#asp net
brainkafe · 1 year
Watch "Asp.Net MVC Tutorial For Beginners | Asp.Net MVC 5 Tutorial for Beginners in .net c#" on YouTube
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webmethodology · 2 years
Experts from ASP.net development services providers have written this exclusive guide on how to create ASP.NET Core Console Application. Along with this, Debugging methods are also mentioned.
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techyalexjain · 2 years
[Blog]What Is ASP.Net MVC, And How Is It Different From ASP.Net Core Development?
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There are many options available for web developers to create functional web applications and websites. They can click from a wide range of Open source technologies, and there are some popular licensed tools as well. Microsoft offers a number of licensed and free web development tools and frameworks for developers. Read the blog here at Blogger Delight(Imenso Software).
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eljeebee · 1 year
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Anthony Harrison and Priscilla Wuest (formerly Wuest-Harrison, but they're divorcing) stood in the latter's living room. They were left alone by Priscilla's butler. Priscilla faced the fireplace, never looking back at her ex-husband. She knew he's facing her. She can feel it, and see it through her spectral eyes. Anthony looked at her in pain.
"Are you sure, my lo—"
"Priscilla. It's Priscilla. Do not call me that anymore, Anthony," Priscilla cut her off, words spat with hateful poison.
"I'm sorry," he said, voice close to a whisper. "Are you sure, Priscilla? Is there anything I can do to make it up for you? We don't have to do this."
Her head hung low, shaking. "Make it up for me? Harrison, you betrayed me. You endangered the life of innocents! You sold—no—gave the enemies one of our important assets! You know how much shit I got from my bosses, trying to own up your mistake?"
"I did that to save you! It was either you or them — the civilians! If it weren't for me agreeing to send that package then you wouldn't be alive, Priscilla!" Anthony reasoned, voice slightly rising.
Her head snapped to her left, almost looking at him. "This is why I hate working with someone! I have plans, my own methods to follow, and you never follow them! Ninety-six percent of our missions were almost jeopardized by you! How many times did I tell you not to worry about me? I am immortal. Even if I die, this goddamned body heals itself—it never allows me to die! Picking my safety is bullshit!"
"You're important to me!"
"You did that as an excuse because you're a fucking double agent!" Priscilla yelled. The air felt heavy. The ground beneath them slowly shifted. Her powers slightly disrupted the reality.
There was silence.
Anthony took a deep breath, before turning on his heel. He's leaving.
"I'm sorry," he apologized again, and started to walk away.
"What is there to say sorry for, Harrison?" Priscilla shook her head. Anthony paused. She continued, "Was marrying me, getting close to the Top Brass' favorite pet, part of your plan? To steal that asset and gave it to those bastards? Was it all a plan?"
"Did you ever love me, Anthony?" She said, voice soft, close to a whisper. But he heard it anyway. His head abruptly looked back at her. She was still facing the fireplace.
"Priscilla...," his lips hung open. He breathily chuckled. But it was not humorous. He tried to approach her but she stopped him. "Priscilla, of course I love you! You're the woman of my dreams, you—"
"I don't believe you," Priscilla spat.
Priscilla finally looked at him. His face slighlty lit up, but she ignored it. She couldn't care less if he's happy. "Let me tell you one thing, Harrison. During the time we were together, married, I was happy. I loved you. It was genuine. I thought I have someone else in my life that isn't just my mentor and my father figure. I thought you were the one. But it isn't. It was all a lie."
"But I did love you! Priscilla, please, think of this first! I—"
"Who are you kidding, Harrison? You don't work for us. With me. You've been with them from the start," Priscilla scoffed.
Anthony wanted to say something more. To prove it to her. But alas, what she's saying is true.
He looked away.
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"Leave," Priscilla looked at him one last time with disregard. "I only allowed you to step foot in here because I knew you'd want to talk. Usually, I don't let my enemies leave this estate alive, but I'm doing this for old time's sake. Consider yourself lucky. The next time I see you, you're dead."
Anthony's head hung low, eyebrows furrowed, the corners of his lips down. He walked away, leaving the room—leaving her forever.
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Priscilla looked away from him, her face twisting with a mixture of sadness, anxiety, and discomfort. Her sadness was understandable, but she wasn't sure if she should feel anxious. She feels uneasy; she knew the decision to divorce and cut ties with him is discomforting, but doing so also gives her that anxious feeling in her stomach. Anthony was her first love, in everything. He was her husband—ex-husband. But she have to do this.
She was brought back from her thoughts when she heard the taps of her butler's leather shoes.
"Miss Wuest," he said. Priscilla turned around. He handed her a manila folder.
"Thank you, Albert," she said, opening it and scanning the contents.
Albert clasped his hands behind his back. "The doctor was understanding. He said if you need anything, just..."swing" by at his office. He's worried for you."
She sighed, walking to the bar and sitting down on one of the stools. She placed down the folder, flipping through the papers.
"The madame...and the other council members were disappointed," Albert hesistantly continued.
"But mostly the madame?" Her eyes raised at him.
Albert chuckled. "Yes, mostly the madame."
She chuckled.
He continued, "Everything is packed, too. We'll leave the estate tomorrow."
Priscilla sighed. "Good. I know Harrison would respect me and not set foot here, but we can never be sure. Are the papers ready?"
"Yes, Ma'am. The papers you signed are ready to go."
"So it's over."
"So it is."
Priscilla closed the folder.
"Miss Wuest?"
"Yes?" She looked up at him. He was still standing a few arms' length away from her, prim and proper.
"How do you feel?"
Priscilla looked away.
He took that as an answer.
"No matter what you're feeling, all of them are reasonable. You've spent a considerable amount of time with Mister Harrison as his wife, you've dedicated your work for him, you loved him, so it's understandable to feel...sad, to mourn for the loss of love and connection," Albert said.
"Is my decision right?" She asked, voice small.
"Yes, yes it is."
"Then why do I feel it's not?"
"You're not used to not having him by your side anymore, Miss Wuest. It feels foreign to you."
"He's wormed his way in me," she dryly laughed.
A moment passed.
"This won't happen again, Albert," she said. But these words aren't for Albert, it was for her. "I won't let it."
Albert did nothing but agree. Her face steeled. The facade of a cold, no-nonsense agent returned. Her heart hardened once again, walls high, never to be broken down again. Albert would watch her grow heartless again, and it would take another lifetime to try and anchor her down at least. Be reasonable. But she loved, too much, that everything was replaced by hatred.
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simlishkitsch · 2 years
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and a fun little bonus "lol at romance sims" (dagmar is a previous date)
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ejobindia-blog · 3 days
Importance of ASP.NET Training by Ejobindia
In the realm of web development, ASP.NET stands out as a powerful framework for building dynamic and robust web applications. As the demand for skilled ASP.NET developers continues to rise, the importance of comprehensive training in this technology cannot be overstated. Ejobindia recognizes this need and offers a top-notch ASP.NET Training program designed to equip developers with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the industry. Let’s delve into the significance of ASP.NET training by Ejobindia.
1. Mastery of a Versatile Framework
ASP.NET is a versatile framework developed by Microsoft for building web applications and services. It provides developers with a rich set of tools, libraries, and functionalities that streamline the development process. From creating simple websites to complex enterprise-level applications, ASP.NET offers flexibility and scalability, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of projects.
2. Industry Relevance and Demand
ASP.NET continues to be widely used in the industry, particularly among enterprises and organizations that rely on Microsoft technologies. Companies across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and government, leverage ASP.NET for their web development needs. By gaining expertise in ASP.NET through Ejobindia’s training program, developers position themselves as highly sought-after professionals in the job market.
3. Comprehensive Skill Development
Ejobindia’s ASP.NET Training program covers all aspects of ASP.NET development, from the fundamentals to advanced concepts. Students learn about ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, web forms, routing, authentication, data access, and more. The curriculum is carefully crafted to provide a thorough understanding of ASP.NET development, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to tackle real-world projects.
4. Hands-On Learning Experience
At Ejobindia, practical learning is given utmost importance. The ASP.NET training program includes hands-on projects and assignments that allow students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. By working on diverse projects, students gain valuable experience and develop problem-solving skills that are essential for success in the field of web development.
5. Expert Guidance from Industry Professionals
Ejobindia’s ASP.NET training is conducted by experienced industry professionals who have extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in ASP.NET development. These instructors provide valuable insights, practical tips, and personalized guidance to help students navigate the complexities of ASP.NET development effectively. Learning from industry experts enhances the quality of education and ensures that students receive relevant and up-to-date information.
6. Career Readiness and Job Placement Assistance
Ejobindia’s ASP.NET training program is designed to prepare students for successful careers in web development. In addition to technical skills, the program also focuses on soft skills, resume building, and interview preparation. Moreover, Ejobindia offers job placement assistance to help students secure employment opportunities in reputed companies. This comprehensive approach to career readiness gives graduates a competitive edge in the job market.
7. Access to Latest Technologies and Trends
The field of web development is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging regularly. Ejobindia’s ASP.NET training program keeps pace with industry advancements, ensuring that students learn the latest tools, frameworks, and best practices. By staying updated with the latest technologies, students are well-equipped to meet the demands of the ever-changing industry landscape.
8. Certification and Recognition
Upon successful completion of the ASP.NET training program, students receive a certification from Ejobindia, which is recognized by employers in the industry. This certification serves as a testament to the skills and knowledge acquired during the training program, enhancing students’ credibility and boosting their career prospects.
In conclusion, Ejobindia ASP.NET training program offers a comprehensive and industry-relevant education that equips students with the skills needed to excel in web development. With a focus on practical learning, expert guidance, career readiness, and access to the latest technologies, the program prepares students for successful careers in the dynamic field of ASP.NET development. By choosing Ejobindia for ASP.NET training, aspiring developers can embark on a rewarding journey towards professional growth and success.
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devleader · 3 months
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inestwebnoida · 26 days
 .NET Based CMS Platforms For Your Business
In today’s digital landscape, Content Management Systems (CMS) play a crucial role in helping businesses manage their online presence efficiently. For companies utilizing .NET, selecting the appropriate CMS is vital for seamless content creation, publishing, and management. Let’s explore the top 5 .NET-based CMS platforms and their key features:
Robust CMS platform with features tailored for businesses of all sizes.
User-friendly interface and extensive customization options.
Key features include content editing, multilingual support, e-commerce capabilities, and built-in marketing tools.
Renowned for scalability and personalization capabilities.
Enables businesses to deliver personalized digital experiences across various touchpoints.
Advanced analytics and marketing automation tools drive customer engagement and conversion.
Open-source CMS known for flexibility and simplicity.
Ideal for businesses seeking lightweight yet powerful content management.
User-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and seamless integration with Microsoft technologies.
Orchard Core:
Modular and extensible CMS built on ASP.NET Core framework.
Allows developers to create custom modules and extensions, adapting to diverse business needs.
Offers flexibility and scalability for building simple blogs to complex enterprise applications.
DNN (formerly DotNetNuke):
Feature-rich CMS trusted by thousands of businesses worldwide.
Drag-and-drop page builder, customizable themes, and robust security features.
Offers modules and extensions for creating powerful websites, intranets, and online communities
In conclusion, selecting the right .NET-based CMS platform is crucial for establishing a strong online presence and engaging effectively with the audience. Each platform offers unique features and benefits to suit various business needs. By evaluating factors like flexibility, scalability, personalization, and community support, businesses can choose the ideal CMS platform to drive digital success.
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questacademy · 1 month
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Fuel Your Ambition: Full Stack Development Courses in Kochi, Calicut, and Beyond
Join our Full Stack Development courses across Kochi, Calicut, Kannur, and Trivandrum to acquire in-demand skills and propel your career in the tech industry. https://www.qisacademy.com/course/python-full-stack-development
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dahooks · 2 months
It provides developers with a powerful framework that allows them to create sophisticated web solutions tailored to their clients' specific needs. Dahooks, with its team of talented and experienced developers, harnesses the capabilities of ASP.NET to deliver cutting-edge Web Applications that drive business growth.
INDIA contact : Visit: https://dahooks.com A-83 Sector 63 Noida (UP) 201301 +91-7827150289 [email protected]
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cmarixtechnolabs · 3 months
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atharvasys · 3 months
Asp net core web api with entity framework database 2024
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Compatibility with popular .NET frameworks with built-in connection with well-known ASP.NET Core framework, Entity Framework, and Microsoft.NET Framework are popular .NET frameworks. Extensions, Serilog is most frequently utilized within the .NET community.
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concettolabs · 3 months
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harrywatson4u · 4 months
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Exploring Custom .NET Development: Finding the Ideal Partner in India
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In the realm of software development, .NET stands out as a versatile framework renowned for its scalability, reliability, and robustness. For businesses seeking tailored solutions to address unique challenges, custom .NET development emerges as a strategic choice. In this article, we delve into the world of custom .NET development and guide you in selecting the ideal partner in India to bring your vision to life.
Understanding Custom .NET Development:
Custom .NET development involves the creation of bespoke software solutions tailored to meet specific business requirements. Whether it's building enterprise applications, web portals, or e-commerce platforms, custom .NET development empowers organizations to address their unique needs with precision and efficiency.
Choosing the Right Custom .NET Development Company:
Selecting the right custom .NET development company is paramount to the success of your project. In India, numerous companies offer .NET development services, but finding the perfect fit requires careful consideration. Look for companies with a proven track record of delivering exceptional custom solutions and a deep understanding of the .NET framework.
Exploring ASP.NET Development Services in India:
ASP.NET, a key component of the .NET framework, is widely used for building dynamic web applications and services. In India, several companies specialize in ASP.NET development services, catering to businesses of all sizes and industries. When evaluating ASP.NET development companies, consider factors such as expertise, experience, and the ability to deliver innovative solutions.
Identifying ASP.NET Core Development Companies:
ASP.NET Core, the latest iteration of the ASP.NET framework, offers enhanced performance, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility. As businesses increasingly adopt ASP.NET Core for their projects, the demand for specialized development companies in India is on the rise. Look for companies that stay updated with the latest technologies and possess expertise in ASP.NET Core development.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a .NET Development Company in India:
When evaluating .NET development companies in India, several factors warrant consideration. Assess the company's portfolio, technical expertise, industry experience, and client testimonials. Additionally, consider factors such as communication, transparency, and project management methodologies to ensure a smooth and successful collaboration.
The Benefits of Collaborating with a .NET Development Company in India:
Partnering with a .NET development company in India offers numerous advantages, including cost-effectiveness, access to a vast talent pool, and cultural compatibility. Indian companies are renowned for their technical prowess, innovation, and commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that meet global standards.
In conclusion, custom .NET development presents businesses with an opportunity to build tailored software solutions that address their unique needs and challenges. By partnering with a reputable .NET development company in India, organizations can leverage the expertise of skilled professionals and cutting-edge technologies to achieve their goals. Embrace the power of custom .NET development and embark on a journey of innovation and success.
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