#aph gerfra
pastacat48 · 1 year
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nyo gerfra .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
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maryeve-the-bitch · 2 years
ship: Gerfra words count: 399 Summary: Germany is drunk and lonely and gay.
Germany found himself alone in a corner of the bar while his friends and crush went partying on the dance floor. He wasn't one to dance and he much preferred drinking beer by himself. That's what he told himself, but deep down, it felt lonely to watch his friends having fun without him.
His third glass of beer quickly became a fourth, a fifth and a sixth. He watched young strangers dancing in the bar a bit too much intimate for Germany's liking. He shouldn't have agreed to come in the first place.
He realised that he needed to go to the bathroom, having drunk that much beer, so he stood up and felt the room spinning for something that felt like half an hour. That is until someone grabbed him and helped him sit down on the couch again.
"Allemagne. Are you ok?" A familiar french voice asked him.
"Frankreich" Germany called when he noticed the shoulder length of blond hair in front of him. He sheepishly grinned at France then pulled him toward himself. France ended up sitting on the couch next to him, letting out a gasp as he got yanked into sitting.
"Are you drunk?" "Vielleicht" (Maybe) Germany moved closer to France's face and stared into his blue eyes, already forgetting he had to pee. France moved his face away, crept out of his neighbouring nation's behaviour. Germany was usually a reserved person so his drunken behaviour felt out of character for France. "You're so pretty."
The compliment hit France directly through his heart and he couldn't help but blushed at the compliment.
"Allemagne. You're drunk. You don't know what you're saying. Let's get you-" "Nein. All men are pretty, but you...you. you are so wunderschön." Germany interrupted. He grabbed France's face and kissed him in some messy and amateur way, leaving France in shock. Usually, France welcomed affection and he would have loved kissing Germany in other circumstances. Probably with Germany being more sober and adorable. But this felt too uncomfortable for him. France grabbed Germany's shoulder and pushed him away.
"Stop. You're not yourself. We should get you home." France said sternly.
Germany pouted a bit but agreed. While France helped him get up and walked out of the bar, he thought to himself that home was the perfect place to continue kissing France. Maybe he wasn't so lonely after all.
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vimishu · 7 months
Pissing all by yourself handsome?~
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yknkaito · 4 months
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nyo-Élysée compilation
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immuchobligedtoyou · 1 month
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France is so real, I'd be staring at Germany's pretty face too (not w/ that expression 💀)
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prumanoenjoyer · 2 months
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Anyway. Before I was rudely interrupted I was gonna post unrequited GerFra in which Ludwig is just trying to hold a productive meeting and Francis is trying and failing to rizz him up. More of a sketch than an actual piece btw its wonky all over but it's about the vision okay
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This man is genuinely losing his mind
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moangan · 3 months
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0mega-x · 3 months
Hellooo, I'm interested in GerFra, can you please explain why it's your favourite ship? I want to be open to new ships, thanks!
Well... it's kinda been my first ship in Hetalia, even before Gerita or Fruk.
I find Gerfra very attractive for the whole European project thing. They are literally THE power couple. You can find so much stuff on recent news about those two lmao. Plus I do find their chemistry together really good, whether in canon or in most fanon work. Their personalities are literally so funny when put together. I mean, I guess you have seen the pecs scene....
I absolutely eat the shit out of any fanfiction exploring the way their relationship would evolve from WWII to today. It's an enemy to lovers but going way faster than Fruk. From hatred to awkwardness, to friendship and maybe love (not every fanfiction has them as lovers but they're still so good). Add the whole HRE story and fkjdkdbdkeje
Also there's the fact that I'm French, that I've always seen so much stuff about Franco-german relations (whether for commemoratons or at school). Also my dad is a huge ARTE fan and ESPECIALLY Karambolage. So.. those things might have helped ?
Anyway. I really REALLY recommend you go read fanfics about those two, even if it's platonic, it's great. Also, I'd recommend you check out some of @oplusplus 's works on Gerfra if you haven't already Parents!Gerfra is just so uuuughsksjdk (sorry o++ for the tag if you didn't want it..)
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theymadecatsgreen · 7 months
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franzy-the-knight · 4 months
Belated birthdayart for omega!❤️💞✨
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kopifurann · 5 months
ooh i would love to see indonesia or austria in your style! thank you 💕💕
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Personally i don't really care about same face syndrome though i really like giving some character unique features. So here you go. (I used to draw Ludwig for GerFra/FraGer content lol but ngl i hate drawing him cuz he's so hard to draw correctly for me. Excuse my horrible handwriting lol.
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vimishu · 7 months
× don't go sleeping with the enemy ×
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This is NOT historical related, I just thought about a enemys to lovers au and I wanted to draw (design) uniforms :P
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yknkaito · 6 months
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immuchobligedtoyou · 2 months
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Germany can't go 2 seconds without an unhinged bisexual man becoming unclad in front of him
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frukmerunning · 1 year
francis is the guy who sets his kitchen on fire just so a sexy fireman will come and put it out. ludwig is the sexy fireman who lectures him on proper safety measures
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moangan · 7 months
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What are they doing at the EU meeting?
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