#are there problems? yeah ofc
junotter · 11 months
I'm so fucking excited to go to the osaka aquarium.
Like the childlike wonder and joy I have for an aquarium.
They have fucking mola mola and a whale shark.
And a special night time event....
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kaltacore · 11 months
the way cole makes varric conflicted is so delicious i think. most of the characters are uncomfortable around him because they're genuinely terrified of demons and the fade and magic in general but varric is a completely different case. the thing is, he doesn't see cole as a demon at all because he doesn't want to.
he acts like he doesn't care about this stuff. that's a little weird kiddo around here and he wants to befriend him. teach him something even. why not. that's a little guy who's a little too good with knives and can't pick up a single social clue at the same time.
but there it is. the "he could have been a person" line if cole is made more spirit. varric is so upset about it because it's not like he saw cole as, well, a spirit who got a little too human. for varric, he was a human first, a weird kid second. the spirit part didn't even come into consideration because. well. it would make him question things. you know where it goes.
every time he starts bitching about anders he brings up justice. justice drove him mad. justice took over him. justice this, justice that. justice is a scapegoat because the thought that someone varric was friends with was actually willing to blow up the chantry and it wasn't just some evil demon's wish is a very unsettling one. varric's friends may be crazy but they're cool and make no irreversible life decisions of that extent, don't they? blondie turned out this way because he let a demon possess him and make him do terrible things. completely out of the blue.
it's either varric's ex-friend has never been driven crazy by some inherently evil entity and there was a whole other person around him all along and that anger he used to mock was coming from the same place as compassion's urge to become a killer or that little weird but kind kid he started to care about has never been and will never be a real kid. he can't have both. a bitter pill to swallow for someone who has never picked a side in his life
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yeah so i'm falling for @weevmo's Guys... they're so neat! i dig their vibes and can't wait to see what Corduroy Stew is all about <3
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1eos · 11 months
since I've not seen usamerican used to be antiblack (at least as far as I'm aware!) I'm wondering if there's any way to spot it. or I guess wondering how to tell the difference between people using it "normally" and people using it to target black Americans. I'm VERY ready to believe people are doing that, I just have very little exposure to the term and I'm not from the States so I'm mostly trying to make sure it's something I can keep an eye out for and call out/block users if I encounter it
that's a good question. i wish i could find a post to illustrate it in action but usually usamerican is being used as a front for antiblackness when the person in question is complaining abt the visibility of issues. for example. let's say there's an awful tragedy involving police killing someone in france. well the person will say something like 'god ik usamericans won't reblog this bc they only care abt THEIR issues. they don't support anyone else theyre so selfish and oppress all of us' and its like ok. we're talking abt police brutality. which group of americans in the us are affected by that? black americans. so implying that black ppl only care abt themselves while conflating black americans being victims of imperialism (being killed in the streets) with being oppressors just bc they were forcibly brought into a imperialist nation
basically when you see someone complain abt usamericans in a sociopolitical context give it a once over that theyre not trying to blame black americans and other racial minorities in america for things they are victims of themselves. if its a funny post abt how usamericans will drive 4 hrs and think thats nothing? no problem. saying usamericans need to shut up and stop whining abt how bad their country is bc they ruined other places is a cause for concern bc the ppl who are complaining in america.....are victims OF america as well (and in terms of blackness would have a lesser quality of life ANYWHERE bc of, you know, antiblackness)
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itz-pandora · 13 days
This has been bugging me for awhile👀
How do Sonic and Shadow feel about one of their children being raised as some sort of weapon to retrieve Spirit?
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"How ARE we supposed to feel about it?"
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"I mean, Spark is just a child, he was forced to do this."
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"And the fact he wants Spirit? Spirit can't defend himself! He's frail, he'd only hurt himself..."
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"It's affecting Spitfire too. She's been asking me and Shadow if she's good enough. Me and Shadow came to the conclusion that Spark is the reason behind this."
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"And..." *Sigh* "I just can't help but worry about Shadow. He's been withdrawn and anxious recently."
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"I guess it's hitting too close to home."
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leahthedreamer · 1 year
If it’s one thing Season 2 reinforces is that Carmy NEEDS Sydney but Sydney doesn’t necessarily need Carmy to the same capacity.
Without Sydney and her leadership and intuition that restaurant would have never opened on time. Carmy is a work in progress, desperately needs therapy and probably a vacation and clearly couldn’t handle any semblance of a relationship while juggling stress and his past trauma.
Which is why if I had an ending of the show pictured, it would be them parting ways with Sydney earning his full respect as a chef and a Carmy hopefully free enough to achieve things himself and maintain some happiness in his life.
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I dont think remus gets hornier around the full moon. I do like the idea that the further from the full, the easier it is to get him in the mood.
He, canonically speaking, doesnt like anything that reminds him of his lycanthropy, including his patronus shaped like a wolf. Part of it is due to the stigmatization and exclusion from the society he experiences as well as internalized self hate, but I do believe at least part of it is that he associates it with everything he fears - loosing control and pain. He gets sick for a few days before and after the full, during which he is very weak. The transformation is painful and sometimes leaves him hurt or wounded. Afterwards he is exhausted and again, in pain.
For me this doesnt sound like the greatest set up for sex. I think Remus gets moody and irritable, snappish and acts like he hates everything and everyone (Sirius has to fight tooth and nail just to get him under the blanket for a cuddle). The way I see the full moon's physical influence is comparable to getting a flu, rather than being on a period*. Someone in the replies to that one post mentioned a change in hormones, but unless you hc him as trans*, I dont really see how the full moon would cause that?
So, I would say the further from the full, the easier is to get him in the mood (not that the new moon causes him to be horny, but one might come to that conclusion, when he is - in comparison - more horny around the new moon than the full. this is just his regular level of horny, that gets suppressed when he is in a stressful situation & experiences pain and fatigue)
Alright, rant over
*That doesnt mean I dont see the parallels and analogies etc. Remus as a werewolf has a cycle and it makes it very easy to hc him as trans (for many reasons, not just bc of the cycle, obviously). And I do love a trans remus hc with all my heart <333 But then the change in hormones / having a cycle is an addition to or a stand in for the full moon transformation, not a direct result of the full moon.
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dumplingcatho · 16 days
thinking abt link click this fine day GOD first and probably will be the best donghua i'll watch ever aueghhhhh it's lowkey utena 2.0 for me (i still prefer utena but linkclick is basically on that level) it's just so solid and well crafted and compelling RAHHH
the opening song too???? it didn't take too long to realise!! something had changed in the back of my miiind!! your eyes!!!!! there ain't nowhere left to hide behind!! time no longer flew like it was... when the flash froze everything before... without you.. i don't know if i could take this road.... okay i'll stop there or i WILL type out the whole op
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aropride · 6 months
ok well we know that jesus can emit pure light as he did when he was in his tomb + i assume the light is holiness or joy or purity (considering his spirit was in heaven but his body had died in sin) (considering his body was holy but his spirit was drowning in unquenchable fire).. thinking about the version of jesus i made up in my head who's way cooler and more transgender and i think he would emit sparks and a glowing electric light if you fucked him and i think it would inspire an unfathomably intense lust
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xamaxenta · 4 months
Pokemon presents … 👀
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verdiesque · 24 days
My best friend really is the best person alive
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
why can't anyone understand that everyone is different and not everyone likes the same things and that it's completely okay AND normal for someone not to like going out and preferring to stay at home :/
#honestly i understand that my parents care about me and they don't want me to be feeling bad#and that they ask me bc they just want to make sure i'm okay#but i've explained to them what i feel like and they just don't get and i get mad but i akso know it's not their fault and just... oughhhhh#like yeah i have a weird kind of social anxiety according to my therapist and even she doesn't know exactly how to help me yet#but there are just so many reasons behind why i don't like going out and it's not just bc it gives me anxiety#or why those situations give me anxiety in the forst place#1. i'm just a very introverted person that doesn't like going out#2. crowded places/closed spaces/places where there's not enough ventilation/loud places (be it people talking or just music) overwhelme me#3. all said in 2 + flashing lights give me huge migraines that can linger for over 3 days#4. i am very much a night owl and i'm forced to live in a society where that isn't fucking acceptable apparently and i'm called lazy for -#- not being productive in the morning when the only reason behind it is that i am a lot more productive at night#but no one ket's me do that bc 'why are you doing stuff when you're supposed to be asleep?'#i have been the same since i was little. literally nothing has changed#and people where always like 'oh she's just shy'#but idk wtf changed#maybe it was that i became and 'adult' or maybe the fact that i started therapy and they told my parents that i have social anxiety. idk#but suddenly every single person in my family is worried about it and they're genuinely making me feel like there's smth wrong about me#i mean. i have my problems i'm not gonna go telling you that i'm perfect bc i'm pretty much not#but is there really smth that wrong with me that i need to fix#or is society just a bitch that doesn't understand that there's different kinds of people and everyone is different & IT'S COMPLETELY OKAY#have they ever thought about the fact that maybe these situations cause me anxiety bc i've been forced all my life to do them#even if i don't like them#instead of thinking that i don't like them BC they cause me anxiety??#i mean. i know i have to go out more and that there's tons of things i can do ofc#but you can't just force me to do things i don't want to and put on a good face while doing it *every.fucking.day*#aaaaand i could add a lot more things but i'm once again reaching the tag limit so i shoukd just shut up#it's just driving me crazy bc i know they're trying to help but it really is not helping at all.............#ranting
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
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#persona 4 golden#p4g#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#i think a lot about the depth of yosuke's loneliness - away from th distractions of the city and losing even the superficial r/s that he ha#of course he would hate inaba#the moment he arrived in the town he was treated as an enemy for reasons he couldn't control#junes did destroy local businesses and the townspeople's fear of big chain capitalism is justified#BUT their treatment of him was not. i wanna say that the people in inaba were awful but actually theyre just... people.#they couldnt fight Junes or engender systemic change so they take it out on him instead and ostracize him with names and tacks in his shoes#and to add to that all of his already existing self doubt and identity issues#and the problems of growing up as a teenage boy in the early 2010s figuring out his place in society#i think yosuke is very similar to kanji in that both of them have that same struggle of their self being misaligned with social expectation#so they play up this exaggerated caricature or image based on who they think they are supposed to be#in kanji's case it's an image that lets him control his rejection - he looks like a scary gang member so ofc no one wants to be near him#in yosuke's case he goes in the opposite direction of desperately wanting to fit the mould or image of a typical teenage boy#except there isnt such a thing as an “average” teenage boy so hes just such a mess sometimes#but masking so that hes accepted by others as just a teenage boy and not the prince of junes or anything? yeah.#haha my heart#he's good with his queue
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
I slept nearly 11 hours and I'm STILL upset and angry, and further upset and angry with myself for letting it get to me, and it's just >:(
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watmalik · 1 year
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They are literally kissing in the next second or before! And you won’t change my mind bc don’t you see TK doing his cute little head tilt and Carlos’ putting his hand at the back of TK’s neck/head?
Yeah, that’s def Carlos Reyes’s ammo for kissing his fiancé! It’s a thing!
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vvviktor · 8 months
I know that when loki and lorelei get out of the speed dating pub situation it's implied that they probably fucked. But. To me aoa loki is a huge virgin im sorry i will deny any ounce of proof that this guy (whom i find very charming) can charm someone. She lived the Teenage Experience sped up and has been alive for like 7 years she doesn't know shit and she WILL make jokes about it to defuse the tension. Loser behavior. I love her.
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