#artist is giovanni battista tiepolo
diioonysus · 4 months
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blue + art
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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696-1770) The Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy, 1760s The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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matyas-ss · 2 years
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The Marriage of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Beatrice of Burgundy, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1751)
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froggyfriendsworld · 1 year
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Two Allegorical Figures by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
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antonio-m · 9 months
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"Samson" (detail) "Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770). Italian Roccoco period artist. oil on canvas
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ryunumber · 1 year
Jack London appears in the game Yukon Trail, the sequel to Oregon Trail, alongside other period appropriate characters, such as the wild west con artist Soapy Smith. Jack London appears in Dawson City, near the end of the game, while Soapy Smith runs a saloon in Skagway. Soapy Smith makes a bizarre, anachronistic appearance in the game Card Shark, which takes place in 1700s France (confirmation at 1:40:00 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3TGzECfF4o). A number of historical characters appear in Card Shark, including the Count Saint-Germaine (a version of whom appears in Castlevania) and also has King Louis XV (world leaders make good routes.) I'm not sure the best route from there to Ryu, especially since Castlevania versions of characters are usually considered creatively distinct enough to not count.
Whatever route is best, Casanova also appears. Doing a little digging, it appears that the rococo artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo appears in the 2001 game Casanova: Duel of the Black Rose, which might be his only videogame appearance.
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Jack London and Giovanni Battista Tiepolo have a Ryu Number of 4.
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gomorrite · 3 months
I want to start doing "artistic genealogical trees" with masters and disciples through generations. For instance, I realized through research that Veronese is the great-great-grandmaster of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
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Residenzschloss Wurzburg; Imperial Hall
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Title: Residenzschloss Wurzburg; Imperial Hall
Artist: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Date: 1751
Movement: Germanic Rococo
Genre: Palace
This hall is peak Rococo.
From the marble, the paintings, the statues, the gold lining, and the crystal pieces, every part of this is traditional rococo and you can practically hear Allegro being played and bouncing off the ornate walls of the hall.
As far as I can tell how ever, Imperial Hall was not used as a concert hall. Instead, Residenzschloss Wurzburg was a palace, same as many of the other German and Austrian buildings we have looked at from this era.
As for the design, having walls and furniture white washed and gilded with gold was very popular. Whiteness for the Europeans is correlated with pureness in divinity. This is why marble statues in western academia are usually at the forefront visually, because scholars feel this is the best representation of the pureness of Europeans and American art and academia. 
So for something to be white was a sign of wealth and cleanliness for European designers, especially in the rococo era.
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numberjuantravels · 1 year
Ciao, amici! 🇮🇹 We are super excited to share with you one of Italy's most colorful and charming destinations, Burano! This picturesque island is located in the Venetian Lagoon and is just a short vaporetto (water bus) ride from Venice. Get ready to be enchanted by its vividly painted houses, stunning canals, and captivating history. Here are our top 5 things to do in Burano to make your trip truly unforgettable:
1. 📸 Capture the Rainbow: Burano is renowned for its vibrant houses, which are painted in a kaleidoscope of colors. You'll want to spend some time wandering the narrow streets and canals, snapping photos and marveling at the unique atmosphere. Be sure to stop by the famous Bepi's House, known for its intricate and colorful geometric designs.
2. 🧶 Discover the Art of Lace: Burano has a rich history of lace-making dating back to the 16th century. Visit the Museo del Merletto (Lace Museum) to learn more about this intricate craft and see some exceptional examples of Burano lace. Don't forget to stop by a local lace shop to pick up a beautiful souvenir or even watch a live demonstration.
3. ⛪ Explore the Church of San Martino: Admire the leaning bell tower and stunning architecture of the Church of San Martino. This historic landmark is home to several beautiful artworks, including a painting by Venetian artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. The church's unique tilted bell tower is a must-see and makes for an interesting photo opportunity.
4. 🍴 Savor Local Cuisine: Burano offers a variety of delicious seafood dishes, as well as traditional Venetian cuisine. Treat yourself to a mouthwatering meal at one of the island's cozy trattorias or osterias. Be sure to try the local specialty, Risotto de Gò, a creamy rice dish made with goby fish, and pair it with a refreshing glass of Prosecco.
5. 🌅 Enjoy a Sunset Stroll: End your day by taking a romantic sunset stroll along the island's picturesque canals. The reflections of the colorful houses on the water create an enchanting atmosphere that will take your breath away. It's the perfect way to bid "arrivederci" to the magical island of Burano.
And there you have it, our top 5 things to do in beautiful Burano, Italy! 🇮🇹
If you're planning a trip to Venice, be sure to add this charming island to your itinerary. We guarantee you'll fall in love with its vibrant colors, rich history, and warm hospitality. Buon viaggio! ✈️
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royalreliquary · 2 years
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mishimamiravenecia · 1 month
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(Español / English / Italiano)
El edificio se construyó en la segunda mitad del siglo xv, por lo que se lo considera tardo-gótico. En 1629 fue residencia de una rama de la familia patrícia de los Pisani, en concreto de los Pisani Moretta,Francesco Pisani Moretta, último descendiente varón de la familia, cedió en herencia la propiedad a su hija Chiara en 1737.
Siendo Chiara propietaria se realizaron numerosas reformas, entre ellas la substitución de la primitiva escalera exterior por una escalinata interior, realizada por Andrea Tirali, y la decoración de las estancias con frescos pintados por los artistas en boga del momento. En el interior, remodelado con elementos barrocos y neoclásicos, destaca la primera planta principal, organizada en torno a una gran sala de recepción de cerca de 24 metros de longitud decorada con frescos de Jacopo Guarana y que presenta salas laterales, en dos de las cuales hay obras de Giovanni Battista Tiepolo y de Pietro Longhi.A lo largo del tiempo, el palacio ha ido pasando por diferentes manos, todas ellas vinculadas a las familias originarias, las cuales acogieron como invitados a personajes históricos como Josefina de Beauharnais o José II del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico. Gracias a las restauraciones de los últimos tiempos y a la recuperación de sus colecciones artísticas y mobiliario original, el palacio Pisani ha vuelto a adquirir parte del esplendor del que durante siglos fue objeto.
The building was constructed in the second half of the 15th century, it is considered to be late Gothic. In 1629 it was the residence of a branch of the Pisani patrician family, specifically of the Pisani Moretta, Francesco Pisani Moretta, the last male descendant of the family, bequeathed the property to his daughter Chiara in 1737.
During Chiara's ownership, numerous alterations were carried out, including the replacement of the original external staircase with an internal staircase by Andrea Tirali, and the decoration of the rooms with frescoes painted by the artists in vogue at the time. The interior has been remodelled with baroque and neoclassical elements, and the first floor is the main floor, organised around a large reception room about 24 metres long, decorated with frescoes by Jacopo Guarana and with side rooms, two of which contain works by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and Pietro Longhi.Over the years, the palace has passed through different hands, all of them linked to the original families, who welcomed as guests historical figures such as Josephine of Beauharnais or Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire. Thanks to recent restorations and the recovery of its artistic collections and original furnishings, Palazzo Pisani has regained some of the splendour it enjoyed for centuries.
L'edificio fu costruito nella seconda metà del XV secolo ed è quindi considerato tardo gotico. Nel 1629 era la residenza di un ramo della famiglia patrizia Pisani, la famiglia Pisani Moretta. Francesco Pisani Moretta, ultimo discendente maschio della famiglia, lasciò la proprietà in eredità alla figlia Chiara nel 1737.
Durante la proprietà di Chiara furono eseguiti numerosi interventi, tra cui la sostituzione della scala esterna originale con una scala interna di Andrea Tirali, e la decorazione delle sale con affreschi realizzati dagli artisti in voga all'epoca. L'interno è stato rimodellato con elementi barocchi e neoclassici, e il primo piano è quello principale, organizzato intorno a un grande salone di rappresentanza lungo circa 24 metri, decorato con affreschi di Jacopo Guarana e con sale laterali, due delle quali contengono opere di Giovanni Battista Tiepolo e Pietro Longhi.Nel corso degli anni, il palazzo è passato attraverso diverse mani, tutte legate alle famiglie originarie, che hanno accolto come ospiti personaggi storici come Giuseppina di Beauharnais o Giuseppe II del Sacro Romano Impero. Grazie ai recenti restauri e al recupero delle collezioni artistiche e degli arredi originali, Palazzo Pisani ha riacquistato parte dello splendore di cui ha goduto per secoli.
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visualpoett · 3 months
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Jesus Healing the Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda (1758-59)
Artist: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
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paramedicabroad · 7 months
Würzburg Residence with the Court Gardens & Residence Square
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Today, we're embarking on a virtual journey to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Würzburg Residence with the Court Gardens and Residence Square in Germany, where the baroque magnificence of the 18th century awaits.
The Würzburg Residence is a testament to the opulence and grandeur of the Baroque era. Its architecture and design make it a jewel of European cultural heritage.
In 1981, this magnificent palace complex was granted UNESCO World Heritage status, recognizing its profound historical and architectural importance. It's a place where the legacy of European art and design shines.
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The Residence Square is a grand open space in front of the palace, offering a stunning view of the Residence and its surrounding buildings.
The grand staircase within the palace is a masterpiece of Baroque design. Its intricate details and sweeping grandeur make it a highlight of the interior.
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The Court Gardens, or Hofgarten, are a beautiful example of a Baroque garden. Stroll among the manicured hedges, statues, and fountains, and feel transported to a bygone era.
The Tiepolo Frescoes are an artistic treasure. Venetian painter Giovanni Battista Tiepolo adorned the ceilings of the palace with breathtaking frescoes that tell stories of gods and heroes.
Today, the Würzburg Residence is not just a historical relic but a cultural hub that hosts art exhibitions, concerts, and events, celebrating the rich heritage of the region and the enduring charm of Baroque architecture.
In conclusion, Würzburg Residence, with the Court Gardens and Residence Square, is a masterpiece of Baroque splendor and cultural heritage. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it invites us to appreciate the profound historical and architectural significance of palaces like Würzburg in the history of European art and design. When you're ready to explore a world where grandeur, art, and history converge, this UNESCO site promises to inspire and captivate. 🏰🌷🌟
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musemash · 1 year
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GALLERY: 1 Michael Cacoyannis' 1977 film Painters: 2 Jacob De Wet 3 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 4 François Perrier 5 Bertholet Flemalle 6 Nicolo Tornioli 7 Giovanni Andrea Carlone 8 Franz Anton Maulbertsch 9 Francesco Fontebasso Actors: 10 Irene Papas & Tatiana Papamoskou
MFF marks INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY, and WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH, by exploring an iconic work of art from many centuries ago. EURIPIDES' tragedy, IPHIGENIA IN AULIS, is one of the greatest anti-war statements ever created; and it is also a powerful commentary on the plight of women down through the ages.  
EURIPIDES' powerful drama focuses on the dilemma facing KING AGAMEMNON, when the gods order him to sacrifice his own daughter. It can also be seen as a protofeminist work – highlighting perils faced by women and girls, when they are part of a militaristic, male-oriented culture with authoritarian religious leaders. Various traditions of this myth are embodied by the paintings in our image gallery.
This story is at the heart of our special feature: IPHIGENIA, the 1977 epic masterpiece, by ZORBA THE GREEK director MICHAEL CACOYANNIS. It is one of the finest depictions of a Greek tragedy, which takes a few imaginative artistic liberties with the conventions of that art form. Chief among its virtues are the powerhouse performances of IRENE PAPAS, as Queen Clytemnestra; and TATIANA PAPAMOSKOU as her daughter Iphigenia.
The videos embedded above include an extended trailer from this film – along with a graphic novel portrayal of the death of Iphigenia; and an experimental theatre adaptation of Agamemnon's ritual murder of his daughter. As an alternative metaphor, we have also included accounts of the biblical legend of Abraham being called to sacrifice his son Isaac. One is a poignant song by LEONARD COHEN; and the other a powerful depiction of WWI poet WILFRED OWEN's apocalyptic take on the same story.
An old Chinese proverb calls women "THE OTHER HALF OF THE SKY". In keeping with our desire to honor the respect being shown to women worldwide on this particular day, one of our playlists offers eloquent articles debunking stereotypes about FEMINISM. We also include items dealing with the history and meaning of these holidays, embodying more progressive attitudes toward women.
We present various retellings of Iphigenia's story, and related myths, in movies, plays, audiobooks, and operas. This includes works by composers such as CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD GLUCK, BENJAMIN BRITTEN, WAYNE SHORTER, SERGEY TANEYEV, NICOLE V. GAGNÉ, and DAVID AVIDOR. We also offer different versions of Euripides' companion piece, IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS – which tells an alternative tale, wherein the heroine is supernaturally rescued from her father's sacrifice by the goddess Artemis.
It should be noted that some of these videos are by talented amateurs; thus, there are occasional technical issues, and a few have overly lengthy introductions. Nevertheless, they are well worth watching, if you overlook these very minor flaws. Most of the foreign language productions have English subtitles, sometimes accessed via the CC feature on YouTube videos.
We end with a section of works dealing with the fates of characters from Euripides' plays – and depictions of the Trojan War and its aftermath, by notables such as AESCHYLUS and HOMER. But first, we present further interpretations of the story of Isaac from the Book Of Genesis, one of human history's most enduring tales of child sacrifice. This is followed by the extraordinary Cacoyannis film; its availability, in a good quality copy, is what inspired us to do this post for Women's Month.
SACRIFICIAL MYTHS Story Of Isaac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ30w3eQR4o Abraham & The Sacrifice Of Isaac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zb9ql-rSOs Abraham & Isaac Paintings https://fineartamerica.com/art/paintings/sacrifice+of+isaac The Old Man & The Young  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16kjENwNjDw Britten War Requiem: Offertorium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xctltGbPL4s Iphigenia In Greek Mythology https://owlcation.com/humanities/The-Story-of-Iphigenia-in-Greek-Mythology The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay5kRC_989U Iphigenia In Aulis & Tauris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcBIn_PvaWs Cacoyannis' Iphigenia (1977) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jD-IuhwLmk
MYTHS VS REALITIES Mythology & Feminist Thought https://consortium.gws.wisc.edu/conference/past-conferences/announcing-the-4w-and-wgsc-2021-conference/2021-presentations/mythology-and-feminism-the-connection-between-myth-and-feminist-thought/ Myths & Truths About Feminism https://www.theodysseyonline.com/10-myths-and-truths-about-feminism https://femalemindunleashed.com/myths-about-feminism/ https://www.mic.com/articles/96292/the-10-worst-myths-about-feminism-debunked https://www.bl.uk/sisterhood/articles/myths-and-controversies-surrounding-feminism https://medium.com/@makemuse/5-of-the-most-common-misconceptions-about-feminism-91292daa5c37 https://studybreaks.com/culture/feminism-common-stereotypes/ https://icytales.com/top-10-myths-about-feminism/ https://www.aware.org.sg/2010/02/myths/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/christinapark/2015/03/07/a-millennials-perspective-five-myths-about-modern-feminism/ https://medium.com/keepmesafe/widespread-myths-about-feminism-and-feminists-fe47456a7897 International Women's Day https://www.internationalwomensday.com/ https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/other/international-women-s-day-women-s-history-month-101-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-celebration/ar-AA185qpU https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/how-women-s-rights-in-the-us-have-been-eroded-since-the-last-women-s-history-month/ar-AA18bHUg https://www.wmagazine.com/culture/womens-history-month-2023-books-feminist-reading-list https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes-personal-shopper/2023/03/01/international-womens-day-gifts/?sh=5bc62e497ba6 National Women's History Month https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/655595/womens-history-month-facts https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/national-international/when-is-womens-history-month-everything-you-need-to-know/3289829/ https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/womens-history-month https://nationaltoday.com/national-womens-history-month/ https://news.yahoo.com/celebrate-women-history-month-female-220052929.html
IPHIGENIA AT AULIS Iphigenia At Aulis Onstage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yR6VwSG_wY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTGn__ph4bY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILyUShi5l4g Gluck: Iphigénie En Aulide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBRU5NlQVxw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJL2E7Aqu40 Iphigenia: A New Opera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbeGIdyhy7c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5erDLURRCE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG6ZoESYjPQ Iphigenia In Aulis: Zoom Drama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8vF1By09Bc Iphigenia In Aulis: Audio Drama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm1gzYTVsbw Iphigenia At Aulis: Translations http://classics.mit.edu/Euripides/iphi_aul.html https://archive.org/details/iphigeniaataulis00euriuoft/mode/2up
IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS Iphigenia In Tauris Onstage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqyM0hSRBt0 Gluck: Iphigénie En Tauride https://www.metopera.org/globalassets/user-information/nightly-opera-streams/week-14/playbills/feb-26-iphigenie.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow9zpUw91J4&list=OLAK5uy_kmz32yqjO79d8FQZWtCv0AaiSOFG_ozcM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROzh7i_RSyc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0m07GnesPs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at1OhtsICt4 Iphigenia In Tauris: Audio Drama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAjas-3kAdM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YDv5PsrIiM Iphigenia 2020: One-Woman Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji75882oPgc Iphigenia In Tauris: Translations http://classics.mit.edu/Euripides/iph_taur.html https://archive.org/details/iphigeniaintauri00gluc/page/n5/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/iphigeniaintauri01goet/mode/2up
FURTHER ADVENTURES IN MYTH Agamemnon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkJi7UG0Llk&list=PLNB6PCJBrfBooXOg2Yr_G0Y9P0FbZDGwo Oresteia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RQ_h46zE-s The Oresteia In 3 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz93CoLroeU Agamemnon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdv3vkECqXA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldIJVtDG5TM The Libation Bearers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFv5-OuaL-E The Eumenides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xagHZoNS6DQ The Trojan Women https://ok.ru/video/2113193708195 The Odyssey https://archive.org/details/the-odyssey-1997-part-1-of-2-avi https://archive.org/details/the-odyssey-1997-part-2-of-2-avi
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don-lichterman · 1 year
Gary Franks: A Trojan Horse for Christmas?
Gary Franks: A Trojan Horse for Christmas?
By Gary Franks Could America be engaged in a Trojan Horse war? If so, we are losing badly. I am referring to the crisis at the Mexican border. Do Democrats really want to fix it? Circa 1260 B.C., the wooden Trojan Horse used during the siege of Troy, with Greeks climbing into the horse. Original Artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. (Rischgitz/Hulton Archive/Getty Images/TNS) Many have said that…
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mrdirtybear · 2 years
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‘Study after Alessandro Vittoria's Bust of Jacopo Palma il Giovane’ created by Italian artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770). See the original statue that this drawing is based upon here.
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