#auggie plays ffxiv
pangolinheart · 1 year
I've always genuinely loved how aggressively shitty the inn rooms in Ishgard are compared to any other inn in the game.
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
candela obscura chapter 1 episode 2: hey entire table what the fuck
still enjoying matt in shirtsleeves
still weird that his wrists are naked
are his sideburns going grey? like under the bulk of his hair
this is a scene that jumped into matt's head fully formed and he has to give all the details
source: been there
that's my son!
vexnvax syndrome strikes again
going 'yum' just as charlotte's art pops up: correct
if there's one thing anjali's going to do it's play a hot lady in period clothing
"I've been smoking since I was eight" "then you can find your own smokes"
"sir, ma'am - " "doctor"
mala: the three genders
is "otherwhere" like ffxiv and "anyroad" or is it like. a place.
if there's one thing laura's gonna do it's try to get a magical item out of the GM
thank you, howard
witcher potion
auggie, whose friend turned into an ice ghost not even a month ago: fuck you, werewolves aren't real
arlo: maybe SOME PEOPLE - not me - are just SHY - I'm not tho - and have TROUBLE with PEOPLE - except me, I'm fine
"let matthew know" snickersnort
"what's my name?"
your name is also matthew
I don't know why "make a sneak" makes me smile but it does
howard just faceplants in the background
the story's too long to tell here but one time a woman brained herself on a hamster cage in petsmart and that's all I could think of with the guard blocking auggie
this voice is very endearing
not weird but WEIRD weird
all this for a loaf of bread?
matt making up names off the top of his head
aha! drugs
oh no
Quite Betrothed
fate dating au
"have you ever seen boiled bacon?" revolting!
"I have moments where new information makes me somewhat uncomfortable" autism mood
"I'm gonna touch it" to "this was a mistake" pipeline
if any of them were gonna succeed this seems like where you would want to succeed
howard is now craving bacon
I also enjoy this voice very much
aha. veterans.
he is An Doctor
bottom table is ND as f u c k
channeling patrick loller from tiktok: "if you thank me for my service you have to give me $5"
pocket bacon!
yeah see, $5
"we're not doing Get Help"
and that's just what the couple did to the room!
oh shit it's the fuzz
"our first victorian shit!" robbie what
joke three people in the world will get: you can only poop in the designated areas
the whole table: howard no robbie: HOWARD YES
nose punch go CRUNCH
howard said acab
what is anjali feeding her dice
robbie do you want to tempt the wrath of the whatever
the secretary's a werewolf
with a very cute accent
"he was a horn player" "I bet he was"
"s e x u a l i n t e r c o u r s e"
"I wanna take his badge" fearne lives
he ran into a doorknob"
"stairs is faster" confused me until I remembered some people can actually walk down stairs instead of having to take them one at a time, one foot then the other, while clinging to the rail for dear life
the way my brain autofilled "stayed open during the pandemic"
"is he a tall lanky boy" tailed by slenderman
grumbles in public transportation
everybody gets to punch a cop!
cable car fun fact: I was reading dashiell hammet for the first time and had to google what a broadway car was bc he said it like 90 times in the first three pages
and I'm STILL not sure I got it right
"how do you know I'm OUP" "the everything about you"
"my name is gertrude! I mean ethel!"
"spend all the drives! you won't need them later!"
"steal the man of the cloth's cloth!"
[witcher voice] for your discretion
"if only you knew how I was making my money"
ty for not popping your shoulders out on stream anjali
(I originally said "popping them out" and decided specificity was necessary)
this music is a+
"first name trio" is a good name for a band
disco elysium crossover
"she's having an idea….and it hurts" mood
"SHE DID IT" my crackpot theory is vindicated
that is certainly a way to put it
eddie? eyes emoji?
ashley very quietly reaching for her pencil
bacon plague!
banana spiders
"make sure you bring your hand with you"
c o n s u m e
"I've been working on this really great YA novel" MATTHEW I have already snorted lemonade through my nose once tonight, you can't say shit like that
I love them
why was my only thought AT THE OPERA TONIGHT
"do I recognize her as a TA?" "she's an ex-student" you get how that's worse, right
you have buried the lede slightly arlo
anjali: "I shouldn't curse" matt: who told you that shit
"that's poor people talk"
we never should have given matt buttons
matt you live in LA you're giving them all trauma
kickin buddies
[pounding table] werewolf weREWOLF
that's. not a werewolf.
that's a bloodborne monster
just the panicked yelling dlkfjls
I too yell wordlessly when forced to make decisions
"until it was trying to merge with your body" hate THAT wording
hey matt what the fuck
"if I'm still aliVE YOU NERDS HELP ME" bakugocore
"its own viscosity" despise it
hey. hey howard. whatcha doin.
[justin mcelroy voice] DON'T DRILL A HOLE IN YOUR HEAD
hey robbie what the F U C K
"a gun! :D"
hey. hey arlo. hey arlo whatcha doin
some fullmetal alchemist shit is what
I hate everything about this
laura has just decided all her characters are coloring books now
"this arm doesn't have function anymore" oh mood
"you just do. what other choice is there?" hey I don't need this right now
hey howard what the fuck
see this is why you don't drill a hole in your head, you get ghosts
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pangolinheart · 1 year
me: I should tie my WoLs backstory to miqo'te lore so it feels like they have a connection to world and the lore...
also me: But that would require me to acknowledge that sun seeker lore exists and I Don't Want To.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Truly iconic that ffxiv made a valentione's event about dressing in the way that makes you feel the most comfortable, even if defies norms, and then made the event reward outfits gender-locked.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Happy Sunday! It's time to run Fist of the Father 40 times!
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pangolinheart · 10 months
Hey there demons/followers, it's me, ya boy. It turns out I am NOT dead! I made it back from FanFest, and unfortunately came down with a nasty case of Covid. But! I'm on the mend and should be back to your regularly unscheduled sporadic reblog sprees.
In other news, I FINALLY GOT ALL MY GIL BACK! MY ACCOUNT HAS BEEN RESTORED! \owo/ You will once again see me running around and menacing Malboro. I might celebrate by trying to do some Eden Savage farming.
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pangolinheart · 11 months
I just lost the housing lottery again after being bidder number 1 for DAYS, Then a person comes and bids and I lose...I'm so tired. I want to keep trying but every loss makes me sad and dislike the game. How do I get over this feeling?
WWWWWW I can provide you with solidarity as Guy Who's Lost 49 Housing Lotteries. I know how you feel. I wish i had better advice for you.
Honestly I managed to maintain my desire to keep bidding out of Spite. I could give up, but I'm determined to at least make a nuisance of myself. I also have felt a little better bidding on houses I REALLY like, even if they have more bids. It's less surprising when I lose, which helps. Another thing I've tried is bidding on okay-ish smalls, because I had enough gil to afford a medium AND a small. So I could at least have a place to gpose while I bid on something I like more. Obviously this didn't work, and since you said you were the only bidder for a long time it probably won't do much for you either.
If it's really bumming you out, though, and ruining your enjoyment of the game, it might be good to take a break. Not give up forever, just take a few weeks off. If you want a house to gpose in or decorate, you can do smaller scale projects in an apartment. If you have friends with houses, they might be willing to let you do stuff there. I've even seen people online looking for people to decorate their houses for them.
I'm sorry that luck hasn't been on your side, though. I can empathize. I hope this helps at least a little. I'm crossing my fingers for your next bid! Maybe my luck will help you out!
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pangolinheart · 11 months
ANY SUGGESTIONS for an ARR-SHB dungeon to do a cool DRK skill gpose shoot in? I want to redo my old one with my new and improved gpose skilly.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Every Nier raid I experience a pivot from "I'm afraid of tanking Nier" to "I'm afraid of letting other people tank Nier."
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pangolinheart · 11 months
DOES ANYONE have a good WoL/OC introduction template/profile?
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Man I hope y'all really want to see some gnb skill screenshots....
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pangolinheart · 1 year
I never managed to find any writing prompts and I'm still stuck in account limbo so it may be time to become a gpose criminal.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Bleh my account has been reinstated but I still have to wait for Square Enix to process my Game Data Recovery request so I can get all of the stuff I lost back... which means there's very little I can do with real purpose in-game because everything I accomplish (levels earned, items obtained, story progress made, etc.) will disappear once my account gets returned to last Saturday's save state.
I guess I'll have to think of more gposing to do!
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pangolinheart · 1 year
My controversial Tank Main opinion is that pulling w2w isn't actually faster if we wipe four times while you try to do it. 🙃
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pangolinheart · 1 year
UGH I think my account was hacked. And of course it's Sunday so there's no way to access support. I'm sure my account will be all messed up by the time I get in touch with support on Monday (sob).
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Put in a housing lottery bid that I will almost certainly lose (because it already has 27 participants), but it was for a nice medium in the Lavender Beds so w/e. I should probably have bid on a small, or a budget medium in the Goblet or something to improve my odds. But this is the 44th lottery I've entered, so the devs and I both know I wasn't going to win anyway :).
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