sammy8d257 · 2 months
Sniffs at you like a woodland critter at a nature cam and runs off into the dark abyss of the woods
8O !!
I got rats in my walls and creatures in my woods
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fancyfade · 1 year
me talking to my brother who has only seen animated DC movies: How do you feel about the fact that you'll never get the comics intro to Damian who tried to kill Tim and nearly succeeded? Brother: If they were brave enough they would've made him succeed.
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corditeheart · 6 months
👫 //only if you want. I understand they really havent interacted much ^^
send 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
Yuna insists on actually getting an "I got home safely" text from Xu any time she leaves Winhill, and will absolutely check up on her if it's more than an hour after she should have been home.
2. Xu eventually redacts huge chunks of Yuna's Garden file, because it's easier than trying to remove it (which raises more questions than she wants to deal with). Yuna never finds this out, but it's a refreshing change when Garden stops sending people to sniff around her property.
3. Xu generally doesn't do the whole dates thing, and is never one to really plan those out beyond "let's go to dinner/movie/xyz." Yuna does, and it's how she finds out that there's an aquarium in Dollet, a very impressive zoo in Deling, Trabia's got botanical gardens for all seasons, and that Yuna can sniff out a boba/tea shop with unerring accuracy.
4. Eventually, Xu requires that Yuna send her a home safe text as well.
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luxconcordiae · 3 years
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I will always stan Melody and Lucca because their communication has to be A+ given their respective jobs. Like, Lucca’s a contract demon and there are most certainly cases where some desperate person may sign over their soul for some snu snu, and Melody may seek out the company of one of her maids if he’s gone for extended periods of time. And yet despite that, they still come together and return to how they always were, dumb and happy with each other. 
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l-u-v-d · 3 years
hey folks! to keep this,, as short as possible, ive been pretty lacking in the executive function/mental health/motivation departments as of late, but am trying to get back in the swing of things- particularly in regards to the au I want to put on paper somehow (no clue how that’s gonna happen yet. fic? art? both??), but dont have a good starting point for.* the whole thing is pretty much ready to go, and i dont think im gonna change the stupid name (/j because actually the hordak loredak is a bop), but i honestly dont think im going to be able to get the ball rolling entirely on my own.
in short, if anyone’s interested, i’d really appreciate some asks with questions/thoughts about the au! (dw about coming up with any if you just.. dont have them though lmao) i’ll include a bunch of non-spoiler-y context below the cut, and i’ll be trying to give every ask a relatively detailed answer, unless i happen to get a ton?? either way, i’ll definitely get around to it.... eventually, in the vague future- but having some discussion and prompts to go off of could probably be a huge help in that process, too ^^
so!! the hordak loredak, my beloved pet project au that aims to fill in the blanks of Hordak’s history and also rewrite way more than half the show in the process. the vague plan so far is to follow Hordak, from the moment he gains consciousness in the galactic horde to some time “post-canon,” and is guaranteed to go a little apeshit bonkers on the characterization in some ways because im embracing the fact that this is just. the story i want to do. it probably wont feel much like canon because it’s not supposed to, and it’s fine if it’s not your thing!
some important things do stay consistent: hordak is a defect, and gets banished to etheria; adora is she-ra; micah gets sent to beast island; shadow weaver joins the horde, albeit slightly later than she does in canon; entrapdak is... an entire thing.
the differences are where it’s at though: catra and adora are never placed under shadow weaver’s care; scorpion people lore also happens, and hordak winds up caring for baby scorpia; the galactic horde gets such a huge overhaul im gonna give it its own paragraph.
the galactic horde is fucking bonkers huge here, easily billions strong, and we take a way deeper look at how that works (ie... barely). prime is still at the head, but even with the hivemind, his grip on the clones falters in some ways. it’s a system running way, way beyond max capacity, to the point that even prime has to be willing to let things slide or turn a blind eye on occasion in order to keep things moving. the vast majority of clones are defective in some way, but it’s rarely immediately noticeable (if it were, they would’t still be there). i also do some fun and wacky things with hordak’s defects, specifically- including eventually losing his legs up to the knee (prosthetics headcanon my beloved <3), going blind at a very inconvenient time (and then rolling a 20 for luck for the next multiple weeks), and good ol’ organ failure. tl;dr for that paragraph - galactic horde culture is fucked up, and hordak even moreso.
i’d dump more but ive been trying to ‘finish’ this post for hours and i just need to call it done at this point, hopefully that sounds intriguing?? maybe?? shrugs
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geoconsult · 4 years
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“Hm... It seems as if I don’t have enough for this... This is quite a predicament.” 
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incorrect-aytolis · 4 years
F!Corrin: Ugh, for replaying this shit, fates fuck us up brother. 
M!Corrin: Come on sis, that was long time ago. How bad are we? 
F!Corrin: We’re literally nothing but being fucking idiots, I should’ve kill myself in the first place. 
M!Corrin: Please don’t do that, I don’t think we’re that bad. 
F!Corrin: You only love it because you wanted to fuck around every guy you met. 
M!Corrin: Okay that shit was true, it was a masterpiece. And you know what’s the best thing about us, that we’re in Smash Bros, sis. 
F!Corrin: People hated us back then brother, we’re fucking low tier. Just admit that we’re suck. 
M!Corrin: At least people find you hotter than me. 
F!Corrin: Okay that shit was true, thank you.
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
Red, blue, green, yellow and second coming: found family
Alan, choosen one, dark lord: found foes
Purple, mango tango: found family to found foes
Victim: ???
"We found each other and I hate your guts"
As opposed to the Color Gang's
"We meet as friends and I love you guys"
Also I feel like Purple and King MT have the vibe is like,
"Boss and Employee that will also share a drink after work and totally won't spit in each others' drinks when they're not looking. Maybe. Well... No. Well..."
Assuming Vic comes back, xe's like the boy who lived. Or rather, the stick who lived. ??? is also a very good way to describe xir vibe.
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alterlovetm · 5 years
@phlipshea thx for that reminder
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thechildisgone · 2 years
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ew is it too aggressive to block this person
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alexclaremontdiaz · 5 years
💖 BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! 💖 Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💖
alkgjsalkf thank you so much I’m so soft lina 💕💕💕
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beenworse · 5 years
[ til isak ❤️]  sent an image [ til isak ❤️] 😢😢😢
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flowerfae · 6 years
me: wow it sure is a nice saturday night--
brain: i s o l a t i o n  t i m e
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lady-of-snails · 3 years
it endlessly amuses but also frustrates me that whenever i srb some fanart ive made for your fics or one of my posts resurfaces again, i get a lot of tag commentary talking about how the fic its based on is one of their favorites of all time and youre their fave author. im not frustrated bc of that tho, im frustrated bc theres so many of them and you deserve to see em but cant 😭😭😭
ASLDKGJ THATS SO SWEET ;; aww thank you codi and thanks to all those random people out there who are nice to me <3
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warashes · 5 years
trying to figure out if i want to reboot this completely or just try to revamp again
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fancyfade · 2 years
asldkgj if the reason for hte last reblog was confusing its just basic clarifying some opinion stuff also tim can have flaws without like “oh we have to act like he was willing to change or aware of them since the beginning (he wasn’t)” or “oh it’s just typical kid flaws nothing that makes him mean or bad (I mean they don’t make him ‘bad’ but they can make him mean)” we don’t have to minimize tim’s flaws just let them stand. his flaws are part of what makes him interesting
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