#atencion personal
aldocerandaz · 4 months
Momentos en la vida dedicados a la realidad
Momentos en la #vida dedicados a la #realidad Las #motivaciones son el combustible que impulsa nuestro viaje por la vida. Son el faro que nos guía hacia nuestros sueños y #aspiraciones. Sin ellas, navegariamos a la deriva, sin rumbo ni dirección.
Reflexión sobre las motivaciones en la vida: regalos de la realidad Las motivaciones son el combustible que impulsa nuestro viaje por la vida. Son el faro que nos guía hacia nuestros sueños y aspiraciones. Sin ellas, navegaríamos a la deriva, sin rumbo ni dirección. En la vorágine del día a día, es fácil perder de vista nuestras motivaciones. Las obligaciones, las responsabilidades y las…
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coneink · 8 months
Y antes que me olvide una ultima cosa
Si tanto le gusta burlarse de alguien que da su honesta opinion hagalo publicando mi primer ask
O es que tiene miedo a que lean todas las verdades que escribí
Se pico?
No publico tus estupideces por que no quiero acaparar mi contenido con un maldito obsesionado como tu, Tumblr es mi cuenta personal.
Quieres hacerme sentir mal? mi madre puede darte clases, ella si tiene un nivel tu tienes un nivel muy bajo como para mostrar esto a personas y luego reirse, por que solo eres un chiste y una burla que necesita pito para cerrar la boca, pero como te encanta mi atencion seguiras escribiendome
Y como eres COBARDE seguiras escribiendo aqui como un anonimo miedoso por no ser descubierto, por que se te cierra todoelano el no escribirme al privado
se te cierra
se te cierra, se te hace asi ".", tiene miedo tiene miedo, no le sabe no l e sabe, jJjasdjadsj
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isabel-ov-o · 3 months
Nickys que hago en mi tiempo libre :3
Nickys what I do in my free time :3
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Bueno, hablando en serio sobre el tema de este AU queria hacer un comic, luego una historia de wattpad, pero la verdad me a costado elegir, a si que planeo hacer una cuenta segundaria y haré reeblogs, adelantos y publicaciones ahí, ya que planeo hacer una novela visual :3 pero necesitaria igual su apoyo para poder sacar este proyecto adelante, me ayudarían mucho dando like o comentando! si gustan dar una idea para ello hablenme desde esta cuenta (o en la otra que haré) muchas gracias por su atencion! c:
Well, being serious about the topic of this AU, I wanted to make a comic, then a wattpad story, but the truth is I had a hard time choosing, so I plan to make a secondary account and I will do reblogs, previews and posts there, since I plan make a visual novel :3 but I would still need your support to be able to move this project forward, you would help me a lot by liking or commenting! If you would like to give an idea for this, talk to me from this account (or the other one I will do) thank you very much for your attention! c:
Posdata: la cuenta que sale en las fotos es mi insta personal! Donde público cosas random xd
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3amdistress · 6 months
no me siento querida… deberia irme? no es como q no lo ame, es solo q no me llena. me comento algo y esperaba q lo solucionariamos juntos, pero no me volvio a hablar del tema. soy la unica q lo menciona. entiendo q pueda estar ocupado, pero yo soy un individuo tb. tal vez tengo mas tiempo libre q el, pero con mucha mas razon es q necesito q hablemos… pero el sigue sin decirme nada… y yo ya no se q hacer… quiero darle espacio para aclarar su mente, pero mientras tanto no puedo hacer mas q llorar al pensar q hay una minima posibilidad de q me deje. me va a dejar? entonces pq no lo hace ya… me dan ganas de dejarlo… a el lo amo mucho mas de lo q me ama el a mi aunq yo me amo mas de lo q lo amo a el… eso es lo q el no sabe. me esta perdiendo. asi, dudando, esta queriendome hacer alejarme de el. dios puede q se sienta igual ahora q lo pienso… pero el es el mas grande y poderoso, como lo puedo siquiera comparar conmigo? al caso… angel no me ama. y si lo hace, no me lo demuestra. y si lo hace, no lo veo. el sabe cual es mi lenguaje del amor. se lo he dicho. me dice de recordarselo, pero q le voy a recordar? q hagamos cosas juntos? q me preste atencion? q me hable? lo q quiero es q el tb quiera hacer algo conmigo, quiero q me escuche, igual q quiero escucharlo a el. si no quiere nada de eso, q se supone q haga? no le puedo reclamar nada… entonces debo dejarlo. no quiero cambiarlo. ya dije mis exigencias y creo haber negociado con el y aclarado q es lo q ambos queriamos. requiero de muchos cariño y y afecto. ambos estamos en las mismas y nos sentimos horrible de no poder tocarnos. tal vez hasta se sienta el peor q yo. no… tal vez no, el se siente fatal pq no podemos estar fisicamente juntos. pero en ese caso pq no me deja. dicen q es mejor dejar a la persona q amas si no eres feliz con ella… sera q el me ama mas por no querer dejarme ir aunq se sienta mal? no lo se… es la primera vez q pienso en esa posiblidad. pero no… no es asi. el solo le cuesta dejar ir a las personas. no soy la unica. le cuesta dejar ir a cualquiera. no soy especial. nunca lo fui y nunca lo sere. se me olvidaba q solo yo se como amar y cuidar de mi misma. nadie lo puede hacer en mi lugar. el me hizo pense q si… mintio, verdad? y si no es eso, y si de verdad esta confuso como lo podria estar cualquier ser humano, soy yo la q esta sobrepensando y siendo una engreida… como si fuera la mejor del mundo. como si supiera amar mejor q nadie. pero que le hago? son mis sentimientos. asi me siento. traicionada de nuevo. porque pensaba q me amaba en serio asi como me estoy arriesgando a todo por estar con el. no me importa gastar todo mi dia con tal de poder escucharlo decirme un solo tq… sera q exagero? entonces pq me enojo? si solo le digo q me lo diga el me lo dira. si le insito en q es en serio, seguro me escuchara… a no ser q tenga sus razones, right? joder, q es esto? pq es q complico siempre las cosas? pq hablo tanto? deberia solo cerrar la boca y dejar de tomarlo todo personal. sin llorar y calmada t ves mas elegante… no dejes q esto t afecte. quierete mesh. estas bien sin el. estoy bien. solo me necesito a mi. y si quiere acompañarme en mi aventura y compartir su vida conmigo adelante y si no sera una pena pero me hare bi y seguire haciendo el estupido hasta q me harte de ello o seguire mejorando como mujer y tendre exito en lo q sea q haga. eso es todo… quiero ser feliz.
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coca-lastic · 2 months
F. Odair
angst, not mentions readers, forced prostitution, sugestive, hurt no comfort.
Finnick's trauma needs more atencion.
Why are things so...confusing?
One minute you are a boy who loved to go fishing with his father and the next minute you are a man desired by women you don't know and don't want to know.
In one minute you are just another person among all the points of life on the planet, and the next minute...what are you? what is he?
That man has a mind so corrupted, so damaged and broken that he can no longer even be considered a human, he can no longer be considered Finnick. He is no longer the son of the fisherman from the south beach, now he is a murderer, a desired murderer, a sexualized murderer, used and discarded like an old and useless, but expensive toy.
And now here he is, with his new owner, who had the privilege of finding his remains somewhere in the trash they call home, found him and is now taking him as her own, as her own toy, her own pleasure.
He feels nauseated, wants to vomit, but remembers that he is a toy. Toys don't move unless their owner wants to make a game, a story, a fake story with them. The owner is the one in charge of dictating his next move, his next kiss, his next bite, his next word.
But somewhere in the plastic that creates his body, in his painted smile and his personalized cloth clothes, deep down, he doesn't want to be that.
So why? Why are things so confusing? Why do you feel the opposite of what you want? Why, despite hating it, does he have to make another move and continue giving pleasure to his new owner?
"Finn...you're mine, did you know that?" Oh, he knew it, he knew it very well, he knew it but he didn't want it, he didn't want it, so why the hell does he live it? Why the fuck does he have to keep holding onto his arm, which his previous owner destroyed, to continue his work? Why does he have to replace the leg, which his previous owner detached and injured, to obtain a better position?
Oh, he felt sick, he felt so disgusted, so used, so hurt, that he just couldn't take it anymore.
His arm fell, unable to be put back into his place, his leg stopped moving as he no longer had enough strength to lift it, his chest hurt, his head turned and his mouth closed.
Oh, he was out of battery.
His owners used him for too long, his battery hit the ground and with it his ability to keep up with his master's game.
"Finn? What's wrong?"
You are wrong, he is wrong, panem is wrong, the games are wrong.
If something is wrong, then why does it still exist?
It's so confusing.
And he doesn't know where from, or how, but his mind still had a little energy left, his mind was still working, and it simply forced him to leave the room of his owner.
His mind told him to stop being a toy and start being Finnick Odair.
Yes, his mind knew better, he knew how to direct his legs to the home where his parents were waiting for him. His mind knew how to make his breathing enough to run and flee, his mind knew how to make him become him again.
His mind knew.
Then why did his chest hurt?
Why when we get to district 4 are his parents not there?
Why are there blood stains on the wall?
His mind knew, but he shouldn't hold back and he didn't.
His mind knew, but for once he only thought about run and not about how they would catch him.
Why has his mind betrayed him?
No... that wasn't his mind. And this was not his body.
It was the body they had molded, the body they wounded just to bring it to the standard.
And now the only thing left are the corpses of his parents, the blood on his shoes and the ghost of his owner's hand asking him to play with her again.
Asking for his mind and his body again.
Heey. Well I honestly don't know why I did this, but I'm obsessed with reading this type of stuff on ao3 and there isn't anything here so I wanted to do something like that. or at least try
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sasvictori-blog · 1 year
Some elaborated theory about AvA VI (Spoilers i think)
(Before start:
-I'm not the best person making theories and my first language isn't English so sorry if I don't explain my self clear on something, and btw, i have a lot of things to say about this episode so maybe im going to do more of this theories, maybe.
-to make all more clear i gonna make as true that the gray stick is victim cause, after all ther is a lot of things that prove it.
-I'm using he/them pronouns to victim)
so i was watching the original trilogy of ava and something call my atencion and i need to say to put context in the theory
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oooh this page is really interesting and i have some observations about
1- This page is made by stickmans (probably) for stickmans, my main argument to say this is that the way they talk about stickmans on the page is very close as if they not only sympathize with the situation but that they know it or have a experienced of first hand
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2- It says directly that they are more than just one working on this, so they have to be at least a group or a organization
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3- Stick Slavery is into the programing aspect (this going to be more important soon i swear)
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4- and the thing that motive all this theory this page can have a relation whit victim and i have two arguments my first obsevation of the page being very sympathetic to the situation, with special emphasis on the bad treatment and this
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this is a little to much elaborated but well a black hold head stick? for that point it was only two of them Victim and TCO, plus tha stick in tha foto locks really happy and proud of giving help to other stickman and if is that Victim that make sense that they want to help other sticks (at lest in that time).
and with that i can finally start to explain everything (in a very narrative way)
after surviving their encounter with Alan Victim they arrive in the city of sticks and there they begin to find sticks that are going through the same thing or sticks that know the situation in this way they found StickSlavery, an organization dedicated to helping by using code to create tools that help the sticks to get rid of their creators, something that victim would have liked very much to have in his battle against Alan.
StickSlavery begins its mission with simple pages, and over time the organization grew, evolving into what is currently the rocket organization that gets its funds by selling different types of technological artifacts
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and renewed with two big changes, first they no longer do simple Pages are now recreating what gives power to the creators, the tools of the different programs in which the stickman can be created
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and second, now they are going against the creators and other stickman who, like their original enemy, take advantage of their abilities to torment others. others weaker, basically The dark lord and The chosen one.
But with something behind it, this is completely baseless but something makes me think that over time the victim went from wanting to help others, to having they own revenge against Alan, maybe because seeing so many stickmans affected by the same thing, their grudge against the creators he grew older to the point of turning into hatred, or because of some disappointment he changed his way of thinking (it has more logic in my mind), using the objective of helping other stickman as a facade to have the help they needs for his revenge.
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I mean look at them, he is pure evil >:(
(So that's it, I have many more things to say but if I do it would be much longer and more confusing and I really don't think my explanation was good, there are many points against it, some things are completely unfounded and how is it that I have theories to this theory and without those theories it lost a lot of sense)
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gremlinvapor · 9 days
“Right place right time” Sukuna x Cinderella
Part 8/8
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!!Trigger Warning!!
There is a violent scene at the end of the chapter. I don't think it's that graphic but I'm giving a heads up just in case.
I would like to thank everyone who read this fic. And I wish you all a wonderful day.
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Chapter 8 “Departure”
Cinderella stood there not sure of what to do. Should she live out her days with the Prince, or should she run away with Sukuna? One thing was clear, she didn’t want Anastasia to get away with her plot. The girl barreled down the stairs to the foyer. Her redheaded toad of a sister had just tried on the glass slippers. Anastasia was clearly struggling to take even one step, despite that she was set on lying to the envoys. Seeing that there was little time left, Cinderella shouted out to catch everyone's attention.
-Stop right there thief!-the girl hurried towards the group.
-What are you doing here!?- the redhead shrieked in terror- Are you MAD?
Baffled as to how this petiet girl managed to get through a locked door, Anastasia stumbled backwards and hid behind one of the visitors.
-Take those shoes off of you before you break them!-Cinderella demanded.
-As if! Don’t you see that they're mine?-the sister peaked her head from behind her human shield- Someone! Take away this crazy person!
Cinderella stormed towards her with righteous resolve. Pushing away with ease the confused servant. Once finally within reach of Anastasia, the girl immobilized the thief. She lifted the stepsisters skirt to reveal a pair of swollen forcefully misshapen feet struggling to stay in the translucent heels. 
-NO!- a pitiful cry sounded out through the house.
The envoys gasped in shock. They were shaken by the thought that they nearly invited a con artist to the palace. They quickly took the shoes off of Anastasia and gave them to Cinderella to try on. To no surprise they fit on her perfectly. The servants encouraged Cinderella to go to the palace. However to everyone's surprise the blonde denied the invitation. Instead she gave the slippers back and told them that she wasn’t interested in the prince. Despite their bafflement, the envoys respected the girls' wishes and left for the castle. Once they were out of sight Lady Tremaine and her daughters leaped towards Cinderella. A cascade of questions and accusations were thrown towards her. But she didn’t care for that. She just looked with a telling gaze towards Sukuna. He stayed behind to observe Cinderella leave for good. So one could only imagine the joy he felt when he realized that the love of his life has chosen him. The two lovers ran towards each other entangling themselves in a passionate embrace, and Sukuna presented an engagement ring to her. A beautiful silver ring inlaid with sapphires had soon found its place on the girl's finger. The pair shared a beautiful kiss before moving their atencion to the onlookers. The three women stood still, unsure of how to react. A smile crept up on Cinderella's lips after a moment of thinking. She whispered something into Sukuna’s ear before going towards the stable. 
-Where do you think you’re going?- Lady Tremaine finally asked.
Cinderella ignored her and entered the building with Sukuna. 
-Are you deaf?! Who do you think you are, young lady?- She stormed after them, her daughters staying close behind her. Soon the doors of the stable burst open revealing Cinderella and her lover on horseback. The animal roamed around a little, stretching its old legs, and finally circled the three women.
-Sorry for the trouble, but I’ll be leaving now.-the blonde announced. 
-What?! Are you feverish? W-what are you even doing?!-The stepmother exclaimed.
-Something that I should have done a long time ago. You witches can revel in your own company.
It seemed unbelievable to Lady Tremaine that Cinderella grew a backbone. “What an insolent brat.” She couldn’t possibly allow her servant to just leave, not after the embarrassment she caused her. 
-Do you seriously think that running away with your boyfriend will solve anything? You’ll perish out there, you hear me?!
-Silence!-Sukuna roared. 
A faint whistle rang through the air. Soon a swarm of mice spilled out of the residence, and with a second whistle a flock of pigeons descended from the sky. The rodents booked straight for Lady Tremaine, biting and scratching her all over. She tried to put up a fight but the sheer numbers of the mice overwhelmed her easily. It was but a moment until she perished under the mountain of furry creatures. Her daughters on the other hand had to fight back the might of their avian opponents. Though their lives were spared, their numerous injuries were nothing to scoff at. The birds swiftly gouged out both of the girls’ eyes and pulled out sizable chunks of their hair, among others. 
Cinderella and Sukuna weren't there for the aftermath though. Once satisfied with their work, they took to the road.  After all, a happy ending was waiting for them just beyond the horizon.
From then on they spent their lives together, ruling over the world of curses and sorcerers.
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Carta de un Sociópata/Narcisista a su posible Víctima
"Hola, me presento, soy un, hombre (aunque también podría ser una mujer), mi edad no importa, podría tener cualquier edad. En realidad soy el hombre que crees que te conviene, culto, amable, educado, encantador, divertido, agradable, con o sin una posición en la vida. No vas a poder creer la suerte que tienes de haberme conocido. Soy tu alma gemela.
Ahora te sientes sola, seguramente eres muy vulnerable y aunque no lo quieras reconocer estás deseando amar y ser amada. Yo te voy a seducir. Voy a convertirme en ese hombre que tu quieres que sea. Te colmaré de atenciones, te trataré cómo a una reina. Voy a hacerme imprescindible en tu vida. Seguramente habrán cosas de mi que no te cuadren, pero tu ilusión por sentirte acompañada las borrarán automáticamente de tu mente.
En realidad soy un sociópata, un narcisista. Necesito nutrirme de tus sentimientos para poder sobrevivir. Te necesito, pero solo por un tiempo, hasta que me canse de ti. No es nada personal, llegará un momento en el que ya no me interesarás. Y entonces me convertiré en un ser irreconocible para ti, pero ya estarás tan apegada a mi que serás incapaz de reconocer que nunca te he querido y que solo has sido para mí, como el agua para el sediento, una vez saciada la sed, encontraré miles de fuentes en las que saciarme. ¡Hay tantas personas necesitadas de afecto en este mundo! Para mi no es difícil. Una vez me haya librado de ti, luego de mentirte, engañarte y de hacerte dudar de tu percepción, buscaré otras incautas. Eso no es ningún problema.
Te será muy difícil olvidarme. Porque lo que vivirás junto a mi nunca será real. Ni siquiera tus sentimientos hacia mi son reales. Todo es mentira, y no te gustará reconocerlo, y si logras ver quien soy muchos no creerán que yo pueda ser ese monstruo que describes. Te quedarás llorando, intentando entender qué ha pasado, intentando reconquistarme u olvidarme, qué estupidez si nunca me conquistaste, no lograrás recordar que fui yo el que te eligió, olvidarás tu resistencia inicial.
Acabarás aburriendo a todo el mundo con tu patetismo, con tus lágrimas y tus problemas, pensarán que estás obsesionada por una mala ruptura. No entenderán que yo he socavado y erosionado tu identidad, que te he manipulado hasta hacerte cambiar la química cerebral. Cada vez te sentirás más hundida y más sola.
Y solo podrás salir del agujero en el que te has metido, cuando te des cuenta de que en realidad nunca me has querido. Que aquel del que creíste estar enamorada no existió salvo en tu imaginación.
Cuando descubras eso podrás seguir adelante, hay que ser muy valiente, pero no sé si tú serás este tipo de mujer, y francamente no me importa. Nunca me importó"
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ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞 🖤
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adrianman15 · 4 months
!Atencion Se busca personal¡
¡Hola! Estoy buscando personas que puedan ayudarme con dibujos. Si tienes habilidades y te gustaría colaborar, por favor mándame un mensaje para conversar. No busco profesionales, solo gente dispuesta. ¡Gracias! 💪💪
"Hello! I am looking for people who can help me with drawings. If anyone has skills and would like to collaborate, please send me a message so we can talk. I am not looking for professionals, just willing people. Thank you! 💪💪"
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yo-soy-un-problema · 1 year
Hola. Me presento. Soy un hombre (aunque también podría ser una mujer). Mi edad no importa, podría tener cualquier edad. En realidad soy el hombre que crees que te conviene, culto, amable, educado, encantador, divertido, agradable, con o sin una posición en la vida. No vas a poder creer la suerte que tienes de haberme conocido. Soy tu alma gemela.
Ahora te sientes sola, seguramente eres muy vulnerable y aunque no lo quieras reconocer estás deseando amar y ser amada. Yo te voy a seducir. Voy a convertirme en ese hombre que tu quieres que sea. Te colmaré de atenciones, te trataré cómo a una reina. Voy a hacerme imprescindible en tu vida. Seguramente habrán cosas de mi que no te cuadren, pero tu ilusión
¡Hay tantas personas necesitadas de afecto en este mundo! Para mi no es difícil. Una vez me haya librado de ti, luego de mentirte, engañarte y de hacerte dudar de tu percepción, buscaré otras incautas. Eso no es ningún problema.
Te será muy difícil olvidarme. Porque lo que vivirás junto a mi nunca será real. Ni siquiera tus sentimientos hacia mi son reales. Todo es mentira, y no te gustará reconocerlo. Y si logras ver quien soy, muchos no creerán que yo pueda ser ese monstruo que describes. Te quedarás llorando, intentando entender que ha pasado, intentando reconquistarme u olvidarme, qué estupidez si nunca me conquistaste. No lograrás recordar que fui yo el que te eligió. Olvidarás tu resistencia inicial.
Acabarás aburriendo a todo el mundo con tu patetismo, con tus lágrimas y tus problemas, pensarán que estás obsesionada por una mala ruptura. No entenderán que yo he socavado y erosionado tu identidad, que te he manipulado hasta hacerte cambiar la química cerebral. Cada vez te sentirás más hundida y más sola.
Y sólo podrás salir del agujero en el que te has metido, cuándo te des cuenta de que en realidad nunca me has querido, que aquel del que creíste estar enamorada no existió salvo en tu imaginación.
Cuándo descubras eso podrás seguir adelante. Hay que ser muy valiente, pero no sé si tú serás este tipo de mujer y francamente no me importa. Nunca me importó. por sentirte acompañada las borrarán automáticamente de tu mente.
En realidad soy un psicópata, un narcisista. Necesito nutrirme de tus sentimientos para poder sobrevivir. Te necesito, pero sólo por un tiempo, hasta que me canse de ti. No es nada personal, llegará un momento en el que ya no me interesarás. Y entonces me convertiré en un ser irreconocible para ti, pero ya estarás tan apegada a mi que serás incapaz de reconocer que nunca te he querido y que sólo has sido para mí, como el agua para el sediento, una vez saciada la sed, encontraré miles de fuentes en las que sacarme.
-Carta de un psicopata narcisista a su victima
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bananaxis · 2 months
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Hola que taaaaal, necesitaba unos townies para mi save personal de mi serie Bananas que pueden ver en mi canal de YouTube. Me desafie a hacerlos sin CC (impossible) para poder subirlos y que los descarguen sin problemas, en mi juego probablemente les cambie las gorras horribles de Maxis que usan. Mi idea era hacer unos sims jovenes que sean parte de una escena Underground de una ciudad sudamericana, les gusta la musica y que tienen toda la vida por delante.
ATENCION Los archivos van descomprimidos en la carpeta TRAY que queda en Documentos / EA / Los Sims 4 / Tray NO VAN CON LOS MODS
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genechelili · 6 months
The Desire to Fly Away - Kinnie analysis, Nikolaï Gogol
You have seen how life is, and you decided you do not want to live in such a boring place. You wish to fly away from everything you see, feel, smell, tell and think of. You are aware you can not, and  that is why you see yourself trapped, in a jail which you can not escape. 
You desire to be something else, more than just a materialized body or a feelling. 
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(@//gengenchele on TikTok)
There are lots of things that really delight me about Nikolai kinnies, but the one that calls my atencion the most is the way they see the world and what they wish to become. That desire to be free from everything and being capable of flying away, away from any kind of preoccupation, feeling or sensation. Such a beautiful way to comprehend the things around us, because you know you will never achieve that “true freedom” but you can not help yourself and think about it. No matter how close you get to feel it, you know you will never be truly free, and knowing it proves it. It might be possible to be physically free but never mentally free, and that is what you want. Sensations make you struggle and the fact that you struggle, makes you do it even more.
You do not have a meaning in life, and you do not want one, because you know life is meaningless. Still, you do not want your life to have a meaning, you do not need it, you need something else than a meaning.
You want to be free from any proposal and rule this society has assigned to you, because you can not stand it. And you consider yourself a freak for it, even though being a freak is not a problem for you.
You see everything as boring and will do anything to change it and create your own reality. A reality where everything stops being real and becomes a vague concept, which it is not necessary to be understood, or felt. Your feelings keep you trapped and constantly remind you how weak your mind is, and how far you are from your wishes. You have the urge to destroy everything you feel and you will do anything to achieve that, even betraying yourself. Doing such a thing would not really matter to you, because that is all you want, to lose yourself.
Lose yourself in the sky, or somewhere else, where you do not have to care about anything. Maybe because you are judged or seen as weak. For any reason, it does not really matter. Or at last that is what you want. You wish to become something similar to a bird, that might be why you love and are inspired by them. You want to be one of them.
Birds, free and small animals. They seem as if they do not care about anything, they do not struggle with life and if they feel like it, they open their wings and fly where they want to. You wish you could do the same. You can not stand where you live, where you are right now, you wish really badly to escape, not from a physical place, but from a sensation, from a rule or even from a condition.
You have related to those small but beautiful animals since you were really young and they have made you think about life in such an abstract but relatable way. You see yourself in them, or at least, you wish you did.
The way you express yourself and show who you are to the word may be seen as disrespectful or uncaring for most people. You have expanded your ideas, dreams, wishes and desires in such a way most people do not understand. But you get it, nobody sees things the same way you do, and you do not expect anyone to understand, but at the same time, you wish someone could.
Your journey to find that “someone” who can tell what you are feeling, that can see what you see and know what you want. You wish you did not need that someone, but you do. And if you did find them, what a beautiful love, allow me to say. 
Let me guess, now that you have found that special one, you have decided to stay in this human form for them, live this boring life and stay in your body, just so you can be at this person's side. shorty; you have decided to abandonate your freedom for that someone else. 
And if it is not, then it is the other option. You have pushed this special person away, along with your feelings, which you hate. Still, you can not leave this word and be truly free because you know you are not ready to do it. Maybe you are still waiting for something else, or you just do not feel that capable of being free. Something still needs you here and it is making you stay. 
You have pushed anyone who has said “I love you” to you before, because, somehow, you feel like they do not really mean it. The constant fight between you and your brain makes you think that you are impossible to love. You struggle with anything that is related to feelings, maybe because you cannot tell when you are feeling something or maybe because your feelings are too strong, stronger than you will ever be.
The vision you have about yourself is really abstract and you feel like you perfectly know who you are but at the same time, you can barely recognize who you are. That is also why you want to fly away from even yourself too.
Such a place as your mind may be torturing for you and that is why you barely hear what it has to tell you. Doing things like spending time with your own thoughts are foolish because you know that will end badly. You are scared of confronting your own thoughts and constantly keep yourself  distracted with whatever seems more interesting, which usually tends to be other people. 
Because there is no middle point for you, maybe you are awesome with people, you have a gigantic amount of friends and you understand them pressly, spending time with them may be your favorite distraction.
The other side is competency different. you struggle with people and it is extremely hard for you to understand what others feel. You have learnt how to distract yourself with other activities, such as learning or doing what you are good at.
Learning  is definitely one of your favorite activities, understanding things in general is. You love to question things and you are definitely a fast learner. There is also a possibility that you are a slow learner but that does not mean you are interested in lots of things at the same time. You really have tons of energy when it is about things you like.
When we talk about behavior, you have a hard time describing yourself. The way you behave is constantly changing and you have a hard time knowing why. Most people may identify you as “bipolar” because of your inconsistent behavior. It may be because you hate yourself or maybe because you have no idea how truly you are. There may be lots of reasons though.
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(@//gengenchele on TikTok)
Without any doubt, you are a complicated person, and you are completely aware of it. Such a complex way of seeing the world, not anyone can do it. I truly admire the way your brain works and how beautiful the objective of your abstract dreams. 
Thank you  for your time and attention.
Made by @//gengenchele on TikTok (me lmao)
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aurorablackwei · 1 year
Quisiera decir, que como persona del tan llamado tercer mundo, pobre en momentos de la vida, con una familia que abandona y abusiva, sobreviviente violacion, no blanca, con trastorno de ansiedad desde la infancia y depresión que va y viene, con deficit atencional, ser una persona de mierda es una opcion, el trauma no es un escudo para ser una mierda, y saber que nuestras palabras y acciones pueden causar daño y la gente a nuestro alrededor también tiene derecho a decir basta o alejarse a ratos.
I would like to say that as a person from the so-called third world, poor at times in life, with a family that abandons and abusive, rape survivor, non-white, with anxiety disorder since childhood and depression that comes and goes, with attention deficit disorder , being a shitty person is an option, trauma is not a shield to be shit, and knowing that your words and actions can cause harm and the people around us also have the right to say enough or walk away at times.
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prontaentrega · 1 year
che perdón es re personal la pregunta pero quería saber si tenias algún. Consejo. o algo así para alguien que busca empezar la terapia de hormonas y todo eso. soy de cordoba y ando preguntando en tumblr porque bueno. soy de cordoba (self explanatory)
El ask este me hizo empezar a buscar recursos trans en cordoba y no hay NADA me quiero pegar un corchazo. lo que hice yo fue googlear ley de identidad de genero meterme en las paginas del gobierno y empezar a tocar links hasta llegar a esta pagina, pero solamente cubre CABA. lo mejor que pude encontrar de Cordoba es que en el Rawson (Capital) tienen atencion a gente trans así que te diría que trates de comunicarte y preguntar ahí. Si no andá a un endocrinólogo que más te convenga y fijate si desde ahí podés hacer algo o si te pueden derivar a algún medico especializado. De última buscá alguna casa trans u organización cerca tuyo y acercate a pedir info, o mandá un mail o algo. Buscando cosas me enteré que hay una rama de la ATTTA en villa maría btw grata sorpresa. No uso instagram pero sé que hay varias páginas con info y recursos. Y acá tengo un server de discord que me pasaron como recurso pero al final no entré nunca, fijate de última de preguntar ahí, por ahí tenés a alguien que esté en córdoba y te pueda ayudar más que yo
Mi ultimo consejo posta es que seas todo lo hinchapelotas que puedas porque hasta teniendo la lista de hospitales servidos en bandeja tuve que mandar 38947 mails antes de que me den una respuesta útil y no automatizada, así que si te comunicás a algún lado (más si tenés la certeza de que la cosa es por ahi) y no te responden vos segui insistiendo, o andá en persona o llamá o lo que sea pero no dejes de joder. Y en cualquier cosa que hagas mencioná la ley 26/743 de identidad de género
Perdón si fue re inútil esto pero bueno es lo que pude encontrar en internet y desde caba. si querías consejos mas del tipo “cosas a tener en cuenta cuando empieces las hormonas” no se que tan util te pueda ser porque estoy haciendo todo como venga y que sea lo que dios quiera, pero si tenes alguna duda en especifico o te parece que te pueda ayudar en algo no dudes en preguntar. y suerte con todo
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intomyownmind · 1 year
Un tanto personal...
Nunca había analizado verdaderamente la razón por la cual me encanta ir a casa de mi mamá y su esposo; es un lugar tranquilo, armonioso, te llenan de atenciones y puedo sentir como su amor me envuelve. Sinceramente en ningún lado me siento mejor que cuando estoy ahí, me siento en el hogar que siempre anhelé de niña, por fin haberlo conseguido es gratificante, sin embargo, a la hora de crear mi propio hogar o imaginarme la posibilidad de tener algo así, me asusta, puedo creer que es un tanto aburrido incluso cuando sé que es lo que necesito para que mi alma esté tranquila y feliz, supongo que los sucesos de la infancia me llevaron a crear esta autoprotección para no sufrir una posible separación después. O es solo mi miedo a experimentar algo totalmente desconocido para mí, provenir de una familia disfuncional, de un padre que abandonó y que esa sea la única forma de "amor" que conoces crea este autoconcepto: "no merezco lo lindo"; es difícil lidiar con ello, es algo que trabajo día con día.
No sé si alguien realmente lea lo que escribo, pero si es así, espero que, sin importa quien sea, si es hombre o mujer, reflexione sobre esto; elegir desde la carencia emocional atrae más carencia, por lo menos es lo que he descubierto en los últimos años. Soy consciente de que no se puede estar completamente sano, por esta razón no podemos exigir que alguien más esté completamente sano, pero lo que si podemos hacer es encontrar a una persona que sea consciente de esto y busque mejorar, y de esta forma poder relacionarnos sanamente.
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davidsoto666 · 1 year
Mientras el Padrino este resolviendo PROBLEMAS, todo estará bien, el dia que el Padrino fracase en alguno de los anhelados sueños de sus ahijados,, Este se convierte en su enemigo, y cuando mejor salga, nunca mas volverá a su casa. He visto ahijados separarse de sus padrinos porque según ellos no los visitaban, no los llamaban, o les pasaban un mensaje.. Cuántos ahijados creen tener una niñera, un Guarda espaldas, un Esclavo y hasta un Muñeco el cual tiene que soportarles todas sus malacrianzas. Estoy seguro que conocen a muchos..Inclusive la mayoría piensan que sus problemas, fracasos, situaciones económicas, etc. deben ser resueltos por sus Padrinos, y lo mas importante,, A NINGUN COSTO..
Supongamos que usted cree ser un ahijado cariñoso, complaciente, con una devoción casi celestial, Tierno, e inclusive dispuesto hacer por su Padrino lo mas irracional del Mundo, etc.. Les pregunto,, Cuantas veces a la semana va a casa de su Padrino a Limpiarle la casa, lavarle su ropa, ver si necesita algo de comida, si tal vez tiene algún problema personal y necesita alguien con quien conversar o tomarse una cerveza, invitarlo a pasarse unas vacaciones con usted y su familia, ver si necesita algo de Dinero para recibir un Orisha, pagar la Renta, el Carro, el seguro de salud, etc.. Si cumple con todos estos requisitos, es candidato al Premio Novel de Religion( cuando exista), sino es así, entonces se suma a la lista de ahijados que han olvidado quien lo ha salvado y ayudado a resolver sus problemas, a ser la persona que es hoy, etc .. Y si cree que su Padrino no merece tantas atenciones,, Entonces No servirá tampoco mañana para ser Padrino,, 
Nuestros Padrinos necesitan de nuestra ayuda, de nuestro cariño, atención, etc. porque ya se están poniendo viejos, algún dia dejaran de trabajar o simplemente se quedaran solos, y para aliviar ese mal que inunda a esa persona que un dia le dedico su Tiempo,Amor, Dedicación
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