#auardon uniforms
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Do you think your OCs would be comfortable in uniforms or nah?
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Well that depends on which oc of mine and what kind of uniform. But I'm going on these lovely pictures you sent me as reference.
Haul Bjorgman could. He is a prince after all, he's use to it.
Luke could as love as he could wear a pin or something and as long as he could undo or forgo the tie completely. It would also depend on the colors because some colors just don't go with his hair.
If Hannah couldn't trade the skirt for pants, then hell no. She doesn't do skirts all day every day and would riot if anyone forced her into one.
Peachy, Genesis, Francesca, Rian, and Remi all could, even if they couldn't customize it.
Skia wouldn't do it out of spite. Which is the same for her siblings-- Treycor is about the principle of it and likes his own style too much to follow a uniform that is forced on him. Alex hates being told what to do. Darcy is goth, so a uniform that isn't black or lavender or grey is a strong no from her. Noah likes bright colors so if the uniform isn't bright and colorful he won't.
John would also downright refuse to wear a uniform as would Eduardo, Anna, Moxie, and Luis based on the discomfort it would bring and the principle of the matter as well as the spite-- it'd be one of the few things they'd agree on.
Josh would as long as he could wear a beanie.
Evelyn would because it wouldn't be too different from her usual style though it would annoy her when she'd want to wear more casual clothes and if she couldn't wear pants.
Hope would as long as she could wear Jewelry.
Misty would as long as she could wear her special Atlantian hair piece.
Aaron would refuse if it was ugly because he is a fashionable man and refuses to look anything less than his best.
Craven and Jolene are punk so no.
Ike is a bit like a greaser when he's older so it'd be a no for him to.
Skelebar and Fiona are goth so it's also a no for them.
Parker, Isaac, and James wouldn't because fuck authority and fuck Auardon for abandoning them.
Atlas would once he was older because it'd be easier for him to get away with using his shape-shifting powers.
Levi would because it'd please Hannah and because he doesn't really like sticking out more than he already does because of his abnormal height.
Herlando, Howiee, and Gunner would because they don't like stirring up trouble when they have better things to do. And because they're good boys in the eyes of Auardon.
And Liberty would as long as she could hide her face because her eye makes her self conscious around strangers.
But again, it depends on the uniforms and if they can be customized/varied a bit. Some would definitely die the uniform to fit their colors.
Hope that answers your question and makes sense. Thanks for the ask and for all the lovely fanart you make.
Author's note: by the way, any of you can make fanart or one shots about my ocs including my friend's oc, Skia, as long as credit me or my friend, Luna_lykanwolf, as long as you credit us. She and I would love to see it. Just respect the ships I created and don't ship her with anyome. Treycor is still off limits unless you have his owner, @crimsonstar2096 , 's permission.
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humaudrey · 6 years
If I could write Audrey in Descendants 2, I’d have her…. (Part 1)
No idea where this came from but hey, I started it, why not finish? Lol, let me know if you guys want to see the rest! 😂😊
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Rocking out in her cheerleading uniform, her hair down, with a soft pink leather jacket during “Ways To Be Wicked” (slaying the choreography like the queen she will be).
After the paparazzi were done harassing Ben and Mal, they immediately have her surrounded, bombarding with questions.
“How does it feel to see your ex with Maleficent’s daughter?”
“Do you still have feelings for Ben?”
“Who are you going to Cotillion with?”
“Is the decorating committee ready for Cotillion?”
And she simply shrugs them off, before strutting to class with her shades on and her Prada bag close.
“I’m happy for them! No! I don’t know yet. And of course we are!”
But secretly, she and Jane are freaking out (whoever came up with the idea that high school students should be in charge of decorating a royal event was just as stupid as whoever thought anyone could be a king or queen at the age of 16)!
And she’s secretly hoping Jay would ask her already and stop being a tease. The two had been on-and-off since she officially broke things off with Chad.
She stops by Evie’s to check in on a few last minute details on her dress to Cotillion and notices Mal slumping and pouting because of the news.
Six months ago, Audrey would have grinned like the Chesire Cat to witness Mal so defeated by the constant pressure and comparisons against Audrey herself but the two were now friends and even Mal didn’t deserve this.
“I’m no different than you are, I’ve just gotten used to this kind of pressure my whole life. Ben has too, but it’s different now that he’s actually king. Even if you’re not a pretty pink princess from Auradon, you and Ben will get through this without your magic.”
Her attempt at cheering up Mal only made her feel more out of place but Mal smiles it off anyway.
Jane’s trying her best not to bug Mal about the finishing details for the Lady of the Court to be, but Audrey simply doesn’t care and gets right to the point because tHIS SHIT IS IMPORTANT AND NEEDS TO GET DONE ASAP.
When Mal’s not complying, Audrey states that she owes her for everything she had put the princess through.
Surprisingly, the guilt tripping works (and only makes Mal feel worse about herself, unbeknownst to Audrey).
While Mal’s struggling with decisions and ideas, Audrey casually suggests what she’d do if she were in her shoes and gushes about everything she had planned out when she and Ben first started dating, making Mal a bit jealous.
Fought Jane and Lonnie to the death for Evie’s open fitting at three.
And lost to Lonnie. Still bitter.
But, not bitter enough to cheer Lonnie on as she kicked ass during R.O.A.R against Jay.
Eye rolls for days as she listens to Chad mansplain why Lonnie can’t join.
And rejecting him every hour, on the hour as he continually asks her to give him another chance to go with him to Cotillion.
When she goes to Evie and Mal’s room to for her actual fitting, she realizes neither of the girls are there.
Lizard Maleficent isn’t in her cage either which makes Audrey skin crawl even more so than it did when she had seen Maleficent in person at Coronation.
So the first person she’d run to is the King…
But Ben’s nowhere to be found.
Jay was the next best thing as she manages to catch him, Carlos, Evie, and Ben all whispering in Jay and Carlos’ dorm room. No, she hasn’t been spying, she was watching from afar in her black hoodie and recognizable pink tulle skirt.
She continues not to spy as she watches Evie hurriedly make a new get-up for Ben. A rather dirty, grunge, leathery outfit in Auardon’s colors, making Ben look like…
Were they planning something?
Was Ben still under a spell?
Is Maleficent roaming free with Mal?
Audrey didn’t want any of it to be true and continues to follow the four to the limo outside.
She manages to sneak inside the limo before the others noticed.
After Carlos manages to get Dude to stay put, he starts the limo (HE DROVE IN THE BOOK, GET OFF MY CASE LOL).
Jay, Evie, and Ben all gasp at the sight of the crouching princess in the back once they hop in.
“Get out!” Jay ordered.
“Not until you tell me what’s going on!”
“This doesn’t concern you, Audrey.” Ben said.
“But it does concern Fairy Godmother!” Audrey threatened.
Evie shrugged while Carlos, Jay, and Ben all sighed simultaneously.
Looks like Audrey was along for the ride to the Isle…
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
What we know about Tourney part 1;
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We know that Auardon's school's team are called 'The Fighting Knights' (stupid name).
We know of five other teams; Olympus Tourney Team, Seaside Mermen, Imperial Academy Team, Lost Boys/Neverland Gators, and Sherwood Forest Falcons.
It is Auardon's favorite sport.
Tourney is a cross between lacrosse, hurling, soccer, and football.
Every Tourney team has 1 Dragoneer--the player that mans the Dragon Cannon, 1 Goalie, 2 defenders, and 3 forwards.
The Left Forward and the Right Forward, who are generally made of the best scorers and fastest players and the Center Forward, by far the most offensive player who leads the charge into the opposing team's side, and blocks almost as much as Defenders.
Each Tourney team is made of at least 7 players each.
The goal, according to the wiki, is to get a Tourney ball into the opposing teams net, with whoever has the highest score after the end of the match wins.
The players are free and encouraged to tackle or otherwise strike their opponents.
There is an area known as a 'Kill Zone' where players are shot at with projectiles called Dragon Fire.
The Tourney field is rectangular in shape, with two goals on opposite ends, and a red and white painted section in the very center called the "Kill Zone."
Equipment includes: extremely well-padded with body armor worn under their jesery to help absorb blows and prevent serious injury, a Helmet, a tourney stick, Shorts, Gloves, spiked Cleats, and uniform.
All players minus the Dragoneer have them.
Defenders are unique in that they wield shields in their off-hands, while Dragoneers man the Dragon Cannon.
Known players for the Fighting Knights are Ben (#7) (Captain, Left/Right Forward) Chad (#23) (Left/Right Forward), Carlos (#101) (Left/Right Defender), Jay (#8) (Center Forward), Aziz, Brendan, Miguel (#44), Tyrone (#32), Akio (#42), William (#12), Li (#85), and Emir (#26).
I will make a part 2 if anyone is interested. Mist of this is from the wiki but some of it will come from the book I recently got 'Spirit Book Hightlights & memories'.
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