#anyways shilo my beloved
morkshark · 7 months
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i've been thinking
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tooweirdfortheworld · 7 months
imstraight uo starved for women characters. the only one in two eps so far has been the queen n she 1) had like 5 lines and 2) was kind of a dick and 3) hella suspicious
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realized today that unless i missed something, every player has one at least vaguely ace or aro character except condi. condi ace character when 🤲🤲
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plantboiart · 4 months
Hello. List of what animals I believe each just roll with it pc I know would be. I am objectively correct but if you disagree please tell me anyways I crave other people’s opinions to steal.
Jay: a bird, obviously. Saying she’s a jaybird is easy and low hanging fruit and extremely valid. Personally I think she’s maybe a corvid since very smart but also absolute fucking menace. Honestly? Could be a seagull. Loud and lives near water and also smart but also? Absolutely insane. Yeah sure I could say she’s something cool like an eagle or whatever but I think in our hearts we all know she’s a seagull.
Gillion: of course he is a sea creature! But what kind? Fish. More specifically? Swordfish. Of course. What else could he be (he could be a shark but shhhh im saving that one for later)
Chip: the bastard man himself! Which animals are the biggest bastards? Raccoons. Yes I am basic. He’s either a raccoon or a little dog. I am specifically thinking my mom’s 11 year old small dog who yells at men and tries to pick a fight with every single dog that is larger than her. That’s some Chip energy right there.
Goobleck: bro who knows like what the hell is that thing i do not. Hes whatever he ate most recently. Bros fursona is just straight up slime. He is an enigma.
Prime defenders (+Ashe I don’t care that technically he was just a guest he deserves to be here)
William: ravens, black cats, bats, butterflies, snakes, crows. All associated with death which makes sense for our little ghost guy! But of course we can’t forget wolves! He has two wolves inside of him after all. But also? He is not cool enough to be a wolf. That man is a black cat with a dream and sharp sharp claws.
Vyncent: I think it would be funny to call him a rat. Since he eats them. And also he just kinda is a rat. But no, I believe he is a deer. Don’t really know why, just….. vibes.
Dakota: my beloved son. He’s a yappy little dog. Bouncing all over the place and screaming at evil-doers. I believe in him.
Ashe: strong cat energy. Is william already a cat? Yes. But so is ashe. He’s like a fully gray cat with short hair :)
Rumi/Elena: fox! Because Sunny :) also because I can’t really think of an animal that would be a good representation for an identity crisis
Peter: “lizard” no. Peter Sqloint is a mouse. Just a lil guy. I’m right fuck you he. Is. A. Mouse.
Thanatos: spider! Kinda scary and lots of people dont like but in reality just an awesome dude. Shoutout to my friend’s pet spider Mörkö I love them
Blood in the bayou
Rolan: shark!!!! Im right and i need to say it. That man is a fucking shark. I love sharks. Sharks are generally misunderstood as violent and evil but they are just lil guys. Fits Rolan being an evil alien monster but just also a lawyer. (Also i just really like sharks)
Rand: y’all ever cry about pigeons? How we domesticated them and then abandoned them when we didnt need them anymore? How they dont even know how to make proper nests because they didnt need to for so long? Yeah. Im normal about this campaign.
Kian: he’s so hard to figure out because like…….. honestly? In canon? Weve got no fucking clue what his personality is actually like. We dont get a single moment with all the masks off and just the person underneath. The closest we get is him admitting that hes not really a rockstar and even that is so short and just. Auehgeh. This is why im obsessed with him btw i love a mystery i know will never be solved. Also so much room for headcanons. Is he a cat? A butterfly? A dog? A snake? A songbird? A dove? Something else? I dont know!! Lets go with a moth
The suckening
They are all cats. I mean c’mon. Emizel is a feral street cat that hisses at everyone who gets too close. Shilo is an indoor cat with an anxiety disorder. Arthur is their mother. Im correct.
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m0nochromem0use · 6 months
shilo with 12 and 25 for the ask game!
oh my beloved boy
12. what’s a headcanon you have for this character?
okay semi canon as of last ep but i don’t care i think he did every form of art he could possibly access from inside the castle. he draws (canon now i only win) and paints and plays every instrument he can get his hands on he sings and writes poetry his walls are covered in his work and his shelves are full of sketchbooks and notebooks and sheet music
25. what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
based purely off the art we got of him way back when. my first impression was oh this is the fruitiest character bizly’s ever played. impression NOW he is my sweet boy he has done so much wrong and i love him anyways. he’s just a little guy in LA and he means everything to me
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poltergeist-coffee · 6 months
I somehow survived this week:D(<-it's only Tuesday, but let's ignore that)
I still not over Richas and Pepito having a sleep over
They are my children and if anything happens to them I will kill everyone and then myself
One of the most random things was when I opened Cellbit's stream on the movie night
I expected anything but not him, Quackity and Roier on the same room
Oh, yeah, and a photo with Roier inside a barrel
Richarlyson now has a mom, I still so unwell about it
You can bet that I smiled in a very random when he called Bagi mom
He's so cute, they are so cute together
Little robber she is, she stole my heart<3
Ngl I don't know much about Sunny, but I love her anyway
Precious little boi
To this day, I still have the Juana Flippa song in my head
In random moments my mind will just go "Quackity, Philza and my bitch wife too" or a lot of "flippa"
Slime didn't have to go so hard with that song(and with jorts)
And I watched the first episode of that vampire campaign Slime is doing:D
It was really good
I didn't get all the names of them, but I want to mention that the person who played Shilo was just- like, you could imagine his mannerism so well and the voice acting was just so good
I don't know what's a twink, but I heard he's a twink
I hope nothing happens to Soda (or Grefgore, he's just guy trying his best)
Soda, my beloved
- 🍽
RICHAS AND PEPITO HAVING A SLEEPOVER WAS SO CUTE :”)) THE BABIES richas loves pepito so much he’s like this is my little brother and i love pepito and we will have so much fun together. it makes me think of richas and bobby TT richas taking pepito on adventures like he use to go on with bobby…
quackity, roier and cellbit irls streams were so much fun <- was not there to watch a single one because of schoolwork
You can tell me about empanada and i’ll tell you about sunny because she’s my little princess and i’m obsessed with her. i love her she’s got tubbo wrapped around her little fingers and gets whatever she wants and shes wonderful and-
YAA I LOVE ALL THE EGGS LITTLE CHRISTMAS COSTUMES :”)) i’m excited to see everyone get theirs and i hope they all take a photo together in costume i think it woudl be adorable,,,
🎵flippa flippa flippaflippaflaippa~🎵
GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET AAAAH IM GLAD YOU LOKE THE FIRST EPISODE AND ARE LISTENIGN TO IT :DDDD OH THTS SO FUN!!!!! yes yes yes shilo is such a silly prince he wants a pheasant and knows nothing about the outside world but he’s going to learn one way or another!!
i love soda :”)) soda is a precious boy i love him and emizel i think they’re so cute together,,,,theyre best friends,,,, soda is just a silly guy who likes his soda if anythign bad happens to him i’ll cry
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