#assist by Seabs makes me emotional
kazer-time · 2 years
Happy 15 years to Jonny's first NHL goal - in his first NHL game, on his first SOG.
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lucyannabear · 7 years
Chapter Two: It’s a work in progress so it’s not finished yet. 03/10/2017.
I scrunched my face, blinked at the sun streaming through the gaps in my blinds, scrunched my face again and blinked some more. It was seven-thirty and I had to make my way across town for eight thirty, ready for my shift at a gorgeous little brasserie that I’d worked in for a few months now. I’d finally got the hang of everything, from pulling pints, to folding napkins in fancy ways. It certainly wasn’t a glamorous job, but it did bring in more than enough money for me to pay for my teensy apartment. The estate agent called it “cosy.” I called it “a box.” Still, tomayto, tomato – right?
With half an hour until I had to leave, I always got ready quickly so that I could sit and cradle a coffee whilst I woke up properly. Doing just that, I stood in front of my full-length mirror. Before me, stood a tall, slender young woman. I sighed at my reflection. I wasn’t one of those girls who hated how they looked, it was more to do with the fact that I’d never felt connected with the vessel that carried my brain, heart and soul around.
I walked closer to get a better look at my silver eyes and long, shiny blonde hair that hung in effortless waves. I reached out and touched my reflection with my fingertips, hoping that today would be the day where touching the cold glass would somehow form a bond and connection with my appearance. No such luck.
I rolled my eyes at myself for being such a weirdo about it all, before I pulled on my black work shirt and black trousers. It wasn’t the worst uniform in the world and it was a damn sight better than some of my old uniforms. I’d once worked for a nightclub and had to hand out leaflets dressed as a giant Manhattan drink… Complete with a cherry on top. Nice.
My hair was shoved up into a ponytail and I put a little bit of make-up on for a little boost of confidence. It was only when I stirred my coffee and stared into space that the memory of the dream I’d had before I woke up, started playing on my mind. I sat down at my little bistro kitchen table in my “cosy” kitchen to mull it over.
I’d been having these dreams for as long as I remember. Most people say “since I was young.” But for me, I had absolutely no memory of being young. My earliest memory was only a few years ago, and in that time, I’d come no closer to discovering who I really was. As far as my memory was concerned, I came into the world some time ago and had always been alone. Judging by my appearance, I was about twenty-four years old, but I quite literally hadn’t changed in the whole of my “conscious lifetime.”
In my dreams, I could do everything that I can do now in the real world. The only difference was him. I didn’t know who he was, what his name was, where he’d come from or anything. All I knew was that he was “the one” and that my heart and soul seemed to recognise and yearn for him. I’d have definitely known if I’d seen him around before because he was the finest looking gentlemen I’ve ever laid my eyes upon.
The best theory I’d come up with so far was that he was a figment of my imagination and so that’s why my heart and soul seemed so attached and complete whenever we met in my dreams. I sipped my coffee thoughtfully as his words echoed around my head. If he was a figment, what did he mean when he said that things were about to change?
I knew I was extraordinary as far as the world would be concerned if they ever found out about my secret, however foresight and clairvoyance were not my forte or within my skillset. I looked at the clock and decided I’d give it some thought later on. I downed the rest of my coffee, brushed my teeth, grabbed my headphones and phone and left for the bus stop.
It was another glorious day in Byron Bay, Australia. The Autumnal March sun was warming the morning nicely, and a cloudless sky had me breathe a sigh of relief. Things got complicated for me when it rained – hence why I picked Australia. I nodded my thanks to the sky and stood at my stop. I plugged my ears with my music – Classical to be precise.
It wasn’t that I didn’t like buses. I just found that being in the presence of the general public was very overwhelming. Of course, that was really weird coming from someone who worked in a brasserie. However, after a few trips to the doctors, I’d managed to wangle myself a diagnosis of “social phobia.” I then declared that on all of my application forms so that my employers were under the impression that I’d need “time out” to gather my wits again.
Wit gathering was what I was doing every time I ducked out and into the quietness of the back alley, but it wasn’t because of social phobia. I had a very… Unique talent. Part of who, or rather what I was meant that I could read people’s minds. Yep. That’s right. Telepathy. Awesome, right?
It got so loud and unfathomably chaotic in my mind. Imagine sitting in a room with one hundred people who quite literally never stop talking. Humans think everything – conscious and subconscious. Even when they’re asleep, I can see, feel and hear their dreams. That’s why I preferred a life of solitude. It could get extremely tiring, having to listen to a hundred-people thinking mundane thoughts about what they’ll make for their lunch tomorrow, or what time they should go to the gym.
Of course, there were the upsides. It was always nice to hear people’s thoughts of how “stunning” my eyes are or how attentive I’d been as their waitress. If someone was having trouble deciding what to pick off the menu, I could assist them accordingly without them even having to express the internal monologue and dilemma they’d been having. It definitely earned me brownie points with the customer, and with my boss – who was extremely lenient and understanding about my “phobia.”
Classical music in my ears was my escape. If I was focusing on the intricacy, delicacy and emotion of a song, the constant hubbub of humans around me faded away. I had pipedreams that I’d be able to use this particular “gift” for some good. However, if people caught wind of that, they’d start asking questions. And when they’d start asking questions, they might reveal secrets that I never want anyone to know. Ever.
I sighed as I looked out the window and watched the little town of Byron pass me by whilst I imagined his face. I always looked for him, every day. It was like I was constantly waiting for him, even though he didn’t exist. Something inside me gave me a little glimmer of hope and told me not to give up.
I couldn’t pinpoint it but I’d recently learned that I ought to trust my instinct because I was constantly developing new abilities and powers. So far, I had intuition and telepathy. It’s not a bad combination I suppose. I just didn’t know what to do with them, except tune out using Classical music.
Antonio’s Brasserie came into view as the bus approached a crossroad junction. I hopped off at the stop across the road and wandered across to my place of work. Antonio, as always, was stood waiting for me with a sweeping brush in his hand. It seemed to be a permanent accessory for the crazy but entirely loveable Italian man, but I seldom saw him actually use it…
He was a great boss and I loved him like he was an uncle. He looked after me, and I him. He’d left his family behind in Italy because they were extremely poor. He’d decided to come to Australia to work hard and set up his own business so that he could send plenty of cash back for him family. He got to visit them once a year, but other than that – we were just two lone souls who’d found a pal in one another.
We definitely made a good team, and with the other workers too, we had made Antonio’s Brasserie the highest rated establishment in all of Byron. We could become fully booked for weeks in advance and business was booming enough for us to have recently had a complete refurbishment and get plans underway for bringing Antonio’s family over to Australia. It was never an unpleasant restaurant by any stretch of the imagination, but now, the interior was plush, atmospheric and beautifully decorated.
The fish tank was my favourite, and I’d made it my own personal mission to see to the beautiful saltwater fish that we kept inside a tank which perfectly emulated their seabed reef home. I don’t mean to blow my own trumpet, but I know this because I’m perhaps what you’d call an “expert.” I knew an awful lot about the sea, and everything in it.
I smiled and waved cheerily to Antonio, who spotted me straight away.
“Ciao Bella! Good morning Venus! And how are you on this fine day?”
I looked up at the cloudless sky and back at the little moustached man before I gave him another big smile and nod.
“Excellent. We are not too busy, but we have very important visitors coming for lunch. We will reserve them the booth at the far end of the restaurant.”
Intrigued, my eyebrows furrowed slightly in curiosity. Antonio had never made this sort of announcement before.
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valeriakemble1-blog · 6 years
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This is actually simple to feel confident when you've regularly had it quick and easy and you have actually consistently possessed an affluent dad readily available to offer you a helping hand. Considering that it sure is actually not United States ... One positive thing Trump might perform to create United States great once more is really make terrific traits in The U.S.A. again. Hence, see to it that your remedy deals with everything off information control, identity, selection, as well as maintenance, to processing as well as early situation analysis.
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