Shiki. How long he had stood there, Rahas didn’t know. Probably long enough to know what Rahas had done. What he did willingly. If the look of…guilt on his face was any indication.
Better than fear and shock, he supposed.
“How’s Simmons?” he asked as he casually coiled his whip and placed it back to his hip.
“He’s…slowly regaining his senses.”
“Rahas…” Shiki tried again.
Rahas uttered a purposely loud sigh and rubbed the back of his neck, purposely looking annoyed and defiant. "Jeez, stop with the guilt. I made my decision.”
He paused for a moment and allowed his arm to drop to his side. He stared up at the darkening canopy above their heads. “And you're free now. You, Simmons, Gerald. Everyone. He said that only death would stop him. I just helped."
Turning his gaze back down to Ahimoth, he found himself passive, disinterested. He was dead. He was beyond dead. He wasn’t a threat anymore. No point in wasting any more time and energy on him.
He leaned forward and picked up the whistle that rested against Ahimoth’s still chest. He easily snapped the string that tied it around his neck, and clutched tightly in his hand as he stood back up.
As he did so, he heard the familiar sound of rustling of twigs and fallen leaves. The distinct sound of scurrying of a certain large caterpillar monster that liked the hunt around the stairs to the second floor.
Annoying bastards, they were.
“Let’s go. Monsters are coming,” Rahas instructed to Shiki.
He then stepped away from Ahimoth’s battered corpse and didn’t grant the man a second glance. He instead walked over to Shiki, grabbed his arm and holstered it over his neck and shoulders to help the older man walk. Shiki’s gaze lingered on the bloodied corpse before he, too, turned away and didn’t look back. Even as the scurrying of monsters increased. Even when the monsters began to bicker and fight amongst themselves over a free meal.
There was no point in looking back.
The journey back to re-join with the others was done in silence, which Rahas was grateful for. Shiki no doubt had a lot he wanted to say, but either couldn’t find the exact words or he was more drained than he was letting on. The old man will no doubt pull him aside for a serious conversation at a later date, but it didn’t matter. Rahas held no regrets.
It simply had to be done.
Helping Shiki into the clearing where it all began, Rahas wasn’t surprised to realise that there were a couple more figures. Jhon, Tobyn, and of course Hamza. They must have been alerted when Tiffany and Kerri returned to town with Ghali.
The three newcomers were spread out in a clumsy circle, inspecting their surroundings for threats while Axel and Gerald were gathered around Simmons. Gerald had his arms around Simmons, practically cradling him against his chest while Axel remained crouched nearby, blood smearing the front of his armour and clothes.
Simmons appeared listless as he allowed Gerald to hold him.
After ensuring that Shiki could stand under his own weight, Rahas stepped from him and made his way over to Simmons. He crouched down in front of him, Gerald leaning back slightly in order to allow Simmons to tiredly lift his head to regard him.
“Here.” He raised his hand and unfurled his fingers, revealing the wooden whistle in the palm of his hand. He allowed Simmons a moment to take in the sight and register it in his mind. The very thing that caused him to endure “It”.
He then curled his hand tightly around the whistle, breaking it clean in half.
“It’s over now,” Rahas said as he allowed to shattered pieces of the whistle to fall from his hand and onto the grass. “You’re safe. Everyone is safe.”
He took the same hand to curl his fingers against the back of Simmons’ neck, pulling him forward so that their foreheads touched, and he looked him straight in the eyes. Eyes that were still tired, but glistening softly with unshed tears.
“No one is going to hurt you again. Not with me around. Alright?”
Simmons closed his eyes, a single tear slipping down his cheek. And he nodded his head.
… … … … …
Lynus stood on the landing of the hospital steps; his gaze directed toward Yggdrasil. Toward the road leading to the entrance of the labyrinth. Night had fallen, casting the sky into an inky blackness, allowing for the sparkling stars to shine brightly.
At his feet rested Farley, the blue-furred wolf quiet and still. His head rested upon his paws, releasing quiet, sullen whines periodically as he, too, stared out at the large tree on the horizon.
The fear, the torment he had felt earlier was not his own. And it had dissipated. A strange calm had fallen over him. He knew not of what happened, what was possibly still occurring in the labyrinth, but he knew that the danger had passed.
A time of recuperation was upon them. And it was his turn to be useful.
Footsteps behind him pulled Lynus from his vigil. He turned his head to the side, to glance over his shoulder. Although, he didn’t necessarily need to do so to know it was Darrell who made his way over to him.
“They back yet?” he asked simply.
Lynus turned his gaze back toward Yggdrasil and stood silently for a moment. Soon, the comfort of an all-too familiar aura touched his senses and he uttered a small sigh of relief at the knowledge of several more presences. “They’re on their way.”
“I suppose I need to get a couple of rooms ready?”
“Close to each other if possible.”
Lynus remained at that top landing as Darrell turned on his heel and walked back into the hospital. He stood silently; eyes trained on the long path before him. Sensing their presences was reassuring, but what he truly wanted was to lay his eyes upon them. He needed to see them.
And, he hoped, they’ll be relieved to see him, too.
From the corner of his eye, he was as Farley suddenly perked his head up, his ears straight and facing forward. A moment later, he was up on his feet. His tail gave a half wag, moving slowly.
Lynus smiled.
Finally, moving slowly but steadily along the path, a group of familiar figures. At the forefront was Axel. With Simmons slumped over his back, chin resting on the shoulder next to his head. A mere step behind them came Shiki being aided with Rahas. And behind them was Gerald, supported by Jhon and Hamza.
They bore injuries and he sensed a couple of stubborn curses. But, they were alive. There was no relief greater than that. Their injuries, their scars he could help. And with the safety of being together, they can heal.
As a few other medics and nurses exited the hospital, prompted by Farley’s excited barking, Lynus moved down the stairs and stood before Axel. He stopped in front of him, still carrying Simmons on his back and made no attempt to pass him off to someone else. Lynus framed Axel’s face with his hands and looked into his eyes. Axel returned his gaze with a soft look of his own.
Guilt. Worry. Concern. Relief.
So much had occurred in that labyrinth, didn’t it?
Lynus rubbed a thumb over Axel’s cheek. Silently promising him that they can talk when they find a quiet moment to themselves. Axel would tell him everything that happened. And Lynus will comfort him, should he need it.
“Take everyone inside,” Lynus instructed as he reluctantly stepped away from Axel. “I’ll be there shortly.”
As everyone moved inside the hospital, Lynus stood on the stairs with Rahas. He took a moment to simply take in the sight of him. His hair was pulled from his face, revealing two golden clear eyes. Though blood smeared his hands, his clothes, it…wasn’t his.
And he carried it willingly, without pride. No.
He…wished it didn’t have to come to that. But, sometimes, it was the only way to ensure the safety of others.
Lynus walked straight up to Rahas and looked into his eyes. Rahas returned his gaze. He didn’t look away, like he had done many times before. His gaze was unflinching, but not hostile with untold guilt.
“The suffering is over,” Rahas said simply.
“And healing can finally begin,” Lynus finished. A small smile spread across his lips, but it held a tinge of sadness and guilt. Yet, pride, too.
Rahas had pushed past the guilt, the desire of revenge. Instead, his actions were that of necessity. He knew…he knew it was the only way. The only way to end the suffering. For Simmons. For Shiki and Gerald. And for Ghali.
But…he had more important roles to play.
“They still need you.”
Rahas didn’t answer immediately.
Lynus reached up and gently touched the side of Rahas’ face. “Do you really think Shiki will allow you to become some shadowy vigilante after all of this?”
That caused the corner of Rahas’ mouth to twitch into a half smile. A small one, but it held a genuine warmth. And relief.
“Let’s head inside,” Lynus urged. “Simmons will need comfort when he awakens.”
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ambrosiadreamer · 3 years
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reblog if you hate raz, fischy, and axel /j
laugh your ass off if you think blue-shaded is a fucking weirdo who needs to go touch some grass
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dimensionwriter · 4 years
FlufftoberDay 4: Fake Dating
Axel x GN! Reader
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Am I deciding to treat the Axel lovers? Yes, yes I am.
You should’ve have know something was about to go wrong when you saw Screw sitting at their desk with a smirk emoticon on their screen. Nothing good ever comes from that android when they’re feeling devious. 
“So, what I am hearing is that you want us to go undercover to this...” you didn’t even want to say it. It was so embarrassing. “Android lovers festivals as a couple. Why?” This wasn’t part of the job. You were suppose to make sure that everyone felt safe, no matter their species. Not play pretend to go undercover. 
“Listen, last year there was a few people trying to sell android illegally there. This year, we just want to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen. You two are to just go there and make sure to report anything suspicious,” Daniel explained, leaning back in his chair. You responded with a slow blink as you tried to process what he was saying. 
“Where does dating have to come in? Can’t we just go there as, I don’t know, ourselves,” you yelled, trying to get your bosses to see the problem. First, they make Axel and you move in together, now this. What’s next, having to marry each other forever in the name of comradeship. 
“Well,” Screw started typing, leaning forward. You just gave up when you saw that. This robot will not talk with reasoning. “This is an android lover convention. It would be pretty odd if a human and an android walked in without being a couple. They are either weirdly alone ooorrrrrr-”
You fell back into your chair to place a hand over your head. Why you? Do they even realize how awkward it will be to pretend to date your coworker? And why do you even need to pretend to date if no one will ask?
“Well, Axel, do you disagree with this?” You moved your hand to look over at Axel who was sitting next to you. His posture hasn’t changed at all since you guys were called in. He hasn’t spoken a word about this. 
“I do not mind having to. As long, of course, it gets the job done,” he wrote in that same normal grey times new roman font. You squinted your eyes at it to see the bottom had a slight pink tint to it. 
“There it is. Now go take off those old uniform jackets and get ready for a convention,” Screw wrote while clapping their metal hand. Is this even a job anymore or is this a sitcom?
A hand was placed on your back, but you didn’t lift your head off the steering wheel. You thought conventions would be small. This one wasn’t even one you really heard of before, so you believed deeply in your heart that it would be small. So, why are you parked outside of a stadium where there are cars everywhere?
A low whizzing sound caused you to look over to the passenger seat. Axel was sitting with his head to the ceiling. His outfit was a red shirt with a pair of black leather pants. A few chains and necklaces were frappes around him. He wasn't wearing this earlier, did he change?
"Hypothetically typing, is it that bad to date me?" Axel wrote in a small font. His hand wrapped around his knees as he looked over at you.
Oh, no he's getting the wrong idea. "No, you're a wonderful android. You're sweet, nice, and quite hardworking. Not to include it's adorable how you watch baking shows at 3 am when you think I'm sleep. You're a catch that any luck person would like to be with."
His form stuffed up which you translated to most likely from shock. He quickly turned his screen away from you to stare out the window. In the reflection, you could see the bright pink glow emanating from his screen.
"So, you want to go in?" You asked, leaning around to see his screen. It was kind of cute every time his screen went pink.
He didn't look at you, but opted for nodding his head. You tried your best to hold your snicker in as you unlocked the doors.
The stadium was quite large with silver beams shining proudly in the morning sun. The grass around it was glimmering in elegance from the morning dew. Maybe, just maybe, this won't be so bad.
It went bad. It went so bad so so fast. Axel and you walked into the stadium side by side and a man was at the entrance sitting at a table. He welcomed you to the "A.L.C" and his next question was if the two of you were together or individual.
Before you could open you mouth, a low mechanical purr came from behind you. A cold hand was placed on your shoulder causing you to look up to see a circular head with a screen on it, it almost reminded you of those old style television. "I sure hope this delectable thing isn't."
Axel's arm went around your waist and pulled you away from the weird android and into his side. He was a lot more warmer than the other android, weirdly enough.
The man at the desk said that's all he needed to know. He told you guys to go to the backroom behind him and to follow the path. He even threw in a cheeky wink.
Now any person with a brain would instantly connect what just happened together. The other android was just a test for something and apparently you two passed enough to be let into this secret area. This must be what Screw was telling you about.
Axel and you held on to each other until you were out of their sight. You rushed forward through the hallways, looking for the exit that could potentially lead to this 'backroom'.
A light appeared at the end of the tunnel and you two glanced at each other and nodded. This has to be it. So, you ran forward into the light, ready for actions.
And ended up right where you are now. On the stage, in the middle of football field, in metal chairs. To your left was a tall lanky human man next to a dark blue android. To your right, past Axel, was a plump non-binary person with there miniature android.
"Welcome to A.L.C. year 5, everyone," the announcer screamed into the microphone. There had to be at least 2 thousand people and andriods around you that instantly started screaming or whirring. "Today, we found 3 lucky couples that will be yelling about their cross species love."
You ignored their screaming and applauding to glance at Axel. He was sitting up straight as always, but his legs were spread wide with his hands in the middle tightly grasping each other. It's comforting to know that you aren't the only one uncomfortable right now.
"We will kick this off by letting each couple introduce themselves and talk about how they met." Okay, maybe it's time to come up with a plan to get out of here.
Grabbing the edge of your chair, you scooted closer to Axel until your sides were touching. You grabbed his arm and wrapped your arms around it. Leaning on his shoulder, you turned you head, so it was burried in his neck.
"Axel, I'm going to assume you can hear me. We need to find a way to get out of here. This is the complete opposite of being undercover," you whispered in a panic.
You slightly leaned away to see that Axel had put a hand on his screen that was glowing pink again. He tapped his screen a few times and the light went away.
"Sorry, I have to replay your audio. My sensors were distracted at the moment. Give me a second." Aww, poor guy. He was probably so uncomfortable with you touching him like this, but this is the only way to communicate without being conspicuous.
"Best plan of option to get out here without being noticed is to-"
His screen turned black again causing you to frown up. A small cough in front of you caused you to look forward to see the host standing in front of you with a smirk.
"Well look at these two. Guess we spread the chairs to far for these love birds," he jokes the crowed. A bunch of laughter and awws came out making you immediately go into an awkward smile. "Now, introduce yourself and tell us your story."
The microphone was instantly put to you causing your brain to short circuit. You looked up at Axel at what to do, but his screen was still black.
"Well, I'm y/n and this is Axel. We-ummm- we met at work. Well, kind of. I worked in a... bakery that only had human workers and he worked in a bakery that only had andriods. Our bosses thought it was a good idea to combine, so they did. The first shift with Axel, I showed up an hour late with breakfast in my hand, so that wasn't a good impression. He was acting all grumpy and angry around me, but I was- I was determined to make him not hate me, so I was always nagging him... Along the way, we became friends and one day I invited him to my house to watch a movie. I specifically remember picking out a movie that reminded me of our relationship, but had romance in it. Sitting there watching it, I felt that it was a sign that tonight was the night that things were going to change. That night, I confessed that I had fell in love with him and he said he felt the same way. The rest is history."
Was half that a reality and the other half a romance movie you saw a few weeks ago, yes? But they didn't need to know that. All you need was some sappy story to please these people and get this man to move on from you.
"Oh my gosh, did you guys here that? Society tried to keep them separate, but destiny and fate worked harder to bring them together. I think we found a good example of what human and android love looks like. No offense Xeno and Jordan, but I think they beat your ' met on a dating site's story."
Why did you not think of that? Oh gosh, now you just brought even more attention to you two.
"Okay, we have one more story before we will move on to some QnA from the crowd," he said, with a big smile to the crowd. He walked over to the next couple, finally leaving Axel and you alone.
"We got to get out of here, now," you hissed, tugging on his sleeve. He turned his screen towards you and begin to typed.
"My previous plan was to just simply walk off the stage with you. However, now the crowd seem to have grown a connection with us, unable for us to make a quiet exit. I searched up the itinerary for today and this 'couple proof' only last 30 minutes before another event start. It would be safe to endure it and then exit."
Thirty minutes, that's all you have to endure. That's not that bad. Almost 10 minutes has passed already, leaving with about 20-ish minutes for the QnA. Split that between questions for each couple, that would be less than 7 minutes for each.
After the 3rd couple finished telling their story (they met at a park while taking pictures of flowers and went on a date three days later), he moved on to the QnA for the first couple. He gave the crowd 6 minutes for them.
The questions weren't horrible to deal with. They were asking about any difference in species that you found out while dating. You could talk about Axel rarely needing to recharge, so most night he stays up doing stuff. Then there were some questions about favorite things to do for a date. Maybe go along with the bakery plot line and say baking. Ultimately, it ended with them asking for pictures of them hugging. Easy enough.
The man walked away from them and walked over to you, signaling the start of you guys turn. It was pretty much the same thing.
"What's something weird that Axel does in your relationship?*
"He doesn't need to recharge, so sometimes it's weird waking up in the middle of the night to see your boyfriend typing down recipes from a cooking show." Axel gave you a red tinted "No I don't" as that. The crowd just coos at it.
They asked Axel what he found attractive in a human. Even you were slightly curious because you didn't even know if liked humans liked that. Considering his whole 'I don't do emotions' act.
"Their ability to make things feel things they never thought was possible." It was short and kind of mysterious, but was enough for the crowd.
You two whizzed through the next couple of questions, giving them the answers they most likely wanted to hear, but kept them from being more suspicious of you two. That was, until the last questions.
"Hi, I apologized for this weird request, but I must ask. My mother is extremely speciest and thinks creatures of the same species should be together. And when she found out I attend these things, she said that it was just full of sick people who were faking it. I've recorder a lot of all the amazing creatures of there talking about there love and plan on sending it to them. But you story is the most inspiring. Can I have a picture of you two kissing to show my mother that all of this is real? That our love is so much more than anything society may think."
You know that feeling of whiplash from moving to fast. That's what it felt like to listen to her story and then hear her request. You understood trying to stick it to the speciest people, but you can't go around asking people to kiss.
"Oh that would be lovely. The crowd's favorite couple showing a sign of such raw affection that it has to prove to the world that an android and a human can love each other," the host wailed out. He dramatically threw a hand over his forehead as he started to sway. Was this man just male human version of Screw?
"I- ummmm," you drawled out staring into the crowd. So many eyes, screens, and plastic eyes stared back at you with hope gleaming in it.
A hand was gently placed under your chin and tilted your head. You looked up to see Axel's screen glowing a soft pink. "May I?"
Your eyes looked at the crowd before looking back into Axel's screen. His hand was so warm and comforting that it felt like it was melting you into a puddle. He stay in that position, waiting for your consent. You knew that no matter what you did, he would follow you with no hesitation.
You meekly nodded you head and closed your eyes. A screen was pressed against your face, but it felt different. A slight buzz was coming from him that traveled down your lips into your body. The warmth from his hands were nothing compared to his screen. It wasn't soft like a pair of lips, but it held the same compassionate and trust as a normal kiss.
Axel was the first to pull away. You sat completely still as you stated back up at the screen infront of you.
Screaming poured out from the crowd in waves bring you back to the present. You shuffled back into your seat and tried to ignore everyone yelling at you two.
"Wooza. Let that be proof right that to the world of true love," the host screamed with some fist pumps. The crowd went wild again making you internally cringe.
It was for the mission. All of this was for the missions. You can endure a little embarrassment and awkwardness for it. Protecting andriods lives from being sold was important.
But why did it have to include kissing Axel? Oh gosh, what was he thinking at this moment? Was that his first kiss with a human? Do andriods even kiss each other?
Thoughts spiraled through your head that you didn't even notice that the host was wrapping up the first event. Your mind was so full.
"Thank you guys for being lovely hosts. We hope to see you next year," he said. Your eyes was to the sky as your would was escaping your body.
It was until Axel's warm hand slid into you and gave a small tug. You got out of your chair and followed him off the stage with all the other couple.
This was just like the first day meeting. Stuff that wasn't your fault happen and you accidentally made it worse. Now Axel was sure to be mad at you. You should've kept a low profile, but you just had to make a drastic story.
Axel turned right into a dead end hallway that a was a little far away from main one. He placed you against a wall and stood in front of you, blocking your view.
"Are you feeling ill?" He asked, placing a hand on your forehead. "You are feeling quite feverish. I understand it might be quite sickening to relive the... action I had to take on stage. I do sincerely apologize for forcing you to show that level of affection with me."
He was kidding right. You're the reason you two had to kiss in the first place. You amped up the crowd and gave them hope. And he's acting like you didn't enjoy it- at a platonic level of course.
"Axel, first off, I'm not sick, just flustered. You can look up that human emotion. Second, it  was a really nice kiss. Like, I’ve never kissed an android before, but it was good, you know. Not sickening in any way,” you rambled. Your temperature was sky rocketing as stared at the screen you lips were on just a few minutes ago. 
“Good. That clears it up. I can relate a the same experience to you. I’ve never kissed a human, or anything at this point. Never say a reasoning to. However, I can understand why humans may want to do it all the time.”
Wait, what?
“Axel! Y/N!” A voice yelled from the end of the hallway. You looked around Axel to see an silver android in a baggy sweatshirt running towards you two. Do- do you know him?
Axel turned around and took a step towards the android. They stopped right in front of him and handed him a sheet of paper. Getting a little curious, you peaked at the document to see a list of names followed by a phone number with a location. 
“These are the names a person gave me to ‘get an android’. We found them,” they explained tapping the document. Wait, was they talking about the mission Axel and you were assigned. Why was this random android in  on it? 
“Hey, how did you know about this stuff? And how do you know us?” You question getting in front of Axel to look at this suspicious android. They tilted their head to the side in confusion. 
“There’s like 10 other cops here on this mission. Screw told us that you guys were to go undercover and cause a distraction for us to search. Did you not meet someone at the front that helped you with this?” they asked, scratching the top of their metal head. 
A person earlier? The only person you met was that android that was flirting with you... that ended up getting you two on stage. So, he was another agent too. Was everything set up?
“Well, I came to show you guys what I found. I’m going to go back to the station and report what I found. Also, good job on the distraction. Didn’t think you would go that far, but yeah. Good job,” they said with a pair of thumbs up. Slowly, they walked backwards before turning and running off. 
“Axel, I’m going to strangle Screw and there’s nothing you can do to stop,” you grumbled. How many of your colleagues watched you kiss your partner? How many are going to see Axel and you kiss from those videos? 
You glanced at Axel to see his screen flickering between red and pink. “I might not notice if you do.”
You turned away to secretly placed your fingers on your lips. There was still a slight tingle in them that still had your blood rushing. The embarrassment may was worth it... just a little. 
Did I go a little overboard for this one because I haven’t wrote Axel in a long time? Yes. I miss this little android. Love him to pieces. 
Also, just want to let you know that this isn’t cannon. This is the equilivant of an OVA. The main story line is the Mechanical Heart series. But this is just a little something for the Axel’s fan. 
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ghostxofxartemis · 3 years
It’s a few days late, but here’s day 6: Pet Day for MerWeek2021 hosted by @cactuarkitty.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaidan Alenko/Male Shepard Characters: Male Shepard (Mass Effect), Kaidan Alenko, Kaidan Alenko’s Mother, Dog Additional Tags: Fluff, Pet Day, MERweek2021 Series: Part 6 of MERweek 2021 Summary:
Describe or draw a special moment with your beloved pet/s. Could be special time spent together or shared time with friends/family. Let’s have fun with our furry (or not so furry) friends :)
Shoutout to @mallaidhsomo for betaing! Thanks hon!
Kaidan straddles Axel, and slowly starts kneading the knots from the younger man’s back.
“Hmmm, morning to you too.” Axel mumbles, sleep still invading his mind.
“How’d you sleep?” Kaidan asks him as he deep massages Axel’s shoulders.
“Rock solid. You know, I could get used to this.”
“Well, don’t get too used to it ‘cause I’m shipping out this morning for a month.” Kaidan’s hands trail down Axel’s back until they reach his rear and he kneads both cheeks. He smirks when the younger man closes his eyes, a content smile creeps up his face and Axel moves his hips from under him.
“I know you’re leaving, and I really don’t want you to…but… hmm…this feels good.”
Kaidan leans forward and brings his lips down just a breath’s hair away from Axel’s ear. “I’m just getting started.”
Axel fills up his coffee mug and leans on the counter to take a sip as he waits for his breakfast currently in the microwave. Kaidan comes down the stairs, skipping a step each time, duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He’s going to be gone for next month and it’s something Axel dreads, being home alone, while still on the mend, and while not being able to do very much makes the time go by painfully slow. He grabs the coffee thermos on the counter, all ready to go, for his husband.
“I’m running late.” Kaidan plants a kiss on his husband’s cheek before accepting the offered thermos.
“I wonder why?” Axel gives him a coy smile. He gets a scowl in return. Kaidan starts to pull away but Axel manages to grab a handful of material from his uniform. “Hey. You’re not leaving without giving a proper kiss, are you?”
Kaidan leans in and Axel’s lips curve upwards at one side of his mouth. He makes a content sound when Kaidan’s luscious lips meet his. Kaidan presses his tongue against the other man’s lips and Axel let’s it slide between his. They part after a brief moment, breathless, foreheads pressed together. Kaidan tilts his head backwards slightly so his lips can reach Axel’s forehead and kisses it before pulling away slightly.
“I sent my mother your PT schedule.”
“K-” Axel starts to protest.
“You have to go to them.” Kaidan doesn’t look at him and his lips twitch slightly at the corners.
“Kaidan…” Axel groans.
“And I knew you were going to protest so I made sure my mother’s going to drive you to each appointment.”
Axel’s protest is a deep throaty growl.
Kaidan only smirks as he looks at him, giving him a coy look. “I love you. Be good while I’m gone.” He pecks his husband on the cheek one last time before heading out the door.
It’s going to be a lonely four weeks.
Plate in hand, Axel heads out on the deck to enjoy his breakfast and coffee. Just when he’s about to sit down, he hears a whimper, one of pain. He’s pretty certain it didn’t come from him. Despite feeling like a rusty piece of junk metal, he wasn’t one to complain about his injuries. He puts his coffee down on the table, and listens carefully when he hears it again. It’s coming from under the deck.
He holds his plate in one hand and the railing with the other as he takes one step at a time. When he reaches the bottom level, he takes a knee carefully and then the other, then goes down on all fours to look under the deck where he finds the owner of the whimpering noise.
“Hey buddy. You lost?”
The dog growls at him, and he chuckles.
“Not the friendly type are we? Or are we having a bad day?”
Shifting himself into a sitting position, he rips a piece of the blueberry pancake and tosses it under the deck.
“Or maybe we’re just hungry?”
Without having any experience with dogs before, he really can’t tell what could possibly be the issue with the dog at the moment. One thing he does know; it might take a while to coax it from under the deck. I’ve got time buddy, lots of time.
Axel looks away, taking a few slow bites of  his pancakes, and looks out to the ocean that’s calm in the horizon on this fine morning. When he looks back under the deck, the small piece of pancake is gone.
“It’s good uh? My husband made ‘em. Doesn’t want me on my feet too much while I’m recovering. We’re probably the same as you and I. Hurting?” He picks up a strip of bacon, biting off a big piece and tossing the rest under the deck. He watches as the dog takes tentative steps forward, sniffing the bacon and picking it up before hiding again.
“You’re gonna be like that.” Axel says as he bites into another one of his bacon strips and licks his fingers. 
The dog looks up at Axel with pleading eyes after it finishes eating the strip of bacon and Axel chuckles. He tosses another strip of bacon and another piece of his pancake before he finishes off his plate.
“I’d stick around a little more but err…Ma’s gonna be here soon to take me to PT. But er…” he grunts as he gets up to his feet, his hip protesting against the movement. “How ‘bout I get you a bowl of water. It’s going to get warm today.”
He makes his way back up the stairs and back to the kitchen when he hears the front door opening.  He pokes his head out of the kitchen and lifts a finger to warn his mother-in-law he’ll just be another a minute. Opening the cupboard doors to all the dishes, he grabs a bowl and heads to the sink to fill it up with water.
“I’m running a little behind, are you almost ready?”
“There’s a dog under the deck.”
“Yeah, there’s a dog under the deck.”
“How did it get there?” Helena asks as she takes the bowl of water from Axel’s hands.
“I’ve no idea, but it must have been in the middle of the night because it wasn’t there yesterday, or I would have heard it. It was whimpering pretty bad. It’s not ready to come out though.”
Helena makes her way to the deck while Axel leans his back against the counter. “Sometimes it takes them a little bit to warm up to people, especially if they’ve been mistreated or dropped off somewhere.”
“Why would anyone do that?” Axel’s brows narrow in confusion. He’s never had pets other than his hamster and his fish, but he could never see himself hurting them. His hamster was able to be brought back home, but he made Kaidan promise to take care of his fish in his…no… now Kaidan’s captain quarters on the SR2. As much as he wanted to bring them back home, they just didn’t have the space to have an aquarium that size, despite having even more space in their home.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”  She purses her lips and shrugs her shoulders as if to say I don’t know and makes her way down the stairs.
It doesn’t take her long to drop off the bowl and make her way back up the stairs. “I’ll get some dog food at the store and some peanut butter while at your appointment.” She tells him as they make their way to the front door.
Axel opens the passenger door of the skycar. “Peanut butter?”
Helena chuckles as she gets in the car and starts the engine as she closes her door. Axel climbs in the passenger seat, closing the door shut. “I keep forgetting you’re new to the whole animal thing. Yes, peanut butter. Dogs love it for some reason.”
Week 2.
Axel grabs a bottle of water, a spoon, a fork, the container of peanuts, and his reheated dinner outside with him. Somehow managing to juggle all items in his hands and under his armpit as he holds onto the railing going down the stairs, grumbling to himself how he can’t wait for his legs to have the stability they used to have. Soon, hopefully.
Sitting down on the grass, he puts the water bottle down and his dinner. He notices the food he put in the bowl this morning had hardly been touched. He untwists the lid to the peanut butter and scoops it up with the spoon. So far, the dog has stayed out of arm’s reach, but Axel has managed to get it to eat from the spoon in his hands the last couple of days. It’s progress. He stretches his arm out and waits for the dog to approach. The dog approaches tentatively and slowly licks the peanut butter from the spoon. “Atta boy. I don’t know if you’re a boy, but I’m going to call you that for right now. Just easier. Hope you don’t mind.”  The dog looks up at him and licks his snout. “It’s good, uh? I’m just going to put this down on the ground so I can eat as well.” Slowly, he lays the spoon on the grass.
He takes the lid off his container containing his dinner, and takes a bite.
He cracks open the lid to the water bottle and takes a good swig out of it before grabbing the dog’s bowl. He tosses the old water and pours the fresh water into and places it by the dog.
“I’ll be back tomorrow little guy.”
Week 3.
A victory for Axel today when he feels the bump of a cold wet nose against his hand. He doesn’t move though. He lets the dog come to him on its own terms. He’s done such extensive research in the past few weeks that he’s happy his patience is starting to pay off. It’s been a fascinating way to spend the weeks outdoors and still manage to keep his promise to his husband while avoiding any hard physical activities that he is yet to get cleared for.
He spends his day outside, only going in to get some food occasionally and to use the washroom a couple times. He makes sure to bring the peanut butter in the evening when he knows it’s his last time coming out for the day. He makes sure the dog has food and water for the night.
The process is gradual for the rest of the week. But on Friday, the dog nudges Axel’s arm with his snout and sits beside him. Tucked under his arm. Axel pets the tuft of fur on the dog’s chest, a smile forming at the corners of his lips.
Week 4.
Axel is sitting on the bottom step of the staircase. He puts a dog treat on the grass right in front of it. He shimmies up one step.
So far, he’s managed to get the dog to trust him enough to allow him to pet it. But the evenings are getting colder and he wants to get the dog inside. There’s no way he was going to let it get stranded outside in September. He hates how the weather changes so drastically from day to night.
He places another treat on the second last bottom of the stairs and shimmies up another. He keeps doing this until he reaches the very top of the stairs.
The sound of the patio door opening makes him jump slightly.
“Axel? What are you doing? And why is there a bag of dog food on the counter?” 
He’s been so focused on the dog this last month he forgot his husband was scheduled to be home today. Shit. He wanted to make dinner to surprise Kaidan. He curses at himself for being so distracted, but answers the question.
“I found a dog under our deck. It’s really apprehensive so I’ve been just slowly coaxing it out. Trying to get him inside.”
“A dog? How long has it been there?” Kaidan sits next to Axel. He puts a hand on the younger man’s thigh and pecks his cheek.
“Found him the day you left.”
Kaidan rests his head on Axel’s shoulder. “Been doing this since I left?”
He kisses the crown of Kaidan’s head, “Yeah.”
“You sure it’s a him?”
“I saw his ballsack.”
Kaidan chuckles.
The dog pokes his head around the railing, taking the treat before retreating back behind the stairs. Slowly, it comes back for more and slowly climbs the stairs. When it reaches half way, Kaidan and Axel retreat inside the house, but keep the door open.
About an hour later the dog finally comes inside, running towards Axel, tongue lolling It’s rewarded with head scratches and a kiss on the forehead. His black floppy ears, his bright blue eyes, the white dots on his black nose, and splotches of caramel in his white fur just made him too adorable to resist not petting him.
“Kai. Can we keep him?” Axel looks up at Kaidan, puppy eyes and all.
Kaidan contemplates a moment and Axel is sure is about to refurse, “Sure. I mean you’re alone a lot, he could be excellent company for those long periods I’m gone. Did you name him?”
“Naw. I don’t know what’s a good name for a dog.”
Kaidan smirks, “Mako.”
“I feel like this is a jab at me.”
“You’ll never know.”
“It’s a jab isn’t it? Kaidan…”
Kaidan guffaws on his way out of the kitchen.
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