j0them0971 · 17 days
I wanted to update SSOblr on my babies...
I have 7 now! And I'm not gonna stop....
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The favorite! Nacho, American paint horse, 7yo, 15.3 hh.
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The bitch, Earthangel, Belgian warmblood, 6yo, 16.1 hh.
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The gentleman, Indigo, Paso Fino, 11yo, 16.2 hh.
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Osprey, the crazy girl! Osprey, Arabian, 7yo (?), 14.3 hh.
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The trail queen, Candy, Tennessee Walker, 16yo, 16.2 hh.
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The dumbass, Arnold (aka Bigboy), Ardennes, 16yo, 17.1hh.
And the newest addition...
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The bombproof noob, Cookie, Appaloosa, 15yo, 15.2hh.
Hope yall enjoy! I'll post more Cookie updates soon :)
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j0them0971 · 1 month
Well well well...
Guess who took off on my sorry ass.
And the quest with Hugh is broken for me btw (everytime I try to complete it all my movement controls seize up lol)
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j0them0971 · 1 month
Oh boy... Osprey is an interesting little shit...
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Saddling attempt! First the saddle pad. It went well.
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...but then she reared when I put on the saddle. Little jerk.
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With a lot of head-throwing and swearing, I eventually managed to get the bridle onto her prissy little face.
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I got on with little difficulty...
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Until, of course, I asked her to WALK, and she promptly BUCKED ABOUT 8 TIMES. So I longed her.
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Yeah, you're goddamned right, Ozzy, if you buck, you get longed. Period. Do something Mom doesn't like and she makes it 100x harder. So don't do that.
She's such a little shit omg.
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After I managed to calm her the fuck down, I brought her to Mr Sunfield, who was ASTOUNDED by her progress! Imma take her to Elizabeth Sunbeam later, she might be of more help than all my efforts combined.
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j0them0971 · 1 month
I had an interesting day at Sunfield Farm today...
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I saw this pretty girl turned out with a flaxen Pintaloosa. She didn't want to have anything to do with me, so I promptly asked around Jorvik stables if they knew who she belonged to (she looked miserable compared to the jaunty pintaloosa). They told me that she belongs to Filip Sunfield, and I should go ask him.
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So I did. And he said that yes, she belongs to him, but he doesn't want her because she's a "problem horse". "If you can saddle her, you can keep her. Free of charge." Those were his exact words to me.
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So, I approached her cautiously, and she gave me the side-eye mare-stare.
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I scrambled onto her back and she reared IMMEDIATELY. I'm fine, I probably just sprained an ankle or something.
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Then she ran off, and I recollected myself and tried again...
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She let me brush her, AND grab her foot! Mr Sunfield was watching in astonishment, not pictured here. After a basic bonding experience, she let me up on her back with no problems.
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Mr Sunfield and I loaded her up into the trailer (with much objecting from her) and got her home safe and sound.
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She seems to be settling in well, and I think I'll call her Osprey.
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