#at least; not in the beta editor
defiantlywhole · 2 years
no i will not make it easy to figure out what's happening on that blog. make your choice, adventurous stranger.
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glassesandpassion · 1 year
@digitaladventurers​ | Daisuke Motomiya & V-mon continued from here
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- 'Course it's edible! - Miyako huffed, prompting her elbow on the counter - I mean, they've been using the same recipe and selling it for almost three centuries, right? How wouldn't it be edible, Daisuke?
She then turned to Hawkmon, who was sitting on a stool right next to her.
- Tell him, Hawkmon, tell him it's edible.
"We...we haven't really tried it, but..."
Her eyes widened, challenging the poor digimon to finish his sentence.
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"...But! There's nothing like Catalan cuisine! The strong flavors that melt in your mouth, I'm sure the xocolata is no different, Daisuke-san!"
- Exactly! And if you're in doubt, you can always give it to V-mon, the true chocolate connoisseur to try it! - Miyako now glanced at V-mon and suddenly her confidence in his unconditional love for chocolate began to waver - ...r-right?
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curestardust · 1 year
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tumblr really thinks this is improvement. im dying. the new editor is so fcking ugly
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datshitrandom · 2 years
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Darren Criss + Acoustic Guitar 🎸
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takinghisbow · 1 year
p sure i actually have bronchitis ✌️
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@tenacquity continued from here!
Sharp eyes ignored the human as they walked. The call of his karma would alert Xiao to any nearby monsters long before they appeared within eyesight, yet his gaze still searched the elongated shadows cast by towering peaks and jagged slopes. Ever vigilant. Ever prepared to exterminate evil the moment it appeared.
Which meant that Xiao missed the human's bewildered scrutiny of their surroundings, but no matter—his tone spoke to being lost in more ways than one before his question made it obvious. Tch—no wonder he'd been wandering through Jueyun Karst so carelessly. Liyue's citizens knew better than to set foot in the realm of the adepti. Shouldn't they also teach outsiders where it was too dangerous for their own kind to tread? That responsibility should fall to the mortals themselves, not to those who were the danger that was best avoided.
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"The adepti are illuminated beasts who were tasked with protecting Liyue by Rex Lapis eons ago," Xiao concurred. "Most keep their distance from humans and make their abodes here in these peaks. Mortals only dare set foot here out of greed or desperation." A pause, then a pointed look skewered the human sidelong. "The pointlessness of your presence here is the most foolish 'reason' of all."
Though the human kept pace, Xiao held his spear in the hand nearest to him: forcibly keeping distance between them. "Despite their vows of protection, the others do not hesitate to punish mortals who enter their domains. Had you stumbled upon Mountain Shaper's peak, for instance, you'd find yourself encased in amber for the rest of your pathetically short lifespan."
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What if a pretty woman comes to my home with a friend and I attend her. My wife isn't aware, but the woman is by chance pretty -- 'Whoa! He hosted that hottie in his home, what for? To talk about what? Was the First Lady present?' My life becomes hell! That's what the [100 year] secrecy is for.
Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro explaining why he so often declares 100 years of secrecy on some matters regarding government information and schedule.
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wonderloste · 2 years
since that post abt beta editor is circulating around, everyone who chooses to still use the legacy editor pls remember that new blogs who no longer have access to it CANNOT cut your posts if you thread with them bc the xkit rewritten post editor isn't made for legacy posts. dealing with legacy threads on the new editor is a real headache.
consider enabling the new post editor when you interact with those people to make it easier on them, or at the very least cut the threads for them if you're unwilling to switch to beta in the meantime.
i know it sucks but it is what it is, tumblr is going to switch everyone over eventually whether we like it or not. we should at least make an effort not to make threading with rpers who no longer have access to the legacy editor harder on them, esp since the rpc is so strict about cutting posts.
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musingmixtape · 1 year
☆ pairing: denver & vickie. // @gcthika continued from here.
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               denver laughed at vickie’s quick remark about her preferred movie genre. she was a box of surprises for sure, but he definitely could have seen that one coming. “that actually seems very on brand.” the male added with light-hearted honesty, because even when they hadn’t really known each other for a time long enough to be familiar with little but significant facts like ‘your favorite color’ or ‘first album you really loved’, it made perfect sense for him that he’d be the one bringing up classic rom-coms whilst she had a sweet spot for gory horror films. if this was some scary movie, he knew he’d get cast as the kinda-conventionally-attractive-but-just-too-nice boyfriend who gets killed second. not even first. vickie was probably completely aware of that too. and still, she was considering hanging out with him longer than what she was obliged to by the band’s duties. denver was optimistic enough to believe he might stand a chance if he played his cards right. which could be complicated to do since he hadn’t been able to completely recover from her note on how good he could be with his hands, his face still felt heated after that incident. “of course, I would never suggest a place where there’s no dancing.” being constantly surrounded by artists meant the only recommendations he ever got involved joints where anyone could get liquor, some badly lit stage, an improvised dance floor and a chance to do a line in the bathroom. from his perspective, other dives couldn’t even be considered bars if they didn’t adhere to that check-list. “yeah, absolutely.” he didn’t hesitate for one second when the blonde urged him to take her there. 
the place was nice, for which denver mentally thanked his friends, not wanting to end up ruining whatever opportunity he might have had with vickie in the first moments of the date. except that– well, it wasn’t really a date. and the fact that he wished to look at it like that proved how out of control he was. still, he decided to keep on acting like someone who, in fact, had the courage to take the seat next to her instead of the one across the table. he was feeling like taking risks tonight, after all. but, if he was honest with himself, that probably had a lot to do with how much he wanted to remain enveloped by the blonde’s sweet perfume and how easy it seemed to forget about the rest when she was so close he could see the delicate smattering of freckles on the bridge of her nose. “so– what’s the veredict? is it better than what you thought?” denver’s words could have referred to the place alone, but deep down he couldn’t help but feel like involuntarily the question was actually about himself.
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wsteros · 1 year
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“ how terrible. ” darkened under—eyes barely look up, fixated on the cut of meat. (i would consume you, beyond the bones.) brutality under a domestic guise, a macabre fantasy of housewives; equally bound to each other in an impossibility of escape. neither can leave, neither can stay. she is the rivers daughter, unable to escape the reeds tangled around her legs no matter how inland she goes. a loin cut, something she normally passes over but tonight is a special occasion & she’ll pry back the rib—bones and ready them to soak into a broth later.
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the viscera is still caught under her fingernails, the mangled remains curled into the corner of their shed. an immaculate façade, no one is looking past the white picket fence or neatly cut lawn into their pastel suburbia hellscape. (two predator animals cannot stay in the same enclosure. one will turn on the other. it is a matter of time.) and you'd let her. as long as she promised to eat all of you. the knife is placed to the side, by the skin. she’s sat through enough cross—contamination lectures. the maddening brutality living in their walls, bruising their house through rot and seeping from the trees in red sap. the violence cannot be separated from them. “ isn’t is so lucky that you met me then? how terrible to live like that. ” mortification in pictures that plaster their walls, splashed art that cost more then her car. two people, two things living. her blood clots like the pipes in the cold, slathering layer after layer of paint over the mold in the corner like a budget motel but the foundation cracks remain.
i’ll kill you. or you’ll kill me. this house is too hungry to sustain us both. “ and you’ll never be free of me. we’re forever. ”
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
plus side to read-mores on beta: they don't fucking break posts as much.
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technodromes · 1 year
— 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | overthinker | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | perfectionist | pessimistic | naive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
skills & hobbies
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting / sewing | reading / collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | yoga | gaming | surfing
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tagged by: I am thief tagging: Now you’re thief
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champagneprobllems · 2 years
i've come to hate using the legacy editor
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abyssmalice · 10 months
Drabbles / Life Events Series:
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i.e. me trying to organize my ridiculous amounts of prose i've written on fundamental events in tonitoni's AU premise into a chronological list/series bc apparently i can't just succinctly summarize them in bullet-point lists
at least it's all in chronological order!! i think!!!!!
(please note that some of these have outdated/incorrect canon lore details due to being written before relevant patches)
Falling into the Abyss
bones building bedrock: (part one) / ??? / ??? -Tonia-centric POV / Series detailing how Tonia and Ajax fall into the Abyss, and what unfolds from there in general, broad strokes. _________________________
sinking deeper and deeper, in loving embrace -Tonia & Freyja, Freyja-centric POV / Interlude; a brief look at Tonia's condition and the relationship between her and her mentor in the Abyss. _________________________
Experimentation Period
Iriminsul Data Collection and Data Realization Reports: No. 0 / No. 1 / ??? / ??? / ??? / ??? ... -Tonia & Sofia (OC), Sofia-centric POV / TW: Dehumanization, Experimentation Series detailing Tonia's time under Dottore, framed through transcriptions of audio reports of the experiments undertaken. _________________________
Ascension to Harbinger
yesterday's definition of tomorrow -Pierro-centric POV ft. the whole Harbinger crew lol / Prelude; a brief look at the inevitable debating and irrational rationalization of appointing a literal child to a military position l o l _________________________
we are nothing more than scions (and sinners) -Tonia & Pierro, Tonia-centric POV / CW: Execution Interlude; a test of mental fitness for a Harbinger-to-be. _________________________
works of miracles (are still not divine) -Tonia & the Tsaritsa, Tsaritsa-centric POV / TW: Mentions of experimentation, dehumanization Interlude; the Tsaritsa determines if she loves or rules over her people. This is not the first time and will not be the last time she will do so, and certainly not where it concerns her newest Harbinger. _________________________
Tonia Gets Grounded For Like Two Years aka Liyue Arc
the game of diplomacy -Tonia & the Qixing, Multiple POV / Tonia gets grounded. On a boat. To Liyue. As a diplomat. This goes down as well as you would expect. _________________________
and the end of the story is not here, not there, never will be -Tonia-centric POV / TW: Torture Interlude; a boring night doing boring things. (She's still a Harbinger, no matter what everyone says.) _________________________
homestead, homecoming -Tonia-centric POV / Interlude; Tonia remembers she has a birthday. Tonia remembers that she forgot about it in the first place. She doesn't trust herself, as such. _________________________
tricks and trades and all manner of foolishness -Tonia & Ekaterina, Tonia-centric POV / Of course Tonia is going to get bored as hell when the last thing she's done as of late is unleash an ancient god to drown a whole city. What's more exciting or interesting that that, huh?? Toilet-papering someone's house?? When she just unleashed a god????????? Yeah ok as if _________________________
choose cruelty, you of the daybreak -Tonia-centric POV / Interlude; a dream about an ever-present past. _________________________
spring’s promise of sun is honored (when winter weighs down on us) -Tonia-centric POV / Tartaglia attends one among a dozen festive, royal galas in Snezhnaya's social calendar. _________________________
the color of brittle bones -Tonia & Arlecchino, Tonia-centric POV / CW: Mentions of trafficking A brief look at the relationship between the Eleventh and the Master of the Hearth.
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Really hoping there’s enough pushback to Tumblr’s dash redesign that they backtrack on that, or at least, have it be an option so they can still have it while we get to have our buttons on the top-right still.
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oimatchstickman · 2 years
I’m going to keep using the legacy editor until tumblr fully turns it off especially as I still dislike THIS editor to begin with like give me the even older, full-screen editor back why does everything have to be a popup menu now freaking heck
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