#ash attempts to make art (my edits)
stxriesfromasharchive · 5 months
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xxstxriesfromashxx · 5 days
Tag Dumps
OOC Tags
✦ non fiction stories ; out of character ; ooc ✦ ✦ i am shameless please love me ; self-promotions ✦ ✦ follow follow follow ; lovely promotions ✦ ✦ shut up and take my love ; appreciations and feel good posts ✦ ✦ screaming from my garbage can ; ash speaks ; mun answers ✦ ✦ ash does photoshop without photoshop ; my graphics ✦ ✦ ash attempts to make art ; my edits ✦ ✦ begone from existence ; to delete ✦ ✦ storybook queue ; queued post ✦ ✦ shout it to the fcking heavens ; psa ✦ ✦ chapter queue ; queued ✦ ✦ dumping trash on the dash ; tag dumps ✦
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stxriesfromashisms · 4 months
Tag Dump
out of stories (ooc) i am shameless pls love me (self promotion) behold a lovely (promotions) shut up and take my love (appreciations and positive commentary screaming from my garbage can (ash speaks ; mun answers) ash does photoshop without photoshop (my graphics) ash attempts to make art (my edits) begone from existence (to delete) storybook queue (queued post) dumping trash on the dash (tag dumps) shout it to the fcking heavens (psa)
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applestoashes · 3 months
An update on Apples to Ashes
Hi, it's Prima, the creator and sole developer of Apples to Ashes.
Wow, it's been two years since I conceptualized Douglas and the idea for a visual novel. I think about how much has changed for me personally since March 2022, the different things that have happened to and for me. It's hard to sum it all up into a few words, but to put it plainly, there's been a lot of hardships I've encountered in my personal and professional life since starting this journey, along with some blessings that kept me going along the way.
When I first dreamed up this concept, I was experiencing a lot of new things. I was participating in fandoms for other indie "yandere" VNs, I was drawing a shit ton and garnering a following. I was actually becoming the active, well known artist I'd been striving to become since around 2015. I was so inspired and, somehow along the way, I gained the attention and respect from a lot of other creators. It was so insane to think so many talented people cared about what I was making, considered me worth following, etc.
That only grew as time went on, especially when I started the A2A project. From that point, I watched in absolute shock as people engaged with my own ideas, drew my own characters. They were hyped for this visual novel, they wanted to know more. Douglas started to get associated and drawn with other indie VN characters. This feeling of being put beside all these other amazing creators was disorienting to say the least.
Due to a lot of things I've been through, it feels like the magic wore off a bit. A lot of the drive I experienced at the peak of 2022 kind of plateaued, and... lots of things changed for me. I started taking commissions, I started doing more than just art, like getting back into video editing and voice acting. I got hired by a studio, I got a lead role in another visual novel. I told myself that I can do all these things that I want to, despite the additional need to work a regular job, and the fact that ADHD VERY much has hands. Financial hardship and mental illness... double homicide
A lot can change in two years. My inspirations for the setting in A2A came from my experiences with a job I had at the time. Well, needless to say I've had a few jobs since then, and been through a few very... jading experiences. The person I was when I conceptualized Apple to Ashes and the person I am now are two different people. I was very bright-eyed and inspired, especially by my peers. I wanted to attempt to do something I'd dreamed of for a long time: make a visual novel, and it felt possible, tangible.
I've learned a lot since then. There's a lot that goes into making a game, especially considering I'm largely pursuing it alone. Due to that, and the choices I've made, the things I've been through, Apple to Ashes progress has largely been halted. I feel a lot of pressure to make it something satisfying for everyone that's given love to this project. I feel a lot of guilt about the lack of progress, and feel like I'm earning the ire of people who are tired of waiting, or perhaps losing any momentum or interest I had originally garnered.
All that being said, I'm not saying all this to come to the conclusion that this project is canceled. It's not. I want this story to come to fruition. I want to give everyone waiting the experience they deserve. I want to reach the full potential this concept offers. I want to explore the themes I've attached, use the experiences I've had and witnessed. I want to bring light to these issues using this medium.
The TLDR of this is... Apples to Ashes will happen when it happens, but it is going to happen. To those of you who have offered your patience, I really appreciate it more than I can put into words.
Thank you for reading.
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13leaguestories · 1 year
March 2023 Forecast
The break is over and I'm back to faithfully working. With that being said, this doesn't mean Superstition is off of a break. I'm going to of course attempt to write it but the few times I tried to write anything, it failed and my brain just pointed to other works. So, we'll see. I'm not posting a return date until the majority of the season is done anyway.
Throne of Ashes
Makaio's demo (fingers-crossed) should be out this month. She is so close to being done that it's not even funny that I'm not done with her yet. Otherwise, Nour is still receiving the bulk of the love as I try to get their chapter five up and out and then working to complete their story. Along with Makaio's demo being released, Ozara and Zarik fixes will be pushed out to relieve them of some bugs and fix some story shifts.
I'm still working on editing the last chapters of Insight, only chapter five is needed. Once I get that out then any bugs can be sent to me and I'll just be continuing trying to update Insight so that next time I look at it, I can actually add to it.
For the Crown
Has been taken down from itch.io. It still exists but it makes little sense to keep it up when I know I won't be editing it in its current form. The story is going to have to be completely rewritten and probably in a different way. Whether that's me doing routes like how ToA is or something else, don't know.
Sea of Stars
Nothing much on this as it ended up being met with a bunch of editing needs to bring it out of a rough alpha draft and more into a beta area. It may be worked on this month but unless my brain shifts to it, it's not my focus right now. But I will continue to post the last two species that's coming out as well as the LI art. By the time they're all out, maybe it'll be ready.
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kohakhearts · 19 days
13, 16 and 40 for the writer asks?
thanks ollie!!
13: what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
god this is a boring answer but. "show, don't tell." it's like the one thing i actually consciously think about when i write (well, more so when i edit tbf but same dif). in the past 3-4 years i've gotten really good at learning to be concise in my writing and i do think this my being comfortable with conveying emotions and such through small actions without a need to justify my choice in the writing is what's led to that!
16: how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? share one of them?
oh god LOL so many. the big au ideas in my brain right now are the starter mew au and the orre au. i think i recently shared a bit about the orre au (though i'd be so happy to share more if anyone asked me about it!), so i'll share a bit about the starter mew au instead!
basically way back in december @jaystrifes sent me this ask, which festered in my brain and has grown into a whole jn rewrite (that currently remains just plotted...but one day i'll have the time to write it. i hope dhjfghjd). it doesn't go exactly as i said in the ask - i've had time to sit with the idea since then and some of my thoughts have changed a bit - but the basic premise is still the same. this idea of like...mew feeding off of goh's twisted sense of self. what to him is evidence of his capability is to mew a fun little game, and it's making all the rules. i've spent all the time i've been plotting it working out like...ok, so what is the goal of project mew? how does goh fit into it? how does gary fit into it? and the other side of like - ok, so what's the connection between the mewtwo we see in the genesect movie and giovanni's mewtwo? what does that imply about team rocket's research on mew and their attempts at cloning it? goh and ash also met mewtwo in jn - and it didn't wipe their memories or anything, which suggests it respected them enough not to, even after goh insulted it by insinuating battling it was only worth it to get data on mew. there's just a lot of potential with mewtwo and mew that's not really fully explored in jn, so i wanted to dig into that a bit - at the same time as diving into this version of goh who is even more isolated than in canon and who's not just a victim of parental neglect but also of this psychological dependency on mew. his relationship with ash in particular has been fun to analyze. in my mock-up ao3 draft i said that "ash has aura powers and contrarily goh is more of a self-proclaimed empath" so that's...pretty much their dynamic in a nutshell LMAO.
anyway! i titled the au progeny and do have a tag for it, so i'm sure i'll start throwing more things in there once i actually start writing the thing lol
40: if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
i answered this one here but you know what? i'll also say again about this year's christmas fic i'd love to see art of the boys in their matching christmas sweaters LOL. i can only imagine the abject horror on goh's face lmaoooo
get to know your fic writer!
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shay-creates · 9 months
Writblr Intro?
I have never done a writblr intro, so here we go.
Hello! You can call me Shay. I'm a writer and artist living in the US. Welcome to my art and writing blog!
About me: I'm 25, asexual, transmasc, nonbinary (he/they/it), and unsure where I fall on the romantic spectrum. Tag and Ask game friendly! Asks and conversation encouraged. I'm more scared of you than you are of me, so it may take me a bit to respond. I never know what I'm doing at any given time, so I'm very sporadic in talking about or making anything related to stories or art. I follow/follow back using Shay-Puppity (my main account).
I'm creating my world "Exalos" through stories and art, filling the world with my beloved characters (distant sobbing and screaming). I mainly write in the genre of fantasy with a smattering of mystery, horror, romance, and slice of life. Many of my characters are LGBT+ and the world they live in has no drama surrounding that.
I'm currently focused on my WIP titled "Dread Secrets," but I have several other stories in various stages of development. Dread Secrets is my first time planning with the intent of actually writing and finishing the story. Volume of projects not indicative of me being put together, it is quite the opposite.
Characters tagged by using- OC: Character name (Ex- OC: Celesto)
WIPs tagged by using- Shay WIP: Story title (Ex- Shay WIP: Dread Secrets)
Art tagged by using- Shay's Art
~My WIPs~
This part will be edited as I work on these stories, so there'll eventually be more information to read here.
Dread Secrets (current main project):
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Genre/Rating: Medieval Fantasy, mystery, action, romance, adventure, not young adult
TWs: blood, gore, violence, mental/psychological/emotional abuse mentions/vague depictions, slight body horror, war, war refugees mentions/depictions, deaths, murder,
POV: Xiang, Neph, King Ansellus Kestrel, Celesto, Mystery Plotter
Summary: (WIP intro link)
Fifteen years ago, King Ansellus Kestrel of the kingdom Wisea made a last stand against the Dread Queen Celesto, his first love, as the benevolent kingdoms banded together to lay siege to the aptly named, Dread Kingdom. Against all odds, Celesto was beaten. Turned against by the Ancient of the Dread Forest, an unstable Celesto's final moments saw her body transform into a dark and twisted tree that screamed angrily into nothingness without a sound.
They had been in love, Ansellus willing to give Celesto anything he could give her. In four short years, their perfect life together fell to shambles as Celesto betrayed not only Ansellus, but friends and even her own goddaughter, Hibiki, who, even now, clings to her father to feel safe.
Xiang, a student of Prophis, attempts to aid a friend who is cursed to sleep with Grim Twilight Ivy growing around and from his body. His good intentions are rewarded by having a similar curse placed on Xiang himself. A strange mark over his heart and plagued by nightmares of being hunted by the Dread Queen Celesto in the ruins of the Dread Kingdom, Xiang leaves the ancient towers of Prophis to find a way to break the curse before succumbing to it himself. He is given a protector in the form of Malianna Ash, a half-immortal from the fiery Kingdom of Rosha.
Neph, a half-immortal in their early twenties, lives comfortably in the independent city of Rudrian with caretakers Sasha and Bryn Creek and their soft-spoken friend, Celine. Neph longs to gain recognition so they may ascend to immortality in the hopes of reuniting with their immortal mother in Elorial, the realm of immortals. They seize their chance after rescuing Xiang after the Prophis student is separated from Malianna by the crowds. Through the use of incessant nagging and a sprinkle of charisma, Neph manages to join the two strangers on their quest. Celine, who has always been at Neph's side, joins the group to aid them as both a healer and strong nature magic user.
What secrets hide in the past? Will Xiang be able to lift the curse from himself before it's too late? What dreadful secrets hide within the ruins of the Dread Kingdom? Did Celesto find some way to survive and lay low all those years ago, or is the curse the doing of someone else?
Progress: semi-complete timeline, Character illustrations done
Cast: Xiang, Malianna Ash, Neph, Scy Drakenscale, Phelan Noctus, Lorne, Kubo Hibiki, No Eiko, Celine, Scorch (Malianna's unicorn), Flit (Malianna's magic pigeon), Celesto Krone/Kestrel (Dread Queen), Felix Kestrel, King Ansellus Kestrel, Queen Tianna Kestrel, Artos Oak, Kubo Mai, Ling Yazhu, Bao Mingmei, Bao Yating, King Snydus Ash, Silas Ash, Draco, Dissonantia, Bryn Creek, Sasha Creek, Leandra Ash, Xaver Ash, Ferna Krone, Obelus Krone, Imposa Kestrel, Mightrus Kestrel, Ling Chao, Bessarion Thorne, Characters
Gods/Ancients/Primordials of note: God of Memories, God of Sanctuary, God of Guardians, God of Passion, God of Vengeance, God of Lore (Lorne), Ancient of Wisdom, Ancient of Knowledge, God of Dreams, The 11 Immortal Villains (See: Corruption of Heroes), Ancient of the Dread Forest/Forests, Primordial of Death, Primordial of Life
Song association: Guns For Hire by Woodkid + What Could Have Been by Sting and Ray Chen.
Excerpt: Nothing written yet. :3
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, modern setting, dimension hopping, coming of age, suspense, adventure, series, not young adult
POV: Gong Jiahao, Soul Warren, Maddox High, Taeil, Fable Book, Kace Asher, Zhang Remy, Nym Cardinal
Summary: something goes here. Idk if each character gets a book or if characters share a book or whatever, but they do all get some POV. There will be some angst. Also there's a mysterious person who is trying to make a deal or contract with each of the characters. Idk what contracts yet, but there's shenanigans. Also a dumb and campy fight scene because it's dumb and makes me laugh. (They're using the power of dance and music to fight and distract a fucking dragon, it's so dumb. Dumb fight scene go brr.)
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, character concepts concepted
Characters: Primordial of Chaos, Gong Jiahao, Zhang Remy, Soul Warren, Fable Book, Nym Cardinal, Maddox High, Kace Asher, Ace Siren, Mirroh, Pavel Nox, Jung Taeil, Rune Siren, Neph, Xiang, Runais, Xadrian, Phelan, Mirroh Characters
Song association: Illusion by Ateez
Excerpt: Nothing written yet. :3
Heir of Chaos:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, modern setting?, medieval setting?, dimension hopping, mystery, series, not young adult
POV: Deimos Muse, Song Kwan, Adriel Sky, Warrick Red, Zhang Remy
Summary: Something goes here. You read that right! Remy is a POV here too. This story and Tinnitus are intertwined with reoccurring characters and that mysterious person is here too. Don't ask me how I plan to write these two stories, I just know they are intertwined.
Progress: vibes and vague ideas
Characters: Deimos Muse, Zhang Remy, Warrick Red, Song Kwan, Adriel Sky, Primordial of Chaos, Lucas String, Mirroh, Shen Saint, Gong Jiahao, Soul Warren, Fable Book, Nym Cardinal, Maddox High, Kace Asher Characters
Song association: Frost or Crown by Tomorrow X Together
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Corruption of Heroes:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: medieval fantasy, mystery, action, not young adult
POV: Kallista and/or Shysie
Summary: A fantasy story that follows the formation and eventual fall from grace of the Eleven Immortal Villains of the Dread Forest. A time when the citizens of Rusa and Centuros were ruled by Dissonantia Krone and her husband Draco Krone, before the two rulers became God of Chaos and Discord respectively. When Rusa and Centuros were constantly in a closely tied battle without bloodshed or animosity. Before the Dread Forest gained its name and the Ancient of Forests was worshiped by both Rusa and Centuros. When the Primordial of Life had curved horns upon its head and Immortals walked the same earth as mortals. How the mighty fall. How the Eleven Immortal Villains came to be (they're mentioned and may cameo in Dread Secrets). We've got Kallista, Shysie, twins Faraph and Gwin, brothers Leucis and Valrus, sapphic throuple Echo/Nyssa/and Whisper, sapphic couple Vasha and Eilla, and Lux as characters.
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, character concepts concepted
Characters: Lux, Shysie Crimson, Kallista Rose, Gwin Snow, Faraph Snow, Echo Song, Vasha Alice, Eilla Alice, Whisper Song, Nyssa Song, Leucis Bard, Valrus Bard, Dissonantia Krone, Draco Krone, Anarvale, Thronk, (more characters to come) Characters
Song association: It Seemed the Better Way by Leonard Cohen or Hunt You Down by The Hit House and Ruby Friedman
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Finding Family:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: slice of life, medieval fantasy, comedy?, pg/pg 13
POV: Pangari, Fintan, Demarcus, Amphon, and/or Yvonna
Summary: A fantasy, slice of life story about a family of Gods in the Immortal Realm. Amphon, God of Blacksmiths, and Yvonna, God of Seamsters, adopted three young Immortals who’ve ascended to godhood. Fintan, God of Flames, is often sleeping in Amphon’s smelter, his blonde hair and skin stained with soot and ash, and he only leaves the home if it’s for his twin sister, Pangari, or adopted brother, Demarcus. Pangari, God of Shadows, is a bubbly and kind-hearted young woman with bright eyes and light blonde waves. She spends as much time as she can with her family, often dragging Fintan out of the smelter to go on walks. Demarcus, God of Artisans, is dutiful and is often working hard on a new blueprint or helping his adopted father design a new sword or gift for Yvonna. This is a story about found family and the bonds that are formed by accepting each other and protecting each other.
Cast: Amphon, Yvonna, Pangari, Demarcus, Fintan, Bunsom, Lorne
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, some characters concepted
Song association: Family by Mother Mother
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Shadow of Doubt:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: Mystery, thriller, psychological thriller, horror, Crime, mature
POV: Kit Tong
Summary: something goes here. There's a single part that I will legitimately cry while writing, it's the only thing I know will happen and it makes me sad. Great character moment though. Kit has a cat named Milo and I love their cat, it's the beacon of light in the bloody dark. That's all I've got so far. One scene and the MC has a cute cat. That's all you really need though...right?
Progress: vibes and vague ideas
Characters: Kit Tong, Kim Jae-soon, Ito Genji, Sunnie Lee, Zander Blight, Freddie Smith, Mik Forest, (more characters to come) Characters
Song association: You'd Be Paranoid Too by Waterparks or Saints by Echos
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Background of Love:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: romance, comedy, slice of life, BL, GL, fantasy, modern setting, series, not young adult
POV: Elio, Tia, Season, Wins, Rowan, Mingi, Jun
Summary: something goes here. One of the MCs is probably the main MC because he's aro/ace and everyone around them is falling in love left, right, and center so it's like he's in the background if that makes sense? I haven't decided if that character is going to be called Season or Elio. This is the story with the most gay focus of any of my stories.
(old summary for some context: This story follows three couples as they pursue love. Elio has had feelings for his childhood friend Rowan for five years with the other not noticing and soon developing a crush on someone else. Elio decides to stop his feelings for Rowan, no matter how difficult, and allows his friends Dom and Dai to set him up with a temporary boyfriend Mingi. Once Elio decides to move on, Rowan soon discovers how much Elio has done for him over the years and abandons his crush to pursue Elio. Tia, friend of Elio and Dom and Dai has caught herself pining after her neighbor across the street named Mian. Despite all of her bravado and confident air, she can’t bring herself to talk coherently around Mian. No longer being pursued by Rowan, Wins begins to spend more time with Jun since they have many of the same interests. Jun stops spending time with Wins, putting Mingi first as the latter might have developed feelings for his temporary boyfriend. Can Amais, God of Love, help his heartless or will the God have them figure it out for themselves?)
Progress: vibes and vague ideas
Characters: Elio Santiago, Rowan Winters, Kim Mingi, Huang Jun, Xu Mian, Tia Amor, Season Light, Takara Haru, Dom Wong, Dai Angsan, Wins Michaels, God of Soulmates (Amais) Characters
Song association: Fake Protagonist by Getsunova or Lose (english version) by Wonho
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, medieval fantasy?, mystery, suspense, comedy, romance, not young adult
POV: Runais, Xadrian, and/or Lykos (maybe Mirroh?)
Summary: something goes here. Everyone else is having a bad time but Runais and Xadrian are just chaotic dumb and chaotic dumber and I love that for them. This story kind of absorbed another WIP idea I had called "Deja Vu" and I'm not mad about it. I like this story a bit more.
Progress: vibes and vague ideas, some characters concepted
Characters: Xiang, Neph, Runais, Xadrian, Lykos, Mirroh, Primordial of Chaos, Malianna Ash, Scorch, Flit, Phelan, (more characters to come?) Characters
Song association: Seraph by DPR Ian or Who Are You by Sam Kim
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Love Afterlife:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: medieval fantasy, romance, GL, not young adult
POV: Tahari or Nocturne/Aqualise
Summary: something goes here, but I know it's sapphic. The location is the afterlife and I do think I'm clever. Because...they...they find love...in the afterlife....so...love...afterlife.... A sapphic tale between the God of Death and an Immortal Spirit.
Progress: vibes
Characters: Tahari, Nocturne/Aqualise, (more characters to come) Characters
Song association: ???
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Demon Eye:
Moodboard Goes Here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, action, dark fantasy, romance, not young adult
POV: ??? I don't have any characters thought up yet, no names or anything. RIP
Summary: something goes here. It feels really cool in my brain, cool fight scenes go brrr. Cool character concept vibes go brr too.
Progress: vibes
Song association: ???
Excerpt: Nothing written yet :3
Deja Vu:
Moodboard Goes here
Genre/Rating: fantasy, modern setting?, dimension hopping, mystery, not young adult
POV: Pavel Night
Summary: (technically scrapped) A fantasy, mystery, suspense. Living under the same roof to save money with his six friends, Pavel has had the luxury of having a room to himself thanks to winning a long game of rock, paper, scissors. His ideal world is flipped when one of his friends, Lucas, asks if a friend of his could move in. Though Pavel doesn’t know the friend well, he trusts Lucas’ judgement of character and agrees to let the friend share a room with himself since it’d be easier than Malia moving her things out of one room and into another. As soon as this friend, Mirroh, arrives, Pavel feels a strange distrust of the stranger. Mirroh keeps to himself unless he’s with Lucas, and seems to settle in well enough. But when an accident leaves his friend Shen dead and Ambrose in critical condition, strange things begin to happen. Mirroh’s personality becomes stranger and he seems to know when something bad is about to happen, though he doesn’t seem to lift a finger to stop it. What’s stranger is Pavel wakes up to find himself back to the day of the first accident that began it all. What can Pavel do to prevent the accidents? Does Mirroh know something and is keeping it a secret? Who is the stranger that confirms that Pavel should not trust Mirroh? Should he listen to the stranger?
Progress: Technically scrapped, vibes, vague ideas, 5 chapters written
Cast: ???, Lucas String, Mirroh, Shen Saint, Ambrose Saint, Malia Shield, Pavel Nox, Rune Siren, Ace Siren, Pavel Night
Song Association: ???
Excerpt: ):
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asheanon · 6 months
🎉 Happy Birthday, me! 🎊 🐌🎂 (I figured I'd attempt to be nice and celebratory of the birthday vs. staying quiet and brooding about it all day. Try to be positive.) 🫠
In the IRL-ish world: (And I hate to do this, but again, trying to be positive...!) If you'd like to show a little love, I have a ✨ Ko-fi ✨ where you are more than welcome to buy me a coffee (or give me the money to buy one) that I can have with the cake, because boy howdy, is a coffee with a touch of cream or straight black just divine with a slice of cake. ☕🎂 (Or any dessert, really. Bitter + sweet combo enjoyer - in every sense of the word, that's right! Sal gets it from somewhere.~ Haha!)
In the RP world: My gang are totally handing out slices of cake with coffee to everyone! Every. Single. Character. No exceptions. Everyone. E v e r y o n e g e t s c a k e .
🍰 🍰 🍰 🍰 🍰 🍰 🍰
Heck. Fourth wall is being broken and YOU are also handed cake. No escape.
💻 🍰
(Coffee is a maybe. I know not everyone likes it.) ☕ ☕ ☕
(Also, sorry - edit - caution: lots of pictures/art below the cut. Just as a fair warning before opening!)
Aaaand... 🫠 I guess to close things, I'll share a gallery of WIPs and art pieces that have an especially Ashe-y sort of Ashe to them and/or that I spent a lot of time with this past year - creating, learning, growing and surviving alongside and all that. Might as well celebrate another year in the life of an Ashe a little bit. 🎨🌌
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(These aren't organized chronologically. They're mostly sorted via story/theme!)
While things may not be great (and kind of... haven't been for a while...!) I'm still here. Despite everything, I still happen upon new experiences that bring a smile to my face and warm my soul - things that I'm glad I have this chance to experience and memories that are worth making. 💙
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scifimagpie · 10 months
Back on Ash Tree Lane: Revisiting House of Leaves
Art by Michelle Browne, 2023. Yep, I'm back on my bullshit.
An abbreviated version of this appears as a review for the book on my Amazon and Goodreads accounts, but I realised I had more to say. 
Beware, because 
for this 23-year-old book (jeez) abound.
 I first read House of Leaves years and years ago, and then some friends suggested reading it for a book club this year. Naturally, I figured it was a good time for a revisit; it's probably been fifteen years or more since I picked it up. Maybe closer to twenty. (Jeez, I'm old.) 
Vibe Check
As much as parts of the book do genuinely deliver a dizzying thrill ride, the beginning of the book actually didn't quite hold up for me. But I have to admit, this is a book you have to binge - try to read it in long sessions. Also there's a ton of content warnings for this book - child abuse, sexual assault mentions, sexual harassment, mental illness, animal harm and death, infanticide, attempted child murder...plus some good, old-fashioned gore and body horror. Lots of horrible, excellent, spooky stuff, and it's generally treated with some respect. 
Once you start to "get" the book, the labyrinthine page formatting and the distracting footnotes - they're there for vibes most of the time, and to instill a sense of authenticity and realism - it's amazing. 
Is this book the most accessible thing I've ever read? Probably not. I don't even know how it is from a disability perspective - I'm not even sure how you'd make an audiobook that captures the vibe. (Maybe with lots of sound effects and clever editing tricks? Actually, if that exists somewhere, someone send it to me.)
And yet, the overall story, about the mental health issues of Johnny Truant, and the possibility of the entire thing being his invention? Or the invention of his mental health? And the subtle nested story meta-structure thing - is really sad and really cool. There's something very visceral about this sad, sad guy's lonely wandering and search for answers. 
A lot of people are tempted to skim Johnny's segments for some reason, but if at all possible, don't do that. Johnny's mother's institutionalization when he was young, his persistent struggles with poverty, mental health issues, substance use, and intimacy, as well as possible ADHD (just to take a few wild guesses), and the death of his "godlike" pilot father and the subsequent abusive monstrousness of his stepfather Raymond, are all essential parts of the narrative. 
Some griping
Yeah, it's at least borderline "dick lit," i.e. a book about man-pain bordering on the fetishistic (i.e., your On the Road, most Hemingway books, Crime and Punishment, Catch-22, Fight Club, plenty of other literary fiction titles - those are just some I've read that fit the bill). But this is "dick lit" that actually shares something scared, vulnerable, and alone, and shows the holes in toxic masculinity - as well as the dangers of mythologizing male figures in one's life. 
The creepy Oedipal stuff with Johnny's mother, as revealed in her letters from the mental institution, and the meta-fictional portrayal of Karen, as well as all the hookup girls, definitely fit too well into that Madonna/whore dichotomy. And it's worth saying that the book is extremely white and quite straight - for someone in LA, Johnny never seems to even encounter a queer person or drag queen/king, and homosexuality is only mentioned in a context of denigrating Will Navidson's masculinity, and questioning the fidelity of his wife, Karen. Even the book metatextually commentating on the mother/whore dichotomy, and having Johnny speculate on the inner lives of his hookups, does not succeed in fishing the book out of basic sexism. 
I can only speculate about ableism a little bit, but the character Reston felt like pretty good representation, and the mental health stuff - well, at least for me, it worked. The visceral horror of developing a family member's mental illness and recapitulating the cycle of trauma? Compulsive lying or avoidance of personal history to hide the horrors within? Yeah, I get it. Not all representation has to be Perfect (TM), and the institutionalization horror of his mother probably has some problems to unpack with it, but the cloying and suffocating nature of her attachment, as well as her desperate hunger for connection with the outside world, also shone through. 
I'll be honest - this is also a book that benefits from skimreading certain sections. I'm just not sure all the physics stuff actually adds to the narrative. I'm not a crunchy enough scientist to take value from it, personally. A lot of people hate Johnny, who is definitely not a Good Person, but I felt sympathetic towards the scrappy young man. I'm surprised Tumblr isn't all over House of Leaves, because he has "scrungly" disaster vibes for sure. (And possibly, considering how much he idolizes his friend Lude, a hint of coded bisexuality? For a book with a central focus on Greek mythology, it's agonizingly straight.)
The good stuff
My favourite sections are definitely the actual explorations of the house. It's no surprise that these are the segments that have resonated the most in pop culture - fans of the SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) universe and HP Lovecraft have almost certainly run into the main concepts of this book already. 
I guess I'm a sucker for a good gothic novel, because there is something decidedly gothic about this one - it's a House, and it's Spooky, and it's about a Family and their mental illnesses. But in this case, the house is something that travels with Johnny, not just the physical location on Ash Tree Lane. The problems with the house for the Navidsons are all part of the baggage they carry with them. 
I've been sitting with the whole structural thing about the Minotaur, Theseus, Minos, and the whole stepson/stepfather hate thing, for a bit. There's this thematic element about Johnny being emotionally and mentally ill, and his mother being ill as well - that does seem like an intentional parallel? But there's also a thing about Zampano as Daedalus and a father figure, and Johnny as Icarus, soaring too high on his father's creation, only to be killed by it.
Is the entire thing an elaborate delusion? Is Zampano real? Who is this mysterious genius, this Daedalus-like figure whose invention - the book - ensnares and entraps Johnny, our humble Icarus and Minotaur? We certainly don't get answers, but he appears to be lonely, remote, and ripe for idealization. 
Is the Navidson Record meant to be real, or all Johnny's invention? The "editor" character is particularly interesting, especially because at no point do they clarify the reality or unreality of the manuscript.
When, throughout his extended mental breakdown, did Johnny possibly have time to pen this missive? It certainly seems possible that he was doing little else. But when was it accepted and submitted to a publishing company? The book definitely wants to give the vibe of just "appearing" in print. It's very "done" nowadays, but at the time, it was particularly revolutionary. 
Why does House of Leaves still work?
Well - in my opinion, HoL commits to the gothic and keeps you invested, but it also goes deep into the mental health issues that make up the backbone of both cosmic horror and the gothic novel. 
This, then, is probably why military takes on Lovecraftian fiction and the SCPs all kind of suck. I've watched a couple of Youtube videos and listened to a few Actual Play podcasts of Call of Cthulhu games with a Delta Green focus (that's a special forces take on Call of Cthulhu), and all of them just left me absolutely cold. (Maybe other people will enjoy these live-action takes on SCPs more than I did.) In addition to the fact that I'm just not much into jingoism, and I'm kinda critical of that whole carceral-state structure and the military industrial complex, conservative politics really don't work with cosmic horror or gothic novels. 
Sure, military elements can work great - in Lovecraft's Monsters, there's a rather good take on the story of Innsmouth that involves a military intervention - but it's also inherently critical of the role of said military. I do have some fondness for the Warhammer 40K universe as well, but that's also morally complex. 
Any kind of military apologia in the face of cosmic horror just absolutely sucks the scare factor right out of stuff. It's too objective and impersonal, when it should be intimate and invasive. And above all - really good horror must come from empathy. 
If you crave more
T Kingfisher/Ursula Vernon's What Moves the Dead, the HP Lovecraft stories "The Color Out of Space" and "Dreams in the Witch House" as well as the Shirley Jackson book We Have Always Lived in the Castle are pretty excellent classic read-alikes; I haven't read Grady Hendrix's How to Sell a Haunted House yet, but I loved Horrorstor, and that's another decent read-alike for building-based horror. The "Endless Ikea" SCP is available on Youtube in multiple reading formats, as well as videos, and of course, there's always the original version on the website. 
The podcasts Welcome to Night Vale, TANIS, and the Rusty Quill Archives also all offer some good horror content if you want to savour the visceral fear of something breathing down your neck, too!
A writer and professional freelance editor, Michelle Browne lives in Lethbridge, AB with her partners-in-crime and their cats. She is currently working on the next books in her series, other people's manuscripts, knitting, jewelry-making, and drinking as much tea as humanly possible.
Find her all over the internet: *Website * Mailing list * Magpie Editing * Amazon * Tumblr * Mastodon *Facebook * Medium * Twitter  * OG Blog* Instagram * Paypal.me * Ko-fi
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qrowscant-art · 1 year
oh man i am in love with all the art and concepts for IS!! i'd love to know more about him and his story if you'd be willing to share. also i'm super curious about your process when it comes to making some of the pieces with that great dithering effect! do you just draw them in black and white and add the effect after or is it more complex? your compositions are amazing as well as you eye for detail! you utterly nail the flesh/tech analogue horror vibe
thank you! IS-OT is part of a slowly developing project that i've had bouncing around my brain for awhile now but have only actually started doodling. there's some weird fucky dimensional stuff happening in antarctica, and in an attempt to understand it, IS is made. he's not a fan.
im still not sure what form his story will take, but i do know i'm too much of an experimental dweeb to settle for one medium. i have some scripts written already for audio portions, and the bare-bones of a website + browser game concept so! we'll just have to wait and see :) thank you so much for the interest, and for the ko-fi!! im very excited to keep making stuff for him. he sucks (affectionate).
for dithering, it entirely depends. usually i just draw things myself using a crunchy pixel brush and some elbow grease (i'm particularly proud of the final piece on my ash poem!), other times i'll nab stock images, textbook diagrams, or ikea assembly instructions and run it through this site, then heavily edit the results until they're to my liking. i highly encourage just fucking around for awhile!
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l3capperz · 2 years
Sister Beatrice from the Warrior Nun a Queer Crisis of Faith as Representation a Case Study by a Lay Fan's Failed Twitter🧵1/X
From abject Terror that Warrior nun will not be renewed
By a silly Captain
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Why do this?
Tumblr     has terminated two of my accounts for liking/re-blogging too much warrior     nun content in a short period of time (I think)
I am a massive fan of warrior nun (eyebrow raises and all)
sister Beatrice is my comfort character. I find so much of myself in her
I'm also a massive fan kty's work as Sister Beatrice and the work she specifically has done to promote the show in the wake of season 2. Plus, to see Asian actor has been magical. It's truly embarrassing how much of a chokehold I'm in😅. I will say no more on the subject.
I simply need to talk about the importance of seeing queer characters of faith go through the struggle of faith deconstruction and construct their new world     view.
In light of the struggle and strivings that the fans of this show have poured countless hours into, to save this TV show which has been a great     representation of queer representation. I wish to speak to the importance   of queer representation in spaces of faith given our collective trauma     from those spaces are we seek to build a garden out of the ashes.
I tried to start this on twitter because well my other Tumblrs were as stated above, terminated. Second, I am clearly too old/young to operate twitter. Third twitter when I began thinking about this project was on the possible  full decline.
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Caveats - Never Say I Did not Warn you
Queer has     been used as a slur. I beg pardon and hope you can share in my reclaiming     of the word.
I am a     lay theologian (no masters of divinity over here just the audacity that I     have the capacity and responsibility/authority to bring good theological     fruit to the table for nibbling, nourish others, and at least nourish     myself )
I come     from the protestant Christian tradition so my lens reflects this     perspective. I beg patience and forgiveness when I overstep my bounds and     perhaps speak out of turn on the rich and often painful traditions that     are not directly my own. I will endeavor to reference and speak on areas I     am qualified to.
Very few     things I am certain certain of, but rather I  find myself a guest of convictions which are buttressed by loads of data points which suffice for me.
If this     helps you and brings you joy great and if it does not I beg you to delete     the words from your brain to the best of your ability and your forbearance
I do take     the theologically affirming stance (Avatar Korra says I'm the avatar deal     with it). I shall define this further.
I     recognize that warrior nun does not nor is it attempting to be a 1:1     recreation of the faith traditions we have in our lived daily lives.     Nevertheless, I think there is value from exploring this fictional world's     comparisons and contrasting aspects about faith deconstruction  and simultaneous reconstruction. As art     imitates life and life art. I hope there is freedom for more whole living     and joy in studying both. (as mentioned before, it will be for me)
This is     not an academic work, though I have been told on several occasions, that I     use big words. I will probably write in the voice I would speak in on this     topic (though with perhaps better word choice given the power of editing).     I will cite or reference works of much more learned people than I and     probably not in the correct APA or MLA or your favorite academic citation     method.
I will write semi infrequently given work, study, and survival, but oooo buddy I am highly motivated. It’s such an intersection of core aspects of my identity
 A Bit about Me - Aka My Credentials
I am     Asian - I have skin game as one might say for Beatrice given the choice to     cast an Asian actor. While the character may be written such that anyone     could be play that character, there are powerful readings one can make     into it because of that reality. ( I doubt I'll make that in great depth.     I would be out of my depth)
I am     queer. That is all I will say on that matter.
If I was     not busy being an engineer in training, I would probably get a Master's of     Divinity in Biblical languages
I am     steeped in Christian theology and culture more than the average bear and I     have a Master's Degree of suffering in Civil Engineering with a double     major in Chinese language and literature
My father     has an Master's of Divinity and installed     the hardwood floors of CS Lewis's study (ofc after CS Lewis left     the mortal realm)
My mother     has dropped some practical knowledge on my father and I when we got too     far into the clouds of theological theory
I am a     work in progress and I hope that speaks for a lot in a world which seeks     to crystalize immutable things
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stxriesfromasharchive · 3 months
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Massive Elden Ring DLC Mod Comes for FromSoftware’s Crown
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We're seeing a lot of fan-made Elden Ring DLC mods coming for FromSoftware's biggest game to yet, despite the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree release date still being a pipe dream. The open-world game has just been out for a year, but owing to a long list of talented modders, including this DLC-sized piece of work, it still seems new. Oh, and there is a sneaky Bloodborne bit as well. The Elden Ring DLC-sized Eldenlands mod already makes the fantasy game more like an MMO, but now modder GiocatoreSingolo (what a name!) has created the Elden Ring – Unofficial Expansion mod with the help of many others, and it is brimming with changes and new additions – including Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne equipment. The Elden Ring DLC mod “attempts to stay true to the vanilla experience while still trying to be fun with quantity,” which sounds an awful lot like what FromSoftware will do with Shadow of the Erdtree. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBtAJsdZmJE Elden Ring DLC mod – Unofficial Expansion There is an absolute metric ton of changes and additions in this Elden Ring DLC mod, so we’ve listed everything below. - 50 new weapons - 30 pieces of armor - Two new maps (Bononia, City of The Porch, through Divine Tower of Liurnia; Tarneria, Hegemon Town, through Divine Tower of East Altus) - Two altered maps (Divine tower of Limgrave; Ashen Capital) - Marginally edited summons - Altered level curves (HP, stamina, FP, equip load, resistances, defence all grow slightly different; you can easily abuse the system, probably) - 17 new classes - Unlocked Ashes of War - Attempt at boosting Flasks - Larger FOV in no combat time - Health bar scales for higher HP, so in the endgame, the bar will be shorter than usual (you are expected to go NG+) - Faster map cursor - Faster respawn times - New merchants (at Roundtable Hold), one for flasks upgrades, one for partial sword arts, and one that sells magic, all sword arts, all ashes - Altered Craftables: all my new equipment is available thereCraftable key items to progress through the game without wasting time - Longer-lasting grease - Boosted the effectiveness of several talismans - RADIANT BALDACHIN’S BLESSING is now an item that boosts poise but lowers defence, stamina recovery, attack power. Unlimited, craftable - Armors and weapons have special effects, check their description for more - I might have altered Goldmask’s dialogue - Additional Sites of Grace - Faster Torrent - Bloodborne Dash - Eclectic game progression (at certain points of the game you’ll unlock multiple Sites of Grace, letting you approach the game in an unconventional way while still not altering natural game progression) - Minor additional items (available at Unknown Merchants) There is an absolute metric ton of changes and additions in this Elden Ring DLC mod, so we’ve listed everything below. It should also be noted that this mod contains a lot of other mods, placed into one neat package. The Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne equipment was imported by GiocatoreSingolo themselves, however. “I would consider this mod early access, unrefined and incomplete mod. I plan to expand and perfect this Expansion with patches and thematical updates,” they add. You can install the Elden Ring DLC mod for free right now, but be sure to check out the mod description, as it looks like it may get a bit tricky. While we wait for the RPG game’s official DLC, you’ll want to brush up on the best Elden Ring spells and best Elden Ring builds, as both will take you very far into the Elden Ring DLC. Read the full article
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bitcofun · 2 years
Bored Apes might be trendy in the meantime, however the genuine enjoyable to be had with NFTs remains in the speculative art world. Key Takeaways Bored Apes and CryptoPunks might make headings, however the most intriguing operate in the NFT area today is speculative art. NFT innovation supplies unique methods for artists to explore both their art and their relationship with their audience. Some of the artists doing speculative NFT art today might effectively wind up the art history books. The NFT area has actually seen a surge of development because the innovation expanded in 2021-- it's simply that you need to do a bit of digging to discover it. I've highlighted my passiveness towards the NFT avatar pattern in more pieces than I can count, however it's worth keeping in mind that there's a wealth of crypto art that does not follow the CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club formula. Innovation Everywhere A big quantity of experimentation is occurring if you simply look underneath the surface area. It's motivating to see. Lots of artists are pressing borders, not just in their art itself however likewise in how they engage with their fans. This innovation has the power to break down the barrier in between developer and fan like absolutely nothing we've ever seen, and some artists have actually begun leveraging that in unique methods. The developer of the world's most costly NFT, Pak, revealed that they comprehend the NFT neighborhood much better than anybody as their profile increased in2021 Their $91 million "The Merge" piece that was offered to around 30,00 0 collectors, they likewise produced a token called ASH that might be redeemed by burning NFTs. A few of Pak's work was just offered to ASH holders. Genius." max discomfort v2" by Alpha Centauri Kid (Source: Alpha Centauri Kid) While Pak set the standard, they're not the only one to take huge threats in the name of development. Alpha Centauri Kid just recently dropped a restricted edition piece and alerted collectors that it would end up being an open edition if anybody noted theirs on the secondary market. Naturally somebody did, so ACK put the piece up as a 24- hour open edition. I snagged among these, and prior to I understood it, the piece had actually changed into a derivative (or straight-out copy, depending upon whom you ask) of XCOPY's "MAX PAIN." Whatever you consider this technique, it's difficult to fault ACK on his nerve. In another drop that captured my attention, Tyler Hobbs and Dandelion Wist welcomed collectors to end up being developers in their collective generative art experiment, QQL I've spoken a reasonable bit about this one so I do not require to elaborate once again here; I'll simply state that I believe it will be acknowledged as an essential collection in the long run. " This is, Call me ~ bye" (Source: @ 0xTjo) And in maybe the wildest drop circulation concept I've seen up until now, the Canadian artist Tjo is welcoming fans to take cold showers for 7 days directly to have a shot at minting his newest masterwork. Tjo's profile skyrocketed last month with his extensively applauded "BLeU" piece that influenced numerous recreations, and his most current stunt seems like another relocation that will send him to famous status. In other words, attempt not to pay excessive attention to stars showing off Bored Apes, the SEC penetrating Bored Apes, or doubters grumbling about Bored Apes. There's excessive enjoyable to be had in other places to concentrate on this sound, specifically with a lot of artists discovering cool methods to welcome the similarity you and me to engage with the crypto art motion. Disclosure: At the time of composing, the author of this piece owned a range of fungible and non-fungible cryptocurrencies, consisting of ETH, a QQL mint pass, Alpha Centauri Kid's "max discomfort v2," and some Otherside NFTs. They were likewise midway through Tjo's cold shower difficulty. Fidenza Creator Tyler Hobbs Raises $1675 M on QQL NFT Drop News Sep.
28, 2022 The QQL Dutch auction closed in less than an hour, raising around $1675 million. QQL Raises $1675 M It ends up NFTs aren't dead, a minimum of if today's QQL drop from ... Five Bullish Signs That Prove NFTs Aren't as Dead as You Think As crypto winter season sustains, NFTs continue to suffer. Flooring costs for a lot of in-demand collections are well over 50% below their highs in ETH and dollar terms, while trading volumes ... Five Women NFT Artists You Should Know The NFT boom has actually assisted lots of females artists recognize that they can take advantage of the power of cryptocurrency innovation to make from their work. Crypto's Leading Women Artists As NFTs took ... Read More
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edges-posts · 3 years
Okay, so this theory just popped in my head in the middle of class. So instead of doing what a normal person would do and pay attention in class, I decided to type the theory out while my teacher teaches. Thank God for digital learning.
The picture below doesn't belong to me. It belongs to @finalspacer . Check them out cause not only do they make amazing art, but they also come up with good au's. @finalspacer if there is any problem with me sharing these photos please inform me and I will take them down.
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What if little Cato comes to know the truth through Incitus??
Okay so hear me out...
So what if little Cato gets possesed by invictus and, like how he spoke to Gary and Avocato while they were possesed, he tells little Cato the truth? We know invictus has access to memories of the person he possesses. He knew about Fox's past as when Ash asked possesed Fox to tell her about his past, he did it with no effort whatsover. So when he possesed Avocato he made the older ventrexian tell little Cato that he is not his son,('You're no son of mine!'), he knew about what avocato's past.
What if in the 12th episode, when invictus possesses Little Cato, he tells the young ventrexian the truth. In an attempt to tear the team squad apart.
What makes me think that little Cato will get mind controlled by the cosmic entity? The pictures above by @finalspacer. The first picture was taken from the look ahead. And as they pointed out there is a smidge of pink near the eyes. Once finalspacer edited the picture it seemed convincing enough. Olan edited the video to ensure it doesn't give any spoilers. So we can't see the 2nd picture in the look ahead.
This is the synopsis of the 12th episode:-
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What secret could possibly change the team squad? What truth bomb could affect them this hard?
The truth that Avocato killed Little Cato's parents. And Gary knew about it and didn't tell little Cato.
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destieldailynews · 3 years
February 14-21 weekly wrap-up
DeanCas Wedding February 14, 2021 One Valentines day, the supernatural fandom created and celebrated a wedding for Dean Winchester and Castiel which spanned social media platforms. Originally inspired by tweets by Chad Lindberg and Samantha Ferris, the event soon took on a life of its own. Fans created art, stories, and other fanworks, shared headcanons, and took this opportunity to celebrate the love between Dean and Cas. The wedding highlighted the ways in which fandoms can come together to spread positivity.  Submit fanworks commemorating the DeanCas Wedding to DDN here
Valentine’s Day at the Roadhouse February 14-16, 2021 Actors Chad Linberg (Ash) and Samantha Ferris (Ellen) made tweets to role play a Valentine’s Day celebration at the Roadhouse. Several of their comments seemed to be suggesting that they would celebrate the wedding of Dean and Cas. Ferris and Lindberg did not roleplay a wedding, and both actors became defensive when the subject was brought up. Fans were hurt and frustrated by Ferris and Lingberg’s responses.as well as Lindberg’s liking of a post that claimed Destiel supporters have been “gaslighting the rest of the fandom for 10+ years.” link to our post  link to Chad Lindberg' twitter link to Samantha Ferris's twitter
Architectural Digest Ackles Article February 15, 2021 Architectural Digest has done a feature on the Ackles family. The article is titled “CW Star Jensen Ackles Invites AD Inside His Family Home in Austin” and contains pictures of Jensen and Danneel Ackles and a very nice house, although they have not lived there for some time. AD attempted to capitalize on the fan enthusiasm around #DeancasWedding by re-issuing this article with a tweet reading “Sad over Destiel? Self Medicate with Jensen Ackles’s real-world Austin home.” link to our post
Reactions for AD Destiel Tweet February 15, 2021 Fans, for cast members, and other members of the supernatural community including Danneel Ackles, Ruth Connell, Felicia Day, and the Stands twitter account, reacted to the Architectural Digest tweets. link to our post
Shoshannah Stern Valentine  February 14, 2021 On Valentine’s Day, actress Shoshannah Stern, who played Eileen Leahy on Supernatural, tweeted a Valentine’s Day card which had a picture of Eileen and the text “🤟 (I love you)” on it. The Valentine was created by @agg_red1 on twitter, whom Shoshannah tagged in her post.  link to tweet link to original valentine
Shoshanah Stern likes Fancam  February 15, 2021 On February 15th, Shoshannah Stern liked an Eileen fancam, made by Twitter user @lexiegender. The edit consisted of various clips of the character, with a she/they bisexual flag around them phrases such as “she/they bi rights” bordering them. link to original tweet tweets liked by Shoshannah link to our post about Shoshannah's twitter activity
The Ackles’ Celebrate Mardi Gras  February 16, 2021 On Tuesday, February 16th, Danneel Ackles posted a picture and video of her family celebrating Mardi Gras on Instagram, with the caption: “Although this year’s Mardi Gras may look a little different… Tonight we still say, Hail Bacchus! To My Valentine and My King! New Orleans we will see you in 2022!!! #BacchusLI.”  The posts shows Jensen enjoying a meal and a glass of wine, along with a video of him trying to eat while his daughter, Justice, jumps on his back. link to our post link to Daneel Ackles' Instagram 
Supernatural Virtual Weekend Announced February 19, 2021 Creation Entertainment announced an event of virtual panels, meet-and-greets, and one-on-one chats with actors Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster. Highlights will include a Q & A with Misha Collins and a Q & A with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki.  link to our post link to virtual weekend website 
Jensen Ackles makes Instagram Post about Texas February 19, 2021 Jensen Ackles posted a video to Instagram in order to raise awareness about the crisis in Texas. The video is a loop of him staring into the distance as snow falls in the background and features a message of support to his “fellow Texans” as well as links for how to donate to places organizing aid in Texas.  link to our post link to Jensen Ackles' Instagram 
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