#aph yorkshire
ask-aph-tonga · 1 year
Hi 👋🏻😁- @ask-hws-yorkshire
"Oh! Well, hello there! Yorkshire is it? Ah what a pleasant place, it's so wonderful to meet you. How are you, what's it been like up there? It's been so long since I've visited you know."
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ask-hws-yorkshire · 2 years
Hate people taller than me, @asknzmate stop leaning on me
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Bounce birbs 🤣
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dweebsfilingcabinet · 2 years
Another request, this one is for @ask-hws-yorkshire !!! Super cute OC, go check out their blog!!
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ashafox · 2 years
Not even Yorkshire? What madman stocked this hotel?
Aph england himself put shit tea in with me because he's racist against the Irish
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morgandrawssstuff · 2 years
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Revival of some of my heta ocs because I’ve been preoccuppied with Uni :) From left to right; Bristol, Greater London, Yorkshire
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asking-gereng · 3 years
✏️? 🥺 - @ask-hws-yorkshire
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NAME: @ask-hws-yorkshire ROLE: Fanart, ask blog BLOG TYPE: Hetalia blog
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vodka-flavoured-tea · 3 years
How about swapping bodies for a while? Such a magical anon. Hope you find this interesting.
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Arthur (in Ivan's body): "I'll water your fucking vodka down then, prat."
Ivan (in Arthur's body): "test me, сука."
☆Body Swap M!A for 10 asks!☆
("Apologies for the hella late response, work and college kicking me ass 💔" -Mun Capri 💜)
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askfreedumbland · 3 years
Well hello there- @ask-hws-yorkshire
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Nice to meet you! Haven't seen ya around, I'm just out explorin' while I wait for the next meeting.
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asktheoutbackbabe · 2 years
Hey super league is better than the NRL🤣🤣- @ask-hws-yorkshire
"Who's lost sassy choild 's this?"
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
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Hello! This is my Yorkshire OC, and it would make me really happy if you’d review her! She’s my first British Isles OC so I hope I did an okay job XD
Of course! I’d be happy to look at her for you. I’ll be gentle, don’t worry. I’m in love with her hair.
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Country/City/State Information-
Name: Yorkshire Age: Romans arrived in 71 AD, so about 2088 years old
Good. I like how you were right to the point.
Capital City (if country): N/A, but centered around York
Good, I like how you looked into that. 
Biggest City: Leeds
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Boss (Mayor/President): Theresa May Flag (Coat of Arms): Blue flag with a White Rose of York
This is all looking very nice.
Biggest Ethnic Group: White Language(s) spoken: English, but with a Yorkshire dialect
Makes me think of Hagrid.
Population: About 5 million people Religion: Christian Climate: Generally cool and fair. It doesn’t get very hot here. It does snow quite a bit in winter, however.
Good. You knowing this makes me wonder if you’re from Yorkshire.
Human Information- Name: Lucy Kirkland Nickname(s): Luce Age: 21
Good, she’s younger than England. That’s also a good age considering how long Yorkshire has been around.
Gender: Female Birthday: August 1
It was a good idea to put her birthday on Yorkshire day. I give you a big thumbs up.
Current Residence: England’s house Language(s) spoken: English, Scottish Gaelic Bad Habit(s): Stubborn, selfish, egotistical, harsh, looks before she leaps Like(s): Cheese, pie, Yorkshire pudding, Yorkshire tea, meat, plaid, Terrier puppies, her brother England, her relative Scotland, football, cricket, flat caps, money after hard work, the arts, alcohol
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Your OC makes me very happy.
Dislike(s): Being told what to do, loads of influence from other cultures, spending lots of money, expensive things, having to control her language Hobbies: Playing cricket and football, cooking, reading and writing Personality: Friendly, prideful, free-spirited, immature, energetic, does what she feels is right, stubborn, hardworking, scrimping, pretty forgiving
Appearance- Height: 5'8" Weight: 167 lbs Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Skin: Pale white Accent: Yorkshire accent Anything on your body that represents your country?: Not really, but she has bushy eyebrows as a Kirkland. 
You’re actually kind of right. The only things I found were the Yorkshire dales, which are a famous wildlife preserve, so maybe make her a nature lover.
Outfit(s): Typically wears plaid a lot and flat caps. Leisure outfits and comfortable pants, nothing too fancy.
NOTE: Since Yorkshire is a county and therefore wouldn’t have independent relations to other countries, I simply chose countries that Britain as a whole likes and dislikes for friends and enemies.
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I have seen way too many OCs who are a part of a country, but they still have relations with random countries. Someone once asked me if it was a good idea to ship their Mexico OC with Russia and I was like ‘What gave you that idea?’ Or the Statue of Liberty having a friendship with Japan.
Ancestor: Britannia, but was mostly raised as a small child by Rome Family: England (brother), Scotland (brother)
I’m thinking Ireland and Wales should be included, correct me if I’m wrong.
Friends: France to an extent, America, Japan Rivals: Denmark, Sweden
Understandable, considering the history between the Vikings and the Saxons.
To sum it up, not good history. So good job there.
Enemies: Not any huge enemies, really Potential Love Interest: N/A Foreign Relationships: England- Lucy’s big brother. The two disagree with different personalities to mismatching opinions throughout history, but they still love each other greatly and are happy to have each other as siblings. America- Lucy sees Alfred as a little sibling or a nephew figure. During the American Revolution, some societies in Lucy’s county were having a bit of influence in the war to America’s benefit. They were abolished by Arthur, however. But to this day the two get along rather well and they enjoy each other’s company. 
I like the representations here.
Japan- Arthur had ties with Kiku and therefore Lucy did too. While the Japanese man was more present in her life for her brother, they did find time to talk with one another. They don’t have an incredibly close-knit friendship due to Lucy’s loud nature, but they do go back awhile and respect one another. Scotland- Allistor is Lucy’s older brother. Incredibly close to one another, they have similar personalities and culture. Lucy’s enjoyed supporting Allistor when it wasn’t a threat to her in the past. 
True in a sense, so this is okay.
France- Francis and Lucy have a shaky relationship. They’re not the best of friends due to tensions in the past and clashing personalities, but they do trust each other as allies in the present and Lucy can appreciate the French arts. 
Denmark- An incredibly shaky relationship, Mathias and Lucy don’t have a great past together. Danish occupation of Britain didn’t fly too well with Lucy or her family and put a sour taste in her mouth for Mathias and the rest of the Nordics.
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While she has (for the most part) forgiven Mathias in modern times, she still can’t help but roll her eyes when he speaks.
Hey, so this looks really really nice. I’m in love with her personality, and would love to see more! Maybe my London OC Audrey and her can be friends! I like the representation she has going on, and it all looks nice and polished, and I can tell you put a good amount of research into her. Keep up the good work!
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ask-hws-yorkshire · 2 years
@asknzmate Saturday it’s on
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today on edgy fan theories: aph england is the real yorkshire ripper.
- mod lemonbitch
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frestoniia · 3 years
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Nowadays, Christmas is one of the few holidays that Craig actively makes an effort to celebrate. When one has been around for a long time, it’s impossible for every Christmas to be a happy one-- but still, Craig’s memories of the holiday are largely positive. And it’s one of the few days of the year where the rest of his family can be coerced into getting along for a few hours.  His holiday traditions have changed throughout the years, but there are many that remain consistent.
Craig’s household usually has the tree put up within the first week of December. It’s almost always a real one (even though Arthur will inevitably complain about all the needles he has to clean up) and they typically start decorating it as soon as it’s put up. Once the tree is finished, then they move on to decorate the rest of the house. Some years are more extravagant than others, but they always try to hang up lights and put up some miscellaneous christmas decor-- including putting Arthur’s extensive collection of nutcrackers on display, which may or may not have given Craig the creeps as a kid.  Filling shoeboxes with gifts for the less fortunate has become a regular occurrence at Christmas time throughout the UK, and this is something Craig makes a point to do every year. He sorts through all his belongings, donating whatever he doesn’t need or want anymore. Not only does it let him give back to his community, but it also provides him with a good opportunity to do a bit of early spring cleaning. Winter cleaning? Either way, he usually ends up donating quite a bit.  Craig also does a good amount of volunteer work, particularly for toy drives and food banks. He used to go caroling with he was younger, but nowadays it’s started to go out of fashion.
On Christmas Eve, everyone gathers around to watch holiday specials and open their Christmas Eve boxes. Since they’ll be having a pretty extravagant dinner the following evening, they usually just have a selection of simple things to snack on throughout the night. And naturally, before going to bed, they leave out some mince pies and brandy for Father Christmas (and some carrots for the reindeer). Craig knows he’s probably too old for it, but who cares? It’s fun. Also, Santa Claus canonically exists in the APH universe, so do with that what you will. 
Christmas day is exciting and hectic in equal measures. Everyone has to get up bright and early in order to wash up and get the house ready for guests, of which they always have at least a couple. They usually hold off on opening gifts until everyone’s arrived, after which they all gather in the sitting room to exchange presents. And, as is tradition, everyone gets a new Christmas jumper.  They tried doing a White Elephant gift exchange before, but after the evening ended with several minor injuries and at least one hospital visit, it was swiftly decided that those weren’t allowed anymore. When all the gifts have been opened, that’s when they start making the preparations for dinner. Most everyone pitches in to help where they can, and a few people usually end up bringing something of their own. Those who aren’t helping in the kitchen are likely sitting around the telly watching Christmas programs (including the queen’s speech, which everyone pretends to pay attention to whilst going about their business). 
Christmas dinner tends to vary slightly every year, depending on how many people are attending and where it’s being hosted (usually Arthur’s place, but again, it depends). Large roast turkey with all the trimmings is customary, along with roasted potatoes and vegetables, yorkshire puddings, pigs in blankets, and black pudding. Common accompaniments include gravy, bread sauce, cranberry sauce, and soda bread. Just before the meal, everyone sits at the table and pulls their Christmas crackers, each of which comes with a paper hat that you are required to wear during the meal. And for dessert, of course, Christmas Pudding. Because nothing says ‘holiday cheer’ quite like a dense, boiled cake soaked in alcohol and then lit on fire. Scotch trifle is also a much-welcome dish at the holiday table, and occasionally a spiced victoria sponge cake will make an appearance as well, for something a little on the lighter side. They’ve done yule logs a few times, but they tend to be pretty hit-or-miss. 
The day after Christmas. Though it originated as a holiday to give gifts to the poor, today Boxing Day is primarily considered a shopping holiday. It’s a bit like America’s Black Friday, only nobody gets trampled. This is also when the Kirklands try to pay a visit to any friends or family who they weren’t able to see on Christmas. Sometimes, Craig’s older brother will even make Beef Wellington for dinner. That’s always a real treat-- Christopher almost never cooks. 
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gushoneybun · 7 years
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haha I attempted to art on something other than lined paper lol whoops
anyway enjoy these rather stylish DenEstLiet (?) icons, loosely based off an rp @lithuanianarchduchyofturkey and I are doing in which these three intrepid humanoid countries team up to save regional itv (hence their snazzy shirts)!
like/reblog if using! thank you!
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askzeethekiwi · 3 years
Hello :3 - @ask-hws-yorkshire
"Kia Ora Yorkshire!! How are ya?"
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