#austin porter x reader
whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
Sloppy- Z.K (18+)
Very nsfw oops
Your knees aren't sore yet, thankfully, but it isn't because of your own self awareness.
In fact, your boyfriend, whom you're giving head to, had stopped you while his jeans were mid thigh just so he could slip a pillow underneath you.
Always so sweet, even when his dick is halfway down your throat, like it is now.
He uses one of his large hands to gently cup your jaw, and the other to grip the back of your neck as he looks down at the sight before him, watching his length dissapear behind your soft lips.
"Fuuuck, just like that baby-shit, gonna cum soon." He groans, thick thighs tensing underneath your fingertips as you grip onto him for leverage.
Then, you moan around him, and he twitches.
His hips begin to move with the rhythm of your mouth, and hand for what it's worth, considering it's almost impossible to fit all of him at once.
You can try though, and he fucking adores you for it. Truly, seeing you teary eyed and so fucking eager to make him feel good, it gives him butterflies.
You tap his thigh twice and his grip falters as you pause for air, small hand still wrapped around his thick length as you peer up at him through sodden lashes.
He reaches out to gently cup your face, wiping the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
"You're so fucking beautiful-oh, shit."
He barely has time to finish his sentence before your mouth is back on him, tongue swirling around his sensitive, rose colored tip.
"That fuckin' mouth is dangerous, mm." He groans, head thrown back and plump lips parted as if he has lost his breath for a moment. Seeing him so weak for you has heat pooling between your thighs.
"Gonna cum for me, daddy?"
Fuck. Fuck. You haven't used that before.
It's been talked about, but fuck, he didn't know hearing such a filthy word pass your pretty lips would have him melting underneath your touch.
"Fuck, yeah baby. Gonna swallow it all, hmm?"
You do.
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angellissy · 4 years
hugs & masterchefs
Thanks for your request @babygirlmil hope I made it justice. It was starting to get a bit long, so I had to stop lol. I am sorry if it sucks haha <3
Zion Kuwonu x Reader
She was sitting at a bar stool, legs swinging back and forth as she watched the boys in front of her. They were discussing something, she couldn’t really hear over the loud music they were blasting. Her fingers tapped at her thighs to the beat of the song that was echoing between the walls, she lightly hummed the lyrics as she continued watching the boys. One, in particular, was leaning against a wall while rolling his eyes every now and then. Clearly he was not that interested in whatever the other four were talking about. Her lips curved up in a smile when she noticed that his eyes had found hers, he gave her a small cheeky grin while mouthing something about the other boys being idiots. She stifled a laugh at that, shaking her head at him and mouthing that he needed to be more serious. He pretended to not see her when she did that.
Her thumb was moving over her screen at rapid speed, scrolling up and down over the countless pictures that adorned her Instagram for you page. She stopped for a bit when a certain picture caught her eye. He was grinning from ear to ear, his dreads hanging loosely around his head and he had one arm around her. Looking up at him, she was smiling as big as he was. She double-tapped the picture, it was a fan that had reposted the old picture, it was probably from around a year ago. She liked it though and was happy that she had countless more pictures of him with his arms draped around her body.
The music came to a stop and she looked up from her phone, only to see the boys lined up in front of the camera. Zion gave her a little wink before he turned his attention to the camera and everything the other boys were saying.
“So what is something you are looking for in the master, the master dish?” Brandon asked, her boyfriend just shrugged and said: “Look they are both going to suck, it depends on which one sucks a little less, you know what I am saying.” She rolled her eyes at that statement, but she couldn’t blame him either. She lived with all of them almost all the time, and a well-cooked and tasty meal was a rare find in that house.
She hopped off the barstool and made her way towards her boyfriend, now standing alone since the boys finally had landed in the kitchen, the camera following their every move. A small laugh escaped her lips as she watched Austin play with the knives. “Austin, stop you are going to poke an eye out.” She yelled at him, still not being able to hide the amused expression that clouded her features. The boy with long brown hair just shook his head at her while putting the knives down.
“He’s fucking crazy,” Zion mumbled as he draped his arms over her body and drew her closer, her back was now resting on his torso and she rested her head against his chest. “Well you all are, and you especially shouldn’t be saying nothing.” 
“Fuck off dude.” He let go of her body as he started walking towards the other boys, and she lightly slapped his arm. She hopped on the table and sat down, once again her legs were swinging back and forth. It was with big interest that she watched the chaos happening in the kitchen, Nick was muttering about how they already had lost due to their pan not working. “Nick, you are Italian so you better not let me down with that pasta.” He laughed a little at her words and lightly scratched the back of his head. “I’ll see what I can do y/n.” She furrowed her brows as she watched the dirty looks that Edwin and Brandon were giving her. “Yall got a stick up your ass or something? Why are you looking at me like that?” Both of them shrugged their shoulders lightly “You aren’t supposed to take sides.” “I am not taking sides Edwin, I might have said it out of pity for all you know.” He laughed a little at that, while Nick shouted a loud hey at her words. She watched Zion closely, he was talking about the importance of the noodles having good consistency. This made her snort because, that man could not care less of the consistency, as long as he could eat the food he would be happy. “You got something to say, mamas?” Zion asked while removing his attention from the camera towards her. Her shoes slammed against the ground as she hopped off the table and walked towards him, her arms snaked around his body and she rested her head against his chest, once again. “Nah, just that I love you.” He laughed a little at that but nevertheless hugged her closer to his body. “Y’all are disgusting,” Nick remarked as he watched them from behind the counter, a playful smirk on his lips. “Your food will be too if you stop concentrating.” She remarked, earning laughs from all the boys. A little later she found herself sitting in Zion’s lap, still watching the disaster that was unfolding right in front of her. Nick and Austin had disappeared while Brandon and Edwin were deadly concentrated on their pasta. She was just about to say something when the two lost boys found their way back into the kitchen before she even had time to comprehend what was happening, Austin was playing with knives again. He was pressing the blade towards his palm, and Zion was chanting “You sick sick fuck.” over and over again. “Austin stop, I don’t even know why I bother with you guys.” She muttered while covering her eyes, not wanting to witness whatever disaster that was just waiting to happen. Zion wrapped his arms around her body “You do it cause’ you love us.” The others nodded in agreement, which caused her to sigh even more. But it was true, she even loved them so much that she pretended to like their food while her boyfriend was roasting them like there was no tomorrow. 
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cals-sunflower · 5 years
Doubted my love for you(A.P)
You have been in a relationship with Austin for about 3 months. Sometimes things would be amazing but then there are those days where things weren’t as good as they could be. Some of the fans believe that you’re with Austin for his money and him. You knew in your heart that you didn’t care about how much he makes or what he could buy you. You just simply wanted to support him and give him endless amounts of love. It’s crazy to thing because some of the other boys didn’t seem to like you. Edwin and Brandon would give you dirty looks when you’d try to speak to them. Tonight, you were at the house and things weren’t going so well.
“Hey babe, I missed you”, Austin kisses the side of your head. You smiled at the contact that your boyfriend gave you.
“Hey Aus! I know college is so stressful”, you replied. Edwin let out a little chuckle.
“What is it that you major in anyway?”, Zion questioned.
“I major in pre-law”, you smiled.
“You actually think you could go somewhere with that?”, Edwin questioned. For some reason that comment hurt more then it was supposed to.
“Umm yeah, I believe I can achieve my dream of being a lawyer”, you said. You felt the tension that you weren’t wanted there.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom”, you walked away. You decided to put some water on your face and then come out but you stopped when you heard your name.
“You sure Y/n’s not with you for how much we make? For goodness sake, she’s a college”, Edwin states.
“No. At least I don’t think so”, Austin replied.
“You don’t think so? Even the fans see what a gold digger she is”, Brandon said.
“I mean sometimes they are right but not with this. I know her”, Austin said.
“Are you sure she loves you?”, Nick asked.
“I’m actually not sure, I mean she said it but you’re right. What if she doesn’t even love me”, Austin said.
You make your presence in the room known. Hurt, you were hurt and baffled that Austin would say such a thing like that.
“Wow, I get it that you guys don’t like me but you could’ve at least waited until I left the house”, your eyes teared up. You turned to look at Austin.
“And you. If you think that I’m with you because of your money then your absolutely crazy. I don’t care how much you make. When have I ever asked you to buy me anything at all?”, you questioned him. The room was silent and nobody could say anything.
“It’s because I haven’t. I don’t even like you paying for our dates! But no, I’m a gold digger. Maybe we shouldn’t be together if you really want to doubt my love for you as a person and not some walking bank”, you said. The tears had officially started coming down your face and you walked back to your car.
You drove home and once you got home all of tears where just coming down. You couldn’t believe that a conversation like that actually happened. You decided to write a tweet as a message.
“I’m sorry you guys ever thought I was a gold digger. It’s evidence today that you guys aren’t the only ones who think that :/“ and you pressed tweet. Turning off your phone and putting it on the charger, you lay down cry yourself to sleep.
-The next morning-
You wake up and your face is blotched, eyes are red, and you looked like a mess. You got showered and being that you slept in your clothes from last night, you put on black shorts and a hoodie. You made something to eat and went right back in bed after eating. After sitting there for 30 minutes you hear a knock your door. You get up and answer the door. On the other side was the boys besides Austin.
“Can I ask why you’re here?”, you questioned.
“Austin has been texting you”, Edwin said.
“I turned my phone off last night and haven’t turned it back on”, you said.
“Can you at least text him back”, Nick said. You looked at them.
“It’s clear that my boyfriend’s band mates don’t like me. It’s also pretty damn clear the five of you think I’m a gold digger and I don’t actually love him”, you closed the door. Walking back to your bed where you lay down and cry some more.
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fatebringsyouhome · 5 years
Eyes Off You| Austin Porter
Their morning routine had been the same for a long time. He would come in at 5:30 am, and get the shop ready for the day. At 6 AM, on the dot, you were waiting outside the door, notebook in hand, pencil tucked into your bun. He’d unlock the door, flipping his sign from closed to open. Your coffee would already be sitting at you usual table by the window where you would sit for an hour with your notebook, face scrunched in concentration as you worked on your business numbers. Fifty five minutes after you walked in the door, Austin would bring over your second cup of coffee, as you packed up to go open your bookstore next door. you’d thank him quietly as you paid for both coffees before leaving. 
For several months this was their routine, the only form of interaction they had. Until one day, Austin ventured into your shop, a pastry in hand. He’d wanted to try and break the ice between them for some time, and from your coffee order he deduced that you, most likely, had a thing for sweets. The bell above the door jingled as he entered, and a couple of seconds later you emerged from behind one of the many shelves, smiling. 
“Hi!” You greet him with an excited smile, as you pull down the sleeves of your sweater. 
“Hey. Would you mind trying this and telling me what you think?” He asks, holding out the plate with the pastry on it. You take it and set it on the counter beside the register, breaking off a small piece before popping it in your mouth. 
Her eyes go wide as soon as she bites into it, a hand moving to cover her mouth. “Wow.” She says, dropping her hand as she chews. “That’s so good.” She confirms, and Austin grins. 
“Alright, good. I’ll keep it on the menu.” He says, and she takes another bite, popping it in her mouth. Austin takes the moment to look around, moving to let his fingers skim over the cover of a book sitting on the table in front of him. 
He looks around the small but spacious shop, taking in everything. Large windows in the back provide lots of natural light, but there are a few light fixtures scattered around the store, providing a soft yellow glow. There are a few beat up wooden tables set up, the first two displaying your newest books. On the last one is a big box, painted a nice baby blue color, with “Book Suggestions” written on the front in delicate lettering. 
“Do you like to read?” Your voice cuts through the soft classical music playing on the speakers, and Austin turns around with a smile.
“Depends.” He shrugs, and she laughs a little. “Do you?” He asks, and you laugh.
“I would say so. I read most every book I order, with the exception of a few.” You reply, and Austin chuckles a little.
“I guess I should have known that answer.” He says, walking over so he can lean beside you. 
“Not everyone gets to do something they love with their life. Thankfully I was able to turn my love of books into a profitable thing.” She says, and he nods.
The bell above the door jingles, and you grin as you greet the customer. Austin gives you a little wave as he exits your shop, and you wave back before turning your attention to your customer.
The next morning you arrived at Austin’s shop a little bit earlier than usual, and he gladly let you sit at the bar while he prepared the shop for the day. You both made small talk as he worked, asking each other questions and joking around. When it was time for him to open the shop, you moved to your normal spot by the window with your coffee and notebook. Exactly fifty-five minutes later, as you were packing up to go open your shop, Austin strode over with your second cup of coffee and a delicately wrapped pastry in his hand.
“A thank you for opening the shop with me this morning.” Austin explains when you glance down at the pastry in confusion.
“That’s very sweet of you. I enjoyed our chat, I’ll be back early in the morning.” You promise, taking the pastry and coffee from him.
“I look forward to it.” He beams at you, and you grin as you exit the coffee shop, waving to him through the window as you head to open your store. 
From then on the routine changed. You began to meet him at 5:30 every morning, and you’d sit at the bar and chat with him as he bustles about the shop. He slides you your coffee five minutes before he unlocks the doors, and that’s your cue to take up your usual spot by the window and start your work.
For the most part this is the routine you guys stick to, but every now and then you’ll pop into his cafe around lunch time, with the excuse that you didn’t sleep well the night before and you need an extra pick me up, but in reality you just want to see Austin.
There were some days, shortly after he’d closed his shop, that he’d enter your store, eyes scanning for the sight of you. Sometimes you’d be with a customer, and he’d stand back and watch as you recommended books, or rang them up and raved about a specific book or series. Other times you’d be so lost in your book that you wouldn’t hear the doorbell ring and he’d stand near the entrance, eyes studying your features. You’d look up a few seconds later and a soft smile would appear on your face, and Austin’s heart would flutter as he greeted you.
You both enjoyed the routine a lot, but Austin was starting to want more from the relationship. He really liked talking to you, and how you would light up when talking about your favorite books. He loved that you could share playlists and recommend songs for each other, and he loved watching you work, eyebrows scrunched in concentration. 
So the next day, when you were about to take your place by the window to work, he grabbed your elbow. His fingers were warm on your bare skin, and you looked up at him with raised eyebrows, and a soft smile.
“You can sit here and work if you want to.” His voice is soft, and he lets go of your elbow slowly, as he smiles at you. 
“Okay.” You murmur and nod, setting your bag back down and taking out your notebook and pencil. Austin watches you periodically, committing your features to memory. 
Just like normal, five minutes before you leave, Austin is setting your second cup of coffee in front of you. This time he’s written his number on your cup, though. You don’t notice the scribbled numbers until a little bit later, and you quickly shoot Austin a text, apologizing for making him wait. 
From that moment on your relationship with Austin changes. It’s friendlier, flirtier, more casual than it had been previously. You start to open up to him with personal stories, anecdotes about your family and friends. Slowly you let him into your world, and he lets you into his.
Austin starts frequenting your store, mostly in the evening. He learns that there is a Chinese restaurant down the street that you’re obsessed with, and so once a week he brings you dinner from that restaurant and you two sit behind the register, eating your dinner in between customers.
Your morning routine doesn’t change, but the evening visits become more frequent, and each time Austin stays longer and longer. You’ve told him about your part time worker, a college kid who comes in and works from eight to midnight, but he’s never stayed long enough to meet her. 
The next night, Austin brings you dinner, as is becoming part of the routine, and you’re both eating when your phone dings in your pocket. You pull it out and set your food on the counter in front of you. You let out a groan as you lock your phone.
“What’s wrong?” Austin asks, hand still holding a forkful of food.
“My part-timer just called in sick. Looks like I’ll be here until midnight.” You lean your head on his shoulder, and he sets his fork down, his hand reaching over to caress your thigh softly.
“I’ll stay with you.” He says, and you shake your head, with a wave of your hand.
“You have to get up super early, I could never ask you to do that.” You say, grabbing your food off the counter and taking a bite.
“You’re not asking me. I’m offering.” He insists, and you look up at him with raised eyebrows.
“You actually have to be up before five-thirty tomorrow morning. I don’t. You’re going home before midnight.” Your tone is stern, and he chuckles a little.
“Come on, it’ll be fun. We’ll both be sleep deprived tomorrow.” He says, and you roll your eyes, a soft smile forming on your lips.
“Fine, but don’t complain to me in the morning when you’re exhausted.” He laughs at your little warning, and you go back to eating and joking. 
The last few hours flew by with Austin by your side, cracking jokes and helping you restock your shelves, especially the really high ones. You turn on a different radio station and you and Austin dance around the empty store, goofing off. As a slower song comes on, he pulls you into his chest, resting his hands on your waist as you both sway to the music.
Before you know it, you’re turning your key, locking your shop door, Austin standing beside you. You both live close to the shops, so you take off walking together, a comfortable silence blanketing the two of you. You walk beside Austin for a few minutes, hands swinging back and forth, knuckles brushing gently together. Finally, Austin gets up the courage to grab your hand, and you smile up at him as you lace your fingers together. As you approach your apartment, Austin’s feet start to drag, and you laugh a little as he slows down. 
“I had fun this evening. I’ve really enjoyed our time together.” Austin’s voice is soft, and a smile plays on his lips. You smile back, squeezing his hand.
“Me too. Thank you for staying with me tonight. I loved our little jam session.” Your voice is soft as well, and he nods.
“My pleasure. Well, goodnight.” You get up on your tiptoes to kiss Austin’s cheek, and a blush creeps across your face when he reaches up and captures your chin between his thumb and forefinger. His lips ghost over yours, warm breath fanning across your face. He pulls back, cheeks slightly pink.
“Goodnight, Austin.” You murmur, and he waves to you as you back up towards your door, fingers on your lips.
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takenbyheartstrings · 5 years
Starlight | Brandon Arreaga x Reader
Request: HEY CUTIE 💙 I was thinking of this really cute AU where all the boys go to school together and there’s this one girl they’re all 😍🥵🥰 over and one day at a game she’s lookin fine and they’re just feeling real 😧😍😩💓💘 I hope that makes sense heheh. Thank you for your consideration! Love you!
Warnings: Fluff
A/n: ily too! I made this a Brandon one because I need more Brandon on my blogg, I have a Nick one and Austin one on the way so that’s why i’m writing a Brandon one lmao cause my husband is amazing, I would’ve been happy to do a specific :) but hope you enjoy nevertheless anon :) I hope I did this justice 😅
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Honestly, you were what they called the prettiest girl in school, with your h/l h/c hair and your beautiful gleaming e/c eyes. You were a bookworm, shy and a photographer/musician working for the school paper. 
It was a Friday night and you and your best friend were getting ready for the football game, her boyfriend Nick was on the team and he honestly, loved her so much. He had a crush on you at first, but once he got to know her he was head over heels. But every one of those boys liked you and you didn’t know why.
It was obvious they tried to keep it a secret, but, that went down in flames, they were constantly all trying to impress you. Constantly, complimenting you and writing you notes in class and leaving them in your locker. But there was one that caught your eye.
Brandon Arreaga.
He never went over the top and just kept it simple. He complimented you but on the right things and he left you little poems in your locker that just made your heart blossom and explode into little pieces.
“F/n, don’t make me wear this, please, I beg you.” You told her looking in the mirror.
“I show no mercy and besides, Brandon’ll be there.” She told you wiggling her eyebrows, “You do want to impress him, don’t you?”
“Yes. I do.” You turned around and faced her, “But not like this in a fishnet top and booty shorts,” You chuckled. “Just let me pick for once.”
“Fine, but, I have to approve.” She told you. Deciding to go on the road to fashion designing was really getting to her head.
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, but you have to be fair.”
You looked through her closet, finally picking a plain black spaghetti strapped tank top, some black ripped jeans and a pair of boots completing it with a green Adidas jacket. 
F/n looked at you, “You’re getting better and better every day,” She told you, “+10 to y/n,”
You chuckled, “Let’s go before the game’s actually finished and the boys ditch us,”
You guys pulled up to the game. Everyone was just getting prepped and it seemed like the only people there was the football team, the boys and you, some other students but not everyone, you were thirty minutes early.
“Hey, guys!” You smiled walking over to them. They were frozen, Nick had hugged f/n, but they were frozen, all except for Brandon who smiled and waved. Austin finally opened his mouth.
“Y-y/n, you look a-a-amazing,” He managed to get out.
“Thank you, Austin!” You smiled. “Now, I’m starving,” You said pushing past them to go get some food.
When the game finally started you watched Nick play as you didn’t really understand the game, you were more of a reader, so visual learning was always hard.
“Zion, could you explain the game to me please,” You whispered next to him.
“Of course, so the main goal is for the other team to get it into our goal.” He explained, “Then points are rewarded, and the team who has the most points, wins.” He explained.
“Okay, thanks,” You smiled widely.
You looked back at the game focusing on Nick, you guys were winning 5 - 0. By the end of the game you were tired, the final score was 45 - 42 and the team went out to celebrate, everyone wanted to go but you.
“I could give you a ride home,” Edwin offered seeing as everyone was sharing f/n’s car and Nick’s.
“Edwin, go! You were really looking forward to it.”
“But I really--”
“Go!” You ushered him.
“If you insist,” He smiled.
Brandon was walking with the guys, “Hey, guys, I know we all have a thing for y/n, but please let me get in there, I’ve never liked anyone more.”
The all looked at him, “Fine, go, you clearly like her more than we do, just treat her well, if something ever happens.”
“Thank you, I owe you all.”
Brandon approached you for the first time that night, “Hey,” He smiled sitting on the hood of his car. before patting the spot next to him, you took a seat before looking at him.
“What’s up?” You asked him.
“Can I give you a ride home?” He asked, “Edwin told me he offered but you said no, so I came to give it a try.”
“You really don’t need to, Brandon,” He looked at you with pleading eyes, “But, If you really want me too, even though I could just walk, I will,” You said trying not to seem so happy, even though you had butterflies fluttering all around your stomach.
He smiled opening his car door, before closing it, “Do you actually just wanna sit here for a little while, It’s only nine o’clock.”
“Sure,” You smiled before getting back onto the hood of the car. “How’s that poetry going?”
He chuckled slightly embarrassed, “You knew that was me?” He asked.
“Obviously, I mean the others would leave me drawings and notes, but you left me little poems and when I realized some of the words were laced in the songs that you write.”
“It was a dead giveaway,” He finished smiling before looking up at the starry night sky.
“You know, I’ve always felt like the others overtake me when it comes to this stuff. Flirting.”
“Well, I think it’s sweet, and cute.” You blushed slightly.
He looked at you, “Really..?”
“Yeah! I mean any girl would kill to have their boyfriend or crush write them poems.”
“So i’m a crush?”
“What?! No!” You said flustered.
“Okay, then,” He chuckled.
You looked up at the sky avoiding Brandon’s gaze, “You know that’s Cassiopeia and look, there’s Sagittarius.” You said.
“What’s that?” Brandon asked.
“Well, Saggitarius is a star sign, your star sign, and a constellation, Cassiopeia isn’t a star sign and is a Constellation which are stars which make a specific shape.” You smiled.
“It’s beautiful,” He said after you pointed them out to him.
“I know right?” You asked.
“That’s not what I mean,” Brandon told you.
“T-Then, what do you mean?” You questioned nervously.
He smiled at you that gap between you getting smaller and he pressed his lips to yours before you instantly kissed back without hesitation.
“I’m sorry you just looked so cute talking about the stars in the moonlight, I just couldn’t resist.” He whispered against your lips.
“I like it, so I don’t know why you’re apologizing.”
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austinp0rt3r · 5 years
Haircut • Austin Porter (Drabble)
PLOT: Austin decides to cut his hair on his own. Y/N knew it was a bad idea.
Warnings: cussing ? once ?
One more strand and I'm done.
No matter how many times Austin repeated that to himself, he never felt as if his hair was short enough. His fingers were already getting tired of holding the scissors up and his arm couldn't hold itself up anymore. He still had to cut half of it.
The idea of cutting his hair had been running around his mind for a while now, but he never got himself to do it. Today was the day, and it would have been fine if he had just gone to a barber's shop as everyone does, or at least had called a friend to do it. But no, Austin thought he was capable of "using scissors on himself" (he totally was not, by the way.), and now he was regretting his stupid choice of doing it alone.
He was listening to one of his songs, Teacher, while he tried to fix what he had done. And when the "I can make you feel like Tinashe" part came on, he snarkly said that he did not feel like Tinashe at all. Which was a hundred percent understandable.
Once he realised he wouldn't be able to finish cutting his hair on his own, he decided to call his girlfriend for help.
Around twenty minutes later, Y/N arrived to his house with two hamburguers and a smile on her face, which immediately faded when she saw her boyfriend.
"What the fuck happened to you?" She asked with a disgusted expression on her face.
Austin felt really bad when he saw how she looked at him, so he looked down to the floor. As soon as Y/N realised that the boy was about to cry, she quickly got a hold of the instruments she needed to fix that boy's hair, and got to work.
When she was done, she handed over a mirror to Austin and waited for a reaction. He timidly raised the plastic thing and grinned after he saw his reflection. His hair was normal-looking and he couldn't be more thankful.
"I don't know what I'd do without you" Austin commented while kissing Y/N.
"You'd probably have no hair."
"Oh, shut up!"
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angelicarreaga · 5 years
austin offering you to sleep over at his place for the first time since you started dating and hes trying to make everything feel at home for you so youre comfortable
“I guess I should go, it’s getting late,” you yawned, sitting up from where you were, cuddling with Austin as you watched a movie.
“Wanna stay over?” he asked quickly, not expecting it to come out but sort of panicking after he realized what he said.
“I mean, only if you want to,” he said nervously, looking down at his lap, unable to read your expression, “I just figure I’d offer since you’re already tired.”
“Austin, it’s okay, you don’t have to be nervous,” you giggled, taking his hand in yours, “I would love to.”
“I just know we’ve never stayed the night at each other’s place yet so I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he shrugged.
“It’s okay, it’s a step I want to take,” you smiled, “plus you’re right, I am pretty tired and don’t feel like driving myself home.”
He leaned over and kissed you, pulling you back into his arms as you guys finished the movie you were watching before. You didn’t really feel nervous about sleeping at Austin’s, in fact, the idea kind of excited you.
Austin noticed your eyes had been getting heavier, watching as you struggled to keep them open. When the movie was over, he shut off the TV and scooped you up to bring you upstairs.
“You don’t have to carry me,” you giggled, “I can walk.”
“I wanted to,” he shrugged, bringing you into his bedroom and setting you down on his bed.
He went to his closet, pulling out clothes for you to wear to bed, handing them over to you with a sweet smile.
“You know I love this shirt,” you grinned, holding it up and looking at it before setting it back down again.
“I have an extra toothbrush in the bathroom, and stuff for you to wash your face too if you want,” he told you, “do you need anything else? A snack or water or something?”
“I’m okay, Austin,” you grinned, standing up and walking over to him, wrapping your arms around him as you looked into his eyes, “everything’s perfect.”
You walked into his bathroom, changing into the clothes he gave you before rummaging around for the extra toothbrush he mentioned. Once you found it, you tied up your hair and quickly brushed your teeth and washed your face.
When you walked back into Austin’s room, you heard the soft sound of piano playing, the lights off except for a small bedside lamp.
“I can sleep on the floor or the couch if you want the bed to yourself,” he suggested as he stood up, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Of course not, dummy, it’s your bed too, you’re sleeping in it,” you told him as you sat down, asking him what side was usually his so you could have the opposite.
“I like the music,” you noted once you had both settled down, your arm draped over his torso as you rested on his chest, a small smile on your face still.
“Thank you!” he exclaimed, “I know you usually listen to music while falling asleep so I put some on.”
“You really didn’t have to do all this,” you muttered. “I would have been fine sleeping in what I was wearing and just lying here.”
“I want to make it the best for you, that’s what you deserve,” he responded, his hand tracing light pattern on your back as your eyes began fluttering shut.
“Goodnight, my love.” was the last thing you heard before drifting off, happy to be with this boy in this moment.
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prettymuchboo · 6 years
PRETTYMUCH in a Haunted House
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Guess who decided to go to a haunted house on Halloween? Brandon who else lol
This boi is way too spontaneous
Brandon, Edwin, Austin, Nick, Zion and you decided to go take a visit to a haunted house, to see if the rumours are true or not
I think that Eggwin would disagree at first and would call all of you crazy that y’all running into your death, but after you guys made sure that you are gonna take care of him everything‘s fine
Austin takes care of all the candy and Nick buys some fast food for the night
“ZiOn, stop eating” slaps hand away “the food”
pouting Z
“You know I could report you for not letting me eat, right? ThAT’s aGAinST tHe rIGhTs oF a hUmAn bEiNg”
“Oh please, you already have too much body” you mentioned while rolling your eyes and gesturing towards his whole body
“Did you just tall-shamed me?!” He asked while fake gasping and holding a hand to his heart in a dramatic way
Way too extra, but you love it
SO, after all the food, Brandon rent a car and y’all were ready to go
As Austin was driving, you noticed that someone was missing
“Guys, where’s Edwin?” You asked while looking around
All of them facepalmed
Guess who rode back to pick up an irritated Eggwin?
Well, not you guys
Kidding haha you’re so funny
The whole ride y’all sang some songs and made videos
After a few hours of driving it was becoming dark and y’all arrived at the well known haunted house
“Should we knock?” Nick asked gesturing to the door
Zion knocking the door down
“I diDn’T mEaN kNoCKinG dOWn”
They all just shrugged
“I’m hungry” Austin said while grabbing some candy
You began walking inside the house and it was scarier than you thought it would be
no lights, many spiders, broken glasses, dirty floor, broken furniture
Edwin was holding onto you like a five year old child
“What was that noise?” You asked while looking around and searching the extremely obnoxious sound
“I tOLd y’AlL nOt tO cOmE” Edwin protested while holding even tighter on you
Zion slapped Edwin smh
“Chill guys, that was just my bag of chips” Austin said and held up his huge bag of noises
everybody glaring at Austin
You guys separated into two different groups yk these dumb people in scary movies
So you were with Zion and Nick downstairs and Brandon, Edwin and Austin went upstairs
You didn’t really find anything interesting tbh
But outta nowhere you heard screams and deep voices
“Is Austin eating chips again?” Nick asked in a terrified quite voice
You and Zion shook your head no
The screams became even louder and it seemed like it was coming more near
“I hope the monster is gonna eat Edwin first, his nickname is literally food so that would be fair and seems logical” Zion said while shrugging
“Could you not? And if the monster is gonna eat anyone, it would be you, he has the most meat then” you grumbled and slapped the back of Zion’s head
“stOP tALL-sHaMiNg mE” he argued like a big baby with you (yk the ‘you’re exposing me’ video of Zion? Just imagine that, bye)
You heard dark screeching from the stairs
You guys cuddled up together you in the middle of these dorks
“My heros” you snorted and rolled your eyes
The noises got even heavier and louder
Zion, Nick and you screamed like crazy and you thought that this was the end of your life
Behind you were Austin, Brandon and Edwin holding their phones towards your faces
“You planned all of this?!” Nick hissed furiously
“Yes, duh” Brandon sassed whilst laughing like these evil dudes who snatch away lollipops from children
Okay, after a few minutes of realization that the boys have planned everything, you three laughed along with them
But all of a sudden you heard wood cracking and heard that someone was opening the back door
“K, i think we should go now” you confessed throughout the time you grabbed all the boys and ran towards your car
On the road back home y’all made rap contests and watched the videos that all of you posted
(A/N) I hope y’all liked it, for me it was hella fun writing this
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10,000 Hours Song Pref.
So guys, I’m kind of working on a song pref series for Prettymuch, not all the songs are pm songs but here’s the first! Hope you like it, this is my first time writing for the boys and I’m a little rusty cause I haven’t written in so long so.. be nice please? 
“Nights on nights on nights
Days on days on days
Clockwork, light work, homework
We don’t take no breaks.”
It’s Friday night and finals week is 2 days away. As if things couldn’t be more stressful and upsetting, Nick flew all the way here just to see me but I’m so stressed about potentially failing my chemistry final that I can’t really even spend any time with him. I hear a vibration and gratefully look away from my flashcards.
“Hey baby girl, how’s the studying going?” The message reads.
You’d think that after a year of being with him I would feel less giddy when he called me baby girl but the feeling never ebbs.
“Well, my head hurts and the words are kind of blurring together but apart from that? Terrible.”
“I’m coming over.”
“Babe, I don’t want you to come over just to sit here while I study.”
“Too late, I’m already in my car. I’m going to go get some snacks. See you soon.”
I roll my eyes at the comment but smile anyway.
“Besides, I’d rather sit with you while you study than to not be with you at all. Plus I can help you.” He says a minute later.
“Oh yeah? How are you gonna do that?”
“With incentives for questions you answer correctly ;)”
Oh man… something tells me I’m not going to get a lot of studying done tonight.
 “We gon’ get it right, get it right, baby.”
 “Brandon how are we supposed to have a relationship if every time we actually get the time to see each other we fight?” I cry to him. Here we are again, doing the same shit we always do. With Brandon and the boys always working to build their careers, him and I don’t get to see each other too often. When we first met they hadn’t come out that they were a boy band and we got to see each other almost everyday and practically never fought but now things have changed. Every time it’s something different. Sometimes it’s as small as leaving a pile of clothes on the floor and other times it’s about a picture or video of him holding a fan a little to close for my liking or in this, and most, cases he works all the time. You’d think that when we finally had the time to be together he’d want to be with me but he’d apparently much rather spend time with his computer and sound system.
“The long distance is apparently putting too much strain on our relationship we can’t keep fighting like this B, I can’t keep fighting like this. Maybe we should just give up, stop trying. Quit while we’re ahead. Maybe it’d be better for both of us to just move on.” I say, wiping the tears from my face, only to have them replaced by more.
At this, his face drops,  “Give up and stop trying? Move on? What are you talking about? We can’t give up. Y/N I love you. I don’t want to move on, there’s no one else I want to be with. No one I want to try this with other than you.” He walks over to me, cupping my face in his hands. “Y/N you’re all I want. But if this is what you really want, if this is what will make you happy then that’s what we’ll do. I’ll give you up right now if you don’t want to be with me anymore but I really, really don’t want to. I know I’m bad at showing it sometimes but you’re the love of my life. We’re going to get it right, we have to.”
 “Take you deeper than the ocean
Have you all in your emotion
Making hours out of seconds.”
             “Babe, do you have to go back?”
“I wish I didn’t, Z.  No part of me wants to go back and to school but I have to.”
It’s 3:38am and I’m lying down in bed with Zion, cuddled up and trying not to think about how the day after tomorrow I’ll be flying away from him.
“You could always take a semester off.”
I look up at him for a moment before he says,  “I’m kidding, I’m kidding I just don’t want you to leave me. This is the most time we’ve ever spent continuously together. I still can’t believe you’ve been here all summer… I can’t imagine what it’s going to feel like without you here sleeping next to me.”
I kiss the corner of his jaw, “I know. But I have to say that it’ll be a lot easier to sleep when I don’t have to fight an actual tree for the blanket.”
“Oh please! You’re the blanket hog. I just try to hang onto enough to cover my body. “
“Your body is too long!”
“Fight me.”
“Nah, I’d have to record it and I don’t want to embarrass you in front of all the BEANZ and the boys. Cause I’d win.”
“Girl please,” He rolls his eyes.
I just smile up at him, trying to memorize the curve of his jaw, the way his dreads fall across his face and the light in his eyes when he looks at me. It’s not that I’ll never see him again but we won’t be able to physically be with each other for months after I leave because he’ll be going on tour. Face time just isn’t the same. He sees the tears welling up in my eyes and his own smile drops, “What’s wrong?”
My smile grows just a little, “I’m gonna miss you so damn much. “
“I’m going to miss you too baby,” He says leaning down to kiss me.
When we break apart I look at him again, or stare is a better word I suppose. He grins, “Are you stunned by how dashingly good looking I am?”
“I love you Caleb.”
His smile falters before widening to a full on Cheshire grin. “I was supposed to be the one to say it first, way to ruin my plans.” He playfully rolls his eyes.
“Oh there was a plan?” I tease.
“Oh yeah, I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed tomorrow and confess my undying love for you.”
“I’d like to see the day where you wake up before I do.”
“Oh she’s got jokes. But I’m serious, I love you Y/N. I really was going to tell you before you left. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. No one has ever really connected with me on the same level as you. No one gets me the same way. This sounds so cliché and I hate saying it because of that but no one makes me feel the way you do.”
I look at him for a moment, a slow smile growing across my face. I lean in to kiss him, slowly and gently, before pulling away and snuggling into his side.
“I don’t think anyone has ever loved anyone as deeply as I love you.”
 “I’ll put in the time if you let me
I’ll fill up your mind with some memories.”
             “Austin we’ve been playing this game for over 6 months and nothing has changed. This is the perfect time for the both of us to just move on.” She sighs, letting her head drop down into her hands.
Y/N and Austin have known each other for about a year now and have had feelings for each other for just as long. They really never attempted to hide them, everyone knew they liked each other, including them but neither of them ever made a move to define their relationship. The beanz constantly asked if they were dating and the answer was always no but that didn’t stop them from shipping them and in some cases, hating on Y/N. Y/N never had much of a problem with their relationship dynamic for the majority of its duration but lately she’d been feeling like maybe Austin didn’t ever make a move toward becoming official with her because he didn’t actually want her like that or see her as girlfriend material. To make things even worse, Austin just found out that management wants the group to go on a press tour for their album before their tour so instead of being gone for 5 months; he’s going to be gone for 8.  And he’s leaving next week.
           “What game? What are you talking about? Who’s playing a game?” He asks.
“You like me, I like you, you know it, I know it, the boys know it, our families know it, hell even the beanz know it. We cuddle but only if it’s just the boys or us. Sometimes in public you’ll put your arm around me but when people ask you tell them that we are just friends and that you don’t think of me like that. You won’t really give any girl the time of day or you ditch them to be with me but you always tell people that we aren’t a thing and you’re single. And sometimes you just look at me like I’m everything you want, not just physically but like you don’t ever want to leave my side. When I come over or you come over you say hi to me by kissing me on the forehead and call me babe and baby but yet, you always introduce me as just a friend… If you don’t want to be with me like that that’s fine but Austin, I can’t keep doing this. I’m not going to push you into being my boyfriend when that very much seems like something you don’t want, if you don’t see me as girlfriend material then that’s fine. Breaking things off would probably just be the best decision for the both of us because I can’t be the girl you keep close until you feel like you’ve met someone worth your time. Maybe you’ll meet someone on one of your tours; maybe you’ll meet someone on this tour. We can’t keep each other from living our lives. We’re not together anyway, not really, maybe this is our sign that we should put an end to… whatever this is.” She says, her voice cracking at the end. She sniffles as Austin looks down at her sitting on the edge of his bed from his perch on his desk, his mouth slightly agape. The silence settles around them, his gaze never leaving her tear streaked face. After what feels like 2 full minutes of silence Y/N eyes drop to the ground and she gets up wiping at her face with her sleeve, “Glad we had this talk.”
           “Y/N wait,” He croaks out grabbing her arm. She stops but keeps her head down, not daring to look at him. “Is that really how you think I see you? As just some girl to fill a void until I feel like I’ve found ‘the one’ or something? “
Y/N just stands there, saying nothing with her face turned away from him.
“Y/N look at me. Please,” He pleads. When she doesn’t comply he slides off the desk to stand in front of her and takes her face in his hands. She closes her eyes before he can make her face him and he watches the tears flow down her face with his own building in his eyes.
“Y/N, the last thing I think of when I see you is just some girl. I would never think that about you, you’re so much more than that okay? I, God, Y/N you are the girl. You said I look at you’re everything I want and that’s because you are, baby. Will you please open your beautiful eyes and look at me?’
She keeps her eyes closed a few more seconds but slowly opens them and rests them on Austin’s face. She could hear his voice shaking but she’s still surprised to see that his cheeks are wet from him own tears.
“I want you in every way possible, okay? But I’ve seen first hand with myself and the other guys what a relationship can do to someone when you’re in the position I’m in. I don’t want you to go through that. The loneliness, the hate, the paparazzi, the jealousy planted by paparazzi, I don’t want that for you. I just-“
“Austin,” She interrupts, “Don’t you think I already go through all that? Don’t you think I get lonely when you’re off on some tour or going to London or wherever to shoot a music video or when I go to visit my parents? We spend basically every moment that we can together, of course when I’m not with you I’m lonely and I miss you. And if you think not having the label of your girlfriend is saving me from hate then you’re sadly mistaken and you should probably log in to your social media accounts a little more often. Like I said, we’re together as much as we possibly can be and the beanz know, or at least theorize that we have feelings for each other. Austin you aren’t saving me from anything by keeping me labeled as your friend okay? Just save the bullshit. If you don’t want me to be your girlfriend then you don’t want me to be your girlfriend that’s fine but just let me go.”
“When did I ever say I didn’t want you to be my girlfriend?”
“When did you say that you did?”
             He sighs, his shoulders slumping. “You wanna know why I’ve never tried to make us into an official thing? Because I’m scared Y/N, you’re beautiful, so fucking beautiful and I can’t look at twitter or Instagram without seeing at least a dozen comments about how ugly I am and how prettymuch would be better without me and how you would never actually be into me so why would I ever think that you would want to be with me? You’re so out of my league that it’s comical and I never wanted to push my luck. I figured that if I tried to really make you mine that you’d say no. And that I’d lose you and I just really didn’t want to do that. I can’t imagine not having you around so if having you around meant that you weren’t really going to be mine then I was willing to live with that.”
“Are you serious? I’ve been so completely transparent about how I feel about you. I get that people on the Internet are bitches and they get you down but I don’t give a fuck about what they have to say, all right? There is not a single person on this planet that I would rather be with right now or any other time than you. And fuck anyone who says you’re anything less than fine, baby. You are a fine, multitalented man that deserves so much better out of this shitty world than what you get and I-“ She stops.
“And you what? “
“I just hate to hear you talk like that about yourself. I’m not going anywhere okay? “ He wipes away any moisture left on her checks with his thumbs and searches her face before saying, “I know we aren’t together, not really, but I think I’m falling for you.”
She turns her head and kisses the inside of his palm and says, “I already fell. Now ask me to be your girlfriend so we can make the most of the week we have left together. We’ve got memories to make.” 
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corbs-seavy · 3 years
See Through
Zion x Y/N
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Warnings: nothing just Zion comforting you and kinda angst I think I guess swearing ?
You were standing in the bathroom mirror looking at your figure, You didn't like what you saw you hated what you saw, You thought your stomach was to big you thought that your cheeks were to big you just didn't like it, Then comments from Zions latest post of you "Zion could do so much better", "I don't even know why Zion is even with her smh", "She's not even that pretty", "she's so big", All these things rushing through your head you began to tear up, Then the front door opens from down stairs you didn't notice because you were to busy looking at your figure, then suddenly you hear Zion "Mamas I'm here" He calls from down stairs "Y/N" He runs up stairs "Baby, Baby were you at" He opens the door to see you in the mirror then he gets concerned when he sees your face, He walks in and wraps his arms around your waste "What's wrong mamas" "I don't know" You say, He says "What do you mean tell me baby" "I don't like the way my body looks I'm just not comfortable" "Oh well I think you fine like beautiful" "Z your just saying cuz your my boyfriend", He turns you around with his hands still on your waste " Baby I'm not just saying that ok everything say I to you I fucking mean it I meant that shit , your beautiful your fucking stunning no body could compare all these people saying shit don't mean nothing its just you and me baby, Your body is beautiful mamas don't ever forget that, Your curves amazing, Your face amazing, everything about you amazing I fucking love you Y/n", Zion had left you speech less all you could do was stare into his eyes, You kissed his lips "Thank you baby I really needed that" you smile " No worries baby id do anything to make you feel good" "Can we cuddle ? " you ask "Of course mamas" You and Zion cuddle "Love you baby" you say "I love you to Y/n".
Hey yall hope you like the new theme and i hope you have a great say/ night and I hope you enjoyed "<3 🤎🥺
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portersfilms · 4 years
hesitate (z.k)
prompt: loosely based off the song ‘hesitate’ by jonas brothers
requested: uhh kinda, prompt given to me by @cnco-much *kinda got carried away with the single prompt, so i’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted but hope you like it nonetheless*
warnings: none
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smoke hung in the air of his room as you lay on zion, your head rested on his lap, braids pulled up into an incredibly disheveled bun. the two of you scrolled on your phones, a blunt hanging in his free hand. you broke your stare on your phone to glance up at the boy, staring in admiration as he dragged a heavy breath in. your tongue darted out to your lips as he closed his eyes, allowing the smoke to escape his mouth as his eyes slowly opened. he dropped his chin to his chest, his eyes locking with yours, causing a hazy smile to spread across your lips.
‘hi’ you spoke softly, both of your eyes hooded as you held the glance. you watched as his gaze drifted from your eyes, to your lips and continued to float around your face, his lips parted slightly. you hummed in question, his eyes snapping back to yours.
‘i love you’ it was random, it was immediate and it was the first one. those three words were enough to sober you up as you sat up, subconsciously scooting down the bed. you smiled in disbelief, shaking your head slightly before taking your hair down, solely to put it back up. you laughed quietly to yourself, wrapped a chunk of braids around the rubber band to finish it off, now rubbing your hands down your thighs.
‘you’re kidding’ you shrugged, seeming as if you were trying to convince yourself of his actions. your reaction in itself caused him to sit up against the headboard and rub his eyes harshly, forcing himself to sober up. he furrowed his eyebrows, leaning towards you, one hand suspended in the air in surrender. his other hand came down to rest on your knee, his hand cool against your rising body heat.
‘hey,’ you kept your head down, continuing to shake your head until he lifted his hand off your knee to grip your chin carefully. your eyes stayed down but he continued to talk to you. ‘i’m not kidding, and you don’t have to say it back’ he dipped his head lower to lock eyes once more, ‘you don’t have to say it back, and that’s okay’ you bit your tongue, confused as he explained, the words seeming foreign linked together. 
you raised your head, eyes still slightly watery from the high and you relaxed, leaning forward to rest your head on his shoulder. you sighed softly as his hand came to brace the back of your neck, drifting down to your back at times. 
‘i can’t say it back’ you mumbled, taking note of how he didn’t pause, he didn’t tense up, but just placed a kiss on your neck before shrugging. 
‘and that’s all good, don’t be scared’ he pulled away from you, music still playing quietly as he leaned in to press a chaste kiss on your lips, both of you smiling softly. ‘aye’ his trademark smirk toyed on his lips, his dimples poking out, ‘i’m on your side’. you both left it at that, simply laying back down as he turned trippie up, head banging as he rolled one more. 
a few months passed, the two of you still committed, but you were still scared. scared of not knowing whether he would get tired of saying those words with no response more than a shy smile or kiss. the two of you were back in his head, the credits of inside out playing on his computer. he had an arm thrown around your shoulder and he glanced down as he felt you shaking slightly, laughing loudly as tears fell down your face. you rolled your eyes and slapped his chest, causing him to recoil, bracing his hands to protect himself. 
‘bruh chill!’ he laughed, spazzing out slightly as he did so. you sloppily wiped at your cheeks with his sweatshirt sleeve that hung off your hands, pushing your body into his. 
‘leave me alone’ you groaned, ‘he just wanted riley to go to the moon.’ you pouted, crossing your arms with a huff. he looked down at you, rolling his eyes before wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into him. you stuck your head out in the opposite direction, stifiling a laugh as he huffed and stood off the bed completely. you turned to face where he stood at the end of the bed, letting out a yell s he tackled you into the bed. he showered kisses into your face, pulling helpless laughs out of you as you shuffled under his hold. you attempted to stop laughing as he hovered above you, the corners of his mouth turning up. you searched his eyes, he shifted so he rested on his forearms, his face right above yours as your hands ran up and down his sides. 
your smile got softer as he laughed giddily above you, a smug look on his face, knowing he had won the little battle you had. you swallowed, blinking slowly before smiling back at him as he rested his lips on your forehead. 
‘i love you’ you held a laugh back as he froze, his lips still on your skin. he looked down at you after pulling back, pushing his nose against yours. 
‘say it again’ you smiled, biting your bottom lip softly. you laughed loudly as he rolled over, pulling you on top of him. you grabbed the sides of the his face squeezing his cheeks together, smiling as his lips popped out. you kissed his puckered lips pulling back to look him directly in the eyes. 
‘i love you caleb’ he smiled toothily, leaning up to meet your lips again. you two laid together another disney movie playing, but you couldn’t care less, sharing quiet ‘i love you’s’ as you drifted off. 
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angellissy · 4 years
Don’t imagine pt.3
Whoever you want x reader
Don’t imagine how his fingers would be intertwined with yours, how he every now and then would squeeze a little bit harder. He would do it whenever he heard you laugh at something one of the boys said, or when you were frowning at something a fan had written. He couldn’t help the surge of love that spread through him like wildfire, he so dearly wished that you could feel how he felt about you. But since you could not, he had to settle for squeezing your hand and placing small kisses against the back of your hand.
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cals-sunflower · 5 years
Why didn’t you just tell me? (Austin Porter)
Summary: The reader is Zion’s sister who’s in a secret relationship with Austin. Only Kékéli knows about their relationship.
A/n: Hey this kinda my first time but I hope you enjoy! (Sorry if it’s crappy)
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The sun was bright that morning and Y/n was happy to wake up to her lover next to her. But she had to sneak back to her room before any of the boys came in or woke up. She tried to remove Austin’s arms from around my waist. Austin felt her movements and pulled her closer.
“Mm good morning beautiful,” He said while kissing her neck gently as if she was the most precious thing in the world. This made Y/n smile, she enjoyed her mornings with Austin.
“Good morning babe, I’m sorry to let this moment end but I gotta go back to my room before Zion and the boys wake up,” she stated. Austin let her waist go and kissed her shoulder.
“I love you, see you in a few minutes?” He questioned already knowing the answer to his question. She nodded her head quickly.
“And I love you. Of course, Austin that was a dumb question,” she laughed. Austin just grinned at her.
Y/n’s pov
I kissed Austin’s forehead before quickly moving out the door. I turn and see Brandon and Nick walking out of their room.
“Good morning Brandon and Nick. Anything you want for breakfast?” I chuckled nervously as I’ve been caught walking out of my boyfriend’s room.
“Why were you in Austin’s room? Did you two sleep together?” Nick questioned me. I just stood there not knowing what to say. Do I tell the truth or keep hiding it?
“Umm yeah, I asked Austin if I could sleep in his room because I had a bad dream last night,” I said happy that I was able to come up with an excuse.
“Aw, sorry to hear that sis,” Brandon frowned at me. I smiled knowing that Brandon and the rest of the boys really cared about me and my well being.
“Breakfast anyone?” I said loud enough for the rest to hear. Then Edwin, Austin and Zion’s door flew open.
“I heard breakfast. What are you gonna make?” Zion said.
“I don’t know, what do you want?” I asked. They got in a circle and talked it out.
“We decided on pancakes, eggs and bacon,” Stated Austin. I smiled and walked down to the kitchen to begin my cooking. The boys followed and sat in the living room, besides Austin he came with me.
“Nice save mamas,” Austin said. He hugged me from behind and I leaned into his warm touch.
~~Time skip~~
We finished our breakfast which might I say was hella good. Being that I did make it. Lord knows that these boys would set the house on fire except Edwin. I heard my phone ringing as I was washing the dishes.
“Umm Zion, go get that for me,” I said. He rolled his eyes and got my phone out the room. It was Elom who was trying to call on FaceTime.
End of Pov
Elom: Wassupp.
Y/n: Hey e , how’s everything?
Elom: Good, I was just bored and tired of playing on the Xbox.
Y/n: Where’s Kékéli ?
Elom: She’s right here *hands the phone to her*
Kékéli: Y/nnn.
Y/n: My favorite Kuwonu sibling.
Elom: You deadass gonna say that and I’m right here?
Zion: I felt that Elom.
Elom: Zion nobody was talking to yo ass.
Zion: Man, shut up.
Kékéli: Y’all are annoying, anyways... Y/n how things going with Austin?
Zion: Y/n, this is what we’re doing now?*He walks away*
Kékéli: Oh damn, I didn’t know you didn’t tell them yet. Sorry babes.
Y/n: It’s okay kéli , it was an accident.
Elom: Deal with that. Call us later, love you.
Y/n: Love you too !
She hangs up the phone to see all the boys expect for Austin wide eyed.
“Wow, I kinda saw that coming,” Edwin said.
“Ed, don’t get into the sibling fight. It’s won’t end well for you,” Brandon said. Edwin nodded understanding what he meant.
“Please don’t start. I’m gonna find Zion,” Y/n said walking off to find her upset brother.
Zion’s Pov
I can’t believe she didn’t tell me. I don’t have a problem with it as long as he actually cares for her and not just her body. I could hear the door being opened. Her small foot steps toward me were quiet.
“Z, I’m so sorry,” she said. I looked at her deciding on what to say and how to address this the right way.
“How long have you been together?” I questioned her. She looked away from my eyes.
“4 months now,” she nodded. I really can believe I didn’t see it all along.
“You know I don’t care, right? I just want you to be happy and if being with Austin makes you then go for it” I said. She jumps and attacks me with a hug crying.
“I’m so sorry for not telling you sooner” she mumbled. I wrap my arms around her neck hugging her back.
“Why didn’t you tell me tho?” I questioned.
“I was afraid you’d make us break up,” she said truthfully and pulled away from our hug.
“I could never do that to you. I love you too much to get in the way of your happiness,” I said. She smiled.
“Thank you Z , I love your headass self too !” She laughed. We walked back inside to everyone just really quiet.
End of Pov
“Was y’all listening to our conversation?” Y/n questioned.
“Maybe we were, maybe not,” Nick said. Y/n rolled her eyes already knowing they nosy asses were listening.
“I don’t care that you’re dating my sister. All I ask is that you take care of her and make sure she’s happy,” Zion said while walking over to Austin and hugging him. They pulled away from the hug after about a good ten seconds. Y/n clapped and walked up to Austin.
“Finally I can do this,” she said while grabbing him and kissing him softly.
“And this is where I leave” Zion said. She pulled away from the kiss and they all laughed. Austin was happy at the fact he could finally have her wrapped up in his arms while worrying about being caught.
A/n: Once again I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you have any requests send them my way!
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beanzybrandon · 5 years
A/N: this very quickly became nothing more than a glorified food fight. enjoy, i guess pfft
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• there's just something about being with your best friend(s) that can turn the quietest, most shy individuals into the most extroverted people to walk the earth • ‎video chatting with friends has a similar effect, especially when you haven't seen the other party for an extended amount of time • ‎what happens when you combine these two events is nothing short of absolute c h a o s • ‎in this case, the convening pals are you and the prettymuch boys. you had been out of town for a few weeks and wanted to meet up with them when you returned home. they were quick to agree and arranged for you to come over the day following your return (that way you'd have a little bit of time to yourself to relax and unpack your bags) • ‎the friends that the boys are video chatting with?? why it's none other than the beanz • ‎well, I suppose instagram lives don't really count as video chatting but you know what I meAn. it's still a viable form of communication and the absolutely adore interacting with the fandom. life's just been kind of hectic lately and they haven't had the chance to do much of anything with the beanz • ‎now that things have slowed down a bit and one of their closest friends is finally back home, why not do a live?? they all agreed it would be fun and you truly felt as if it would be a nice change of pace, too; interacting with people you love and who love you after weeks upon weeks of nothing but hecticness and disarray sounded like the perfect way to unwind • ‎ after a brief discussion, it was decided that you were to come over later in the morning (not everyone woke up at the same time and having you come over a bit later in the day ensured everyone was awake while also being well-rested) and would help them make brunch • ‎it would give you plenty of time to talk and catch up • ‎,,,, plus, they needed extra help cooking. edwin and brandon had unofficially been placed in charge of handling meals when everyone decided to sit down and eat together and sometimes it got just the teensiest bit tiring • ‎the moment you walked in the front door, though, you could see that things weren't going to be quite as laid back as you had assumed • ‎things were already lively and loud, all of the boys (except for caleb, who had answered the door when you rung the bell) having congregated in the kitchen. • ‎austin and edwin we're talking animatedly amongst each other, trying to set up the live. they were experiencing a series of technical difficulties (that really boiled down to some simple changes in the settings of the former male's phone. brandon and nick had begun to poke through the fridge, mulling over what they wanted to eat for breakfast • ‎it very quickly grew from a peaceful conversation to a loud (albeit friendly) argument over what kinds of breakfast foods were better • ‎you figured it would be best to help settle things between brandon and nick before things escalated further and became a full-blown food fight before you could even start cooking so you scurried over to them first, kicking off your sandals and dropping your bag by the door • ‎when they couldn't come to a decision after another solid minute and a half of conversation, you chose for them • ‎you had been dying for one french toast waffles. pair it with some bacon, fresh fruit, and hash rows and bAm, a whole meal • ‎pleased with your judgment, their bickering quelled • ‎at least for the time being • ‎it wasn't long before austin and edwin began the live and the six of you settled into everything • ‎you, Edwin, and brandon had moved behind the counter to start cooking, caleb was currently tending to music, and austin and nick were reading and responding to the growing stream of comments that trickled in • ‎it was pleasant enough at first. all of you were talking merrily amongst each other and answering whatever questions and comments happened to catch your eye • ‎and then caleb changed the song • ‎the action in and of itself isn't one that would bring about any unpleasant consequences • ‎it was the song itself that was the issue • ‎everyone has a hype song. this one just so happened to be a m u t u a l hype song • ‎meaning the moment everyone recognized what was playing, all hell broke loose • ‎caleb was the first to succumb to the excitement of the song. he had been pretty quiet this far, but the vibrations of the bass sank their talons into his being. he began to mouth the words, then sing along, then scream along as he gradually shifted out of his seat and began to dance • ‎nick followed suit shortly thereafter • ‎hip roll nation™ • catch half the boys jumping around and yelling 'Aye AYe aYe aYE ayE!" at the top of their lungs • it's like a frat party without the booze and loud freshmen • ‎brandon swayed along to the beat, eyes fluttering shut as he raised the whisk in his hand up to his mouth so that he could use it as a makeshift microphone • ‎which is fun, sure, but probably not the brightest thing to do when said whisk was just in a bowl of waffle batter • ‎needless to say, the front of his shirt was now caked in the liquid • ‎did he notice, though?? of course not • ‎because now he's got a whole performance going on and he's putting everything he's got into it • ‎which means he's really bustin down now. he's singing at the top of his lungs, he's hitting those runs, he's whipping around and throwing it back • ‎this also means that he has flung copious amounts of batter all over?? everyone?? • ‎this goes unnoticed by most but lordy lordy, he managed to get some in caleb's hair and that is a federal offense • ‎you k n o w the moment he feels a glob of sticky flour land in his hair he's gonna throw whatever he gets his hands-on • ‎given that there's an open container of eggs laying nearby and they fit so perfectly in the palm of his hand, it only makes sense that one is going to be airborne • he's huffin' and puffin', eyes firey as he lets out an exasperated "I know you didn't just-" and yeets the egg • ‎nothing ever works out the way they're intended, though, so it doesn't hit his initial target • ‎no, no, of course, it didn't • ‎you know who it d i d hit, though? • ‎y o u • ‎and you know what you're wearing?? • ‎a brand new shirt that is hands down the most comfortable article of clothing you own • ‎and now its sticky and wet and smells absolutely horrid • ‎and you know what you feel now?? • ‎nothing but pure, unadulterated rage. the fire of one thousand suns is blazing through your veins and you want nothing more than r e v e n g e • ‎aight, it isn't that intense but you reacted before you had the opportunity to process what had happened and develop a proper plan of action • ‎so, yeah, you started throwing food back • ‎you didn't settle for an egg or a spoonful of waffle batter • ‎you peeled open the lid of the whipped cream container that rested on the counter and sunk your hand in, scooping out as much of the sticky substance as you possibly could • ‎and, unlike some people, y o u d i d n t m i s s • ‎meaning that caleb is getting a face full of that sugary goodness • ‎by this point, no one is really paying attention to the comments on the live anymore (which were going insane, by the way. if everyone who viewed the live got a dollar every time someone said "hit edwin with the banana," they'd be rich) • ‎it wasn't long before all six of you were engaged in a battle of sustenance • ‎in layman's terms, a food fight • ‎it was?? horrible?? • ‎for a solid ten minutes, there was nothing in the air but choked cries and mushy food • ‎austin had managed to crawl onto the bar and was raining food down on everyone (quite the feat, actually, given how tall he is. if the ceiling were much lower, you were sure his head would have scraped the top of it). brandon and edwin had abandoned their positions beside you in favor of hiding behind the cabinets • ‎when their wooden shields didn't offer up enough protection, they sought out the lids of pots and pans for extra assistance • ‎caleb had armed himself in the hopes of deterring anyone from coming at him with more food • ‎his weapon of choice?? the kitchen towel, which he had wound tightly and was flicking at people whenever they got too close or looked like they were taking aim at him • ‎nick had taken up residence under the sink, hoping to wait out the fight • ‎which took an exceptional amount of time • ‎it wasn't until you had gone through about half of the food in the refrigerator that most of you came to your senses and called a truce • ‎it took a bit longer for the others to follow suit (cough cough, caleb and brandon cough cough) but they sooner calmed down as well • ‎the six of you could do nothing more than part for a while, faces flushed and hearts thumping erratically • when you cast your gaze across the room to the five men that were still strewn about like forgotten socks, you couldn't do much more than laugh • it reverberated off the walls, making everyone's bones rattle as warm grins split across their faces • it wasn't long before they, too, began to laugh • everyone but nick, that is • when the loud cries that tore themselves from everyone's throats had subsided into joyous laughter and lighthearted banter, he quietly crawled out from under the sink and stood, brushing as much food off of his clothing as possible • "hey, guys?" he'd chime, brows furrowing and lips drawing themselves into a thin line • "what are we gonna do about breakfast?" • all of you shared a look before moving toward the front door • you could shower and change later, you decided. none of you had been given the chance to eat and food was a lot more important than a few stains • no one noticed that austin's phone had been left on the counter, nor that the live stream hadn't ended.
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takenbyheartstrings · 5 years
Birds and The Bees | Zion Kuwonu x Reader
Warnings: Light Smut, Fluff, Mentions of Sex (obviously)
This one’s short but sweet XD the smut sucks btw 😂
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“Zion,” you moaned as he rocked back and fourth, “Zion!” You moaned louder as you reached your final peak.
Your door your door opened to reveal a little girl standing there with her teddy bear, your blanket was over you and your husband so she couldn’t see anything.
“Mommy are you okay?” She asked, “I heard screaming and wanted to make sure you were okay.” Zion slyly put his pants back on.
“Mommy’s fine, Bella, Mommy and Daddy were just playing a game with the Birds and the Bees.” You told her in the simplest way you could.
“What were the birds and the bees doing here..?” She confuses.
“Well they were hiding inside of each other.” You tried to explain.
She laughed, “Why are they doing that.”
“So they can have fun!” You smiled.
She giggled, “Okay! But, can I stay with you? It’s scarwy,” she said hugging her teddy bear.
“You know what?” Zion asked her, “Why doesn’t Daddy tuck you into bed and stay with you for a little while, because mommy needs her rest.”
“Okay.” She sighed, “I love you mommy.”
“I love you too, Bella,” You said as Zion got up and she ran to her room and you looked at Zion.
“That’s not how I imagined that would go.” You chuckled.
“Same here.” He kisses your head, “But get some rest sweetheart. I’ll go tuck Bella in.”
You smiled as you fell asleep knowing you married the right man.
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austinp0rt3r · 5 years
Skating • Austin Porter
PLOT: Austin teaches Y/N how to skate.
"Are you even trying?"
Y/N was holding onto Austin for dear life. If any of them let go the girl was going down. Fifteen minutes had passed since she had gotten on the skateboard and she hadn't even moved a little bit.
"I don't wanna die" she replied.
The boys were watching from afar. They knew Austin would ask them for help once he saw them and it was way more entertaining to watch him fail miserably at teaching than doing it themselves. Y/N didn't even want to learn how to skate, but the boy wanted to recreate some romantic scene from a movie where a couple were skating down a road together.
"Maybe you can skate and I can cycle beside you" Y/N offered, already giving up on the skating thing.
Austin shook his head no. "You are not gonna bail on me" he tried to take one step to the left so Y/N could roll with him, but as soon as he inclined to that side, his girlfriend jumped off the board.
"C'mon, babe, you ain't gonna learn if you don't try!" He exclaimed.
Y/N was really having none of it, but her boyfriend's face was way too cute to dissapoint. Courageously, the girl stepped onto the board and pushed with her right leg, she was finally moving.
"Watch out, baby!" Warned Austin, but it was too late.
His girlfriend was free-falling down a hill, a short hill, but a hill nonetheless. All five boys ran after her. She had some scratches here and there but she was mostly fine.
"I'm never skating again."
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