#axel heyst
illiana-mystery · 6 months
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Axel Heyst, Victory (1996)
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Jack Holt.
- Salomy Jane (1914) como un vaquero que juega al solitario en el salón (sin acreditar)
- La llave maestra (1914, serial) como Donald Faversham
- La moneda rota (1915, serial) como Capitán Williams
- Joya (1915) como Nat Bonnell
- La tonta de Portici (1916) como Conde
- Corazones desnudos (1916) como Howard
- Liberty (1916, serial) como el capitán Bob Rutledge
- Salvando el apellido (1916) como Jansen Winthrop
- El cáliz del dolor (1916) (sin acreditar)
- La oveja negra de la familia (1916) como Kenneth Carmont
- Juana la mujer (1916) (sin acreditar)
Patria (1917, serial)
- El costo del odio (1917) como Huertez
- Sacrificio (1917) como Paul Ekald
- Dando una oportunidad a Becky (1917) como Tom Fielding
- El santuario interior (1917) como vizconde D'Arcourt
- El pequeño americano (1917) como Karl von Austreim
- La llamada del este (1917) como Alan Hepburn
- El juego secreto (1917) como Maj. John Northfield
- Las perlas ocultas (1918) como Robert Garvin
- La garra (1918) como Maurice Stair
- One More American (1918) como Sam Potts
- Rumbo al sur (1918)
- Ámame (1918) como Gordon Appleby
- El honor de su casa (1918) como Robert Farlow
- La ley del hombre blanco (1918) como Sir Harry Falkland
- La garra de hierro (1916, serial) como Maurice Stair
- Un cortejo del desierto (1918) como Barton Masters
- Ojos verdes (1918) como Pearson Hunter
- El anillo de matrimonio (1918) como Rodney Heathe
- El camino a través de la oscuridad (1918) como Duke Karl
- El hombre de Squaw (1918) como Cash Hawkins
- Tramposos tramposos (1919) como Tom Palmer
- Un romance de medianoche (1919) como Roger Sloan
- Para mejor, para peor (1919) como Crusader
- La mujer que me diste (1919) como Lord Raa
- Una oportunidad deportiva (1919) como Paul Sayre
- La mujer casada con Michael (1919) como Michael Ordsway
- The Life Line (1919) como Jack Hearne, el Romany Rye
- Kitty Kelly, MD (1919) como Bob Lang
- Victoria (1919) como Axel Heyst
- La mejor de las suertes (1920) como Kenneth, Lord Glenayr
- Crooked Streets (1920) como Rupert O'Dare
- En poder del enemigo (1920)como el Coronel Charles Prescott
- Los pecados de Rosanne (1920) como Sir Dennis Harlende
- Locura de verano (1920).
-All Soul's Eve (1921) como Roger Heath
- Patos y dracos (1921) como Rob Winslow
- El romance perdido (1921) como Mark Sheridan
- La máscara (1921) como Kenneth Traynor / Handsome Jack
- Después del espectáculo (1921) como Larry Taylor
- El comediante sombrío (1921) como Harvey Martin
- La llamada del norte (1921) como Ned Trent
- Comprado y pagado (1922) como Robert Stafford
- Al norte del Río Grande (1922) como Bob Haddington
- Mientras Satanás duerme (1922) como Phil
- El hombre invencible (1922) como Robert Kendall
- En alta mar (1922) como Jim Dorn
- Making a Man (1922) como Horace Winsby
- Nadie es dinero (1923) como John Webster
- La garra del tigre (1923) como Sam Sandell
- Un caballero del ocio (1923) como Robert Pitt
- Hollywood (1923) como él mismo
- El tramposo (1923) como Dudley Drake
- The Marriage Maker (1923) como Lord Stonbury
- No lo llames amor (1923) como Richard Parrish
- El lobo solitario (1924) como Michael Lanyard
- Wanderer of the Wasteland (1924) como Adam Larey
- Manos vacías (1924) como Grimshaw
- North of 36 (1924) como Don McMasters
- Eve's Secret (1925) como duque de Poltava
- La manada del trueno (1925) como Tom Doan
- La luz de las estrellas occidentales (1925) como Gene Stewart
- Mesa de caballo salvaje (1925) como Chane Weymer
- La carretera antigua (1925) como Cliff Brant
- La colina encantada (1926) como Lee Purdy
- Caballos de mar (1926) como George Glanville
- La diosa ciega (1926) como Hugh Dillon
- Nacido en el oeste (1926) como 'Colorado' Dare Rudd
- Río abandonado (1926) como Nevada
- El hombre del bosque (1926) como Milt Dale
- El jinete misterioso (1927) como Bent Wade
- La tigresa (1927) como Winston Graham, conde de Eddington
- La advertencia (1927) como Tom Fellows / Coronel Robert Wellsley
- The Smart Set (1928) como Nelson
- El pionero en fuga (1928) como Anthony Ballard / John Ballard
- Corte marcial (1928) como James Camden
- El pozo de agua (1928) como Philip Randolph
- Submarino (1928) como Jack Dorgan
- Avalancha (1928) como Jack Dunton
- Sunset Pass (1929) como Jack Rock
- El asunto Donovan (1929) como Insp. Killian
- Padre e hijo (1929) como Frank Fields
- Vuelo (1929).
-Venganza (1930) como John Meadham
- La Legión Fronteriza (1930) como Jack Kells
- La isla del infierno (1930) como Mac
- The Squealer (1930) como Charles Hart
- El último desfile (1931) como Cookie Leonard
- Dirigible (1931) como Jack Bradon
- Subway Express (1931) como Inspector Killian
- Hombros blancos (1931) como Gordon Kent
- Cincuenta brazas de profundidad (1931) como Tim Burke
- Un asunto peligroso (1931) como el teniente McHenry
- Maker of Men (1931) como entrenador Dudley
- Detrás de la máscara (1932) como Jack Hart, también conocido como Quinn
- Corresponsal de guerra (1932) como Jim Kenyon
- This Sporting Age (1932) como el capitán John Steele
- Hombre contra mujer (1932) como Johnny McCloud
- Hollywood Speaks (1932) como él mismo
- Cuando los extraños se casan (1933) como Steve Rand
- La mujer que robé (1933) como Jim Bradler
- El demoledor (1933) como Chuck Regan
- Maestro de hombres (1933) como Buck Garrett
- Whirlpool (1934) como Buck Rankin
- Luna negra (1934) como Stephen Lane
- La defensa descansa (1934) como Matthew Mitchell
- Lo arreglaré (1934) como Bill Grimes
- El mejor hombre gana (1935) como Nick Roberts
- Tormenta sobre los Andes (1935) como Bob Kent
- El extraño indeseable (1935) como Howard W. Chamberlain
- El despertar de Jim Burke (1935) como Jim Burke
- El rebelde más pequeño (1935) como el coronel Morrison
- Aguas peligrosas (1936) como Jim Marlowe
- San Francisco (1936) como Jack Burley
- Crash Donovan (1936) como 'Crash' Donovan
- Fin del camino (1936) como Dale Brittenham
- Al norte de Nome (1936) como John Raglan
- Problemas en Marruecos (1937) como Paul Cluett
- Madera rugiente (1937) como Jim Sherwood
- Forajidos de Oriente (1937) como Chet Eaton
- Atrapado por G-Men (1937) como G-Man Martin Galloway, haciéndose pasar por Bill Donovan
- Bajo sospecha (1937) como Robert Bailey
- En los titulares (1938) como el teniente de policía Lewis Nagel
- Vuelo a ninguna parte (1938) como Jim Horne
- Reformatorio (1938) como Robert Dean
- El crimen toma vacaciones (1938) como Walter Forbes
- El extraño caso del Dr. Meade (1938) como Dr. Meade
- Enemigos susurrantes (1939) como Stephen Brewster.
-Atrapado en el cielo (1939) como Major
- Fugitivo en libertad (1939) como Tom Farrow / George Storm
- Poder oculto (1939) como Dr. Garfield
- Fuera del límite de las tres millas (1940) como Agente del Tesoro Conway
- Pasaporte a Alcatraz (1940) como George Hollister
- Fugitivo de un campo de prisioneros (1940) como Sheriff Lawson
- El gran robo del avión (1940) como Mike Henderson
- La gran estafa (1941) como Jack Regan
- Holt del servicio secreto (1941, serial) como Jack Holt / Nick Farrell
- Thunder Birds (1942) como el coronel MacDonald
- Northwest Rangers (1942) como Duncan Frazier
- Gente gato (1942) como El comodoro
- Eran prescindibles (1945) como el general Martin
- My Pal Trigger (1946) como Brett Scoville
- Vuelo a ninguna parte (1946) como el agente del FBI Bob Donovan
- The Chase (1946) como Cmdr. Davidson
- Chica renegada (1946) como Maj.Barker
- La frontera salvaje (1947) como Charles 'Saddles' Barton
- El tesoro de la Sierra Madre (1948) como Flophouse Bum (sin acreditar)
- El guardabosques de Arizona (1948) como Rawhide Morgan
- The Gallant Legion (1948) como Capitán Banner
- La fresa ruana (1948) como Walt Bailey
- Pistolas cargadas (1948) como Dave Randall
- El último bandido (1949) como Mort Pemberton
- Brimstone (1949) como el mariscal Walter Greenslide
- Task Force (1949) como Capitán Reeves
- Desierto rojo (1949) como Deacon Smith
- Las mujeres de los Dalton (1950) como Clint Dalton - Mike Leonard
- El regreso del hombre de la frontera (1950) como Sheriff Sam Barrett
- Trail of Robin Hood (1950) como él mismo
- Rey del látigo (1950) como el banquero James Kerrigan
- Across the Wide Missouri (1951) como Bear Ghost (papel final de la película).
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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infinitumrad · 5 years
Opening Lines: Victory by Joseph Conrad
Opening Lines: Victory by Joseph Conrad
There is, as every schoolboy knows in this scientific age, a very close chemical relation between coal and diamonds. It is the reason, I believe, why some people allude to coal as “black diamonds.” Both these commodities represent wealth; but coal is a much less portable form of property. There is, from that point of view, a deplorable lack of concentration in coal. Now, if a coal-mine could be…
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locke-writes · 5 years
7 is victory I read that one. Really liked it I will definitely read it again
Yep! Have I Read It: Yes (it was my first and is my favorite Joseph Conrad novel). Summary: Axel Heyst, a wealthy recluse, gets drawn into the imperial maneuvering in the East Indies; he rejects it all for the idle happiness of a remote island, only to have it all taken away from him in a single tragic moment.
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deepartnature · 5 years
Victory - Joseph Conrad (1915)
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"Victory (also published as Victory: An Island Tale) is a psychological novel by Joseph Conrad first published in 1915, through which Conrad achieved 'popular success.' The New York Times, however, called it 'an uneven book' and 'more open to criticism than most of Mr. Conrad's best work.' The novel's 'most striking formal characteristic is its shifting narrative and temporal perspective' with the first section from the viewpoint  of a sailor, the second from omniscient perspective of Axel Heyst, the  third from an interior perspective from Heyst, and the final section has  an omniscient narrator. ... Axel Heyst, the  novel's protagonist, was raised by his widowed father, a Swedish  philosopher, in London, England, and never knew his mother. ... This  eventually leads him to the Southeastern Asia, especially to what is now Indonesia, including Surabaya a port in the then Dutch colony of Java."
Washington Post: Joseph Conrad's Dark 'Victory'
Guardian: Who is Joseph Conrad's winner in Victory?
Gutenberg:  VICTORY: AN ISLAND TALE By Joseph Conrad
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2011 November: Heart of Darkness, 2014 May: Nostromo (1904), 2015 December: Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad – a trip into inner space, 2016 July: Lord Jim (1899-1900)
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sizekitap · 5 years
Victory An Island Tale
Victory An Island Tale Joseph Conrad Karbon Kitaplar
Axel Heyst, a dreamer and a restless drifter, believes he can avoid suffering by cutting himself off from others. Then he becomes involved in the operation of a coal company on a remote island in the Malay Archipelago, and when it fails he turns his back on humanity once more. But his life alters when he rescues a young English girl, Lena, from Zangiacomo’s Ladies’ Orchestra and the evil innkeeper Schomberg, taking her to his island retreat. The affair between Heyst and Lena begins with her release, but the relationship shifts as Lena struggles to save Heyst from the detachment and isolation that have inhibited and influenced his life.Marked by a violent and tragic conclusion, Victory is both a tale of rescue and adventure and a perceptive study of a complex relationship and of the power of love.
Yazarı Sizekitap’da Ara Yazarı Twitter’da Ara Kitabı Twitter’da Ara Yazarı Facebook’ta Ara Kitabı Facebook’ta Ara devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/edebiyat/victory-an-island-tale/
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nemtudoeficcao · 6 years
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“O que Heyst sentia era um desencanto pela vida como um todo” Joseph Conrad nasceu na Polônia e, apesar de só ter aprendido inglês aos 21 anos, decidiu que essa seria a língua em que escreveria os seus livros. Vitória foi publicado em 1915 em meio a Primeira Guerra Mundial, mas não tem nada a ver com esse momento histórico. O livro, que tem como protagonista um homem chamado Axel Heyst, mostra o…
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hjfoley · 7 years
Victory 1919 Axel Heyst, an uncommitted wanderer, has settled on an island in the South Seas. He takes pity on a troubled young woman, Lena, and gives her refuge on her island.
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rebeccavalley-blog · 11 years
Dear Axel Heyst
Please rescue me from all the world's misery and sail me away to your desert island.
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illiana-mystery · 6 months
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Happy Halloween! I got a little fic out just in time for the last remaining hours of spooky day. This fic will have more chapters, but I wanted to post the first on Halloween night.
This new story is a little something special for both my fellow Alfred fans and my fellow Willem fans. It's a period piece, vampire fic that is about a polyamorous coupling between Oliver (Alfred), Axel (Willem), and their new female companion and feeder, Soleil (original character).
This first chapter sets up the overall premise of the fic. But stay tuned for Chapter 2 where Axel drinks her blood for the first time. 😉 Also read below for a more information about the plot: 
After escaping from her abusive husband, Soleil finds herself both in a whole new surrounding and a new situation. That being her discovery of the last two living vampires, who are hidden away in an abandoned chateau on the outskirts of her home village. The two welcome her in with open arms, leading her to become their willing feeder. But what happens when the still on-going war against vampires and her angry husband threaten to rip her apart from her new relationship with the two? Will they be able to withstand such issues, or will they be forced apart?
Taglist: @ghnaim24, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky​, @goodoldcharley​
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illiana-mystery · 5 months
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Damn! 🥵😳
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illiana-mystery · 6 months
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Chapter 4 is finally up! In this chapter, Oliver and Axel have a little time together while Soleil is sleeping. Then after, the three share an awkward breakfast in the chateau kitchen. Oh and Soleil and Axel also learn about each other's background in ballet and have a little dance together. 
Stay tuned for Chapter 5 where Soleil and Oliver have another heart-to-heart (complete with shower smut 😏) and the three have their first picnic date as a poly unit. 
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Victory (1996)
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illiana-mystery · 6 months
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Chapter 2 is finally up! In this chapter, Axel and Soleil have their first intimate encounter together and he drinks of her blood. Also, Soleil begins to wonder more about the way Oliver looked at her previously and why he seems so off. Stay tuned for Chapter 3 where Oliver and Soleil have a heart to heart and have their first time together. 
Taglist: @braindead94, @ghnaim24​, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky​, @goodoldcharley​
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illiana-mystery · 3 months
I love when my faves play... (Pt. 7)
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Mysterious Doctors
Dr. Van Horn (Lulu on the Bridge, 1998)
Doc (Swelter, 2014)
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Ambitious Cops
Eric Catchpull (Anyone for Denis?, 1982)
Buck McGriff (Saigon/Off Limits, 1988)
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Period-Piece Cuties
Axel Heyst (Victory, 1996)
Kostya Levin (Anna Karenina, 1997)
Stay tuned for part 8! Or go back to part 6!
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
iliana-mystery story masterlist
Dafoeverse Characters
Gas (eXistenZ)
Faulty Spark Plugs
John Geiger (Speed 2: Cruise Control)
Prisoner of Love
Standing Ovation
Edward Blackridge (A Family Man)
Sugar Baby
Playing House
Max Schreck (Shadow of the Vampire)
The Vampire's Jewel
Alan Ward (Mississippi Burning)
Ease My Mind
Jumping the Broom
Bobby Hicks (The Florida Project)
He Won't Hurt You
One Thumb Down
Sergeant Elias Grodin (Platoon)
Norman Osborn (Spider-Man)
Make a Wish
Cloud 9
Chasing Foxy
Saltzburg Keitel (Asteroid City)
Space Oddity
J.G. Jopling, Esq. (The Grand Budapest Hotel)
The Art of Seduction
Lionel Pembrooke (Saving Norman)
Delivery for Mr. Pembrooke
Lionel "Elvis" Cormac (Daybreakers)
Jeffrey Hunt (The Hitch-Hiker)
Bud Carter (Bad Country)
Love and Beignets
Axel Heyst (Victory)
Break of Dawn
Leonhard Seppala (Togo)
Snow Angel
Clem Hoatley (Nightmare Alley)
Eye of the Beholder
Father Gabrjel Andrysiak (Edges of the Lord)
The Taste of Sin
Raven Shaddock (Streets of Fire)
Joe Cribbens (Dead for a Dollar)
The Showgirl (Crossover with Silas McCall)
Molinaverse Characters
Alden Bertanelli (OC)
After Office Hours 
Doc Ock (Spider-Man)
Closing Time
Otto, Actually
Ring Around the Rosie
Jolly Ol' Saint Otto
Take Me to the Galaxy
Scientifically Accurate Angel
Oliver Syme (American Friends)
Break of Dawn
Dr. Harding Hooten (Monday Mornings)
Cycle of Care
Jim Bussey (The Water Man)
Memories of Autumn
Maxim Horvath (The Sorcerer's Apprentice)
Dr. Edelweiss (Angie Tribeca)
That's My Jam!
Detective Edelweiss
The Sweetest Taboo
Denis Brabant (Scorpion Spring)
Spanish Lessons
The Italian (Drowning on the Shallow End)
The Blind Date
Terry Berman (We'll Never Have Paris)
Rose-Colored Glasses
Silas McCall (ROAR)
Poison Oak (Batman Fanon)
Harry Greaves (Trust Me)
Makeup Session
Sir Aubrey Fields (Frankenstein...)
The Actor's Trunk
Sgt. Stephen Dunlop (The Little Traitor)
Welcome Home
Sergei Mikhajlovich Andreyev (Letter to Brezhnev)
Ricardo Morales (Law and Order Los Angeles)
Sex on the Beach
Titorelli Imbroglione (The Trial)
Tulio Marroquín (A Further Gesture)
A Kind Gesture
Tadeusz Melnik (A Very Polish Practice)
Covert Affairs
Mike Hubble (Boon)
The Roommate
Standing Ovation
Sir Alistair Touchstone (As You Like It)
The Runaway Bride
Leland Drury & Manuel Aringarosa (White Fang 2 and The Da Vinci Code)
Can't Hide Lust
This list is subject to change and most projects will be updated and finished at a later date.
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