atmosphaera · 3 months
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pastel aesthetic dip dye candlesticks
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2/12 Book Deals
Hello, everyone! Hope you’re having a nice morning/afternoon. :) There are more books to share with you! Qualityland just came out last month so I’m surprised it’s on sale, but it’s so entertaining--it’s a fantastic satire about technology and big companies/etc. (I reviewed it last month, too!) so I totally recommend it. Prosper’s Demon is also a good one! Also, I have no idea what Star Trek Cats is, but it looked hilarious. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Today’s Deals:
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Qualityland by Marc-Uwe Kling - https://amzn.to/2UGQmq6
The Island of the Sea Women by Lisa See - https://amzn.to/2SFgLlp
Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney - https://amzn.to/31L1NP4
Rome: A Cultural, Visual, and Personal History by Robert Hughes - https://amzn.to/2P3OlRl
Cooked by Michael Pollan - https://amzn.to/31U1Jwn
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan - https://amzn.to/39sT6eL
Star Trek Cats by Jenny Parks -https://amzn.to/2ONGNlq
Prosper’s Demon by K.J. Parker - https://amzn.to/3bwnhDz
Atmosphaera Icognita by Neal Stephenson - https://amzn.to/3bwAg8r
The Black Tides of Heaven by JY Yang - https://amzn.to/2HfuV7p
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison - https://amzn.to/2SGmvLI
The Lover’s Dictionary by David Levithan - https://amzn.to/2vq8U3d
NOTE:  I am categorizing these book deals posts under the tag #bookdeals, so if you don’t want to see them then just block that tag and you should be good. I am an Amazon affiliate in addition to a Book Depository affiliate and will receive a small (but very much needed!)  commission on any purchase made through these links.
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rhetoricandlogic · 3 years
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Review: Atmosphæra Incognita by Neal Stephenson
July 19, 2019
Five second review: A fascinating and optimistic story of a billionaire’s quest to build a tower that reaches 20 kilometers into the sky.
Full review:
An eccentric billionaire decides that his legacy will be to build a 20-kilometer-tall steel tower. As nothing like this has ever been attempted before, the project poses massive engineering and supply problems, not to mention the political challenges of convincing local government and the local community at the proposed site to allow the project to move forward. The novella follows the construction of the tower over decades, offering a vision of how engineers might resolve some of the challenges of designing and constructing such an ambitious project.
While the story is told from the perspective of the billionaire’s friend and employee who is involved in the project from the beginning, offering glimpses of her life over time, it is focused on exploring the ways the engineers resolve the unique design problems posed by extremely high winds, extreme temperature fluctuations, etc. that would come with building a structure that high into the atmosphere. It also offers glimpses of the uses to which such a structure could be put, such as an airport in the sky.
I thought it ended in an odd spot, with the story not quite resolved and the tower still incomplete (although nearing completion). It works as a fascinating thought experiment, more than anything else. Indeed, that seems to have been its purpose. This novella was originally published in Ed Finn and Kathryn Cramer’s Hieroglyph, an anthology of near-future, optimistic sci-fi stories of how technology and science can change the world.
In short, Atmosphaera Incognita offers a tantalizing tale of what human engineering might be able to accomplish, given the resources to do so.
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ian1075 · 3 years
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Class aptent media atmosphaera in praetorium https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLw_JoBoGh/?igshid=poenywgtuw8f
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In magicis loco, magicis atmosphaera... Storia, famiglia, passione e materie prima vanno di pari passo a braccetto con la ricerca e l'amore per il mondo del vino. Il Molener di @nicola_gatta_metodo_classico sempre stupefacente, di purezza quasi aliena direi per il territorio e che sui tortelli lucchesi fa godere. Trippa...trippa...che accomoagnamo da un calice di #pineaudaunis di #jardindetheseiis ...centro perfetto. L'aromatica speziatura del sorso sorretto da un tannino fitto ed elegante creano connubio che sfiora la perfezione. E per finire...la coccola, sulla tavola arriva sua maestà #vecchiosamperi ...come accendere un altra candelaa fine serata, calda ,luminosa all'inverosimile, di quelle però che mai si consumano, di fantascientifica persistenza dove il dattero, rincorre il caffè e regalano una chiusura di cena degna di un re. #toscana #lucca #nicolagattametodoclassico #marcodebartoli #marsala #trippa #winelovers🍷 #wineandfood #winepassione #foodandwine #foodblogger #1870 (presso Ristorante Tambellini dal 1870) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvsLzpC6If/?igshid=127th3ofuro1r
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destinimott · 4 years
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The origin of Ambiance is French. The meaning of the name is feeling, mood.
In its proper meaning, ambient refers to the immediate surroundings of something. It comes from the French ambiant and, further back, from the Latin ambientem, which is from the verb meaning “to go about”.
Ambient energy scavenging, also called energy harvesting or power harvesting, is the process of obtaining usable energy from natural and human-made sources that surround us in the everyday environment.
The tone of a poem is the attitude you feel in it — the writer’s attitude toward the subject or audience.
Atmos name meaning in english are beautiful girl.
Atmosphere has a very simple etymology: it comes from New Latin atmosphaera, a compound noun composed of Greek atmós “vapor, steam, odor” and sphaîra “ball, globe, terrestrial or planetary sphere, eyeball, boxing gloves.” Neither Greek noun has a reliable etymology.
In rabbinic parlance, water stands for Torah. The association is basic and self-evident: both are life-giving elements. As water sustains organic life, so Torah nourishes Jewish life.
432 Hz
Everyone seems to be talking about the magic number 432 Hz. This tone is rumored to be a natural frequency of the universe. The 432 Hz tone is also said to have cosmic healing powers, which attracts a massive audience to the sound of its music. 
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theolympusrp · 4 years
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OOC: +18
IC: Nome terreno: Kwang Minkyu. Nome mitológico: Drimýs. Faceclaim: Yongjin - @dei8ht Nascimento: 14 de agosto de 1996 Naturalidade: Busan, Coreia do Sul.
Ser: Semi-deus, filho de Ares. Nível: 02 Dormitório: Pegasus - 08
Twitter: @minkyu_olp Ocupação: Tatuador e estudante de Artes Plásticas.
Qualidades: Leal, prestativo e descontraído. Defeitos: Explosivo, impaciente e rude.
 Nascido de uma mãe coreana bem sucedida e independente, Minkyu foi mimado o bastante para que se tornasse aquelas crianças chatas de cabelo certinho e que só pensavam em estudar e seguir um futuro profissional que lhe rendesse muito dinheiro e fosse formalmente aceito, era inclusive muito julgado pela imagem polida de passava desde mais novo. Cresceu sendo pressionado pela mãe para que se tornasse um doutor e que conseguisse seguir com os negócios da família, mas foi bem no início da adolescência em que a personalidade impulsiva e agressiva do rapaz começou a se fazer presente. Até mesmo começou a fazer aulas de tae-kwon-do e esgrima para ver se extravasava a raiva que sentia em sacos de pancadas e em alvos de espuma ao invés dos seus colegas de escola que, vez ou outra, apareciam com alguns hematomas após discutirem com ele.
 Quando finalizou o ensino médio e começou a ter opções para seguir seu próprio caminho e decidir o que queria fazer da vida as tatuagens surgiram em seu corpo como mágica. Chegava a fazer três em um mês e em locais diferentes do corpo de tão fissurado que ficou com a forma em que os desenhos de tinta preta ficavam perfeitos no corpo, pareciam dar personalidade para tudo o que sentia e pensava, para todos os seus gostos. Sua mãe, conservadora como era, só conseguia praguejar e dizer que tudo aquilo vinha de seu pai, que se arrependia de ter se envolvido com um garanhão como aqueles que nem sinal de vida dava. Minkyu apenas balançava os ombros quando a mulher começava com seus chiliques, não se importava com qual era sua descendência ou com quem era o tal homem que poderia chamar de progenitor, só agradecia pelos genes dado por ele.
 Ao atingir os 21 anos resolveu mostrar que não era só um delinquente que gostava de lutas e de se envolver em algumas brigas aleatórias quando saía com seus amigos durante a noite. Passou em uma posição louvável para a faculdade de Artes Plásticas e aquilo orgulhou a senhora Kwang que até então pensava que seu filho era um sem futuro qualquer mesmo com todo o ensino e educação que lhe foi dado durante a criação. Sua vida parecia ter entrado nos eixos à partir dali e seria quase um conto de fadas se a paz tivesse durado por muito tempo já que parecia sempre atrair o caos para seu dia a dia mesmo sem fazer nada. Uma noite, recebeu a visita de um homem que dizia ser o seu pai, com uma história maluca de ser um dos deuses do Olimpo e de que Minkyu era um semi-deus – talvez aquilo explicasse toda a força e proeza que tinha com as lutas, mas ainda assim parecia um tanto fora de sua realidade. Precisou da confirmação de sua mãe para aquela história descer por sua garganta e dali, quando foi convocado para participar do instituto do Olimpo, sua curiosidade por saber que existiam muitos outros por aí igual a ele falou mais alto e praticamente não hesitou, mudando toda a sua vida de cabeça para baixo mais uma vez.
1. Obsistens: Os filhos de Ares são conhecidos por sua grande resistência e tolerância à dor, tanto pelo porte físico quanto pelos genes recebidos. Assim, o coreano consegue aguentar diversos cortes até certa profundidade e sua força física é maior do que a dos outros semideuses.
2. Arma Profectus: Além das aulas de luta e esgrima que fazia na infância o rapaz tinha uma grande maestria quando se tratava de manipular armas, não importa qual fosse. Sua afinidade maior era com espadas duplas e foices, mas também conseguia usar os outros tipos sem problema algum. Quanto mais treinar com foco em determinada arma, maior vai ser a sua facilidade de usá-la.
3. Estuans Atmosphaera: Um poder diretamente herdado de Ares. Seus olhos se tornam vermelhos com faíscas de chama assim como a aura que envolve o corpo. Quando encara os inimigos consegue os deixar paralisados de medo, desesperados e até mesmo podem desmaiar por causa da pressão que causa na atmosfera.
4. Atmosphaera Aurea: Convoca uma aura dourada ao redor de seu corpo, se tornando invulnerável por 6 segundos e sendo capaz de curar feridas mais externas e arranhões superficiais. Se estiver sentado ou escondido, também consegue recuperar sua energia, mas essa habilidade possui um tempo de espera de 18 horas para poder ser utilizada novamente.
5. Replica: Consegue replicar com perfeição todo e qualquer movimento de batalha que já tenha visto em sua vida, mesmo sem saber quem foi o autor. É capaz de criar ataques contínuos com base em movimentos que são parecidos.
6. Advanced Belli: Diferente de Ares, suas estratégias em batalha são impecáveis e quase não possui índices de erros devido ao estudo aguçado que fazia baseado nos ataques dos inimigos. Conseguia ler as habilidades de uma pessoa só de olhar para ela e assim criar diversas possibilidades de ataques e contra-ataques, tendendo a seguir pela escolha certa em quase 90% das vezes.
7. Fulgur Virtutem: Um poder herdado de Zeus, seu até então declarado avô. Era capaz de carregar suas armas com raios e as tornar ainda mais afiadas e mortais. Quando estava em situação de fúria até mesmo era capaz de eletrocutar as pessoas ao toque, mas com o limite de apenas cinco toques num intervalo de 24 horas.
8. Ignis Equus: Se torna capaz de invocar a famosa carroça de seu pai, com quatro cavalos escuros como a noite, com as crinas trançadas em um vermelho vivo e com olhos e narinas que pegavam fogo. A carroça é capaz ir para qualquer lugar que desejar e tem a capacidade para seis pessoas além de si.
9. Clamor: Invoca gritos de guerra aterrorizantes tanto para os inimigos quanto para os aliados, o que aumenta seu dano de ataque, agilidade e resistência baseado em quantas pessoas se assustaram com os urros desesperados e agonizantes.
10. Pyrokinesis: Consegue controlar o fogo a seu bel prazer, infundindo-o em armas e escudos ou até mesmo se envolvendo nele como um manto para curar todas as suas feridas e recarregar sua energia. Possui um período de 8 horas até poder utilizar o manto novamente. Para o fogo em instrumentos de batalha, a duração é de 2 horas.
11. Clypeus: Ao gritar e girar sua arma – seja infundida em fogo ou raios, ou até mesmo sem nenhuma infusão – cria um campo ao redor de si e de seus aliados que funciona como um escudo extremamente efetivo contra ataques à distância e que bloqueia quase todos os ataques corpo a corpo. O escudo tem a duração de 15 minutos e precisa de um intervalo de 5 horas para conseguir usá-lo novamente.
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luigiviazzo · 4 years
#HubbleSpaceTelescope e l’#occhio dell’#uomo è uscito dall’#atmosfera #terrestre per scrutare nelle #profondità del #cosmo alla #ricerca anche di altri #mondi.
#Hubble #Space #Telescope, #dedicated to the #American #astronomer #EdwinHubble, was launched into #space by #NASA (#US #Space #Agency), in 1990, on an orbit of 600 kilometers from the #Earth 's #surface, has shown truly breathtaking #images over the years.  
Cum Hubble Spatiali Telescopio #oculum #hominis venit et firmiter per #Telluris #atmosphaera, quae est magni momenti speculum ad progressionem vitae (protegit nos a nocivis radia quod radiationes) et quae praevenit voluntatem, ut pari in profundis ex #universum et alios #mundos.  
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alteregovzw · 7 years
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Alter Ego vzw proudly presents 'Anima Eterna'. An exclusive evening of drone, dark ambient and doom metal with Dark Buddha Rising, Sum Of R and Treha Sektori on 11/November at Sint-Jozefskerk, Menen. Aline Gorsen and Maëlle Cadoret (Imus Nocte/Litanies of Skin) will present their extra ordinary jewelry line. This evening was made possible with the support of Consouling Sounds. Photo on the poster for this event is made by Christopher de Béthune. We are thankful for his support. You can visit his websitewww.christopherdebethune.com Lay out of the poster was made by Sander Jacobs. You can visit his pagewww.sanderjacobs.be Dresscode: silence Information about the special price formulas for the event: Presale: 11€ Presale special*: 15€ This includes a promo package of Consouling Sounds which contains: - Dirk Serries Unseen Descending and lamentations (CD) – Deuil Shock/ Deny (LP) ADD: 15 € TICKET RESERVATIONS: [email protected] ******************************************************************** DARK BUDDHA RISING Inversum is the opening of the Third Cycle of Dark Buddha Rising. It acts as an initiation for the new members V.Vatanen (guitar, vocals) and J. Saarivuori (keyboards), also it is the first release through Neurot Recordings. Most of all, Inversum is the first album that is recorded, produced and mixed by themselves in the depths of the Wastement, the asylum of eternal feedback. darkbuddharising.com darkbuddharising.bandcamp.com facebook.com/dbrising SUM OF R Switzerland's Sum Of R exists since 2008 and was created by Reto Mäder (URAL UMBO, RM74) to construct/deconstruct sound in ways that infest and cloud the interior of the mind. Sum Of R creates slow moving instrumental music with a sensibility for hypnotic and complex song structures. Their intense and pulsating sound is influenced by drone, postrock, dark ambient, noiserock, psychedelic and cinematic post-rock. Sum Of R’s ritualistic take on expanding sound layers is deepened by the rawness of an unconventional metal atmosphere plunged into darkness, light and its reflection. Their live performances as a duo are characterized by a cyclical process involving bass guitars, drums, effects, samples and drones to create a unique and dense whole which is more than the sum of its parts. Sum Of R has played concerts with Oranssi Pazuzu (FIN), Amenra (BE), Pelican (USA), Wolves In The Throne Room (USA), Oathbreaker (BE), Deafheaven (USA), Esben and the Witch (GB), Wolvserpent (USA), Asva (USA), Corrupted (JP), Siberian (SWE), Dead Neanderthals (NL), Killl (NOR), Hemelbestormer (BE) a.o. The band toured in Europe in June 2016 together with Aluk Todolo (France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Czech republic, Poland, Hungary). Sum Of R also played festival gigs at "Funkenflug" (2016, Abtenau, AUS), "Atmosphaera" (2015, Ghent, BE), "Radau gegen HIV" (2014, Lünen, GER), "Swiss Psych Fest" (2014, Yverdon-les-Bains, SUI), "Utech Records Music Festival II" (2013, Milwaukee, USA), "Saint Ghetto" (2012, Bern, SUI), "Experimental Evening V" (2012, Bochum, GER) and "LUFF" (2008, Lausanne, SUI). Sum of R's self-titled debut album was released in 2008 on Milwaukee-based independent label Utech Records (Home of Locrian, Aluk Todolo, Horseback, Nadja, James Plotkin, Mamiffer, House of Low Culture). Following 2012 EP "Ride out the Waves" on Italian label Storm As He Walks and contributions on two compilations alongside bands like Sonic Youth, Sunn O))), Carla Bozulich, Master Musicians Of Bukakke, Menace Ruine, Aluk Todolo; Sum of R's second full-length "Lights on Water" has been released in December 2013 on Utech Records and self-released in February 2014. The new and third full lenght Sum Of R album "Orga" will be out in mid-September on Cyclic Law and Czar of Revelations. Orga is a voyage, promising to claim the spirit of it’s passenger wholly, embracing mind and senses, swathing them with strange, vivid mystery nebula, soothing at times, disturbing at times, confusing at times... What it offers is more than music; it offers access to a self-contained dimension, which, once entered, binds the arrival from beginning to the very end. It seeks to translate the cosmic energy to waves of sound – where spirit, body and instrument become one, uniting, floating as formless waves in the seas of equilibrium, hauntingly beautiful and pure. www.sumofr.ch facebook.com/sumofr sumofr.bandcamp.com sumofr.bigcartel.com/ www.utechrecords.com/Sum-of-R-Lights-on-Water TREHA SEKTORI (FR) Born in 2005, Treha Sektori is crafting, under an instinctive language, his own rituals. Influenced by ambient, ritual music, whatever the shape, since the expression is giving a sensation of falling. Solo project of Dehn Sora ( visual maker, member of Church of Ra, Sembler Deah, Ovtrenoir & Throane). After a debut release on Kaosthetik, TS joins Cyclic Law for the release of second full lenght "Endessiah" in 2012. The same year, taste grown for live appearance, trying to deliver a complete performance, made of visual connected to the music. Leaded Treha to tour Europe, Russia, alongside Amenra, opening for Neurosis, Tim Hecker, Author and Punisher,... A second live aspect of the project, based on vocals ceremonies took shape during special events (exhibitions, living room sessions,...) In the spirit of building another story, an artbook including a collaboration score with Muhd and Garm from Ulver, is released, to explore new formats. Always wanted to open the persepctives, teaming up for collaborations (Full lenght album with Barst, apparition on Oathbreaker's "Rheia", splits, documentaries scores..) Never found his place, comfortable in between different genres, always looking for new feelings. trehasektori.com facebook.com/TrehaSektori trehasektori.bandcamp.com facebook.com/dehnsora ALINE GORSEN Aline Gorsen is an alumnus of Kask Antwerp, and is specialized in the art of mourning and the art of remembrance. www.alinegorsen.be/ IMUS NOCTE/LITANIES OF SKIN Maëlle Cadoret creates macabre jewels in her home brand 'Litanies of Skin' whose dominant motif is the expressive skull. Its unique vegetable resin creations are based on a stainless steel, bronze and silver structure and are embellished with black tourmaline inlays. Each piece is polished with natural wax but retains the raw appearance of the sculpted mass. The scars are given besides their volcanic appearance, their own expressions and personality. Each ring is a character who accompanies his wearer with his scowl. facebook.com/litaniesofskin facebook.com/imusnoctejewelry litaniesofskin.com/ imusnocte.com/
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lelaboscope-blog · 7 years
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La planche d’inspiration 
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atmosphaera · 5 months
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green and pink = love
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egitimportali · 4 years
Atmosfer ve Hava Olayları
Atmosfer ve Hava Olayları
1- Atmosfer ve Özellikleri
Atmosfer, Latince atmos ve sphaira kelimelerinin birleşmesiyle oluşmuştur. 17. yüzyıldan itibaren Avrupa’da atmosphaera olarak hava küre anlamında kullanılmıştır. Dilimize atmosfer olarak geçmiştir.
Yer çekiminin etkisiyle Dünya’yı çepeçevre kuşatan gaz tabakasına atmosfer veya hava küre denir. Canlıların yaşayabilmesi için ihtiyaç duyulan gazlardan oluşan…
View On WordPress
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disasterready-blog · 5 years
Space Weather - What Are The Impacts?
http://www.beready4disasters.com/?p=1005483 Date: 2017-11-14 19:40:09On March 13, 1989, a powerful storm triggered a major power blackout in Canada left 6 million people out electricity for 9 hours. That storm came From space. The sun is the main source of space . Eruptions of plasma and Magnetics field structures From the sun’s Atmosphaera and sudden bursts of radiation can cause space Effect at or near Earth. We can see space in the form of the Aurora Borealis. The aurora is caused by electrons From the sun colliding the Earth’s upper Atmosphaera. Space can Interrupting communications. Radionovela and satellite communications, aviation, and Emergecy response systems can all be affected by extreme space Occasionally. The power grid can also be affected by space . Extreme Occasionally can cause blackouts. These Occasionally are rare but Theirs do happen. Space can also impact the Global Positioning Sub-system (GPS). During Period of space , position information can become inaccurate. This video includes footage From the Following sources: Author: Karl Heynen Author webpage: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Deep-Ocean-Media/504293302934977 Licence: LICENSE 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/) Downloaded at Mazwai.com Author: leonard soosay Author webpage: https://vimeo.com/user1548526 Licence: LICENSE 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/) Downloaded at Mazwai.com
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atmosphaera · 2 months
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refillable candle holders by atmosphaera
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atmosphaera · 3 months
colorful home decor by atmosphaera
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atmosphaera · 3 months
colorful home decor by atmosphaera
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