#arwen is fake fr
onceandfuturelesbian · 11 months
something i was thinking about last night as i tried to sleep
gwen and arthur loved eachother as friends, nothing more. arthur married her because she was convenient enough and would make a good queen (cause she knew the people and their struggles). gwen married him because the love of her life was already dead and she liked arthur well enough.
i think they thought they had to love eachother, to kiss and go on dates, etc. i think they never actually communicated their actual feelings to one another. i think they thought the other loved them romantically so they acted as if they did too (ie. arthur kissing gwen because he thought she wanted him to kiss her).
meanwhile, the loves of their lives suffered. lancelot died to prevent merlin and arthur from doing so (gwen asked him to protect arthur and lance has always been loyal to merlin). merlin lost himself, and other loved-ones, in his journey to protect arthur and ended up losing arthur anyways.
i think arthur was more at peace dying in merlin’s arms than he would’ve been dying in gwens.
in guinevere’s arms, arthur would’ve told her “protect camelot” “you are the queen” “camelot is yours now” “do what you believe is right” etc etc.
in merlin’s arms, arthur just wanted merlin to hold him and to thank merlin and tell him to never change.
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