#apologies if I’ve been a bit more quiet lately SNFJXJJD I’ve been feeling sick again! 🤣 same story with me lmaoo
prince-kallisto · 3 months
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Still thinking about how “Mâlum” is the Latin noun for Apple, and “Mālum” is the Latin noun which means Evil- which is derived from the adjective “malus.” Recently, we’ve been seeing Crowley’s adoration and focus on the apple trees in the courtyard (and comparing them to his students overall), and how the youngest tree grew before he knew it. Malus…Malleus. (Screenshot translation credit to Otome Ayui!)
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And how there’s a “flower of evil” to Crowley in the Prologue. Crowley seems to use several different terms to imply the similar metaphor- like with eggs/fledglings, apples, and flowers. On his vacation shirt, we can see a raven resting on an apple, and the head of Crowley’s cane heavily resembles a raven resting on an egg
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I also just randomly thought about the Poison Apple, and idk I’m just making stuff up at this point LMAO, but many have pointed out that the shell of Malleus’ egg resembles blot. But when looking at the image of the poison apple, the dripping quality of it also reminds me a bit of the egg. This scene in particular also makes me think that Meleanor’s “Princess Glow” staff heavily resembles a flower as well.
It gives me…thoughts 🧍🐦‍⬛
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