#aph hk
aphchinass · 2 months
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Forgot i never shared the full piece I did for the 2021 razzle dazzle zine on this blog lol
Here's a condensed timelapse i was super proud of it
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keiksy-cake · 5 months
China's second page from the Hetalia Collezione
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all collezione pages
[Please note, I’m an amateur in Japanese and have to use various resources and translation machines to help me. If you notice a possible mistake or want clarification, please bring it up to me *politely* and not aggressively or hostile.]
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hkxice · 5 months
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Happy New Year, all!
Hiya I haven't posted here in a while. Here's something from one of my mini series I finished not long ago.
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hws-lceland · 11 months
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ITS HER DAY11!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!
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aphetaliamessages · 11 days
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is this enough for you to forgive me 😗
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pixeltalia · 2 years
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fuck it! cant think of a background?? make it a weird collage
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qiumenglin · 1 year
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One day late HK SAR day fanart :’)
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reodo · 5 months
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hkliech sketch..!!!
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snifekinner · 19 days
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more office au im so invested
Name: Gabriel Louis Claude Hoffmann
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/they
Job: Finance Assistant
Height: 5'9
How do they take their coffee: double shot mocha frappe, one pump hazelnut, one pump caramel - although he's always interested in the seasonal specials
i love gabe so much okay this is my specialest little boy and if you don't all clap for him i'll blow this fucking building up
he's! so! smart! but unfortunately they're also lazy so they put their brains to the best use: figuring out how to succeed the most with the least hard work. his role at hetatech hub is only the first step on a ladder to WORLD DOMINATION or at least making a killing on the property market
on first meeting he comes off as a lil spacey and kind of a bimbo, which he is, but underneath that is a cold, calculating financier. and under that is another bimbo. idk you will never really know what the true gabriel is and they like it that way.
loves arranging after work parties and lunch trips but he's kind of cliquey and only invites the people he thinks are cool. very good friends with emil, leon and brigitte, they go to get coffee together and bitch about their colleagues.
most flamboyant dresser on staff by a mile, they love wearing silly little hairclips and ridiculous shirts. once backfired incredibly when gabriel came to work wearing a yellow polka dotted shirt they got at a second hand shop, only to find arthur wearing the same shirt he bought first hand.
he's so silly i love him
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hetareia · 7 months
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That Hetalia Land of The Lustrous au has now infected me. Here's a Hong Kong who's fated to be Cinnabar.
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ask-hws-iceland · 1 year
Could you please vote for Romano in the latest poll of @hetalia-club
You and Romano already know each other right? :)
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Although I do know Romano, I request that you please do not ask me about the polls or request I vote for a specific person on any poll. I am not really part of the fandom. I have no interest in polls nor the mini dramas that pop up because of them. Hong likes drama, send stuff like that to him instead @ask-dork-kong
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thoughts on. the aph asians ???
That's a very large span of geography, dear anon. I do have a lot of thoughts on certain relationships and individuals but I can't really speak to an entire region as a single group. Plus it's very likely I haven't added anything to the discussion that isn't just broader fandom corrections that pre-existed in canon. If you'd like to be more specific, I might be able to do better. I've written about Singapore, HK, India, Vietnam and Japan and Korea. But I'm much more of an appreciator than a creator.
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qualityrain · 6 months
somebody said ga’ming reminds them of aph hk and i feel like ive gained forbidden knowledge i took crit dmg
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slowjamastan · 1 year
i officially put leon in my bio NO i dont know who that videogame leon guy is i keep seeing on my dash YES its bc ppl misread my url and i think its funny and YES im also an aph hk kinnie
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bblookyyy · 1 year
hi! my name is rei!
🌸 About me:
This is my only tumblr blog, and I am using it to post homestuck :-)
(and sometimes hetalia too i guess)
🌸 Currently:
kenmochi toya.
🌸 Blorbos :
north italy, eridan, snufkin, karamatsu (aph hk, zenitsu, denki kaminari)
🌸 Playing:
skycotl, idv, prsk, terraria, t3, and if im feeling it splatoon 3
🌸 Listening to:
shachou’s shoujo rei cover
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arthurhonda · 1 year
Can you do Aph HK sexuality headcannons? Pls and thank u I love ur content
So as I mention here, I headcanon Hong Kong as a demiboy who is attracted to guys, but I'll go a little bit further into my headcanon! ((also thank you anon for the compliment!!!))
If you ask him, he'll say he's gay, although he feels that isn't completely true.
He's one of those people who never really thought about their sexuality until puberty hit and then oh boy, did he realize how attractive men were. Unfortunately for him, girls seem to flock to him trying to confess their feelings and he turns them all down, so he unintentionally has a reputation as a heart breaker.
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